* * Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: drawprim.hpp * Content: DrawPrimitive common defines * ***************************************************************************/
#ifndef _DRAWPRIM_H_
#define _DRAWPRIM_H_
#define MAX_DX6_VERTICES ((1<<16) - 1)
#ifdef WIN95
// All vertices from lpDevI->lpVout are copied to the output buffer, expanding
// The output buffer is lpAddress if it is not NULL, otherwise it is TLVbuf
(((dwFVF) & D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK) >> D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_SHIFT) //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computes size in bytes of the position component of a vertex
__inline DWORD GetPositionSizeFVF(DWORD fvf) { DWORD size = 3 << 2; switch (fvf & D3DFVF_POSITION_MASK) { case D3DFVF_XYZRHW: size += 4; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB1: size += 1*4; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB2: size += 2*4; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB3: size += 3*4; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB4: size += 4*4; break; case D3DFVF_XYZB5: size += 5*4; break; } return size; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computes vertex size in bytes for a the vertex ID excluding size of
// texture oordinates
__inline DWORD GetVertexSizeFVF(DWORD fvf) { DWORD size = GetPositionSizeFVF(fvf); if (fvf & D3DFVF_NORMAL) size += 3*4; if (fvf & D3DFVF_PSIZE) size += 4;
if (fvf & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) size+= 4; if (fvf & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) size += 4;
if (fvf & D3DFVF_FOG) size += 4;
return size; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Entry is texture count. Clears all texture format bits in the FVF DWORD,
// that correspond to the texture count
// for this count
const DWORD g_TextureFormatMask[9] = { ~0x0000FFFF, ~0x0003FFFF, ~0x000FFFFF, ~0x003FFFFF, ~0x00FFFFFF, ~0x03FFFFFF, ~0x0FFFFFFF, ~0x3FFFFFFF, ~0xFFFFFFFF }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computes vertex size in bytes from the vertex ID
// Texture formats size 00 01 10 11
const BYTE g_TextureSize[4] = {2*4, 3*4, 4*4, 4};
// Index is number of floats in a texture coordinate set.
// Value is texture format bits
const DWORD g_dwTextureFormat[5] = {0, 3, 0, 1, 2};
// Returns total size of texture coordinates
// Computes dwTextureCoordSize[] array - size of every texture coordinate set
inline DWORD ComputeTextureCoordSize(DWORD dwFVF, DWORD *dwTextureCoordSize) { DWORD dwNumTexCoord = FVF_TEXCOORD_NUMBER(dwFVF); DWORD dwTextureCoordSizeTotal;
// Compute texture coordinate size
DWORD dwTextureFormats = dwFVF >> 16; if (dwTextureFormats == 0) { dwTextureCoordSizeTotal = (BYTE)dwNumTexCoord * 2 * 4; for (DWORD i=0; i < dwNumTexCoord; i++) { dwTextureCoordSize[i] = 4*2; } } else { DWORD dwOffset = 0; dwTextureCoordSizeTotal = 0; for (DWORD i=0; i < dwNumTexCoord; i++) { BYTE dwSize = g_TextureSize[dwTextureFormats & 3]; dwTextureCoordSize[i] = dwSize; dwTextureCoordSizeTotal += dwSize; dwTextureFormats >>= 2; } } return dwTextureCoordSizeTotal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computes vertex in bytes for the given FVF
inline DWORD ComputeVertexSizeFVF(DWORD dwFVF) { DWORD dwTextureFormats = dwFVF >> 16; DWORD dwNumTexCoord = FVF_TEXCOORD_NUMBER(dwFVF); DWORD size = GetVertexSizeFVF(dwFVF); if (dwTextureFormats == 0) { size += (BYTE)dwNumTexCoord * 2 * 4; } else { for (DWORD i=0; i < dwNumTexCoord; i++) { size += g_TextureSize[dwTextureFormats & 3]; dwTextureFormats >>= 2; } } return size; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computes the number of primtives and also updates the stats accordingly
// Input: lpDevI->primType
// dwNumVertices
// Output: lpDevI->dwNumPrimitives
// return value = dwNumPrimitives
#define DPF_MODNAME "GetNumPrim"
inline __declspec(nothrow) void GetNumPrim(LPD3DHAL lpDevI, DWORD dwNumVertices) { D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES* pv = lpDevI->m_pv; pv->dwNumPrimitives = 0; switch (pv->primType) { case D3DPT_POINTLIST: pv->dwNumPrimitives = dwNumVertices; break; case D3DPT_LINELIST: pv->dwNumPrimitives = dwNumVertices >> 1; break; case D3DPT_LINESTRIP: if (dwNumVertices < 2) return; pv->dwNumPrimitives = dwNumVertices - 1; break; case D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN: case D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP: if (dwNumVertices < 3) return; pv->dwNumPrimitives = dwNumVertices - 2; break; case D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST: #ifdef _X86_
{ DWORD tmp; __asm { mov eax, 0x55555555 // fractional part of 1.0/3.0
mul dwNumVertices add eax, 0x80000000 // Rounding
adc edx, 0 mov tmp, edx } pv->dwNumPrimitives = tmp; } #else
pv->dwNumPrimitives = dwNumVertices / 3; #endif
break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets front-end flags every time fog state is changed
inline void CD3DHal::SetFogFlags(void) { // Call ForceFVFRecompute only if fog enable state has been changed
BOOL bFogWasEnabled = m_pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_FOG; if (m_pv->lighting.fog_mode != D3DFOG_NONE && this->rstates[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE]) { m_pv->dwDeviceFlags |= D3DDEV_FOG; if (!bFogWasEnabled) ForceFVFRecompute(); } else { m_pv->dwDeviceFlags &= ~D3DDEV_FOG; if (bFogWasEnabled) ForceFVFRecompute(); } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Computes dwFlags bits which depend on the output FVF
inline void UpdateFlagsForOutputFVF(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES* lpDevI) { if (lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_LIGHTING && lpDevI->dwVIDOut & (D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR)) { lpDevI->dwFlags |= D3DPV_LIGHTING; } if (lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_FOG && lpDevI->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) { lpDevI->dwFlags |= D3DPV_FOG; } if (!(lpDevI->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE)) lpDevI->dwFlags |= D3DPV_DONOTCOPYDIFFUSE; if (!(lpDevI->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_SPECULAR)) lpDevI->dwFlags |= D3DPV_DONOTCOPYSPECULAR; }
// Restore indices in the texture stages which were re-mapped for texture
// transforms
// We have to do restore if
// - Set or Get render state is issued with _WRAP parameter
// - Set or Get texture stage is issued with TEXCOORDINDEX as a parameter
extern void RestoreTextureStages(LPD3DHAL pDevI); //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the function works when there are texture transforms.
// It computes number of output texture coordinates, texture coordinate size and format.
// It prepares texture stages to re-map texture coordinates
void EvalTextureTransforms(LPD3DHAL pDevI, DWORD dwTexTransform, DWORD *pdwOutTextureSize, DWORD *pdwOutTextureFormat); //----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets texture transform pointer for every input texture coordinate set
void SetupTextureTransforms(LPD3DHAL pDevI); //----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline BOOL TextureTransformEnabled(LPD3DHAL pDevI) { return __TEXTURETRANSFORMENABLED(pDevI->m_pv); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Having primitive type as index, this array returns two coefficients("a" and
// "b") to compute number of vertices as NumPrimitives*a + b
extern DWORD g_PrimToVerCount[7][2]; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline UINT GETVERTEXCOUNT(D3DPRIMITIVETYPE primType, UINT dwNumPrimitives) { return g_PrimToVerCount[primType][0] * dwNumPrimitives + g_PrimToVerCount[primType][1]; } extern void setIdentity(D3DMATRIXI * m); extern void MatrixProduct(D3DMATRIXI *d, D3DMATRIXI *a, D3DMATRIXI *b); extern LIGHT_VERTEX_FUNC_TABLE lightVertexTable; extern void MatrixProduct(D3DMATRIXI *result, D3DMATRIXI *a, D3DMATRIXI *b); void D3DFE_UpdateLights(LPD3DHAL lpDevI); //---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates lighting and computes process vertices flags
extern void DoUpdateState(LPD3DHAL lpDevI); //----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void UpdateClipStatus(CD3DHal* pDev) { pDev->m_ClipStatus.ClipUnion |= pDev->m_pv->dwClipUnion; pDev->m_ClipStatus.ClipIntersection &= pDev->m_pv->dwClipIntersection; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a list of all rstates that which are for the vertex processing only.
// In the software vertex processing mode these render states are not passed
// to the driver. The are passed when we switch to the hardware vertex processing mode
#endif _DRAWPRIM_H_