* Module Name: commands.c * * Executes the users commands. * * * Created: 18-11-93 * Author: Stephen Estrop [StephenE] * * Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/ #pragma warning( once : 4201 4214 )
#define NOOLE
#include <windows.h> /* required for all Windows applications */
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "cdplayer.h"
#include "ledwnd.h"
#include "cdapi.h"
#include "scan.h"
#include "trklst.h"
#include "database.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "diskinfo.h"
* CdPlayerEjectCmd * * * * History: * 18-11-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ void CdPlayerEjectCmd( void ) { if (g_State & CD_PAUSED) { g_State &= (~(CD_PAUSED_AND_MOVED | CD_PAUSED)); }
if (g_State & CD_PLAYING) { g_State &= ~CD_PLAYING; g_State |= CD_STOPPED; }
if (EjectTheCdromDisc(g_CurrCdrom)) { g_State = (CD_NO_CD | CD_STOPPED); SetPlayButtonsEnableState(); TimeAdjustInitialize( g_CurrCdrom ); } }
* CdPlayerPlayCmd * * * * History: * 18-11-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ void CdPlayerPlayCmd( void ) { /*
** If we can't lock all the cdrom devices ** don't do anything. The user will have press ** the play button again. */ if ( LockALLTableOfContents() ) {
if (g_State & CD_LOADED ) {
if ((g_State & CD_STOPPED) && PlayCurrTrack( g_CurrCdrom )) {
g_State &= ~CD_STOPPED; g_State |= CD_PLAYING; } else if ( g_State & CD_PAUSED ) {
if ( g_State & CD_PAUSED_AND_MOVED ) {
g_State &= ~CD_PAUSED_AND_MOVED; g_State |= CD_PLAYING;
if ( SeekToCurrSecond( g_CurrCdrom ) ) {
g_State &= ~CD_PAUSED; g_State |= CD_PLAYING; } else {
g_State &= ~CD_PLAYING; }
} else if ( ResumeTheCdromDrive( g_CurrCdrom ) ) {
g_State &= ~CD_PAUSED; g_State |= CD_PLAYING; }
UpdateDisplay( DISPLAY_UPD_LED ); } } else { #if DBG
dprintf( "Failing play because NO disc loaded" ); #endif
SetPlayButtonsEnableState(); SetFocus( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_PAUSE)] ); } }
* CdPlayerPauseCmd * * * * History: * 18-11-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ void CdPlayerPauseCmd( void ) { /*
** If we can't lock all the cdrom devices ** don't do anything. The user will have press ** the pause button again. */ if ( LockALLTableOfContents() ) {
if ( g_State & CD_PLAYING ) {
if ( PauseTheCdromDrive( g_CurrCdrom ) ) {
g_State &= ~CD_PLAYING; g_State |= CD_PAUSED; } } else if ( g_State & CD_PAUSED ) {
if ( g_State & CD_PAUSED_AND_MOVED ) {
g_State &= ~CD_PAUSED_AND_MOVED; g_State |= CD_PLAYING;
if ( SeekToCurrSecond( g_CurrCdrom ) ) {
g_State &= ~CD_PAUSED; g_State |= CD_PLAYING; } else {
g_State &= ~CD_PLAYING; }
} else if ( ResumeTheCdromDrive( g_CurrCdrom ) ) {
g_State &= ~CD_PAUSED; g_State |= CD_PLAYING; }
UpdateDisplay( DISPLAY_UPD_LED ); }
SetPlayButtonsEnableState(); SetFocus( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_PLAY)] ); } }
* CdPlayerStopCmd * * * * History: * 18-11-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ void CdPlayerStopCmd( void ) { /*
** If we can't lock all the cdrom devices ** don't do anything. The user will have press ** the stop button again. */ if ( LockALLTableOfContents() ) {
BOOL bPlaying, bPaused;
bPlaying = g_State & CD_PLAYING; bPaused = g_State & CD_PAUSED;
if ( (bPlaying || bPaused) && StopTheCdromDrive(g_CurrCdrom) ) {
g_State &= ~(bPlaying ? CD_PLAYING : CD_PAUSED); g_State |= CD_STOPPED;
** Stop the current play operation and seek to the first ** playable track. */ CURRTRACK(g_CurrCdrom) = FindFirstTrack( g_CurrCdrom ); TimeAdjustSkipToTrack( g_CurrCdrom, CURRTRACK(g_CurrCdrom) );
// Stop it again!!!
// This is to prevent a strange bug with NEC 4x,6x players
// Where a SEEK command in TimeAdjustSkipToTrack causes
// The ejection mechanism to get locked.
StopTheCdromDrive (g_CurrCdrom);
** The lines below are to fix a strange bug whereby the first ** time we set the focus after starting cdplayer and cdplayer is ** not the foreground window at time of the SetFocus cdplayer ** jumps to the foreground. Most annoying! */
if (GetForegroundWindow() == g_hwndApp) { SetFocus( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_PLAY)] ); } } } }
* CdPlayerPrevTrackCmd * * * * History: * 18-11-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ void CdPlayerPrevTrackCmd( void ) { /*
** If we can't lock all the cdrom devices ** don't do anything. The user will have press ** the previous track button again. */ if ( LockALLTableOfContents() ) {
DWORD dwOldState; int i, j; PTRACK_PLAY tr;
if ( (CDTIME(g_CurrCdrom).TrackCurSec == 0) && (CDTIME(g_CurrCdrom).TrackCurMin == 0) ) {
dwOldState = g_State; i = g_CurrCdrom;
tr = FindPrevTrack( g_CurrCdrom, g_fContinuous );
if ( tr == NULL ) {
** If we were Paused or Playing fake a press on the ** "stop" button */ if ( g_State & (CD_PLAYING | CD_PAUSED) ) { SendMessage( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_STOP)], WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0L );
SendMessage( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_STOP)], WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0L ); } } else {
TimeAdjustSkipToTrack( g_CurrCdrom, tr );
if ( (i != g_CurrCdrom) && (dwOldState & CD_PLAYING) ) {
j = g_CurrCdrom; g_CurrCdrom = i; SwitchToCdrom( j, FALSE );
SendMessage( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_PLAY)], WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0L );
SendMessage( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_PLAY)], WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0L ); } } } else {
TimeAdjustSkipToTrack( g_CurrCdrom, CURRTRACK( g_CurrCdrom ) ); } } }
* CdPlayerNextTrackCmd * * * * History: * 18-11-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ void CdPlayerNextTrackCmd( void ) { /*
** If we can't lock all the cdrom devices ** don't do anything. The user will have press ** the next track button again. */ if ( LockALLTableOfContents() ) {
dwOldState = g_State;
tr = FindNextTrack( g_fContinuous ); if ( tr == NULL ) {
** If the CD is playing fake a press on the "stop" button ** otherwise call the stop function directly. */ if ( g_State & (CD_PLAYING | CD_PAUSED) ) { SendMessage( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_STOP)], WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0L );
SendMessage( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_STOP)], WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0L ); } else {
** Seek to the first playable track. */ CURRTRACK(g_CurrCdrom) = FindFirstTrack( g_CurrCdrom ); if (CURRTRACK(g_CurrCdrom) != NULL ) {
TimeAdjustSkipToTrack( g_CurrCdrom, CURRTRACK(g_CurrCdrom) ); UpdateDisplay( DISPLAY_UPD_LED | DISPLAY_UPD_TRACK_TIME | DISPLAY_UPD_TRACK_NAME );
SetPlayButtonsEnableState(); SetFocus( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_PLAY)] ); }
} } else {
if ( g_LastCdrom != g_CurrCdrom) {
SwitchToCdrom( g_CurrCdrom,FALSE); TimeAdjustSkipToTrack( g_CurrCdrom, tr );
if ( dwOldState & CD_PLAYING ) {
SendMessage( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_PLAY)], WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0L );
SendMessage( g_hwndControls[INDEX(IDM_PLAYBAR_PLAY)], WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0L ); }
} else {
TimeAdjustSkipToTrack( g_CurrCdrom, tr ); } } } }
* CdPlayerSeekCmd * * How Seek works. * * When the user presses a seek button (forwards or backwards) this function * gets called. The cdplayer can be in three possible states: * * 1. Playing * 2. Paused * 3. Stopped * * In state 1 (playing) we pause the device and alter its global state flags * to show that it was playing (CD_WAS_PLAYING). This is so that we can * return to the playing state when the user stops seeking. * * We then start a timer. We always call the timer function, this means * that we will allways skip one second no matter how quickly the user * clicks the seek button. The timer just increments (or decrements) the * current play position according to the currrent play list. When the users * releases the seek button we stop the timer and resume playing if the * CD_WAS_PLAYING flag was set. * * The interesting case is when we try to seek beyond the end of the current * play list. We detect this by testing the state of CURRTRACK(g_CurrCdrom). * If NULL we have come to the end of the play list. If we were paused or * previously playing we fake a stop command by sending a WM_LBUTTONDOWN, * WM_LBUTTONUP message pair to the stop button. This causes the focus * to be moved from the currently pressed seek button, which means that * this function will get called BEFORE the CdPlayerStopCmd function. So * by the time CdPlayerStopCmd gets called the correct playing state of * the cdrom device would have been restored by the code below. * * * History: * 18-11-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ void CdPlayerSeekCmd( HWND hwnd, BOOL fStart, UINT uDirection ) { UINT rc; BOOL frc;
if ( fStart ) {
if (g_State & CD_PLAYING) {
g_State &= ~CD_PLAYING; g_State |= CD_WAS_PLAYING;
PauseTheCdromDrive( g_CurrCdrom ); } g_State |= CD_SEEKING;
rc = SetTimer( hwnd, uDirection, SKIPBEAT_TIMER_RATE, SkipBeatTimerProc ); ASSERT(rc != 0);
SkipBeatTimerProc( hwnd, WM_TIMER, uDirection, 0L ); } else {
g_State &= ~CD_SEEKING;
if (g_State & CD_WAS_PLAYING) {
g_State &= ~CD_WAS_PLAYING; g_State |= CD_PLAYING; }
if ( g_State & CD_PAUSED ) { g_State |= CD_PAUSED_AND_MOVED; } else {
SeekToCurrSecond( g_CurrCdrom ); }
frc = KillTimer( hwnd, uDirection ); ASSERT(frc != FALSE); }
* CdDiskInfoDlg * * * * History: * dd-mm-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ void CdDiskInfoDlg( void ) { if (g_State & (CD_BEING_SCANNED | CD_IN_USE | CD_NO_CD | CD_DATA_CD_LOADED)) { MessageBeep (MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { DialogBoxParam( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_DISCINFODLG), g_hwndApp, DiskInfoDlgProc, (LPARAM)g_CurrCdrom ); } }