Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. ;***********************************************************************
  2. ; Copyright � 2000 TriplePoint, Inc.
  3. ;
  4. ; CoIsdn NDIS WAN/TAPI device installer script.
  5. ;***********************************************************************
  6. [version]
  7. Signature = "$Windows NT$"
  8. Compatible = 1
  9. Class = Net
  10. ClassGUID = "{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
  11. Provider = %VER_PROVIDER_NAME_STR%
  12. CatalogFile =
  13. DriverVer = 06/22/2001, 0.07.00
  15. [Manufacturer]
  16. %VER_VENDOR_NAME_STR% = Devices
  17. [Devices]
  18. %VER_DEVICE_STR%" Adapter" = CoIsdn.Ndi, TriplePointCoIsdn
  19. ;****************************************************************************
  20. ; CoIsdn Main Install Section
  21. ;****************************************************************************
  22. [CoIsdn.Ndi.NT]
  23. AddReg = CoIsdn.Ndis.Reg.NT, CoIsdn.Isdn.Params.NT, CoIsdn.Gen.Params.NT
  24. Characteristics = 0x81 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_VIRTUAL
  25. CopyFiles = CoIsdn.CopyFiles.NT
  26. BusType = 0 ; TODO - Change from "Internal" bus to actual bus
  27. [CoIsdn.Ndi.NT.Services]
  28. AddService = CoIsdn, 2, CoIsdn.Service.NT, Common.EventLog.NT
  29. ;****************************************************************************
  30. ; CoIsdn Base Section
  31. ;****************************************************************************
  32. [CoIsdn.Ndis.Reg.NT]
  33. ; key,subkey,valuname,type,value
  34. HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "CoIsdn"
  35. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndiscowan" ; must be lower case
  36. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "isdn" ; must be lower case
  37. ;****************************************************************************
  38. ; ISDN Parameters
  39. ;****************************************************************************
  40. [CoIsdn.Isdn.Params.NT]
  41. ; key,subkey,valuname,type,value
  42. HKR, , IsdnAutoSwitchDetect,0x00010001, "0"
  43. HKR, , IsdnSwitchTypes, 0x00010001, "0x0000000E"
  44. HKR, , IsdnNumDChannels, 0x00010001, "1"
  45. HKR, , IsdnNumBChannels, 0x00010001, "2"
  46. HKR, , WanEndPoints, 0x00010001, "2"
  47. ; WanEndPoints should normally be set to (IsdnNumDChannels * IsdnNumBChannels)
  48. ;****************************************************************************
  49. ; General Parameters
  50. ;****************************************************************************
  51. [CoIsdn.Gen.Params.NT]
  52. ; key,subkey,valuname,type,value
  53. HKR, , DebugFlags, 0x00010001, "0x00008043"
  54. ;****************************************************************************
  55. ; NT Service Section
  56. ;****************************************************************************
  57. [CoIsdn.Service.NT]
  58. DisplayName = %VER_DEVICE_STR%" Adapter"
  59. ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
  60. LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
  61. ServiceBinary = %12%\CoIsdn.sys ; System32\Drivers
  62. ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
  64. [Common.EventLog.NT]
  65. AddReg = Common.AddEventLog.Reg.NT
  66. [Common.AddEventLog.Reg.NT]
  67. ; key,subkey,valuname,type,value
  68. HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
  69. HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, "7"
  70. ;****************************************************************************
  71. ; Source Directories
  72. ;****************************************************************************
  73. [SourceDisksNames]
  74. ; The name of the disk that the user will be prompted for
  75. 1 = %DISK_NAME%, "CoIsdn.sys",
  76. [SourceDisksFiles]
  77. ; Which disk the files are located on
  78. CoIsdn.sys = 1
  79. ;****************************************************************************
  80. ; Destination Directories
  81. ;****************************************************************************
  82. [DestinationDirs]
  83. DefaultDestDir = 12 ; System32\Drivers
  84. CoIsdn.CopyFiles.NT = 12 ; System32\Drivers
  85. [CoIsdn.CopyFiles.NT]
  86. CoIsdn.sys,,,2 ; The name of the driver
  87. ;****************************************************************************
  88. ; Localizable Strings
  89. ;****************************************************************************
  90. [strings]
  91. ; Provider
  92. VER_PROVIDER_NAME_STR = "Microsoft"
  93. ; Manufacturer
  94. VER_VENDOR_NAME_STR = "TriplePoint, Inc."
  95. ; Device Descriptions
  96. VER_DEVICE_STR = "TriplePoint COISDN"
  97. ; Name on install disk
  98. DISK_NAME = "TriplePoint COISDN Install Disk"