* Module Name: glscrnsv.c * * Companion file to scrnsave.c. Hooks out any changes in functionality * defined as GL_SCRNSAVE in scrnsave.c, and does general intialization. * * Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "scrnsave.h"
#include "glscrnsv.h"
#include "ssintrnl.hxx"
#include "sswindow.hxx"
#include "glscrnsv.hxx"
#include "sswproc.hxx"
static UINT (*KeyDownFunc)(int) = NULL;
// Global ptr to screen saver instance
// Global strings.
#define GEN_STRING_SIZE 64
TCHAR szScreenSaverTitle[GEN_STRING_SIZE]; LPCTSTR pszWindowClass = TEXT("WindowsScreenSaverClass"); // main class name
LPCTSTR pszChildWindowClass = TEXT("ScreenSaverClass"); // child class name
// forward declarations of internal fns
static BOOL RegisterMainClass( WNDPROC wndProc, HBRUSH hbrBg, HCURSOR hCursor ); static BOOL RegisterChildClass(); static BOOL AttemptResolutionSwitch( int width, int height, ISIZE *pNewSize );
// externs
extern void InitRealScreenSave(); // scrnsave.cxx
extern LRESULT WINAPI RealScreenSaverProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); extern VOID UnloadPwdDLL(VOID); extern BOOL GLScreenSaverConfigureDialog( HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); // sswproc.cxx
static void InitialClear( PSSW *pssw ); #endif
* GLDoScreenSave * * Runs the screen saver in the specified mode * * GL version of DoScreenSave in scrnsave.c * * Does basic init, creates initial set of windows, and starts the message * loop, which runs until terminated by some event. * \**************************************************************************/
static INT_PTR GLDoScreenSave( int winType, LPARAM lParam ) { MSG msg;
// Create screen saver instance - this calls ss_Init()
SCRNSAVE ss( winType, lParam );
// Setup all the windows and start the message loop
if( ss.SetupInitialWindows() ) { // Send message to main window to start the drawing timer
// Kluge to work around 'window-not-ready' problem in child
// preview mode - trigger off of WM_PAINT instead
if( ! SS_DELAY_START(winType) ) SendMessage( ss.psswMain->hwnd, SS_WM_START, 0, 0 ); #else
SendMessage( ss.psswMain->hwnd, SS_WM_START, 0, 0 ); #endif // SS_DELAYED_START_KLUGE
while( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } }
// We're done - screen saver exiting.
// free password-handling DLL if loaded
return msg.wParam; }
* SCRNSAVE constructors * \**************************************************************************/
SCRNSAVE::SCRNSAVE( int typeArg, LPARAM lParam ) : type( typeArg ), initParam( lParam ) { Init(); }
SCRNSAVE::SCRNSAVE( int typeArg ) : type(typeArg) { initParam = 0; Init(); }
void SCRNSAVE::Init() { psswMain = NULL; psswGL = NULL; bResSwitch = FALSE; pssc = NULL; pssPal = NULL; flags = 0; #ifdef SS_DEBUG
bDoTiming = type == SS_TYPE_NORMAL ? TRUE : FALSE; #endif
// Global ptr to the screen saver instance
gpss = this;
// Platform detections
// Initialize randomizer
// Disable message boxes in GLAUX
// Create multi-purpose black bg brush
hbrBg = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH );
// Call client ss's init function, to get ptr to its configuration
// request
if( type == SS_TYPE_CONFIG ) { // This case handled differently
return; }
pssc = ss_Init(); SS_ASSERT( pssc, "SCRNSAVE constructor failure\n" );
// Set GL config structure from pssc
GLc.pfFlags = 0; GLc.hrc = 0; GLc.pStretch = NULL; switch( pssc->depthType ) { case SS_DEPTH16 : GLc.pfFlags |= SS_DEPTH16_BIT; break; case SS_DEPTH32 : GLc.pfFlags |= SS_DEPTH32_BIT; break; } if( pssc->bDoubleBuf ) GLc.pfFlags |= SS_DOUBLEBUF_BIT; if( pssc->bStretch ) GLc.pStretch = &pssc->stretchInfo;
* SetupInitialWindows * * Create / Configure all required windows. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL SCRNSAVE::SetupInitialWindows() { // Create the windows
if( ! CreateInitialWindows() ) { SS_WARNING( "SCRNSAVE:: Couldn't create windows\n" ); return FALSE; }
// Initial window clear
//mf: doesn't seem to be necessary now...
if( type == SS_TYPE_PREVIEW ) { // Make sure the screen is cleared to black before we start drawing
// anything, as sometimes the background WM_PAINT doesn't get to us right
// away. This is only a problem in preview mode
psswMain->GdiClear(); } #endif
// Configure and Init the windows, if applicable
// delay start for some configurations
if( ! SS_DELAY_START(type) ) { SendMessage( psswMain->hwnd, SS_WM_INITGL, 0, 0 ); } #else
SendMessage( psswMain->hwnd, SS_WM_INITGL, 0, 0 ); #endif // SS_DELAYED_START_KLUGE
return TRUE; }
* CreateInitialWindows * * Create the intitial set of windows. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL SCRNSAVE::CreateInitialWindows() { PSSW pssw; UINT uStyle; UINT uExStyle; LPCTSTR pszWindowTitle;
if( !pssc ) return FALSE;
// Handle any request for resolution change
if( pssc->bStretch && (type == SS_TYPE_FULLSCREEN) && (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS) == 1) ) {
STRETCH_INFO *pStretch = &pssc->stretchInfo; ISIZE newSize;
// Try and change screen resolution to match stretch size
bResSwitch = AttemptResolutionSwitch( pStretch->baseWidth, pStretch->baseHeight, &newSize ); // Is stretching still necessary if resolution changed ?
if( bResSwitch ) { if( (newSize.width == pStretch->baseWidth) && (newSize.height == pStretch->baseHeight) ) // exact match, no stretching now necessary
pssc->bStretch = FALSE; } } #endif
// Currently the bitmaps used in stretch mode don't support palette
// messages, so disable any stretching when in PREVIEW mode (where we
// need to support palette interaction).
// mf: actually this is only a consideration in 8-bit mode...
if( (type == SS_TYPE_PREVIEW) && pssc->bStretch ) pssc->bStretch = FALSE;
// Create the main ss window
if( ! CreateMainWindow() ) return FALSE;
// If main window is transparent, can do an initial clear here before
// any other windows are created or palettes modified
// This is bogus on NT, as system switches to secure desktop when screen
// saver kicks in automatically.
InitialClear( pssw ); #endif
// For now, simple window environment is described by pssc, so things
// like bFloater and bStretch are mutually exclusive.
SS_GL_CONFIG *pGLc = &gpss->GLc;
if( pssc->bFloater ) {
if( !(pssw = CreateChildWindow( &pssc->floaterInfo )) ) return FALSE;
pssw->pGLc = pGLc; psswGL = pssw; // support old-style
} else { psswMain->pGLc = pGLc; psswGL = psswMain; // support old-style
return TRUE; }
* NormalWindowScreenSaverProc * * Highest level window proc, used only in normal window (/w) mode. * \**************************************************************************/
LRESULT WINAPI NormalWindowScreenSaverProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch( uMsg ) { case WM_SETTEXT: // RealScreenSaverProc won't allow this - bypass it
return ScreenSaverProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
case WM_CHAR: if( KeyDownFunc ) { int key = (int)wParam; (*KeyDownFunc)(key); } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: if( wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) { PostMessage( hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0l ); break; } else if( KeyDownFunc ) { (*KeyDownFunc)((int)wParam); return 0; } return 0; // ??
default: break; }
return RealScreenSaverProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); }
* DoScreenSave * * Hooked out version of DoScreenSave in standard scrnsave.c * \**************************************************************************/
INT_PTR DoScreenSave( HWND hwndParent ) { return GLDoScreenSave( hwndParent ? SS_TYPE_PREVIEW : SS_TYPE_FULLSCREEN, (LPARAM) hwndParent ); }
* DoWindowedScreenSave * * Called when screen saver invoked with /w (window mode) parameter * \**************************************************************************/
INT_PTR DoWindowedScreenSave( LPCTSTR szArgs ) { return GLDoScreenSave( SS_TYPE_NORMAL, (LPARAM) szArgs ); }
* DoConfigBox * * Hooked out version of DoConfigBox in standard scrnsave.c * \**************************************************************************/
INT_PTR DoConfigBox( HWND hwndParent ) { // let the consumer register any special controls for the dialog
if( !RegisterDialogClasses( hMainInstance ) ) return FALSE;
// Create screen saver instance
int retVal = (int)DialogBox( hMainInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( DLG_SCRNSAVECONFIGURE ), hwndParent, (DLGPROC)GLScreenSaverConfigureDialog );
return retVal; }
* CreateMainWindow * * Creates main screen saver window based on the window type * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL SCRNSAVE::CreateMainWindow() { WNDPROC wndProc; ISIZE size; UINT uStyle = 0; UINT uExStyle = 0; IPOINT2D pos; LPCTSTR pszWindowTitle; HCURSOR hCursor = NULL; HBRUSH hbrBgMain; PSSW pssw; BOOL bFailed; HWND hwndParent = NULL; int nx, ny; // window origin
int ncx, ncy; // window size
wndProc = RealScreenSaverProc;
switch( type ) { case SS_TYPE_FULLSCREEN: { HWND hOther;
// Get origin and size of virtual desktop
nx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN ); ny = GetSystemMetrics( SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN ); ncx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN ); ncy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN ); //#define SS_FULLSCREEN_DEBUG 1
// Reduce window size so we can see debugger
ncx >>= 1; ncy >>= 1; #endif
pszWindowTitle = TEXT("Screen Saver"); // MUST differ from preview
// if there is another NORMAL screen save instance, switch to it
hOther = FindWindow( pszWindowClass, pszWindowTitle );
if( hOther && IsWindow( hOther ) ) { SS_DBGINFO( "SCRNSAVE::CreateMainWindow : Switching to other ss instance\n" ); SetForegroundWindow( hOther ); return FALSE; }
InitRealScreenSave(); } break;
case SS_TYPE_PREVIEW: { RECT rcParent;
hwndParent = (HWND) initParam;
GetClientRect( hwndParent, &rcParent ); fChildPreview = TRUE; ncx = rcParent.right; ncy = rcParent.bottom; nx = 0; ny = 0; uStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
pszWindowTitle = TEXT("Preview"); // MUST differ from full screen
} break;
{ // We set fChildPreview even when we're running in a normal window,
// as this flag is used in scrnsave.c to differentiate from full
// screen.
fChildPreview = TRUE;
// init size to half of (primary) screen by default
ncx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) >> 1; ncy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) >> 1; nx = 0; ny = 0;
if( initParam ) { // get size of window from args
LPCTSTR szArgs = (LPCTSTR) initParam; //mf: not yet implemented
} LoadString(hMainInstance, IDS_DESCRIPTION, szScreenSaverTitle, sizeof(szScreenSaverTitle) / sizeof(TCHAR)); pszWindowTitle = szScreenSaverTitle; // MUST differ from preview
hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
// Wrap RealScreenSaverProc
wndProc = NormalWindowScreenSaverProc; } break;
default: break; }
size.width = ncx; size.height = ncy; pos.x = nx; pos.y = ny;
// Create SSW window wrapper
pssw = new SSW( NULL, // parent
&size, &pos, FALSE, // bMotion
NULL // ChildSizeFunc
); if( !pssw ) return FALSE;
// Initialize the window class and create the window
hbrBgMain = NULL; #else
hbrBgMain = hbrBg; #endif
if( !RegisterMainClass ( wndProc, hbrBgMain, hCursor ) ||
!pssw->CreateSSWindow ( hMainInstance, uStyle, uExStyle, pszWindowTitle, wndProc, pszWindowClass, hwndParent // mf: ! hwndParentOverride
) ) { delete pssw; return FALSE; }
if( type != SS_TYPE_PREVIEW ) #ifndef SS_DEBUG
SetForegroundWindow( pssw->hwnd ); #else
{ if( !SetForegroundWindow( pssw->hwnd ) ) SS_DBGPRINT( "Main_Proc: SetForegroundWindow failed\n" ); } #endif
// Always configure the main window for gdi
psswMain = pssw; return TRUE; }
* CreateChildWindow * * Creates a child window of the parent window * * This is a kind of wrapper-constructor \**************************************************************************/
PSSW SCRNSAVE::CreateChildWindow( FLOATER_INFO *pFloater ) { pFloater->bSubWindow = FALSE; // default is no logical subwin's
// Register child window class
// This only has to be done once, since so far, all child window
// classes are the same
if( !pFloater->bSubWindow && !RegisterChildClass() ) return NULL;
return CreateChildWindow( psswMain, pFloater ); }
PSSW SCRNSAVE::CreateChildWindow( PSSW psswParent, FLOATER_INFO *pFloater ) { UINT uStyle = 0; UINT uExStyle = 0; PSSW pssw;
// Size and position are NULL here, as the SSW will call the size
// function callback in pFloater to get these and other values
// Create the SSW window wrapper
pssw = new SSW( psswParent, // parent
NULL, // size
NULL, // position
pFloater->bMotion, pFloater->ChildSizeFunc ); if( !pssw ) return NULL;
if( pFloater->bSubWindow ) // Don't need to create win32 window
return pssw;
// Create a window
if( !pssw->CreateSSWindow ( hMainInstance, uStyle, 0, // uExStyle
szScreenSaverTitle , SS_ScreenSaverProc, pszChildWindowClass, NULL // hwndParentOverride
) ) { delete pssw; return NULL; }
return pssw; }
* RegisterMainClass * * Registers class of the main SS window \**************************************************************************/
static BOOL RegisterMainClass( WNDPROC wndProc, HBRUSH hbrBg, HCURSOR hCursor ) { WNDCLASS cls;
cls.style = CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS | CS_OWNDC; cls.lpfnWndProc = wndProc; cls.cbClsExtra = 0; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.hInstance = hMainInstance; cls.hIcon = LoadIcon( hMainInstance, MAKEINTATOM( ID_APP ) ); cls.hCursor = hCursor; cls.hbrBackground = hbrBg; cls.lpszMenuName = (LPTSTR)NULL; cls.lpszClassName = (LPTSTR)pszWindowClass; return RegisterClass(&cls); }
* RegisterChildClass * * Registers class of a standard child window \**************************************************************************/
static BOOL RegisterChildClass() { static BOOL bRegistered = FALSE;
if( bRegistered ) return TRUE;
cls.style = CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW; cls.lpfnWndProc = SS_ScreenSaverProc; cls.cbClsExtra = 0; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.hInstance = hMainInstance; cls.hIcon = NULL; cls.hCursor = NULL; cls.hbrBackground = NULL; cls.lpszMenuName = (LPTSTR)NULL; cls.lpszClassName = pszChildWindowClass;
if( !RegisterClass(&cls) ) return FALSE;
// success
bRegistered = TRUE; return TRUE; }
* AttemptResolutionSwitch * * Try doing resolution switching to match or get close to the desired size. * \**************************************************************************/
static BOOL AttemptResolutionSwitch( int width, int height, ISIZE *pNewSize ) { BOOL bChanged = FALSE;
// Try doing resolution switching to match or get close to the
// desired width and height
// Try switching to requested size
#if 0
//mf: not ready for prime time
if( ss_ChangeDisplaySettings( width, height, 0 ) ) { #else
if( 0 ) { // for now force failure of user request and try standard 640x480
bChanged = TRUE; } else { // Can't switch to requested size, try for best match
// mf: !!! for now, let's play it safe and just try 640x480.
width = 640; height = 480; // If screen already this size or less, leave be
if( (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) <= width) && (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) <= height) ) return FALSE;
//mf: use this when trying for best match
// ss_QueryDisplaySettings();
if( ss_ChangeDisplaySettings( width, height, 0 ) ) bChanged = TRUE; }
if( bChanged ) { pNewSize->width = width; pNewSize->height = height; } return bChanged; }
static void InitialClear( PSSW *pssw ) { ss_GdiRectWipeClear( pssw->hwnd, pssw->size.width, pssw->size.height ); } #endif // SS_INITIAL_CLEAR
* CloseWindows * * Close down any open windows. * * This sends a WM_CLOSE message to the top-level window if it is still open. If * the window has any children, they are also closed. For each window, the * SSW destructor is called. \**************************************************************************/
void SCRNSAVE::CloseWindows() { if( psswMain ) { if( psswMain->bOwnWindow ) DestroyWindow( psswMain->hwnd ); else delete psswMain; } }
* SCRNSAVE destructor * \**************************************************************************/
SCRNSAVE::~SCRNSAVE() { // Close any open windows (there might be some open if errors occurred)
if( bResSwitch ) { // Restore previous display settings
ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, CDS_FULLSCREEN); }
gpss = NULL; }