* * Copyright (C) 1995 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: ClassFPM.h * Content: fixed size pool manager for classes * * History: * Date By Reason * ====== == ====== * 12-18-97 aarono Original * 11-06-98 ejs Add custom handler for Release function * 04-12-99 jtk Trimmed unused functions and parameters, added size assert * 01-31-00 jtk Added code to check for items already being in the pool on Release(). * 03-20-01 vanceo Added thread-local versions ***************************************************************************/
#ifndef __CLASS_FPM_H__
#define __CLASS_FPM_H__
// Constant definitions
// Macro definitions
#ifndef OFFSETOF
// Macro to compute the offset of an element inside of a larger structure (copied from MSDEV's STDLIB.H)
#define OFFSETOF(s,m) ( (INT_PTR) &(((s *)0)->m) )
#endif // OFFSETOF
#define CONTAINING_OBJECT(b,t,m) (reinterpret_cast<t*>(&reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(b)[-OFFSETOF(t,m)]))
// Structure definitions
// Variable definitions
// Function prototypes
// Class definitions
// class to act as a link in the pool
template< class T > class CPoolNode { public: CPoolNode() { m_pNext = NULL; } ~CPoolNode() {};
T m_Item; CPoolNode *m_pNext;
protected: private: };
// class to manage the pool
template< class T > class CFixedPool { public: CFixedPool(); ~CFixedPool();
T *Get( void ); void Release( T *const pItem );
private: CPoolNode< T > *m_pPool; // pointer to list of available elements
DEBUG_ONLY( UINT_PTR m_uOutstandingItemCount ); };
// Class function definitions
// ------------------------------
// CFixedPool::CFixedPool - constructor
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedPool::CFixedPool"
template< class T > CFixedPool< T >::CFixedPool() { m_pPool = NULL; DEBUG_ONLY( m_uOutstandingItemCount = 0 ); } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CFixedPool::~CFixedPool - destructor
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedPool::~CFixedPool"
template< class T > CFixedPool< T >::~CFixedPool() { DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( m_uOutstandingItemCount == 0 ) ); while ( m_pPool != NULL ) { CPoolNode< T > *pTemp;
pTemp = m_pPool; m_pPool = m_pPool->m_pNext; delete pTemp; } } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CFixedPool::Get - get an item from the pool
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Pointer to item
// NULL = out of memory
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedPool::Get"
template< class T > T *CFixedPool< T >::Get( void ) { CPoolNode< T > *pNode; T *pReturn;
// initialize
pReturn = NULL;
// is the pool empty?
if ( m_pPool == NULL ) { // try to create a new entry
pNode = new CPoolNode< T >; } else { // grab first item from the pool
pNode = m_pPool; m_pPool = m_pPool->m_pNext; }
if ( pNode != NULL ) { DEBUG_ONLY( pNode->m_pNext = (CPoolNode<T>*) CLASSFPM_BLANK_NODE_VALUE ); pReturn = &pNode->m_Item; DEBUG_ONLY( m_uOutstandingItemCount++ ); }
return pReturn; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CFixedPool::Release - return item to pool
// Entry: Pointer to item
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedPool::Release"
template< class T > void CFixedPool< T >::Release( T *const pItem ) { CPoolNode< T > *pNode;
DNASSERT( pItem != NULL ); DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( BYTE* ) == sizeof( pItem ) ); DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( CPoolNode< T >* ) == sizeof( BYTE* ) ); pNode = reinterpret_cast<CPoolNode< T >*>( &reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>( pItem )[ -OFFSETOF( CPoolNode< T >, m_Item ) ] );
{ CPoolNode< T > *pTemp;
pTemp = m_pPool; while ( pTemp != NULL ) { DNASSERT( pTemp != pNode ); pTemp = pTemp->m_pNext; } } #endif // CHECK_FOR_DUPLICATE_CLASSFPM_RELEASE
#ifdef NO_POOLS
delete pNode; #else
pNode->m_pNext = m_pPool; m_pPool = pNode; #endif
DEBUG_ONLY( m_uOutstandingItemCount-- ); } //**********************************************************************
// class to act as a link in the pool
template< class T > class CTLPoolNode { public: CTLPoolNode() { m_blList.Initialize(); #ifdef TRACK_POOL_STATS
m_dwSourceThreadID = 0; #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
#define DPF_MODNAME "CTLPoolNode::~CTLPoolNode"
~CTLPoolNode() { DNASSERT(m_blList.IsEmpty()); };
CBilink m_blList; T m_Item; #ifdef TRACK_POOL_STATS
DWORD m_dwSourceThreadID; #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
protected: private: };
// class to manage the pool
template< class T > class CFixedTLPool { public: CFixedTLPool(CFixedTLPool< T > * pGlobalPool); ~CFixedTLPool();
T *Get( void ); void Release( T *const pItem ); static void ReleaseWithoutPool( T *const pItem );
private: CBilink m_blItems; // bilink list of available elements
CFixedTLPool< T > * m_pGlobalPool; // pointer to global pool, or NULL if this is the global pool
DNCRITICAL_SECTION * m_pcsLock; // pointer to pool critical section, or NULL if this is not the global pool
DWORD m_dwNumItems; // number of items currently in this pool
DWORD m_dwAllocations; // how many objects were allocated by this pool
DWORD m_dwSlurpsFromGlobal; // how many times some items were taken from the global pool
DWORD m_dwLargestSlurpFromGlobal; // most number of items taken from the global pool at one time
DWORD m_dwRetrievals; // how many times objects were pulled out of this pool
DWORD m_dwReturnsOnSameThread; // how many times objects that were pulled out of this pool were returned to this pool
DWORD m_dwReturnsOnDifferentThread; // how many times objects that were pulled out of another thread's pool were returned to this pool
DWORD m_dwDumpsToGlobal; // how many times some items were dumped into the global pool
DWORD m_dwDeallocations; // how many objects were freed by this pool
// Class function definitions
// ------------------------------
// CFixedTLPool::CFixedTLPool - constructor
// Entry: Pointer to global pool, or NULL if this is a global pool
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedTLPool::CFixedTLPool"
template< class T > CFixedTLPool< T >::CFixedTLPool(CFixedTLPool< T > * pGlobalPool): m_pGlobalPool( pGlobalPool ), m_pcsLock( NULL ), m_dwNumItems( 0 ) { m_blItems.Initialize();
if (pGlobalPool == NULL) { //DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "Initializing global pool 0x%p.", this);
m_pcsLock = (DNCRITICAL_SECTION*) DNMalloc( sizeof(DNCRITICAL_SECTION) ); if (m_pcsLock != NULL) { if (! DNInitializeCriticalSection( m_pcsLock )) { DNFree( m_pcsLock ); DEBUG_ONLY( m_pcsLock = NULL ); } } }
m_dwAllocations = 0; m_dwSlurpsFromGlobal = 0; m_dwLargestSlurpFromGlobal = 0; m_dwRetrievals = 0; m_dwReturnsOnSameThread = 0; m_dwReturnsOnDifferentThread = 0; m_dwDumpsToGlobal = 0; m_dwDeallocations = 0; #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
} //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CFixedTLPool::~CFixedTLPool - destructor
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedTLPool::~CFixedTLPool"
template< class T > CFixedTLPool< T >::~CFixedTLPool() { CBilink * pBilink; CTLPoolNode< T > * pNode;
pBilink = m_blItems.GetNext(); while ( pBilink != &m_blItems ) { pNode = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink, CTLPoolNode< T >, m_blList); pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); pNode->m_blList.RemoveFromList();
delete pNode; #ifdef TRACK_POOL_STATS
m_dwDeallocations++; #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
DEBUG_ONLY( m_dwNumItems-- ); }
DNASSERT( m_dwNumItems == 0 ); DNASSERT( m_blItems.IsEmpty() );
if (m_pcsLock != NULL) { //DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "Deinitializing global pool 0x%p.", this);
DNDeleteCriticalSection( m_pcsLock );
DNFree( m_pcsLock ); DEBUG_ONLY( m_pcsLock = NULL ); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "Pool 0x%p information:", this); DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "\tAllocations = %u", m_dwAllocations); DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "\tSlurpsFromGlobal = %u", m_dwSlurpsFromGlobal); DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "\tLargestSlurpFromGlobal = %u", m_dwLargestSlurpFromGlobal); DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "\tRetrievals = %u", m_dwRetrievals); DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "\tReturnsOnSameThread = %u", m_dwReturnsOnSameThread); DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "\tReturnsOnDifferentThread = %u", m_dwReturnsOnDifferentThread); DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "\tDumpsToGlobal = %u", m_dwDumpsToGlobal); DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "\tDeallocations = %u", m_dwDeallocations); #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
} //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CFixedTLPool::Get - get an item from the pool
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Pointer to item
// NULL = out of memory
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedTLPool::Get"
template< class T > T *CFixedTLPool< T >::Get( void ) { CBilink * pBilink; CTLPoolNode< T > * pNode; T * pReturn;
DNASSERT( m_pGlobalPool != NULL );
// If the pool is empty, steal the ones in the global pool.
pBilink = m_blItems.GetNext(); if ( pBilink == &m_blItems ) { DNEnterCriticalSection( m_pGlobalPool->m_pcsLock );
pBilink = m_pGlobalPool->m_blItems.GetNext(); if ( pBilink == &m_pGlobalPool->m_blItems ) { //
// No items. Drop global pool lock and allocate a new one.
DNLeaveCriticalSection( m_pGlobalPool->m_pcsLock );
pNode = new CTLPoolNode< T >; if ( pNode != NULL ) { #ifdef TRACK_POOL_STATS
// Update counter.
m_dwAllocations++; #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
} else { pReturn = NULL; goto Exit; } } else { //
// Separate all the items from the global list.
// We still have a pointer to the orphaned items (pBilink).
DNASSERT(m_pGlobalPool->m_dwNumItems > 0);
m_dwSlurpsFromGlobal++; if ( m_pGlobalPool->m_dwNumItems > m_dwLargestSlurpFromGlobal ) { m_dwLargestSlurpFromGlobal = m_pGlobalPool->m_dwNumItems; } #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
m_dwNumItems = m_pGlobalPool->m_dwNumItems - 1; // -1 because we need one right now
m_pGlobalPool->m_dwNumItems = 0;
// Drop the lock since we don't need the global pool anymore.
DNLeaveCriticalSection( m_pGlobalPool->m_pcsLock );
// Get the first item from the orphaned list.
pNode = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink, CTLPoolNode< T >, m_blList);
// If there was more than one item in the global pool, transfer
// the remaining orphaned items (after the first) to this pool.
if (pBilink != pBilink->GetNext()) { pBilink = pBilink->GetNext(); pNode->m_blList.RemoveFromList(); m_blItems.InsertBefore(pBilink); } } } else { pNode = CONTAINING_OBJECT(pBilink, CTLPoolNode< T >, m_blList); pBilink->RemoveFromList();
DNASSERT( m_dwNumItems > 0 ); m_dwNumItems--; }
// If we're here, we have an entry (it was freshly created, or removed from
// some pool).
pReturn = &pNode->m_Item;
// Update status counts.
m_dwRetrievals++; pNode->m_dwSourceThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
return pReturn; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CFixedTLPool::Release - return item to pool
// Entry: Pointer to item
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedTLPool::Release"
template< class T > void CFixedTLPool< T >::Release( T *const pItem ) { CTLPoolNode< T > *pNode;
DNASSERT( m_pGlobalPool != NULL ); DNASSERT( pItem != NULL ); DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( BYTE* ) == sizeof( pItem ) ); DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( CTLPoolNode< T >* ) == sizeof( BYTE* ) ); pNode = reinterpret_cast<CTLPoolNode< T >*>( &reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>( pItem )[ -OFFSETOF( CTLPoolNode< T >, m_Item ) ] );
DNASSERT( ! pNode->m_blList.IsListMember( &m_blItems )); #endif // CHECK_FOR_DUPLICATE_CONTEXTCFPM_RELEASE
// Update status counts.
if (pNode->m_dwSourceThreadID == GetCurrentThreadId()) { m_dwReturnsOnSameThread++; } else { m_dwReturnsOnDifferentThread++; } #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
#ifdef NO_POOLS
delete pNode; #ifdef TRACK_POOL_STATS
m_dwDeallocations++; #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
#else // ! NO_POOLS
pNode->m_blList.InsertAfter( &m_blItems ); m_dwNumItems++;
// If this pool has built up some extra items, return them to the
// global pool.
if ( m_dwNumItems >= 25 ) { CBilink * pFirstItem;
// Save a pointer to the first item.
pFirstItem = m_blItems.GetNext(); DNASSERT( pFirstItem != &m_blItems );
// Orphan the items.
// Take the lock and transfer the list to the global pool.
DNEnterCriticalSection( m_pGlobalPool->m_pcsLock );
m_pGlobalPool->m_blItems.AttachListBefore(pFirstItem); m_pGlobalPool->m_dwNumItems += m_dwNumItems;
DNLeaveCriticalSection( m_pGlobalPool->m_pcsLock );
m_dwNumItems = 0; #ifdef TRACK_POOL_STATS
m_dwDumpsToGlobal++; #endif // TRACK_POOL_STATS
} #endif // ! NO_POOLS
} //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CFixedTLPool::ReleaseWithoutPool - destroy an item without returning it to a
// pool
// NOTE: this is a static function and cannot use
// the 'this' pointer!
// Entry: Pointer to item
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFixedTLPool::ReleaseWithoutPool"
template< class T > void CFixedTLPool< T >::ReleaseWithoutPool( T *const pItem ) { CTLPoolNode< T > *pNode;
DNASSERT( pItem != NULL ); DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( BYTE* ) == sizeof( pItem ) ); DBG_CASSERT( sizeof( CTLPoolNode< T >* ) == sizeof( BYTE* ) ); pNode = reinterpret_cast<CTLPoolNode< T >*>( &reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>( pItem )[ -OFFSETOF( CTLPoolNode< T >, m_Item ) ] );
DNASSERT( pNode->m_blList.IsEmpty() );
delete pNode; } //**********************************************************************
#endif // __CLASS_FPM_H__