/*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation */ /* File: MSMFBBtn.cpp */ /* Description: Implementation of CMSMFBBtn Bitmap Button */ /* Author: David Janecek */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "MSMFCnt.h"
#include "MSMFBBtn.h"
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "ocidl.h" // Added by ClassView
extern CComModule _Module;
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: CMSMFBBtn */ /*************************************************************************/ CMSMFBBtn::CMSMFBBtn(){
Init(); for(INT i = 0; i < cgMaxBtnStates; i++){
m_pBitmap[i] = new CBitmap; }/* end of for loop */ }/* end of function CMSMFBBtn */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: Init */ /* Description: Initializes variable states. */ /*************************************************************************/ void CMSMFBBtn::Init(){
m_nEntry = BtnState::Static; m_hWndTip = NULL; m_nTTMaxWidth = 200; m_bTTCreated = FALSE;
m_fDirty = true; // to refresh text property, font etc.
m_uiFontSize = 10; m_bstrTextValue = L""; m_bstrFontFace = L"Arial"; m_bstrFontStyle = L"Normal"; m_clrBackColor = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE); m_clrColorActive = 0x00ff0000; // blue
m_clrColorStatic = 0x00000000; // black
m_clrColorHover = 0x00ff0000; // blue
m_clrColorPush = 0x00ffffff; // white
m_clrColorDisable = 0x00808080; // grey
#if 0 // used for getting the windowed case working DJ
m_bWindowOnly = TRUE; #endif
}/* end of function Init */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: ~CMSMFBBtn */ /* Description: Cleanup the bitmap and pallete arrays, unload resource */ /* DLL. */ /*************************************************************************/ CMSMFBBtn::~CMSMFBBtn(){
for(INT i = 0; i < cgMaxBtnStates; i++){ if (m_pBitmap[i]){
delete m_pBitmap[i]; m_pBitmap[i] = NULL; }/* end of if statement */ //CComBSTR m_bstrFilename[..] should get destructed on the stack
}/* end of for loop */
Init(); }/* end of function ~CMSMFBBtn */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnDraw */ /* Description: Does the basic drawing */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnDraw(ATL_DRAWINFO& di){
USES_CONVERSION; RECT& rc = *(RECT*)di.prcBounds; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_pBitmap[m_nEntry]){ BOOL bRet;
if (::IsWindow(m_hWnd) && m_blitType != DISABLE) {
// TODO: Optimaze palette handling
#if 0
HPALETTE hNewPal = m_pBitmap[m_nEntry]->GetPal();
HPALETTE hPal = ::SelectPalette(di.hdcDraw, hNewPal, TRUE); ::RealizePalette(di.hdcDraw); }/* end of if statement */ #endif
COLORREF clr; HPALETTE hNewPal = m_pBitmap[m_nEntry]->GetPal(); ::OleTranslateColor (m_clrBackColor, hNewPal, &clr); // fill background of specific color
HBRUSH hbrBack = ::CreateSolidBrush(clr); //::FillRect(hdc, &rcClient, hbrBack);
::FillRect(di.hdcDraw, (LPRECT)di.prcBounds, hbrBack); ::DeleteObject(hbrBack); }
bRet = m_pBitmap[m_nEntry]->PaintTransparentDIB(di.hdcDraw, NULL, (LPRECT) di.prcBounds, m_blitType, FALSE, m_hWnd); if (m_fDirty) { SetTextProperties(); }
hr = m_cText.Write(di.hdcDraw, rc, m_bstrTextValue);
hr = GetFocus();
if(S_OK == hr){
::DrawFocusRect(di.hdcDraw, (LPRECT)di.prcBounds); }/* end of if statement */
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of if statement */ return (hr); }/* end of function OnDraw */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: SetTextProperties */ /* Description: Set the properties for the CText object. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMSMFBBtn::SetTextProperties() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_cText.SetFontFace(m_bstrFontFace); m_cText.SetFontSize(m_uiFontSize); m_cText.SetFontStyle(m_bstrFontStyle); m_cText.SetFixedSizeFont(true);
// set the font color based on the current state
OLE_COLOR clrColorCurrent = m_clrColorStatic; switch(m_nEntry) { case(BtnState::Static): clrColorCurrent = m_clrColorStatic; break; case(BtnState::Hover): clrColorCurrent = m_clrColorHover; break; case(BtnState::Active): clrColorCurrent = m_clrColorActive; break; case(BtnState::Push): clrColorCurrent = m_clrColorPush; break; case(BtnState::Disabled): clrColorCurrent = m_clrColorDisable; break; }
// translate OLE_COLOR to COLORREF
COLORREF crCurrentState;
hr = OleTranslateColor(clrColorCurrent, NULL, &crCurrentState);
if (FAILED(hr)) { crCurrentState = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); } m_cText.SetTextColor(crCurrentState);
m_fDirty = false;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_TextWidth(long *pVal) { // special case early return
if (m_bstrTextValue.Length() == 0) { *pVal = 0; return S_OK; }
// get the current window or the window of its parent
HWND hwnd = GetWindow(); HDC hdc = ::GetWindowDC(hwnd);
// normalize to pixel coord as required by the container
SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
if (m_fDirty) { SetTextProperties(); }
SIZE size; m_cText.GetTextWidth(hdc, m_bstrTextValue, &size); *pVal = size.cx;
::ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); // do not forget to free DC
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_TextHeight(long *pVal) { // get the current window or the window of its parent
HWND hwnd = GetWindow(); HDC hdc = ::GetWindowDC(hwnd);
// normalize to pixel coord as required by the container
SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
if (m_fDirty) { SetTextProperties(); }
SIZE size; m_cText.GetTextWidth(hdc, m_bstrTextValue, &size); *pVal = size.cy;
::ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); // do not forget to free DC
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ColorPush */ /* Description: return the ColorPush property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ColorPush(OLE_COLOR *pColor) { if (!pColor) { return E_POINTER; }
*pColor = m_clrColorPush;
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ColorPush */ /* Description: set the ColorPush property. This is the color of text */ /* in the Push state. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ColorPush(OLE_COLOR clrColor) { m_clrColorPush = clrColor;
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Push) { m_fDirty = true; }
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ColorHover */ /* Description: return the ColorHover property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ColorHover(OLE_COLOR *pColor) { if (!pColor) { return E_POINTER; }
*pColor = m_clrColorHover;
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ColorHover */ /* Description: set the ColorHover property. This is the color of text */ /* in the Hover state. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ColorHover(OLE_COLOR clrColor) { m_clrColorHover = clrColor;
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Hover) { m_fDirty = true; }
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ColorStatic */ /* Description: return the ColorStatic property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ColorStatic(OLE_COLOR *pColor) { if (!pColor) { return E_POINTER; }
*pColor = m_clrColorStatic;
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ColorPush */ /* Description: set the ColorPush property. This is the color of text */ /* in the Static (normal) state. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ColorStatic(OLE_COLOR clrColor) { m_clrColorStatic = clrColor;
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Static) { m_fDirty = true; } return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ColorDisable */ /* Description: return the ColorDisable property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ColorDisable(OLE_COLOR *pColor) { if (!pColor) { return E_POINTER; }
*pColor = m_clrColorDisable;
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ColorDisable */ /* Description: set the ColorDisable property. This is the color of text */ /* in the Disabled state. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ColorDisable(OLE_COLOR clrColor) { m_clrColorDisable = clrColor;
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Disabled) { m_fDirty = true; }
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ColorActive */ /* Description: return the ColorActive property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ColorActive(OLE_COLOR *pColor) { if (!pColor) { return E_POINTER; }
*pColor = m_clrColorActive;
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ColorActive */ /* Description: set the ColorActive property. This is the color of text */ /* in the Active state. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ColorActive(OLE_COLOR clrColor) { m_clrColorActive = clrColor;
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Active) { m_fDirty = true; }
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_FontSize */ /* Description: return the FontSize property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_FontSize(long *pVal) { if (!pVal) { return E_POINTER; }
*pVal = m_uiFontSize;
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_FontSize */ /* Description: set the FontSize property, in pt. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_FontSize(long lSize) { if ((UINT)lSize != m_uiFontSize) { m_uiFontSize = (UINT)lSize; m_fDirty = true; }
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_Text */ /* Description: return the Text that is displayed in the control. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_Text(BSTR *pText) { if (!pText) { return E_POINTER; }
*pText = m_bstrTextValue.Copy();
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_Text */ /* Description: set the text to be displayed in the control. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_Text(BSTR wsText) { if (_wcsicmp(m_bstrTextValue, wsText) != 0) { m_bstrTextValue = wsText; FireViewChange(); }
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_FontFace */ /* Description: return the FontFace property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_FontFace(BSTR *pFontFace) { if (!pFontFace) { return E_POINTER; }
*pFontFace = m_bstrFontFace.Copy(); return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_FontFace */ /* Description: set the FontFace property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_FontFace(BSTR wsFontFace) { if (_wcsicmp(m_bstrFontFace, wsFontFace) != 0) { m_bstrFontFace = wsFontFace; m_fDirty = true; }
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_FontStyle */ /* Description: return the FontSize property. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_FontStyle(BSTR *pFontStyle) { if (!pFontStyle) { return E_POINTER; }
*pFontStyle = m_bstrFontStyle.Copy(); return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_FontStyle */ /* Description: set the FontStyle property. The style string should */ /* contain either "Normal", or concatenation of one or more strings of: */ /* "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strikeout". Default is "Normal". */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_FontStyle(BSTR wsFontStyle) { if (_wcsicmp(m_bstrFontStyle, wsFontStyle) != 0) { m_bstrFontStyle = wsFontStyle; m_fDirty = true; }
return S_OK; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ImageStatic */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ImageStatic(BSTR *pstrFilename){
*pstrFilename = m_bstrFilename[BtnState::Static].Copy(); return S_OK; }/* end of function get_ImageStatic */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ImageStatic */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ImageStatic(BSTR strFilename){
if (!m_bstrFilename[BtnState::Disabled]) PutImage(strFilename, BtnState::Disabled); return (PutImage(strFilename, BtnState::Static)); }/* end of function put_ImageStatic */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ImageHover */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ImageHover(BSTR *pstrFilename){
*pstrFilename = m_bstrFilename[BtnState::Hover].Copy(); return S_OK; }/* end of function get_ImageHover */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ImageHover */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ImageHover(BSTR strFilename){
return (PutImage(strFilename, BtnState::Hover)); }/* end of function put_ImageHover */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ImagePush */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ImagePush(BSTR *pstrFilename){
*pstrFilename = m_bstrFilename[BtnState::Push].Copy(); return S_OK; }/* end of function get_ImagePush */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ImagePush */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ImagePush(BSTR strFilename){
return (PutImage(strFilename, BtnState::Push)); }/* end of function put_ImagePush */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ImageDisabled */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ImageDisabled(BSTR *pstrFilename){
*pstrFilename = m_bstrFilename[BtnState::Disabled].Copy(); return S_OK; }/* end of function get_ImagePush */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ImageDisabled */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ImageDisabled(BSTR strFilename){
return (PutImage(strFilename, BtnState::Disabled)); }/* end of function put_ImagePush */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ImageActive */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ImageActive(BSTR *pstrFilename){
*pstrFilename = m_bstrFilename[BtnState::Active].Copy(); return S_OK; }/* end of function get_ImagePush */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ImageActive */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ImageActive(BSTR strFilename){
return (PutImage(strFilename, BtnState::Active)); }/* end of function put_ImagePush */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: PutImage */ /* Description: Reads the DIB file (from file or resource) into a DIB, */ /* updates palette and rects of the internal bitmap. */ /* Also forces redraw if changing the active image. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMSMFBBtn::PutImage(BSTR strFilename, int nEntry){
m_bstrFilename[nEntry] = strFilename;
TCHAR strBuffer[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("\0");
bool fGrayOut = false;
if(BtnState::Disabled == nEntry){
fGrayOut = gcfGrayOut; }/* end of if statement */
hr = m_pBitmap[nEntry]->PutImage(strFilename, m_hRes, GetUnknown(),fGrayOut ,m_blitType);
if(FAILED(hr)){ return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
if(nEntry == m_nEntry ){ // we are updating image that is being used, refresh it
ATLTRACE2(atlTraceWindowing, 20, TEXT("Redrawing the image\n")); InvalidateRgn(); // our helper function
}/* end of if statement */
return(hr); }/* end of function PutImage */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnButtonDown */ /* Description: Handles when buttons is selected. Captures the mouse */ /* movents (supported for windowless, via interfaces). */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnButtonDown(UINT, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Disabled){ return 0; }/* end of if statement */
LONG xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); LONG yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
if(PtOnButton(xPos, yPos)){
// we are really on the buttons bitmap and we pushed it
if(BtnState::Hover != m_nEntry){ // in hover case we already have captured the mouse, so do not do
// that again
SetCapture(true); // capture the mouse messages
}/* end of if statement */
SetButtonState(BtnState::Push); }/* end of if statement */
return 0; }/* end of function OnButtonDown */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnButtonUp */ /* Description: Releases the capture, updates the button visual state, */ /* and if release on the buttons image fire the event. */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnButtonUp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){ LONG lRes = 0;
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Disabled){
ForwardWindowMessage(WM_USER_FOCUS, (WPARAM) m_hWnd, 0, lRes); return lRes; }/* end of if statement */
LONG xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); LONG yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
bool bOnButtonImage = PtOnButton(xPos, yPos); bool bFire = (m_nEntry == BtnState::Push); if(bOnButtonImage){
SetButtonState(BtnState::Static); //change to static even
SetCapture(false); // release the capture of the mouse messages
} else {
SetButtonState(BtnState::Static); // do it only when we do not hower, if we hower, then keep the capture
SetCapture(false); // release the capture of the mouse messages
}/* end of if statement */
if (bFire){
Fire_OnClick(); }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of if statement */
ForwardWindowMessage(WM_USER_FOCUS, (WPARAM) m_hWnd, 0, lRes);
return lRes; }/* end of function OnButtonUp */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnMouseMove */ /* Description: Check if we were captured/pushed the do not do much, */ /* otherwise do the hit detection and see if we are in static or hower */ /* state. */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnMouseMove(UINT, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Disabled) return 0;
LONG xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); LONG yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
if (m_nEntry != BtnState::Push){ if(PtOnButton(xPos, yPos)){ if(BtnState::Hover != m_nEntry || S_OK != GetCapture()){
SetCapture(true); // capture the mouse messages
SetButtonState(BtnState::Hover); }/* end of if statement */ } else {
if(BtnState::Static != m_nEntry){
SetCapture(false); // release the capture of the mouse messages
SetButtonState(BtnState::Static); }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of if statement */
return 0; }/* end of function OnMouseMove */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnMouseToolTip */ /* Description: Check if we were captured/pushed the do not do much, */ /* otherwise do the hit detection and see if we are in static or hower */ /* state. */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnMouseToolTip(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){
MSG mssg; mssg.hwnd = GetWindow(); ATLASSERT(mssg.hwnd); mssg.message = msg; mssg.wParam = wParam; mssg.lParam = lParam; if (m_hWndTip) ::SendMessage(m_hWndTip, TTM_RELAYEVENT, 0, (LPARAM) &mssg); bHandled = FALSE; return 0; }/* end of function OnMouseToolTip */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnSetFocus */ /* Description: If we are in disabled state SetFocus(false) */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnSetFocus(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Disabled){
if(GetFocus() == S_OK){
SetFocus(false); }/* end of if statement */
FireViewChange(); return(-1); }/* end of if statement */
FireViewChange(); return 0; }/* end of function OnSetFocus */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnKillFocus */ /* Description: If we are in disabled state SetFocus(false) */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnKillFocus(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){
FireViewChange(); return 0; }/* end of function OnKillFocus */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: PtOnButton */ /* Description: Uses helper to do the same. */ /*************************************************************************/ bool CMSMFBBtn::PtOnButton(LONG x, LONG y){
POINT pos = {x, y}; return(PtOnButton(pos)); }/* end of function PtOnButton */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: PtOnButton */ /* Description: Determines if the point is located on the button. */ /* TODO: Needs to be modified when we will handle transparent color. */ /*************************************************************************/ bool CMSMFBBtn::PtOnButton(POINT pos){
RECT rc; bool bRet = false;
rc = m_rcPos; } else {
return(bRet); }/* end of if statement */
::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rc); }/* end of if statement */
bRet = PtInRect(&rc, pos) ? true : false;
//TODO: Add also if we are on bitmap itsels possibly
#ifdef _DEBUG
if(bRet) ATLTRACE2(atlTraceWindowing, 20, TEXT("Point x = %d y = %d in Rect left = %d top %d right %d bottom %d\n"), pos.x, pos.y, m_rcPos.left, m_rcPos.top, m_rcPos.right, m_rcPos.bottom); else ATLTRACE2(atlTraceWindowing, 20, TEXT("Point x = %d y = %d NOT ON RECT Rect left = %d top %d right %d bottom %d\n"), pos.x, pos.y, m_rcPos.left, m_rcPos.top, m_rcPos.right, m_rcPos.bottom); #endif
return(bRet); }/* end of function PtOnButton */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnKeyDown */ /* Description: Depresses the button. */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnKeyDown(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){
bHandled = FALSE; LONG lRes = 0;
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Disabled){ return 0; }/* end of if statement */
case VK_RETURN: case VK_SPACE:
break; }/* end of if statement */ return(lRes); }/* end of function OnKeyDown */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnKeyUp */ /* Description: Distrubutes the keyboard messages properly. */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnKeyUp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){
bHandled = FALSE; LONG lRes = 0;
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Disabled){ return 0; }/* end of if statement */
case VK_RETURN: case VK_SPACE:
break; }/* end of if statement */ return(lRes); }/* end of function OnKeyUp */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: OnSize */ /* Description: Invalidate region since size has changed */ /*************************************************************************/ LRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnSize(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){
bHandled = FALSE; InvalidateRgn(); return 0; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: SetButtonState */ /* Description: Sets the button states forces redraw. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CMSMFBBtn::SetButtonState(BtnState btnState){
bool fRedraw = false; if(btnState != m_nEntry ){
fRedraw = true; }/* end of if statement */
m_nEntry = btnState; if(fRedraw){
if (m_nEntry == BtnState::Disabled){ SetFocus(false); // disable the focus
SetCapture(false); }/* end of if statement */
// we are updating image that is being used, refresh it
ATLTRACE2(atlTraceWindowing, 20, TEXT("Redrawing the image\n")); m_fDirty = true; // to force an update of font color
FireViewChange(); // update the display
//InvalidateRgn(); // our helper function
}/* end of if statement */
return(hr); }/* end of function SetButtonState */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: About */ /* Description: Displays the AboutBox */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::About(){
const INT ciMaxBuffSize = MAX_PATH; // enough for the text
TCHAR strBuffer[ciMaxBuffSize]; TCHAR strBufferAbout[ciMaxBuffSize];
if(!::LoadString(_Module.m_hInstResource, IDS_BTN_ABOUT, strBuffer, ciMaxBuffSize)){
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
if(!::LoadString(_Module.m_hInstResource, IDS_ABOUT, strBufferAbout, ciMaxBuffSize)){
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
::MessageBox(::GetFocus(), strBuffer, strBufferAbout, MB_OK);
return (hr); }/* end of function About */
/*************************************************************/ /* Function: get_Disable */ /* Description: Returns OLE-BOOL if disabled or enabled. */ /*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_Disable(VARIANT_BOOL *pVal){
*pVal = BtnState::Disabled == m_nEntry ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE; return S_OK; }/* end of function get_Disable */
/*************************************************************/ /* Function: put_Disable */ /* Description: Disable or enable the buttons (disabled */ /* are greyed out and do not except mouse clicks). */ /*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_Disable(VARIANT_BOOL newVal){
// TODO: Right Now We Get Restored Automatically into Static state
// we could detect the mouse and see if we are in static
// or hower state
BtnState btnSt = VARIANT_FALSE == newVal ? BtnState::Static : BtnState::Disabled; HRESULT hr = SetButtonState(btnSt);
return (hr); }/* end of function put_Disable */
/*************************************************************/ /* Function: get_BtnState */ /* Description: Gets current button state. */ /*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_BtnState(long *pVal){
*pVal = (long) m_nEntry; return S_OK; }/* end of function get_BtnState */
/*************************************************************/ /* Function: put_BtnState */ /* Description: Sets the button state manually. */ /*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_BtnState(long newVal){
HRESULT hr = SetButtonState((BtnState)newVal); return(hr); }/* end of function put_BtnState */
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: get_ToolTip */ /* Description: create a tool tip for the button */ /*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ToolTip(BSTR *pVal){
*pVal = m_bstrToolTip.Copy(); return 0; }/* end of function get_ToolTip */
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: put_ToolTip */ /* Description: create a tool tip for the button */ /* Cache the tooltip string if there is no window available */ /*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ToolTip(BSTR newVal){
m_bstrToolTip = newVal; return CreateToolTip(); }
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: SetObjectRects */ /* Description: Update tooltip rect object is being moved */ /*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::SetObjectRects(LPCRECT prcPos,LPCRECT prcClip){
// Call the default method first
IOleInPlaceObjectWindowlessImpl<CMSMFBBtn>::SetObjectRects(prcPos, prcClip);
if (!m_hWndTip) return S_OK;
HWND hwnd = GetWindow(); if (!hwnd) return S_FALSE;
TOOLINFO ti; // tool information
ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO); ti.uFlags = 0; ti.hwnd = hwnd; ti.hinst = _Module.GetModuleInstance(); ti.uId = (UINT) 0; ti.rect = *prcPos; // new tooltip position
if (!SendMessage(m_hWndTip, TTM_NEWTOOLRECT, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti)) return S_FALSE;
return S_OK; }/* end of function SetObjectRects */
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: OnPostVerbInPlaceActivate
/* Description: Overwrite IOleObjectImp::OnPostVerbInPlaceActivate
/* to actually create the tooltip for the button
/*************************************************************/ HRESULT CMSMFBBtn::OnPostVerbInPlaceActivate(){
// Return if tooltip is already created
if (m_bTTCreated) return S_OK;
HRESULT hr = CreateToolTip(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_bTTCreated = TRUE; return hr; }/* end of function OnPostVerbInPlaceActivate */
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: CreateToolTip
/* Description: create a tool tip for the button
/*************************************************************/ HRESULT CMSMFBBtn::CreateToolTip(void){
HWND hwnd = GetWindow(); if (!hwnd) return S_FALSE;
USES_CONVERSION; // If tool tip is to be created for the first time
if (m_hWndTip == (HWND) NULL) { // Ensure that the common control DLL is loaded, and create
// a tooltip control.
if (m_hWndTip == (HWND) NULL) return S_FALSE; TOOLINFO ti; // tool information
ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO); ti.uFlags = 0; ti.hwnd = hwnd; ti.hinst = _Module.GetModuleInstance(); ti.uId = (UINT) 0; ti.lpszText = OLE2T(m_bstrToolTip);
// if the button is a windowed control, the tool tip is added to
// the button's own window, and the tool tip area should just be
// the client rect of the window
if (hwnd == m_hWnd) ::GetClientRect(hwnd, &ti.rect);
// otherwise the tool tip is added to the closet windowed parent of
// the button, and the tool tip area should be the relative postion
// of the button in the parent window
else { ti.rect.left = m_rcPos.left; ti.rect.top = m_rcPos.top; ti.rect.right = m_rcPos.right; ti.rect.bottom = m_rcPos.bottom; }
if (!SendMessage(m_hWndTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti)) return S_FALSE;
// Set initial delay time
put_ToolTipMaxWidth(m_nTTMaxWidth); SetDelayTime(TTDT_AUTOPOP, 10000); SetDelayTime(TTDT_INITIAL, 10);
return S_OK; }/* end of function CreateToolTip */
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: GetDelayTime
/* Description: Get the length of time a pointer must remain
/* stationary within a tool's bounding rectangle before the
/* tooltip window appears
/* delayTypes: TTDT_RESHOW 1
/*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::GetDelayTime(long delayType, long *pVal){
if (delayType>TTDT_INITIAL || delayType<TTDT_RESHOW) return S_FALSE;
if (m_hWndTip) *pVal = SendMessage(m_hWndTip, TTM_GETDELAYTIME, (WPARAM) (DWORD) delayType, 0); return S_OK; }/* end of function GetDelayTime */
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: SetDelayTime
/* Description: Set the length of time a pointer must remain
/* stationary within a tool's bounding rectangle before the
/* tooltip window appears
/* delayTypes: TTDT_AUTOMATIC 0
/*************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::SetDelayTime(long delayType, long newVal){
if (delayType>TTDT_INITIAL || delayType<TTDT_AUTOMATIC) return S_FALSE;
if (m_hWndTip) { if (!SendMessage(m_hWndTip, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, (WPARAM) (DWORD) delayType, (LPARAM) (INT) newVal)) return S_FALSE; } return S_OK; }/* end of function SetDelayTime */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: get_ToolTipMaxWidth */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::get_ToolTipMaxWidth(long *pVal){
if (m_hWndTip){
*pVal = ::SendMessage(m_hWndTip, TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 0); }/* end of if statement */
return S_OK; }/* end of function get_ToolTipMaxWidth */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: put_ToolTipMaxWidth */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSMFBBtn::put_ToolTipMaxWidth(long newVal){
m_nTTMaxWidth = newVal; if (m_hWndTip){
::SendMessage(m_hWndTip, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)(INT) newVal); }/* end of if statement */
return S_OK; }/* end of function put_ToolTipMaxWidth */
/*************************************************************************/ /* End of file: MSMFBBtn.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/