// Simple sample "Game Controllers" control panel extension server.
// Functions:
// DLLMain()
// DllGetClassObject()
// DllCanUnloadNow()
// CServerClassFactory::CServerClassFactory()
// CServerClassFactory::~CServerClassFactory()
// CServerClassFactory::QueryInterface()
// CServerClassFactory::AddRef()
// CServerClassFactory::Release()
// CServerClassFactory::CreateInstance()
// CServerClassFactory::LockServer()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::~CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::QueryInterface()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::AddRef()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::Release()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetSheetInfo()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetPageInfo()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetID()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::Initialize()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetDevice()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetDevice()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetJoyConfig()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetJoyConfig()
// (C) Copyright 1997 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and
// distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in
// any way you find useful, provided that you agree that
// Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any
// Sample Application Files which are modified.
#define INITGUID
#define STRICT
#include "cplsvr1.h"
#include "pov.h"
#include "assert.h"
// file global variables
static BYTE glDLLRefCount = 0; // DLL reference count
static LONG glServerLocks = 0; // Count of locks
CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X *pdiCpl; HINSTANCE ghInst; CRITICAL_SECTION gcritsect;
// LegacyServer GUID!!!
// {92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}
DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_LegacyServer, 0x92187326, 0x72b4, 0x11d0, 0xa1, 0xac, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x69, 0x77);
// DLLMain
// DLL entry point.
// Parameters:
// HINSTANCE hInst - the DLL's instance handle
// DWORD dwReason - reason why DLLMain was called
// LPVOID lpvReserved -
// Returns:
// BOOL - TRUE if succeeded
int APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: ghInst = hInst; InitializeCriticalSection(&gcritsect); break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: DeleteCriticalSection(&gcritsect); break;
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: DisableThreadLibraryCalls((HMODULE)hInst); case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; } //** end switch(dwReason)
return TRUE; } //*** end DLLMain()
// DllGetClassObject
// Gets an IClassFactory object.
// Parameters:
// REFCLSID rclsid - CLSID value (by reference)
// REFIID riid - IID value (by reference)
// PPVOID ppv - ptr to store interface ptr
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { // did the caller pass in our CLSID?
if(!IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_LegacyServer)) { // no, return class not available error
// did the caller request our class factory?
if(!IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IClassFactory)) { // no, return no interface error
// instantiate class factory object
CServerClassFactory *pClsFactory = new CServerClassFactory(); if (NULL == pClsFactory) { // could not create the object
// chances are we were out of memory
// query for interface riid, and return it via ppv
HRESULT hRes = pClsFactory->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
// we're finished with our local object
// return the result code from QueryInterface
return hRes;
} //*** end DllGetClassObject()
// DllCanUnloadNow
// Reports whether or not the DLL can be unloaded.
// Parameters: none
// Returns
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { // unloading should be safe if the global dll refcount is zero and server lock ref is 0
return (glDLLRefCount == 0 && glServerLocks == 0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } //*** end DllCanUnloadNow()
// CServerClassFactory::CServerClassFactory
// Class constructor.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// CServerClassFactory* (implicit)
CServerClassFactory::CServerClassFactory(void) { // initialize and increment the object refcount
m_ServerCFactory_refcount = 0; AddRef();
// increment the dll refcount
} //*** end CServerClassFactory::CServerClassFactory()
// CServerClassFactory::CServerClassFactory
// Class constructor.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// CServerClassFactory* (implicit)
CServerClassFactory::~CServerClassFactory(void) { // decrement the dll refcount
InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&glDLLRefCount); } //*** end CServerClassFactory::~CServerClassFactory()
// CServerClassFactory::QueryInterface
// Implementation of the QueryInterface() method.
// Parameters:
// REFIID riid - the interface that is being looked for
// PPVOID ppv - pointer to target interface pointer
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CServerClassFactory::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { // make sure that if anything fails, we return something reasonable
*ppv = NULL;
// we support IUnknown...
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { // return our object as an IUnknown
*ppv = (LPUNKNOWN)(LPCLASSFACTORY)this; } else { // ... and our interface
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IClassFactory)) // return our object as a class factory
*ppv = (LPCLASSFACTORY)this; else // we do not support any other interfaces
return E_NOINTERFACE; } // we got this far, so we've succeeded
// increment our refcount and return
AddRef(); return S_OK; } //*** end CServerClassFactory::QueryInterface()
// CServerClassFactory::AddRef
// Implementation of the AddRef() method.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// ULONG - updated reference count.
// NOTE: apps should NOT rely on this value!
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerClassFactory::AddRef(void) { // update and return our object's reference count
InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&m_ServerCFactory_refcount); return m_ServerCFactory_refcount; } //*** end CServerClassFactory::AddRef()
// CServerClassFactory::Release
// Implementation of the Release() method.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// ULONG - updated reference count.
// NOTE: apps should NOT rely on this value!
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerClassFactory::Release(void) { // update and return our object's reference count
InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&m_ServerCFactory_refcount); if (0 == m_ServerCFactory_refcount) { // it's now safe to call the destructor
delete this; return 0; } else return m_ServerCFactory_refcount; } //*** end CServerClassFactory::Release()
// CServerClassFactory::CreateInstance
// Implementation of the CreateInstance() method.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CServerClassFactory::CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, PPVOID ppvObj) { CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X *pdiGCPropSheet = NULL; HRESULT hRes = E_NOTIMPL;
// make sure that if anything fails, we return something reasonable
*ppvObj = NULL;
// we want pUnkOuter to be NULL
// we do not support aggregation
if (pUnkOuter != NULL) { // tell the caller that we do not support this feature
// Create a new instance of the game controller property sheet object
pdiGCPropSheet = new CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X(); if (NULL == pdiGCPropSheet) { // we could not create our object
// chances are, we have run out of memory
return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // initialize the object (memory allocations, etc)
if (SUCCEEDED(pdiGCPropSheet->Initialize())) // query for interface riid, and return it via ppvObj
hRes = pdiGCPropSheet->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);
// release the local object
// all done, return result from QueryInterface
return hRes; } //*** end CServerClassFactory::CreateInstance()
// CServerClassFactory::LockServer
// Implementation of the LockServer() method.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CServerClassFactory::LockServer(BOOL fLock) { //HRESULT hRes = E_NOTIMPL;
// increment/decrement based on fLock
if (fLock) InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&glDLLRefCount); else InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&glDLLRefCount);
// all done
return S_OK; } //*** end CServerClassFactory::LockServer()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X
// Class constructor.
// Parameters: none
// Returns: nothing
CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X(void) {
// initialize and increment the object refcount
m_cProperty_refcount = 0; AddRef();
// initialize our device id to -1 just to be safe
m_nID = (BYTE)-1;
// init
m_bUser = FALSE;
// initialize all of our pointers
m_pdigcPageInfo = NULL; m_pdiDevice2 = NULL; m_pdiJoyCfg = NULL; pdiCpl = NULL;
// increment the dll refcount
// Register the POV hat class
m_aPovClass = RegisterPOVClass();
// Register the custom Button class
m_aButtonClass = RegisterCustomButtonClass();
} //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::~CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X
// Class destructor.
// Parameters: none
// Returns: nothing
CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::~CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X(void) { // free the DIGCPAGEINFO memory
if (m_pdigcPageInfo) LocalFree(m_pdigcPageInfo);
// free the DIGCSHEETINFO memory
if (m_pdigcSheetInfo) LocalFree(m_pdigcSheetInfo);
// free up the StateFlags memory!
if (m_pStateFlags) delete (m_pStateFlags);
// cleanup directinput objects
// m_pdiDevice2
if (m_pdiDevice2) { m_pdiDevice2->Unacquire(); m_pdiDevice2->Release(); m_pdiDevice2 = NULL; } // m_pdiJoyCfg
if (m_pdiJoyCfg) { m_pdiJoyCfg->Unacquire(); m_pdiJoyCfg->Release(); m_pdiJoyCfg = NULL; }
// Unregister the classes!!!
if (m_aPovClass) UnregisterClass((LPCTSTR)m_aPovClass, ghInst);
if (m_aButtonClass) UnregisterClass((LPCTSTR)m_aButtonClass, ghInst);
// decrement the dll refcount
} //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::~CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::QueryInterface
// Implementation of the QueryInterface() method.
// Parameters:
// REFIID riid - the interface that is being looked for
// PPVOID ppv - pointer to target interface pointer
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { // make sure that if anything fails, we return something reasonable
*ppv = NULL;
// we support IUnknown...
if(IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppv = (LPUNKNOWN)(LPCDIGAMECNTRLPROPSHEET)this; } else { // ... and IID_IDIGameCntrlPropSheet
if(IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IDIGameCntrlPropSheet)) *ppv = (LPCDIGAMECNTRLPROPSHEET)this; else // we do not support any other interfaces
// we got this far, so we've succeeded
// increment our refcount and return
AddRef(); return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::QueryInterface()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::AddRef
// Implementation of the AddRef() method.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// ULONG - updated reference count.
// NOTE: apps should NOT rely on this value!
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::AddRef(void) { // update and return our object's reference count
InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&m_cProperty_refcount); return m_cProperty_refcount; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::AddRef()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::Release
// Implementation of the Release() method.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// ULONG - updated reference count.
// NOTE: apps should NOT rely on this value!
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::Release(void) { // update and return our object's reference count
InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&m_cProperty_refcount); if (m_cProperty_refcount) return m_cProperty_refcount;
// it's now safe to call the destructor
delete this; return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::Release()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetSheetInfo
// Implementation of the GetSheetInfo() method.
// Parameters:
// LPDIGCSHEETINFO *ppSheetInfo - ptr to DIGCSHEETINFO struct ptr
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetSheetInfo(LPDIGCSHEETINFO *ppSheetInfo) { // pass back the our sheet information
*ppSheetInfo = m_pdigcSheetInfo;
// all done here
return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetSheetInfo()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetPageInfo
// Implementation of the GetPageInfo() method.
// NOTE: This returns the information for ALL pages. There is no mechanism
// in place to request only page n's DIGCPAGEINFO.
// Parameters:
// LPDIGCPAGEINFO *ppPageInfo - ptr to DIGCPAGEINFO struct ptr
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetPageInfo(LPDIGCPAGEINFO *ppPageInfo) { // pass back the our page information
*ppPageInfo = m_pdigcPageInfo; // all done here
return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetPageInfo()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetID
// Implementation of the SetID() method.
// Parameters:
// USHORT nID - identifier to set
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetID(USHORT nID) { // store the device id
m_nID = (BYTE)nID;
return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetID()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet::Initialize
// Implementation of the Initialize() method.
// Parameters: none
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
HRESULT CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::Initialize(void) { // provide the following information for each device page
// { dialog template, callback function pointer }
, // Template DlgProc
// allocate memory for the DIGCPAGEINFO structures
m_pdigcPageInfo = (DIGCPAGEINFO *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, NUMPAGES * sizeof(DIGCPAGEINFO));
if (!m_pdigcPageInfo){ return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
m_pdigcSheetInfo = (DIGCSHEETINFO *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(DIGCSHEETINFO)); if (!m_pdigcSheetInfo) { LocalFree(m_pdigcPageInfo);
// populate the DIGCPAGEINFO structure for each sheet
BYTE i = 0; do { m_pdigcPageInfo[i].dwSize = sizeof(DIGCPAGEINFO); m_pdigcPageInfo[i].fIconFlag = FALSE; // This is done to test JOY.CPL...
// It's also better for Win9x, as it will not be required to convert it!
// m_pdigcPageInfo[i].lpwszPageIcon = (LPWSTR)IDI_GCICON; //MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_GCICON);
m_pdigcPageInfo[i].hInstance = ghInst; m_pdigcPageInfo[i].lParam = (LPARAM)this;
// the following data is unique to each page
m_pdigcPageInfo[i].fpPageProc = grgcpInfo[i].fpPageProc; m_pdigcPageInfo[i].lpwszTemplate = (LPWSTR)grgcpInfo[i++].lpwszDlgTemplate; } while (i < NUMPAGES);
// populate the DIGCSHEETINFO structure
m_pdigcSheetInfo->dwSize = sizeof(DIGCSHEETINFO); m_pdigcSheetInfo->nNumPages = NUMPAGES; m_pdigcSheetInfo->fSheetIconFlag = TRUE; m_pdigcSheetInfo->lpwszSheetIcon = (LPWSTR)IDI_GCICON; //MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDI_GCICON);
// Do that device object enumeration thing!
m_pStateFlags = new (STATEFLAGS);
if (!m_pStateFlags) { LocalFree(m_pdigcPageInfo); LocalFree(m_pdigcSheetInfo);
ZeroMemory(m_pStateFlags, sizeof(STATEFLAGS));
// all done
return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet::Initialize()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetDevice
// Implementation of the SetDevice() method.
// Parameters:
// LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 pdiDevice2 - device object ptr
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetDevice(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 pdiDevice2) { // store the device object ptr
m_pdiDevice2 = pdiDevice2;
return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetDevice()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetDevice
// Implementation of the GetDevice() method.
// Parameters:
// LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 *ppdiDevice2 - ptr to device object ptr
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetDevice(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 *ppdiDevice2) { // retrieve the device object ptr
*ppdiDevice2 = m_pdiDevice2;
return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetDevice()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetJoyConfig
// Implementation of the SetJoyConfig() method.
// Parameters:
// LPDIRECTINPUTJOYCONFIG pdiJoyCfg - joyconfig object ptr
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetJoyConfig(LPDIRECTINPUTJOYCONFIG pdiJoyCfg) { // store the joyconfig object ptr
m_pdiJoyCfg = pdiJoyCfg;
return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetJoyConfig()
// CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::SetJoyConfig
// Implementation of the SetJoyConfig() method.
// Parameters:
// LPDIRECTINPUTJOYCONFIG *ppdiJoyCfg - ptr to joyconfig object ptr
// Returns:
// HRESULT - OLE type success/failure code (S_OK if succeeded)
STDMETHODIMP CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetJoyConfig(LPDIRECTINPUTJOYCONFIG *ppdiJoyCfg) { // retrieve the joyconfig object ptr
*ppdiJoyCfg = m_pdiJoyCfg;
return S_OK; } //*** end CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X::GetJoyConfig()