// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: svccatpx.hxx
// Contents: client-side proxy to SVC catalog.
// History: 28-Feb-1994 KyleP Created
// 16-Sep-1996 dlee ported from ofs to cisvc
#pragma once
#include <catalog.hxx>
#include <proxymsg.hxx>
#include <sizeser.hxx>
class CPidMapper;
// Class: CSvcCatProxy
// Purpose: Proxy to SVC catalog
// 16-Sep-1996 dlee created
// 08-Apr-1998 kitmanh added SetCatState
class CSvcCatProxy : public PCatalog { public:
CSvcCatProxy( WCHAR const *pwcMachine, IDBProperties * pDbProperties ) : _client( pwcMachine, pDbProperties ) { }
~CSvcCatProxy() { TRY { _client.Disconnect(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { //
// Ignore failure to disconnect -- we'll close the
// connection soon anyway.
// Tell the world we are a real catalog ...
BOOL IsNullCatalog() { return FALSE; }
unsigned WorkIdToPath ( WORKID wid, CFunnyPath& funnyPath ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
WORKID PathToWorkId( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath, const BOOL fCreate ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
PROPID PropertyToPropId( CFullPropSpec const & ps, BOOL fCreate = FALSE ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
ULONG_PTR BeginCacheTransaction() { CProxyMessage request( pmBeginCacheTransaction ); CPMBeginCacheTransactionOut reply;
DWORD cbReply; _client.DataWriteRead( &request, sizeof request, &reply, sizeof reply, cbReply ); return reply.GetToken(); }
void SetupCache( CFullPropSpec const & ps, ULONG vt, ULONG cbMaxLen, ULONG_PTR ulToken, BOOL fCanBeModified, DWORD dwStoreLevel ) { CSizeSerStream stmSize; ps.Marshall( stmSize ); ULONG cbRequest = AlignBlock( sizeof CPMSetupCacheIn + stmSize.Size(), sizeof ULONG ); XArray<BYTE> xRequest( cbRequest );
CPMSetupCacheIn *pRequest = new( xRequest.Get() ) CPMSetupCacheIn( stmSize.Size(), ulToken, vt, cbMaxLen, fCanBeModified, dwStoreLevel );
CMemSerStream stmMem( pRequest->GetPS(), stmSize.Size() ); ps.Marshall( stmMem );
pRequest->SetCheckSum( xRequest.SizeOf() );
CProxyMessage reply; DWORD cbReply; _client.DataWriteRead( pRequest, xRequest.SizeOf(), &reply, sizeof reply, cbReply ); }
void EndCacheTransaction( ULONG_PTR ulToken, BOOL fCommit ) { CPMEndCacheTransactionIn request( ulToken, fCommit ); CProxyMessage reply; DWORD cbReply; _client.DataWriteRead( &request, sizeof request, &reply, sizeof reply, cbReply ); }
BOOL StoreValue( WORKID wid, CFullPropSpec const & ps, CStorageVariant const & var ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
BOOL FetchValue( WORKID wid, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
BOOL FetchValue( WORKID wid, CFullPropSpec const & ps, PROPVARIANT & var ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
BOOL FetchValue( CCompositePropRecord * pRec, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
CCompositePropRecord * OpenValueRecord( WORKID wid, BYTE * pb ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
void CloseValueRecord( CCompositePropRecord * pRec ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); }
BOOL StoreSecurity( WORKID wid, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD, ULONG cbSD ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
SDID FetchSDID( CCompositePropRecord * pRec, WORKID wid ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
BOOL AccessCheck( SDID sdid, HANDLE hToken, ACCESS_MASK am, BOOL & fGranted ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
void MarkUnReachable( WORKID wid ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); }
PStorage& GetStorage() { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return *(PStorage *)0; }
CRWStore * ComputeRelevantWords(ULONG cRows,ULONG cRW, WORKID *pwid, PARTITIONID partid) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
CRWStore * RetrieveRelevantWords(BOOL fAcquire, PARTITIONID partid) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
unsigned ReserveUpdate( WORKID wid ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
void Update( unsigned iHint, WORKID wid, PARTITIONID partid, USN usn, ULONG flags ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); }
void CatalogState( ULONG & cDocuments, ULONG & cPendingScans, ULONG & fState ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); }
void DisableUsnUpdate( PARTITIONID partid ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); } void EnableUsnUpdate( PARTITIONID partid ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); }
void UpdateDocuments( WCHAR const* rootPath, ULONG flag=UPD_FULL ) { XArray<BYTE> xRequest( CPMUpdateDocumentsIn::SizeOf( rootPath ) ); CPMUpdateDocumentsIn * pRequest = new( xRequest.Get() ) CPMUpdateDocumentsIn( rootPath, flag ); CProxyMessage reply; DWORD cbRead; _client.DataWriteRead( pRequest, xRequest.SizeOf(), &reply, sizeof reply, cbRead ); }
void AddScopeToCI( WCHAR const * rootPath ) { unsigned cb = CPMAddScopeIn::SizeOf( rootPath ); XArray<BYTE> abRequest( cb ); CPMAddScopeIn *pRequest = new( abRequest.Get() ) CPMAddScopeIn( rootPath );
CProxyMessage reply; DWORD cbReply; _client.DataWriteRead( pRequest, cb, &reply, sizeof reply, cbReply ); } void RemoveScopeFromCI( WCHAR const * rootPath ) { unsigned cb = CPMRemoveScopeIn::SizeOf( rootPath ); XArray<BYTE> abRequest( cb ); CPMRemoveScopeIn *pRequest = new( abRequest.Get() ) CPMRemoveScopeIn( rootPath );
CProxyMessage reply; DWORD cbReply; _client.DataWriteRead( pRequest, cb, &reply, sizeof reply, cbReply ); }
unsigned WorkIdToVirtualPath( WORKID wid, unsigned cSkip, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xBuf ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
BOOL VirtualToPhysicalRoot( WCHAR const * pwcVPath, unsigned ccVPath, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcsVRoot, unsigned & ccVRoot, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot, unsigned & ccPRoot, unsigned & iBmk ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
BOOL VirtualToAllPhysicalRoots( WCHAR const * pwcVPath, unsigned ccVPath, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcsVRoot, unsigned & ccVRoot, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot, unsigned & ccPRoot, ULONG & ulType, unsigned & iBmk ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
ULONG EnumerateVRoot( XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcVRoot, unsigned & ccVRoot, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot, unsigned & ccPRoot, unsigned & iBmk ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
void SetPartition( PARTITIONID PartId ) { _PartId = PartId; // send it
} PARTITIONID GetPartition() const { return _PartId; }
SCODE CreateContentIndex() { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; } void EmptyContentIndex() { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); }
void Shutdown() {}
NTSTATUS ForceMerge( PARTITIONID partID ) { CPMForceMergeIn request( partID ); CProxyMessage reply; DWORD cbRead; _client.DataWriteRead( &request, sizeof request, &reply, sizeof reply, cbRead ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS AbortMerge( PARTITIONID partID ) { CPMAbortMergeIn request( partID ); CProxyMessage reply; DWORD cbRead; _client.DataWriteRead( &request, sizeof request, &reply, sizeof reply, cbRead ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS SetCatState( PARTITIONID partID, WCHAR const * pwcsCat, DWORD dwNewState, DWORD * pdwOldState ) { XArray<BYTE> xRequest( CPMSetCatStateIn::SizeOf( pwcsCat ) ); CPMSetCatStateIn * pRequest = new( xRequest.Get() ) CPMSetCatStateIn( partID, pwcsCat, dwNewState );
CPMSetCatStateOut reply; DWORD cbRead;
_client.DataWriteRead( pRequest, xRequest.SizeOf(), &reply, sizeof reply, cbRead );
*pdwOldState = reply.GetOldState(); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
#if CIDBG == 1
void DumpWorkId( WORKID wid, ULONG iid, BYTE * pb, ULONG cb ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); } #endif // CIDBG
WCHAR * GetDriveName() { Win4Assert( !"never called" ); return 0; }
void PidMapToPidRemap( const CPidMapper & pidMap, CPidRemapper & pidRemap ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); }
NTSTATUS CiState( CI_STATE & state ) { DWORD cbOriginal = state.cbStruct;
CPMCiStateInOut request( cbOriginal ); CPMCiStateInOut reply; DWORD cbReply; _client.DataWriteRead( &request, sizeof request, &reply, sizeof reply, cbReply );
CI_STATE & stateOut = reply.GetState(); Win4Assert( stateOut.cbStruct <= sizeof CI_STATE ); Win4Assert( stateOut.cbStruct <= cbOriginal );
RtlZeroMemory( &state, cbOriginal ); RtlCopyMemory( &state, &stateOut, stateOut.cbStruct );
void FlushScanStatus() { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); }
BOOL IsEligibleForFiltering( WCHAR const* wcsDirPath ) { Win4Assert( !"Not implemented" ); return 0; }
CCiRegParams * GetRegParams() { Win4Assert( !"not implemented" ); return 0; }
CScopeFixup * GetScopeFixup() { Win4Assert( !"not implemented" ); return 0; }
CRequestClient _client; };