// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Declaration of CParamControlTrack.
// This track holds curve information for automation (like automating sliders on a mixing board -- not OLE automation)
// of effects and tools in the audio path.
#pragma once
#include "trackhelp.h"
//#include "imediaobjectparams.h"
//#include "mediaobj.h" // �� need to get this from public\sdk\inc
#include "medparam.h"
#include "dmusicf.h"
// {827F0437-9ED6-4107-8494-49976FF5B642}
DEFINE_GUID(IID_CParamControlTrack, 0x827f0437, 0x9ed6, 0x4107, 0x84, 0x94, 0x49, 0x97, 0x6f, 0xf5, 0xb6, 0x42);
class CParamControlTrack : public CBasicTrack { // types for track data...
struct ParamInfo { ParamInfo() : curves(NULL), curvesEnd(NULL), fAlreadyTracedPlaybackError(false) { Zero(&header); } ~ParamInfo() { delete[] curves; }
DMUS_IO_PARAMCONTROLTRACK_CURVEINFO *curvesEnd; // pointer one past last curve
bool fAlreadyTracedPlaybackError; };
struct ObjectInfo { ObjectInfo() : fAlreadyTracedPlaybackError(false) { Zero(&header); }
DMUS_IO_PARAMCONTROLTRACK_OBJECTHEADER header; TList<ParamInfo> listParams; bool fAlreadyTracedPlaybackError; };
struct ParamState // the state data we need to keep track of for each parameter we're controlling
{ ParamState() : pCurrentCurve(NULL), fLast(false), rtStartPointOfLastCurve(0) {}
DMUS_IO_PARAMCONTROLTRACK_CURVEINFO *pCurrentCurve; // current seek pointer in the array of control points
bool fLast; // true if the last envelope was sent successfully
REFERENCE_TIME rtStartPointOfLastCurve; // time (in the object's time) of the start point of the last envelope we sent
TList<REFERENCE_TIME> listStartTimes; // start times of all envelopes that have been sent
struct StateData { StateData() : prgpIMediaParams(NULL), prgParam(NULL), fFlushInAbort(false) {}
IMediaParams **prgpIMediaParams; // Array of size m_cObjects.
ParamState *prgParam; // Array of size m_cParams.
DWORD dwValidate; bool fFlushInAbort; };
public: CParamControlTrack(HRESULT *pHr) : m_dwValidate(0), m_cObjects(0), m_cParams(0), CBasicTrack(&g_cComponent, CLSID_DirectMusicParamControlTrack) {}
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(const IID &iid, void **ppv);
STDMETHOD(Init)(IDirectMusicSegment *pSegment); STDMETHOD(Load)(IStream* pIStream); STDMETHOD(InitPlay)( IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegmentState, IDirectMusicPerformance *pPerformance, void **ppStateData, DWORD dwTrackID, DWORD dwFlags); STDMETHOD(EndPlay)(void *pStateData); STDMETHOD(Clone)(MUSIC_TIME mtStart,MUSIC_TIME mtEnd,IDirectMusicTrack** ppTrack); virtual HRESULT PlayMusicOrClock( void *pStateData, MUSIC_TIME mtStart, MUSIC_TIME mtEnd, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, DWORD dwFlags, IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegSt, DWORD dwVirtualID, bool fClockTime);
virtual HRESULT OnSegmentEnd(REFERENCE_TIME rtEnd, void *pStateData);
private: HRESULT LoadObject(SmartRef::RiffIter ri); HRESULT LoadParam(SmartRef::RiffIter ri, TList<ParamInfo> &listParams); HRESULT TrackToObjectTime( MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, bool fTrkClockTime, bool fObjClockTime, MUSIC_TIME mt, REFERENCE_TIME *rt); HRESULT PlayEnvelope( IMediaParams *pIMediaParams, MP_ENVELOPE_SEGMENT *pEnv, DMUS_IO_PARAMCONTROLTRACK_CURVEINFO *pPt, const ObjectInfo &obj, const ParamInfo ¶m, ParamState ¶mstate, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, bool fTrkClockTime, bool fObjClockTime); HRESULT PlayTruncatedEnvelope( MUSIC_TIME mtTruncStart, IMediaParams *pIMediaParams, MP_ENVELOPE_SEGMENT *pEnv, DMUS_IO_PARAMCONTROLTRACK_CURVEINFO *pPt, const ObjectInfo &obj, const ParamInfo ¶m, ParamState ¶mstate, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, bool fTrkClockTime, bool fObjClockTime, DWORD dwFlags); HRESULT InitStateData( StateData *pStateData, IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegmentState);
DWORD m_dwValidate; // Increment this counter in Load, causing the state data to synchonize with the new events
TList<ObjectInfo> m_listObjects; int m_cObjects; int m_cParams; };