// ping.cpp
#include "stdpch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "host.h"
#include "output.h" // COutput
#include "diag.h"
#include "async.hh"
#include "ping.h"
#include "svcguid.h"
#include "wire.h" // net structs
#include <conio.h>
void fill_icmp_data (char *, int); USHORT checksum (USHORT *, int); DWORD decode_resp (char *,int ,struct sockaddr_in *, COutput& out);
BOOL EXPORT CheckPing(TEST_INFO * lpNL) { g_Q.push_front (new CPing(lpNL));
return TRUE; }
void CPing::Go() { SOCKET sockRaw = (SOCKET)NULL; struct sockaddr_in dest,from; int bread,datasize; int fromlen = sizeof(from); int timeout; int nCount = 0; char *icmp_data; char *recvbuf; unsigned int addr=0; USHORT seq_no = 0; DWORD dw;
m_pInfo->dTimeDelta = 0; m_pInfo->dwErr = 0;
if (m_pInfo->host.m_strDescription.size() > 0) { m_pInfo->output.good(TEXT("pinging (%s) %s<br>"), m_pInfo->host.m_strDescription.c_str(), m_pInfo->host.GetHost()); } else { m_pInfo->output.good(TEXT("pinging (%s)<br>"), m_pInfo->host.GetHost()); }
// option. If NULL is used as last param for WSASocket, all I/O on the socket
// is synchronous, the internal user mode wait code never gets a chance to
// execute, and therefore kernel-mode I/O blocks forever. A socket created
// via the socket API has the overlapped I/O attribute set internally. But
// here we need to use WSASocket to specify a RAW socket.
// If you want to use timeout with a synchronous non-overlapped socket created
// by WSASocket with last param set to NULL, you can set the timeout using the
// select API, or use WSAEventSelect and set the timeout in the
// WSAWaitForMultipleEvents API.
if (sockRaw == INVALID_SOCKET) { m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("WSASocket() failed: %d<br>"),m_pInfo->dwErr = WSAGetLastError()); goto Exit; } __try { timeout = 1000; bread = setsockopt( sockRaw, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)); if(bread == SOCKET_ERROR) { m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("failed to set recv timeout: %d<br>"), m_pInfo->dwErr = WSAGetLastError()); __leave; } timeout = 1000; bread = setsockopt( sockRaw, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)); if(bread == SOCKET_ERROR) { m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("failed to set send timeout: %d<br>"), m_pInfo->dwErr = WSAGetLastError()); __leave; } memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest));
dest.sin_family = AF_INET; if ((dest.sin_addr.s_addr = m_pInfo->host) == INADDR_NONE) { m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("failed to gethostbyname (%d)<br>"), m_pInfo->dwErr = WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND);
__leave; }
datasize = DEF_PACKET_SIZE; datasize += sizeof(IcmpHeader);
icmp_data = (char*)xmalloc(MAX_PACKET); recvbuf = (char*)xmalloc(MAX_PACKET);
if (!icmp_data) { m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("HeapAlloc failed %d<br>"),m_pInfo->dwErr = GetLastError()); __leave; } memset(icmp_data,0,MAX_PACKET); fill_icmp_data(icmp_data,datasize);
while(1) { int bwrote; if (nCount++ == 4) break; ((IcmpHeader*)icmp_data)->i_cksum = 0; ((IcmpHeader*)icmp_data)->timestamp = GetTickCount();
((IcmpHeader*)icmp_data)->i_seq = seq_no++; ((IcmpHeader*)icmp_data)->i_cksum = checksum((USHORT*)icmp_data, datasize); bwrote = sendto(sockRaw,icmp_data,datasize,0,(struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(dest));
if (bwrote == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAETIMEDOUT) { m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("timed out<br>")); continue; } m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("sendto failed: %d<br>"),m_pInfo->dwErr = WSAGetLastError()); __leave; } if (bwrote < datasize ) { m_pInfo->output.good(TEXT("Wrote %d bytes<br>"),bwrote); } bread = recvfrom( sockRaw, recvbuf, MAX_PACKET, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&from, &fromlen); if (bread == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAETIMEDOUT) { m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("timed out<br>")); m_pInfo->dwErr = WSAETIMEDOUT; continue; } m_pInfo->output.err(TEXT("recvfrom failed: %d<br>"),m_pInfo->dwErr = WSAGetLastError()); __leave; } if (S_OK != (dw = decode_resp(recvbuf, bread, &from, m_pInfo->output))) { m_pInfo->dwErr = dw; continue; } } } __finally { if (sockRaw != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(sockRaw); }
Exit: if (m_pInfo->hEvent) SetEvent(m_pInfo->hEvent); }
The response is an IP packet. We must decode the IP header to locate the ICMP data */ DWORD decode_resp(char *buf, int bytes,struct sockaddr_in *from, COutput& out) { IpHeader *iphdr; IcmpHeader *icmphdr; unsigned short iphdrlen;
iphdr = (IpHeader *)buf;
iphdrlen = iphdr->h_len * 4 ; // number of 32-bit words *4 = bytes
if (bytes < iphdrlen + ICMP_MIN) { out.err(TEXT("Too few bytes from %s<br>"),inet_ntoa(from->sin_addr)); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
icmphdr = (IcmpHeader*)(buf + iphdrlen);
if (icmphdr->i_type != ICMP_ECHOREPLY) { out.err(TEXT("non-echo type %d recvd<br>"),icmphdr->i_type); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } if (icmphdr->i_id != (USHORT)GetCurrentProcessId()) { out.err(TEXT("someone else's packet!<br>")); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
#ifdef UNICODE
const wchar_t * szBytes = TEXT("%d bytes from %S:"); #else
const char * szBytes = TEXT("%d bytes from %s:"); #endif
out.good(szBytes, bytes, inet_ntoa(from->sin_addr)); out.good(TEXT(" icmp_seq = %d. "),icmphdr->i_seq); out.good(TEXT(" time: %d ms<br>"),GetTickCount()-icmphdr->timestamp); return S_OK; }
USHORT checksum(USHORT *buffer, int size) {
unsigned long cksum=0;
while(size >1) { cksum+=*buffer++; size -=sizeof(USHORT); } if(size ) { cksum += *(UCHAR*)buffer; }
cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xffff); cksum += (cksum >>16); return (USHORT)(~cksum); } /*
Helper function to fill in various stuff in our ICMP request. */ void fill_icmp_data(char * icmp_data, int datasize){
IcmpHeader *icmp_hdr; char *datapart;
icmp_hdr = (IcmpHeader*)icmp_data;
icmp_hdr->i_type = ICMP_ECHO; icmp_hdr->i_code = 0; icmp_hdr->i_id = (USHORT)GetCurrentProcessId(); icmp_hdr->i_cksum = 0; icmp_hdr->i_seq = 0; datapart = icmp_data + sizeof(IcmpHeader); //
// Place some junk in the buffer.
memset(datapart,'E', datasize - sizeof(IcmpHeader));