* * Copyright (C) 1995 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: LockedContextFixedPool.h * Content: fixed pool manager for classes that takes into account contexts * * History: * Date By Reason * ====== == ====== * 12-18-97 aarono Original * 11-06-98 ejs Add custom handler for Release function * 04-12-99 johnkan Trimmed unused functions and parameters, added size assert * 01-31-2000 johnkan Added code to check for items already being in the pool on Release(). * 02-08-2000 johnkan Derived from ClassFPM.h * 03-26-2000 johnkan Renamed to avoid collisions with other classes * 04-06-2000 johnkan Modified to have a base class to derive pool items from ***************************************************************************/
// Constant definitions
// Macro definitions
#ifndef OFFSETOF
// Macro to compute the offset of an element inside of a larger structure (copied from MSDEV's STDLIB.H)
#define OFFSETOF(s,m) ( (INT_PTR) &(((s *)0)->m) )
#endif // OFFSETOF
// Structure definitions
// forward reference
template< class S > class CLockedContextFixedPoolItem; template< class T, class S > class CLockedContextFixedPool;
// Variable definitions
// Function prototypes
// Class definitions
// class to act as a link in the pool
template< class S > class CLockedContextFixedPoolItem { public: #undef DPF_MODNAME
#define DPF_MODNAME "CLockedContextFixedPoolItem::CLockedContextFixedPoolItem"
CLockedContextFixedPoolItem() { m_iRefCount = 0; m_pNext = NULL; } #undef DPF_MODNAME
#define DPF_MODNAME "CLockedContextFixedPoolItem::~CLockedContextFixedPoolItem"
virtual ~CLockedContextFixedPoolItem() { DNASSERT( m_iRefCount == 0 ); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CLockedContextFixedPoolItem::AddRef"
void AddRef( void ) { DNASSERT( m_iRefCount != -1 ); InterlockedIncrement( const_cast<LONG*>( &m_iRefCount ) ); } #undef DPF_MODNAME
#define DPF_MODNAME "CLockedContextFixedPoolItem::DecRef"
void DecRef( void ) { DNASSERT( m_iRefCount != 0 ); if ( InterlockedDecrement( const_cast<LONG*>( &m_iRefCount ) ) == 0 ) { ReturnSelfToPool(); } }
CLockedContextFixedPoolItem *GetNext( void ) const { return m_pNext; } void InvalidateNext( void ) { m_pNext = NULL; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CLockedContextFixedPoolItem::LinkToPool"
void LinkToPool( CLockedContextFixedPoolItem *volatile *const ppPoolItems ) { DNASSERT( ppPoolItems != NULL ); m_pNext = *ppPoolItems; *ppPoolItems = this; }
// Default initialization and deinitialization functions. These can
// be overridden by the derived classes.
virtual BOOL PoolAllocFunction( S Context ){ return TRUE; } virtual BOOL PoolInitFunction( S Context ){ return TRUE; } virtual void PoolReleaseFunction( void ){}; virtual void PoolDeallocFunction( void ){};
protected: private: //
// reference count used to return this item to the pool
volatile LONG m_iRefCount;
// pointer used to link this item to the rest of the pool
CLockedContextFixedPoolItem *m_pNext;
virtual void ReturnSelfToPool( void ) = 0;
// prevent unwarranted copies
CLockedContextFixedPoolItem< S >( const CLockedContextFixedPoolItem< S > & ); CLockedContextFixedPoolItem< S >& operator=( const CLockedContextFixedPoolItem< S > & ); };
// class to manage the pool
template< class T, class S > class CLockedContextFixedPool { public: CLockedContextFixedPool(); ~CLockedContextFixedPool();
void Lock( void ) { DNEnterCriticalSection( &m_Lock ); } void Unlock( void ) { DNLeaveCriticalSection( &m_Lock ); }
BOOL Initialize( void ); void Deinitialize( void );
T *Get( S Context ); void Release( T *const pItem );
CLockedContextFixedPoolItem< S > *volatile m_pPool; // pointer to list of available elements
DEBUG_ONLY( BOOL m_fInitialized ); DEBUG_ONLY( volatile LONG m_lOutstandingItemCount );
T *RemoveNode( void ) { T *pReturn;
if ( m_pPool != NULL ) { pReturn = static_cast<T*>( m_pPool ); m_pPool = m_pPool->GetNext(); DEBUG_ONLY( pReturn->InvalidateNext() ); } else { pReturn = NULL; }
return pReturn; } //
// prevent unwarranted copies
CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S >( const CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S > & ); CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S >& operator=( const CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S > & ); };
// Class function definitions
// ------------------------------
// CLockedContextFixedPool::CLockedContextFixedPool - constructor
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
template< class T, class S > CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S >::CLockedContextFixedPool(): m_pPool( NULL ) { DEBUG_ONLY( m_fInitialized = FALSE ); DEBUG_ONLY( m_lOutstandingItemCount = 0 ); } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CLockedContextFixedPool::~CLockedContextFixedPool - destructor
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
template< class T, class S > CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S >::~CLockedContextFixedPool() { DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( m_lOutstandingItemCount == 0 ) ); DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( m_fInitialized == FALSE ) ); } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CLockedContextFixedPool::Initialize - initialize pool
// Entry: Nothing
// Pointer to function to call when a new entry is removed from the pool
// Pointer to function to call when an entry is returned to the pool
// Pointer to function to call when an entry is deallocated
// Exit: Boolean indicating success
// TRUE = initialization succeeded
// FALSE = initialization failed
// ------------------------------
template< class T, class S > BOOL CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S >::Initialize( void ) { BOOL fReturn;
DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( m_fInitialized == FALSE ) );
fReturn = TRUE;
if ( DNInitializeCriticalSection( &m_Lock ) == FALSE ) { fReturn = FALSE; goto Exit; } DebugSetCriticalSectionRecursionCount( &m_Lock, 0 );
DEBUG_ONLY( m_fInitialized = TRUE );
Exit: return fReturn; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CLockedContextFixedPool::Deinitialize - deinitialize pool
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
template< class T, class S > void CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S >::Deinitialize( void ) { DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( m_fInitialized != FALSE ) );
DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( m_lOutstandingItemCount == 0 ) ); while ( m_pPool != NULL ) { CLockedContextFixedPoolItem< S > *pNode;
pNode = RemoveNode(); pNode->PoolDeallocFunction(); delete pNode; } Unlock();
DNDeleteCriticalSection( &m_Lock );
DEBUG_ONLY( m_fInitialized = FALSE ); } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CLockedContextFixedPool::Get - get an item from the pool
// Entry: Pointer to user context
// Exit: Pointer to item
// NULL = out of memory
// ------------------------------
template< class T, class S > T *CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S >::Get( S Context ) { T *pReturn;
DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( m_fInitialized != FALSE ) );
// initialize
pReturn = NULL;
// if the pool is empty, try to allocate a new entry, otherwise grab
// the first item from the pool
if ( m_pPool == NULL ) { Unlock(); pReturn = new T; if ( pReturn != NULL ) { if ( pReturn->PoolAllocFunction( Context ) == FALSE ) { delete pReturn; pReturn = NULL; } } } else { pReturn = RemoveNode(); Unlock(); }
// if we have an entry (it was freshly created, or removed from the pool),
// attempt to initialize it before passing it to the user
if ( pReturn != NULL ) { if ( pReturn->PoolInitFunction( Context ) == FALSE ) { Lock(); pReturn->LinkToPool( &m_pPool ); Unlock(); pReturn = NULL; } else { pReturn->SetOwningPool( this ); pReturn->AddRef(); DEBUG_ONLY( InterlockedIncrement( const_cast<LONG*>( &m_lOutstandingItemCount ) ) ); } }
return pReturn; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CLockedContextFixedPool::Release - return item to pool
// Entry: Pointer to item
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
template< class T, class S > void CLockedContextFixedPool< T, S >::Release( T *const pItem ) { DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( m_fInitialized != FALSE ) ); DNASSERT( pItem != NULL );
DEBUG_ONLY( DNASSERT( pItem->GetNext() == NULL ) ); pItem->PoolReleaseFunction(); Lock(); #if defined(CHECK_FOR_DUPLICATE_LOCKED_CONTEXT_FPM_RELEASE) && defined(DEBUG)
{ CLockedContextFixedPoolItem< S > *pTemp;
pTemp = m_pPool; while ( pTemp != NULL ) { DNASSERT( pTemp != pItem ); pTemp = pTemp->GetNext(); } } #endif // CHECK_FOR_DUPLICATE_LOCKED_CONTEXT_FPM_RELEASE
DEBUG_ONLY( pItem->SetOwningPool( NULL ) );
#ifdef NO_POOLS
pItem->PoolDeallocFunction(); delete pItem; #else
pItem->LinkToPool( &m_pPool ); #endif
Unlock(); DEBUG_ONLY( InterlockedDecrement( const_cast<LONG*>( &m_lOutstandingItemCount ) ) ); } //**********************************************************************