// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: T R A C E . C P P
// Contents: The actual tracing code (loading from ini, calling the
// trace routines, etc.
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 9 Apr 1997
#include <pch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include "ncdebug.h"
#include "ncmisc.h"
#include "stldeque.h"
DWORD g_dwTlsTracing = 0; LPCRITICAL_SECTION g_csTracing = NULL;
#define MAX_TRACE_LEN 4096
//---[ CTracing class ]-------------------------------------------------------
// Don't give this class a constructor or destructor. We declare a global
// (static to this module) instance of this class and, by definition, static
// variables are automatically initialized to zero.
class CTracing { public: CTracing(); ~CTracing(); // Initialize/Deinitialize this class
private: HRESULT HrInit(); HRESULT HrUnInit();
public: VOID Trace( TraceTagId ttid, PCSTR pszaTrace );
private: BOOL m_fInitialized; // Has the object been initialized
BOOL m_fAttemptedLogFileOpen; // Already attempted to open log
BOOL m_fDisableLogFile; // Disable use of file logging?
UINT m_uiAllocOnWhichToBreak; // For _CrtSetBreakAlloc
HANDLE m_hLogFile; // Handle for debug output file
CHAR m_szLogFilePath[MAX_PATH+1]; // File for debug output
BOOL m_fDebugFlagsLoaded; // Have these been loaded yet.
VOID CorruptionCheck(); // Validate the tracetag structure
HRESULT HrLoadOptionsFromIniFile(); HRESULT HrLoadSectionsFromIniFile(); HRESULT HrLoadDebugFlagsFromIniFile(); HRESULT HrWriteDebugFlagsToIniFile(); HRESULT HrOpenLogFile();
HRESULT HrProcessTagSection(TraceTagElement * ptte); HRESULT HrGetPrivateProfileString( PCSTR lpAppName, PCSTR lpKeyName, PCSTR lpDefault, PSTR lpReturnedString, DWORD nSize, PCSTR lpFileName, DWORD * pcchReturn ); HRESULT FIniFileInit(); // Returns S_OK if the file exist
//---[ Static Variables ]-----------------------------------------------------
#pragma warning(disable:4073) // warning about the following init_seg statement
#pragma init_seg(lib)
static CTracing g_Tracing; // Our global tracing object
//---[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------------
static const WCHAR c_szDebugIniFileName[] = L"netcfg.ini"; // .INI file
CHAR c_szDebugIniFileNameA[MAX_PATH]; // .INI file
static const CHAR c_szTraceLogFileNameA[] = "nctrace.log"; // .LOG file
// constants for the INI file labels
static const CHAR c_szaOptions[] = "Options"; static const CHAR c_szaLogFilePath[] = "LogFilePath"; static const CHAR c_szaDisableLogFile[] = "DisableLogFile";
const INT c_iDefaultDisableLogFile = 0;
static CHAR c_szLowMemory[] = "<low on memory>";
// Function: HrInitTracing
// Purpose: Initialize the Tracing object and other random data.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 HRESULT
// Author: jeffspr 9 Apr 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrInitTracing() { return S_OK; }
// Function: HrUnInitTracing
// Purpose: Uninitialize the tracing object.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or a valid Win32 HRESULT
// Author: jeffspr 14 Apr 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrUnInitTracing() { return S_OK; }
const DWORD TI_HRESULT = 0x00000001; const DWORD TI_WIN32 = 0x00000002; const DWORD TI_IGNORABLE = 0x00000004;
// Function: TraceInternal
// Purpose: The one and only place that a string to be traced is formed
// and traced.
// Arguments:
// Returns: nothing.
// Author: shaunco 13 Mar 1998
// Notes: Restructured from lots of other code that was added to this
// module over the past year.
VOID TraceInternal ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, DWORD dwFlags, PCSTR pszaCallerText, DWORD dwErrorCode, BOOL bTraceStackOnError) { // If this tracetag is turned off, don't do anything.
if (!g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputDebugString && !g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputToFile) { return; }
BOOL fError = dwFlags & (TI_HRESULT | TI_WIN32); BOOL fIgnorable = dwFlags & TI_IGNORABLE;
HRESULT hr = (dwFlags & TI_HRESULT) ? dwErrorCode : S_OK; DWORD dwWin32Error = (dwFlags & TI_WIN32) ? dwErrorCode : ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Ignore if told and we're not set to trace ignored errors or warnings.
if (fError && fIgnorable && !FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidShowIgnoredErrors) && !FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidExtremeTracing)) { return; }
// Don't do anything if we're tracing for an error and we don't have one,
// unless the "Extreme Tracing" flag is on, in which case we trace
// everything in the world (for debugger use only, really)
// This is the path taken by TraceError ("...", S_OK) or
// TraceLastWin32Error when there is no last Win32 error.
if (fError && !dwErrorCode && !FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidExtremeTracing)) { return; }
CHAR szaBuf [MAX_TRACE_LEN * 2]; PSTR pcha = szaBuf;
// Form the prefix, process id and thread id.
static const CHAR c_szaFmtPrefix [] = "NETCFG"; lstrcpyA (pcha, c_szaFmtPrefix); pcha += lstrlenA (c_szaFmtPrefix);
// Add process and thread ids if the debug flags indicate to do so.
if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidShowProcessAndThreadIds)) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtPidAndTid [] = " %03x.%03x";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtPidAndTid, GetCurrentProcessId (), GetCurrentThreadId ()); }
// Add a time stamp if the debug flags indicate to do so.
if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidTracingTimeStamps)) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtTime [] = " [%02dh%02d:%02d.%03d]";
SYSTEMTIME stLocal; GetLocalTime (&stLocal); pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtTime, stLocal.wHour, stLocal.wMinute, stLocal.wSecond, stLocal.wMilliseconds); }
// Add a severity indicator if this trace is for an error or warning.
if (fError || (ttidError == ttid)) { static const CHAR c_szaSevIgnored [] = " Ignored:"; static const CHAR c_szaSevError [] = " *ERROR*:"; static const CHAR c_szaSevWarning [] = " Warning:";
PCSTR pszaSev = NULL;
if (fError && SUCCEEDED(hr) && !dwWin32Error && !fIgnorable) { pszaSev = c_szaSevWarning; } else { if (fIgnorable && FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidShowIgnoredErrors)) { pszaSev = c_szaSevIgnored; } else { pszaSev = c_szaSevError; } } Assert (pszaSev);
lstrcatA (pcha, pszaSev); pcha += lstrlenA (pszaSev); }
// Add the tracetag short name. Don't do this for ttidError if
// we already have the severity indicator from above.
if (ttid && (ttid < g_nTraceTagCount) && (ttid != ttidError)) { if (FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTraceMultiLevel)) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtTraceTag [] = " (%-16s)"; pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtTraceTag, g_TraceTags[ttid].szShortName); } else { static const CHAR c_szaFmtTraceTag [] = " (%s)"; pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtTraceTag, g_TraceTags[ttid].szShortName); } *pcha = ' '; pcha++; if (FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTraceMultiLevel)) { // Add the indentation text.
DWORD dwNumSpaces = CTracingIndent::getspaces(); Assert(dwNumSpaces >= 2); pcha += _snprintf(pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%1x", dwNumSpaces - 2); memset(pcha, '-', dwNumSpaces-1 ); pcha += dwNumSpaces-1; } } else { *pcha = ' '; pcha++; }
// Add the caller's text.
if (pszaCallerText) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtCallerText [] = "%s";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtCallerText, pszaCallerText);
Assert (pcha > szaBuf); if ('\n' == *(pcha-1)) { pcha--; *pcha = 0; } }
// Add descriptive error text if this is an error and we can get some.
if (FAILED(hr) || dwWin32Error) { BOOL fFacilityWin32 = (FACILITY_WIN32 == HRESULT_FACILITY(hr));
// dwError will be the error code we pass to FormatMessage. It may
// come from hr or dwWin32Error. Give preference to hr.
DWORD dwError = 0;
if (fFacilityWin32) { dwError = HRESULT_CODE(hr); } else if (FAILED(hr)) { dwError = hr; } else { dwError = dwWin32Error; } Assert (dwError);
if (pszaErrorText) { // Strip off newline characters.
PSTR pchText = pszaErrorText; while (*pchText && (*pchText != '\r') && (*pchText != '\n')) { pchText++; } *pchText = 0;
// Add the error text.
static const CHAR c_szaFmtErrorText [] = " [%s]";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtErrorText, pszaErrorText);
LocalFree (pszaErrorText); } }
// Add the Win32 error code.
if (fFacilityWin32 || dwWin32Error) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtWin32Error [] = " Win32=%d,0x%08X";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtWin32Error, dwError, dwError); } }
// Add the HRESULT.
if (S_OK != hr) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtHresult [] = " hr=0x%08X";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtHresult, hr); }
// Add the file and line.
if (pszaFile) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtFileAndLine [] = " File:%s,%d";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtFileAndLine, pszaFile, nLine); }
// Add the newline.
lstrcatA (pcha, "\n");
g_Tracing.Trace (ttid, szaBuf);
// Now that the message is on the debugger, break if we have an error
// and the debug flag to break on error is set.
if ((FAILED(hr) || dwWin32Error || (ttidError == ttid)) && !fIgnorable && FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidBreakOnError)) { DebugBreak(); }
if ( (bTraceStackOnError) && FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTraceCallStackOnError) && (ttid == ttidError) ) { CTracingIndent::TraceStackFn(ttidError); } }
// Function: TraceInternal
// Purpose: The one and only place that a string to be traced is formed
// and traced.
// Arguments:
// Returns: nothing.
// Author: shaunco 13 Mar 1998
// Notes: Restructured from lots of other code that was added to this
// module over the past year.
VOID TraceInternal ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR pszaFunc, DWORD dwFlags, PCSTR pszaCallerText, DWORD dwErrorCode, BOOL bTraceStackOnError) { // If this tracetag is turned off, don't do anything.
if (!g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputDebugString && !g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputToFile) { return; }
BOOL fError = dwFlags & (TI_HRESULT | TI_WIN32); BOOL fIgnorable = dwFlags & TI_IGNORABLE;
HRESULT hr = (dwFlags & TI_HRESULT) ? dwErrorCode : S_OK; DWORD dwWin32Error = (dwFlags & TI_WIN32) ? dwErrorCode : ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Ignore if told and we're not set to trace ignored errors or warnings.
if (fError && fIgnorable && !FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidShowIgnoredErrors) && !FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidExtremeTracing)) { return; }
// Don't do anything if we're tracing for an error and we don't have one,
// unless the "Extreme Tracing" flag is on, in which case we trace
// everything in the world (for debugger use only, really)
// This is the path taken by TraceError ("...", S_OK) or
// TraceLastWin32Error when there is no last Win32 error.
if (fError && !dwErrorCode && !FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidExtremeTracing)) { return; }
CHAR szaBuf [MAX_TRACE_LEN * 2]; PSTR pcha = szaBuf;
// Form the prefix, process id and thread id.
static const CHAR c_szaFmtPrefix [] = "NETCFG"; lstrcpyA (pcha, c_szaFmtPrefix); pcha += lstrlenA (c_szaFmtPrefix);
// Add process and thread ids if the debug flags indicate to do so.
if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidShowProcessAndThreadIds)) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtPidAndTid [] = " %03d.%03d";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtPidAndTid, GetCurrentProcessId (), GetCurrentThreadId ()); }
// Add a time stamp if the debug flags indicate to do so.
if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidTracingTimeStamps)) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtTime [] = " [%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d]";
SYSTEMTIME stLocal; GetLocalTime (&stLocal); pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtTime, stLocal.wHour, stLocal.wMinute, stLocal.wSecond, stLocal.wMilliseconds); }
// Add a severity indicator if this trace is for an error or warning.
if (fError || (ttidError == ttid)) { static const CHAR c_szaSevIgnored [] = " Ignored:"; static const CHAR c_szaSevError [] = " *ERROR*:"; static const CHAR c_szaSevWarning [] = " Warning:";
PCSTR pszaSev = NULL;
if (fError && SUCCEEDED(hr) && !dwWin32Error && !fIgnorable) { pszaSev = c_szaSevWarning; } else { if (fIgnorable && FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidShowIgnoredErrors)) { pszaSev = c_szaSevIgnored; } else { pszaSev = c_szaSevError; } } Assert (pszaSev);
lstrcatA (pcha, pszaSev); pcha += lstrlenA (pszaSev); }
// Add the tracetag short name. Don't do this for ttidError if
// we already have the severity indicator from above.
if (ttid && (ttid < g_nTraceTagCount) && (ttid != ttidError)) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtTraceTag [] = " (%s)";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtTraceTag, g_TraceTags[ttid].szShortName); }
// Add the caller's text.
if (pszaCallerText) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtCallerText [] = " %s";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtCallerText, pszaCallerText);
Assert (pcha > szaBuf); if ('\n' == *(pcha-1)) { pcha--; *pcha = 0; } }
// Add descriptive error text if this is an error and we can get some.
if (FAILED(hr) || dwWin32Error) { BOOL fFacilityWin32 = (FACILITY_WIN32 == HRESULT_FACILITY(hr));
// dwError will be the error code we pass to FormatMessage. It may
// come from hr or dwWin32Error. Give preference to hr.
DWORD dwError = 0;
if (fFacilityWin32) { dwError = HRESULT_CODE(hr); } else if (FAILED(hr)) { dwError = hr; } else { dwError = dwWin32Error; } Assert (dwError);
if (pszaErrorText) { // Strip off newline characters.
PSTR pchText = pszaErrorText; while (*pchText && (*pchText != '\r') && (*pchText != '\n')) { pchText++; } *pchText = 0;
// Add the error text.
static const CHAR c_szaFmtErrorText [] = " [%s]";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtErrorText, pszaErrorText);
LocalFree (pszaErrorText); } }
// Add the Win32 error code.
if (fFacilityWin32 || dwWin32Error) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtWin32Error [] = " Win32=%d,0x%08X";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtWin32Error, dwError, dwError); } }
// Add the HRESULT.
if (S_OK != hr) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtHresult [] = " hr=0x%08X";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtHresult, hr); }
// Add the file and line.
if (pszaFile) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtFileAndLine [] = " File:%s,%d";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtFileAndLine, pszaFile, nLine); }
// Add the function name
if (pszaFunc) { static const CHAR c_szaFmtFunc[] = ":";
pcha += _snprintf (pcha, MAX_TRACE_LEN, c_szaFmtFunc, pszaFunc); } // Add the newline.
lstrcatA (pcha, "\n");
g_Tracing.Trace (ttid, szaBuf);
// Now that the message is on the debugger, break if we have an error
// and the debug flag to break on error is set.
if ((FAILED(hr) || dwWin32Error || (ttidError == ttid)) && !fIgnorable && FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidBreakOnError)) { DebugBreak(); }
if ( (bTraceStackOnError) && FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTraceCallStackOnError) && (ttid == ttidError) ) { CTracingIndent::TraceStackFn(ttidError); } }
// Function: TraceErrorFn
// Purpose: Output debug trace of an HRESULT, allowing an additional
// caller-defined error string.
// Arguments:
// sz [] Caller-defined additional error text
// hr [] The error HRESULT.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 14 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID WINAPI TraceErrorFn ( PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR psza, HRESULT hr) { DWORD dwFlags = TI_HRESULT; if (S_FALSE == hr) { dwFlags |= TI_IGNORABLE; }
TraceInternal (ttidError, pszaFile, nLine, dwFlags, psza, hr, TRUE); }
// Function: TraceErrorOptionalFn
// Purpose: Implements TraceErrorOptional macro
// Arguments:
// pszaFile [in] __FILE__ value
// nLine [in] __LINE__ value
// psza [in] String to trace.
// hr [in] HRESULT value to trace.
// fOpt [in] TRUE if error should be treated as optional, FALSE if
// ERROR is not optional and should be reported thru
// TraceError().
// Returns: Nothing.
// Author: danielwe 12 May 1997
// Notes:
VOID WINAPI TraceErrorOptionalFn ( PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR psza, HRESULT hr, BOOL fIgnorable) { DWORD dwFlags = TI_HRESULT; if (fIgnorable) { dwFlags |= TI_IGNORABLE; }
TraceInternal (ttidError, pszaFile, nLine, dwFlags, psza, hr, TRUE); }
// Function: TraceErrorSkipFn
// Purpose: Implements TraceErrorOptional macro
// Arguments:
// pszaFile [in] __FILE__ value
// nLine [in] __LINE__ value
// psza [in] String to trace.
// hr [in] HRESULT value to trace.
// c [in] count of pass-through Hresults. if hr is any of these
// the error is treated as optional.
// ... [in] list of hresults.
// Returns: Nothing.
// Author: sumitc 08 Jan 1998
// Notes:
VOID WINAPI TraceErrorSkipFn ( PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR psza, HRESULT hr, UINT c, ...) { va_list valMarker; BOOL fIgnorable = FALSE;
va_start(valMarker, c); for (UINT i = 0; i < c; ++i) { fIgnorable = (va_arg(valMarker, HRESULT) == hr); if (fIgnorable) { break; } } va_end(valMarker);
DWORD dwFlags = TI_HRESULT; if (fIgnorable) { dwFlags |= TI_IGNORABLE; } TraceInternal (ttidError, pszaFile, nLine, dwFlags, psza, hr, TRUE); }
// Function: TraceLastWin32ErrorFn
// Purpose: Trace the last Win32 error, which we get with GetLastError().
// Not a whole lot to it.
// Arguments:
// sz [] Additional error text.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 14 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID WINAPIV TraceLastWin32ErrorFn ( PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR psza) { TraceInternal (ttidError, pszaFile, nLine, TI_WIN32, psza, GetLastError(), TRUE); }
// Function: TraceHrFn
// Purpose: Generic replacement for the TraceErrorOptional, TraceError,
// and a couple other random functions.
// Arguments:
// ttid [] TraceTag to use for the debug output
// pszaFile [] Source file to log
// nLine [] Line number to log
// hr [] Error to log
// fIgnorable [] Ignore this error? (The optional bit)
// pszaFmt [] Format of the vargs
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 10 Oct 1997
// Notes:
VOID WINAPIV TraceHrFn ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, HRESULT hr, BOOL fIgnorable, PCSTR pszaFmt, ...) { // If this tracetag is turned off, don't do anything.
if (!g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputDebugString && !g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputToFile) { return; }
// Build the string from the varg list
va_list valMarker; va_start (valMarker, pszaFmt); vsprintf (szaBuf, pszaFmt, valMarker); va_end (valMarker);
DWORD dwFlags = TI_HRESULT; if (fIgnorable) { dwFlags |= TI_IGNORABLE; } TraceInternal (ttid, pszaFile, nLine, dwFlags, szaBuf, hr, TRUE); }
// Function: TraceHrFn
// Purpose: Generic replacement for the TraceErrorOptional, TraceError,
// and a couple other random functions.
// Arguments:
// ttid [] TraceTag to use for the debug output
// pszaFile [] Source file to log
// nLine [] Line number to log
// hr [] Error to log
// fIgnorable [] Ignore this error? (The optional bit)
// pszaFmt [] Format of the vargs
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 10 Oct 1997
// Notes:
VOID WINAPIV TraceHrFn ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszaFile, INT nLine, PCSTR pszaFunc, HRESULT hr, BOOL fIgnorable, PCSTR pszaFmt, ...) { // If this tracetag is turned off, don't do anything.
if (!g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputDebugString && !g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputToFile) { return; }
// Build the string from the varg list
va_list valMarker; va_start (valMarker, pszaFmt); _vsnprintf (szaBuf, MAX_TRACE_LEN, pszaFmt, valMarker); va_end (valMarker);
DWORD dwFlags = TI_HRESULT; if (fIgnorable) { dwFlags |= TI_IGNORABLE; } TraceInternal (ttid, pszaFile, nLine, pszaFunc, dwFlags, szaBuf, hr, TRUE); }
// Function: TraceTagFn
// Purpose: Output a debug trace to one or more trace targets (ODS,
// File, COM port, etc.). This function determines the targets
// and performs the actual trace.
// Arguments:
// ttid [] TraceTag to use for the debug output
// pszaFmt [] Format of the vargs.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 14 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID WINAPIV TraceTagFn ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszaFmt, ...) { // If this tracetag is turned off, don't do anything.
if (!g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputDebugString && !g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputToFile) { return; }
// Build the string from the varg list
va_list valMarker; va_start (valMarker, pszaFmt); _vsnprintf (szaBuf, MAX_TRACE_LEN, pszaFmt, valMarker); va_end (valMarker);
TraceInternal (ttid, NULL, 0, 0, szaBuf, 0, TRUE); }
// Member: CTracing::CTracing
// Purpose: Constructor for CTracing. Initialize all vars.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 23 Jan 1999
// Notes:
CTracing::CTracing() { m_fInitialized = FALSE; // Has the object been initialized
m_fAttemptedLogFileOpen = FALSE; // Already attempted to open log
m_fDisableLogFile = FALSE; // Disable use of file logging?
m_uiAllocOnWhichToBreak = 0; // For _CrtSetBreakAlloc
m_hLogFile = NULL; // Handle for debug output file
m_szLogFilePath[0] = '\0'; // File for debug output
m_fDebugFlagsLoaded = FALSE; // Have these been loaded yet.
g_dwTlsTracing = NULL; HrInit(); }
CTracing::~CTracing() { HrUnInit(); }
// Member: CTracing::HrInit
// Purpose: Initialize the CTracing object.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 HRESULT
// Author: jeffspr 9 Apr 1997
// Notes: This should get called from some standard exe initialization
// point. And make sure to call HrDeinit when you're done, eh?
HRESULT CTracing::HrInit() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
AssertSz(!m_fInitialized, "CTracing::HrInit -- Let's not go overboard. Already initialized");
g_csTracing = new CRITICAL_SECTION; Assert(g_csTracing); InitializeCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
g_dwTlsTracing = TlsAlloc(); AssertSz(g_dwTlsTracing, "g_dwTlsTracing could not aquire a TLS slot");
hr = FIniFileInit(); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; }
// Temporarily set this so the called functions don't believe that we're
// uninitialized. At Exit, if we fail, we'll set it back so no-one tries
// to call these functions when uninitialized.
m_fInitialized = TRUE;
// Check for corruptions in the tracing structure. This can't fail, but
// it will send up asserts all over the place if something is amiss.
// Load the "options" section from the ini file
hr = HrLoadOptionsFromIniFile(); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; }
// Load the DebugFlags section from the ini file.
hr = HrLoadDebugFlagsFromIniFile(); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; }
// Load the tracetag sections from the ini file.
// Make sure this is called after HrLoadDebugFlagsFromIniFile(),
// as those options will affect the tracetag sections (we also
// assert on this)
hr = HrLoadSectionsFromIniFile(); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; }
// If certain tracetags are on, we want others to be off because some
// encompase the functionality of others.
if (g_TraceTags[ttidBeDiag].fOutputDebugString) { g_TraceTags[ttidNetCfgPnp].fOutputDebugString = FALSE; }
if (FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)) { g_pObjectLeakTrack = new CObjectLeakTrack; Assert(g_pObjectLeakTrack); } #endif
Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { m_fInitialized = FALSE; }
return hr; }
// Member: CTracing::HrUnInit
// Purpose: Uninitialize the Tracing object
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 HRESULT
// Author: jeffspr 12 Apr 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CTracing::HrUnInit() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)) { BOOL fAsserted = g_pObjectLeakTrack->AssertIfObjectsStillAllocated(NULL); delete g_pObjectLeakTrack; if (fAsserted) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Spew is completed - press RETRY to look at spew and map ReturnAddr values to symbols"); } } #endif
if (g_dwTlsTracing) { TlsFree(g_dwTlsTracing); g_dwTlsTracing = 0; }
if (g_csTracing) { { __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } } DeleteCriticalSection(g_csTracing); delete g_csTracing; g_csTracing = NULL; } // Don't assert on m_fInitialized here, because we allow this to
// be called even if initialization failed.
if (m_fInitialized) { hr = HrWriteDebugFlagsToIniFile(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // continue on, but I want to know why this is failing.
AssertSz(FALSE, "Whoa, why can't we write the debug flags?"); }
// Close the log file, if there's one open
if (m_hLogFile) { CloseHandle(m_hLogFile); m_hLogFile = NULL; }
// Mark us as being uninitialized.
m_fInitialized = FALSE; }
return hr; }
// Member: CTracing::HrGetPrivateProfileString
// Purpose:
// Arguments:
// lpAppName [] points to section name
// lpKeyName [] points to key name
// lpDefault [] points to default string
// lpReturnedString [] points to destination buffer
// nSize [] size of destination buffer
// lpFileName [] points to initialization filename
// pcchReturn return buffer for the old Win32 API return code
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 HRESULT
// Author: jeffspr 12 Apr 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CTracing::HrGetPrivateProfileString( PCSTR lpAppName, PCSTR lpKeyName, PCSTR lpDefault, PSTR lpReturnedString, DWORD nSize, PCSTR lpFileName, DWORD* pcchReturn ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Assert on the known conditions required for this API call
Assert(lpDefault); Assert(lpFileName);
// Call the Win32 API
DWORD dwGPPSResult = GetPrivateProfileStringA( lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpDefault, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
// Check to see if we've gotten a string-size error
if (lpAppName && lpKeyName) { // If we get back (nSize - 1), then our string buffer wasn't
// large enough
if (dwGPPSResult == (nSize - 1)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); goto Exit; } } else { // Since either of the app name or key name are NULL, then
// we're supposed to be receiving a doubly-NULL terminated
// list of strings. If we're at (nSize - 2), that means
// our buffer was too small.
if (dwGPPSResult == (nSize - 2)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); goto Exit; } }
Exit: *pcchReturn = dwGPPSResult;
return hr; }
// Member: CTracing::HrLoadOptionsFromIniFile
// Purpose: Load the options section from the ini file, and set our
// state accordingly
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 HRESULT
// Author: jeffspr 10 Apr 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CTracing::HrLoadOptionsFromIniFile() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cchReturnBufferSize = 0; WCHAR szLogFilePath[MAX_PATH+1] = { 0 }; DWORD dwTempPathLength = 0;
// Get the explicit log file path, if any. If it doesn't exist, then
// use the default path, which is the temp file path plus the default
// trace file name
// Get the location of the "temporary files" path
dwTempPathLength = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, szLogFilePath); if ((dwTempPathLength == 0) || (dwTempPathLength > MAX_PATH)) { TraceLastWin32Error("GetTempPath failure");
hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); goto Exit; }
// Tack the log file name onto the end.
_snprintf(m_szLogFilePath, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s%s", szLogFilePath, c_szTraceLogFileNameA);
// This will overwrite the log file path if one exists in the INI file
hr = HrGetPrivateProfileString( c_szaOptions, // "Options"
c_szaLogFilePath, // "LogFilePath
m_szLogFilePath, // Default string, already filled
m_szLogFilePath, // Return string (same string)
MAX_PATH+1, c_szDebugIniFileNameA, &cchReturnBufferSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { // This should not cause problems with recursive failure, since
// Traces will work regardless of the state of trace initialization.
TraceError( "GetPrivateProfileString failed on Options::LogFilePath", hr); goto Exit; }
// Get the "disable log file option". No return code here.
m_fDisableLogFile = GetPrivateProfileIntA( c_szaOptions, // "Options"
c_szaDisableLogFile, // "DisableLogFile"
c_iDefaultDisableLogFile, c_szDebugIniFileNameA); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceError( "GetPrivateProfileInt failed on Options::DisableLogFile", hr); goto Exit; }
Exit: return hr; }
// Member: CTracing::HrLoadSectionsFromIniFile
// Purpose: Load the individual tracetag sections from the ini file, and
// set our array elements accordingly, defaulting if necessary.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 HRESULT
// Author: jeffspr 10 Apr 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CTracing::HrLoadSectionsFromIniFile() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Make sure that we've loaded the debug flags first, as they can
// affect each tracetag section
// Loop through the array and load the data.
for (INT nLoop = 0; nLoop < g_nTraceTagCount; nLoop++ ) { // Process the individual lines from the section
hr = HrProcessTagSection(&(g_TraceTags[nLoop])); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } }
return hr; }
// Member: CTracing::HrLoadDebugFlagsFromIniFile
// Purpose: Load the individual debugflag values from the ini file, and
// set our array elements accordingly, defaulting if necessary.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 HRESULT
// Author: jeffspr 10 Apr 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CTracing::HrLoadDebugFlagsFromIniFile() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INT nLoop;
// Loop through the array and load the data.
for (nLoop = 0; nLoop < g_nDebugFlagCount; nLoop++) { switch(nLoop) { case dfidBreakOnAlloc: // Get the "break on alloc" alloc count.
m_uiAllocOnWhichToBreak = GetPrivateProfileIntA( "DebugFlags", g_DebugFlags[nLoop].szShortName, FALSE, c_szDebugIniFileNameA); g_DebugFlags[nLoop].dwValue = (m_uiAllocOnWhichToBreak > 0);
// If there was a value set, set the break..
if (m_uiAllocOnWhichToBreak != 0) _CrtSetBreakAlloc(m_uiAllocOnWhichToBreak);
default: // Get the enabled file param
g_DebugFlags[nLoop].dwValue = GetPrivateProfileIntA( "DebugFlags", g_DebugFlags[nLoop].szShortName, FALSE, c_szDebugIniFileNameA); break; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_fDebugFlagsLoaded = TRUE; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CTracing::FIniFileInit() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; WCHAR szWindowsPath[MAX_PATH+1] = L""; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1] = L""; UINT uiCharsReturned = 0; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
uiCharsReturned = GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsPath, MAX_PATH); if ((uiCharsReturned == 0) || (uiCharsReturned > MAX_PATH)) { AssertSz(FALSE, "GetWindowsDirectory failed in CTracing::FIniFileInit");
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Exit; }
wcscpy (szPath, szWindowsPath); wcscat (szPath, L"\\"); wcscat (szPath, c_szDebugIniFileName);
if (dwLastError != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { AssertSz(FALSE, "FIniFileInit failed for some reason other than FILE_NOT_FOUND"); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); goto Exit; } } else { hr = S_OK; wcstombs(c_szDebugIniFileNameA, szPath, MAX_PATH); goto Exit; } _wsplitpath(szWindowsPath, szPath, NULL, NULL, NULL); wcscat (szPath, L"\\"); wcscat (szPath, c_szDebugIniFileName);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); if (dwLastError != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { AssertSz(FALSE, "FIniFileInit failed for some reason other than FILE_NOT_FOUND"); } } else { wcstombs(c_szDebugIniFileNameA, szPath, MAX_PATH); hr = S_OK; } Exit: if (hFile) { CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = NULL; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CTracing::HrWriteDebugFlagsToIniFile() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// First, check to see if the file exists. If it doesn't, then we don't want
// to write the entries.
if (FIniFileInit()) { // Loop through the array and write the data.
for (INT nLoop = 0; nLoop < g_nDebugFlagCount; nLoop++) { CHAR szInt[16]; // Sure, it's arbitrary, but it's also OK.
switch(nLoop) { // BreakOnAlloc is special case -- no associated flag entry
case dfidBreakOnAlloc: _snprintf(szInt, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%d", m_uiAllocOnWhichToBreak); break;
// These store a DWORD in its standard form
case dfidBreakOnHr: case dfidBreakOnHrIteration: case dfidBreakOnIteration: _snprintf( szInt, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%d", g_DebugFlags[nLoop].dwValue); break;
// default are treated as boolean, and stored that way
default: // !! means it will always be 1 or 0.
_snprintf( szInt, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%d", (!!g_DebugFlags[nLoop].dwValue)); break; }
// Write the param to the ini file
WritePrivateProfileStringA( "DebugFlags", g_DebugFlags[nLoop].szShortName, szInt, c_szDebugIniFileNameA); } }
// For now, this is always S_OK, since there's nothing above that can
// fail.
return hr; }
// Member: CTracing::HrProcessTagSection
// Purpose: Grab the parameters from the ini file. If they're not
// available, then use the settings in default. Note - this
// will always work because ttidDefault will always be the first
// element. If a [default] section wasn't present, then it will
// be using the settings that were in the struct initialization,
// which is also fine.
// Arguments:
// ptte [] TraceTag element to load
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 15 Apr 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CTracing::HrProcessTagSection( TraceTagElement * ptte ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "CTracing::HrProcessTagSection. Class not initialized");
AssertSz(ptte, "CTracing::HrProcessTagSection -- invalid ptte");
// Get the output to file param
ptte->fOutputToFile = GetPrivateProfileIntA( ptte->szShortName, "OutputToFile", ptte->fVerboseOnly ? FALSE : g_TraceTags[ttidDefault].fOutputToFile, c_szDebugIniFileNameA);
// Get the OutputDebugString param. Require that the error tag
// always has at least output debug string on.
if (ptte->ttid == ttidError) { ptte->fOutputDebugString = TRUE; } else { // Load the OutputToDebug
ptte->fOutputDebugString = GetPrivateProfileIntA( ptte->szShortName, "OutputToDebug", ptte->fVerboseOnly ? FALSE : g_TraceTags[ttidDefault].fOutputDebugString, c_szDebugIniFileNameA); }
return hr; }
// Member: CTracing::CorruptionCheck
// Purpose: Validate the tracetag array. Check to see that the
// shortnames are valid, that the descriptions are valid,
// and that the tracetag elements are not out of order.
// Also verify that the correct number of tracetag elements
// exist.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 15 Apr 1997
// Notes:
// (shaunco) 16 Jul 1997: This is #if'defd out until JVert
// gives us a fix for the alpha compiler. It blows up compiling this
// function in retail.
// (jeffspr) Tough noogies for JVert - I need this code. Hopefully
// this has been fixed by now.
VOID CTracing::CorruptionCheck() { INT nLoop = 0;
// Validate the tracetag structure
for (nLoop = 0; nLoop < g_nTraceTagCount; nLoop++) { // Verify that we're not out of order or missing ttids
AssertSz(g_TraceTags[nLoop].ttid == nLoop, "Invalid ttid in the tracetag structure. Out of order. " \ "CTracing::CorruptionCheck"); AssertSz(g_TraceTags[nLoop].ttid < g_nTraceTagCount, "Invalid ttid (out of range) in CTracing::CorruptionCheck");
// Validate the shortname (verify not NULL or empty strings)
AssertSz(g_TraceTags[nLoop].szShortName, "Invalid tracetag short name (NULL) in CTracing::CorruptionCheck"); AssertSz(g_TraceTags[nLoop].szShortName[0] != 0, "Invalid tracetagshort name (empty) in CTracing::CorruptionCheck");
// Validate the descriptions (verify not NULL or empty strings)
AssertSz(g_TraceTags[nLoop].szDescription, "Invalid tracetagdescription in CTracing::CorruptionCheck"); AssertSz(g_TraceTags[nLoop].szDescription[0] != 0, "Invalid tracetagdescription (empty) in CTracing::CorruptionCheck"); }
// Validate the debug flags structure
for (nLoop = 0; nLoop < g_nDebugFlagCount; nLoop++) { // Verify that we're not out of order or missing dfids
AssertSz(g_DebugFlags[nLoop].dfid == nLoop, "Invalid dfid in the debugflag structure. Out of order. " \ "CTracing::CorruptionCheck"); AssertSz(g_DebugFlags[nLoop].dfid < g_nDebugFlagCount, "Invalid dfid (out of range) in CTracing::CorruptionCheck");
// Validate the shortname (verify not NULL or empty strings)
AssertSz(g_DebugFlags[nLoop].szShortName, "Invalid debug flag short name (NULL) in CTracing::CorruptionCheck"); AssertSz(g_DebugFlags[nLoop].szShortName[0] != 0, "Invalid debug flag short name (empty) in CTracing::CorruptionCheck");
// Validate the descriptions (verify not NULL or empty strings)
AssertSz(g_DebugFlags[nLoop].szDescription, "Invalid debug flag description in CTracing::CorruptionCheck"); AssertSz(g_DebugFlags[nLoop].szDescription[0] != 0, "Invalid debug flag description (empty) in CTracing::CorruptionCheck"); }
return; }
// Member: CTracing::Trace
// Purpose: The actual trace call that takes care of doing the output
// to each trace target (file, OutputDebugString, etc.)
// Arguments:
// ttid [] The tracetag to use for output
// pszaTrace [] The trace string itself.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 12 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CTracing::Trace( TraceTagId ttid, PCSTR pszaTrace ) { // HrInit should have called a corruption checker for the entire trace
// block, but we'll check again just to make sure.
AssertSz(g_nTraceTagCount > ttid, "ttid out of range in CTracing::Trace"); AssertSz(g_TraceTags[ttid].ttid == ttid, "TraceTag structure is corrupt in CTracing::Trace");
// If they want debug string output
if (g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputDebugString) { // Then output the string
OutputDebugStringA(pszaTrace); }
// If they want file output
if (g_TraceTags[ttid].fOutputToFile) { if (!m_hLogFile) { // Assuming that we haven't already tried to open the file
// and failed, open it.
if (!m_fAttemptedLogFileOpen) { HRESULT hr = HrOpenLogFile(); if (FAILED(hr)) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Failed to open log file for tracing. No, " "this isn't a coding error, but hey, figured that " "you'd want to know..."); } } }
// If we were already open, or the open has now succeeded, do the
// trace
if (m_hLogFile) { Assert(pszaTrace);
// Since pszTrace is guaranteed to be a single-byte trace, we
// don't need to do the WCHAR multiply on the length, just
// a char multiply.
DWORD dwBytesToWrite = lstrlenA(pszaTrace) * sizeof(CHAR); DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; BOOL fWriteResult = FALSE;
fWriteResult = WriteFile( m_hLogFile, // handle to file to write to
pszaTrace, // pointer to data to write to file
dwBytesToWrite, // size of trace
&dwBytesWritten, // Bytes actually written.
NULL ); // No overlapped
if (!fWriteResult || (dwBytesToWrite != dwBytesWritten)) { AssertSz(FALSE, "CTracing failure: Can't write to log file." " Can't trace or we'll be recursing on this failure."); } } } }
HRESULT CTracing::HrOpenLogFile() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "CTracing not initialized in HrOpenLogFile()"); AssertSz(!m_hLogFile, "File already open before call to HrOpenLogFile()");
// Mark us as having attempted to open the file, so we don't call this
// function everytime we log, if we can't open it.
m_fAttemptedLogFileOpen = TRUE;
// $$TODO (jeffspr) - Allow flags in the Options section of the ini
// file specify the create flags and attributes, which would allow
// us to control the overwriting of log files and/or the write-through
// properties.
// Actually open the file, creating if necessary.
m_hLogFile = CreateFileA( m_szLogFilePath, // Pointer to name of file
GENERIC_WRITE, // access (read-write) mode
FILE_SHARE_READ, // share mode (allow read access)
NULL, // pointer to security attributes
CREATE_ALWAYS, // how to create
hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); goto Exit; }
Exit: return hr; }
using namespace std; typedef deque<CTracingFuncCall> TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK;
CTracingFuncCall::CTracingFuncCall(const CTracingFuncCall& TracingFuncCall) { Assert(g_csTracing);
m_szFunctionName = new CHAR[strlen(TracingFuncCall.m_szFunctionName)+1]; if (m_szFunctionName) { strcpy(m_szFunctionName, TracingFuncCall.m_szFunctionName); } else { m_szFunctionName = c_szLowMemory; } m_szFunctionDName = new CHAR[strlen(TracingFuncCall.m_szFunctionDName)+1]; if (m_szFunctionDName) { strcpy(m_szFunctionDName, TracingFuncCall.m_szFunctionDName); } else { m_szFunctionDName = c_szLowMemory; } m_szFile = new CHAR[strlen(TracingFuncCall.m_szFile)+1]; if (m_szFile) { strcpy(m_szFile, TracingFuncCall.m_szFile); } else { m_szFile = c_szLowMemory; } m_dwLine = TracingFuncCall.m_dwLine; m_dwFramePointer = TracingFuncCall.m_dwFramePointer; m_dwThreadId = TracingFuncCall.m_dwThreadId; m_ReturnAddress = TracingFuncCall.m_ReturnAddress; #if defined(_X86_) || defined(_AMD64_)
m_arguments[0] = TracingFuncCall.m_arguments[0]; m_arguments[1] = TracingFuncCall.m_arguments[1]; m_arguments[2] = TracingFuncCall.m_arguments[2]; #elif defined (_IA64_)
m_arguments[0] = TracingFuncCall.m_arguments[0]; m_arguments[1] = TracingFuncCall.m_arguments[1]; m_arguments[2] = TracingFuncCall.m_arguments[2]; #else
// add other processors here
#if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
CTracingFuncCall::CTracingFuncCall(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine, DWORD_PTR dwpReturnAddress, const DWORD_PTR dwFramePointer) #elif defined (_IA64_)
CTracingFuncCall::CTracingFuncCall(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine, DWORD_PTR dwpReturnAddress, const __int64 Args1, const __int64 Args2, const __int64 Args3) #else
CTracingFuncCall::CTracingFuncCall(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine) #endif
{ Assert(g_csTracing);
m_szFunctionName = new CHAR[strlen(szFunctionName)+1]; if (m_szFunctionName) { strcpy(m_szFunctionName, szFunctionName); } else { m_szFunctionName = c_szLowMemory; }
m_szFunctionDName = new CHAR[strlen(szFunctionDName)+1]; if (m_szFunctionDName) { strcpy(m_szFunctionDName, szFunctionDName); } else { m_szFunctionDName = c_szLowMemory; }
m_szFile = new CHAR[strlen(szFile)+1]; if (m_szFile) { strcpy(m_szFile, szFile); } else { m_szFile = c_szLowMemory; }
m_dwLine = dwLine; m_ReturnAddress = dwpReturnAddress; #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
m_dwFramePointer = dwFramePointer; if (dwFramePointer) { PDWORD_PTR pdwEbp = reinterpret_cast<PDWORD_PTR>(dwFramePointer); pdwEbp++; // advance pass BaseEBP
pdwEbp++; // advance pass ReturnIP
m_arguments[0] = *pdwEbp; pdwEbp++; m_arguments[1] = *pdwEbp; pdwEbp++; m_arguments[2] = *pdwEbp; } else { m_arguments[0] = 0; m_arguments[1] = 0; m_arguments[2] = 0; } #elif defined (_IA64_)
m_dwFramePointer = 0;
m_arguments[0] = Args1; m_arguments[1] = Args2; m_arguments[2] = Args3; #else
m_dwFramePointer = 0; #endif
m_dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); }
CTracingFuncCall::~CTracingFuncCall() { Assert(g_csTracing); if (c_szLowMemory != m_szFile) { delete[] m_szFile; }
if (c_szLowMemory != m_szFunctionDName) { delete[] m_szFunctionDName; }
if (c_szLowMemory != m_szFunctionName) { delete[] m_szFunctionName; } }
CTracingThreadInfo::CTracingThreadInfo() { Assert(g_csTracing);
m_dwLevel = 1; m_dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); m_pfnStack = new TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK; }
CTracingThreadInfo::~CTracingThreadInfo() { Assert(g_csTracing);
TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK *pfnStack = reinterpret_cast<TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK *>(m_pfnStack); delete pfnStack; }
CTracingThreadInfo* CTracingIndent::GetThreadInfo() { CTracingThreadInfo *pThreadInfo = NULL;
AssertSz(g_dwTlsTracing, "Tracing not initialized... Did RawDllMain run?"); AssertSz(g_csTracing, "Tracing not initialized... Did RawDllMain run?");
pThreadInfo = reinterpret_cast<CTracingThreadInfo *>(TlsGetValue(g_dwTlsTracing)); if (!pThreadInfo) { pThreadInfo = new CTracingThreadInfo; TlsSetValue(g_dwTlsTracing, pThreadInfo);
Assert(pThreadInfo == reinterpret_cast<CTracingThreadInfo *>(TlsGetValue(g_dwTlsTracing))); }
Assert(pThreadInfo); return pThreadInfo; }
CTracingIndent::CTracingIndent() { bFirstTrace = TRUE; m_szFunctionDName = NULL; m_dwFramePointer = NULL; }
#if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
void CTracingIndent::AddTrace(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine, LPCVOID pReturnAddress, const DWORD_PTR dwFramePointer) #elif defined (_IA64_)
void CTracingIndent::AddTrace(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine, LPCVOID pReturnAddress, const __int64 Args1, const __int64 Args2, const __int64 Args3) #else
void CTracingIndent::AddTrace(LPCSTR szFunctionName, LPCSTR szFunctionDName, LPCSTR szFile, const DWORD dwLine) #endif
{ Assert(szFunctionName); Assert(szFunctionDName); Assert(szFile);
if (!bFirstTrace) { #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
RemoveTrace(szFunctionDName, dwFramePointer); #elif defined (_IA64_)
RemoveTrace(szFunctionDName, 0); #else
RemoveTrace(szFunctionDName, 0); #endif
} else { bFirstTrace = FALSE; } volatile CTracingThreadInfo *pThreadInfo = GetThreadInfo(); TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK &fnStack = *reinterpret_cast<TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK *>(pThreadInfo->m_pfnStack);
Assert(g_csTracing); __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
#if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
CTracingFuncCall fnCall(szFunctionName, szFunctionDName, szFile, dwLine, reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(pReturnAddress), dwFramePointer); #elif defined (_IA64_)
CTracingFuncCall fnCall(szFunctionName, szFunctionDName, szFile, dwLine, reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(pReturnAddress), Args1, Args2, Args3); #else
CTracingFuncCall fnCall(szFunctionName, szFunctionDName, szFile, dwLine); #endif
if (fnStack.size() == 0) { pThreadInfo->m_dwLevel++; } else { const CTracingFuncCall& fnTopOfStack = fnStack.front(); if ( (fnCall.m_dwFramePointer != fnTopOfStack.m_dwFramePointer) || strcmp(fnCall.m_szFunctionDName, fnTopOfStack.m_szFunctionDName)) { pThreadInfo->m_dwLevel++; } } m_szFunctionDName = new CHAR[strlen(fnCall.m_szFunctionDName)+1]; if (m_szFunctionDName) { strcpy(m_szFunctionDName, fnCall.m_szFunctionDName); } else { m_szFunctionDName = c_szLowMemory; }
m_dwFramePointer = fnCall.m_dwFramePointer; fnStack.push_front(fnCall); } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } }
CTracingIndent::~CTracingIndent() { AssertSz(g_csTracing, "Tracing not initialized");
RemoveTrace(m_szFunctionDName, m_dwFramePointer); }
void CTracingIndent::RemoveTrace(LPCSTR szFunctionDName, const DWORD dwFramePointer) { __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
volatile CTracingThreadInfo *pThreadInfo = GetThreadInfo(); TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK &fnStack = *reinterpret_cast<TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK *>(pThreadInfo->m_pfnStack);
Assert(szFunctionDName); Assert(m_szFunctionDName); Assert(g_csTracing); if ( (fnStack.size() == 0) || ( ( strcmp(m_szFunctionDName, szFunctionDName) || strcmp(m_szFunctionDName, fnStack.front().m_szFunctionDName) ) && ( (c_szLowMemory != m_szFunctionDName) && (c_szLowMemory != fnStack.front().m_szFunctionDName) && (c_szLowMemory != szFunctionDName) ) ) || (m_dwFramePointer != fnStack.front().m_dwFramePointer) || (dwFramePointer != m_dwFramePointer) ) { // Make sure to leave the critical section during the assert, so that it does not cause a deadlock.
// This will trace the stack:
if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { TraceTagFn(ttidError, "Tracing self-inconsistent - either a stack over/underwrite occurred or an exception was thrown in faulting stack:"); TraceStackFn(ttidError); } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "Tracing self-inconsistent - either a stack over/underwrite occurred or an exception was thrown.\r\nPlease attach a debugger and hit Ignore on this assert to spew info to the debugger (it will assert again)."); TraceTagFn(ttidError, "Tracing self-inconsistent - either a stack over/underwrite occurred or an exception was thrown in faulting stack:"); TraceStackFn(ttidError); } TraceTagFn(ttidError, "1) For complete stack info, .frame down to CTracingIndent__RemoveTrace, dv and find dwFramePointer (2nd parameter to CTracingIndent__RemoveTrace)"); TraceTagFn(ttidError, " Then do a kb=(value of dwFramePointer)"); TraceTagFn(ttidError, "2) For even more complete stack info, .frame down to CTracingIndent__RemoveTrace, dv and then dt -r on fnStack"); TraceTagFn(ttidError, " Then find the _Next, where m_szFunctionName == 'CTracingIndent::RemoveTrace'"); TraceTagFn(ttidError, " If it exists, find the value of m_dwFramePointer under _Next"); TraceTagFn(ttidError, " Then do a kb=(value of m_dwFramePointer)");
// Try to recover.
if (fnStack.size() > 0) { fnStack.pop_front(); }
EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } else { DWORD dwOldFramePointer = fnStack.front().m_dwFramePointer; fnStack.pop_front(); if ( (fnStack.size() == 0) || (dwOldFramePointer != fnStack.front().m_dwFramePointer) || strcmp(m_szFunctionDName, fnStack.front().m_szFunctionDName) ) { pThreadInfo->m_dwLevel--; Assert(pThreadInfo->m_dwLevel); } }
if (c_szLowMemory != m_szFunctionDName) { delete [] m_szFunctionDName; } } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } }
DWORD CTracingIndent::getspaces() { volatile CTracingThreadInfo *pThreadInfo = GetThreadInfo(); return pThreadInfo->m_dwLevel; }
void CTracingIndent::TraceStackFn(TRACETAGID TraceTagId) { if (!g_TraceTags[TraceTagId].fOutputDebugString && !g_TraceTags[TraceTagId].fOutputToFile) { return; }
volatile CTracingThreadInfo *pThreadInfo = GetThreadInfo(); TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK &fnStack = *reinterpret_cast<TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK *>(pThreadInfo->m_pfnStack); Assert(g_csTracing); __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
if (fnStack.size() == 0) { return; } #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
TraceInternal(TraceTagId, NULL, 0, 0, "ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child (reconstructed - ChildEBP is invalid now)", 0, FALSE); #elif defined (_IA64_)
TraceInternal(TraceTagId, NULL, 0, 0, "RetAddr Args to Child (reconstructed - ChildEBP is invalid now)", 0, FALSE); #else
TraceInternal(TraceTagId, NULL, 0, 0, "Function stack", 0, FALSE); #endif
for (TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK::const_iterator i = fnStack.begin(); i != fnStack.end(); i++) { CHAR szBuffer[MAX_TRACE_LEN]; #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %s [%s @ %d]", i->m_dwFramePointer, i->m_ReturnAddress, i->m_arguments[0], i->m_arguments[1], i->m_arguments[2], i->m_szFunctionName, i->m_szFile, i->m_dwLine); #elif defined (_IA64_)
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%016I64x %016I64x 0x%016I64x 0x%016I64x %s [%s @ %d]", i->m_ReturnAddress, i->m_arguments[0], i->m_arguments[1], i->m_arguments[2], i->m_szFunctionName, i->m_szFile, i->m_dwLine); #else
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s", i->m_szFunctionName); #endif
TraceInternal (TraceTagId, NULL, 0, 0, szBuffer, 0, FALSE); } } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } }
void CTracingIndent::TraceStackFn(IN OUT LPSTR szString, IN OUT LPDWORD pdwSize) { volatile CTracingThreadInfo *pThreadInfo = GetThreadInfo(); TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK &fnStack = *reinterpret_cast<TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK *>(pThreadInfo->m_pfnStack); Assert(g_csTracing); __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing); ZeroMemory(szString, *pdwSize);
if (fnStack.size() == 0) { return; }
Assert(*pdwSize > MAX_TRACE_LEN); LPSTR pszString = szString;
#if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
pszString += _snprintf(pszString, MAX_TRACE_LEN, " ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child (reconstructed - ChildEBP is invalid now)\r\n"); #elif defined (_IA64_)
pszString += _snprintf(pszString, MAX_TRACE_LEN, " RetAddr Args to Child (reconstructed - ChildEBP is invalid now)\r\n"); #else
pszString += _snprintf(pszString, MAX_TRACE_LEN, " Function stack\r\n"); #endif
DWORD dwSizeIn = *pdwSize;
for (TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK::const_iterator i = fnStack.begin(); i != fnStack.end(); i++) { CHAR szBuffer[1024]; #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, " %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %s [%s @ %d]", i->m_dwFramePointer, i->m_ReturnAddress, i->m_arguments[0], i->m_arguments[1], i->m_arguments[2], i->m_szFunctionName, i->m_szFile, i->m_dwLine); #elif defined (_IA64_)
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, " %016I64x %016I64x 0x%016I64x 0x%016I64x %s [%s @ %d]", i->m_ReturnAddress, i->m_arguments[0], i->m_arguments[1], i->m_arguments[2], i->m_szFunctionName, i->m_szFile, i->m_dwLine); #else
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, " %s", i->m_szFunctionName); #endif
pszString += _snprintf(pszString, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s\r\n", szBuffer); if (pszString > (szString + (*pdwSize - celems(szBuffer))) ) // Can't use strlen since I need to know the length of the
// next element - not this one. Hence just take the maximum size.
{ pszString += _snprintf(pszString, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "...", szBuffer); *pdwSize = dwSizeIn * 2; // Tell the caller to allocate more memory and call us back if they want more info.
break; } }
if (*pdwSize < dwSizeIn) { *pdwSize = pszString - szString; } } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } }
VOID WINAPIV TraceFileFuncFn (TRACETAGID ttid) { if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidTraceFileFunc)) { CHAR szBuffer[MAX_TRACE_LEN];
volatile CTracingThreadInfo *pThreadInfo = CTracingIndent::GetThreadInfo(); TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK &fnStack = *reinterpret_cast<TRACING_FUNCTIONSTACK *>(pThreadInfo->m_pfnStack); Assert(g_csTracing); __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
const CTracingFuncCall& fnCall = fnStack.front();
if (fnStack.size() != 0) { if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidTraceSource)) { #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s [0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x] %s:%d", fnCall.m_szFunctionName, fnCall.m_arguments[0], fnCall.m_arguments[1], fnCall.m_arguments[2], fnCall.m_szFile, fnCall.m_dwLine); #elif defined (_IA64_)
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s [0x%016I64x 0x%016I64x 0x%016I64x] %s:%d", fnCall.m_szFunctionName, fnCall.m_arguments[0], fnCall.m_arguments[1], fnCall.m_arguments[2], fnCall.m_szFile, fnCall.m_dwLine); #else
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s %s:%d", fnCall.m_szFunctionName, fnCall.m_szFile, fnCall.m_dwLine); #endif
} else { #if defined (_X86_) || defined (_AMD64_)
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s [0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x]", fnCall.m_szFunctionName, fnCall.m_arguments[0], fnCall.m_arguments[1], fnCall.m_arguments[2]); #elif defined (_IA64_)
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s [0x%016I64x 0x%016I64x 0x%016I64x]", fnCall.m_szFunctionName, fnCall.m_arguments[0], fnCall.m_arguments[1], fnCall.m_arguments[2]); #else
_snprintf(szBuffer, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s", fnCall.m_szFunctionName); #endif
TraceTagFn(ttid, szBuffer); } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "Trace failure"); } } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } } }
// Shorten these to fit more in.
LPCSTR DbgEvents(DWORD Event) { if (Event < celems(DBG_CMENAMES)) { return DBG_CMENAMES[Event]; } else { return "UNKNOWN Event: Update DBG_CMENAMES table."; } }
LPCSTR DbgEventManager(DWORD EventManager) { if (EventManager < celems(DBG_EMNAMES)) { return DBG_EMNAMES[EventManager]; } else { return "UNKNOWN Event: Update DBG_EMNAMES table."; } }
LPCSTR DbgNcm(DWORD ncm) { if (ncm < celems(DBG_NCMNAMES)) { return DBG_NCMNAMES[ncm]; } else { return "UNKNOWN NCM: Update DBG_NCMNAMES table."; } }
LPCSTR DbgNcsm(DWORD ncsm) { if (ncsm < celems(DBG_NCSMNAMES)) { return DBG_NCSMNAMES[ncsm]; } else { return "UNKNOWN NCM: Update DBG_NCSMNAMES table."; } }
LPCSTR DbgNcs(DWORD ncs) { if (ncs < celems(DBG_NCSNAMES)) { return DBG_NCSNAMES[ncs]; } else { return "UNKNOWN NCS: Update DBG_NCSNAMES table."; } }
LPCSTR DbgNccf(DWORD nccf) { static CHAR szName[MAX_PATH];
if (nccf >= (1 << celems(DBG_NCCSFLAGS)) ) { return "UNKNOWN NCCF: Update DBG_NCCSFLAGS table."; }
if (0 == nccf) { strcpy(szName, DBG_NCCSFLAGS[0]); } else { szName[0] = '\0'; LPSTR szTemp = szName; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; for (DWORD x = 0; x < celems(DBG_NCCSFLAGS); x++) { if (nccf & (1 << x)) { if (!bFirst) { szTemp += _snprintf(szTemp, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "+"); } else { szTemp += _snprintf(szTemp, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "NCCF:"); } bFirst = FALSE; szTemp += _snprintf(szTemp, MAX_TRACE_LEN, "%s", DBG_NCCSFLAGS[x+1]); } } }
return szName; }
CObjectLeakTrack *g_pObjectLeakTrack = NULL;
// First LPSTR is classname
// Second LPSTR is stack trace
// Member: CObjectLeakTrack::CObjectLeakTrack
// Purpose: Constructor
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Author: deonb 7 July 2001
// Notes: We are allocating our g_mapObjLeak here
CObjectLeakTrack::CObjectLeakTrack() { Assert(FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)); g_mapObjLeak = new MAPOBJLEAK; }
// Member: CObjectLeakTrack::CObjectLeakTrack
// Purpose: Destructor
// Arguments:
// Returns: none
// Author: deonb 7 July 2001
// Notes: We are deleting our g_mapObjLeak here. We have to typecast it
// first since the data types exported by trace.h to the world is
// LPVOID, to minimize dependencies in order to include tracing.
CObjectLeakTrack::~CObjectLeakTrack() { Assert(FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)); delete reinterpret_cast<MAPOBJLEAK *>(g_mapObjLeak); }
// Member: CObjectLeakTrack::Insert
// Purpose: Insert an object instance in the list
// Arguments: [in] pThis - This pointer of the object instance. This must
// be the same as the this pointer of the ::Remove
// [in] szdbgClassName - The classname of the object
// [in own] pszConstructionStack - The stacktrace of the object constructor.
// (or any other information that is useful to describe
// the origin of the object).
// This must be allocated with the global new operator
// since we will take ownership and free this
// Returns: none
// Author: deonb 7 July 2001
// Notes:
void CObjectLeakTrack::Insert(IN LPCVOID pThis, IN LPCSTR szdbgClassName, IN TAKEOWNERSHIP LPSTR pszConstructionStack) { Assert(FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)); if (g_mapObjLeak) { MAPOBJLEAK &rmapObjLeak = *reinterpret_cast<MAPOBJLEAK *>(g_mapObjLeak);
LPSTR szdbgClassNameCopy = NULL; if (szdbgClassName) { // We have to take a copy of the classname here. This is a bit cointerintuitive, but typeid(T).name() actually calls
// into _UnDName to undecorate the name, and this points to an inner static - not directly to a location in
// our binary containing the class name.
szdbgClassNameCopy = new CHAR[strlen(szdbgClassName) + 1]; if (szdbgClassNameCopy) { strcpy(szdbgClassNameCopy, szdbgClassName); } }
rmapObjLeak[pThis] = MAPOBJLEAKPAIR(szdbgClassNameCopy, pszConstructionStack); } }
// Member: CObjectLeakTrack::Remove
// Purpose: Remove an object instance from the list
// Arguments: [in] pThis - This pointer of the object instance. This must
// be the same as the this pointer of the ::Insert
// Returns:
// Author: deonb 7 July 2001
// Notes:
void CObjectLeakTrack::Remove(IN LPCVOID pThis) { Assert(FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)); if (g_mapObjLeak) { MAPOBJLEAK &rmapObjLeak = *reinterpret_cast<MAPOBJLEAK *>(g_mapObjLeak);
MAPOBJLEAK::iterator iter = rmapObjLeak.find(pThis); if (iter != rmapObjLeak.end()) { delete [] iter->second.first; // The class name
iter->second.first = NULL;
delete [] iter->second.second; // The stack trace
iter->second.second = NULL;
rmapObjLeak.erase(iter); } } }
void RemoveKnownleakFn(LPCVOID pThis) { if (FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks) && g_pObjectLeakTrack) { __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing); TraceTag(ttidAllocations, "An object at '0x%08x' was marked as a known leak", pThis); g_pObjectLeakTrack->Remove(pThis); } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } } }
// Member: CObjectLeakTrack::AssertIfObjectsStillAllocated
// Purpose: Assert if the the list of allocated objects in the process is not NULL.
// and call DumpAllocatedObjects to dump out this list.
// Arguments: [in] szClassName. The classname of the objects to assert that there are nothing of.
// This classname can be obtained by calling typeid(CLASS).name()
// on your class. (E.g. typeid(CConnectionManager).name() )
// Can also be NULL to ensure that there are NO objects allocated
// Returns: none
// Author: deonb 7 July 2001
// Notes: Don't call this from outside tracing - rather call AssertNoAllocatedInstances
// which is safe to call in CHK and FRE.
BOOL CObjectLeakTrack::AssertIfObjectsStillAllocated(IN LPCSTR szClassName) { if (!FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)) { return FALSE; }
if (g_mapObjLeak) { __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
MAPOBJLEAK &rmapObjLeak = *reinterpret_cast<MAPOBJLEAK *>(g_mapObjLeak); BOOL fFoundObjectOfType = FALSE;
for (MAPOBJLEAK::const_iterator iter = rmapObjLeak.begin(); iter != rmapObjLeak.end(); iter++) { if (szClassName) { if (0 == strcmp(iter->second.first, szClassName) ) { fFoundObjectOfType = TRUE; break; } } else { fFoundObjectOfType = TRUE; break; } }
if (fFoundObjectOfType) { AssertSz(FALSE, "An object leak has been detected. Please attach a user or kernel mode debugger and hit IGNORE to dump the offending stacks"); DumpAllocatedObjects(ttidError, szClassName); return TRUE; } } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } } return FALSE; }
// Member: CObjectLeakTrack::DumpAllocatedObjects
// Purpose: Dump the list of the objects and their construction stacks
// for the objects that were allocated but not deleted yet. Dumps
// to the debugger.
// Arguments: [in] TraceTagId. The TraceTag to trace it to.
// [in] szClassName. The classname of the objects to dump out.
// This classname can be obtained by calling typeid(CLASS).name()
// on your class. (E.g. typeid(CConnectionManager).name() )
// Can also be NULL to dump out objects of ALL types.
// Returns: none
// Author: deonb 7 July 2001
// Notes: Don't call this from outside - rather call TraceAllocatedObjects
// which is safe to call in CHK and FRE.
void CObjectLeakTrack::DumpAllocatedObjects(IN TRACETAGID TraceTagId, IN LPCSTR szClassName) { if (!FIsDebugFlagSet(dfidTrackObjectLeaks)) { return; }
if (g_mapObjLeak) { __try { EnterCriticalSection(g_csTracing);
MAPOBJLEAK &rmapObjLeak = *reinterpret_cast<MAPOBJLEAK *>(g_mapObjLeak);
for (MAPOBJLEAK::const_iterator iter = rmapObjLeak.begin(); iter != rmapObjLeak.end(); iter++) { BOOL fMustSpew = TRUE; if (szClassName) { if (0 != strcmp(iter->second.first, szClassName) ) { fMustSpew = FALSE; } }
if (fMustSpew) { TraceTag(TraceTagId, "The object of type '%s' allocated at 0x%08x has not been freed:", iter->second.first, iter->first);
if (*iter->second.second) { TraceTag (TraceTagId, "Callstack below:\r\n%s", iter->second.second); } else { TraceTag(TraceTagId, " <call stack information not available. See comments inside trace.h on how to increase call stack information>."); } } } } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection(g_csTracing); } } }