#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "utils.h"
#define MAXIPSTRLEN 20
// Function: IpAddressFromAbcdWsz
// Synopsis:Converts caller's a.b.c.d IP address string to a network byte order IP
// address. 0 if formatted incorrectly.
// Arguments: IN const WCHAR* wszIpAddress - ip address in a.b.c.d unicode string
// Returns: DWORD - IPAddr, return INADDR_NONE on failure
// History: fengsun Created Header 12/8/98
DWORD WINAPI IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(IN const WCHAR* wszIpAddress) { CHAR szIpAddress[MAXIPSTRLEN + 1]; DWORD nboIpAddr;
ASSERT(lstrlen(wszIpAddress) < MAXIPSTRLEN);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszIpAddress, -1, szIpAddress, sizeof(szIpAddress), NULL, NULL);
nboIpAddr = inet_addr(szIpAddress);
return(nboIpAddr); }
// Function: IpAddressToAbcdWsz
// Synopsis:
// Converts IpAddr to a string in the a.b.c.d form and returns same in
// caller's wszIpAddress buffer. The buffer should be at least
// MAXIPSTRLEN + 1 characters long.
// Arguments: IPAddr IpAddress -
// OUT WCHAR* wszIpAddress - buffer at least MAXIPSTRLEN
// Returns: void
// History: fengsun Created Header 12/21/98
VOID WINAPI AbcdWszFromIpAddress( IN DWORD IpAddress, OUT WCHAR* wszIpAddress) { ASSERT(wszIpAddress);
LPSTR AnsiAddressString = inet_ntoa( *(struct in_addr *)&IpAddress );
if (AnsiAddressString == NULL) { lstrcpyW(wszIpAddress, L""); return ; }
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, AnsiAddressString, -1 , wszIpAddress, MAXIPSTRLEN + 1); }
* Function: GetIPAddressOctets * Description: Turn an IP Address string into its 4 integer components. * Author: shouse 7.24.00 */ VOID GetIPAddressOctets (PCWSTR pszIpAddress, DWORD ardw[4]) { DWORD dwIpAddr = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(pszIpAddress); const BYTE * bp = (const BYTE *)&dwIpAddr;
ardw[0] = (DWORD)bp[0]; ardw[1] = (DWORD)bp[1]; ardw[2] = (DWORD)bp[2]; ardw[3] = (DWORD)bp[3]; }
* Function: IsValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair * Description: Checks for valid IP address/netmask pairs. * Author: Copied largely from net/config/netcfg/tcpipcfg/tcperror.cpp */ BOOL IsValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair (PCWSTR szIp, PCWSTR szSubnet) { BOOL fNoError = TRUE; DWORD ardwNetID[4]; DWORD ardwHostID[4]; DWORD ardwIp[4]; DWORD ardwMask[4];
GetIPAddressOctets(szIp, ardwIp); GetIPAddressOctets(szSubnet, ardwMask);
INT nFirstByte = ardwIp[0] & 0xFF;
// setup Net ID
ardwNetID[0] = ardwIp[0] & ardwMask[0] & 0xFF; ardwNetID[1] = ardwIp[1] & ardwMask[1] & 0xFF; ardwNetID[2] = ardwIp[2] & ardwMask[2] & 0xFF; ardwNetID[3] = ardwIp[3] & ardwMask[3] & 0xFF;
// setup Host ID
ardwHostID[0] = ardwIp[0] & (~(ardwMask[0]) & 0xFF); ardwHostID[1] = ardwIp[1] & (~(ardwMask[1]) & 0xFF); ardwHostID[2] = ardwIp[2] & (~(ardwMask[2]) & 0xFF); ardwHostID[3] = ardwIp[3] & (~(ardwMask[3]) & 0xFF);
// check each case
if( ((nFirstByte & 0xF0) == 0xE0) || // Class D
((nFirstByte & 0xF0) == 0xF0) || // Class E
(ardwNetID[0] == 127) || // NetID cannot be 127...
((ardwNetID[0] == 0) && // netid cannot be
(ardwNetID[1] == 0) && (ardwNetID[2] == 0) && (ardwNetID[3] == 0)) || // netid cannot be equal to sub-net mask
((ardwNetID[0] == ardwMask[0]) && (ardwNetID[1] == ardwMask[1]) && (ardwNetID[2] == ardwMask[2]) && (ardwNetID[3] == ardwMask[3])) || // hostid cannot be
((ardwHostID[0] == 0) && (ardwHostID[1] == 0) && (ardwHostID[2] == 0) && (ardwHostID[3] == 0)) || // hostid cannot be
((ardwHostID[0] == 0xFF) && (ardwHostID[1] == 0xFF) && (ardwHostID[2] == 0xFF) && (ardwHostID[3] == 0xFF)) || // test for all 255
((ardwIp[0] == 0xFF) && (ardwIp[1] == 0xFF) && (ardwIp[2] == 0xFF) && (ardwIp[3] == 0xFF))) { fNoError = FALSE; }
return fNoError; }
* Function: IsContiguousSubnetMask * Description: Makes sure the netmask is contiguous * Author: Copied largely from net/config/netcfg/tcpipcfg/tcputil.cpp */ BOOL IsContiguousSubnetMask (PCWSTR pszSubnet) { DWORD ardwSubnet[4];
GetIPAddressOctets(pszSubnet, ardwSubnet);
DWORD dwMask = (ardwSubnet[0] << 24) + (ardwSubnet[1] << 16) + (ardwSubnet[2] << 8) + ardwSubnet[3]; DWORD i, dwContiguousMask; // Find out where the first '1' is in binary going right to left
dwContiguousMask = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(dwMask)*8; i++) { dwContiguousMask |= 1 << i; if (dwContiguousMask & dwMask) break; } // At this point, dwContiguousMask is 000...0111... If we inverse it,
// we get a mask that can be or'd with dwMask to fill in all of
// the holes.
dwContiguousMask = dwMask | ~dwContiguousMask;
// If the new mask is different, correct it here
if (dwMask != dwContiguousMask) return FALSE; else return TRUE; }
// Function: Params_ip2sub
// Description:
// Arguments: WSTR ip -
// PWSTR sub -
// Returns: BOOL -
// History: fengsun Created Header 3/2/00
BOOL ParamsGenerateSubnetMask (PWSTR ip, PWSTR sub) { DWORD b [4];
swscanf (ip, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", b, b+1, b+2, b+3);
if ((b [0] >= 1) && (b [0] <= 126)) { b [0] = 255; b [1] = 0; b [2] = 0; b [3] = 0; } else if ((b [0] >= 128) && (b [0] <= 191)) { b [0] = 255; b [1] = 255; b [2] = 0; b [3] = 0; } else if ((b [0] >= 192) && (b [0] <= 223)) { b [0] = 255; b [1] = 255; b [2] = 255; b [3] = 0; } else { b [0] = 0; b [1] = 0; b [2] = 0; b [3] = 0; };
swprintf (sub, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", b [0], b [1], b [2], b [3]);
return((b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3]) > 0); }
* Function: ParamsGenerateMAC * Description: Calculate the generated field in the structure * History: fengsun Created 3.27.00 * shouse Modified 7.12.00 */ void ParamsGenerateMAC (const WCHAR * szClusterIP, OUT WCHAR * szClusterMAC, OUT WCHAR * szMulticastIP, BOOL fConvertMAC, BOOL fMulticast, BOOL fIGMP, BOOL fUseClusterIP) { DWORD dwIp; const BYTE * bp;
if (!fConvertMAC) return;
/* Unicast mode. */ if (!fMulticast) { dwIp = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(szClusterIP); bp = (const BYTE *)&dwIp; swprintf(szClusterMAC, L"02-bf-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x", bp[0], bp[1], bp[2], bp[3]);
return; }
/* Multicast without IGMP. */ if (!fIGMP) { dwIp = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(szClusterIP); bp = (const BYTE *)&dwIp; swprintf(szClusterMAC, L"03-bf-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x", bp[0], bp[1], bp[2], bp[3]);
return; } /* Multicast with IGMP. */ if (fUseClusterIP) { /* 239.255.x.x */ dwIp = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(szClusterIP); dwIp = 239 + (255 << 8) + (dwIp & 0xFFFF0000); AbcdWszFromIpAddress(dwIp, szMulticastIP); }
dwIp = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(szMulticastIP); bp = (const BYTE*)&dwIp; swprintf(szClusterMAC, L"01-00-5e-%02x-%02x-%02x", (bp[1] & 0x7f), bp[2], bp[3]); }