#include <signal.h>
#include "defs.h"
char dflag; char lflag; char rflag; char tflag; char vflag;
char *symbol_prefix; char *file_prefix = "y"; char *myname = "yacc"; char *temp_form = "yacc.XXXXXXX"; #ifdef TRIPLISH
char *parser_name = "sql"; int ParserChoice = eSQLParser; #endif
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
char *baseclass = 0; char *ctorargs = 0; #endif // KYLEP_CHANGE
int lineno; int outline;
char *action_file_name; char *code_file_name; char *defines_file_name; char *input_file_name = ""; char *output_file_name; char *text_file_name; char *union_file_name; char *verbose_file_name;
FILE *action_file; /* a temp file, used to save actions associated */ /* with rules until the parser is written */ FILE *code_file; /* y.code.c (used when the -r option is specified) */ FILE *defines_file; /* y.tab.h */ FILE *input_file; /* the input file */ FILE *output_file; /* y.tab.c */ FILE *text_file; /* a temp file, used to save text until all */ /* symbols have been defined */ FILE *union_file; /* a temp file, used to save the union */ /* definition until all symbol have been */ /* defined */ FILE *verbose_file; /* y.output */
int nitems; int nrules; int nsyms; int ntokens; int nvars;
int start_symbol; char **symbol_name; short *symbol_value; short *symbol_prec; char *symbol_assoc;
short *ritem; short *rlhs; short *rrhs; short *rprec; char *rassoc; short **derives; char *nullable;
#if !defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
extern char *mktemp(); extern char *getenv(); #endif
done(k) int k; { if (action_file) { fclose(action_file); unlink(action_file_name); } if (text_file) { fclose(text_file); unlink(text_file_name); } if (union_file) { fclose(union_file); unlink(union_file_name); } exit(k); }
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
// without this declaration compilation fails
void __cdecl onintr(int); #endif
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
void __cdecl onintr(k) int k; #else
onintr() #endif // KYLEP_CHANGE
{ done(1); }
set_signals() { #ifdef SIGINT
if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, onintr); #endif
#ifdef SIGTERM
if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGTERM, onintr); #endif
#ifdef SIGHUP
if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGHUP, onintr); #endif
usage() { #ifdef TRIPLISH
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-f sql/triplish] [-dlrtv] [-b file_prefix] [-p symbol_prefix] [-c baseclass <args>] filename\n", myname); #else
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-dlrtv] [-b file_prefix] [-p symbol_prefix] [-c baseclass <args>] filename\n", myname); #endif
exit(1); }
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
void #endif
getargs(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { register int i; register char *s;
if (argc > 0) myname = argv[0];
for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { s = argv[i]; if (*s != '-') break; switch (*++s) { case '\0': input_file = stdin; if (i + 1 < argc) usage(); return;
case '-': ++i; goto no_more_options;
case 'f': if (*++s) parser_name = s; else if (++i < argc) parser_name = argv[i]; else usage();
if ( 0 == _stricmp( "sql", parser_name ) ) ParserChoice = eSQLParser; else if ( 0 == _stricmp( "triplish", parser_name ) ) ParserChoice = eTriplishParser; else usage();
continue; #endif
case 'b': if (*++s) file_prefix = s; else if (++i < argc) file_prefix = argv[i]; else usage(); continue;
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
case 'c': if ( ++i < argc ) { baseclass = argv[i];
if ( ++i < argc ) ctorargs = argv[i]; else usage(); } else usage(); break; #endif
case 'd': dflag = 1; break;
case 'l': lflag = 1; break;
case 'p': if (*++s) symbol_prefix = s; else if (++i < argc) symbol_prefix = argv[i]; else usage(); continue;
case 'r': rflag = 1; break;
case 't': tflag = 1; break;
case 'v': vflag = 1; break;
default: usage(); }
for (;;) { switch (*++s) { case '\0': goto end_of_option;
case 'd': dflag = 1; break;
case 'l': lflag = 1; break;
case 'r': rflag = 1; break;
case 't': tflag = 1; break;
case 'v': vflag = 1; break;
default: usage(); } } end_of_option:; }
no_more_options:; if (i + 1 != argc) usage(); input_file_name = argv[i]; }
char * allocate(n) unsigned n; { register char *p;
p = NULL; if (n) { p = CALLOC(1, n); if (!p) no_space(); } return (p); }
create_file_names() { int i, len; char *tmpdir;
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tmpdir == 0) tmpdir = getenv("TEMP"); if (tmpdir == 0) tmpdir = "/tmp"; #else
tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tmpdir == 0) tmpdir = "/tmp"; #endif
len = strlen(tmpdir); i = len + 13; if (len && tmpdir[len-1] != '/') ++i;
action_file_name = MALLOC(i); if (action_file_name == 0) no_space(); text_file_name = MALLOC(i); if (text_file_name == 0) no_space(); union_file_name = MALLOC(i); if (union_file_name == 0) no_space();
strcpy(action_file_name, tmpdir); strcpy(text_file_name, tmpdir); strcpy(union_file_name, tmpdir);
if (len && tmpdir[len - 1] != '/') { action_file_name[len] = '/'; text_file_name[len] = '/'; union_file_name[len] = '/'; ++len; }
strcpy(action_file_name + len, temp_form); strcpy(text_file_name + len, temp_form); strcpy(union_file_name + len, temp_form);
action_file_name[len + 5] = 'a'; text_file_name[len + 5] = 't'; union_file_name[len + 5] = 'u';
mktemp(action_file_name); mktemp(text_file_name); mktemp(union_file_name);
len = strlen(file_prefix);
output_file_name = MALLOC(len + 7); if (output_file_name == 0) no_space(); strcpy(output_file_name, file_prefix); strcpy(output_file_name + len, OUTPUT_SUFFIX);
if (rflag) { code_file_name = MALLOC(len + 8); if (code_file_name == 0) no_space(); strcpy(code_file_name, file_prefix); strcpy(code_file_name + len, CODE_SUFFIX); } else code_file_name = output_file_name;
if (dflag) { defines_file_name = MALLOC(len + 7); if (defines_file_name == 0) no_space(); strcpy(defines_file_name, file_prefix); strcpy(defines_file_name + len, DEFINES_SUFFIX); }
if (vflag) { verbose_file_name = MALLOC(len + 8); if (verbose_file_name == 0) no_space(); strcpy(verbose_file_name, file_prefix); strcpy(verbose_file_name + len, VERBOSE_SUFFIX); } }
open_files() { create_file_names();
if (input_file == 0) { input_file = fopen(input_file_name, "r"); if (input_file == 0) open_error(input_file_name); }
action_file = fopen(action_file_name, "w"); if (action_file == 0) open_error(action_file_name);
text_file = fopen(text_file_name, "w"); if (text_file == 0) open_error(text_file_name);
if (vflag) { verbose_file = fopen(verbose_file_name, "w"); if (verbose_file == 0) open_error(verbose_file_name); }
if (dflag) { defines_file = fopen(defines_file_name, "w"); if (defines_file == 0) open_error(defines_file_name); union_file = fopen(union_file_name, "w"); if (union_file == 0) open_error(union_file_name); }
output_file = fopen(output_file_name, "w"); if (output_file == 0) open_error(output_file_name);
if (rflag) { code_file = fopen(code_file_name, "w"); if (code_file == 0) open_error(code_file_name); } else code_file = output_file; }
int #if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
__cdecl #endif
main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { set_signals(); getargs(argc, argv); open_files(); reader(); lr0(); lalr(); make_parser(); verbose(); output(); done(0); /*NOTREACHED*/ }