[Identification] OptionType = NetTransport
[LanguagesSupported] ENG
[Options] ATMARPS
[OptionsTextENG] ATMARPS = "IP over ATM (RFC 1577) ARP Server"
[FileConstants] UtilityInf = "UTILITY.INF" subroutineinf = "SUBROUTN.INF" SoftwareType = "transport" Exit_Code = 0 NetEventDLL = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll"
Manufacturer = "Microsoft" ProductMajorVersion = "1" ProductMinorVersion = "0" ProductVersion = $(ProductMajorVersion)"."$(ProductMinorVersion)
ProductSoftwareName = "AtmArpS" ProductSoftwareImagePath = "\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\atmarps.sys"
ProductKeyName = $(!NTN_SoftwareBase)"\"$(Manufacturer)"\"$(ProductSoftwareName)"\CurrentVersion" ParamKeyName = $(!NTN_ServiceBase)"\"$(ProductSoftwareName)"\Parameters" ServiceKeyName = $(!NTN_ServiceBase)"\"$(ProductSoftwareName) LinkageKeyName = $(!NTN_ServiceBase)"\"$(ProductSoftwareName)"\Linkage"
; type = Name,Class NetRuleSoftwareType = "AtmArpS ipatmserver"
; Class = new class name {existing class name | basic no|yes } NetRuleSoftwareClass = {"ipatmserver basic"}
; Use = Service | Transport | driver | adapter, yes|no, yes|no NetRuleSoftwareUse = $(SoftwareType)" no yes"
; BindForm = ObjectName yes|no yes|no container|simple|stream
NetRuleSoftwareBindForm = """AtmArpS"" yes no container"
[GeneralConstants] from = "" to = "" ExitCodeOk = 0 ExitCodeCancel = 1 ExitCodeFatal = 2 KeyNull = "" MAXIMUM_ALLOWED = 33554432 RegistryErrorIndex = NO_ERROR KeyProduct = "" KeyParameters = "" TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 NoTitle = 0 ExitState = "Active" OldVersionExisted = $(FALSE) DriverPath = $(!STF_NTPATH)\drivers
[date] Now = {} ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetSystemDate
[platform] STF_PLATFORM = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetPlatform
[Identify] read-syms Identification set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set Identifier = $(OptionType) set Media = #("Source Media Descriptions", 1, 1) Return $(Status) $(Identifier) $(Media)
[ReturnOptions] set Status = STATUS_FAILED set OptionList = {} set OptionTextList = {} set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList) goto returnoptions else set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE goto finish_ReturnOptions endif returnoptions = + set OptionList = ^(Options, 1) set OptionTextList = ^(OptionsText$($0), 1) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_ReturnOptions = + Return $(Status) $(OptionList) $(OptionTextList)
[InstallOption] set !DebugOutputControl = 1 set Option = $($1) set SrcDir = $($2) set AddCopy = $($3) set DoCopy = $($4) set DoConfig = $($5) set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) NOT-IN $(LanguageList) Return STATUS_NOLANGUAGE endif Debug-Output "OEMSETUP.INF: STF_CWDDIR is: "$(!STF_CWDDIR) Debug-Output "OEMSETUP.INF: STF_LANGUAGE is: "$(!STF_LANGUAGE) set-subst LF = "\n" read-syms GeneralConstants read-syms FileConstants read-syms DialogConstants$(!STF_LANGUAGE) ifstr(i) $(!NTN_Origination) == "NCPA" set Continue = $(OK) endif read-syms FileConstants$(!STF_LANGUAGE) detect date detect platform set-title $(FunctionTitle) set to = Begin set from = Begin set CommonStatus = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL EndWait Begin = + Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == deinstall set StartLabel = removeadapter else-Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == Update set StartLabel = UpgradeSoftware else-Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == bind set StartLabel = bindingadapter else-Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == configure Shell $(UtilityInf),RegistryErrorString,CANNOT_CONFIGURE_SOFTWARE ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "OEMSETUP.INF: ShellCode error: cannot get an error string." goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) set from = end set to = end goto nonfatalinfo else set StartLabel = installadapter endif set RadioDefault = 2 set RadioIn = {$(RadioDefault)} set from = $(fatal) set to = $(fatal) goto $(StartLabel)
installadapter = + OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ProductKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyProduct Ifstr $(KeyProduct) != $(KeyNull) CloseRegKey $(KeyProduct) Shell $(UtilityInf), VerExistedDlg, $(ProductSoftwareTitle),+ $(ProductVersion) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error: cannot get an error string." goto ShellCodeError endif goto end endif CloseRegKey $(KeyProduct) goto installproduct
installproduct = + StartWait ifint $(OldVersionExisted) == $(FALSE) Ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES" Shell $(UtilityInf), DoAskSource, $(!STF_CWDDIR), $(SrcDir) YES Ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Goto ShellCodeError Else-Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_FAILED Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString "ASK_SOURCE_FAIL" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) Goto fatal Else-Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL Goto successful Endif Set SrcDir = $($R1) Endif Shell "" StripTrailSlash $(SrcDir) set PlatformDir = $($R0)"\"$(STF_PLATFORM) set InfDir = $($R0)"\" install "Install-Option" ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) != STF_SUCCESS Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString "UNABLE_COPY_FILE" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) goto fatal endif set OEM_ABANDON_ON = TRUE Shell $(UtilityInf), AddSoftwareComponent, $(Manufacturer), + $(ProductSoftwareName), + $(ProductSoftwareName), + $(ProductSoftwareDisplayName), $(STF_CONTEXTINFNAME), + $(ProductSoftwareImagePath), "kernel", "PNP_TDI", {}, "",+ $(NetEventDLL) set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR EndWait CloseRegKey $($R1) CloseRegKey $($R2) CloseRegKey $($R3) CloseRegKey $($R4) CloseRegKey $($R5) goto fatalRegistry endif Set SoftProductKey = $($R1) Set SoftNetRuleKey = $($R2) Set SoftServiceKey = $($R3) set SoftParameterKey = $($R4) Set SoftLinkageKey = $($R5) set NewValueList = {{SoftwareType,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(SoftwareType)},+ {MajorVersion,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(ProductMajorVersion)},+ {MinorVersion,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),$(ProductMinorVersion)},+ {Title,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareTitle)},+ {Description,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareDescription)},+ {ServiceName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareName)},+ {Review,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),1},+ {InstallDate,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_DWORD),*($(Now),1)}} Shell $(UtilityInf), AddValueList, $(SoftProductKey), $(NewValueList) set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR CloseRegKey $(SoftProductKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftNetRuleKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftServiceKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftParameterKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftLinkageKey) goto fatalRegistry endif
; Setup the bindings net rules
set NewValueList = {{type ,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareType)}, + {use ,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareUse)}, + {class,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareClass)}, + {bindform,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(NetRuleSoftwareBindForm)}, + {InfOption,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(Option)}} Shell $(UtilityInf), AddValueList, $(SoftNetRuleKey), $(NewValueList)
set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR CloseRegKey $(SoftProductKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftNetRuleKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftServiceKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftParameterKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftLinkageKey) goto fatalRegistry endif
CloseRegKey $(SoftProductKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftNetRuleKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftServiceKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftParameterKey) CloseRegKey $(SoftLinkageKey) endif goto successful
bindingadapter =+
; Set the DependOnService Key
Set RegKey = $(!NTN_ServiceBase)"\AtmArpS" OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(RegKey) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) AtmArpKey ifstr(i) $(AtmArpKey) != "" SetRegValue $(AtmArpKey) {"DependOnService",$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),{"Tcpip","ATMCallManager"}} CloseRegKey $(AtmArpKey) else Debug-Output "failed to open AtmArp key" endif
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(LinkageKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) LinkageKey ifstr(i) $(LinkageKey) != "" GetRegValue $(LinkageKey) "Bind" BindList Debug-Output "BindList: "$(BindList) Set Binding = *($(BindList),4) Debug-Output "Binding: "$(Binding) CloseRegKey $(LinkageKey) else Debug-Output "failed to open linkage for adapter" goto fatalregistry endif
set CardList = {} set CreateCardList = {} ForListDo $(Binding) Split-String $($), "\", BindInfo QueryListSize BindListSize $(BindInfo) set CardName = *($(BindInfo),$(BindListSize)) Debug-Output "Cardname: "$(CardName) ifstr(i) $(CardList) == {} set CardList = {$(CardName)} else set CardList = >($(CardList),$(CardName)) endif EndForListDo
Debug-Output "Cardlist: "$(CardList) ForListDo $(CardList) Debug-Output "ATMARPS: processing "$($) Set RegKey = $(!NTN_ServiceBase)"\"$($)"\Parameters\AtmArpS" Debug-Output "about to open "$(RegKey) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(RegKey) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ArpParamsKey ifstr(i) $(ArpParamsKey) == "" Debug-Output "ATMARPS: creating ArpParamsKey key under the adapter" CreateRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) {$(RegKey),$(NoTitle),GenericClass} "" $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) "" ArpParamsKey else Debug-Output "ATMARPS: Have processed "$($)" already" CloseRegKey $(ArpParamsKey) goto continueCardList endif ifstr(i) $(ArpParamsKey) == "" Debug-Output "ATMARPS: Failed to open/create the ArpParamsKey key under the adapter" goto fatalRegistry endif
SetRegValue $(ArpParamsKey) {"MulticastAddresses",$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ),{"",""}}
CloseRegKey $(ArpParamsKey)
continueCardList = + EndForListDo
goto successful
removeadapter = + Shell $(UtilityInf), RemoveSoftwareComponent, $(Manufacturer), + $(ProductSoftwareName) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "ShellCode error" goto ShellCodeError endif set RegistryErrorIndex = $($R0) Ifstr(i) $(RegistryErrorIndex) != NO_ERROR goto fatalregistry endif goto end UpgradeSoftware = + OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ProductKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyProduct Ifstr $(KeyProduct) != $(KeyNull) install "Install-Update" ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) != STF_SUCCESS goto fatal endif SetRegValue $(KeyProduct) {MajorVersion,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductMajorVersion)} SetRegValue $(KeyProduct) {MinorVersion,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductMinorVersion)} SetRegValue $(KeyProduct) {"Description",$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareDescription)} SetRegValue $(KeyProduct) {"Title",$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareTitle)} CloseRegKey $(KeyProduct) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServiceKeyName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) ServiceKey ifstr(i) $(ServiceKey) != "" SetRegValue $(ServiceKey) {"DisplayName",$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ProductSoftwareDisplayName)} CloseRegKey $(ServiceKey) endif else goto fatalregistry endif goto end successful = + goto end warning = + Shell $(subroutineinf) SetupMessage, $(!STF_LANGUAGE), "WARNING", $(Error) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif ifstr(i) $($R1) == "OK" goto $(to) else-ifstr(i) $($R1) == "CANCEL" goto $(from) else goto "end" endif nonfatalinfo = + Set CommonStatus = STATUS_USERCANCEL Set Severity = STATUS goto nonfatalmsg nonfatal = + Set Severity = NONFATAL goto nonfatalmsg nonfatalmsg = + ifstr(i) $(Error) == "" Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString "SETUP_FAIL" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) endif Shell $(subroutineinf) SetupMessage, $(!STF_LANGUAGE), $(Severity), $(Error) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif ifstr(i) $($R1) == "OK" goto $(from) else goto "end" endif fatalregistry = + Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString $(RegistryErrorIndex) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) goto fatal fatal = + ifstr(i) $(Error) == "" Shell $(UtilityInf) RegistryErrorString "SETUP_FAIL" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif set Error = $($R0) endif Shell $(subroutineinf) SetupMessage, $(!STF_LANGUAGE), "FATAL", $(Error) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto ShellCodeError endif goto setfailed ShellCodeError = + set DlgType = "MessageBox" set STF_MB_TITLE = $(ShellCodeErrorTitle) set STF_MB_TEXT = $(ShellCodeErrorText) set STF_MB_TYPE = 1 set STF_MB_ICON = 3 set STF_MB_DEF = 1 ui start "Error Message" goto setfailed setfailed = + set CommonStatus = STATUS_FAILED ifstr(i) $(OEM_ABANDON_ON) == TRUE set OEM_ABANDON_ON = FALSE goto removeadapter endif goto end end = + goto term term = + Return $(CommonStatus)
[StripTrailSlash] Split-String $($0) "\" InList QueryListSize InListSize, $(InList) Ifint $(InListSize) <= 1 Return $($0) Endif Set NewString = "" ForListDo $(InList) ifint $(#) < $(InListSize) Set NewString = $(NewString)$($) else-ifstr $($) != "\" Set NewString = $(NewString)$($) endif EndForListDo Return $(NewString)
[Install-Option] set STF_VITAL = "" ifstr(i) $(AddCopy) == "YES" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Platform-Drivers $(PlatformDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Platform-Utils $(PlatformDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) endif ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES" set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = TRUE CopyFilesInCopyList endif ifstr(i) $(DoConfig) == "YES" endif Exit
[Install-Update] set STF_VITAL = "" set STF_OVERWRITE = "VERIFYSOURCEOLDER" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Platform-Drivers $(PlatformDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Platform-Utils $(PlatformDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Inf $(InfDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) exit
[Source Media Descriptions] 1 = "Microsoft ATM Installation Disk"
[ProductType] STF_PRODUCT = Winnt
[Files-Inf] 1, OEMSETUP.INF, SIZE=999, RENAME=$(!UG_Filename)
[Files-Platform-Drivers] 1, ATMARPS.SYS , SIZE=999
[FileConstantsENG] ProCaption = "Windows NT Setup" ProCancel = "Cancel" ProCancelMsg = "Windows NT Networking is not correctly installed. "+ "Are you sure you want to cancel copying files?" ProCancelCap = "Network Setup Message" ProText1 = "Copying:" ProText2 = "To:" FunctionTitle = "IP over ATM (RFC 1577) Server" ProductSoftwareDescription = "IP over ATM Server" ProductSoftwareDisplayName = "IP over ATM Server" ProductSoftwareTitle = "IP over ATM Server" ShellCodeErrorTitle = "Error: "$(FunctionTitle) ShellCodeErrorText = "Shell Code Error." [DialogConstantsENG] Help = "&Help" Exit = "Cancel" OK = "OK" HelpContext = "" Continue = "Continue" Cancel = "Cancel"