** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** Lighting and coloring code. ** ** $Revision: 1.42 $ ** $Date: 1993/12/08 02:20:39 $ */
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
** Scale an incoming color from the user. */ void FASTCALL __glScaleColorf(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *dst, const GLfloat src[4]) { dst->r = src[0] * gc->redVertexScale; dst->g = src[1] * gc->greenVertexScale; dst->b = src[2] * gc->blueVertexScale; dst->a = src[3] * gc->alphaVertexScale; }
** Clamp and scale an incoming color from the user. */ void FASTCALL __glClampAndScaleColorf(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *d, const GLfloat s[4]) { __GLfloat zero = __glZero;
d->r = s[0] * gc->redVertexScale; if (d->r < zero) d->r = zero; if (d->r > gc->redVertexScale) d->r = gc->redVertexScale;
d->g = s[1] * gc->greenVertexScale; if (d->g < zero) d->g = zero; if (d->g > gc->greenVertexScale) d->g = gc->greenVertexScale;
d->b = s[2] * gc->blueVertexScale; if (d->b < zero) d->b = zero; if (d->b > gc->blueVertexScale) d->b = gc->blueVertexScale;
d->a = s[3] * gc->alphaVertexScale; if (d->a < zero) d->a = zero; if (d->a > gc->alphaVertexScale) d->a = gc->alphaVertexScale; }
** Clamp an incoming color from the user. */ void FASTCALL __glClampColorf(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *d, const GLfloat s[4]) { __GLfloat zero = __glZero; __GLfloat one = __glOne; __GLfloat r,g,b,a;
r = s[0]; g = s[1]; b = s[2]; a = s[3];
if (r < zero) d->r = zero; else if (r > one) d->r = one; else d->r = r;
if (g < zero) d->g = zero; else if (g > one) d->g = one; else d->g = g;
if (b < zero) d->b = zero; else if (b > one) d->b = one; else d->b = b;
if (a < zero) d->a = zero; else if (a > one) d->a = one; else d->a = a; }
** Clamp and scale an incoming color from the user. */ void FASTCALL __glClampAndScaleColori(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *d, const GLint s[4]) { __GLfloat zero = __glZero;
d->r = __GL_I_TO_FLOAT(s[0]) * gc->redVertexScale; if (d->r < zero) d->r = zero; if (d->r > gc->redVertexScale) d->r = gc->redVertexScale;
d->g = __GL_I_TO_FLOAT(s[1]) * gc->greenVertexScale; if (d->g < zero) d->g = zero; if (d->g > gc->greenVertexScale) d->g = gc->greenVertexScale;
d->b = __GL_I_TO_FLOAT(s[2]) * gc->blueVertexScale; if (d->b < zero) d->b = zero; if (d->b > gc->blueVertexScale) d->b = gc->blueVertexScale;
d->a = __GL_I_TO_FLOAT(s[3]) * gc->alphaVertexScale; if (d->a < zero) d->a = zero; if (d->a > gc->alphaVertexScale) d->a = gc->alphaVertexScale; }
** Clamp an incoming color from the user. */ void FASTCALL __glClampColori(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *d, const GLint s[4]) { __GLfloat zero = __glZero; __GLfloat one = __glOne; __GLfloat r,g,b,a;
r = __GL_I_TO_FLOAT(s[0]); g = __GL_I_TO_FLOAT(s[1]); b = __GL_I_TO_FLOAT(s[2]); a = __GL_I_TO_FLOAT(s[3]);
if (r < zero) d->r = zero; else if (r > one) d->r = one; else d->r = r;
if (g < zero) d->g = zero; else if (g > one) d->g = one; else d->g = g;
if (b < zero) d->b = zero; else if (b > one) d->b = one; else d->b = b;
if (a < zero) d->a = zero; else if (a > one) d->a = one; else d->a = a; }
** Reverse the scaling back to the users original */ void FASTCALL __glUnScaleColorf(__GLcontext *gc, GLfloat dst[4], const __GLcolor* src) { dst[0] = src->r * gc->oneOverRedVertexScale; dst[1] = src->g * gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale; dst[2] = src->b * gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale; dst[3] = src->a * gc->oneOverAlphaVertexScale; }
** Reverse the scaling back to the users original */ void FASTCALL __glUnScaleColori(__GLcontext *gc, GLint dst[4], const __GLcolor* src) { dst[0] = __GL_FLOAT_TO_I(src->r * gc->oneOverRedVertexScale); dst[1] = __GL_FLOAT_TO_I(src->g * gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale); dst[2] = __GL_FLOAT_TO_I(src->b * gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale); dst[3] = __GL_FLOAT_TO_I(src->a * gc->oneOverAlphaVertexScale); }
** Clamp an already scaled RGB color. */ void FASTCALL __glClampRGBColor(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *dst, const __GLcolor *src) { __GLfloat zero = __glZero; __GLfloat r, g, b, a; __GLfloat rl, gl, bl, al;
r = src->r; rl = gc->redVertexScale; if (r <= zero) { dst->r = zero; } else { if (r >= rl) { dst->r = rl; } else { dst->r = r; } } g = src->g; gl = gc->greenVertexScale; if (g <= zero) { dst->g = zero; } else { if (g >= gl) { dst->g = gl; } else { dst->g = g; } } b = src->b; bl = gc->blueVertexScale; if (b <= zero) { dst->b = zero; } else { if (b >= bl) { dst->b = bl; } else { dst->b = b; } } a = src->a; al = gc->alphaVertexScale; if (a <= zero) { dst->a = zero; } else { if (a >= al) { dst->a = al; } else { dst->a = a; } } }
** gc->procs.applyColor procs. These are used to apply the current color ** change to either a material color, or to current.color (when not ** lighting), preparing the color for copying into the vertex. */
void FASTCALL ChangeMaterialEmission(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmaterialState *ms, __GLmaterialMachine *msm) { __GLfloat r, g, b;
r = gc->state.current.userColor.r * gc->redVertexScale; g = gc->state.current.userColor.g * gc->greenVertexScale; b = gc->state.current.userColor.b * gc->blueVertexScale;
ms->emissive.r = r; ms->emissive.g = g; ms->emissive.b = b; ms->emissive.a = gc->state.current.userColor.a * gc->alphaVertexScale;
#ifdef NT
// compute the invariant scene color
msm->paSceneColor.r = ms->ambient.r * gc->state.light.model.ambient.r; msm->paSceneColor.g = ms->ambient.g * gc->state.light.model.ambient.g; msm->paSceneColor.b = ms->ambient.b * gc->state.light.model.ambient.b; #else
msm->sceneColor.r = r + ms->ambient.r * gc->state.light.model.ambient.r; msm->sceneColor.g = g + ms->ambient.g * gc->state.light.model.ambient.g; msm->sceneColor.b = b + ms->ambient.b * gc->state.light.model.ambient.b; #endif
void FASTCALL ChangeMaterialSpecular(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmaterialState *ms, __GLmaterialMachine *msm) { __GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm; __GLlightSourceMachine *lsm; __GLlightSourceState *lss; GLboolean isBack; __GLfloat r, g, b;
r = gc->state.current.userColor.r; g = gc->state.current.userColor.g; b = gc->state.current.userColor.b;
ms->specular.r = r; ms->specular.g = g; ms->specular.b = b; ms->specular.a = gc->state.current.userColor.a;
** Update per-light-source state that depends on material specular ** state */ isBack = msm == &gc->light.back; for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next) { lspmm = &lsm->front + isBack; lss = lsm->state;
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached specular */ lspmm->specular.r = r * lss->specular.r; lspmm->specular.g = g * lss->specular.g; lspmm->specular.b = b * lss->specular.b; } }
void FASTCALL ChangeMaterialAmbient(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmaterialState *ms, __GLmaterialMachine *msm) { __GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm; __GLlightSourceMachine *lsm; __GLlightSourceState *lss; GLboolean isBack; __GLfloat r, g, b;
r = gc->state.current.userColor.r; g = gc->state.current.userColor.g; b = gc->state.current.userColor.b;
ms->ambient.r = r; ms->ambient.g = g; ms->ambient.b = b; ms->ambient.a = gc->state.current.userColor.a;
#ifdef NT
// compute the invariant scene color
msm->paSceneColor.r = ms->emissive.r; msm->paSceneColor.g = ms->emissive.g; msm->paSceneColor.b = ms->emissive.b; #else
msm->sceneColor.r = ms->emissive.r + r * gc->state.light.model.ambient.r; msm->sceneColor.g = ms->emissive.g + g * gc->state.light.model.ambient.g; msm->sceneColor.b = ms->emissive.b + b * gc->state.light.model.ambient.b; #endif
** Update per-light-source state that depends on material ambient ** state. */ isBack = msm == &gc->light.back; for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next) { lspmm = &lsm->front + isBack; lss = lsm->state;
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached ambient */ lspmm->ambient.r = r * lss->ambient.r; lspmm->ambient.g = g * lss->ambient.g; lspmm->ambient.b = b * lss->ambient.b; } }
void FASTCALL ChangeMaterialDiffuse(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmaterialState *ms, __GLmaterialMachine *msm) { __GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm; __GLlightSourceMachine *lsm; __GLlightSourceState *lss; GLboolean isBack; __GLfloat r, g, b, a;
r = gc->state.current.userColor.r; g = gc->state.current.userColor.g; b = gc->state.current.userColor.b; a = gc->state.current.userColor.a;
ms->diffuse.r = r; ms->diffuse.g = g; ms->diffuse.b = b; ms->diffuse.a = a;
if (a < __glZero) { a = __glZero; } else if (a > __glOne) { a = __glOne; } msm->alpha = a * gc->alphaVertexScale;
** Update per-light-source state that depends on material diffuse ** state. */ isBack = msm == &gc->light.back; for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next) { lspmm = &lsm->front + isBack; lss = lsm->state;
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached diffuse */ lspmm->diffuse.r = r * lss->diffuse.r; lspmm->diffuse.g = g * lss->diffuse.g; lspmm->diffuse.b = b * lss->diffuse.b; } }
void FASTCALL ChangeMaterialAmbientAndDiffuse(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmaterialState *ms, __GLmaterialMachine *msm) { __GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm; __GLlightSourceMachine *lsm; __GLlightSourceState *lss; GLboolean isBack; __GLfloat r, g, b, a;
r = gc->state.current.userColor.r; g = gc->state.current.userColor.g; b = gc->state.current.userColor.b; a = gc->state.current.userColor.a;
ms->ambient.r = r; ms->ambient.g = g; ms->ambient.b = b; ms->ambient.a = a;
ms->diffuse.r = r; ms->diffuse.g = g; ms->diffuse.b = b; ms->diffuse.a = a;
#ifdef NT
// compute the invariant scene color
msm->paSceneColor.r = ms->emissive.r; msm->paSceneColor.g = ms->emissive.g; msm->paSceneColor.b = ms->emissive.b; #else
msm->sceneColor.r = ms->emissive.r + r * gc->state.light.model.ambient.r; msm->sceneColor.g = ms->emissive.g + g * gc->state.light.model.ambient.g; msm->sceneColor.b = ms->emissive.b + b * gc->state.light.model.ambient.b; #endif
if (a < __glZero) { a = __glZero; } else if (a > __glOne) { a = __glOne; } msm->alpha = a * gc->alphaVertexScale;
** Update per-light-source state that depends on per-material state. */ isBack = msm == &gc->light.back; for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next) { lspmm = &lsm->front + isBack; lss = lsm->state;
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached ambient */ lspmm->ambient.r = r * lss->ambient.r; lspmm->ambient.g = g * lss->ambient.g; lspmm->ambient.b = b * lss->ambient.b;
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached diffuse */ lspmm->diffuse.r = r * lss->diffuse.r; lspmm->diffuse.g = g * lss->diffuse.g; lspmm->diffuse.b = b * lss->diffuse.b; } }
void FASTCALL __glChangeOneMaterialColor(__GLcontext *gc) { (*gc->procs.changeMaterial)(gc, gc->light.cm, gc->light.cmm); }
void FASTCALL __glChangeBothMaterialColors(__GLcontext *gc) { (*gc->procs.changeMaterial)(gc, &gc->state.light.front, &gc->light.front); (*gc->procs.changeMaterial)(gc, &gc->state.light.back, &gc->light.back); }
** Compute derived state for a material */ void ComputeMaterialState(__GLcontext *gc, __GLmaterialState *ms, __GLmaterialMachine *msm, GLint changeBits) { GLdouble exponent; __GLspecLUTEntry *lut;
if ((changeBits & (__GL_MATERIAL_EMISSIVE | __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT | __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE | __GL_MATERIAL_SHININESS)) == 0) { return; } /* Only compute specular lookup table when it changes */ if (!msm->cache || (ms->specularExponent != msm->specularExponent)) { /*
** Specular lookup table generation. Instead of performing a ** "pow" computation each time a vertex is lit, we generate a ** lookup table which approximates the pow function: ** ** n2 = n circle-dot hHat[i] ** if (n2 >= threshold) { ** n2spec = specTable[n2 * scale]; ** ... ** } ** ** Remember that n2 is a value constrained to be between 0.0 and ** 1.0, inclusive (n is the normalized normal; hHat[i] is the ** unit h vector). "threshold" is the threshold where incoming ** n2 values become meaningful for a given exponent. The larger ** the specular exponent, the closer "threshold" will approach ** 1.0. ** ** A simple linear mapping of the n2 value to a table index will ** not suffice because in most cases the majority of the table ** entries would be zero, while the useful non-zero values would ** be compressed into a few table entries. By setting up a ** threshold, we can use the entire table to represent the useful ** values beyond the threshold. "scale" is computed based on ** this threshold. */ exponent = msm->specularExponent = ms->specularExponent;
__glFreeSpecLUT(gc, msm->cache); lut = msm->cache = __glCreateSpecLUT(gc, exponent); #ifdef NT
if (lut) { msm->threshold = lut->threshold; msm->scale = lut->scale; msm->specTable = lut->table; } else { msm->threshold = (GLfloat) 0.0; msm->scale = (GLfloat) __GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE; msm->specTable = NULL; } #else
msm->threshold = lut->threshold; msm->scale = lut->scale; msm->specTable = lut->table; #endif // NT
#ifdef NT
/* Compute invariant scene color */ if (changeBits & (__GL_MATERIAL_EMISSIVE | __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT)) { if (msm->colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_EMISSIVE) { msm->paSceneColor.r = ms->ambient.r * gc->state.light.model.ambient.r; msm->paSceneColor.g = ms->ambient.g * gc->state.light.model.ambient.g; msm->paSceneColor.b = ms->ambient.b * gc->state.light.model.ambient.b; } else if (msm->colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT) { msm->paSceneColor.r = ms->emissive.r; msm->paSceneColor.g = ms->emissive.g; msm->paSceneColor.b = ms->emissive.b; } else { // there is no color material but need to compute this anyway!
msm->paSceneColor.r = ms->emissive.r + ms->ambient.r * gc->state.light.model.ambient.r; msm->paSceneColor.g = ms->emissive.g + ms->ambient.g * gc->state.light.model.ambient.g; msm->paSceneColor.b = ms->emissive.b + ms->ambient.b * gc->state.light.model.ambient.b; } } #else
/* Compute scene color */ if (changeBits & (__GL_MATERIAL_EMISSIVE | __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT)) { msm->sceneColor.r = ms->emissive.r + ms->ambient.r * gc->state.light.model.ambient.r; msm->sceneColor.g = ms->emissive.g + ms->ambient.g * gc->state.light.model.ambient.g; msm->sceneColor.b = ms->emissive.b + ms->ambient.b * gc->state.light.model.ambient.b; } #endif
/* Clamp material alpha */ if (changeBits & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE) { msm->alpha = ms->diffuse.a * gc->alphaVertexScale; if (msm->alpha < __glZero) { msm->alpha = __glZero; } else if (msm->alpha > gc->alphaVertexScale) { msm->alpha = gc->alphaVertexScale; } } }
** Compute any derived state for the enabled lights. */ void FASTCALL ComputeLightState(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLlightSourceState *lss; __GLlightSourceMachine *lsm, **lsmp; __GLfloat zero; GLuint enables; GLint i; __GLspecLUTEntry *lut;
zero = __glZero;
lss = &gc->state.light.source[0]; lsm = &gc->light.source[0]; lsmp = &gc->light.sources; enables = gc->state.enables.lights; for (i = 0; i < gc->constants.numberOfLights; i++, lss++, lsm++, enables >>= 1) { if (!(enables & 1)) continue;
/* Link this enabled light on to the list */ *lsmp = lsm; lsm->state = lss; /* Could be done once, elsewhere... */ lsmp = &lsm->next;
** Compute per-light derived state that wasn't already done ** in the api handlers. */ lsm->position = lss->positionEye; lsm->isSpot = lss->spotLightCutOffAngle != 180; if (lsm->isSpot) { lsm->cosCutOffAngle = __GL_COSF(lss->spotLightCutOffAngle * __glDegreesToRadians); }
if (lsm->isSpot && (!lsm->cache || (lsm->spotLightExponent != lss->spotLightExponent))) { GLdouble exponent;
** Compute spot light exponent lookup table, but only when ** the exponent changes value and the light is a spot light. */ exponent = lsm->spotLightExponent = lss->spotLightExponent;
if (lsm->cache) { __glFreeSpecLUT(gc, lsm->cache); } lut = lsm->cache = __glCreateSpecLUT(gc, exponent); #ifdef NT
if (lut) { lsm->threshold = lut->threshold; lsm->scale = lut->scale; lsm->spotTable = lut->table; } else { lsm->threshold = (GLfloat) 0.0; lsm->scale = (GLfloat) __GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE; lsm->spotTable = NULL; } #else
lsm->threshold = lut->threshold; lsm->scale = lut->scale; lsm->spotTable = lut->table; #endif // NT
lsm->constantAttenuation = lss->constantAttenuation; if (__GL_FLOAT_NEZ(lsm->constantAttenuation)) lsm->attenuation = __glOne / lss->constantAttenuation; else lsm->attenuation = __glOne; lsm->linearAttenuation = lss->linearAttenuation; lsm->quadraticAttenuation = lss->quadraticAttenuation;
** Pick per-light calculation proc based on the state ** of the light source */ if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) { lsm->sli = ((__GLfloat) 0.30) * lss->specular.r + ((__GLfloat) 0.59) * lss->specular.g + ((__GLfloat) 0.11) * lss->specular.b; lsm->dli = ((__GLfloat) 0.30) * lss->diffuse.r + ((__GLfloat) 0.59) * lss->diffuse.g + ((__GLfloat) 0.11) * lss->diffuse.b; } if (!gc->state.light.model.localViewer && !lsm->isSpot && (lsm->position.w == zero)) { __GLfloat hv[3];
/* Compute unit h[i] (normalized) */ __glNormalize(hv, &lsm->position.x); lsm->unitVPpli.x = hv[0]; lsm->unitVPpli.y = hv[1]; lsm->unitVPpli.z = hv[2]; hv[2] += __glOne; __glNormalize(&lsm->hHat.x, hv); lsm->slowPath = GL_FALSE; } else { lsm->slowPath = GL_TRUE; } } *lsmp = 0; }
** DEPENDENCIES: ** ** Procs: ** ** Light Model LOCAL_VIEWER ** Lightx SPOT_CUTOFF, POSITION ** Enables LIGHTING ** modeFlags CHEAP_FOG */ void FASTCALL ComputeLightProcs(__GLcontext *gc) { GLboolean anySlow = GL_FALSE; __GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next) { if (lsm->slowPath) { anySlow = GL_TRUE; break; } }
#ifdef NT
if ((gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_CHEAP_FOG) && (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH_LIGHT) && gc->renderMode == GL_RENDER) { if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) gc->procs.paApplyCheapFog = PolyArrayCheapFogCIColor; else gc->procs.paApplyCheapFog = PolyArrayCheapFogRGBColor; } else gc->procs.paApplyCheapFog = 0; // for debugging
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_LIGHTING_ENABLE) { #ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (gc->state.light.shadingModel == GL_PHONG_WIN) { __glGenericPickPhongProcs (gc); } //else
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) { if (!anySlow) gc->procs.paCalcColor = PolyArrayFastCalcCIColor; else gc->procs.paCalcColor = PolyArrayCalcCIColor; } else { if (!anySlow) { // If there are no color material changes in front and back
// faces, use the zippy function!
if (!gc->light.front.colorMaterialChange && !gc->light.back.colorMaterialChange) gc->procs.paCalcColor = PolyArrayZippyCalcRGBColor; else gc->procs.paCalcColor = PolyArrayFastCalcRGBColor; } else { gc->procs.paCalcColor = PolyArrayCalcRGBColor; } } } else { // set it to NULL for debugging
gc->procs.paCalcColor = (PFN_POLYARRAYCALCCOLOR) NULL; }
if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) gc->procs.paCalcColorSkip = PolyArrayFillIndex0; else gc->procs.paCalcColorSkip = PolyArrayFillColor0; #else
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_LIGHTING_ENABLE) { if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) { if (!anySlow) { gc->procs.calcColor = __glFastCalcCIColor; } else { gc->procs.calcColor = __glCalcCIColor; } } else { if (!anySlow) { gc->procs.calcColor = __glFastCalcRGBColor; } else { gc->procs.calcColor = __glCalcRGBColor; } } gc->procs.calcRasterColor = gc->procs.calcColor; if ((gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_CHEAP_FOG) && (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH_LIGHT) && gc->renderMode == GL_RENDER) { gc->procs.calcColor2 = gc->procs.calcColor; if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) { gc->procs.calcColor = __glFogLitCIColor; } else { gc->procs.calcColor = __glFogLitRGBColor; } } } else { gc->procs.calcRasterColor = __glNopLight; if ((gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_CHEAP_FOG) && (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH_LIGHT) && gc->renderMode == GL_RENDER) { if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) { gc->procs.calcColor = __glFogCIColor; } else { gc->procs.calcColor = __glFogRGBColor; } } else { gc->procs.calcColor = __glNopLight; } } #endif
** DEPENDENCIES: ** ** Material AMBIENT, DIFFUSE, SPECULAR ** Lightx AMBIENT, DIFFUSE, SPECULAR */ void FASTCALL ComputeLightMaterialState(__GLcontext *gc, GLint frontChange, GLint backChange) { __GLmaterialState *front, *back; __GLlightSourceMachine *lsm; __GLlightSourceState *lss; __GLfloat r, g, b; GLint allChange;
allChange = frontChange | backChange; if ((allChange & (__GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT | __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE | __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR)) == 0) { return; }
front = &gc->state.light.front; back = &gc->state.light.back; for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next) { lss = lsm->state; /*
** Pre-multiply and the front & back ambient, diffuse and ** specular colors */ if (allChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT) { r = lss->ambient.r; g = lss->ambient.g; b = lss->ambient.b; if (frontChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT) { lsm->front.ambient.r = front->ambient.r * r; lsm->front.ambient.g = front->ambient.g * g; lsm->front.ambient.b = front->ambient.b * b; } if (backChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT) { lsm->back.ambient.r = back->ambient.r * r; lsm->back.ambient.g = back->ambient.g * g; lsm->back.ambient.b = back->ambient.b * b; } }
if (allChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE) { r = lss->diffuse.r; g = lss->diffuse.g; b = lss->diffuse.b; if (frontChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE) { lsm->front.diffuse.r = front->diffuse.r * r; lsm->front.diffuse.g = front->diffuse.g * g; lsm->front.diffuse.b = front->diffuse.b * b; } if (backChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE) { lsm->back.diffuse.r = back->diffuse.r * r; lsm->back.diffuse.g = back->diffuse.g * g; lsm->back.diffuse.b = back->diffuse.b * b; } }
if (allChange & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR) { r = lss->specular.r; g = lss->specular.g; b = lss->specular.b; if (frontChange & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR) { lsm->front.specular.r = front->specular.r * r; lsm->front.specular.g = front->specular.g * g; lsm->front.specular.b = front->specular.b * b; } if (backChange & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR) { lsm->back.specular.r = back->specular.r * r; lsm->back.specular.g = back->specular.g * g; lsm->back.specular.b = back->specular.b * b; } } } }
** Recompute light state based upon the material change indicated by ** frontChange and backChange. */ void FASTCALL __glValidateMaterial(__GLcontext *gc, GLint frontChange, GLint backChange) { ComputeMaterialState(gc, &gc->state.light.front, &gc->light.front, frontChange); ComputeMaterialState(gc, &gc->state.light.back, &gc->light.back, backChange); ComputeLightMaterialState(gc, frontChange, backChange); }
** Pre-compute lighting state. */ void FASTCALL __glValidateLighting(__GLcontext *gc) { if (gc->dirtyMask & __GL_DIRTY_LIGHTING) { ComputeLightState(gc); ComputeLightProcs(gc); __glValidateMaterial(gc, __GL_MATERIAL_ALL, __GL_MATERIAL_ALL); } else { ComputeLightProcs(gc); } }
void FASTCALL __glGenericPickColorMaterialProcs(__GLcontext *gc) { if (gc->modes.rgbMode) { if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_ENABLE) { switch (gc->state.light.colorMaterialFace) { case GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: gc->procs.applyColor = __glChangeBothMaterialColors; gc->light.cm = 0; gc->light.cmm = 0; break; case GL_FRONT: gc->procs.applyColor = __glChangeOneMaterialColor; gc->light.cm = &gc->state.light.front; gc->light.cmm = &gc->light.front; break; case GL_BACK: gc->procs.applyColor = __glChangeOneMaterialColor; gc->light.cm = &gc->state.light.back; gc->light.cmm = &gc->light.back; break; } switch (gc->state.light.colorMaterialParam) { case GL_EMISSION: gc->procs.changeMaterial = ChangeMaterialEmission; break; case GL_SPECULAR: gc->procs.changeMaterial = ChangeMaterialSpecular; break; case GL_AMBIENT: gc->procs.changeMaterial = ChangeMaterialAmbient; break; case GL_DIFFUSE: gc->procs.changeMaterial = ChangeMaterialDiffuse; break; case GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE: gc->procs.changeMaterial = ChangeMaterialAmbientAndDiffuse; break; } } else { gc->procs.applyColor = __glNopGC; } } else { /*
** When in color index mode the value is copied from the ** current.userColorIndex into the vertex */ gc->procs.applyColor = __glNopGC; } }