Copyright (c) 2000-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the various PnP handlers
Mohammad Shabbir Alam (MAlam) 3-30-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include <ipinfo.h> // for IPInterfaceInfo
#include "ntddip.h" // Needed for IP_INTERFACE_INFO
#include <tcpinfo.h> // for AO_OPTION_xxx, TCPSocketOption
//******************* Pageable Routine Declarations ****************
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SetTdiHandlers)
//******************* Pageable Routine Declarations ****************
HANDLE TdiClientHandle = NULL;
BOOLEAN SrcIsUs( tIPADDRESS IpAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine determines if the IP address passed in is a local address
IN IpAddress -- IpAddress to verify
Return Value:
TRUE if IpAddress is local, FALSE otherwise
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY *pEntry; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry2; PGMLockHandle OldIrq; tLOCAL_INTERFACE *pLocalInterface; tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE *pLocalAddress;
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList) { pLocalInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tLOCAL_INTERFACE, Linkage); pEntry2 = &pLocalInterface->Addresses; while ((pEntry2 = pEntry2->Flink) != &pLocalInterface->Addresses) { pLocalAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry2, tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE, Linkage); if (pLocalAddress->IpAddress == IpAddress) { PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq); return (TRUE); } } } PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
return (FALSE); }
NTSTATUS GetIpInterfaceContextFromAddress( IN tIPADDRESS IpAddr, OUT ULONG *pIPInterfaceContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given an IP address, this routine determines will return the Ip interface context that address is registered on
IN IpAddress -- IpAddress OUT IpInterfaceContext -- IpInterfaceContext for the IP address passed
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if IpAddress was matched to interface, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL otherwise
The DynamicConfig lock is held on entry and exit from this routine --*/ { LIST_ENTRY *pEntry; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry2; tLOCAL_INTERFACE *pLocalInterface; tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE *pLocalAddress;
ASSERT (IpAddr);
pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList) { pLocalInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tLOCAL_INTERFACE, Linkage); pEntry2 = &pLocalInterface->Addresses; while ((pEntry2 = pEntry2->Flink) != &pLocalInterface->Addresses) { pLocalAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry2, tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE, Linkage); if (pLocalAddress->IpAddress == IpAddr) { *pIPInterfaceContext = pLocalInterface->IpInterfaceContext; return (STATUS_SUCCESS); } } }
NTSTATUS GetIpInterfaceContextFromDeviceName( IN tIPADDRESS NetIpAddr, IN PUNICODE_STRING pucBindString, OUT ULONG *pIPInterfaceContext, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT UCHAR *pBuffer, IN BOOLEAN fGetInterfaceInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given a Unicode device name string, this routine will query Ip and return the IpInterfaceContext for that device
IN NetIpAddr -- IpAddress on Device IN pucBindString -- Pointer to unicode device name string OUT IpInterfaceContext -- IpInterfaceContext for the device name IN BufferLength -- Length of Output buffer passed OUT pBuffer -- Output buffer passed for Interface properties IN fGetInterfaceInfo -- Whether to return Interface properties or not
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if IpInterfaceContext was found, and properties successfully queried, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL otherwise
--*/ { LONG i; NTSTATUS status; PVOID *pIPInfo; PIP_INTERFACE_INFO pIPIfInfo; UNICODE_STRING ucDeviceName; ULONG BufferLen = 2 * sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP); // assume
status = PgmProcessIPRequest (IOCTL_IP_INTERFACE_INFO, NULL, // No Input buffer
0, &pIPIfInfo, &BufferLen);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "GetInterfaceContext", "PgmProcessIPRequest returned status=<%x> for IOCTL_IP_INTERFACE_INFO, pDevice=<%wZ>!\n", status, pucBindString);
return (status); }
status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; for (i=0; i < pIPIfInfo->NumAdapters; i++) { ucDeviceName.Buffer = pIPIfInfo->Adapter[i].Name; ucDeviceName.Length = sizeof (WCHAR) * wcslen (pIPIfInfo->Adapter[i].Name); ucDeviceName.MaximumLength = ucDeviceName.Length + sizeof (WCHAR);
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_PATH, DBG_PNP, "GetInterfaceContext", "[%d/%d]\t<%wZ>\n", i+1, pIPIfInfo->NumAdapters, &ucDeviceName);
if (RtlCompareUnicodeString (&ucDeviceName, pucBindString, TRUE) == 0) { *pIPInterfaceContext = pIPIfInfo->Adapter[i].Index; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } PgmFreeMem (pIPIfInfo);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "GetInterfaceContext", "Could not find IPInterfaceContext for Device=<%wZ>\n", pucBindString);
return (status); }
status = PgmQueryTcpInfo (pgPgmDevice->hControl, IP_INTFC_INFO_ID, &NetIpAddr, sizeof (tIPADDRESS), pBuffer, BufferLength);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "GetInterfaceContext", "PgmQueryTcpInfo returned <%x>\n", status);
return (status); }
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "GetInterfaceContext", "IPInterfaceContext=<%x> for Device=<%wZ>\n", *pIPInterfaceContext, pucBindString);
return (status); }
ULONG StopListeningOnInterface( #ifdef IP_FIX
IN ULONG IpInterfaceContext, #else
IN tIPADDRESS IpAddress, // Host format
#endif // IP_FIX
IN PGMLockHandle *pOldIrqDynamicConfig ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given an IPInterfaceContext, this routine traverses the list of all Receivers, and if any are determined to be listening on that interface, stops them from listening on all the addresses on this interface. In the case that the listener is part of an active session, the routine will also change the state of the Receiver to start listening on all interfaces
IN IpInterfaceContext -- IpInterfaceContext to stop listening on IN pOldIrqDynamicConfig-- OldIrq for DynamicConfig lock held
The DynamicConfig lock is held on entry and exit from this routine
Return Value:
Number of receivers found listening on this interface
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; tRECEIVE_SESSION *pReceive; tADDRESS_CONTEXT *pAddress; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry2; PGMLockHandle OldIrq1, OldIrq2; USHORT i; tMCAST_INFO MCastInfo; ULONG NumDisconnected = 0; tADDRESS_CONTEXT *pAddressToDeref = NULL;
#ifdef IP_FIX
MCastInfo.MCastInIf = IpInterfaceContext; #else
MCastInfo.MCastInIf = htonl (IpAddress); #endif // IP_FIX
pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.ReceiverAddressHead; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.ReceiverAddressHead) { pAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tADDRESS_CONTEXT, Linkage); PgmLock (pAddress, OldIrq1);
if (!(pAddress->Flags & PGM_ADDRESS_LISTEN_ON_ALL_INTERFACES)) { //
// If the app had specified interfaces to listen on,
// then don't manage interfaces!
PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq1); continue; }
// See if this address was listening on this interface
for (i=0; i<pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces; i++) { #ifdef IP_FIX
if (pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[i] == IpInterfaceContext) #else
if (pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[i] == IpAddress) #endif // IP_FIX
{ break; } }
if (i >= pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces) { PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq1); continue; }
// Remove this Interface from the list of listening interfaces
pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces--; while (i < pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces) { pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[i] = pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[i+1]; i++; }
// If this were the only interface we were listening on
// for an active session (or waiting for a session), ensure
// that we go back into listening mode!
if ((pAddress->Flags & PGM_ADDRESS_LISTEN_ON_ALL_INTERFACES) && (!pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces)) { pAddress->Flags |= PGM_ADDRESS_WAITING_FOR_NEW_INTERFACE;
if (!IsListEmpty (&PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList)) { status = ListenOnAllInterfaces (pAddress, pOldIrqDynamicConfig, &OldIrq1);
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_ADDRESS, "StopListeningOnInterface", "ListenOnAllInterfaces for pAddress=<%x> succeeded\n", pAddress); } else { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_ADDRESS, "StopListeningOnInterface", "ListenOnAllInterfaces for pAddress=<%x> returned <%x>\n", pAddress, status); } } }
PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq1); PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, *pOldIrqDynamicConfig);
if (pAddressToDeref) { PGM_DEREFERENCE_ADDRESS (pAddressToDeref, REF_ADDRESS_STOP_LISTENING); } pAddressToDeref = pAddress;
// So, stop listening on this interface
MCastInfo.MCastIpAddr = htonl (pAddress->ReceiverMCastAddr); #ifdef IP_FIX
status = PgmSetTcpInfo (pAddress->FileHandle, AO_OPTION_INDEX_DEL_MCAST, &MCastInfo, sizeof (tMCAST_INFO)); #else
status = PgmSetTcpInfo (pAddress->FileHandle, AO_OPTION_DEL_MCAST, &MCastInfo, sizeof (tMCAST_INFO)); #endif // IP_FIX
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "\tStopListeningOnInterface", "Stopped pAddress=<%x> from listening on Interface=<%x>\n", pAddress, MCastInfo.MCastInIf); } else { //
// We failed to stop listening on this interface -- don't so anything!
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "\tStopListeningOnInterface", "AO_OPTION_INDEX_DEL_MCAST for If=<%x> on Address=<%x> returned <%x>\n", MCastInfo.MCastInIf, pAddress, status); }
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, *pOldIrqDynamicConfig); }
return (NumDisconnected); }
VOID StopListeningOnAllInterfacesExcept( IN tADDRESS_CONTEXT *pAddress, IN PVOID Data1, IN PVOID Unused ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given an Address Context and IPInterfaceContext (Data1), this routine stops the Address from listening on all the addresses except on this interface.
IN pAddress -- Address Context IN Data1 -- IpInterfaceContext to stop listening on
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PGMLockHandle OldIrq; tMCAST_INFO MCastInfo; ULONG InterfacesToStop[MAX_RECEIVE_INTERFACES+1]; USHORT NumInterfaces, i; ULONG InterfaceToKeep = PtrToUlong (Data1); #ifndef IP_FIX
PGMLockHandle OldIrq0; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry; tLOCAL_INTERFACE *pLocalInterface; tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE *pLocalAddress; USHORT j; #endif // !IP_FIX
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq0); PgmLock (pAddress, OldIrq);
// pAddress must be referenced before entering this routine
// Out state has changed -- deref and return immediately
PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq); PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq0);
#ifdef IP_FIX
// If this is the only interface we are listening on,
// return success
if ((pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces == 1) && (pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[0] == InterfaceToKeep)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "StopListeningOnAllInterfacesExcept", "pAddress=<%x> is only listening on 1 Interface=<%x>\n", pAddress, InterfaceToKeep);
PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq); return; }
ASSERT (pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces > 1);
// First, enumerate all interfaces to stop listening on
NumInterfaces = 0; for (i=0; i<pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces; i++) { if (pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[i] != InterfaceToKeep) { InterfacesToStop[NumInterfaces++] = pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[i]; } }
pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[0] = InterfaceToKeep; pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces = 1;
// Now, remove the remaining interfaces
// First, make a copy of all addresses being listened on
NumInterfaces = 0; for (i=0; i<pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces; i++) { InterfacesToStop[NumInterfaces++] = pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[i]; }
// Zero out the current listening list on the address
pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces = 0;
// Now, remove the addresses on this interface from this list
pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList) { pLocalInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tLOCAL_INTERFACE, Linkage); if (InterfaceToKeep == pLocalInterface->IpInterfaceContext) { //
// Found the interface -- now save these addresses in the Address
// list and remove from the stop list
pEntry = &pLocalInterface->Addresses; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &pLocalInterface->Addresses) { pLocalAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE, Linkage);
pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces++] = pLocalAddress->IpAddress;
i = 0; while (i < NumInterfaces) { if (InterfacesToStop[i] == pLocalAddress->IpAddress) { j = i; NumInterfaces--; while (j < NumInterfaces) { InterfacesToStop[j] = InterfacesToStop[j+1]; j++; } } else { i++; } }
break; } } #endif // IP_FIX
PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq); PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq0);
MCastInfo.MCastIpAddr = htonl (pAddress->ReceiverMCastAddr); for (i=0; i<NumInterfaces; i++) { #ifdef IP_FIX
MCastInfo.MCastInIf = InterfacesToStop[i]; status = PgmSetTcpInfo (pAddress->FileHandle, AO_OPTION_INDEX_DEL_MCAST, &MCastInfo, sizeof (tMCAST_INFO)); #else
MCastInfo.MCastInIf = htonl (InterfacesToStop[i]); status = PgmSetTcpInfo (pAddress->FileHandle, AO_OPTION_DEL_MCAST, &MCastInfo, sizeof (tMCAST_INFO)); #endif // IP_FIX
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "\tStopListeningOnAllInterfacesExcept", "Stopped pAddress=<%x> from listening on Interface=<%x>\n", pAddress, MCastInfo.MCastInIf); } else { //
// We failed to stop this interface -- don't so anything!
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "\tStopListeningOnAllInterfacesExcept", "AO_OPTION_INDEX_DEL_MCAST for If=<%x> on Address=<%x> returned <%x>\n", MCastInfo.MCastInIf, pAddress, status); } }
NTSTATUS ListenOnAllInterfaces( IN tADDRESS_CONTEXT *pAddress, IN PGMLockHandle *pOldIrqDynamicConfig, IN PGMLockHandle *pOldIrqAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given an Address Context, this routine enables the Address to start listening on all interfaces
IN pAddress -- Address Context IN pOldIrqDynamicConfig-- OldIrq for DynamicConfig lock held IN pOldIrqAddress -- OldIrq for Address lock held
The DynamicConfig and Address locks are held on entry and exit from this routine
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry; tLOCAL_INTERFACE *pLocalInterface; tMCAST_INFO MCastInfo; ULONG InterfacesToAdd[MAX_RECEIVE_INTERFACES+1]; USHORT NumInterfaces, i, j; #ifndef IP_FIX
LIST_ENTRY *pEntry2; tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE *pLocalAddress; #endif // !IP_FIX
// First, get the list of all active interfaces
NumInterfaces = 0; pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList) { pLocalInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tLOCAL_INTERFACE, Linkage); #ifdef IP_FIX
InterfacesToAdd[NumInterfaces++] = pLocalInterface->IpInterfaceContext; #else
pEntry2 = &pLocalInterface->Addresses; while ((pEntry2 = pEntry2->Flink) != &pLocalInterface->Addresses) { pLocalAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry2, tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE, Linkage);
InterfacesToAdd[NumInterfaces++] = pLocalAddress->IpAddress;
if (NumInterfaces >= MAX_RECEIVE_INTERFACES) { break; } } #endif // IP_FIX
if (NumInterfaces >= MAX_RECEIVE_INTERFACES) { break; } }
// Remove all the interfaces we are already listening
// on from the list of interfaces to be added
for (i=0; i<pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NumInterfaces; j++) { if (pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[i] == InterfacesToAdd[j]) { NumInterfaces--; while (j < NumInterfaces) { InterfacesToAdd[j] = InterfacesToAdd[j+1]; j++; }
break; } } }
if (!NumInterfaces) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "ListenOnAllInterfaces", "No new interfaces to listen on for pAddress=<%x>, currently listening on <%x> Ifs\n", pAddress, pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces);
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// Ensure that the complete list will not
// exceed the maximum limit
if ((pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces + NumInterfaces) > MAX_RECEIVE_INTERFACES) { NumInterfaces = MAX_RECEIVE_INTERFACES - pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces; }
// Now, add the remaining interfaces
PgmUnlock (pAddress, *pOldIrqAddress); PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, *pOldIrqDynamicConfig);
MCastInfo.MCastIpAddr = htonl (pAddress->ReceiverMCastAddr); i = 0; while (i < NumInterfaces) { #ifdef IP_FIX
MCastInfo.MCastInIf = InterfacesToAdd[i]; status = PgmSetTcpInfo (pAddress->FileHandle, AO_OPTION_INDEX_ADD_MCAST, &MCastInfo, sizeof (tMCAST_INFO)); #else
MCastInfo.MCastInIf = htonl (InterfacesToAdd[i]); status = PgmSetTcpInfo (pAddress->FileHandle, AO_OPTION_ADD_MCAST, &MCastInfo, sizeof (tMCAST_INFO)); #endif // IP_FIX
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "\tListenOnAllInterfaces", "pAddress=<%x> now also listening on If=<%x>\n", pAddress, MCastInfo.MCastInIf);
i++; continue; }
// We failed to add this interface, so remove it from
// the list
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "\tListenOnAllInterfaces", "pAddress=<%x> could not listen on If=<%x>\n", pAddress, MCastInfo.MCastInIf);
j = i; NumInterfaces--; while (j < NumInterfaces) { InterfacesToAdd[j] = InterfacesToAdd[j+1]; j++; } }
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, *pOldIrqDynamicConfig); PgmLock (pAddress, *pOldIrqAddress);
// Now, append the new list to the Address context
for (i=0; i<NumInterfaces; i++) { if (pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces > MAX_RECEIVE_INTERFACES) { ASSERT (0); break; }
pAddress->ReceiverInterfaceList[pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces] = InterfacesToAdd[i]; pAddress->NumReceiveInterfaces++; }
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
VOID TdiAddressArrival( PTA_ADDRESS Addr, PUNICODE_STRING pDeviceName, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
PnP TDI_ADD_ADDRESS_HANDLER This routine handles an IP address arriving. It is called by TDI when an address arrives.
IN Addr -- IP address that's coming. IN pDeviceName -- Unicode string Ptr for Device whose address is changing IN Context -- Tdi PnP context
Return Value:
--*/ { tIPADDRESS IpAddr, NetIpAddr; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry; PGMLockHandle OldIrq, OldIrq1; tLOCAL_INTERFACE *pLocalInterface = NULL; tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE *pLocalAddress = NULL; ULONG BufferLength = 50; UCHAR pBuffer[50]; IPInterfaceInfo *pIpIfInfo = (IPInterfaceInfo *) pBuffer; NTSTATUS status; tADDRESS_CONTEXT *pAddress; tADDRESS_CONTEXT *pAddressToDeref = NULL; ULONG IpInterfaceContext; BOOLEAN fFound;
// Proceed only if this is an IP address
if (Addr->AddressType != TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP) { return; }
// First, verify that we are not getting unloaded
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq); if (!PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE (pgPgmDevice, PGM_VERIFY_DEVICE)) { //
// The driver is most probably being unloaded now
PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq); return; } PGM_REFERENCE_DEVICE (pgPgmDevice, REF_DEV_ADDRESS_NOTIFICATION, FALSE); PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
NetIpAddr = ((PTDI_ADDRESS_IP)&Addr->Address[0])->in_addr; IpAddr = ntohl (NetIpAddr);
// Now, get the interface context and other info from TcpIp
status = GetIpInterfaceContextFromDeviceName (NetIpAddr, pDeviceName, &IpInterfaceContext, BufferLength, pBuffer, TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "TdiAddressArrival", "GetIpInterfaceContext returned <%x>\n", status);
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
fFound = FALSE; pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList) { pLocalInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tLOCAL_INTERFACE, Linkage); if (pLocalInterface->IpInterfaceContext == IpInterfaceContext) { fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (fFound) { fFound = FALSE; pEntry = &pLocalInterface->Addresses; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &pLocalInterface->Addresses) { pLocalAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE, Linkage); if (pLocalAddress->IpAddress == IpAddr) { PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq); PGM_DEREFERENCE_DEVICE (&pgPgmDevice, REF_DEV_ADDRESS_NOTIFICATION);
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "TdiAddressArrival", "\tDUPLICATE address notification for [%d.%d.%d.%d] on <%wZ>\n", (IpAddr>>24)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>16)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>8)&0xFF,IpAddr&0xFF, pDeviceName);
return; } } } else if (pLocalInterface = PgmAllocMem (sizeof(tLOCAL_INTERFACE), PGM_TAG('0'))) { PgmZeroMemory (pLocalInterface, sizeof (tLOCAL_INTERFACE)); InitializeListHead (&pLocalInterface->Addresses);
pLocalInterface->IpInterfaceContext = IpInterfaceContext; pLocalInterface->MTU = pIpIfInfo->iii_mtu - (sizeof(IPV4Header) + ROUTER_ALERT_SIZE); pLocalInterface->Flags = pIpIfInfo->iii_flags;
BufferLength = pIpIfInfo->iii_addrlength < sizeof(tMAC_ADDRESS) ? pIpIfInfo->iii_addrlength : sizeof(tMAC_ADDRESS); PgmCopyMemory (&pLocalInterface->MacAddress, pIpIfInfo->iii_addr, BufferLength);
if (pLocalInterface->MTU > PgmDynamicConfig.MaxMTU) { PgmDynamicConfig.MaxMTU = pLocalInterface->MTU; } InsertTailList (&PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList, &pLocalInterface->Linkage); } else { PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "TdiAddressArrival", "STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES[Interface] for IP=<%x>, IfContext=<%x>\n", IpAddr, IpInterfaceContext);
// Now, add this address to the interface
if (pLocalAddress = PgmAllocMem (sizeof(tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE), PGM_TAG('0'))) { PgmZeroMemory (pLocalAddress, sizeof (tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE)); pLocalAddress->IpAddress = IpAddr; InsertTailList (&pLocalInterface->Addresses, &pLocalAddress->Linkage); } else { //
// If we had just added the interface, there is no point
// in keeping an empty context around!
if (IsListEmpty (&pLocalInterface->Addresses)) { RemoveEntryList (&pLocalInterface->Linkage); PgmFreeMem (pLocalInterface); }
PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "TdiAddressArrival", "STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES[Address] -- [%d.%d.%d.%d] on <%wZ>\n", (IpAddr>>24)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>16)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>8)&0xFF,IpAddr&0xFF, pDeviceName);
// Now, check if we have any receivers waiting for an address
pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.ReceiverAddressHead; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.ReceiverAddressHead) { pAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tADDRESS_CONTEXT, Linkage); PgmLock (pAddress, OldIrq1);
if (pAddressToDeref) { PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq1); PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq); PgmLock (pAddress, OldIrq1); } pAddressToDeref = pAddress;
status = ReceiverAddMCastIf (pAddress, IpAddr, &OldIrq, &OldIrq1);
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_ADDRESS, "TdiAddressArrival", "ReceiverAddMCastIf for pAddress=<%x> succeeded for IP=<%x>\n", pAddress, IpAddr); } else { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_ADDRESS, "TdiAddressArrival", "ReceiverAddMCastIf for pAddress=<%x> returned <%x>, IP=<%x>\n", pAddress, status, IpAddr); } }
PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq1); }
PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
if (pAddressToDeref) { PGM_DEREFERENCE_ADDRESS (pAddressToDeref, REF_ADDRESS_SET_INFO); }
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiAddressArrival", "\t[%d.%d.%d.%d] on <%wZ>\n", (IpAddr>>24)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>16)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>8)&0xFF,IpAddr&0xFF, pDeviceName); }
VOID TdiAddressDeletion( PTA_ADDRESS Addr, PUNICODE_STRING pDeviceName, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles an IP address going away. It is called by TDI when an address is deleted. If it's an address we care about we'll clean up appropriately.
IN Addr -- IP address that's going. IN pDeviceName -- Unicode string Ptr for Device whose address is changing IN Context -- Tdi PnP context
Return Value:
--*/ { tIPADDRESS IpAddr; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry; LIST_ENTRY *pEntry2; PGMLockHandle OldIrq, OldIrq1; tSEND_SESSION *pSend; tADDRESS_CONTEXT *pAddress; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN fFound; tADDRESS_CONTEXT *pAddressToDeref = NULL; tLOCAL_INTERFACE *pLocalInterface = NULL; tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE *pLocalAddress = NULL; ULONG IpInterfaceContext;
if (Addr->AddressType != TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP) { return; } IpAddr = ntohl(((PTDI_ADDRESS_IP)&Addr->Address[0])->in_addr);
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
fFound = FALSE; pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.LocalInterfacesList) { pLocalInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tLOCAL_INTERFACE, Linkage); pEntry2 = &pLocalInterface->Addresses; while ((pEntry2 = pEntry2->Flink) != &pLocalInterface->Addresses) { pLocalAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry2, tADDRESS_ON_INTERFACE, Linkage); if (pLocalAddress->IpAddress == IpAddr) { IpInterfaceContext = pLocalInterface->IpInterfaceContext; RemoveEntryList (&pLocalAddress->Linkage); PgmFreeMem (pLocalAddress);
// If this is the last address on this interface, clean up!
if (IsListEmpty (&pLocalInterface->Addresses)) { RemoveEntryList (&pLocalInterface->Linkage); PgmFreeMem (pLocalInterface); pLocalInterface = NULL; }
fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (fFound) { break; } }
if (!fFound) { PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "TdiAddressDeletion", "\tAddress [%d.%d.%d.%d] NOT notified on <%wZ>\n", (IpAddr>>24)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>16)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>8)&0xFF,IpAddr&0xFF, pDeviceName);
return; }
pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.SenderAddressHead; while ((pEntry = pEntry->Flink) != &PgmDynamicConfig.SenderAddressHead) { pAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry, tADDRESS_CONTEXT, Linkage); if (pAddress->SenderMCastOutIf == IpAddr) { PgmLock (pAddress, OldIrq1); pAddress->Flags |= PGM_ADDRESS_FLAG_INVALID_OUT_IF;
pEntry2 = &pAddress->AssociatedConnections; while ((pEntry2 = pEntry2->Flink) != &pAddress->AssociatedConnections) { pSend = CONTAINING_RECORD (pEntry2, tSEND_SESSION, Linkage); if (!(pSend->SessionFlags & PGM_SESSION_TERMINATED_ABORT)) { pSend->SessionFlags |= PGM_SESSION_TERMINATED_ABORT;
PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq1); PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
if (pAddressToDeref) { PGM_DEREFERENCE_ADDRESS (pAddressToDeref, REF_ADDRESS_DISCONNECT); } pAddressToDeref = pAddress;
status = (*pAddress->evDisconnect) (pAddress->DiscEvContext, pSend->ClientSessionContext, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, TDI_DISCONNECT_ABORT);
PgmLock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq); PgmLock (pAddress, OldIrq1);
pEntry = &PgmDynamicConfig.SenderAddressHead; break; } } }
PgmUnlock (pAddress, OldIrq1); } }
// See which receivers were actively listening on this interface
// If this was an interface for an active session, then we need to
// restart listening on all interfaces if no interface(s) had been
// specified by the user.
#ifdef IP_FIX
if (!pLocalInterface) { StopListeningOnInterface (IpInterfaceContext, &OldIrq); } #else
StopListeningOnInterface (IpAddr, &OldIrq); #endif // IP_FIX
PgmUnlock (&PgmDynamicConfig, OldIrq);
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiAddressDeletion", "\t[%d.%d.%d.%d] on <%wZ>\n", (IpAddr>>24)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>16)&0xFF,(IpAddr>>8)&0xFF,IpAddr&0xFF, pDeviceName); }
VOID TdiBindHandler( TDI_PNP_OPCODE PnPOpCode, PUNICODE_STRING pDeviceName, PWSTR MultiSZBindList ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is the handler for TDI to notify clients of bind notifications
IN PnPOpCode -- Notification code IN pDeviceName -- Unicode string Ptr for Device whose address is changing IN MultiSZBindList -- Current list of bindings
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Final status of the set event operation
--*/ {
switch (PnPOpCode) { case (TDI_PNP_OP_ADD): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiBindHandler", "\t[ADD]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (TDI_PNP_OP_DEL): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiBindHandler", "\t[DEL]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (TDI_PNP_OP_PROVIDERREADY): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiBindHandler", "\t[PROVIDERREADY]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (TDI_PNP_OP_NETREADY): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiBindHandler", "\t[NETREADY]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
default: { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiBindHandler", "\t[?=%x]: Device=<%wZ>\n", PnPOpCode, pDeviceName);
break; } }
Routine Description:
This routine is the handler called by TDI notify its clients of Power notifications
IN pDeviceName -- Unicode string Ptr for Device whose address is changing IN PnPEvent -- Event notification IN Context1 -- IN Context2 --
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Final status of the set event operation
--*/ { PAGED_CODE();
switch (pPnPEvent->NetEvent) { case (NetEventQueryPower): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_PATH, DBG_PNP, "TdiPnPPowerHandler", "[QueryPower]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (NetEventSetPower): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_PATH, DBG_PNP, "TdiPnPPowerHandler", "[SetPower]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (NetEventQueryRemoveDevice): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiPnPPowerHandler", "[QueryRemoveDevice]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (NetEventCancelRemoveDevice): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiPnPPowerHandler", "[CancelRemoveDevice]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (NetEventReconfigure): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_PATH, DBG_PNP, "TdiPnPPowerHandler", "[Reconfigure]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (NetEventBindList): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_PATH, DBG_PNP, "TdiPnPPowerHandler", "[BindList]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
case (NetEventPnPCapabilities): { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_PATH, DBG_PNP, "TdiPnPPowerHandler", "[PnPCapabilities]: Device=<%wZ>\n", pDeviceName);
break; }
default: { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, DBG_PNP, "TdiPnPPowerHandler", "[?=%d]: Device=<%wZ>\n", (ULONG) pPnPEvent->NetEvent, pDeviceName);
break; } }
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); }
NTSTATUS SetTdiHandlers( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called at DriverEntry to register our handlers with TDI
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Final status of the set event operation
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING ucPgmClientName; TDI_CLIENT_INTERFACE_INFO TdiClientInterface;
// Register our Handlers with TDI
RtlInitUnicodeString (&ucPgmClientName, WC_PGM_CLIENT_NAME); ucPgmClientName.MaximumLength = sizeof (WC_PGM_CLIENT_NAME); PgmZeroMemory (&TdiClientInterface, sizeof(TdiClientInterface));
TdiClientInterface.MajorTdiVersion = TDI_CURRENT_MAJOR_VERSION; TdiClientInterface.MinorTdiVersion = TDI_CURRENT_MINOR_VERSION; TdiClientInterface.ClientName = &ucPgmClientName; TdiClientInterface.AddAddressHandlerV2 = TdiAddressArrival; TdiClientInterface.DelAddressHandlerV2 = TdiAddressDeletion; TdiClientInterface.BindingHandler = TdiBindHandler; TdiClientInterface.PnPPowerHandler = TdiPnPPowerHandler;
status = TdiRegisterPnPHandlers (&TdiClientInterface, sizeof(TdiClientInterface), &TdiClientHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { PgmLog (PGM_LOG_ERROR, DBG_PNP, "SetTdiHandlers", "TdiRegisterPnPHandlers ==> <%x>\n", status); return (status); }
PgmLog (PGM_LOG_INFORM_ALL_FUNCS, DBG_PNP, "SetTdiHandlers", "\tSUCCEEDed\n");
return (status); }