* Module Name: font.c * * Font and text handling for the OpenGL-based 3D Text screen saver. * * Created: 12-24-94 -by- Marc Fortier [marcfo] * * Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <ptypes32.h>
#include <pwin32.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <float.h> // for FLT_MAX
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "sscommon.h"
#include "sstext3d.h"
#ifndef UNICODE
// Support dbcs characters (this is a patch)
static LISTENTRY* FindExtendedLUTEntry( TCHAR c, WglFontContext *pwfc ); static BOOL UpdateReducedFontList( TCHAR c, LISTENTRY *ple, WglFontContext *pwfc ); #ifdef SS_DBCS_SUPPORT
static BOOL UpdateReducedFontListDBCS( DWORD c, LISTENTRY *ple, WglFontContext *pwfc ); #endif
static void DeleteExtendedLUTTableEntries( WglFontContext *pwfc ); static void DeleteDirectLUTTableEntries( WglFontContext *pwfc ); static void DeleteLUTEntry( LISTENTRY *ple );
* CreateWglFontContext * * Create a WglFontContext. * * Initializes the look-up-table memory for characters. * The first half of this table is a direct look-up, using the char value. * The second half is used for unicode chars that are >256, and must be * searched sequentially. * \**************************************************************************/
WglFontContext * CreateWglFontContext( HDC hdc, int type, float fExtrusion, float fChordalDeviation ) { WglFontContext *pwfc;
pwfc = (WglFontContext *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WglFontContext) ); if( !pwfc ) { SS_ALLOC_FAILURE( "CreateWglFontContext" ); return NULL; }
pwfc->hdc = hdc; pwfc->type = type; pwfc->extrusion = fExtrusion; pwfc->chordalDeviation = fChordalDeviation;
if( !pwfc->listLUT ) { LocalFree( pwfc ); SS_ALLOC_FAILURE( "CreateWglFontContext" ); return NULL; }
pwfc->LUTIndex = 0;
return pwfc; }
* DeleteWglFontContext * * Delete a WglFontContext. * \**************************************************************************/
void DeleteWglFontContext( WglFontContext *pwfc ) { if( !pwfc ) return;
// Delete the extended lut table entries
DeleteExtendedLUTTableEntries( pwfc );
// Delete the direct lut table entries
DeleteDirectLUTTableEntries( pwfc ); if( pwfc->listLUT ) LocalFree( pwfc->listLUT );
LocalFree( pwfc ); }
* DeleteExtendedLUTTablEntries * \**************************************************************************/
static void DeleteExtendedLUTTableEntries( WglFontContext *pwfc ) { int i; LISTENTRY *ple = pwfc->listLUT + MAX_DIRECT_LUT;
for( i = 0; i < pwfc->LUTIndex; i ++, ple++ ) DeleteLUTEntry( ple );
pwfc->LUTIndex = 0; }
* DeleteDirectLUTTablEntries * \**************************************************************************/
static void DeleteDirectLUTTableEntries( WglFontContext *pwfc ) { int i; LISTENTRY *ple = pwfc->listLUT;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_DIRECT_LUT; i ++, ple++ ) DeleteLUTEntry( ple ); }
* DeleteLUTEntry * \**************************************************************************/
static void DeleteLUTEntry( LISTENTRY *ple ) { if( ple->listNum ) { glDeleteLists( ple->listNum, 1 ); ple->listNum = 0; } if( ple->lpgmf ) { LocalFree( ple->lpgmf ); ple->lpgmf = NULL; } ple->glyph = 0; }
* ConvertStringToList * * - Translate the string into display list numbers * - If no entry in the list table, update the table * \**************************************************************************/ void ConvertStringToList( LPTSTR pszSrc, USHORT *usDst, WglFontContext *pwfc ) { int strLen; LISTENTRY *ple; TCHAR c; TUCHAR cindex; // use unsigned TCHAR for table indexing
BOOL bIsLeadByte; #endif
if( !pwfc ) return;
/* Go thru the string, making sure every char has a display list
* Copy the display list # into usDst */
strLen = lstrlen( pszSrc ); if( strLen > TEXT_BUF_SIZE ) strLen = TEXT_BUF_SIZE;
/* Check for possible overflow with the extended LUT section, and
* invalidate the extended LUT if so */ if( pwfc->LUTIndex ) { int roomLeft; // spaces left in extended lut table
roomLeft = SIZE_LIST_LUT - (pwfc->LUTIndex + MAX_DIRECT_LUT +1); if( roomLeft < strLen ) { /* If none of the characters in this string have entries in the
* table, we'll run out of room. Assume the worst, invalidate * the whole table, and start over again. */ DeleteExtendedLUTTableEntries( pwfc ); } }
for( ; strLen; strLen--, pszSrc++ ) { c = *pszSrc; cindex = (TUCHAR) c;
// see if char already has cmd list entry - if not, create it
bIsLeadByte = IsDBCSLeadByte(cindex); if( !bIsLeadByte && (cindex < MAX_DIRECT_LUT) ) { // direct LUT
if( cindex < MAX_DIRECT_LUT ) { // direct LUT entry
ple = &pwfc->listLUT[cindex]; if( !ple->listNum ) { // have to create new cmd list for this glyph
if( ! UpdateReducedFontList( c, ple, pwfc ) ) { DeleteLUTEntry( ple ); continue; } } } else { // extended LUT entry
DWORD dwChar; if( bIsLeadByte ) { // Iterate over the lead byte
pszSrc++; strLen--; c = *pszSrc; // Setup the double byte word so that :
// High byte is the lead byte
// Low byte is the next byte in the byte stream (this byte
// will be used to access the extended lut table)
dwChar = (DWORD) ( (cindex << 8) | ((TUCHAR) c) ); } else dwChar = (DWORD) (TUCHAR) c;
if( !(ple = FindExtendedLUTEntry( c, pwfc )) ) { ple = &pwfc->listLUT[pwfc->LUTIndex+MAX_DIRECT_LUT]; if( ! UpdateReducedFontListDBCS( dwChar, ple, pwfc ) ) { DeleteLUTEntry( ple ); continue; } ple->glyph = c; pwfc->LUTIndex++; } #else
if( !(ple = FindExtendedLUTEntry( c, pwfc )) ) { ple = &pwfc->listLUT[pwfc->LUTIndex+MAX_DIRECT_LUT]; if( ! UpdateReducedFontList( c, ple, pwfc ) ) { DeleteLUTEntry( ple ); continue; } ple->glyph = c; pwfc->LUTIndex++; } #endif
} *usDst++ = ple->listNum; } // zero terminate
*usDst = 0; }
* UpdateReducedFontList * * Calls wglUseFontOutlines() to create a command list for the supplied * character. * * Allocates memory for the characters glyphmetrics as well * \**************************************************************************/ static BOOL UpdateReducedFontList( TCHAR c, LISTENTRY *ple, WglFontContext *pwfc ) { ple->lpgmf = (LPGLYPHMETRICSFLOAT) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof( GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT ) );
if( !ple->lpgmf ) { SS_ALLOC_FAILURE( "UpdateReducedFontList" ); return FAILURE; }
// get next list # for this glyph.
ple->listNum = (USHORT) glGenLists( 1 ); if( !ple->listNum ) { SS_WARNING( "glGenLists failed\n" ); return FAILURE; }
if( !wglUseFontOutlines(pwfc->hdc, (TUCHAR) c, 1, ple->listNum, pwfc->chordalDeviation, pwfc->extrusion, pwfc->type, ple->lpgmf) ) { SS_WARNING( "wglUseFontOutlines failed\n" ); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; }
// Modified version of UpdateReducedFontList that handles dbcs characters.
// This is a *patch* (as is all the SS_DBCS_SUPPORT stuff) to handle dbcs
// characters without jeopardizing SUR release stability. Later, the functions
// can be consolidated.
static BOOL UpdateReducedFontListDBCS( DWORD c, LISTENTRY *ple, WglFontContext *pwfc ) { ple->lpgmf = (LPGLYPHMETRICSFLOAT) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof( GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT ) );
if( !ple->lpgmf ) { SS_ALLOC_FAILURE( "UpdateReducedFontList" ); return FAILURE; }
// get next list # for this glyph.
ple->listNum = (USHORT) glGenLists( 1 ); if( !ple->listNum ) { SS_WARNING( "glGenLists failed\n" ); return FAILURE; }
if( !wglUseFontOutlines(pwfc->hdc, c, 1, ple->listNum, pwfc->chordalDeviation, pwfc->extrusion, pwfc->type, ple->lpgmf) ) { SS_WARNING( "wglUseFontOutlines failed\n" ); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; } #endif
* FindExtendedLUTEntry * * Searches through the extended character LUT, and returns ptr to the * char's info if found, otherwise NULL. * \**************************************************************************/
static LISTENTRY* FindExtendedLUTEntry( TCHAR c, WglFontContext *pwfc ) { int i; LISTENTRY *ple = pwfc->listLUT + MAX_DIRECT_LUT;
for( i = 0; i < pwfc->LUTIndex; i ++, ple++ ) { if( ple->glyph == c ) return ple; } return NULL; }
* DrawString * * Draws string by calling cmd list for each char. * \**************************************************************************/
void DrawString( USHORT *string, int strLen, WglFontContext *pwfc ) { if( !pwfc ) return;
glCallLists(strLen, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (GLushort *) string); }
* GetStringExtent * * Calculate a string's origin and extent in world coordinates. * * The origin is determined by the first character's location, and thereafter * each char's location is determined by adding the previous char's cellInc * values. * * This will work for all string orientations. * \**************************************************************************/
int GetStringExtent( LPTSTR szString, POINTFLOAT *extent, POINTFLOAT *origin, WglFontContext *pwfc ) {
int len, strLen; TCHAR *c; TUCHAR cindex; LPGLYPHMETRICSFLOAT lpgmf; POINTFLOAT cellOrigin = {0.0f, 0.0f}; POINTFLOAT extentOrigin = {FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX}; POINTFLOAT extentLowerRight = {-FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX}; POINTFLOAT boxOrigin, boxLowerRight; LISTENTRY *listLUT, *ple; #ifdef SS_DBCS_SUPPORT
BOOL bIsLeadByte; #endif
if( !pwfc ) return 0;
listLUT = pwfc->listLUT;
extent->x = extent->y = 0.0f; origin->x = origin->y = 0.0f; len = strLen = lstrlen( szString ); if( !len ) return 0; // otherwise extents will be calc'd erroneously
c = szString;
for( ; strLen; strLen--, c++ ) { cindex = (TUCHAR) *c; #ifdef SS_DBCS_SUPPORT
if( bIsLeadByte = IsDBCSLeadByte(cindex) ) { // iterate over lead byte
c++; strLen--; cindex = (TUCHAR) *c; } if( !bIsLeadByte && (cindex < MAX_DIRECT_LUT) ) #else
if( cindex < MAX_DIRECT_LUT ) #endif
ple = &listLUT[cindex]; else ple = FindExtendedLUTEntry( *c, pwfc );
lpgmf = ple->lpgmf;
if( !lpgmf ) // Memory must be running low, but keep going
// calc global position of this char's BlackBox (this is
// 'upper left')
boxOrigin.x = cellOrigin.x + lpgmf->gmfptGlyphOrigin.x; boxOrigin.y = cellOrigin.y + lpgmf->gmfptGlyphOrigin.y;
// calc lower right position
boxLowerRight.x = boxOrigin.x + lpgmf->gmfBlackBoxX; boxLowerRight.y = boxOrigin.y - lpgmf->gmfBlackBoxY;
// compare against the current bounding box
if( boxOrigin.x < extentOrigin.x ) extentOrigin.x = boxOrigin.x; if( boxOrigin.y > extentOrigin.y ) extentOrigin.y = boxOrigin.y; if( boxLowerRight.x > extentLowerRight.x ) extentLowerRight.x = boxLowerRight.x; if( boxLowerRight.y < extentLowerRight.y ) extentLowerRight.y = boxLowerRight.y;
// set global position of next cell
cellOrigin.x = cellOrigin.x + lpgmf->gmfCellIncX; cellOrigin.y = cellOrigin.y + lpgmf->gmfCellIncY; }
// Check for possible total lack of glyphmetric info
if( extentOrigin.x == FLT_MAX ) { // Can assume if this value is still maxed out that all glyphmetric
// info was NULL
origin->x = origin->y = 0.0f; extent->x = extent->y = 0.0f; return 0; }
*origin = extentOrigin; extent->x = extentLowerRight.x - extentOrigin.x; extent->y = extentOrigin.y - extentLowerRight.y; return len; }