// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2001.
// File: DREP.CXX
// Contents: Data Repository
// Classes: CDataRepository
// History: 18-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 03-June-91 t-WadeR Added PutStream, PutPhrase, PutWord
// 01-July-91 t-WadeR Ignores data with invalid property.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <propvar.h>
#include <drep.hxx>
#include <lang.hxx>
#include <streams.hxx>
#include <pfilter.hxx>
#include <keymak.hxx>
#include <pidmap.hxx>
#include <codepage.hxx>
#include "psource.hxx"
#if CIDBG == 1
CCumulTimer::~CCumulTimer() { if (_count) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "%ws:\n", _szActivity )); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "\taverage %d ms, count %d, total time %d ms\n", _totalTime/_count, _count, _totalTime )); } }
#endif //CIDBG
// Member: CDataRepository::CDataRepository
// Arguments: [krep] - the key repository
// [langlist] - the language list
// [langId] - language
// [fuzzy] - the fuzzy flag
// History: 18-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 08-May-91 t-WadeR Added default language
// 03-June-91 t-WadeR rewritten for input-driven pipeline
// 14-Sep-92 AmyA Added pCat
CDataRepository::CDataRepository ( PKeyRepository& krep, IPhraseSink *pPhraseSink, BOOL fQuery, ULONG fuzzy, CPidMapper & pidMap, CLangList & langList ) : _krep (krep), _valueNorm (krep), _fQuery(fQuery), _ulGenerateMethod(fuzzy), _pPhraseSink(pPhraseSink), _pidMap(pidMap), _lcidSystemDefault( GetSystemDefaultLCID() ), _langList(langList), _pid( pidInvalid ), _lcid( lcidInvalid ), _prevPid( 0 ), // Different than _pid
_prevLcid( 0 ), // Different than _lcid
_cwcFoldedPhrase( 0 ) #if CIDBG == 1
, timerBind ( L"Binding" ) , timerNoBind ( L"Creating filter without binding" ) , timerFilter ( L"Filtering" ) #endif
{ }
// Member: CDataRepository::PutStream
// Synopsis: Passes stream to key maker to be added to key repository
// History: 03-June-91 t-WadeR Created
// 18-Nov-92 AmyA Overloaded
void CDataRepository::PutStream ( TEXT_SOURCE * stm ) { if ( LoadKeyMaker() ) { Win4Assert( !_xKeyMaker.IsNull() ); _xKeyMaker->PutStream ( _occArray.Get(_pid), stm ); } }
// Member: CDataRepository::PutPhrase
// Synopsis: Passes ASCII string of words to key maker to be added to
// key repository
// History: 23-Sept-92 AmyA Created
void CDataRepository::PutPhrase ( const char* str, unsigned cc ) { ULONG cwcOut = cc * 2 + 2; WCHAR *pwcOut = new WCHAR[cwcOut];
ULONG cwcActual = 0; do { cwcActual = MultiByteToWideChar( _ulCodePage, 0, str, cc, pwcOut, cwcOut ); if ( cwcActual == 0 ) { delete[] pwcOut; pwcOut = 0;
if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { cwcOut *= 2; pwcOut = new WCHAR[cwcOut]; } else THROW( CException() ); } } while ( cwcActual == 0 );
XArray<WCHAR> xOut; xOut.Set( cwcOut, pwcOut );
PutPhrase( pwcOut, cwcActual ); }
// Member: CDataRepository::PutPhrase
// Synopsis: Passes unicode string of words to key maker to be added to
// key repository
// History: 23-Sept-92 AmyA Created
void CDataRepository::PutPhrase ( const WCHAR* str, unsigned cwc ) { if ( 0 != str && cwc > 0 && LoadKeyMaker() ) { //
// Normalize to precomposed Unicode
_xwcsFoldedPhrase.ReSize( cwc );
ULONG cwcFolded = FoldStringW( MAP_PRECOMPOSED, str, cwc, _xwcsFoldedPhrase.Get(), cwc ); if ( cwcFolded == 0 ) { Win4Assert( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
THROW( CException() ); }
_cwcFoldedPhrase = cwcFolded;
CPhraseSource s( _xwcsFoldedPhrase.GetPointer(), cwcFolded ); Win4Assert( !_xKeyMaker.IsNull() ); _xKeyMaker->PutStream ( _occArray.Get(_pid), &s ); } }
// Member: CDataRepository::PutPropName
// Arguments: [strProp] -- name of the property
// History: 18-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 01-June-91 t-WadeR Ignores data with invalid property
// 21-Feb-95 DwightKr Added fake property id mapping
BOOL CDataRepository::PutPropName ( CFullPropSpec const & Prop ) { //
// Find the pid
PROPID fakePid = _pidMap.NameToPid( Prop );
return PutPropId( fakePid ); }
BOOL CDataRepository::PutPropId ( PROPID fakePid ) { _prevPid = _pid;
if ( fakePid == pidInvalid ) { _pid = pidInvalid; } else { _pid = _pidMap.PidToRealPid( fakePid );
if ( !_krep.PutPropId( _pid ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Key repository didn't accept pid %u\n", _pid )); _pid = pidInvalid; } }
return (pidInvalid != _pid); }
// Member: CDataRepository::PutLanguage
// Synopsis: if the lcid is different, it frees the current lang. dependent
// key maker, and gets a new one
// Arguments: [lcid] -- language descriptor
// History: 18-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 03-June-91 t-WadeR Changed to use CLangDepKeyMaker pool.
BOOL CDataRepository::PutLanguage ( LCID lcid ) { _prevLcid = _lcid;
// Special cases for language: system default and user default.
if ( lcid == LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT ) _lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID(); else if ( lcid == LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT ) _lcid = GetUserDefaultLCID(); else _lcid = lcid;
// Set codepage, for conversion of narrow strings.
if ( _prevLcid != _lcid ) { _ulCodePage = LocaleToCodepage( _lcid ); }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CDataRepository::PutValue
// Synopsis: Store a property value.
// Arguments: [var] -- Value
// History: 08-Feb-94 KyleP Added header
void CDataRepository::PutValue( CStorageVariant const & var ) { //
// Textual values are special. They are treated as contents, and
// thus need language identification and word breaking. Unlike contents,
// we do not provide support for choosing the language.
switch ( var.Type() ) { case VT_LPWSTR: { unsigned cwc = 0;
if ( 0 != var.GetLPWSTR() ) { cwc = wcslen( var.GetLPWSTR() ); }
if (cwc > 0) PutPhrase( var.GetLPWSTR(), cwc + 1);
break; }
case VT_LPSTR: { unsigned cb = 0;
if ( 0 != var.GetLPSTR() ) { cb = strlen( var.GetLPSTR() ); } if (cb > 0) PutPhrase( var.GetLPSTR(), cb + 1);
break; }
case VT_BSTR : { if ( ( 0 != var.GetBSTR() ) && ( 0 != BSTRLEN( var.GetBSTR() ) ) ) { PutPhrase( var.GetBSTR(), 1 + ( BSTRLEN( var.GetBSTR() ) / sizeof WCHAR ) );
} break; }
case VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR: { for ( ULONG j = 0; j < var.Count(); j++ ) { unsigned cb = 0;
if ( 0 != var.GetLPWSTR(j) ) { cb = wcslen( var.GetLPWSTR(j) ); } if (cb > 0) { PutPhrase( var.GetLPWSTR(j), cb + 1); } } break; }
case VT_VECTOR | VT_BSTR: { for ( ULONG j = 0; j < var.Count(); j++ ) { if ( ( 0 != var.GetBSTR(j) ) && ( 0 != BSTRLEN( var.GetBSTR(j) ) ) ) { PutPhrase( var.GetBSTR(j), 1 + ( BSTRLEN( var.GetBSTR(j) ) / sizeof WCHAR ) ); } } break; }
case VT_VECTOR | VT_LPSTR: { for ( ULONG j = 0; j < var.Count(); j++ ) { unsigned cb = 0;
if ( 0 != var.GetLPSTR(j) ) { cb = strlen( var.GetLPSTR(j) ); } if (cb > 0) { PutPhrase( var.GetLPSTR(j), cb + 1); } } break; }
case VT_VECTOR | VT_VARIANT : { for ( ULONG j=0; j < var.Count(); j++ ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Filtering vector variant[%d] of type 0x%x\n", j, (ULONG) var.GetVARIANT(j).Type() )); PutValue( (CStorageVariant const &)var.GetVARIANT(j) ); }
break; }
default: _valueNorm.PutValue( _pid, _occArray.Get(_pid), var ); break; } }
// Member: CDataRepository::ContainedNoiseWords
// Returns: TRUE if any text sent to repository had a noise word in it.
// History: 03-Oct-95 KyleP Created
BOOL CDataRepository::ContainedNoiseWords() { if ( _xKeyMaker.IsNull() ) return FALSE;
return _xKeyMaker->ContainedNoiseWords(); }
// Member: CDataRepository::LoadKeyMaker, private
// Synopsis: Loads new key maker, if necessary
// Returns: TRUE if an appropriate key maker was located (and loaded).
// History: 05-Jan-98 KyleP Created
BOOL CDataRepository::LoadKeyMaker() { if ( pidInvalid == _pid || lcidInvalid == _lcid ) return FALSE;
if ( _pid == _prevPid && _lcid == _prevLcid ) { Win4Assert( !_xKeyMaker.IsNull() ); return TRUE; }
// Locate an appropriate Key Maker
if ( _xKeyMaker.IsNull() || !_xKeyMaker->Supports( _pid, _lcid ) ) { delete _xKeyMaker.Acquire(); _xKeyMaker.Set( new CKeyMaker( _lcid, _pid, _krep, _pPhraseSink, _fQuery, _ulGenerateMethod, _langList ) ); }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CDataRepository::NormalizeWStr - Public
// Synopsis: Normalizes a UniCode string
// Arguments: [pbOutBuf] -- output buffer.
// [pcbOutBuf] - pointer to output count of bytes.
// History: 10-Feb-2000 KitmanH Created
void CDataRepository::NormalizeWStr( BYTE *pbOutBuf, unsigned *pcbOutBuf ) { // Chop off the trailing null character
if ( 0 == _xwcsFoldedPhrase[_cwcFoldedPhrase-1] ) _cwcFoldedPhrase--;
Win4Assert( _cwcFoldedPhrase > 0 );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CDdataRepository::NormailizeWStr: %ws, %d\n", _xwcsFoldedPhrase.Get(), _cwcFoldedPhrase ));
_xKeyMaker->NormalizeWStr( _xwcsFoldedPhrase.Get(), _cwcFoldedPhrase, pbOutBuf, pcbOutBuf ); }