// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // msdvdopt.idl : IDL source for msdvdopt.dll //
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (msdvdopt.tlb) and marshalling code.
import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; #include "olectl.h" [ object, uuid(D549AF1E-3799-4D96-9475-E22610E0718D), dual, helpstring("Idvdopt Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface Idvdopt : IDispatch { typedef enum { PG_OVERRIDE_CONTENT = 0, PG_OVERRIDE_DVDNAV = 1 } PG_OVERRIDE_REASON;
[propget, id(1), helpstring("property WebDVD")] HRESULT WebDVD([out, retval] IDispatch* *pVal); [propput, id(1), helpstring("property WebDVD")] HRESULT WebDVD([in] IDispatch* newVal); [propget, id(2), helpstring("property ParentWindow")] HRESULT ParentWindow([out, retval] VARIANT *pVal); [propput, id(2), helpstring("property ParentWindow")] HRESULT ParentWindow([in] VARIANT newVal); [id(3), helpstring("method Show")] HRESULT Show(); [id(4), helpstring("method Close")] HRESULT Close(); [propget, id(6), helpstring("property ForwardScanSpeed")] HRESULT ForwardScanSpeed([out, retval] double *pVal); [propput, id(6), helpstring("property ForwardScanSpeed")] HRESULT ForwardScanSpeed([in] double newVal); [propget, id(7), helpstring("property BackwardScanSpeed")] HRESULT BackwardScanSpeed([out, retval] double *pVal); [propput, id(7), helpstring("property BackwardScanSpeed")] HRESULT BackwardScanSpeed([in] double newVal); [propget, id(8), helpstring("property PlaySpeed")] HRESULT PlaySpeed([out, retval] double *pVal); [propput, id(8), helpstring("property PlaySpeed")] HRESULT PlaySpeed([in] double newVal); [id(9), helpstring("method ParentalLevelOverride")] HRESULT ParentalLevelOverride([in] PG_OVERRIDE_REASON reason); };
[ uuid(BC4AAECA-8E95-4ECD-B4AE-CEE658EB81AB), version(1.0), helpstring("msdvdopt 1.0 Type Library") ] library MSDVDOPTLib { importlib("stdole2.tlb");
[uuid(6C727BC0-DBCB-406f-B8AD-89EDED823163), helpstring("Event interface for DVDOpt control") ] dispinterface _IDVDOpt { properties: // Event interface has no properties methods: [id(1), helpstring("OnOpen")] void OnOpen(); [id(2), helpstring("OnClose")] void OnClose(); };
[ uuid(574B4740-A328-42D6-A8E2-3F7C2F9D429C), helpstring("dvdopt Class") ] coclass dvdopt { [default] interface Idvdopt; [default, source] interface _IDVDOpt; }; };