** Copyright 1991,1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
/* 1 Component modulate */ void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateL(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; #endif
color->r = texel->luminance * color->r; color->g = texel->luminance * color->g; color->b = texel->luminance * color->b; }
/* 2 Component modulate */ void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateLA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; #endif
color->r = texel->luminance * color->r; color->g = texel->luminance * color->g; color->b = texel->luminance * color->b; color->a = texel->alpha * color->a; }
/* 3 Component modulate */ void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; #endif
color->r = texel->r * color->r; color->g = texel->g * color->g; color->b = texel->b * color->b; }
/* 4 Component modulate */ void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; #endif
color->r = texel->r * color->r; color->g = texel->g * color->g; color->b = texel->b * color->b; color->a = texel->alpha * color->a; }
/* Alpha modulate */ void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; #endif
color->a = texel->alpha * color->a; }
/* Intensity modulate */ void FASTCALL __glTextureModulateI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; #endif
color->r = texel->intensity * color->r; color->g = texel->intensity * color->g; color->b = texel->intensity * color->b; color->a = texel->intensity * color->a; }
/* 3 Component decal */ void FASTCALL __glTextureDecalRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { color->r = texel->r * gc->frontBuffer.redScale; color->g = texel->g * gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; color->b = texel->b * gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; }
/* 4 Component decal */ void FASTCALL __glTextureDecalRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { __GLfloat a = texel->alpha; __GLfloat oma = __glOne - a;
color->r = oma * color->r + a * texel->r * gc->frontBuffer.redScale; color->g = oma * color->g + a * texel->g * gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; color->b = oma * color->b + a * texel->b * gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; }
/* 1 Component blend */ void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendL(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { __GLfloat l = texel->luminance; __GLfloat oml = __glOne - l; __GLcolor *cc = &gc->state.texture.env[0].color;
color->r = oml * color->r + l * cc->r; color->g = oml * color->g + l * cc->g; color->b = oml * color->b + l * cc->b; }
/* 2 Component blend */ void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendLA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { __GLfloat l = texel->luminance; __GLfloat oml = __glOne - l; __GLcolor *cc = &gc->state.texture.env[0].color;
color->r = oml * color->r + l * cc->r; color->g = oml * color->g + l * cc->g; color->b = oml * color->b + l * cc->b; color->a = texel->alpha * color->a; }
/* 3 Component blend */ void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { __GLfloat r = texel->r; __GLfloat g = texel->g; __GLfloat b = texel->b; __GLcolor *cc = &gc->state.texture.env[0].color;
color->r = (__glOne - r) * color->r + r * cc->r; color->g = (__glOne - g) * color->g + g * cc->g; color->b = (__glOne - b) * color->b + b * cc->b; }
/* 4 Component blend */ void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { __GLfloat r = texel->r; __GLfloat g = texel->g; __GLfloat b = texel->b; __GLcolor *cc = &gc->state.texture.env[0].color;
color->r = (__glOne - r) * color->r + r * cc->r; color->g = (__glOne - g) * color->g + g * cc->g; color->b = (__glOne - b) * color->b + b * cc->b; color->a = texel->alpha * color->a; }
/* Alpha blend */ void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; #endif
color->a = texel->alpha * color->a; }
/* Intensity blend */ void FASTCALL __glTextureBlendI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { __GLfloat i = texel->intensity; __GLfloat omi = __glOne - i; __GLcolor *cc = &gc->state.texture.env[0].color;
color->r = omi * color->r + i * cc->r; color->g = omi * color->g + i * cc->g; color->b = omi * color->b + i * cc->b; color->a = omi * color->a + i * cc->a; }
/* 1 Component replace */ void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceL(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { color->r = texel->luminance * gc->frontBuffer.redScale; color->g = texel->luminance * gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; color->b = texel->luminance * gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; }
/* 2 Component replace */ void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceLA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { color->r = texel->luminance * gc->frontBuffer.redScale; color->g = texel->luminance * gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; color->b = texel->luminance * gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; color->a = texel->alpha * gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale; }
/* 3 Component replace */ void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { color->r = texel->r * gc->frontBuffer.redScale; color->g = texel->g * gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; color->b = texel->b * gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; }
/* 4 Component replace */ void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceRGBA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { color->r = texel->r * gc->frontBuffer.redScale; color->g = texel->g * gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; color->b = texel->b * gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; color->a = texel->alpha * gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale; }
/* Alpha replace */ void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceA(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { color->a = texel->alpha * gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale; }
/* Intensity replace */ void FASTCALL __glTextureReplaceI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLtexel *texel) { color->r = texel->intensity * gc->frontBuffer.redScale; color->g = texel->intensity * gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; color->b = texel->intensity * gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; color->a = texel->intensity * gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale; }
** Get a texture element out of the one component texture buffer ** with no border. */ void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelL(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->luminance = tex->params.borderColor.r; } else { image = level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col); result->luminance = image[0]; } }
** Get a texture element out of the two component texture buffer ** with no border. */ void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelLA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->luminance = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->alpha = tex->params.borderColor.a; } else { image = level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col) * 2; result->luminance = image[0]; result->alpha = image[1]; } }
** Get a texture element out of the three component texture buffer ** with no border. */ void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGB(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->r = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->g = tex->params.borderColor.g; result->b = tex->params.borderColor.b; } else { image = level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col) * 3; result->r = image[0]; result->g = image[1]; result->b = image[2]; } }
** Get a texture element out of the four component texture buffer ** with no border. */ void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGBA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->r = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->g = tex->params.borderColor.g; result->b = tex->params.borderColor.b; result->alpha = tex->params.borderColor.a; } else { image = level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col) * 4; result->r = image[0]; result->g = image[1]; result->b = image[2]; result->alpha = image[3]; } }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->alpha = tex->params.borderColor.a; } else { image = level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col); result->alpha = image[0]; } }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelI(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->intensity = tex->params.borderColor.r; } else { image = level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col); result->intensity = image[0]; } }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelBGR8(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLubyte *image;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->r = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->g = tex->params.borderColor.g; result->b = tex->params.borderColor.b; } else { image = (GLubyte *)level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col) * 4; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[2]); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[1]); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[0]); } }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelBGRA8(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLubyte *image;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->r = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->g = tex->params.borderColor.g; result->b = tex->params.borderColor.b; result->alpha = tex->params.borderColor.a; } else { image = (GLubyte *)level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col) * 4; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[2]); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[1]); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[0]); result->alpha = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[3]); } }
#ifdef GL_EXT_paletted_texture
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI8BGRA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLubyte *image; RGBQUAD *rgb;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->r = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->g = tex->params.borderColor.g; result->b = tex->params.borderColor.b; result->alpha = tex->params.borderColor.a; } else { image = (GLubyte *)level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col); rgb = &tex->paletteData[image[0] & (tex->paletteSize-1)]; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbRed); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbGreen); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbBlue); result->alpha = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbReserved); } }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI8BGR(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLubyte *image; RGBQUAD *rgb;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->r = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->g = tex->params.borderColor.g; result->b = tex->params.borderColor.b; } else { image = (GLubyte *)level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col); rgb = &tex->paletteData[image[0] & (tex->paletteSize-1)]; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbRed); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbGreen); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbBlue); } }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI16BGRA(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLushort *image; RGBQUAD *rgb;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->r = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->g = tex->params.borderColor.g; result->b = tex->params.borderColor.b; result->alpha = tex->params.borderColor.a; } else { image = (GLushort *)level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col); rgb = &tex->paletteData[image[0] & (tex->paletteSize-1)]; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbRed); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbGreen); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbBlue); result->alpha = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbReserved); } }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI16BGR(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLushort *image; RGBQUAD *rgb;
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row >= level->height2) || (col >= level->width2)) { /*
** Use border color when the texture supplies no border. */ result->r = tex->params.borderColor.r; result->g = tex->params.borderColor.g; result->b = tex->params.borderColor.b; } else { image = (GLushort *)level->buffer + ((row << level->widthLog2) + col); rgb = &tex->paletteData[image[0] & (tex->paletteSize-1)]; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbRed); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbGreen); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbBlue); } } #endif // GL_EXT_paletted_texture
** Get a texture element out of the one component texture buffer ** with a border. */ void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelL_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
tex = tex; #endif
row++; col++; image = level->buffer + (row * level->width + col); result->luminance = image[0]; }
** Get a texture element out of the two component texture buffer ** with a border. */ void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelLA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
tex = tex; #endif
row++; col++; image = level->buffer + (row * level->width + col) * 2; result->luminance = image[0]; result->alpha = image[1]; }
** Get a texture element out of the three component texture buffer ** with a border. */ void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGB_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
tex = tex; #endif
row++; col++; image = level->buffer + (row * level->width + col) * 3; result->r = image[0]; result->g = image[1]; result->b = image[2]; }
** Get a texture element out of the four component texture buffer ** with a border. */ void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelRGBA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
tex = tex; #endif
row++; col++; image = level->buffer + (row * level->width + col) * 4; result->r = image[0]; result->g = image[1]; result->b = image[2]; result->alpha = image[3]; }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
tex = tex; #endif
row++; col++; image = level->buffer + (row * level->width + col); result->alpha = image[0]; }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelI_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLtextureBuffer *image;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
tex = tex; #endif
row++; col++; image = level->buffer + (row * level->width + col); result->intensity = image[0]; }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelBGR8_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLubyte *image;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
tex = tex; #endif
row++; col++; image = (GLubyte *)level->buffer + (row * level->width + col) * 4; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[2]); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[1]); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[0]); }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelBGRA8_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLubyte *image;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
tex = tex; #endif
row++; col++; image = (GLubyte *)level->buffer + (row * level->width + col) * 4; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[2]); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[1]); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[0]); result->alpha = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(image[3]); }
#ifdef GL_EXT_paletted_texture
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI8BGRA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLubyte *image; RGBQUAD *rgb;
row++; col++; image = (GLubyte *)level->buffer + (row * level->width + col); rgb = &tex->paletteData[image[0] & (tex->paletteSize-1)]; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbRed); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbGreen); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbBlue); result->alpha = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbReserved); }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI8BGR_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLubyte *image; RGBQUAD *rgb;
row++; col++; image = (GLubyte *)level->buffer + (row * level->width + col); rgb = &tex->paletteData[image[0] & (tex->paletteSize-1)]; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbRed); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbGreen); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbBlue); }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI16BGRA_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLushort *image; RGBQUAD *rgb;
row++; col++; image = (GLushort *)level->buffer + (row * level->width + col); rgb = &tex->paletteData[image[0] & (tex->paletteSize-1)]; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbRed); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbGreen); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbBlue); result->alpha = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbReserved); }
void FASTCALL __glExtractTexelPI16BGR_B(__GLmipMapLevel *level, __GLtexture *tex, GLint row, GLint col, __GLtexel *result) { __GLcontext *gc = tex->gc; GLushort *image; RGBQUAD *rgb;
row++; col++; image = (GLushort *)level->buffer + (row * level->width + col); rgb = &tex->paletteData[image[0] & (tex->paletteSize-1)]; result->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbRed); result->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbGreen); result->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT(rgb->rgbBlue); } #endif // GL_EXT_paletted_texture