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  1. ; CLW file contains information for the MFC ClassWizard
  2. [General Info]
  3. Version=1
  4. LastClass=CDIConfigTestDlg
  5. LastTemplate=CDialog
  6. NewFileInclude1=#include "stdafx.h"
  7. NewFileInclude2=#include "DIConfigTest.h"
  8. ClassCount=3
  9. Class1=CDIConfigTestApp
  10. Class2=CDIConfigTestDlg
  11. Class3=CAboutDlg
  12. ResourceCount=3
  13. Resource1=IDD_ABOUTBOX
  14. Resource2=IDR_MAINFRAME
  16. [CLS:CDIConfigTestApp]
  17. Type=0
  18. HeaderFile=DIConfigTest.h
  19. ImplementationFile=DIConfigTest.cpp
  20. Filter=N
  21. [CLS:CDIConfigTestDlg]
  22. Type=0
  23. HeaderFile=DIConfigTestDlg.h
  24. ImplementationFile=DIConfigTestDlg.cpp
  25. Filter=D
  26. BaseClass=CDialog
  27. VirtualFilter=dWC
  28. LastObject=CDIConfigTestDlg
  29. [CLS:CAboutDlg]
  30. Type=0
  31. HeaderFile=DIConfigTestDlg.h
  32. ImplementationFile=DIConfigTestDlg.cpp
  33. Filter=D
  34. LastObject=IDOK
  36. Type=1
  37. Class=CAboutDlg
  38. ControlCount=4
  39. Control1=IDC_STATIC,static,1342177283
  40. Control2=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308480
  41. Control3=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352
  42. Control4=IDOK,button,1342373889
  44. Type=1
  45. Class=CDIConfigTestDlg
  46. ControlCount=5
  47. Control1=IDC_VIADI,button,1342242816
  48. Control2=IDOK,button,1342242817
  49. Control3=IDC_EDITCFG,button,1342242819
  50. Control4=IDC_EDITLAYOUT,button,1342242819
  51. Control5=IDC_VIAFRAME,button,1342373888