// Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation
// File: sync.c
// History:
// Abolade Gbadegesin
// K.S.Lokesh (added Dynamic locking)
// Synchronization routines used by IGMP.
#include "pchigmp.h"
// for debugging, Set ids for each dynamic lock
#ifdef LOCK_DBG
DWORD DynamicCSLockId; DWORD DynamicRWLockId; #endif;
// Function: QueueIgmpWorker
// This function is called to queue a Igmp function in a safe fashion;
// if cleanup is in progress or if Igmp has stopped, this function
// discards the work-item.
DWORD QueueIgmpWorker( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pFunction, PVOID pContext ) {
DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; BOOL bSuccess;
if (g_RunningStatus != IGMP_STATUS_RUNNING) {
// cannot queue a work function when Igmp has quit or is quitting
Error = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } else {
++g_ActivityCount; bSuccess = QueueUserWorkItem(pFunction, pContext, 0);
if (!bSuccess) {
Error = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, "Error: Attempt to queue work item returned:%d", Error); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); --g_ActivityCount; } }
return Error; }
// Function: EnterIgmpAPI
// This function is called to when entering a Igmp api, as well as
// when entering the input thread and timer thread.
// It checks to see if Igmp has stopped, and if so it quits; otherwise
// it increments the count of active threads.
BOOL EnterIgmpApi( ) {
BOOL bEntered;
if (g_RunningStatus == IGMP_STATUS_RUNNING) {
// Igmp is running, so the API may continue
bEntered = TRUE; } else {
// Igmp is not running, so the API exits quietly
bEntered = FALSE; }
return bEntered; }
// Function: EnterIgmpWorker
// This function is called when entering a Igmp worker-function.
// Since there is a lapse between the time a worker-function is queued
// and the time the function is actually invoked by a worker thread,
// this function must check to see if Igmp has stopped or is stopping;
// if this is the case, then it decrements the activity count,
// releases the activity semaphore, and quits.
BOOL EnterIgmpWorker( ) {
BOOL bEntered;
if (g_RunningStatus == IGMP_STATUS_RUNNING) {
// Igmp is running, so the function may continue
bEntered = TRUE; } else if (g_RunningStatus == IGMP_STATUS_STOPPING) {
// Igmp is not running, but it was, so the function must stop.
ReleaseSemaphore(g_ActivitySemaphore, 1, NULL);
bEntered = FALSE; } else {
// Igmp probably never started. quit quietly
bEntered = FALSE; }
return bEntered; }
// Function: LeaveIgmpWorkApi
// This function is called when leaving a Igmp API.
// It in turn calls LeaveIgmpWorker
VOID LeaveIgmpApi( ) { LeaveIgmpWorker(); return; }
// Function: LeaveIgmpWorker
// This function is called when leaving a Igmp API or worker function.
// It decrements the activity count, and if it detects that Igmp has stopped
// or is stopping, it releases the activity semaphore.
VOID LeaveIgmpWorker( ) {
if (g_RunningStatus == IGMP_STATUS_STOPPING) {
ReleaseSemaphore(g_ActivitySemaphore, 1, NULL); }
// Function: CreateReadWriteLock
// Initializes a multiple-reader/single-writer lock object
DWORD CreateReadWriteLock( PREAD_WRITE_LOCK pRWL ) {
pRWL->RWL_ReaderCount = 0;
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&(pRWL)->RWL_ReadWriteBlock); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return GetLastError(); }
pRWL->RWL_ReaderDoneEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); if (pRWL->RWL_ReaderDoneEvent != NULL) { return GetLastError(); }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: DeleteReadWriteLock
// Frees resources used by a multiple-reader/single-writer lock object
VOID DeleteReadWriteLock( PREAD_WRITE_LOCK pRWL ) {
CloseHandle(pRWL->RWL_ReaderDoneEvent); pRWL->RWL_ReaderDoneEvent = NULL; DeleteCriticalSection(&pRWL->RWL_ReadWriteBlock); pRWL->RWL_ReaderCount = 0; }
// Function: AcquireReadLock
// Secures shared ownership of the lock object for the caller.
// readers enter the read-write critical section, increment the count,
// and leave the critical section
VOID AcquireReadLock( PREAD_WRITE_LOCK pRWL ) { EnterCriticalSection(&pRWL->RWL_ReadWriteBlock); InterlockedIncrement(&pRWL->RWL_ReaderCount); LeaveCriticalSection(&pRWL->RWL_ReadWriteBlock); }
// Function: ReleaseReadLock
// Relinquishes shared ownership of the lock object.
// the last reader sets the event to wake any waiting writers
VOID ReleaseReadLock ( PREAD_WRITE_LOCK pRWL ) {
if (InterlockedDecrement(&pRWL->RWL_ReaderCount) < 0) { SetEvent(pRWL->RWL_ReaderDoneEvent); } }
// Function: AcquireWriteLock
// Secures exclusive ownership of the lock object.
// the writer blocks other threads by entering the ReadWriteBlock section,
// and then waits for any thread(s) owning the lock to finish
VOID AcquireWriteLock( PREAD_WRITE_LOCK pRWL ) {
EnterCriticalSection(&pRWL->RWL_ReadWriteBlock); if (InterlockedDecrement(&pRWL->RWL_ReaderCount) >= 0) { WaitForSingleObject(pRWL->RWL_ReaderDoneEvent, INFINITE); } }
// Function: ReleaseWriteLock
// Relinquishes exclusive ownership of the lock object.
// the writer releases the lock by setting the count to zero
// and then leaving the ReadWriteBlock critical section
VOID ReleaseWriteLock( PREAD_WRITE_LOCK pRWL ) {
pRWL->RWL_ReaderCount = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&(pRWL)->RWL_ReadWriteBlock); }
// _InitializeDynamicLocksStore
// Initialize the global struct from which dynamic CS or RW locks are allocated
DWORD InitializeDynamicLocksStore ( PDYNAMIC_LOCKS_STORE pDLStore //ptr to Dynamic CS Store
) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR;
// initialize the main CS lock which protects the list of free locks
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&pDLStore->CS); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Error = GetExceptionCode(); Trace1(ERR, "Error initializing critical section in IGMPv2.dll", Error); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr0(INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// initialize list of free locks
// initialize counts for number of locks free and allocated to 0.
pDLStore->CountAllocated = pDLStore->CountFree = 0;
return Error; }
// _DeInitializeDynamicLocksStore
// Delete the main CS lock and the other free locks. Print warning if any
// locks have been allocated and not freed.
VOID DeInitializeDynamicLocksStore ( PDYNAMIC_LOCKS_STORE pDLStore, LOCK_TYPE LockType //if True, then store of CS, else of RW locks
Trace0(ENTER1, "Entering _DeInitializeDynamicLocksStore()"); if (pDLStore==NULL) return;
// delete the main CS lock
// print warning if any dynamic lock has not been freed
if (pDLStore->CountAllocated>0) { Trace1(ERR, "%d Dynamic locks have not been freed during Deinitialization", pDLStore->CountAllocated); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); }
// delete all dynamic CS/RW locks. I dont free the memory (left to heapDestroy)
pHead = &pDLStore->ListOfFreeLocks; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) { // if bCSLocks flag, then it is a store of CS locks
if (LockType==LOCK_TYPE_CS) { pDCSLock = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, DYNAMIC_CS_LOCK, Link); ple = ple->Flink;
DeleteCriticalSection(&pDCSLock->CS); IGMP_FREE(pDCSLock); }
// delete the RW lock
else { pDRWLock = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, DYNAMIC_RW_LOCK, Link); ple = ple->Flink;
Trace0(LEAVE1, "Leaving _DeInitializeDynamicLocksStore()"); return; }
// _AcquireDynamicCSLock
// Acquires the MainLock associated with the table, Acquires a new dynamic
// lock if required, increments the count, releases the MainLock and
// locks the LockedList.
DWORD AcquireDynamicCSLock ( PDYNAMIC_CS_LOCK *ppDCSLock, PDYNAMIC_LOCKS_STORE pDCSStore ) { // acquire the main lock for the Dynamic CS store
ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDCSStore->CS, "pDCSStore->CS", "_AcquireDynamicCSLock");
// If it is not already locked then allocate a lock
if (*ppDCSLock==NULL) {
*ppDCSLock = GetDynamicCSLock(pDCSStore);
// if could not get a lock, then igmp is in serious trouble
if (*ppDCSLock==NULL) { LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDCSStore->CS, "pDCSStore->CS", "_AcquireDynamicCSLock");
// increment Count in the Dynamic Lock
// leave main CS lock
LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDCSStore->CS, "pDCSStore->CS", "_AcquireDynamicCSLock");
// enter dynamic lock's CS lock
ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(&(*ppDCSLock)->CS, "pDynamicLock", "_AcquireDynamicCSLock"); return NO_ERROR; } //end _AcquireDynamicCSLock
// _GetDynamicCSLock
// If a free lock is available, returns it. Else allocates a new CS lock
// Lock: Assumes the DCSStore MainLock
// free dynamic lock available. Return it
if (!IsListEmpty(&pDCSStore->ListOfFreeLocks)) {
pDCSStore->CountFree--; pDCSStore->CountAllocated++;
ple = RemoveTailList(&pDCSStore->ListOfFreeLocks);
pDCSLock = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, DYNAMIC_CS_LOCK, Link); /*Trace1(LEAVE1, "Leaving GetDynamicCSLock.1(%d):reusing lock",
pDCSLock->Id); */
return pDCSLock; }
// allocate memory for a new dynamic lock
pDCSLock = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(DYNAMIC_CS_LOCK), 0x20000,0);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(pDCSLock, "error %d allocating %d bytes for dynamic CS lock", Error, sizeof(DYNAMIC_CS_LOCK), return NULL);
// initialize the fields
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&pDCSLock->CS); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Error = GetExceptionCode(); Trace1(ERR, "Error(%d) initializing critical section for dynamic CS lock", Error); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr0(INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED, Error);
return NULL; }
// no need to initialize the link field
pDCSLock->Count = 0; #ifdef LOCK_DBG
pDCSLock->Id = ++DynamicCSLockId; #endif
//Trace1(LEAVE1, "Leaving _GetDynamicCSLock(%d:%d):new lock", DynamicCSLockId);
//Trace2(DYNLOCK, "CS: %d %d", pDCSLock->Id, DynamicCSLockId);
return pDCSLock; } //end _GetDynamicCSLock
// _ReleaseDynamicCSLock
// Acquires the MainLock associated with the table, decrements the count,
// releases the DynamicLock if count becomes 0 and releases the MainLock.
VOID ReleaseDynamicCSLock ( PDYNAMIC_CS_LOCK *ppDCSLock, PDYNAMIC_LOCKS_STORE pDCSStore ) { PDYNAMIC_CS_LOCK pDCSLock = *ppDCSLock; // acquire the main lock for the Dynamic CS store
ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDCSStore->CS, "pDCSStore->CS", "_ReleaseDynamicCSLock");
// leave the dynamic lock CS
LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDCSLock->CS, "pDynamicLock", "_ReleaseDynamicCSLock");
// Decrement Count in the Dynamic Lock. Free the dynamic lock if count==0
if (--pDCSLock->Count==0) {
FreeDynamicCSLock(pDCSLock, pDCSStore);
// make the pDCSLock NULL so that it is known that it is not locked
*ppDCSLock = NULL; }
// leave main CS lock
LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDCSStore->CS, "pDCSStore->CS", "_ReleaseDynamicCSLock");
//Trace0(LEAVE1, "Leaving _ReleaseDynamicCSLock()");
return; } //end _ReleaseDynamicCSLock
// _FreeDynamicCSLock
VOID FreeDynamicCSLock ( PDYNAMIC_CS_LOCK pDCSLock, PDYNAMIC_LOCKS_STORE pDCSStore ) { // decrement count of allocated locks
// if there are too many dynamic CS locks, then free this lock
if (pDCSStore->CountFree+1 > DYNAMIC_LOCKS_HIGH_THRESHOLD) { DeleteCriticalSection(&pDCSLock->CS); IGMP_FREE(pDCSLock); }
// else put it into the list of free locks
else { InsertHeadList(&pDCSStore->ListOfFreeLocks, &pDCSLock->Link); pDCSStore->CountFree++; }
return; }
// _AcquireDynamicRWLock
// Acquires the MainLock associated with the table, Acquires a new dynamic
// lock if required, increments the count, releases the MainLock and
// locks the LockedList.
DWORD AcquireDynamicRWLock ( PDYNAMIC_RW_LOCK *ppDRWLock, LOCK_TYPE LockMode, PDYNAMIC_LOCKS_STORE pDRWStore ) { //Trace0(ENTER1, "Entering _AcquireDynamicRWLock()");
// acquire the main lock for the Dynamic RW store
ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDRWStore->CS, "pDRWStore->CS", "AcquireDynamicRWLock");
// If it is not already locked then allocate a lock
if (*ppDRWLock==NULL) {
*ppDRWLock = GetDynamicRWLock(pDRWStore);
//Trace1(DYNLOCK, "Acquired dynamicRWLock(%d)", (*ppDRWLock)->Id);
// if could not get a lock, then igmp is in serious trouble
if (*ppDRWLock==NULL) { LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDRWStore->CS, "pDRWStore->CS", "AcquireDynamicRWLock");
else ;//Trace1(DYNLOCK, "Acquired existing dynamicRWLock(%d)", (*ppDRWLock)->Id);
// increment Count in the Dynamic Lock
// leave main CS lock
LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDRWStore->CS, "pDRWStore->CS", "_AcquireDynamicRWLock");
// acquire dynamic lock
if (LockMode==LOCK_MODE_READ) { ACQUIRE_READ_LOCK(&(*ppDRWLock)->RWL, "pDynamicLock(Read)", "_AcquireDynamicRWLock"); } else { ACQUIRE_WRITE_LOCK(&(*ppDRWLock)->RWL, "pDynamicLock(Write)", "_AcquireDynamicRWLock"); } return NO_ERROR; } //end _AcquireDynamicRWLock
// _GetDynamicRWLock
// If a free lock is available, returns it. Else allocates a new CS lock
// Lock: assumes the DRWStore MainLock
// free dynamic lock available. Return it
if (!IsListEmpty(&pDRWStore->ListOfFreeLocks)) {
pDRWStore->CountFree--; pDRWStore->CountAllocated++;
ple = RemoveTailList(&pDRWStore->ListOfFreeLocks);
/*Trace1(LEAVE1, "Leaving GetDynamicRWLock(%d):reusing lock",
pDRWLock->Id); Trace2(DYNLOCK, "--------------------%d %d", pDRWLock->Id, DynamicRWLockId); */ return pDRWLock; }
// allocate memory for a new dynamic lock
pDRWLock = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(DYNAMIC_RW_LOCK), 0x40000,0);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(pDRWLock, "error %d allocating %d bytes for dynamic RW lock", Error, sizeof(DYNAMIC_RW_LOCK), return NULL);
// initialize the fields
try { CREATE_READ_WRITE_LOCK(&pDRWLock->RWL); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Error = GetExceptionCode(); Trace1(ERR, "Error(%d) initializing critical section for dynamic RW lock", Error); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr0(INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED, Error);
return NULL; }
// no need to initialize the link field
pDRWLock->Count = 0; #ifdef LOCK_DBG
pDRWLock->Id = ++DynamicRWLockId; #endif
DYNAMIC_LOCK_SET_SIGNATURE(pDRWLock); pDRWStore->CountAllocated++;
//Trace1(LEAVE1, "Leaving GetDynamicRWLock(%d):new lock", DynamicRWLockId);
//Trace2(DYNLOCK, "--------------------%d %d", pDRWLock->Id, DynamicRWLockId);
return pDRWLock; } //end _GetDynamicRWLock
// _ReleaseDynamicRWLock
// Acquires the MainLock associated with the table, decrements the count,
// releases the DynamicLock if count becomes 0 and releases the MainLock.
VOID ReleaseDynamicRWLock ( PDYNAMIC_RW_LOCK *ppDRWLock, LOCK_TYPE LockMode, PDYNAMIC_LOCKS_STORE pDRWStore ) { PDYNAMIC_RW_LOCK pDRWLock = *ppDRWLock; // acquire the main lock for the Dynamic RW store
ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDRWStore->CS, "pDRWStore->CS", "_ReleaseDynamicRWLock");
#if DBG
if (pDRWLock==NULL) DbgBreakPoint(); #endif
// leave the dynamic RW lock
if (LockMode==LOCK_MODE_READ) { RELEASE_READ_LOCK(&pDRWLock->RWL, "pDynamicLock(read)", "_ReleaseDynamicRWLock"); } else { RELEASE_WRITE_LOCK(&pDRWLock->RWL, "pDynamicLock(write)", "_ReleaseDynamicRWLock"); } // Decrement Count in the Dynamic Lock. Free the dynamic lock if count==0
if (--pDRWLock->Count==0) {
FreeDynamicRWLock(pDRWLock, pDRWStore);
// make the pDRWLock NULL so that it is known that it is not locked
*ppDRWLock = NULL; }
// leave main CS lock
LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pDRWStore->CS, "pDCSStore->CS", "_ReleaseDynamicRWLock");
return; } //end _ReleaseDynamicRWLock
// _FreeDynamicRWLock
VOID FreeDynamicRWLock ( PDYNAMIC_RW_LOCK pDRWLock, PDYNAMIC_LOCKS_STORE pDRWStore ) { // decrement count of allocated locks
// if there are too many dynamic RW locks, then free this lock
// else put it into the list of free locks
else { InsertHeadList(&pDRWStore->ListOfFreeLocks, &pDRWLock->Link); pDRWStore->CountFree++; }
return; }