* * Module Name : regapi.c * * Multimedia support library * * This module contains the code for accessing the registry * * Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation * \****************************************************************************/
#define UNICODE
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <regapi.h>
#include "winmmi.h"
HANDLE Drivers32Handle; static WCHAR gszMsacmDriver[] = L"msacm.";
** Free everything cached */
VOID mmRegFree(VOID) { if (Drivers32Handle != NULL) { NtClose(Drivers32Handle); Drivers32Handle = NULL; } }
** Open a subkey */ HANDLE mmRegOpenSubkey(HANDLE BaseKeyHandle, LPCWSTR lpszSubkeyName) { UNICODE_STRING unicodeSectionName; HANDLE KeyHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeSectionName, lpszSubkeyName); InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, &unicodeSectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, BaseKeyHandle, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)NULL);
** Open the sub section */
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtOpenKey(&KeyHandle, GENERIC_READ, &oa))) { return NULL; } else { return KeyHandle; } }
** Open a subkey */ HANDLE mmRegOpenSubkeyForWrite(HANDLE BaseKeyHandle, LPCWSTR lpszSubkeyName) { UNICODE_STRING unicodeSectionName; HANDLE KeyHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeSectionName, lpszSubkeyName); InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, &unicodeSectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, BaseKeyHandle, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)NULL);
** Open the sub section */
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtOpenKey(&KeyHandle, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &oa))) { return NULL; } else { return KeyHandle; } }
** Read (small) registry data entries */
BOOL mmRegQueryValue(HANDLE BaseKeyHandle, LPCWSTR lpszSubkeyName, LPCWSTR lpszValueName, ULONG dwLen, LPWSTR lpszValue) { BOOL ReturnCode; HANDLE KeyHandle; UNICODE_STRING unicodeSectionName; UNICODE_STRING unicodeValueName; ULONG ResultLength;
struct { KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION KeyInfo; UCHAR Data[MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)]; } OurKeyValueInformation;
if (lpszSubkeyName) { KeyHandle = mmRegOpenSubkey(BaseKeyHandle, lpszSubkeyName); } else { KeyHandle = NULL; }
** Read the data */
if (lpszValueName == NULL) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeValueName, TEXT("")); } else { RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeValueName, lpszValueName); }
ReturnCode = NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryValueKey(KeyHandle == NULL ? BaseKeyHandle : KeyHandle, &unicodeValueName, KeyValuePartialInformation, (PVOID)&OurKeyValueInformation, sizeof(OurKeyValueInformation), &ResultLength));
if (ReturnCode) { /*
** Check we got the right type of data and not too much */
if (OurKeyValueInformation.KeyInfo.DataLength > dwLen * sizeof(WCHAR) || (OurKeyValueInformation.KeyInfo.Type != REG_SZ && OurKeyValueInformation.KeyInfo.Type != REG_EXPAND_SZ)) {
ReturnCode = FALSE; } else { /*
** Copy back the data */
if (OurKeyValueInformation.KeyInfo.Type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { lpszValue[0] = TEXT('\0'); ExpandEnvironmentStringsW ((LPCWSTR)OurKeyValueInformation.KeyInfo.Data, (LPWSTR)lpszValue, dwLen); } else { CopyMemory((PVOID)lpszValue, (PVOID)OurKeyValueInformation.KeyInfo.Data, dwLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); lpszValue[ min(OurKeyValueInformation.KeyInfo.DataLength, dwLen-1) ] = TEXT('\0'); } } }
if (KeyHandle) { NtClose(KeyHandle); }
return ReturnCode; }
** Read a mapped 'user' value in a known section */
BOOL mmRegQueryUserValue(LPCWSTR lpszSectionName, LPCWSTR lpszValueName, ULONG dwLen, LPWSTR lpszValue) { HANDLE UserHandle; BOOL ReturnCode;
** Open the user's key. It's important to do this EACH time because ** on the server it's different for different threads. */
if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlOpenCurrentUser(GENERIC_READ, &UserHandle))) { return FALSE; }
ReturnCode = mmRegQueryValue(UserHandle, lpszSectionName, lpszValueName, dwLen, lpszValue);
return ReturnCode; }
** Set a mapped 'user' value in a known section */
BOOL mmRegSetUserValue(LPCWSTR lpszSectionName, LPCWSTR lpszValueName, LPCWSTR lpszValue) { HANDLE UserHandle; BOOL ReturnCode = FALSE;
** Open the user's key. It's important to do this EACH time because ** on the server it's different for different threads. */
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlOpenCurrentUser(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &UserHandle))) { HANDLE KeyHandle;
KeyHandle = mmRegOpenSubkeyForWrite (UserHandle, lpszSectionName); if (KeyHandle != NULL) { UNICODE_STRING ValueName; if (lpszValueName == NULL) { RtlInitUnicodeString (&ValueName, TEXT("")); } else { RtlInitUnicodeString (&ValueName, lpszValueName); }
ReturnCode = NT_SUCCESS( NtSetValueKey (KeyHandle, &ValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (PVOID)lpszValue, (lstrlenW(lpszValue)+1)* sizeof(lpszValue[0]) ) ); NtClose(KeyHandle); }
NtClose(UserHandle); }
return ReturnCode; }
BOOL mmRegCreateUserKey (LPCWSTR lpszPath, LPCWSTR lpszNewKey) { HANDLE UserHandle; BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE;
** Open the user's key. It's important to do this EACH time because ** on the server it's different for different threads. */
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlOpenCurrentUser(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &UserHandle))) { HANDLE PathHandle; HANDLE KeyHandle; UNICODE_STRING unicodeSectionName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa;
if (lpszPath == NULL) { PathHandle = NULL; } else { PathHandle = mmRegOpenSubkeyForWrite (UserHandle, lpszPath); if (PathHandle == NULL) { NtClose(UserHandle); return FALSE; } }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeSectionName, lpszNewKey); InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, &unicodeSectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, (PathHandle == NULL) ? UserHandle : PathHandle, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)NULL);
** Create the sub section */
if (NT_SUCCESS( NtCreateKey(&KeyHandle, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &oa, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ) )) { if (KeyHandle) { ReturnValue = TRUE; NtClose (KeyHandle); } }
if (PathHandle != NULL) { NtClose(PathHandle); }
NtClose(UserHandle); }
return ReturnValue; }
** Test whether a mapped 'user' key exists */
BOOL mmRegQueryUserKey (LPCWSTR lpszKeyName) { HANDLE UserHandle; BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE;
if (lpszKeyName == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlOpenCurrentUser(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &UserHandle))) { HANDLE KeyHandle;
KeyHandle = mmRegOpenSubkeyForWrite (UserHandle, lpszKeyName); if (KeyHandle != NULL) { ReturnValue = TRUE; NtClose(KeyHandle); }
NtClose(UserHandle); }
return ReturnValue; }
** Delete a mapped 'user' key. Careful--this function deletes recursively! */
#define nMaxLevelsToRecurseInDELETEKEY 3 // don't runaway or stack fault
BOOL mmRegDeleteUserKeyRecurse (HANDLE UserHandle, LPCWSTR lpszName, int level) { HANDLE KeyHandle;
if (lpszName == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (level > nMaxLevelsToRecurseInDELETEKEY) { return FALSE; }
if ((KeyHandle = mmRegOpenSubkeyForWrite (UserHandle, lpszName)) != NULL) { struct { KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION kbi; WCHAR NameBuffer [MAX_PATH]; } kbi;
** Before NtDeleteKey() will work on this key, we have to ensure ** there are no subkeys. */
while (TRUE) { ULONG cbReturned = 0L; WCHAR szSubKeyName[ MAX_PATH ];
ZeroMemory (&kbi, sizeof(kbi));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtEnumerateKey(KeyHandle, 0, KeyBasicInformation, (PVOID)&kbi, sizeof(kbi), &cbReturned))) { break; }
wsprintf (szSubKeyName, L"%ls\\%ls", lpszName, kbi.kbi.Name);
if (!mmRegDeleteUserKeyRecurse (UserHandle, szSubKeyName, 1+level)) { NtClose (KeyHandle); return FALSE; } }
** Once there are no subkeys, we should be able to delete this key. */
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtDeleteKey(KeyHandle))) { NtClose(KeyHandle); return TRUE; }
NtClose(KeyHandle); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL mmRegDeleteUserKey (LPCWSTR lpszKeyName) { HANDLE UserHandle; BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE;
if (lpszKeyName == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlOpenCurrentUser(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &UserHandle))) { ReturnValue = mmRegDeleteUserKeyRecurse (UserHandle, lpszKeyName, 1);
NtClose(UserHandle); }
return ReturnValue; }
** Read a mapped 'HKLM' value in a known section */
BOOL mmRegQueryMachineValue(LPCWSTR lpszSectionName, LPCWSTR lpszValueName, ULONG dwLen, LPWSTR lpszValue) { WCHAR FullKeyName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE HostHandle; BOOL ReturnCode = FALSE;
lstrcpyW (FullKeyName, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\"); wcsncat (FullKeyName, lpszSectionName, (MAX_PATH - wcslen(FullKeyName) - 1));
if ((HostHandle = mmRegOpenSubkey (NULL, FullKeyName)) != NULL) { ReturnCode = mmRegQueryValue (HostHandle, lpszSectionName, lpszValueName, dwLen, lpszValue);
NtClose (HostHandle); }
return ReturnCode; }
** Write a mapped 'HKLM' value in a known section */
BOOL mmRegSetMachineValue(LPCWSTR lpszSectionName, LPCWSTR lpszValueName, LPCWSTR lpszValue) { WCHAR FullKeyName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE HostHandle; BOOL ReturnCode = FALSE;
lstrcpyW (FullKeyName, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\"); wcsncat (FullKeyName, lpszSectionName, (MAX_PATH - wcslen(FullKeyName) - 1));
if ((HostHandle = mmRegOpenSubkeyForWrite (NULL, FullKeyName)) != NULL) { UNICODE_STRING ValueName; if (lpszValueName == NULL) { RtlInitUnicodeString (&ValueName, TEXT("")); } else { RtlInitUnicodeString (&ValueName, lpszValueName); }
ReturnCode = NT_SUCCESS( NtSetValueKey (HostHandle, &ValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (PVOID)lpszValue, (lstrlenW(lpszValue)+1)* sizeof(lpszValue[0]) ) );
NtClose(HostHandle); }
return ReturnCode; }
BOOL mmRegCreateMachineKey (LPCWSTR lpszPath, LPCWSTR lpszNewKey) { WCHAR FullKeyName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE HostHandle; BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE;
lstrcpyW (FullKeyName, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\"); wcsncat (FullKeyName, lpszPath, (MAX_PATH - wcslen(FullKeyName) - 1));
if ((HostHandle = mmRegOpenSubkeyForWrite (NULL, FullKeyName)) != NULL) { HANDLE KeyHandle; UNICODE_STRING unicodeSectionName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeSectionName, lpszNewKey); InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, &unicodeSectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, HostHandle, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)NULL);
** Create the sub section */
if (NT_SUCCESS( NtCreateKey(&KeyHandle, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &oa, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ) )) { if (KeyHandle) { ReturnValue = TRUE; NtClose (KeyHandle); } }
NtClose(HostHandle); }
return ReturnValue; }
** Read stuff from system.ini */
BOOL mmRegQuerySystemIni(LPCWSTR lpszSectionName, LPCWSTR lpszValueName, ULONG dwLen, LPWSTR lpszValue) { WCHAR KeyPathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR ExKeyPathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
** Create the full path */
lstrcpy(KeyPathBuffer, (LPCTSTR) L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\");
wcsncat(KeyPathBuffer, lpszSectionName, (MAX_PATH - wcslen(KeyPathBuffer) - 1));
if (lstrcmpiW(lpszSectionName, wszDrivers) == 0) {
// for remote session, look ..\terminal Server\RDP (or other protocols) for drivers32
// name
if (WinmmRunningInSession) { lstrcat(KeyPathBuffer,L"\\"); lstrcat(KeyPathBuffer, REG_TSERVER); lstrcat(KeyPathBuffer,L"\\"); lstrcat(KeyPathBuffer, SessionProtocolName); }
if (Drivers32Handle == NULL) { Drivers32Handle = mmRegOpenSubkey(NULL, KeyPathBuffer); }
if (Drivers32Handle != NULL) { BOOL rc;
rc = mmRegQueryValue(Drivers32Handle, NULL, lpszValueName, dwLen, lpszValue);
// If we can't find the codec in the TermSrv protocol path
// we will look under Driver32 next
if (rc == FALSE && WinmmRunningInSession && _wcsnicmp(lpszValueName, gszMsacmDriver, lstrlen(gszMsacmDriver)) == 0) { HANDLE hKey;
** Create the full path */ lstrcpy(KeyPathBuffer, (LPCTSTR) L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\"); lstrcat(KeyPathBuffer, lpszSectionName);
hKey = mmRegOpenSubkey(NULL, KeyPathBuffer);
if (hKey != NULL) { rc = mmRegQueryValue(hKey, NULL, lpszValueName, dwLen, lpszValue);
RegCloseKey(hKey); return rc;
} else { return FALSE; } } else { return rc; } } else { return FALSE; } }
if (WinmmRunningInSession) { if (lstrcmpiW(lpszSectionName, MCI_SECTION) == 0) {
memset(ExKeyPathBuffer, 0 , sizeof(ExKeyPathBuffer)); lstrcpy(ExKeyPathBuffer, KeyPathBuffer); lstrcat(ExKeyPathBuffer,L"\\"); lstrcat(ExKeyPathBuffer, REG_TSERVER); lstrcat(ExKeyPathBuffer,L"\\"); lstrcat(ExKeyPathBuffer, SessionProtocolName);
/* look through terminal server section for drivers information first */ if (mmRegQueryValue(NULL, ExKeyPathBuffer, lpszValueName, dwLen, lpszValue)) return TRUE; else { /* pick the system default drivers information */ return mmRegQueryValue(NULL, KeyPathBuffer, lpszValueName, dwLen, lpszValue); } } }
return mmRegQueryValue(NULL, KeyPathBuffer, lpszValueName, dwLen, lpszValue); }
** Translate name through sounds section */
BOOL mmRegQuerySound(LPCWSTR lpszSoundName, ULONG dwLen, LPWSTR lpszValue) { WCHAR KeyPathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy(KeyPathBuffer, (LPCWSTR)L"Control Panel\\"); lstrcat(KeyPathBuffer, szSoundSection);
return mmRegQueryUserValue(KeyPathBuffer, lpszSoundName, dwLen, lpszValue); }
BOOL IsAliasName(LPCWSTR lpSection, LPCWSTR lpKeyName) {
if ((!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"wave", 4)) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"midi", 4)) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"aux", 3 )) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"mixer",5)) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"msacm",5)) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"vidc",4)) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"midimapper", 10)) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"wavemapper", 10)) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"auxmapper", 9 )) || (!wcsncmp(lpKeyName, L"mixermapper", 11))) { return TRUE; } else { if (lstrcmpiW( lpSection, (LPCWSTR)MCI_HANDLERS) == 0L) { UINT n = lstrlen(lpKeyName); for (; n > 0; n--) { // Found a '.' which implies and extension, which implies a
// file.
if ('.' == lpKeyName[n-1]) { return FALSE; } } // Searched the string for '.'.
// None so it is an alias (that is -- not filename)
return TRUE; } if (lstrcmpiW( lpSection, (LPCWSTR)wszDrivers) == 0L) { WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; // It could be something REALLY off the wall, like "ReelDrv"
return (mmRegQuerySystemIni(lpSection, lpKeyName, MAX_PATH, szFileName)); } return FALSE; } }
* MyGetPrivateProfileString * * Attempt to bypass stevewo's private profile stuff. * * History: * dd-mm-93 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ DWORD winmmGetPrivateProfileString( LPCWSTR lpSection, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, LPCWSTR lpDefault, LPWSTR lpReturnedString, DWORD nSize, LPCWSTR lpFileName ) { WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH];
** for now just look for to the [Drivers32] section of system.ini */
if ( (lstrcmpiW( lpFileName, wszSystemIni ) == 0L) && ( ( lstrcmpiW( lpSection, wszDrivers ) == 0L ) || ( lstrcmpiW( lpSection, (LPCWSTR)MCI_HANDLERS) == 0L ) ) ) {
if (IsAliasName(lpSection, lpKeyName)) { if (mmRegQuerySystemIni(lpSection, lpKeyName, nSize, lpReturnedString)) { return lstrlen(lpReturnedString); } else { return 0; } } else { UINT ii; HANDLE hFile;
lstrcpyW(szFileName, lpKeyName);
for (ii = 0; 0 != szFileName[ii]; ii++) { if(' ' == szFileName[ii]) { // Truncate parameters...
szFileName[ii] = 0; break; } }
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { CloseHandle(hFile); wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, lpKeyName, nSize); return (lstrlenW(lpKeyName)); } else { // Okay was it a full file path?
for(ii = 0; 0 != szFileName[ii]; ii++) { if ('\\' == szFileName[ii]) { // Probably...
break; } }
if ('\\' != szFileName[ii]) { WCHAR szStub[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pszFilePart; lstrcpyW(szStub, lpKeyName); for(ii = 0; 0 != szStub[ii]; ii++) { if(' ' == szStub[ii]) { // Truncate parameters...
szStub[ii] = 0; break; } } if (!SearchPathW(NULL, szStub, NULL, MAX_PATH, szFileName, &pszFilePart)) { return (0); }
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { CloseHandle(hFile); wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, lpKeyName, nSize); return (lstrlenW(lpKeyName)); } } }
if (lpDefault != NULL) { wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, lpDefault, nSize); } return 0; } } else {
return GetPrivateProfileStringW( lpSection, lpKeyName, lpDefault, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName );
} }
DWORD winmmGetProfileString( LPCWSTR lpAppName, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, LPCWSTR lpDefault, LPWSTR lpReturnedString, DWORD nSize ) {
** See if it's one we know about */
if (lstrcmpiW(lpAppName, szSoundSection) == 0) {
if (mmRegQuerySound(lpKeyName, nSize, lpReturnedString)) { return lstrlen(lpReturnedString); } else { if (lpDefault != NULL) { wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, lpDefault, nSize); } return FALSE; } } else { return GetProfileString(lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpDefault, lpReturnedString, nSize); } }