* * Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: Initialize.cpp * Content: This file contains code to both initialize and shutdown the * protocol, as well as to Add and Remove service providers * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 11/06/98 ejs Created * 07/01/2000 masonb Assumed Ownership * ****************************************************************************/
#include "dnproti.h"
** GLOBAL VARIABLES ** ** There are two kinds of global variables. Instance specific globals ** (not really global, i know) which are members of the ProtocolData structure, ** and true globals which are shared among all instances. The following ** definitions are true globals, such as FixedPools and Timers. */
LPFPOOL ChkPtPool = NULL; // Pool of CheckPoint data structure
LPFPOOL EPDPool = NULL; // Pool of End Point descriptors
LPFPOOL MSDPool = NULL; // Pool of Message Descriptors
LPFPOOL FMDPool = NULL; // Pool of Frame Descriptors
LPFPOOL RCDPool = NULL; // Pool of Receive Descriptors
LPFPOOL BufPool = NULL; // Pool of buffers to store rcvd frames
LONG g_lProtocolObjects = 0; DNCRITICAL_SECTION g_csProtocolGlobal;
BOOL g_fTimerInited = FALSE;
** Pools Initialization ** ** This procedure should be called once at Dll load */ #undef DPF_MODNAME
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPPoolsInit"
if (DNInitializeCriticalSection(&g_csProtocolGlobal) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } if((ChkPtPool = FPM_Create(sizeof(CHKPT), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } if((EPDPool = FPM_Create(sizeof(EPD), EPD_Allocate, EPD_Get, EPD_Release, EPD_Free)) == NULL) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } if((MSDPool = FPM_Create(sizeof(MSD), MSD_Allocate, MSD_Get, MSD_Release, MSD_Free)) == NULL) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } if((FMDPool = FPM_Create(sizeof(FMD), FMD_Allocate, FMD_Get, FMD_Release, FMD_Free)) == NULL) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } if((RCDPool = FPM_Create(sizeof(RCD), RCD_Allocate, RCD_Get, RCD_Release, RCD_Free)) == NULL) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } if((BufPool = FPM_Create(sizeof(BUF), Buf_Allocate, Buf_Get, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } if((MedBufPool = FPM_Create(sizeof(MEDBUF), Buf_Allocate, Buf_GetMed, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } if((BigBufPool = FPM_Create(sizeof(BIGBUF), Buf_Allocate, Buf_GetBig, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } if (FAILED(TimerInit())) { DNPPoolsDeinit(); return FALSE; } g_fTimerInited = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
** Pools Deinitialization ** ** This procedure should be called by DllMain at shutdown time */ #undef DPF_MODNAME
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPPoolsDeinit"
void DNPPoolsDeinit() { DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Enter");
if (g_fTimerInited) { TimerDeinit(); g_fTimerInited = FALSE; }
if(ChkPtPool != NULL) { ChkPtPool->Fini(ChkPtPool); ChkPtPool = NULL; } if(EPDPool != NULL) { EPDPool->Fini(EPDPool); EPDPool = NULL; } if(MSDPool != NULL) { MSDPool->Fini(MSDPool); MSDPool = NULL; } if(FMDPool != NULL){ FMDPool->Fini(FMDPool); FMDPool = NULL; } if(RCDPool != NULL) { RCDPool->Fini(RCDPool); RCDPool = NULL; } if(BufPool != NULL) { BufPool->Fini(BufPool); BufPool = NULL; } if(MedBufPool != NULL) { MedBufPool->Fini(MedBufPool); MedBufPool = NULL; } if(BigBufPool != NULL) { BigBufPool->Fini(BigBufPool); BigBufPool = NULL; } }
** Protocol Initialize ** ** This procedure should be called by DirectPlay at startup time before ** any other calls in the protocol are made. */
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPProtocolInitialize"
HRESULT DNPProtocolInitialize(PVOID pCoreContext, PProtocolData pPData, PDN_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_VTBL pVtbl) { DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Parameters: pCoreContext[%p], pPData[%p], pVtbl[%p]", pCoreContext, pPData, pVtbl);
// DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Sizes: endpointdesc[%d], framedesc[%d], messagedesc[%d], protocoldata[%d], recvdesc[%d], spdesc[%d], _MyTimer[%d]", sizeof(endpointdesc), sizeof(framedesc), sizeof(messagedesc), sizeof(protocoldata), sizeof(recvdesc), sizeof(spdesc), sizeof(_MyTimer));
DNEnterCriticalSection(&g_csProtocolGlobal); g_lProtocolObjects++; if (g_lProtocolObjects == 1) { // We are the first, create everything
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "Initializing timers"); if (FAILED(InitTimerWorkaround())) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Protocol timer package failed to initialize"); g_lProtocolObjects--; DNLeaveCriticalSection(&g_csProtocolGlobal); return DPNERR_GENERIC; } } DNLeaveCriticalSection(&g_csProtocolGlobal);
pPData->ulProtocolFlags = 0; pPData->Parent = pCoreContext; pPData->pfVtbl = pVtbl; pPData->Sign = PD_SIGN;
pPData->lSPActiveCount = 0; srand(GETTIMESTAMP()); pPData->dwNextSessID = rand() | (rand() << 16); // build a 32 bit value out of two 16 bit values
pPData->tIdleThreshhold = DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL; // 60 second keep-alive interval
pPData->dwConnectTimeout = CONNECT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; pPData->dwConnectRetries = CONNECT_DEFAULT_RETRIES;
#ifdef DEBUG
pPData->ThreadsInReceive = 0; pPData->BuffersInReceive = 0; #endif
return DPN_OK; }
** Protocol Shutdown ** ** This procedure should be called at termination time, and should be the ** last call made to the protocol. ** ** All SPs should have been removed prior to this call which in turn means ** that we should not have any sends pending in a lower layer. */
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPProtocolShutdown"
HRESULT DNPProtocolShutdown(PProtocolData pPData) { DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Parameters: pPData[%p]", pPData);
DNEnterCriticalSection(&g_csProtocolGlobal); g_lProtocolObjects--; if (g_lProtocolObjects == 0) { // We are the last, destroy everything
DPFX(DPFPREP,5, "Destroying timers"); FiniTimerWorkaround(); } DNLeaveCriticalSection(&g_csProtocolGlobal); if(pPData->lSPActiveCount != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning DPNERR_INVALIDCOMMAND - There are still active SPs, DNPRemoveSP wasn't called"); return DPNERR_INVALIDCOMMAND; // Must remove Service Providers first
#ifdef DEBUG
if (pPData->BuffersInReceive != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "*** %d receive buffers were leaked", pPData->BuffersInReceive); } #endif
pPData->ulProtocolFlags = 0;
return DPN_OK; }
** Add Service Provider ** ** This procedure is called by Direct Play to bind us to a service provider. ** We can bind up to 256 service providers at one time, although I would not ever ** expect to do so. This procedure will fail if Protocol Initialize has not ** been called. ** ** ** We check the size of the SP table to make sure we have a slot free. If table ** is full we double the table size until we reach maximum size. If table cannot grow ** then we fail the AddServiceProvider call. */
extern IDP8SPCallbackVtbl DNPLowerEdgeVtbl;
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPAddServiceProvider"
HRESULT DNPAddServiceProvider(PProtocolData pPData, IDP8ServiceProvider *pISP, HANDLE *pContext) { PSPD pSPD=0; SPINITIALIZEDATA SPInitData; SPGETCAPSDATA SPCapsData; HRESULT hr;
*pContext = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Parameters: pPData[%p], pISP[%p], pContext[%p]", pPData, pISP, pContext);
if(pPData->ulProtocolFlags & PFLAGS_PROTOCOL_INITIALIZED) { if ((pSPD = (PSPD)DNMalloc(sizeof(SPD))) == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY - couldn't allocate SP Descriptor"); return DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// MAKE THE INITIALIZE CALL TO THE Service Provider... give him our Object
memset(pSPD, 0, sizeof(SPD)); // init to zero
pSPD->LowerEdgeVtable = &DNPLowerEdgeVtbl; // Put Vtbl into the interface Object
pSPD->Sign = SPD_SIGN;
SPInitData.pIDP = (IDP8SPCallback *) pSPD; SPInitData.dwFlags = 0;
if (DNInitializeCriticalSection(&pSPD->SPLock) == FALSE) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY - couldn't initialize SP CS, pSPD[%p]", pSPD); DNFree(pSPD); return DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } DebugSetCriticalSectionRecursionCount(&pSPD->SPLock, 0);
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "Calling SP->Initialize, pSPD[%p]", pSPD); if((hr = IDP8ServiceProvider_Initialize(pISP, &SPInitData)) != DPN_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning hr=%x - SP->Initialize failed, pSPD[%p]", hr, pSPD); DNDeleteCriticalSection(&pSPD->SPLock); DNFree(pSPD); return hr; }
pSPD->blSendQueue.Initialize(); pSPD->blPendingQueue.Initialize(); pSPD->blEPDActiveList.Initialize(); #ifdef DEBUG
pSPD->blMessageList.Initialize(); #endif
SPCapsData.dwSize = sizeof(SPCapsData); SPCapsData.hEndpoint = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "Calling SP->GetCaps, pSPD[%p]", pSPD); if((hr = IDP8ServiceProvider_GetCaps(pISP, &SPCapsData)) != DPN_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "SP->GetCaps failed - hr[%x], Calling SP->Close, pSPD[%p]", hr, pSPD); IDP8ServiceProvider_Close(pISP); DNDeleteCriticalSection(&pSPD->SPLock);
DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning hr=%x - SP->GetCaps failed, pSPD[%p]", hr, pSPD);
DNFree(pSPD); return hr; }
pSPD->uiLinkSpeed = SPCapsData.dwLocalLinkSpeed; pSPD->uiFrameLength = SPCapsData.dwUserFrameSize; pSPD->uiUserFrameLength = pSPD->uiFrameLength - DNP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;
// Place new SP in table
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "Calling SP->AddRef, pSPD[%p]", pSPD); IDP8ServiceProvider_AddRef(pISP); pSPD->IISPIntf = pISP; pSPD->pPData = pPData; InterlockedIncrement(&pPData->lSPActiveCount); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning DPNERR_UNINITIALIZED - DNPProtocolInitialize has not been called"); return DPNERR_UNINITIALIZED; }
*pContext = pSPD;
return DPN_OK; }
** Remove Service Provider ** ** It is higher layer's responsibility to make sure that there are no pending commands ** when this function is called, although we can do a certain amount of cleanup ourselves. ** For the moment will we ASSERT that everything is in fact finished up. ** ** SPTable stuff... Since we use the table slot as the SP identiier, we must not compact ** the SP table upon removal. Therefore, we must have a way of validating the SP index, and ** we may not want to re-use table slots after an SP is removed. Since we have virtually ** unlimited space in the table, and SPs are generally not intended to be transitory, its ** probably safe to invalidate the old table slot and just keep increasing the IDs. */
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNPRemoveServiceProvider"
HRESULT DNPRemoveServiceProvider(PProtocolData pPData, HANDLE hSPHandle) { PSPD pSPD = NULL; PEPD pEPD; PMSD pMSD; PFMD pFMD;
pSPD = (PSPD) hSPHandle;
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLIN_LVL, "Parameters: pPData[%p], hSPHandle[%x]", pPData, hSPHandle); if(pSPD == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "Returning DPNERR_INVALIDOBJECT - SP Handle is NULL"); return DPNERR_INVALIDOBJECT; }
// There are several steps to shutdown:
// 1. All Core initiated commands must be cancelled prior to this function being called.
// We will assert in debug that the Core has done this.
// 2. All endpoints must be terminated by the Core prior to this function being called.
// We will assert in debug that the Core has done this.
// Now there are things on the SPD->SendQueue and SPD->PendingQueue that are not owned
// by any Command or Endpoint, and there may also be a SendThread Timer running held
// on SPD->SendHandle. No one else can clean these up, so these are our responsibility
// to clean up here. Items on the queues will be holding references to EPDs, so the
// EPDs will not be able to go away until we do this.
// 3. Cancel SPD->SendHandle Send Timer. This prevents items on the SendQueue from
// being submitted to the SP and moved to the PendingQueue.
// 4. Empty the SendQueue.
// 5. If we fail to cancel the SendHandle Send Timer, wait for it to run and figure out
// that we are going away. We do this after emptying the SendQueue for simplicity
// since the RunSendThread code checks for an empty SendQueue to know if it has work
// to do.
// 6. Wait for all messages to drain from the PendingQueue as the SP completes them.
// 7. Wait for any active EPDs to go away.
// 8. Call SP->Close only after all of the above so that we can ensure that we will make
// no calls to the SP after Close.
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); pSPD->ulSPFlags |= SPFLAGS_TERMINATING; // Nothing new gets in...
#ifdef DEBUG
// Check for uncancelled commands, SPLock held
CBilink* pLink = pSPD->blMessageList.GetNext(); while (pLink != &pSPD->blMessageList) { pMSD = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, MSD, blSPLinkage); ASSERT_MSD(pMSD); ASSERT(pMSD->ulMsgFlags1 & MFLAGS_ONE_ON_GLOBAL_LIST); DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "There are un-cancelled commands remaining on the Command List, Core didn't clean up properly - pMSD[%p], Context[%x]", pMSD, pMSD->Context); ASSERT(0); // This is fatal, we can't make the guarantees we need to below under these conditions.
pLink = pLink->GetNext(); }
// Check for EPDs that have not been terminated, SPLock still held
pLink = pSPD->blEPDActiveList.GetNext(); while (pLink != &pSPD->blEPDActiveList) { pEPD = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, EPD, blActiveLinkage); ASSERT_EPD(pEPD);
if (!(pEPD->ulEPFlags & EPFLAGS_STATE_TERMINATING)) { DPFX(DPFPREP,0, "There are non-terminated endpoints remaining on the Endpoint List, Core didn't clean up properly - pEPD[%p], Context[%x]", pEPD, pEPD->Context); ASSERT(0); // This is fatal, we can't make the guarantees we need to below under these conditions.
pLink = pLink->GetNext(); }
// See if we still have a Send Event pending, SPLock still held
if(pSPD->SendHandle != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "Shutting down with send event still pending, cancelling, pSPD=[%p]", pSPD); if(CancelMyTimer(pSPD->SendHandle, pSPD->SendHandleUnique) == DPN_OK) { pSPD->SendHandle = NULL; pSPD->ulSPFlags &= ~(SPFLAGS_SEND_THREAD_SCHEDULED); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "Failed to cancel send event", pSPD); } }
// Clean off the Send Queue, SPLock still held
while(!pSPD->blSendQueue.IsEmpty()) { pFMD = CONTAINING_RECORD(pSPD->blSendQueue.GetNext(), FMD, blQLinkage); ASSERT_FMD(pFMD);
DPFX(DPFPREP,1, "Cleaning FMD off of SendQueue pSPD[%p], pFMD[%p], pEPD[%p]", pSPD, pFMD, pFMD->pEPD);
// RELEASE_EPD will need to have the EPD lock, so we cannot hold the SPLock while calling it.
Lock(&pFMD->pEPD->EPLock); RELEASE_EPD(pFMD->pEPD, "UNLOCK (Releasing Leftover CMD FMD)"); // releases EPLock
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); }
// In case we failed to cancel the SendHandle Timer above, wait for the send thread to run and figure
// out that we are going away. We want to be outside the SPLock while doing this.
while(pSPD->ulSPFlags & SPFLAGS_SEND_THREAD_SCHEDULED) { Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock); Sleep(0); // Give up our time slice
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); }
// Clean off the Pending Queue, SPLock still held
while (!pSPD->blPendingQueue.IsEmpty()) { Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock); Sleep(0); // Give up our time slice
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); }
// By now we are only waiting for the SP to do any final calls to CommandComplete that are needed to take
// our EPD ref count down to nothing. We will wait while the SP does this.
while(!(pSPD->blEPDActiveList.IsEmpty())) { Unlock(&pSPD->SPLock); Sleep(0); // Give up our time slice
Lock(&pSPD->SPLock); }
// By this time everything pending had better be gone!
ASSERT(pSPD->blEPDActiveList.IsEmpty()); // Should not be any Endpoints left
ASSERT(pSPD->blSendQueue.IsEmpty()); // Should not be any frames on sendQ.
ASSERT(pSPD->blPendingQueue.IsEmpty()); // Should not be any frame in SP either
// Leave SPLock for the last time
// Now that all frames are cleared out of SP, there should be no more End Points waiting around to close.
// We are clear to tell the SP to go away.
DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "Calling SP->Close, pSPD[%p]", pSPD); IDP8ServiceProvider_Close(pSPD->IISPIntf); DPFX(DPFPREP,DPF_CALLOUT_LVL, "Calling SP->Release, pSPD[%p]", pSPD); IDP8ServiceProvider_Release(pSPD->IISPIntf);
// Clean up the SPD object
DNDeleteCriticalSection(&pSPD->SPLock); DNFree(pSPD);
// Remove the reference of this SP from the main Protocol object
ASSERT(pPData->lSPActiveCount > 0); InterlockedDecrement(&pPData->lSPActiveCount);
return DPN_OK; }