// Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation.
// File: rtcfg.c
// History:
// 5/4/96 Abolade-Gbadegesin Created.
// Contains implementation of functions which provide access
// to the persistent store of configuration for the router-servoce.
// Currently, the router-configuration is stored in the registry.
// The implementations of the APIs are presented first,
// followed by the private utility functions in alphabetical order.
// N.B.!!!!!!:
// When modifying this file, respect its coding conventions and organization.
// * maintain the alphabetical ordering of the routines.
// * remain within 80 characters per line
// * indent in steps of 4 spaces
// * all conditional-blocks should be within braces (even single statements)
// * SLM doesn't charge by the byte; use whitespace and comments liberally,
// and use long, thoroughly-descriptive names.
// * try to rely on Win32 routines (e.g. lstrcmpi, WideCharToMultiByte, etc.).
// Any code which uses a different style (whatever its merits) should be put
// in a different file.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dim.h>
#include <mprapi.h>
#include <mprapip.h>
#include <mprerror.h>
#include "rtcfg.h"
#include "guidmap.h"
#include "hashtab.h"
// Locks down the mprconfig api's.
CRITICAL_SECTION CfgLock; #define AcquireMprConfigLock() EnterCriticalSection(&CfgLock)
#define ReleaseMprConfigLock() LeaveCriticalSection(&CfgLock)
// Hash table of server CB's
HANDLE g_htabServers = NULL; #define SERVERCB_HASH_SIZE 13
// Server structure signiture (27902)
#define SERVERCB_SIG 0x0000cfcb
// Local static strings, *in alphabetical order*.
const WCHAR c_szConfigVersion[] = L"ConfigVersion"; const WCHAR c_szCurrentBuildNumber[] = L"CurrentBuildNumber"; const WCHAR c_szDLLPath[] = L"DLLPath"; const WCHAR c_szDialoutHours[] = L"DialoutHours"; const WCHAR c_szEmpty[] = L""; const CHAR c_szEmptyA[] = ""; const WCHAR c_szEnabled[] = L"Enabled"; const WCHAR c_szFilterSets[] = L"FilterSets"; const WCHAR c_szGlobalInFilter[] = L"GlobalInFilter"; const WCHAR c_szGlobalInfo[] = L"GlobalInfo"; const WCHAR c_szGlobalInterfaceInfo[] = L"GlobalInterfaceInfo"; const WCHAR c_szGlobalOutFilter[] = L"GlobalOutFilter"; const WCHAR c_szInFilterInfo[] = L"InFilterInfo"; const WCHAR c_szInterfaceInfo[] = L"InterfaceInfo"; const WCHAR c_szInterfaceName[] = L"InterfaceName"; const WCHAR c_szInterfaces[] = L"Interfaces"; const WCHAR c_szIP[] = L"IP"; const WCHAR c_szIPX[] = L"IPX"; const WCHAR c_szMpr[] = L".mpr"; const CHAR c_szMprConfigA[] = "MprConfig"; const WCHAR c_szNullFilter[] = L"NullFilter"; const WCHAR c_szNt40BuildNumber[] = L"1381"; const WCHAR c_szOutFilterInfo[] = L"OutFilterInfo"; const WCHAR c_szParameters[] = L"Parameters"; const WCHAR c_szPhonebook[] = L"Phonebook"; const WCHAR c_szProtocolId[] = L"ProtocolId"; const WCHAR c_szRemoteAccess[] = L"RemoteAccess"; const WCHAR c_szRouter[] = L"Router"; const WCHAR c_szRouterManagers[] = L"RouterManagers"; const WCHAR c_szRouterPbkPath[] = L"\\ADMIN$\\System32\\RAS\\Router.pbk"; const WCHAR c_szRouterType[] = L"RouterType"; const WCHAR c_szRemoteSys32[] = L"\\ADMIN$\\System32\\"; const WCHAR c_szStamp[] = L"Stamp"; const WCHAR c_szSystemCCSServices[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"; const WCHAR c_szType[] = L"Type"; const WCHAR c_szUncPrefix[] = L"\\\\"; const WCHAR c_szWinVersionPath[] = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion";
// Defines call back function type for EnumLanInterfaces below
// Local prototypes
DWORD FormatServerNameForMprCfgApis( IN PWCHAR pszServer, OUT PWCHAR* ppszServer);
DWORD ServerCbAdd( IN SERVERCB* pserver);
int ServerCbCompare( IN HANDLE hKey, IN HANDLE hData);
DWORD ServerCbDelete( IN SERVERCB* pserver);
DWORD ServerCbFind( IN PWCHAR pszServer, OUT SERVERCB** ppServerCB); ULONG ServerCbHash( IN HANDLE hData);
#define MprConfigServerValidateCb(_x) \
(((_x) && ((_x)->dwSigniture == SERVERCB_SIG)) ? NO_ERROR : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
// Function: MprConfigServerInstall
// Presets any configuration values needed before starting the router service.
if ((dwLevel != 0) || (pBuffer != NULL)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
do { hLib = LoadLibraryW(L"mprsnap.dll"); if (hLib == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
pInstall = (PINSTALLSERVERFUNC) GetProcAddress(hLib, "MprConfigServerInstallPrivate"); if (pInstall == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; }
hr = pInstall(); dwErr = (HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) == FACILITY_WIN32) ? HRESULT_CODE(hr) : hr; } while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (hLib) { FreeLibrary(hLib); } } return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigServerConnect
// Connects to the store for the router-service on 'lpwsServerName'.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigServerConnect( IN LPWSTR lpwsServerName, OUT HANDLE* phMprConfig ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver = NULL; PWCHAR pszServerNameFmt = NULL;
// Validate and initialzie
if (!phMprConfig) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*phMprConfig = NULL;
dwErr = FormatServerNameForMprCfgApis( lpwsServerName, &pszServerNameFmt);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Get the lock
AcquireMprConfigLock(); do {
// See if a handle to the given server is already available
dwErr = ServerCbFind(pszServerNameFmt, &pserver); if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { pserver->dwRefCount++; *phMprConfig = (HANDLE)pserver; break; }
if (dwErr != ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { break; }
// attempt to allocate a context block for the server
pserver = (SERVERCB*)Malloc(sizeof(*pserver));
if (!pserver) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// initialize the context block allocated
ZeroMemory(pserver, sizeof(*pserver));
InitializeListHead(&pserver->lhTransports); InitializeListHead(&pserver->lhInterfaces); pserver->lpwsServerName = pszServerNameFmt; pserver->dwRefCount = 1; pserver->dwSigniture = SERVERCB_SIG;
// Initialize the guid to friendly name mapper
dwErr = GuidMapInit(pserver->lpwsServerName, &(pserver->hGuidMap)); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// see if the server-name was specified
if (!lpwsServerName || !*lpwsServerName) {
// no server-name (or empty server name), connect to local machine
pserver->hkeyMachine = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
dwErr = NO_ERROR; } else {
// attempt to connect to the remote registry
dwErr = RegConnectRegistry( lpwsServerName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &pserver->hkeyMachine );
// if an error occurred, break
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// Add the server to the global table
dwErr = ServerCbAdd(pserver);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } *phMprConfig = (HANDLE)pserver;
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
} while(FALSE);
// an error occurred, so return
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { if (pserver != NULL) { MprConfigServerDisconnect((HANDLE)pserver); } }
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigServerDisconnect
// Disconnects from the store for the router-service 'hMprConfig'.
// This closes all handles opened to by passing 'hMprConfig'
// to the MprConfig APIs.
VOID APIENTRY MprConfigServerDisconnect( IN HANDLE hMprConfig ) {
SERVERCB* pserver; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
if (MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver) != NO_ERROR) { return; }
// Get the lock
AcquireMprConfigLock(); // Decrement the ref count
pserver->dwRefCount--; if (pserver->dwRefCount > 0) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return; }
// Remove the SERVERCB from the global table
ServerCbDelete( pserver ); ReleaseMprConfigLock();
// clean up all the transport objects
phead = &pserver->lhTransports;
while (!IsListEmpty(phead)) {
// remove the first transport object
TRANSPORTCB* ptransport;
ple = RemoveHeadList(phead);
ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode);
// clean up the object
FreeTransport(ptransport); }
// clean up all the interface objects
phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces;
while (!IsListEmpty(phead)) {
// remove the first interface object
INTERFACECB* pinterface;
ple = RemoveHeadList(phead);
pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode);
// clean up the object
FreeInterface(pinterface); }
// clean up the server object's registry keys
if (pserver->hkeyParameters) { RegCloseKey(pserver->hkeyParameters); } if (pserver->hkeyTransports) { RegCloseKey(pserver->hkeyTransports); } if (pserver->hkeyInterfaces) { RegCloseKey(pserver->hkeyInterfaces); }
// if connected to a remote registry, close the connection
if (pserver->hkeyMachine && pserver->hkeyMachine != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { RegCloseKey(pserver->hkeyMachine); }
// clean up the interface name mapper
if (pserver->hGuidMap != NULL) { GuidMapCleanup (pserver->hGuidMap, TRUE); }
return; }
// Function: MprConfigBufferFree
// Frees a buffer allocated by a 'GetInfo' or 'Enum' call.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigBufferFree( IN LPVOID pBuffer ) {
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigServerRestore
// Restores configuration saved by 'MprConfigServerBackup'.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigServerRestore( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN LPWSTR lpwsPath ) {
INT length; DWORD dwErr; CHAR szKey[64]; CHAR* pszFile; CHAR* pszValue; SERVERCB* pserver; WCHAR pwsLocalComputerName[128]; DWORD dwLocalComputerSize = sizeof(pwsLocalComputerName) / sizeof(WCHAR); BOOL bRemote;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
// Record whether we are restoring the config of a remote machine
if (!GetComputerName(pwsLocalComputerName, &dwLocalComputerSize)) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; }
bRemote = (pserver->lpwsServerName != NULL) && (*pserver->lpwsServerName != 0) && (lstrcmpi(pserver->lpwsServerName, pwsLocalComputerName) != 0);
// We require full UNC path for remote load/save
if (bRemote) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #if 0
if ((pserver->lpwsServerName == NULL) || (*(pserver->lpwsServerName) == 0) || (wcsncmp(lpwsPath, c_szUncPrefix, 2) != 0)) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; } #endif
// Make sure that the Parameters key, Interfaces key, and
// RouterManagers key are open.
if (!pserver->hkeyInterfaces) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szInterfaces, TRUE, &pserver->hkeyInterfaces ); }
if (!pserver->hkeyTransports) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szRouterManagers, TRUE, &pserver->hkeyTransports ); }
if (!pserver->hkeyParameters) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szParameters, TRUE, &pserver->hkeyParameters ); }
// Allocate space to hold the full pathname to the .MPR file
length = lstrlen(lpwsPath) + lstrlen(c_szMpr) + 1;
pszFile = Malloc(length * sizeof ( WCHAR ) ); if (!pszFile) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Allocate space to hold the values to be read from the .MPR file
length = (lstrlen(lpwsPath)+lstrlen(c_szRouterManagers)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
pszValue = Malloc( length ); if (!pszValue) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); Free(pszFile); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Enable the current process's backup privilege.
EnableBackupPrivilege(TRUE, SE_RESTORE_NAME);
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
do { wsprintfA(pszFile, "%ls%ls", lpwsPath, c_szMpr);
// First check the version. If there is no version data,
// then this is a saved nt4 router config.
wsprintfA(szKey, "%ls", c_szConfigVersion); GetPrivateProfileStringA( c_szMprConfigA, szKey, c_szEmptyA, pszValue, length, pszFile ); if (strcmp(pszValue, c_szEmptyA) == 0) { dwErr = ERROR_ROUTER_CONFIG_INCOMPATIBLE; break; } //
// Restore the registry keys
wsprintfA(szKey, "%ls", c_szParameters); GetPrivateProfileStringA( c_szMprConfigA, szKey, c_szEmptyA, pszValue, length, pszFile ); dwErr = RegRestoreKeyA(pserver->hkeyParameters, pszValue, 0);
wsprintfA(szKey, "%ls", c_szRouterManagers); GetPrivateProfileStringA( c_szMprConfigA, szKey, c_szEmptyA, pszValue, length, pszFile ); dwErr = RegRestoreKeyA(pserver->hkeyTransports, pszValue, 0);
wsprintfA(szKey, "%ls", c_szInterfaces); GetPrivateProfileStringA( c_szMprConfigA, szKey, c_szEmptyA, pszValue, length, pszFile ); //dwErr = RegRestoreKeyA(pserver->hkeyInterfaces, pszValue, 0);
dwErr = RestoreAndTranslateInterfaceKey(pserver, pszValue, 0);
// Restore the phonebook file
wsprintfA(szKey, "%ls", c_szPhonebook); GetPrivateProfileStringA( c_szMprConfigA, szKey, c_szEmptyA, pszValue, length, pszFile );
{ CHAR* pszTemp; INT cchSize;
cchSize = lstrlen(c_szUncPrefix) + lstrlen(c_szRouterPbkPath) + 1; if (pserver->lpwsServerName) { cchSize += lstrlen(pserver->lpwsServerName); } else { cchSize += lstrlen(pwsLocalComputerName); }
pszTemp = Malloc(cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pszTemp) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
if (pserver->lpwsServerName) { if (*(pserver->lpwsServerName) != L'\\') { wsprintfA( pszTemp, "\\\\%ls%ls", pserver->lpwsServerName, c_szRouterPbkPath ); } else { wsprintfA( pszTemp, "%ls%ls", pserver->lpwsServerName, c_szRouterPbkPath ); } } else { wsprintfA( pszTemp, "\\\\%ls%ls", pwsLocalComputerName, c_szRouterPbkPath ); } CopyFileA(pszValue, pszTemp, FALSE);
Free(pszTemp); }
} while(FALSE);
// Disable backup privileges
EnableBackupPrivilege(FALSE, SE_RESTORE_NAME);
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); Free(pszValue); Free(pszFile);
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigServerBackup
// Backs up a router's configuration.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigServerBackup( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN LPWSTR lpwsPath ) {
int length; DWORD dwErr; HANDLE hfile; BOOL bSuccess, bRemote; WCHAR *pwsBase, *pwsTemp, *pwsComputer; SERVERCB* pserver; WCHAR pwsLocalComputerName[128]; DWORD dwLocalComputerSize = sizeof(pwsLocalComputerName) / sizeof(WCHAR); OSVERSIONINFO Version;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
AcquireMprConfigLock(); dwErr = NO_ERROR;
// Record whether we are saving the config of a remote machine
if (!GetComputerName(pwsLocalComputerName, &dwLocalComputerSize)) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; }
bRemote = (pserver->lpwsServerName != NULL) && (*(pserver->lpwsServerName) == 0) && (lstrcmpi(pserver->lpwsServerName, pwsLocalComputerName) != 0);
// We require full UNC path for remote load/save
if (bRemote) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #if 0
if ((pserver->lpwsServerName == NULL) || (*(pserver->lpwsServerName) == 0) || (wcsncmp(lpwsPath, c_szUncPrefix, 2) != 0)) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; } #endif
// Make sure that the Parameters key, Interfaces key, and
// RouterManagers key are open.
if (!pserver->hkeyInterfaces) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szInterfaces, TRUE, &pserver->hkeyInterfaces ); }
if (!pserver->hkeyTransports) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szRouterManagers, TRUE, &pserver->hkeyTransports ); }
if (!pserver->hkeyParameters) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szParameters, TRUE, &pserver->hkeyParameters ); }
// Allocate enough space to hold any of the strings
// to be constructed below
pwsBase = Malloc( (lstrlen(lpwsPath) + lstrlen(c_szRouterManagers) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!pwsBase) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Enable the current process's backup privileges
EnableBackupPrivilege(TRUE, SE_BACKUP_NAME); do {
// Save each key to a filename made from the specified name
// See documentation for RegSaveKey and RegRestoreKey for information
// on which 'lpwsPath' must not contain an extension.
// Save the 'Parameters' key
lstrcpy(pwsBase, lpwsPath); lstrcat(pwsBase, c_szParameters); DeleteFile(pwsBase); dwErr = RegSaveKey(pserver->hkeyParameters, pwsBase, NULL); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } //
// Save the 'RouterManagers' key
lstrcpy(pwsBase, lpwsPath); lstrcat(pwsBase, c_szRouterManagers); DeleteFile(pwsBase); dwErr = RegSaveKey(pserver->hkeyTransports, pwsBase, NULL); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } //
// Save the 'Interfaces' key
lstrcpy(pwsBase, lpwsPath); lstrcat(pwsBase, c_szInterfaces); DeleteFile(pwsBase); dwErr = TranslateAndSaveInterfaceKey (pserver, pwsBase, NULL); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } //
// Copy the phonebook file;
// first we construct the path to the remote machine's phonebook file.
lstrcpy(pwsBase, lpwsPath); lstrcat(pwsBase, c_szPhonebook);
// Construct the computer name
if (pserver->lpwsServerName && *(pserver->lpwsServerName)) { pwsComputer = Malloc( (lstrlen(pserver->lpwsServerName) + 3) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); lstrcpy(pwsComputer, c_szUncPrefix); lstrcat(pwsComputer, pserver->lpwsServerName); } else { pwsComputer = Malloc( (lstrlen(pwsLocalComputerName) + 3) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); lstrcpy(pwsComputer, c_szUncPrefix); lstrcat(pwsComputer, pwsLocalComputerName); }
pwsTemp = Malloc( (lstrlen(pwsComputer) + lstrlen(c_szRouterPbkPath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!pwsTemp) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
lstrcpy(pwsTemp, pwsComputer); lstrcat(pwsTemp, c_szRouterPbkPath);
if (!(bSuccess = CopyFile(pwsTemp, pwsBase, FALSE))) {
dwErr = GetLastError();
if (dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
hfile = CreateFile( pwsBase, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; } CloseHandle(hfile);
dwErr = NO_ERROR; bSuccess = TRUE; } }
Free0(pwsComputer); Free(pwsTemp);
if (!bSuccess) { break; }
// Create a file with the specified name and fill in information.
lstrcpy(pwsBase, lpwsPath); lstrcat(pwsBase, c_szMpr);
if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
// Now write the '[MprConfig]' section of the file
// The section looks like this:
// [MprConfig]
// Parameters=<file>Parameters
// RouterManagers=<file>RouterManagers
// Interfaces=<file>Interfaces
// Phonebook=<file>Phonebook
// ConfigVersion=<build> // NT 5 and on only
// What we pass to WritePrivateProfileSectionA is a NULL-separated
// list of 4 strings.
// Note that the following uses ANSI strings, not Unicode.
{ CHAR* psz; CHAR* pszTemp; CHAR* pszFile;
// Make an ANSI copy of the filename.
// allocate len*sizeof ( WCHAR ) to be safe
// otherwise this will break DBCS
pszFile = Malloc((lstrlen(pwsBase) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (!pszFile) { break; }
wsprintfA(pszFile, "%ls", pwsBase);
// Allocate the list to be passed to WritePrivateProfileSection
length = 1; length += lstrlen(lpwsPath) + 2 * lstrlen(c_szParameters) + 2; length += lstrlen(lpwsPath) + 2 * lstrlen(c_szRouterManagers) + 2; length += lstrlen(lpwsPath) + 2 * lstrlen(c_szInterfaces) + 2; length += lstrlen(lpwsPath) + 2 * lstrlen(c_szPhonebook) + 2; length += 5 + 2 * lstrlen(c_szConfigVersion) + 2;
length = length * sizeof (WCHAR);
pszTemp = Malloc(length);
if (!pszTemp) {
Free(pszFile); dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Fill the list with strings, one for each line in the final file
ZeroMemory(pszTemp, length); ZeroMemory(&Version, sizeof(Version)); Version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&Version);
psz = pszTemp; wsprintfA( psz, "%ls=%ls%ls", c_szParameters, lpwsPath, c_szParameters ); psz += lstrlenA(psz) + 1; wsprintfA( psz, "%ls=%ls%ls", c_szRouterManagers, lpwsPath, c_szRouterManagers ); psz += lstrlenA(psz) + 1; wsprintfA( psz, "%ls=%ls%ls", c_szInterfaces, lpwsPath, c_szInterfaces ); psz += lstrlenA(psz) + 1; wsprintfA( psz, "%ls=%ls%ls", c_szPhonebook, lpwsPath, c_szPhonebook ); psz += lstrlenA(psz) + 1; wsprintfA( psz, "%ls=%d", c_szConfigVersion, Version.dwBuildNumber ); //
// Commit the list of strings to the file
if (!WritePrivateProfileSectionA( c_szMprConfigA, pszTemp, pszFile )) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); }
Free(pszTemp); Free(pszFile); }
} while(FALSE);
// Disable backup privileges
EnableBackupPrivilege(FALSE, SE_BACKUP_NAME); ReleaseMprConfigLock(); Free0(pwsBase);
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigServerRefresh
// Reloads all loaded lists, and flushes all cached objects which are marked
// for deletion.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigServerRefresh( IN HANDLE hMprConfig ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; TRANSPORTCB* ptransport; INTERFACECB* pinterface; IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead, *ple2, *phead2;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
AcquireMprConfigLock(); //
// If the router-level parameters are loaded, refresh them
if (pserver->bParametersLoaded) {
dwErr = LoadParameters(pserver);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; } }
// If the transports-list is loaded, refresh it.
if (pserver->bTransportsLoaded) {
dwErr = LoadTransports(pserver);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; } }
// If the interfaces-list is loaded, refresh it.
if (pserver->bInterfacesLoaded) {
dwErr = LoadInterfaces(pserver);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
// Reload the interface-transports list for each interface
// which has its interface-transports list loaded.
phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode);
if (pinterface->bIfTransportsLoaded) {
dwErr = LoadIfTransports(pinterface);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; } } } }
// Clean up all the transport objects marked for deletion
phead = &pserver->lhTransports;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (!ptransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
// Clean up the object, adjusting our list-pointer back by one.
ple = ple->Blink; RemoveEntryList(&ptransport->leNode);
FreeTransport(ptransport); }
// Clean up all the interface objects marked for deletion
phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode);
if (pinterface->bDeleted) {
// Clean up the object, adjusting our list-pointer back by one.
ple = ple->Blink; RemoveEntryList(&pinterface->leNode);
continue; }
// Clean up all the interface-transport objects marked for deletion
phead2 = &pinterface->lhIfTransports;
for (ple2 = phead2->Flink; ple2 != phead2; ple2 = ple2->Flink) {
piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (!piftransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
// Clean up the object, adjusting the list-pointer back by one.
ple2 = ple2->Blink; RemoveEntryList(&piftransport->leNode);
FreeIfTransport(piftransport); } }
GuidMapCleanup (pserver->hGuidMap, TRUE); pserver->hGuidMap = NULL;
// Now that we've cleaned it up, we have to reinitialize it
// since the map gets overwritten (to all 0's) let's just
// reinit the whole damned thing.
GuidMapInit(pserver->lpwsServerName, &(pserver->hGuidMap));
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigServerGetInfo
// Retrieves router-level information from the registry.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigServerGetInfo( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN DWORD dwLevel, OUT LPBYTE* lplpBuffer ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB *pserver; MPR_SERVER_0* pItem;
if (!hMprConfig || (dwLevel != 0) || !lplpBuffer) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// If the parameters aren't loaded, load them now
if (!pserver->bParametersLoaded || TimeStampChanged( pserver->hkeyParameters, &pserver->ftParametersStamp)) {
dwErr = LoadParameters(pserver);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pserver->bParametersLoaded = TRUE; }
*lplpBuffer = NULL;
// Allocate memory for the information
pItem = (MPR_SERVER_0*)Malloc(sizeof(*pItem));
if (!pItem) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
ZeroMemory(pItem, sizeof(*pItem));
// Copy the server-info from the context block
pItem->fLanOnlyMode = (pserver->fRouterType == 0x00000002) ? TRUE : FALSE;
*lplpBuffer = (LPBYTE)pItem;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigTransportCreate
// Adds a router-transport to the store for the router-service.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigTransportCreate( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN DWORD dwTransportId, IN LPWSTR lpwsTransportName OPTIONAL, IN LPBYTE pGlobalInfo, IN DWORD dwGlobalInfoSize, IN LPBYTE pClientInterfaceInfo OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwClientInterfaceInfoSize OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR lpwsDLLPath OPTIONAL, OUT HANDLE* phRouterTransport ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB *pserver; TRANSPORTCB* ptransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
if (!phRouterTransport) {return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
*phRouterTransport = NULL;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// If the list of transports is not loaded, load it
if (!pserver->bTransportsLoaded || TimeStampChanged( pserver->hkeyTransports, &pserver->ftTransportsStamp)) { dwErr = LoadTransports(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pserver->bTransportsLoaded = TRUE; }
// Search the list of transports for the one to be created
ptransport = NULL; phead = &pserver->lhTransports;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (ptransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
if (ptransport->dwTransportId >= dwTransportId) { break; } }
// If the transport already exists, do a SetInfo instead
if (ptransport && ptransport->dwTransportId == dwTransportId) {
*phRouterTransport = (HANDLE)ptransport;
dwErr = MprConfigTransportSetInfo( hMprConfig, *phRouterTransport, pGlobalInfo, dwGlobalInfoSize, pClientInterfaceInfo, dwClientInterfaceInfoSize, lpwsDLLPath ); ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
// Allocate a new context block
ptransport = (TRANSPORTCB*)Malloc(sizeof(*ptransport));
if (!ptransport) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
do {
DWORD dwDisposition; const WCHAR *lpwsKey; WCHAR wszTransport[10];
// Initialize the transport context
ZeroMemory(ptransport, sizeof(*ptransport));
ptransport->dwTransportId = dwTransportId;
// If the server doesn't have the RouterManagers key open, create it
if (!pserver->hkeyTransports) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szRouterManagers, TRUE, &pserver->hkeyTransports );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// If the transport name is specified, use it as the key name;
// otherwise, if the transport ID is recognized, use its string;
// otherwise, convert the transport ID to a string and use that
if (lpwsTransportName && lstrlen(lpwsTransportName)) { lpwsKey = lpwsTransportName; } else if (dwTransportId == PID_IP) { lpwsKey = c_szIP; } else if (dwTransportId == PID_IPX) { lpwsKey = c_szIPX; } else { wsprintf(wszTransport, L"%d", dwTransportId);
lpwsKey = wszTransport; }
ptransport->lpwsTransportKey = StrDupW(lpwsKey);
if (!ptransport->lpwsTransportKey) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Create a key for the transport in the registry
dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx( pserver->hkeyTransports, lpwsKey, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, NULL, &ptransport->hkey, &dwDisposition );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Update the time-stamp for the 'RouterManagers' key
// now that we have created a new subkey underneath it.
dwErr = UpdateTimeStamp( pserver->hkeyTransports, &pserver->ftTransportsStamp );
// So far, so good; put the context in the list of transports;
// (the search done above told us the insertion point)
InsertTailList(ple, &ptransport->leNode);
do { //
// Set the transport ID
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( ptransport->hkey, c_szProtocolId, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwTransportId, sizeof(dwTransportId) );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Now call SetInfo to save the information
dwErr = MprConfigTransportSetInfo( hMprConfig, (HANDLE)ptransport, pGlobalInfo, dwGlobalInfoSize, pClientInterfaceInfo, dwClientInterfaceInfoSize, lpwsDLLPath ); } while (FALSE);
// If that failed, remove everything and bail out
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
MprConfigTransportDelete(hMprConfig, (HANDLE)ptransport); ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
// Return successfully
*phRouterTransport = (HANDLE)ptransport;
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return NO_ERROR;
} while (FALSE);
// Something went wrong, so return
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); FreeTransport(ptransport);
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigTransportDelete
// Removes a router-transport to the store for the router-service
// After this call, 'hRouterTransport' is no longer a valid handle.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigTransportDelete( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterTransport ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; TRANSPORTCB* ptransport;
if (!hRouterTransport) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
AcquireMprConfigLock(); ptransport = (TRANSPORTCB*)hRouterTransport;
// remove the transport from the list of transports
// if the server doesn't have the RouterManagers key open, open it
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
if (!pserver->hkeyTransports) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szRouterManagers, FALSE, &pserver->hkeyTransports ); }
// remove the transport's key from the registry
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { dwErr = RegDeleteTree( pserver->hkeyTransports, ptransport->lpwsTransportKey );
// Update the time-stamp for the 'RouterManagers' key
// now that we have deleted a subtree underneath it.
UpdateTimeStamp(pserver->hkeyTransports, &pserver->ftTransportsStamp); }
// clean up the transport object
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigTransportGetHandle
// Retrieves a handle to a transport's configuration.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigTransportGetHandle( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN DWORD dwTransportId, OUT HANDLE* phRouterTransport ) {
DWORD i, dwErr; SERVERCB *pserver; TRANSPORTCB* ptransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
if (!phRouterTransport) {return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
*phRouterTransport = NULL;
// If the list of transports is not loaded, load it
if (!pserver->bTransportsLoaded || TimeStampChanged( pserver->hkeyTransports, &pserver->ftTransportsStamp)) { dwErr = LoadTransports(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pserver->bTransportsLoaded = TRUE; }
// Search the list of transports for the one requested
ptransport = NULL; phead = &pserver->lhTransports;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (ptransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
if (ptransport->dwTransportId >= dwTransportId) { break; } }
// If the transport requested was found, return successfully
if (ptransport && ptransport->dwTransportId == dwTransportId) {
*phRouterTransport = (HANDLE)ptransport;
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return NO_ERROR; }
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_ID; }
// Function: MprConfigTransportSetInfo
// Changes the cofiguration of a router-transport in the store.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigTransportSetInfo( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterTransport, IN LPBYTE pGlobalInfo, IN DWORD dwGlobalInfoSize, IN LPBYTE pClientInterfaceInfo, IN DWORD dwClientInterfaceInfoSize, IN LPWSTR lpwsDLLPath ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; TRANSPORTCB* ptransport;
// Validate parameters
if (!hRouterTransport) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (!pGlobalInfo && !pClientInterfaceInfo && !lpwsDLLPath) { return NO_ERROR; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
AcquireMprConfigLock(); ptransport = (TRANSPORTCB*)hRouterTransport;
if (ptransport->bDeleted) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_ID; }
do {
// Set the GlobalInfo
if (pGlobalInfo) {
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( ptransport->hkey, c_szGlobalInfo, 0, REG_BINARY, pGlobalInfo, dwGlobalInfoSize );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } } //
// Set the ClientInterfaceInfo
if (pClientInterfaceInfo) {
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( ptransport->hkey, c_szGlobalInterfaceInfo, 0, REG_BINARY, pClientInterfaceInfo, dwClientInterfaceInfoSize );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// Set the DLL path
if (lpwsDLLPath) {
DWORD dwSize = (lstrlen(lpwsDLLPath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( ptransport->hkey, c_szDLLPath, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (BYTE*)lpwsDLLPath, dwSize );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
dwErr = NO_ERROR; } while(FALSE);
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigTransportGetInfo
// Reads the cofiguration of a router-transport from the store.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigTransportGetInfo( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterTransport, IN OUT LPBYTE* ppGlobalInfo OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD lpdwGlobalInfoSize OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPBYTE* ppClientInterfaceInfo OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD lpdwClientInterfaceInfoSize OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPWSTR* lplpwsDLLPath OPTIONAL ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; TRANSPORTCB* ptransport;
// Validate parameters
if (!hRouterTransport) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (!ppGlobalInfo && !ppClientInterfaceInfo && !lplpwsDLLPath) { return NO_ERROR; }
if ((ppGlobalInfo && !lpdwGlobalInfoSize) || (ppClientInterfaceInfo && !lpdwClientInterfaceInfoSize)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Initialize all parameters
if (ppGlobalInfo) { *ppGlobalInfo = NULL; } if (ppClientInterfaceInfo) { *ppClientInterfaceInfo = NULL; } if (lpdwGlobalInfoSize) { *lpdwGlobalInfoSize = 0; } if (lpdwClientInterfaceInfoSize) { *lpdwClientInterfaceInfoSize = 0; } if (lplpwsDLLPath) { *lplpwsDLLPath = NULL; }
ptransport = (TRANSPORTCB*)hRouterTransport;
if (ptransport->bDeleted) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_ID; }
do {
DWORD dwType, dwSize;
// Retrieve the global info
if (ppGlobalInfo) {
dwErr = QueryValue( ptransport->hkey, c_szGlobalInfo, ppGlobalInfo, lpdwGlobalInfoSize ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// Retrieve the client-interface info
if (ppClientInterfaceInfo) {
dwErr = QueryValue( ptransport->hkey, c_szGlobalInterfaceInfo, ppClientInterfaceInfo, lpdwClientInterfaceInfoSize ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// Retrieve the DLL path
if (lplpwsDLLPath) {
dwErr = QueryValue( ptransport->hkey, c_szDLLPath, (LPBYTE*)lplpwsDLLPath, &dwSize ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// All went well, return successfully
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return NO_ERROR;
} while(FALSE);
// An error occurred, free all parameters and return failure
if (ppGlobalInfo) { Free0(*ppGlobalInfo); *ppGlobalInfo = NULL; *lpdwGlobalInfoSize = 0; } if (ppClientInterfaceInfo) { Free0(*ppClientInterfaceInfo); *ppClientInterfaceInfo = NULL; *lpdwClientInterfaceInfoSize = 0; } if (lplpwsDLLPath) { Free0(*lplpwsDLLPath); *lplpwsDLLPath = NULL; }
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigTransportEnum
// Enumerates the configured router-transport in the router-service store.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigTransportEnum( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT LPBYTE* lplpBuffer, // MPR_TRANSPORT_0
IN DWORD dwPrefMaxLen, OUT LPDWORD lpdwEntriesRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwTotalEntries, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwResumeHandle OPTIONAL ) {
SERVERCB* pserver; TRANSPORTCB* ptransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead, *pleStart; MPR_TRANSPORT_0 *pItem, *pItemTable; DWORD dwErr, i, dwStartIndex, dwItemCount, dwItemTotal;
if ((dwLevel != 0) || !lplpBuffer || dwPrefMaxLen < sizeof(*pItem) || !lpdwEntriesRead || !lpdwTotalEntries) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
AcquireMprConfigLock(); *lplpBuffer = NULL; *lpdwEntriesRead = 0; *lpdwTotalEntries = 0;
// See whether the enumeration is being continued or being begun.
if (lpdwResumeHandle && *lpdwResumeHandle) {
// A resumption handle is specified,
// so we assume that our list of transports is up-to-date,
// and we just count off the requested number of transports
// from our list starting from the specified index.
dwStartIndex = *lpdwResumeHandle; } else {
// No resumption handle was specified, so we may need to read
// all the router-managers in order to get 'lpdwTotalEntries'
dwStartIndex = 0;
if (!pserver->bTransportsLoaded || TimeStampChanged( pserver->hkeyTransports, &pserver->ftTransportsStamp)) {
dwErr = LoadTransports(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pserver->bTransportsLoaded = TRUE; } }
// Find the position in the list to start from
phead = &pserver->lhTransports;
for (i = 0, ple = phead->Flink; i < dwStartIndex && ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode); if (!ptransport->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
// if there aren't enough items to complete the request, fail
if (ple == phead) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; }
pleStart = ple;
// count off the number of items requested
dwItemCount = dwPrefMaxLen / sizeof(*pItemTable);
for (i = 0; i < dwItemCount && ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode); if (!ptransport->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
dwItemCount = i;
// finish counting off, to get the total number of items
for ( ; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode); if (!ptransport->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
dwItemTotal = i;
// we now have the number of items to be retrieved, so allocate space
pItemTable = (MPR_TRANSPORT_0*)Malloc(dwItemCount * sizeof(*pItem));
if (!pItemTable) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
ZeroMemory(pItemTable, dwItemCount * sizeof(*pItem));
// now fill in the items using the listed transport objects
for (i = 0, ple = pleStart; i < dwItemCount; ple = ple->Flink) {
// get the next transport-object in our list
ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (ptransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
// fill in information for the corresponding array item
pItem = pItemTable + i++;
pItem->dwTransportId = ptransport->dwTransportId; pItem->hTransport = (HANDLE)ptransport; if (ptransport->lpwsTransportKey) { lstrcpyn( pItem->wszTransportName, ptransport->lpwsTransportKey, MAX_TRANSPORT_NAME_LEN + 1 ); } }
*lplpBuffer = (LPBYTE)pItemTable; *lpdwEntriesRead = dwItemCount; *lpdwTotalEntries = dwItemTotal; if (lpdwResumeHandle) { *lpdwResumeHandle = dwStartIndex + dwItemCount; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceCreate
// Creates a router-interface in the router-service store.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceCreate( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE lpbBuffer, OUT HANDLE* phRouterInterface ) {
INT cmp; DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB *pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead; DWORD dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength = 0; MPR_INTERFACE_0 * pMprIf0 = (MPR_INTERFACE_0 *)lpbBuffer; MPR_INTERFACE_1 * pMprIf1 = (MPR_INTERFACE_1 *)lpbBuffer;
if (( ( dwLevel != 0 ) && ( dwLevel != 1 ) ) || !lpbBuffer || !phRouterInterface) {return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
// As of Whistler, ipip tunnels are not supported
if ( pMprIf0->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_TUNNEL1 ) { return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
*phRouterInterface = NULL;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
AcquireMprConfigLock(); //
// If the list of interfaces is not loaded, load it
if (!pserver->bInterfacesLoaded || TimeStampChanged( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, &pserver->ftInterfacesStamp)) { dwErr = LoadInterfaces(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pserver->bInterfacesLoaded = TRUE; }
// Search the list of interfaces for the one to be created
cmp = 1; pinterface = NULL; phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode);
if (pinterface->bDeleted) { continue; }
cmp = lstrcmpi( pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName, pMprIf0->wszInterfaceName);
if (cmp >= 0) { break; } }
// If the interface already exists, return
if (pinterface && cmp == 0) {
*phRouterInterface = (HANDLE)pinterface;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Allocate a new context block
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)Malloc(sizeof(*pinterface));
if (!pinterface) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
do {
WCHAR *lpwsKey, wszKey[12]; DWORD dwDisposition, dwKeyCount;
// Initialize the interface context
ZeroMemory(pinterface, sizeof(*pinterface));
pinterface->dwIfType = (DWORD)pMprIf0->dwIfType;
pinterface->fEnabled = (BOOL)pMprIf0->fEnabled;
if ( ( pMprIf0->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED ) || ( pMprIf0->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL ) ) { if ( !pMprIf0->fEnabled ) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
break; } }
// Set dialout hours restriction if there was one
pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction = NULL;
if ( dwLevel == 1 ) { if ( pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction != NULL ) { dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength = MprUtilGetSizeOfMultiSz( pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction );
pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction = (LPWSTR)Malloc(dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength);
if ( pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction == NULL ) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
break; }
CopyMemory( pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength ); } }
// Make a copy of the interface name
pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName = StrDupW(pMprIf0->wszInterfaceName);
if (!pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName) {
break; }
// If the server doesn't have the Interfaces key open, create it
if (!pserver->hkeyInterfaces) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szInterfaces, TRUE, &pserver->hkeyInterfaces );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// We need to select a unique key-name for the interface's key.
// We do so by getting the number 'N' of subkeys under 'Interfaces',
// then checking for the existence of a key whose name
// is the string-value of 'N'; if such a key exists, increment 'N'
// and try again.
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwKeyCount, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
for ( ; ; ++dwKeyCount) {
// Convert the count to a string
wsprintf(wszKey, L"%d", dwKeyCount);
// Attempt to create a key with the resulting name;
dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, wszKey, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, NULL, &pinterface->hkey, &dwDisposition ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// See if the key was created
if (dwDisposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) {
// We found a unique key-name;
break; } else {
// This key-name is already taken; clean up and keep looking.
pinterface->hkey = NULL; } } if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// So far, so good; put the context in the list of interfaces;
// (the search done above told us the insertion point)
InsertTailList(ple, &pinterface->leNode);
// At this point a new key has been created for the interface,
// so update our timestamp on the 'Interfaces' key.
UpdateTimeStamp(pserver->hkeyInterfaces, &pserver->ftInterfacesStamp);
// Now we need to save the name of the key for the interface,
// and write the 'InterfaceName' and 'Type' into the registry.
// In the case of a failure, the interface's key needs to be removed,
// and we do so by invoking 'MprConfigInterfaceDelete'.
do {
// Duplicate the key-name for the interface
pinterface->lpwsInterfaceKey = StrDupW(wszKey);
if (!pinterface->lpwsInterfaceKey) {
break; }
// Save the interface name
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( pinterface->hkey, c_szInterfaceName, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pMprIf0->wszInterfaceName, (lstrlen(pMprIf0->wszInterfaceName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } //
// Save the interface type
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( pinterface->hkey, c_szType, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&(pMprIf0->dwIfType), sizeof(pMprIf0->dwIfType) ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } //
// Save the enabled state
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( pinterface->hkey, c_szEnabled, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&(pMprIf0->fEnabled), sizeof(pMprIf0->fEnabled) ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
if ( dwLevel == 1 ) { if ( pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction != NULL ) { //
// Set dialout hours restriction if there was one
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( pinterface->hkey, c_szDialoutHours, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (BYTE*)pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } } } } while (FALSE);
// If a failure occurred, remove everything and bail out
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
MprConfigInterfaceDelete(hMprConfig, (HANDLE)pinterface);
return dwErr; }
// Clean out the guidmap
GuidMapCleanup (pserver->hGuidMap, FALSE);
// Return successfully
*phRouterInterface = (HANDLE)pinterface;
return NO_ERROR;
} while (FALSE);
// Something went wrong, so return
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceDelete
// Deletes a router-interface from the router-service store.
// After this call, 'hRouterInterface' is no longer a valid handle.
// Any router-transport interface handles retrieved for this interface
// are also invalid.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceDelete( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface;
if (!hRouterInterface) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface;
// remove the interface from the list of interfaces
// if the server doesn't have the Interfaces key open, open it
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
if (!pserver->hkeyInterfaces) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szInterfaces, FALSE, &pserver->hkeyInterfaces ); }
// remove the interface's key from the registry
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { dwErr = RegDeleteTree( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, pinterface->lpwsInterfaceKey );
// We've deleted a subkey of the 'Interfaces' key,
// so update the time-stamp.
UpdateTimeStamp(pserver->hkeyInterfaces, &pserver->ftInterfacesStamp); }
// clean up the interface object
// Clean out the guidmap
GuidMapCleanup (pserver->hGuidMap, FALSE);
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceGetHandle
// Retrieves a handle to the interface configuration.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceGetHandle( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN LPWSTR lpwsInterfaceName, OUT HANDLE* phRouterInterface ) {
INT cmp; DWORD i, dwErr; SERVERCB *pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
if (!hMprConfig || !phRouterInterface) {return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
*phRouterInterface = NULL;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// If the list of interfaces is not loaded, load it
if (!pserver->bInterfacesLoaded || TimeStampChanged( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, &pserver->ftInterfacesStamp)) { dwErr = LoadInterfaces(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pserver->bInterfacesLoaded = TRUE; }
// Search the list of interfaces for the one requested
cmp = 1; pinterface = NULL; phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode);
if (pinterface->bDeleted) { continue; }
cmp = lstrcmpi(pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName, lpwsInterfaceName);
if (cmp >= 0) { break; } }
// If the interface requested was found, return successfully
if (pinterface && cmp == 0) {
*phRouterInterface = (HANDLE)pinterface;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceGetInfo
// Retrieves information for an interface.
DWORD MprConfigInterfaceGetInfo( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT LPBYTE* lplpBuffer, // MPR_INTERFACE_*
OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferSize ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; MPR_INTERFACE_0 *pItem; DWORD dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength = 0; BOOL bInstalled;
if (!hRouterInterface || ((dwLevel != 0) && (dwLevel != 1)) || !lplpBuffer || !lpdwBufferSize) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface;
*lplpBuffer = NULL; *lpdwBufferSize = 0;
if (pinterface->bDeleted) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE; }
// Compute the amount of memory required for the information
if (dwLevel == 0) { *lpdwBufferSize = sizeof( MPR_INTERFACE_0 ); } else if (dwLevel == 1) {
if ((pinterface->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED) || (pinterface->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL)) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength = MprUtilGetSizeOfMultiSz( pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction );
*lpdwBufferSize = sizeof(MPR_INTERFACE_1) + dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength; }
// Allocate space for the information
pItem = (MPR_INTERFACE_0*)Malloc( *lpdwBufferSize );
if (!pItem) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
ZeroMemory(pItem, *lpdwBufferSize );
// Copy the requested interface-info from the context block
if (dwLevel == 0 || dwLevel == 1) {
lstrcpyn( pItem->wszInterfaceName, pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName, MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1 ); pItem->hInterface = (HANDLE)pinterface; pItem->dwIfType = (ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE)pinterface->dwIfType; pItem->fEnabled = pinterface->fEnabled;
// Indicate any pnp info that we have if it's a LAN adpt.
if (pinterface->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED) { bInstalled = FALSE; dwErr = GuidMapIsAdapterInstalled( pserver->hGuidMap, pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName, &bInstalled); if (!bInstalled) { pItem->dwConnectionState = ROUTER_IF_STATE_UNREACHABLE; pItem->fUnReachabilityReasons |= MPR_INTERFACE_NO_DEVICE; } } }
if (dwLevel == 1) {
if (pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction) {
CopyMemory( pItem1 + 1, pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength );
pItem1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction = (LPWSTR)(pItem1 + 1); } }
*lplpBuffer = (LPBYTE)pItem;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceSetInfo
// Changes the configuration for an interface.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceSetInfo( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE lpBuffer ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; MPR_INTERFACE_0 * pMprIf0 = (MPR_INTERFACE_0 *)lpBuffer;
// Validate parameters
if (!lpBuffer || ((dwLevel != 0) && (dwLevel != 1)) || !hRouterInterface) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface;
if (pinterface->bDeleted) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE; }
do {
if (dwLevel == 0 || dwLevel == 1) { if ((pMprIf0->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED) || (pMprIf0->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL)) { if (!pMprIf0->fEnabled) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } } //
// Set the enabled value
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( pinterface->hkey, c_szEnabled, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pMprIf0->fEnabled, sizeof(pMprIf0->fEnabled) );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } pinterface->fEnabled = pMprIf0->fEnabled; }
if (dwLevel == 1) {
MPR_INTERFACE_1 * pMprIf1 = (MPR_INTERFACE_1 *)lpBuffer; LPWSTR lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction; DWORD dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength = 0;
if ((pinterface->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED) || (pinterface->dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// Set or remove the value
if (!pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction) { dwErr = RegDeleteValue(pinterface->hkey, c_szDialoutHours); } else { dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength = MprUtilGetSizeOfMultiSz( pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction ); lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction = (LPWSTR)Malloc(dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength); if (lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } CopyMemory( lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength ); //
// Set dialout hours restriction if there was one
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( pinterface->hkey, c_szDialoutHours, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (BYTE*)pMprIf1->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, dwDialoutHoursRestrictionLength ); }
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {Free0(lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction); break;}
// Cache the current value on success
Free0(pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction); pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction = lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction; }
dwErr = NO_ERROR; } while(FALSE);
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceEnum
// Enumerates the configured router-interfaces.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceEnum( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT LPBYTE* lplpBuffer, IN DWORD dwPrefMaxLen, OUT LPDWORD lpdwEntriesRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwTotalEntries, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwResumeHandle OPTIONAL ) {
SERVERCB* pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead, *pleStart; MPR_INTERFACE_0 *pItem, *pItemTable; DWORD dwErr, i, dwStartIndex, dwItemCount, dwItemTotal;
if ((dwLevel != 0) || !lplpBuffer || dwPrefMaxLen < sizeof(*pItem) || !lpdwEntriesRead || !lpdwTotalEntries) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
*lplpBuffer = NULL; *lpdwEntriesRead = 0; *lpdwTotalEntries = 0;
// See whether the enumeration is being continued or being begun.
if (lpdwResumeHandle && *lpdwResumeHandle) {
// A resumption handle is specified,
// so we assume that our list of interfaces is up-to-date,
// and we just count off the requested number of interfaces
// from our list starting from the specified index.
dwStartIndex = *lpdwResumeHandle; } else {
// No resumption handle was specified, so we may need to read
// all the interfaces in order to get 'lpdwTotalEntries'
dwStartIndex = 0;
if (!pserver->bInterfacesLoaded || TimeStampChanged( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, &pserver->ftInterfacesStamp)) {
dwErr = LoadInterfaces(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pserver->bInterfacesLoaded = TRUE; } }
// Find the position in the list to start from
phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces;
for (i = 0, ple = phead->Flink; i < dwStartIndex && ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode); if (!pinterface->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
// If there aren't enough items to complete the request, fail
if (ple == phead) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; }
pleStart = ple;
// Count off the number of items requested
dwItemCount = dwPrefMaxLen / sizeof(*pItemTable);
for (i = 0; i < dwItemCount && ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode); if (!pinterface->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
dwItemCount = i;
// Finish counting off, to get the total number of items
for ( ; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode); if (!pinterface->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
dwItemTotal = i;
// We now have the number of items to be retrieved, so allocate space
pItemTable = (MPR_INTERFACE_0*)Malloc(dwItemCount * sizeof(*pItem));
if (!pItemTable) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
ZeroMemory(pItemTable, dwItemCount * sizeof(*pItem));
// Now fill in the items using the listed interface objects
for (i = 0, ple = pleStart; i < dwItemCount; ple = ple->Flink) {
// Get the next interface-object in our list
pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode);
if (pinterface->bDeleted) { continue; }
// fill in information for the corresponding array item
pItem = pItemTable + i++;
lstrcpyn( pItem->wszInterfaceName, pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName, MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1 ); pItem->hInterface = (HANDLE)pinterface; pItem->dwIfType = (ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE)pinterface->dwIfType; pItem->fEnabled = pinterface->fEnabled; }
*lplpBuffer = (LPBYTE)pItemTable; *lpdwEntriesRead = dwItemCount; *lpdwTotalEntries = dwItemTotal; if (lpdwResumeHandle) { *lpdwResumeHandle = dwStartIndex + dwItemCount; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceTransportAdd
// Adds a router-transport to a router-interface in the store.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceTransportAdd( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface, IN DWORD dwTransportId, IN LPWSTR lpwsTransportName OPTIONAL, IN LPBYTE pInterfaceInfo, IN DWORD dwInterfaceInfoSize, OUT HANDLE* phRouterIfTransport ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB *pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
if (!hRouterInterface || !phRouterIfTransport) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*phRouterIfTransport = NULL;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface;
// If the list of interface-transports is not loaded, load it
if (!pinterface->bIfTransportsLoaded || TimeStampChanged(pinterface->hkey, &pinterface->ftStamp)) { dwErr = LoadIfTransports(pinterface); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pinterface->bIfTransportsLoaded = TRUE; }
// Search the list of interface-transports for the one to be created
piftransport = NULL; phead = &pinterface->lhIfTransports;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (piftransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
if (piftransport->dwTransportId >= dwTransportId) { break; } }
// If the transport already exists, do a SetInfo instead
if (piftransport && piftransport->dwTransportId == dwTransportId) { DWORD dwErr2;
*phRouterIfTransport = (HANDLE)piftransport;
dwErr2 = MprConfigInterfaceTransportSetInfo( hMprConfig, hRouterInterface, *phRouterIfTransport, pInterfaceInfo, dwInterfaceInfoSize );
return dwErr2; }
// Allocate a new context block
piftransport = (IFTRANSPORTCB*)Malloc(sizeof(*piftransport));
if (!piftransport) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
do {
DWORD dwDisposition; const WCHAR *lpwsKey; WCHAR wszIfTransport[10];
// Initialize the transport context
ZeroMemory(piftransport, sizeof(*piftransport));
piftransport->dwTransportId = dwTransportId;
// If the transport name is specified, use it as the key name;
// otherwise, if it is a recognized transport, use a known name;
// otherwise, convert the transport ID to a string and use that
if (lpwsTransportName && lstrlen(lpwsTransportName)) { lpwsKey = lpwsTransportName; } else if (dwTransportId == PID_IP) { lpwsKey = c_szIP; } else if (dwTransportId == PID_IPX) { lpwsKey = c_szIPX; } else { wsprintf(wszIfTransport, L"%d", dwTransportId);
lpwsKey = wszIfTransport; }
piftransport->lpwsIfTransportKey = StrDupW(lpwsKey);
if (!piftransport->lpwsIfTransportKey) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Create a key for the interface-transport in the registry
dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx( pinterface->hkey, lpwsKey, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, NULL, &piftransport->hkey, &dwDisposition );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Update the timestamp on the interface's key
// now that a new subkey has been created under it.
UpdateTimeStamp(pinterface->hkey, &pinterface->ftStamp);
// Set the "ProtocolId" value for the interface transport
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( piftransport->hkey, c_szProtocolId, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwTransportId, sizeof(dwTransportId) );
// So far, so good; put the context in the list of interface-transports;
// (the search done above told us the insertion point)
InsertTailList(ple, &piftransport->leNode);
// Now call SetInfo to save the information
dwErr = MprConfigInterfaceTransportSetInfo( hMprConfig, hRouterInterface, (HANDLE)piftransport, pInterfaceInfo, dwInterfaceInfoSize );
// If that failed, remove everything and bail out
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
MprConfigInterfaceTransportRemove( hMprConfig, hRouterInterface, (HANDLE)piftransport );
return dwErr; }
// Return successfully
*phRouterIfTransport = (HANDLE)piftransport;
return NO_ERROR;
} while (FALSE);
// Something went wrong, so return
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceTransportRemove
// Removes a router-transport from a router-interface in the store.
// After this call, 'hRouterIfTransport' is no longer a valid handle.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceTransportRemove( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface, IN HANDLE hRouterIfTransport ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport;
if (!hMprConfig || !hRouterInterface || !hRouterIfTransport) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface; piftransport = (IFTRANSPORTCB*)hRouterIfTransport;
// remove the interface-transport from the list of interface-transports
// remove the transport's key from the registry
dwErr = RegDeleteTree( pinterface->hkey, piftransport->lpwsIfTransportKey );
// Update the timestamp on the interface's key
// now that a subkey has been deleted from under it.
UpdateTimeStamp(pinterface->hkey, &pinterface->ftStamp);
// clean up the transport object
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetHandle
// Retrieves a handle to a router-transport's interface configuration.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetHandle( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface, IN DWORD dwTransportId, OUT HANDLE* phRouterIfTransport ) {
DWORD i, dwErr; SERVERCB *pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
if (!hRouterInterface || !phRouterIfTransport) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*phRouterIfTransport = NULL;
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface;
if (pinterface->bDeleted) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE; }
// If the list of interface-transports is not loaded, load it
if (!pinterface->bIfTransportsLoaded || TimeStampChanged(pinterface->hkey, &pinterface->ftStamp)) { dwErr = LoadIfTransports(pinterface); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pinterface->bIfTransportsLoaded = TRUE; }
// Search the list of interface-transports for the one requested
piftransport = NULL; phead = &pinterface->lhIfTransports;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (piftransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
if (piftransport->dwTransportId >= dwTransportId) { break; } }
// If the interface-transport requested was found, return successfully
if (piftransport && piftransport->dwTransportId == dwTransportId) {
*phRouterIfTransport = (HANDLE)piftransport;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetInfo
// Reads the configuration of a router-transport for a router-interface.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetInfo( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface, IN HANDLE hRouterIfTransport, IN OUT LPBYTE* ppInterfaceInfo, OUT LPDWORD lpdwInterfaceInfoSize ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport;
// Validate parameters
if (!hRouterInterface || !hRouterIfTransport) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (!ppInterfaceInfo) { return NO_ERROR; }
if (ppInterfaceInfo && !lpdwInterfaceInfoSize) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Initialize all parameters
if (ppInterfaceInfo) { *ppInterfaceInfo = NULL; } if (lpdwInterfaceInfoSize) { *lpdwInterfaceInfoSize = 0; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface; piftransport = (IFTRANSPORTCB*)hRouterIfTransport;
if (pinterface->bDeleted || piftransport->bDeleted) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE; }
do {
DWORD dwType, dwSize;
// Retrieve the interface info
if (ppInterfaceInfo) {
dwErr = QueryValue( piftransport->hkey, c_szInterfaceInfo, ppInterfaceInfo, lpdwInterfaceInfoSize ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// All went well, return successfully
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return NO_ERROR;
} while(FALSE);
// An error occurred, free all parameters and return failure
if (ppInterfaceInfo) { Free0(*ppInterfaceInfo); *ppInterfaceInfo = NULL; *lpdwInterfaceInfoSize = 0; }
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceTransportSetInfo
// Changes the configuration of a router-transport for a router-interface.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceTransportSetInfo( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface, IN HANDLE hRouterIfTransport, IN LPBYTE pInterfaceInfo OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwInterfaceInfoSize OPTIONAL ) {
DWORD dwErr; SERVERCB* pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport;
// Validate parameters
if (!hRouterInterface || !hRouterIfTransport) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (!pInterfaceInfo) { return NO_ERROR; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface; piftransport = (IFTRANSPORTCB*)hRouterIfTransport;
if (pinterface->bDeleted || piftransport->bDeleted) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE; }
do {
// Set the InterfaceInfo
if (pInterfaceInfo) {
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( piftransport->hkey, c_szInterfaceInfo, 0, REG_BINARY, pInterfaceInfo, dwInterfaceInfoSize );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } } dwErr = NO_ERROR; } while(FALSE);
return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigInterfaceTransportEnum
// Enumerates the transports configured on a router-interface.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigInterfaceTransportEnum( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN HANDLE hRouterInterface, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT LPBYTE* lplpBuffer, // MPR_IFTRANSPORT_0
IN DWORD dwPrefMaxLen, OUT LPDWORD lpdwEntriesRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwTotalEntries, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwResumeHandle OPTIONAL ) {
SERVERCB* pserver; INTERFACECB* pinterface; IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead, *pleStart; MPR_IFTRANSPORT_0 *pItem, *pItemTable; DWORD dwErr, i, dwStartIndex, dwItemCount, dwItemTotal;
if (!hRouterInterface || (dwLevel != 0) || !lplpBuffer || dwPrefMaxLen < sizeof(*pItem) || !lpdwEntriesRead || !lpdwTotalEntries) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
pinterface = (INTERFACECB*)hRouterInterface;
*lplpBuffer = NULL; *lpdwEntriesRead = 0; *lpdwTotalEntries = 0;
// See whether the enumeration is being continued or being begun.
if (lpdwResumeHandle && *lpdwResumeHandle) {
// A resumption handle is specified,
// so we assume that our list of transports is up-to-date,
// and we just count off the requested number of transports
// from our list starting from the specified index.
dwStartIndex = *lpdwResumeHandle; } else {
// No resumption handle was specified, so we may need to read
// all the interface-transports in order to get 'lpdwTotalEntries'
dwStartIndex = 0;
if (!pinterface->bIfTransportsLoaded || TimeStampChanged(pinterface->hkey, &pinterface->ftStamp)) {
dwErr = LoadIfTransports(pinterface); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
pinterface->bIfTransportsLoaded = TRUE; } }
// Find the position in the list to start from
phead = &pinterface->lhIfTransports;
for (i = 0, ple = phead->Flink; i < dwStartIndex && ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode); if (!piftransport->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
// If there aren't enough items to complete the request, fail
if (ple == phead) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; }
pleStart = ple;
// Count off the number of items requested
dwItemCount = dwPrefMaxLen / sizeof(*pItemTable);
for (i = 0; i < dwItemCount && ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode); if (!piftransport->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
dwItemCount = i;
// Finish counting off, to get the total number of items
for ( ; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode); if (!piftransport->bDeleted) { ++i; } }
dwItemTotal = i;
// We now have the number of items to be retrieved, so allocate space
pItemTable = (MPR_IFTRANSPORT_0*)Malloc(dwItemCount * sizeof(*pItem));
if (!pItemTable) { ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
ZeroMemory(pItemTable, dwItemCount * sizeof(*pItem));
// Now fill in the items using the listed interface-transport objects
for (i = 0, ple = pleStart; i < dwItemCount; ple = ple->Flink) {
// Get the next interface-transport object in our list
piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (piftransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
// Fill in information for the corresponding array item
pItem = pItemTable + i++;
pItem->dwTransportId = piftransport->dwTransportId; pItem->hIfTransport = (HANDLE)piftransport;
if (piftransport->lpwsIfTransportKey) { lstrcpyn( pItem->wszIfTransportName, piftransport->lpwsIfTransportKey, MAX_TRANSPORT_NAME_LEN + 1 ); } }
*lplpBuffer = (LPBYTE)pItemTable; *lpdwEntriesRead = dwItemCount; *lpdwTotalEntries = dwItemTotal; if (lpdwResumeHandle) { *lpdwResumeHandle = dwStartIndex + dwItemCount; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: MprConfigGetFriendlyName
// Returns a friendly name based on a guid name.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigGetFriendlyName( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN PWCHAR pszGuidName, OUT PWCHAR pszBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferSize ) {
SERVERCB* pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Validate parameters
if (!pszGuidName || !pszBuffer) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Return the mapping
dwErr = GuidMapGetFriendlyName( pserver, pszGuidName, dwBufferSize, pszBuffer );
ReleaseMprConfigLock(); return dwErr; }
// Function: MprConfigGetGuidName
// Returns a guid name based on a friendly name.
DWORD APIENTRY MprConfigGetGuidName( IN HANDLE hMprConfig, IN PWCHAR pszFriendlyName, OUT PWCHAR pszBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferSize ) { SERVERCB* pserver = (SERVERCB*)hMprConfig; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = MprConfigServerValidateCb(pserver); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Validate parameters
if (!pszFriendlyName || !pszBuffer) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Return the mapping
dwErr = GuidMapGetGuidName( pserver, pszFriendlyName, dwBufferSize, pszBuffer );
return dwErr; }
// Function: AccessRouterSubkey
// Creates/opens a subkey of the Router service key on 'hkeyMachine'.
// When a key is created, 'lpwsSubkey' must be a child of the Router key.
DWORD AccessRouterSubkey( IN HKEY hkeyMachine, IN LPCWSTR lpwsSubkey, IN BOOL bCreate, OUT HKEY* phkeySubkey ) {
HKEY hkeyRouter; LPWSTR lpwsPath; DWORD dwErr, dwSize, dwDisposition; BOOL bIsNt40;
if (!phkeySubkey) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*phkeySubkey = NULL;
// Find out whether we are adminstrating an nt40 machine as this will
// affect the path we take in the registry.
if ((dwErr = IsNt40Machine(hkeyMachine, &bIsNt40)) != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// compute the length of the string "System\CCS\Services\RemoteAccess"
if (bIsNt40) { dwSize = lstrlen(c_szSystemCCSServices) + 1 + lstrlen(c_szRouter) + 1; } else { dwSize = lstrlen(c_szSystemCCSServices) + 1 + lstrlen(c_szRemoteAccess) + 1; }
// allocate space for the path
lpwsPath = (LPWSTR)Malloc(dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!lpwsPath) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
if (bIsNt40) { wsprintf(lpwsPath, L"%s\\%s", c_szSystemCCSServices, c_szRouter); } else { wsprintf(lpwsPath, L"%s\\%s", c_szSystemCCSServices, c_szRemoteAccess); }
hkeyRouter = NULL;
do {
// open the router key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyMachine, lpwsPath, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyRouter ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// now create or open the specified subkey
if (!bCreate) {
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyRouter, lpwsSubkey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, phkeySubkey ); } else {
dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx( hkeyRouter, lpwsSubkey, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, phkeySubkey, &dwDisposition ); }
} while(FALSE);
if (hkeyRouter) { RegCloseKey(hkeyRouter); }
return dwErr; }
// Function: DeleteRegistryTree
// Delete the tree of registry values starting at hkRoot
DWORD DeleteRegistryTree( HKEY hkRoot ) {
DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwCount, dwNameSize, dwDisposition, i, dwCurNameSize; PWCHAR pszNameBuf; HKEY hkTemp; //
// Find out how many keys there are in the source
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( hkRoot, NULL,NULL,NULL, &dwCount, &dwNameSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwErr; } dwNameSize++;
do { //
// Allocate the buffers
pszNameBuf = (PWCHAR)Malloc(dwNameSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!pszNameBuf) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Loop through the keys -- deleting all subkey trees
for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) {
dwCurNameSize = dwNameSize;
// Get the current source key
dwErr = RegEnumKeyExW( hkRoot, i, pszNameBuf, &dwCurNameSize, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
// Open the subkey
dwErr = RegCreateKeyExW( hkRoot, pszNameBuf, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, NULL, &hkTemp, &dwDisposition ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
// Delete the subkey tree
// Close the temp handle
RegCloseKey(hkTemp); }
// Loop through the keys -- deleting all subkeys themselves
for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) {
dwCurNameSize = dwNameSize;
// Get the current source key
dwErr = RegEnumKeyExW( hkRoot, 0, pszNameBuf, &dwCurNameSize, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
// Delete the subkey tree
dwErr = RegDeleteKey(hkRoot, pszNameBuf); }
dwErr = NO_ERROR; } while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (pszNameBuf) { Free(pszNameBuf); } }
return dwErr; }
// Function: EnableBackupPrivilege
// Enables/disables backup privilege for the current process.
DWORD EnableBackupPrivilege( IN BOOL bEnable, IN LPWSTR pszPrivilege ) {
// We first have to try to get the token of the current
// thread since if it is impersonating, adjusting the
// privileges of the process will have no effect.
bOk = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken ); if (bOk == FALSE) { //
// There is no thread token -- open it up for the
// process instead.
OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ); }
// Get the LUID of the privilege
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, pszPrivilege, &luid)) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if(NULL != hToken) { CloseHandle(hToken); } return dwErr; }
// Adjust the token privileges
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
// Commit changes to the system
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, !bEnable, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), NULL, NULL )) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if(NULL != hToken) { CloseHandle(hToken); } return dwErr; }
// Even if AdjustTokenPrivileges succeeded (see MSDN) you still
// need to verify success by calling GetLastError.
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED) { if(NULL != hToken) { CloseHandle(hToken); } return ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED; }
if(NULL != hToken) { CloseHandle(hToken); } return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: EnumInterfaces
// Enumerates the interfaces in the given key and calls the given callback
// for each one.
DWORD EnumLanInterfaces ( IN SERVERCB* pserver, IN HKEY hkInterfaces, IN PENUMIFCALLBACKFUNC pCallback, IN DWORD dwData ) { DWORD dwErr, dwType, dwTypeVal, dwSize, dwCount, i; HKEY hkCurIf = NULL; WCHAR pszKey[5], pszName[512], pszTranslation[512];
// Get the count of interfaces under this key
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( hkInterfaces, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwCount, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwErr; }
// Loop through the interfaces, changing names as needed
for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { //
// Get the key
wsprintfW(pszKey, L"%d", i); dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkInterfaces, pszKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkCurIf); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; } //
// Call the callback if the type is correct
dwSize = sizeof (DWORD); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkCurIf, c_szType, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwTypeVal, &dwSize ); if ((dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwTypeVal == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED)) { (*pCallback)(pserver, hkCurIf, dwData); } //
// Close the key
RegCloseKey (hkCurIf); } return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: FormatServerNameForMprCfgApis
// Generates a standard server name for use in the MprConfig api's.
// The lpwsServerName member of the SERVERCB struct will be in the format
// returned by this function.
// If pszServer references the local machine, NULL is returned.
// Otherwise, a server name is returned in the form "\\<server>"
DWORD FormatServerNameForMprCfgApis( IN PWCHAR pszServer, OUT PWCHAR* ppszServer) { PWCHAR pszServerPlain = NULL, pszServerOut = NULL; WCHAR pszBuffer[512]; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bOk;
// Null or empty string is empty
if ((pszServer == NULL) || (*pszServer == L'\0')) { *ppszServer = NULL; return NO_ERROR; }
// Find out the name of the server
pszServerPlain = pszServer; if (*pszServer == L'\\') { if ((*(pszServer + 2) == L'\\') || (*(pszServer + 2) == L'\0')) { return ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; }
pszServerPlain = pszServer + 2; }
// At this point, pszServerPlain is the name of a server.
// Find out the name of the local machine
dwSize = sizeof(pszBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR); bOk = GetComputerNameExW(ComputerNameNetBIOS, pszBuffer, &dwSize); if (!bOk) { return GetLastError(); }
// If the referenced machine is the local machine, return NULL
if (lstrcmpi(pszServerPlain, pszBuffer) == 0) { *ppszServer = NULL; return NO_ERROR; }
// Otherwise, return a formatted remote server name
pszServerOut = (PWCHAR) Malloc((2 + wcslen(pszServerPlain) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pszServerOut == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } wcscpy(pszServerOut, L"\\\\"); wcscpy(pszServerOut + 2, pszServerPlain); *ppszServer = pszServerOut;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: FreeIfTransport
// Frees the context for an interface-transport.
// Assumes the interface-transport is no longer in any list.
VOID FreeIfTransport( IN IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport ) {
if (piftransport->hkey) { RegCloseKey(piftransport->hkey); }
Free(piftransport); }
// Function: FreeInterface
// Frees the context for an interface.
// Assumes the interface is no longer in the list of interfaces.
VOID FreeInterface( IN INTERFACECB* pinterface ) {
// clean up all the interface's transport objects
LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
phead = &pinterface->lhIfTransports;
while (!IsListEmpty(phead)) {
// retrieve the next interface-transport object
IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport;
ple = RemoveHeadList(phead);
piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode);
// clean up the interface-transport object
FreeIfTransport(piftransport); }
// clean up the interface object
if (pinterface->hkey) { RegCloseKey(pinterface->hkey); }
Free(pinterface); }
// Function: FreeTransport
// Frees the context for a transport.
// Assumes the transport is no longer in the list of transports.
VOID FreeTransport( IN TRANSPORTCB* ptransport ) {
if (ptransport->hkey) { RegCloseKey(ptransport->hkey); }
Free(ptransport); }
// Function: GetLocalMachine
// Retrieves the name of the local machine (e.g. "\\MACHINE").
// Assumes the string supplied can hold MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 3 characters.
VOID GetLocalMachine( IN LPWSTR lpwszMachine ) {
lstrcpy(lpwszMachine, c_szUncPrefix);
GetComputerName(lpwszMachine + 2, &dwSize); }
// Function: IsNt40Machine
// Returns whether the given hkeyMachine belongs to an nt40 registry
DWORD IsNt40Machine ( IN HKEY hkeyMachine, OUT PBOOL pbIsNt40 ) {
DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ, dwLength = 64 * sizeof(WCHAR); HKEY hkeyVersion; WCHAR pszBuildNumber[64];
// Validate and initialize
if (!pbIsNt40) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*pbIsNt40 = FALSE;
// Open the windows version key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyMachine, c_szWinVersionPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyVersion );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
do {
// Read in the current version key
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx ( hkeyVersion, c_szCurrentBuildNumber, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)pszBuildNumber, &dwLength ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; }
if (lstrcmp (pszBuildNumber, c_szNt40BuildNumber) == 0) { *pbIsNt40 = TRUE; } } while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ RegCloseKey(hkeyVersion); }
return dwErr; }
// Function: LoadIfTransports
// Loads all the transports added to an interface.
DWORD LoadIfTransports( IN INTERFACECB* pinterface ) {
LPWSTR lpwsKey; HKEY hkeyIfTransport; IFTRANSPORTCB* piftransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead; DWORD i, dwErr, dwProtocolId, dwKeyCount, dwMaxKeyLength, dwType, dwLength;
// Any subkey of the Interfaces\<interface> key with a 'ProtocolId' value
// is assumed to be a valid interface-transport.
// Begin by marking all interfaces as 'deleted'.
phead = &pinterface->lhIfTransports;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode);
piftransport->bDeleted = TRUE; }
// Get information about the interface key
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( pinterface->hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwKeyCount, &dwMaxKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
if (!dwKeyCount) { return NO_ERROR; }
// Allocate space to hold the key-names to be enumerated
lpwsKey = (LPWSTR)Malloc((dwMaxKeyLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!lpwsKey) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Now enumerate the keys, creating interface-transport objects
// for each key which contains a 'ProtocolId' value
for (i = 0; i < dwKeyCount; i++) {
// Get the next key name
dwLength = dwMaxKeyLength + 1;
dwErr = RegEnumKeyEx( pinterface->hkey, i, lpwsKey, &dwLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Open the key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( pinterface->hkey, lpwsKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, &hkeyIfTransport );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { continue; }
do { //
// See if the ProtocolId is present
dwLength = sizeof(dwProtocolId); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyIfTransport, c_szProtocolId, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&dwProtocolId, &dwLength ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; } //
// The ProtocolId is present;
// search for this interface-transport in the existing list
piftransport = NULL; phead = &pinterface->lhIfTransports; for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (piftransport->dwTransportId >= dwProtocolId) { break; } } //
// If we found the interface-transport in our list, continue
if (piftransport && piftransport->dwTransportId == dwProtocolId) {
piftransport->bDeleted = FALSE;
// Free up the old key, it may have been deleted
// (and readded).
if (piftransport->hkey) RegCloseKey(piftransport->hkey); piftransport->hkey = hkeyIfTransport; hkeyIfTransport = NULL; dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; } //
// The interface-transport isn't listed; create an object for it
piftransport = Malloc(sizeof(*piftransport)); if (!piftransport) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } ZeroMemory(piftransport, sizeof(*piftransport));
piftransport->dwTransportId = dwProtocolId;
// duplicate the name of the interface-transport's key
piftransport->lpwsIfTransportKey = StrDupW(lpwsKey); if (!piftransport->lpwsIfTransportKey) { Free(piftransport); dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } piftransport->hkey = hkeyIfTransport; hkeyIfTransport = NULL;
// insert the interface-transport in the list;
// the above search supplied the point of insertion
InsertTailList(ple, &piftransport->leNode);
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
} while(FALSE);
if (hkeyIfTransport) { RegCloseKey(hkeyIfTransport); }
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// Remove all objects still marked for deletion
phead = &pinterface->lhIfTransports;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
piftransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IFTRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (!piftransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
// Clean up the object, adjusting the list-pointer back by one.
ple = ple->Blink; RemoveEntryList(&piftransport->leNode);
FreeIfTransport(piftransport); }
UpdateTimeStamp(pinterface->hkey, &pinterface->ftStamp);
return dwErr; }
// Function: LoadInterfaces
// Loads all the interfaces.
DWORD LoadInterfaces( IN SERVERCB* pserver ) {
INT cmp; LPWSTR lpwsKey; HKEY hkeyInterface; INTERFACECB* pinterface; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead; WCHAR wszInterface[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN+1]; DWORD i, dwErr, dwIfType, dwKeyCount, dwMaxKeyLength, dwType, dwLength; BOOL fEnabled, fAdapterInstalled; DWORD dwMaxValueLength; LPBYTE lpBuffer = NULL;
// Any subkey of the Interfaces key which has a 'Type' value
// is assumed to be a valid interface.
// Begin by marking all interfaces as 'deleted'.
phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode);
pinterface->bDeleted = TRUE; }
// Open the Interfaces key if it is not already open
if (!pserver->hkeyInterfaces) {
// If we cannot open the Interfaces key, assume it doesn't exist
// and therefore that there are no interfaces.
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szInterfaces, FALSE, &pserver->hkeyInterfaces );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return NO_ERROR; } }
// Get information about the Interfaces key;
// we need to know how many subkeys it has and the maximum length
// of all subkey-names
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwKeyCount, &dwMaxKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
if (!dwKeyCount) { return NO_ERROR; }
// allocate space to hold the key-names to be enumerated
lpwsKey = (LPWSTR)Malloc((dwMaxKeyLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!lpwsKey) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Now we enumerate the keys, creating interface-objects
// for each key which contains a 'Type' value
for (i = 0; i < dwKeyCount; i++) {
// Get the next key name
dwLength = dwMaxKeyLength + 1;
dwErr = RegEnumKeyEx( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, i, lpwsKey, &dwLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Open the key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, lpwsKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, &hkeyInterface );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { continue; }
do {
// See if the InterfaceName is present
dwLength = sizeof(wszInterface);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyInterface, c_szInterfaceName, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&wszInterface, &dwLength );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; }
// See if the Type is present
dwLength = sizeof(dwIfType); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyInterface, c_szType, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&dwIfType, &dwLength ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; }
// As of Whistler, ipip tunnels are not supported
if ( dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_TUNNEL1 ) { break; }
// See if the enabled is present
dwLength = sizeof(fEnabled);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyInterface, c_szEnabled, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&fEnabled, &dwLength );
if ( dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { fEnabled = TRUE;
dwErr = NO_ERROR; }
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; }
// The InterfaceName and Type are present;
// search for this interface in the existing list
cmp = 1; pinterface = NULL; phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces; for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode); cmp = lstrcmpi(pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName, wszInterface);
if (cmp >= 0) { break; } } //
// If we found the interface in our list, continue
if (pinterface && cmp == 0) { pinterface->bDeleted = FALSE; dwErr = NO_ERROR;
// Use the new registry value (the old one may have
// been replaced).
if (pinterface->hkey) RegCloseKey(pinterface->hkey); pinterface->hkey = hkeyInterface; hkeyInterface = NULL; } else { //
// The interface isn't in our list; create an object for it
pinterface = Malloc(sizeof(*pinterface)); if (!pinterface) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } ZeroMemory(pinterface, sizeof(*pinterface)); //
// Duplicate the name of the interface's key
// as well as the name of the interface itself
pinterface->lpwsInterfaceKey = StrDupW(lpwsKey); if (!pinterface->lpwsInterfaceKey) { Free(pinterface); dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName = StrDupW(wszInterface); if (!pinterface->lpwsInterfaceName) { Free(pinterface->lpwsInterfaceKey); Free(pinterface); dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } pinterface->fEnabled = fEnabled; pinterface->dwIfType = dwIfType; pinterface->hkey = hkeyInterface; hkeyInterface = NULL; InitializeListHead(&pinterface->lhIfTransports); //
// insert the interface in the list;
// the above search supplied the point of insertion
InsertTailList(ple, &pinterface->leNode); }
// Now read optional fields.
Free0(pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction); pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction = NULL;
// Load the dial-out hours restriction value.
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( pinterface->hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwMaxValueLength, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
lpBuffer = Malloc(dwMaxValueLength);
if (!lpBuffer) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Read the 'DialoutHours'
dwLength = dwMaxValueLength;
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( pinterface->hkey, c_szDialoutHours, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)lpBuffer, &dwLength );
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) {
pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction = (LPWSTR)Malloc(dwLength);
if (!pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
CopyMemory( pinterface->lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction, lpBuffer, dwLength ); }
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
} while(FALSE);
if (hkeyInterface) { RegCloseKey(hkeyInterface); }
Free0(lpBuffer); lpBuffer = NULL;
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// Clean up all objects still marked for deletion
phead = &pserver->lhInterfaces;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pinterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, INTERFACECB, leNode);
if (pinterface->bDeleted) {
// Clean up the object, adjusting our list-pointer back by one.
ple = ple->Blink; RemoveEntryList(&pinterface->leNode);
continue; } }
UpdateTimeStamp(pserver->hkeyInterfaces, &pserver->ftInterfacesStamp);
return dwErr; }
// Function: LoadParameters
// Loads all the parameters.
DWORD LoadParameters( IN SERVERCB* pserver ) {
LPWSTR lpwsKey; DWORD dwErr, dwLength, dwType;
if (!pserver->hkeyParameters) {
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szParameters, FALSE, &pserver->hkeyParameters );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return NO_ERROR; } }
dwLength = sizeof(pserver->fRouterType);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( pserver->hkeyParameters, c_szRouterType, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&pserver->fRouterType, &dwLength );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
UpdateTimeStamp(pserver->hkeyParameters, &pserver->ftParametersStamp);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: LoadTransports
// Loads all the transports.
DWORD LoadTransports( IN SERVERCB* pserver ) {
LPWSTR lpwsKey; HKEY hkeyTransport; TRANSPORTCB* ptransport; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead; DWORD i, dwErr, dwKeyCount, dwMaxKeyLength, dwProtocolId, dwType, dwLength;
// Any subkey of the RouterManagers key which has a 'ProtocolId' value
// is assumed to be a valid transport.
// Begin by marking all transports as 'deleted'
phead = &pserver->lhTransports;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple,TRANSPORTCB, leNode);
ptransport->bDeleted = TRUE; }
// We will enumerate by calling RegEnumKeyEx repeatedly,
// so open the transports key if it is not already open
if (!pserver->hkeyTransports) {
// If we cannot open the RouterManagers key, assume it doesn't exist
// and therefore that there are no transports.
dwErr = AccessRouterSubkey( pserver->hkeyMachine, c_szRouterManagers, FALSE, &pserver->hkeyTransports );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return NO_ERROR; } }
// Get information about the RouterManagers key;
// we need to know how many subkeys it has and
// the maximum length of all subkey-names
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( pserver->hkeyTransports, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwKeyCount, &dwMaxKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
if (!dwKeyCount) { return NO_ERROR; }
// allocate space to hold the key-names to be enumerated
lpwsKey = (LPWSTR)Malloc((dwMaxKeyLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!lpwsKey) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Now we enumerate the keys, creating transport-objects
// for each key which contains a 'ProtocolId' value
for (i = 0; i < dwKeyCount; i++) {
// get the next key name
dwLength = dwMaxKeyLength + 1;
dwErr = RegEnumKeyEx( pserver->hkeyTransports, i, lpwsKey, &dwLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Open the key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( pserver->hkeyTransports, lpwsKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, &hkeyTransport );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { continue; }
do { //
// see if the protocol ID is present
dwLength = sizeof(dwProtocolId); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyTransport, c_szProtocolId, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&dwProtocolId, &dwLength ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; } //
// the protocol ID is present;
// search for this protocol in the existing list
ptransport = NULL; phead = &pserver->lhTransports; for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple,TRANSPORTCB, leNode); if (ptransport->dwTransportId >= dwProtocolId) { break; } } //
// if we found the transport in our list, continue
if (ptransport && ptransport->dwTransportId == dwProtocolId) {
ptransport->bDeleted = FALSE;
// Use the new key, the old one may have been deleted
if (ptransport->hkey) RegCloseKey(ptransport->hkey); ptransport->hkey = hkeyTransport; hkeyTransport = NULL; dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; } //
// The transport isn't in our list; create an object for it
ptransport = Malloc(sizeof(*ptransport)); if (!ptransport) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
ZeroMemory(ptransport, sizeof(*ptransport)); //
// duplicate the name of the transport's key
ptransport->lpwsTransportKey = StrDupW(lpwsKey); if (!ptransport->lpwsTransportKey) { Free(ptransport); dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } ptransport->dwTransportId = dwProtocolId; ptransport->hkey = hkeyTransport; hkeyTransport = NULL;
// insert the transport in the list;
// the above search supplied the point of insertion
InsertTailList(ple, &ptransport->leNode);
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
} while(FALSE);
if (hkeyTransport) { RegCloseKey(hkeyTransport); }
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } }
// Clean up all objects still marked for deletion
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
ptransport = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TRANSPORTCB, leNode);
if (!ptransport->bDeleted) { continue; }
// Clean up the object, adjusting our list-pointer back by one.
ple = ple->Blink; RemoveEntryList(&ptransport->leNode);
FreeTransport(ptransport); }
UpdateTimeStamp(pserver->hkeyTransports, &pserver->ftTransportsStamp);
return dwErr; }
// Function: MapInterfaceNamesCb
// Changes the name of an interface
DWORD MapInterfaceNamesCb( IN SERVERCB* pserver, IN HKEY hkInterface, IN DWORD dwData ) { WCHAR pszName[512], pszTranslation[512]; DWORD dwErr, dwType, dwSize; //
// Map and change the name
dwSize = sizeof(pszName); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkInterface, c_szInterfaceName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszName, &dwSize ); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwData) { dwErr = MprConfigGetFriendlyName( (HANDLE)pserver, pszName, pszTranslation, sizeof(pszTranslation) ); } else { dwErr = MprConfigGetGuidName( (HANDLE)pserver, pszName, pszTranslation, sizeof(pszTranslation) ); } if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { RegSetValueEx( hkInterface, c_szInterfaceName, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE*)pszTranslation, lstrlen(pszTranslation) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR) ); } } return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: QueryValue
// Queries the 'hkey' for the value 'lpwsValue', allocating memory
// for the resulting data
DWORD QueryValue( IN HKEY hkey, IN LPCWSTR lpwsValue, IN OUT LPBYTE* lplpValue, OUT LPDWORD lpdwSize ) {
DWORD dwErr, dwType;
*lplpValue = NULL; *lpdwSize = 0;
// retrieve the size of the value; if this fails,
// assume the value doesn't exist and return successfully
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, lpwsValue, NULL, &dwType, NULL, lpdwSize );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return NO_ERROR; }
// allocate space for the value
*lplpValue = (LPBYTE)Malloc(*lpdwSize);
if (!lplpValue) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// retrieve the data for the value
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, lpwsValue, NULL, &dwType, *lplpValue, lpdwSize );
return dwErr; }
// Function: RegDeleteTree
// Removes an entire subtree from the registry.
DWORD RegDeleteTree( IN HKEY hkey, IN LPWSTR lpwsSubkey ) {
HKEY hkdel; DWORD dwErr; PTSTR pszKey = NULL;
// open the key to be deleted
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, lpwsSubkey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, &hkdel);
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwErr; }
do {
// retrieve information about the subkeys of the key
DWORD i, dwSize; DWORD dwKeyCount, dwMaxKeyLength;
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( hkdel, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwKeyCount, &dwMaxKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Allocate enough space for the longest keyname
pszKey = Malloc((dwMaxKeyLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!pszKey) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Enumerate the subkeys
for (i = 0; i < dwKeyCount; i++) {
// Get the name of the 0'th subkey
dwSize = dwMaxKeyLength + 1;
dwErr = RegEnumKeyEx( hkdel, 0, pszKey, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
// Make recursive call to delete the subkey
dwErr = RegDeleteTree(hkdel, pszKey); }
} while(FALSE);
if (pszKey) { Free(pszKey); }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwErr; }
// At this point all subkeys should have been deleted,
// and we can call the registry API to delete the argument key
return RegDeleteKey(hkey, lpwsSubkey); }
// Function: RestoreAndTranslateInterfaceKey
// Restores the interfaces key from the given file and then maps lan interface
// names from friendly versions to their guid equivalents.
DWORD RestoreAndTranslateInterfaceKey( IN SERVERCB* pserver, IN CHAR* pszFileName, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { DWORD dwErr;
// Restore the interfaces key from the given file
dwErr = RegRestoreKeyA(pserver->hkeyInterfaces, pszFileName, dwFlags); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Update the lan interface names
dwErr = EnumLanInterfaces( pserver, pserver->hkeyInterfaces, MapInterfaceNamesCb, FALSE ); return dwErr; }
// Function: ServerCbAdd
// Adds a SERVERCB to the global table.
// Assumes lock on MprConfig api's is held
DWORD ServerCbAdd( IN SERVERCB* pServer) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
// Create the global table if needed
if (g_htabServers == NULL) { dwErr = HashTabCreate( SERVERCB_HASH_SIZE, ServerCbHash, ServerCbCompare, NULL, NULL, NULL, &g_htabServers); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; } }
// Add the SERVERCB
return HashTabInsert( g_htabServers, (HANDLE)pServer->lpwsServerName, (HANDLE)pServer); }
// Function: ServerCbHash
// Compares a server name to a SERVERCB
int ServerCbCompare( IN HANDLE hKey, IN HANDLE hData) { PWCHAR pszServer = (PWCHAR)hKey; SERVERCB* pServer = (SERVERCB*)hData;
if (pszServer == NULL) { if (pServer->lpwsServerName == NULL) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } else if (pServer->lpwsServerName == NULL) { return 1; }
return lstrcmpi(pszServer, pServer->lpwsServerName); }
DWORD ServerCbDelete( IN SERVERCB* pServer) { DWORD dwErr, dwCount = 0;
// Create the global table if needed
if (g_htabServers == NULL) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; }
// Remove the SERVERCB
dwErr = HashTabRemove( g_htabServers, (HANDLE)pServer->lpwsServerName); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Cleanup the hash table if needed
dwErr = HashTabGetCount(g_htabServers, &dwCount);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
if (dwCount == 0) { HashTabCleanup(g_htabServers); g_htabServers = NULL; } return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: ServerCbFind
// Searches the global table of server control blocks for a SERVERCB that
// corrosponds to the given server.
// Return values:
// NO_ERROR: a matching SERVERCB was found
// ERROR_NOT_FOUND: a matching SERVERCB was not found
// Standard error: an error occurred
// Notes:
// Assumes lock on the mpr config api's is held
DWORD ServerCbFind( IN PWCHAR pszServer, OUT SERVERCB** ppServerCB) { // Create the global table if needed
if (g_htabServers == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
return HashTabFind(g_htabServers, (HANDLE)pszServer, (HANDLE*)ppServerCB); }
// Function: ServerCbHash
// Hash function used to define the index of a bucket
// containing a SERVERCB based on a server name
ULONG ServerCbHash( IN HANDLE hData) { PWCHAR pszServer = (PWCHAR)hData; DWORD dwTotal = 0;
while (pszServer && *pszServer) { dwTotal += (DWORD)(*pszServer); pszServer++; }
return dwTotal % SERVERCB_HASH_SIZE; }
// Function: StrDupW
// Returns a heap-allocated copy of the specified string.
INT len; LPWSTR lpwsCopy;
if (!lpws) { return NULL; }
len = lstrlen(lpws) + 1;
lpwsCopy = (LPWSTR)Malloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (lpwsCopy) { lstrcpy(lpwsCopy, lpws); }
return lpwsCopy; }
// Function: TimeStampChanged
// Checks the current last-write-time for the given key,
// and returns TRUE if it is different from the given file-time.
// The new last-write-time is saved in 'pfiletime'.
BOOL TimeStampChanged( IN HKEY hkey, IN OUT FILETIME* pfiletime ) {
DWORD dwErr; FILETIME filetime;
// Read the new last-write-time
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &filetime );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return FALSE; }
// Perform the comparison of the times
return (CompareFileTime(&filetime, pfiletime) ? TRUE : FALSE); }
// Function: TranslateAndSaveInterfaceKey
// Saves the interfaces key in the router's registry into the given file. All
// lan interfaces are stored with friendly interface names.
DWORD TranslateAndSaveInterfaceKey( IN SERVERCB* pserver, IN PWCHAR pwsFileName, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes ) { static const WCHAR pszTemp[] = L"BackupInterfaces"; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwDisposition; HKEY hkTemp = NULL;
// Enable restore privelege
EnableBackupPrivilege(TRUE, SE_RESTORE_NAME); //
// Create a temporary key into which the saved router configuration
// can be loaded.
dwErr = RegCreateKeyExW( pserver->hkeyParameters, pszTemp, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, NULL, &hkTemp, &dwDisposition ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
do {
// We only let one person at a time backup. The disposition lets
// us enforce this.
if (dwDisposition == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY) { dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; }
// Save the interfaces key into the given file.
DeleteFile(pwsFileName); dwErr = RegSaveKey( pserver->hkeyInterfaces, pwsFileName, lpSecurityAttributes ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Restore the interfaces key into the temporary location
if ((dwErr = RegRestoreKey (hkTemp, pwsFileName, 0)) != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Update the lan interface names
dwErr = EnumLanInterfaces(pserver, hkTemp, MapInterfaceNamesCb, TRUE); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Save the updated info into the given file
dwErr = RegSaveKey(hkTemp, pwsFileName, lpSecurityAttributes); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } } while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
// Delete, close, and remove the temporary key
if (hkTemp) { DeleteRegistryTree(hkTemp); RegCloseKey(hkTemp); RegDeleteKey(pserver->hkeyParameters, pszTemp); }
// Disable restore privelege
EnableBackupPrivilege(FALSE, SE_RESTORE_NAME); }
return dwErr; }
// Function: UpdateTimeStamp
// Creates (or updates) a value named 'Stamp' under the given key,
// and saves the last-write-time for the key in 'pfiletime'.
DWORD UpdateTimeStamp( IN HKEY hkey, OUT FILETIME* pfiletime ) {
DWORD dwErr, dwValue = 0;
// Set the 'Stamp' value under the 'hkey'
dwErr = RegSetValueEx( hkey, c_szStamp, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwValue, sizeof(dwValue) );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
// Read the new last-write-time
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pfiletime );
return dwErr; }