// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: N C R A S . C P P
// Contents: Common code for RAS connections.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 20 Oct 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncnetcon.h"
#include "ncras.h"
#include "ncstring.h"
#include <raserror.h>
#include "mprapi.h"
// Function: RciFree
// Purpose: Frees the memory associated with a RASCON_INFO strucutre.
// Arguments:
// pRasConInfo [in] Pointer to RASCON_INFO structure to free.
// Returns: nothing
// Author: shaunco 21 Sep 1997
// Notes: CoTaskMemAlloc/CoTaskMemFree are used as the allocator/
// deallocator because this structure is marshalled by COM.
VOID RciFree ( RASCON_INFO* pRasConInfo) { Assert (pRasConInfo);
CoTaskMemFree (pRasConInfo->pszwPbkFile); CoTaskMemFree (pRasConInfo->pszwEntryName);
ZeroMemory (pRasConInfo, sizeof (*pRasConInfo)); }
// Function: FExistActiveRasConnections
// Purpose: Returns TRUE if there is at least one active RAS connection.
// Both incoming and outgoing connections are checked.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: TRUE if at least one incoming or outgoing RAS connection
// in progress. FALSE if not.
// Author: shaunco 8 Jul 1998
// Notes:
BOOL FExistActiveRasConnections () { BOOL fExist = FALSE; RASCONN RasConn; DWORD dwErr; DWORD cbBuf; DWORD cConnections;
ZeroMemory (&RasConn, sizeof(RasConn)); RasConn.dwSize = sizeof(RasConn); cbBuf = sizeof(RasConn); cConnections = 0; dwErr = RasEnumConnections (&RasConn, &cbBuf, &cConnections); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) || (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == dwErr)) { fExist = (cbBuf > 0) || (cConnections > 0); }
// If no outgoing connections active, check on incoming ones.
if (!fExist) { MPR_SERVER_HANDLE hMprServer; LPBYTE lpbBuf = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;
ZeroMemory (&hMprServer, sizeof(hMprServer)); //get a handle to the local router ie. name = NULL
dwErr = MprAdminServerConnect( NULL, &hMprServer ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { //retrieve a pointer to buffer containing all
//incoming connections (ie dwPrefMaxLen = -1) and
//the their count ( ie. dwTotalEntries )
dwErr = MprAdminConnectionEnum( hMprServer, 0, &lpbBuf, (DWORD)-1, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, NULL ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { fExist = (dwTotalEntries > 0); } // close the handle to the router
MprAdminServerDisconnect( hMprServer ); } }
return fExist; }
// Function: HrRciGetRasConnectionInfo
// Purpose: QI an INetConnection pointer for INetRasConnection and make
// a call to GetRasConnectionInfo on it.
// Arguments:
// pCon [in] The connection to QI and call.
// pRasConInfo [out] The returned information.
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 15 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRciGetRasConnectionInfo ( INetConnection* pCon, RASCON_INFO* pRasConInfo) { INetRasConnection* pRasCon; HRESULT hr = HrQIAndSetProxyBlanket(pCon, &pRasCon); if (S_OK == hr) { // Make the call to get the info and release the interface.
hr = pRasCon->GetRasConnectionInfo (pRasConInfo);
ReleaseObj (pRasCon); } TraceError ("HrRciGetRasConnectionInfo", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasEnumAllActiveConnections
// Purpose: Enumerate and return all active RAS connections.
// Arguments:
// paRasConn [out] Pointer to returned allocation of RASCONN structures.
// pcRasConn [out] Pointer to count of RASCONN structures returned.
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 23 Sep 1997
// Notes: The returned buffer must be freed using free.
HRESULT HrRasEnumAllActiveConnections ( RASCONN** paRasConn, DWORD* pcRasConn) { // Allocate room for two active connections initially. We'll update
// this guess after we successfully allocate and find out how much was
// really needed. Saving it across calls will keep us from allocating
// too much or too little.
static DWORD cbBufGuess = 2 * sizeof (RASCONN);
DWORD cbBuf = cbBufGuess; BOOL fRetry = TRUE;
// Initialize the output parameters.
*paRasConn = NULL; *pcRasConn = NULL;
// Allocate cbBuf bytes.
allocate: HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; RASCONN* aRasConn = reinterpret_cast<RASCONN*>(MemAlloc (cbBuf)); if (aRasConn) { aRasConn->dwSize = sizeof (RASCONN);
DWORD cRasConn; DWORD dwErr = RasEnumConnections (aRasConn, &cbBuf, &cRasConn); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Update our guess for next time to be one more than we got back
// this time.
cbBufGuess = cbBuf + sizeof (RASCONN);
if (cRasConn) { *paRasConn = aRasConn; *pcRasConn = cRasConn; } else { MemFree (aRasConn); } } else { MemFree (aRasConn);
if (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == dwErr) { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "Perf: Guessed buffer size incorrectly " "calling RasEnumConnections.\n" " Guessed %d, needed %d.", cbBufGuess, cbBuf);
// In case RAS makes more calls by the time we get back
// to enumerate with the bigger buffer, add room for a few
// more.
cbBuf += 2 * sizeof (RASCONN);
// Protect from an infinte loop by only retrying once.
if (fRetry) { fRetry = FALSE; goto allocate; } } } }
TraceError ("HrRasEnumAllActiveConnections", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasEnumAllActiveServerConnections
// Purpose: Enumerate and return all active RAS server connections.
// Arguments:
// paRasSrvConn [out] Pointer to returned allocation of RASSRVCONN
// structures.
// pcRasSrvConn [out] Pointer to count of RASSRVCONN structures
// returned.
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 12 Nov 1997
// Notes: The returned buffer must be freed using free.
HRESULT HrRasEnumAllActiveServerConnections ( RASSRVCONN** paRasSrvConn, DWORD* pcRasSrvConn) { // Allocate room for two active connections initially. We'll update
// this guess after we successfully allocate and find out how much was
// really needed. Saving it across calls will keep us from allocating
// too much or too little.
static DWORD cbBufGuess = 2 * sizeof (RASSRVCONN);
DWORD cbBuf = cbBufGuess; BOOL fRetry = TRUE;
// Initialize the output parameters.
*paRasSrvConn = NULL; *pcRasSrvConn = NULL;
// Allocate cbBuf bytes.
allocate: HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; RASSRVCONN* aRasSrvConn = reinterpret_cast<RASSRVCONN*>(MemAlloc (cbBuf)); if (aRasSrvConn) { aRasSrvConn->dwSize = sizeof (RASSRVCONN);
DWORD cRasSrvConn; DWORD dwErr = RasSrvEnumConnections (aRasSrvConn, &cbBuf, &cRasSrvConn); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Update our guess for next time to be one more than we got back
// this time.
cbBufGuess = cbBuf + sizeof (RASSRVCONN);
if (cRasSrvConn) { *paRasSrvConn = aRasSrvConn; *pcRasSrvConn = cRasSrvConn; } else { MemFree (aRasSrvConn); } } else { MemFree (aRasSrvConn);
if (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == dwErr) { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "Perf: Guessed buffer size incorrectly " "calling RasSrvEnumConnections.\n" " Guessed %d, needed %d.", cbBufGuess, cbBuf);
// In case RAS makes more calls by the time we get back
// to enumerate with the bigger buffer, add room for a few
// more.
cbBuf += 2 * sizeof (RASSRVCONN);
// Protect from an infinte loop by only retrying once.
if (fRetry) { fRetry = FALSE; goto allocate; } } } }
TraceError ("HrRasEnumAllActiveServerConnections", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasEnumAllEntriesWithDetails
// Purpose: Enumerate and return all RAS entries in a phone book.
// Arguments:
// pszPhonebook [in] Phonebook file to use.
// paRasEntryDetails [out] Pointer to returned allocation of
// pcRasEntryDetails [out] Pointer to count of RASENUMENTRYDETAILS
// structures returned.
// Returns: S_OK, S_FALSE if no entries, or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 2 Oct 1997
// Notes: The returned buffer must be freed using free.
HRESULT HrRasEnumAllEntriesWithDetails ( PCWSTR pszPhonebook, RASENUMENTRYDETAILS** paRasEntryDetails, DWORD* pcRasEntryDetails) { // Allocate room for five entry names initially. We'll update
// this guess after we successfully allocate and find out how much was
// really needed. Saving it across calls will keep us from allocating
// too much or too little.
static DWORD cbBufGuess = 5 * sizeof (RASENUMENTRYDETAILS);
DWORD cbBuf = cbBufGuess; BOOL fRetry = TRUE;
// Initialize the output parameters.
*paRasEntryDetails = NULL; *pcRasEntryDetails = 0;
// Allocate cbBuf bytes.
allocate: HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; RASENUMENTRYDETAILS* aRasEntryDetails = reinterpret_cast<RASENUMENTRYDETAILS*>(MemAlloc (cbBuf)); if (aRasEntryDetails) { ZeroMemory(aRasEntryDetails, cbBuf); aRasEntryDetails->dwSize = sizeof (RASENUMENTRYDETAILS);
DWORD cRasEntryDetails; DWORD dwErr = DwEnumEntryDetails ( pszPhonebook, aRasEntryDetails, &cbBuf, &cRasEntryDetails); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Update our guess for next time to be one more than we got back
// this time.
cbBufGuess = cbBuf + sizeof (RASENUMENTRYDETAILS);
if (cRasEntryDetails) { *paRasEntryDetails = aRasEntryDetails; *pcRasEntryDetails = cRasEntryDetails; } else { MemFree (aRasEntryDetails); hr = S_FALSE; } } else { MemFree (aRasEntryDetails);
if (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == dwErr) { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "Perf: Guessed buffer size incorrectly " "calling DwEnumEntryDetails.\n" " Guessed %d, needed %d.", cbBufGuess, cbBuf);
// Protect from an infinte loop by only retrying once.
if (fRetry) { fRetry = FALSE; goto allocate; } } } }
TraceError ("HrRasEnumAllEntriesWithDetails", (S_FALSE == hr) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrFindRasConnFromGuidId
// Purpose: Searches for the active RAS connection that corresponds to
// the phone book entry given by a GUID.
// Arguments:
// pguid [in] Pointer to the GUID which identifies the entry.
// phRasConn [out] The returned handle to the RAS connection if it
// was found. NULL otherwise.
// pRasConn [out] Optional pointer to returned RASCONN structure
// if found.
// Returns: S_OK if found, S_FALSE if not, or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 29 Sep 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrFindRasConnFromGuidId ( IN const GUID* pguid, OUT HRASCONN* phRasConn, OUT RASCONN* pRasConn OPTIONAL) { Assert (pguid); Assert (phRasConn);
HRESULT hr; RASCONN* aRasConn; DWORD cRasConn;
// Initialize the output parameter.
*phRasConn = NULL;
hr = HrRasEnumAllActiveConnections (&aRasConn, &cRasConn);
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = S_FALSE;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < cRasConn; i++) { if (*pguid == aRasConn[i].guidEntry) { *phRasConn = aRasConn[i].hrasconn;
if (pRasConn) { CopyMemory (pRasConn, &aRasConn[i], sizeof(RASCONN)); }
hr = S_OK; break; } }
MemFree (aRasConn); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, S_FALSE == hr, "HrFindRasConnFromGuidId"); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasGetEntryProperties
// Purpose: Wrapper around RasGetEntryProperties that returns an HRESULT
// and allocates the necessary memory automatically.
// Arguments:
// pszPhonebook [in]
// pszEntry [in]
// ppRasEntry [out]
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 6 Oct 1997
// Notes: The output parameters should be freed using free.
HRESULT HrRasGetEntryProperties ( PCWSTR pszPhonebook, PCWSTR pszEntry, RASENTRY** ppRasEntry, DWORD* pcbRasEntry) { // Init the output parameter if provided.
if (pcbRasEntry) { *pcbRasEntry = 0; }
// Allocate room for RASENTRY structure plus 256 bytes initially.
// We'll update this guess after we successfully allocate and find out
// how much was really needed. Saving it across calls will keep us
// from allocating too much or too little.
static DWORD cbBufGuess = sizeof (RASENTRY) + 256;
DWORD cbBuf = cbBufGuess; BOOL fRetry = TRUE;
// Initialize the output parameters.
*ppRasEntry = NULL; if (pcbRasEntry) { *pcbRasEntry = 0; }
// Allocate cbBuf bytes.
allocate: HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; RASENTRY* pRasEntry = reinterpret_cast<RASENTRY*>(MemAlloc (cbBuf)); if (pRasEntry) { pRasEntry->dwSize = sizeof (RASENTRY);
DWORD dwErr = RasGetEntryProperties (pszPhonebook, pszEntry, pRasEntry, &cbBuf, NULL, NULL); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Update our guess for next time to be a bit more than we
// got back this time.
cbBufGuess = cbBuf + 256;
*ppRasEntry = pRasEntry; if (pcbRasEntry) { *pcbRasEntry = cbBuf; } } else { MemFree (pRasEntry);
if (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == dwErr) { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "Perf: Guessed buffer size incorrectly " "calling RasGetEntryProperties.\n" " Guessed %d, needed %d.", cbBufGuess, cbBuf);
// Protect from an infinte loop by only retrying once.
if (fRetry) { fRetry = FALSE; goto allocate; } } } }
TraceError ("HrRasGetEntryProperties", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasGetSubEntryProperties
// Purpose: Wrapper around RasGetSubEntryProperties that returns an HRESULT
// and allocates the necessary memory automatically.
// Arguments:
// pszPhonebook [in]
// pszEntry [in]
// dwSubEntry [in]
// ppRasSubEntry [out]
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: CWill 02/10/98
// Notes: The output parameters should be freed using free.
HRESULT HrRasGetSubEntryProperties ( PCWSTR pszPhonebook, PCWSTR pszEntry, DWORD dwSubEntry, RASSUBENTRY** ppRasSubEntry) { // Allocate room for RASSUBENTRY structure plus 256 bytes initially.
// We'll update this guess after we successfully allocate and find out
// how much was really needed. Saving it across calls will keep us
// from allocating too much or too little.
static DWORD cbBufGuess = sizeof (RASSUBENTRY) + 256;
DWORD cbBuf = cbBufGuess; BOOL fRetry = TRUE;
// Initialize the output parameters.
*ppRasSubEntry = NULL;
// Allocate cbBuf bytes.
allocate: HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; RASSUBENTRY* pRasSubEntry = reinterpret_cast<RASSUBENTRY*>(MemAlloc (cbBuf)); if (pRasSubEntry) { pRasSubEntry->dwSize = sizeof (RASSUBENTRY);
DWORD dwErr = RasGetSubEntryProperties (pszPhonebook, pszEntry, dwSubEntry, pRasSubEntry, &cbBuf, NULL, NULL); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Update our guess for next time to be a bit more than we
// got back this time.
cbBufGuess = cbBuf + 256;
*ppRasSubEntry = pRasSubEntry; } else { MemFree (pRasSubEntry);
if (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == dwErr) { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "Perf: Guessed buffer size incorrectly " "calling RasGetSubEntryProperties.\n" " Guessed %d, needed %d.", cbBufGuess, cbBuf);
// Protect from an infinte loop by only retrying once.
if (fRetry) { fRetry = FALSE; goto allocate; } } } }
TraceError ("HrRasGetSubEntryProperties", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasGetNetconStatusFromRasConnectStatus
// Purpose: Returns a NETCON_STATUS value given a handle to a RAS
// connection by calling RasGetConnectStatus and mapping.
// Arguments:
// hRasConn [in] Handle to the RAS connection. (See Win32 RAS APIs.)
// pStatus [out] Pointer to where the NETCON_STATUS is returned.
// Returns: S_OK or an error code in the FACILITY_WIN32 facility.
// Author: shaunco 6 May 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRasGetNetconStatusFromRasConnectStatus ( HRASCONN hRasConn, NETCON_STATUS* pStatus) { Assert (pStatus);
// Initialize the output parameter.
// Get its status and map it to our status.
RASCONNSTATUS RasConnStatus; ZeroMemory (&RasConnStatus, sizeof(RasConnStatus)); RasConnStatus.dwSize = sizeof(RASCONNSTATUS);
DWORD dwErr = RasGetConnectStatus (hRasConn, &RasConnStatus);
HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) == hr), "RasGetConnectStatus");
if (S_OK == hr) { if (RasConnStatus.rasconnstate & RASCS_DONE) { if (RASCS_Disconnected != RasConnStatus.rasconnstate) { *pStatus = NCS_CONNECTED; } } else { *pStatus = NCS_CONNECTING; } }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) == hr), "HrRasGetNetconStatusFromRasConnectStatus"); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasHangupUntilDisconnected
// Purpose: Call RasHangup until the connection is disconnected.
// Ras reference-counts RasDial/RasHangup, so this is called
// when the connection needs to be dropped no matter what.
// (For example, the behavior of disconnect from the shell
// is to drop the connection regardless of who dialed it.)
// Arguments:
// hRasConn [in] The connection to disconnect.
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 29 May 1999
HRESULT HrRasHangupUntilDisconnected ( IN HRASCONN hRasConn) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
BOOL fDisconnectAgain; do { fDisconnectAgain = FALSE;
// Hang up.
DWORD dwErr = RasHangUp (hRasConn); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("RasHangUp", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Since the connection may be ref-counted, see if
// it's still connected and, if it is, go back and
// disconnect again.
hrT = HrRasGetNetconStatusFromRasConnectStatus ( hRasConn, &Status);
if ((S_OK == hrT) && (NCS_CONNECTED == Status)) { fDisconnectAgain = TRUE;
TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "need to disconnect again..."); } } } while (fDisconnectAgain);
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrRasHangupUntilDisconnected"); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasNetConToSharedConnection
// Purpose: Converts an 'INetConnection' to the format expected
// by the RAS sharing API routines.
// Arguments:
// pCon [in]
// prcs [out]
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: AboladeG 05/14/98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrNetConToSharedConnection ( INetConnection* pCon, LPRASSHARECONN prsc) { HRESULT hr; NETCON_PROPERTIES* pProps; hr = pCon->GetProperties(&pProps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pProps->MediaType == NCM_LAN) { RasGuidToSharedConnection(&pProps->guidId, prsc); } else { INetRasConnection* pnrc; hr = HrQIAndSetProxyBlanket(pCon, &pnrc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RASCON_INFO rci; hr = pnrc->GetRasConnectionInfo (&rci); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RasEntryToSharedConnection ( rci.pszwPbkFile, rci.pszwEntryName, prsc ); RciFree (&rci); } ReleaseObj (pnrc); } } FreeNetconProperties(pProps); } TraceError ("HrRasNetConToSharedConnection", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasIsSharedConnection
// Purpose: Wrapper around RasIsSharedConnection that returns an HRESULT.
// Arguments:
// prsc [in]
// pfShared [out]
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: AboladeG 05/04/98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRasIsSharedConnection ( LPRASSHARECONN prsc, BOOL* pfShared) { *pfShared = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = RasIsSharedConnection (prsc, pfShared); HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("HrRasIsSharedConnection", hr); return hr; }
#if 0
// Function: HrRasQueryLanConnTable
// Purpose: Wrapper around RasQueryLanConnTable that returns an HRESULT.
// Arguments:
// prsc [in]
// ppLanTable [out,optional]
// pdwLanCount [out]
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: AboladeG 05/14/98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRasQueryLanConnTable ( LPRASSHARECONN prsc, NETCON_PROPERTIES** ppLanTable, LPDWORD pdwLanCount) { DWORD dwErr = RasQueryLanConnTable (prsc, (LPVOID*)ppLanTable, pdwLanCount); HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("HrRasQueryLanConnTable", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasShareConnection
// Purpose: Wrapper around RasShareConnection that returns an HRESULT.
// Arguments:
// prsc [in]
// pPrivateLanGuid [in,optional]
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: AboladeG 05/14/98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRasShareConnection ( LPRASSHARECONN prsc, GUID* pPrivateLanGuid) { DWORD dwErr = RasShareConnection (prsc, pPrivateLanGuid); HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("HrRasShareConnection", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasUnshareConnection
// Purpose: Wrapper around HrRasUnshareConnection that returns an HRESULT.
// Arguments:
// pfWasShared [out]
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: AboladeG 05/14/98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRasUnshareConnection ( PBOOL pfWasShared) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwErr = RasUnshareConnection (pfWasShared); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("HrRasUnshareConnection", hr); return hr; }
// Function: NcRasMsgBoxWithErrorText
// Purpose: Displays a message box using a RAS or Win32 error code,
// resource strings and replaceable parameters.
// The output text is a combination of the user's format
// string (with parameter's replaced) and the Win32 error
// text as returned from FormatMessage. These two strings
// are combined using the IDS_TEXT_WITH_WIN32_ERROR resource.
// Arguments:
// dwError [in] RAS/Win32 error code
// hinst [in] Module instance where string resources live.
// hwnd [in] parent window handle
// unIdCaption [in] resource id of caption string
// unIdCombineFormat [in] resource id of format string to combine
// error text with unIdFormat text.
// unIdFormat [in] resource id of text string (with %1, %2, etc.)
// unStyle [in] standard message box styles
// ... [in] replaceable parameters (optional)
// (these must be PCWSTRs as that is all
// FormatMessage handles.)
// Returns: the return value of MessageBox()
// Author: aboladeg 15 May 1997
// Notes: FormatMessage is used to do the parameter substitution.
// Revision: based on NcMsgBoxWithWin32ErrorText by shaunco.
NOTHROW int WINAPIV NcRasMsgBoxWithErrorText ( DWORD dwError, HINSTANCE hinst, HWND hwnd, UINT unIdCaption, UINT unIdCombineFormat, UINT unIdFormat, UINT unStyle, ...) { // Get the user's text with parameter's replaced.
PCWSTR pszFormat = SzLoadString (hinst, unIdFormat); PWSTR pszText; va_list val; va_start (val, unStyle); FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, pszFormat, 0, 0, (PWSTR)&pszText, 0, &val); va_end(val);
// Get the error text for the Win32 error.
PWSTR pszError = NULL; if (dwError < RASBASE || dwError > RASBASEEND) { FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), (PWSTR)&pszError, 0, NULL); } else { pszError = (PWSTR)LocalAlloc (0, (256 + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pszError) { RasGetErrorString(dwError, pszError, 256); } }
// Combine the user's text with the error text using IDS_TEXT_WITH_WIN32_ERROR.
PCWSTR pszTextWithErrorFmt = SzLoadString (hinst, unIdCombineFormat); PWSTR pszTextWithError; DwFormatStringWithLocalAlloc (pszTextWithErrorFmt, &pszTextWithError, pszText, pszError);
PCWSTR pszCaption = SzLoadString (hinst, unIdCaption); int nRet = MessageBox(hwnd, pszTextWithError, pszCaption, unStyle);
LocalFree (pszTextWithError); LocalFree (pszError); LocalFree (pszText);
return nRet; }
// Function: RasSrvTypeFromRasDeviceType
// Purpose: Converts from RASDEVICETYPE into an accepted incoming type
// Arguments:
// rdt [in] the RasDeviceType
// Returns: RASSRVUI_Xxx type
// Author: ckotze 19 Apr 2001
// Notes:
DWORD RasSrvTypeFromRasDeviceType(RASDEVICETYPE rdt) { DWORD dwType = RASSRVUI_MODEM; TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "rdt:0x%08x, dwType:0x%08x", rdt, dwType); switch (LOWORD(rdt)) { case RDT_PPPoE: dwType = RASSRVUI_MODEM; break; case RDT_Modem: case RDT_X25: dwType = RASSRVUI_MODEM; break; case RDT_Isdn: dwType = RASSRVUI_MODEM; break; case RDT_Serial: case RDT_FrameRelay: case RDT_Atm: case RDT_Sonet: case RDT_Sw56: dwType = RASSRVUI_MODEM; break; case RDT_Tunnel_Pptp: case RDT_Tunnel_L2tp: dwType = RASSRVUI_VPN; break; case RDT_Irda: case RDT_Parallel: dwType = RASSRVUI_DCC; break; case RDT_Other: default: dwType = RASSRVUI_MODEM; } if (rdt & RDT_Tunnel) { dwType = RASSRVUI_VPN; } else if (rdt & (RDT_Direct | RDT_Null_Modem)) { dwType = RASSRVUI_DCC; } return dwType; }