// Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
// File: table.c
// Abstract:
// This module implements some of the routines associated with creating,
// initializing, deleting timers, GI entries, table entries etc
// Author: K.S.Lokesh (lokeshs@) 11-1-97
// Revision History:
#include "pchigmp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// _CreateIfSockets
// Creates the sockets.
// for proxy: a raw IPPROTO_IP socket so that igmp host functionality will
// take over for all groups added on that interface.
// for router: a raw IPPROTO_IGMP socket so that it receives all igmp packets
// A router never does Add Memberships
// Called by: _ActivateInterface()
// Locks: assumes exclusive lock on the interface, and socketsList
DWORD CreateIfSockets ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR, dwRetval, SockType; DWORD IpAddr = pite->IpAddr; DWORD IfIndex = pite->IfIndex; SOCKADDR_IN saLocalIf; BOOL bProxy = IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite); PSOCKET_ENTRY pse = &pite->SocketEntry;
// for proxy, create a IPPROTO_IP socket so that igmp host functionality
// takes over.
// for igmp router, create a raw IPPROTO_IGMP socket
SockType = (bProxy)? IPPROTO_IP : IPPROTO_IGMP;
// create input socket
pse->Socket = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, SockType, NULL, 0, 0);
if (pse->Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { Error = WSAGetLastError(); Trace3(IF, "error %d creating socket for interface %d (%d.%d.%d.%d)", Error, IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(IpAddr)); Logerr1(CREATE_SOCKET_FAILED_2, "%I", IpAddr, Error);
// bind socket to local interface. If I dont bind multicast may
// not work.
ZeroMemory(&saLocalIf, sizeof(saLocalIf)); saLocalIf.sin_family = PF_INET; saLocalIf.sin_addr.s_addr = IpAddr; saLocalIf.sin_port = 0; //port shouldnt matter
// bind the input socket
Error = bind(pse->Socket, (SOCKADDR FAR *)&saLocalIf, sizeof(SOCKADDR));
if (Error == SOCKET_ERROR) { Error = WSAGetLastError(); Trace3(IF, "error %d binding on socket for interface %d (%d.%d.%d.%d)", Error, IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(IpAddr)); Logerr1(BIND_FAILED, "%I", IpAddr, Error);
// A proxy never sends/receives any packets. It is just expected to enable
// igmp host functionality to take over for the groups on which it joins.
// if proxy then done
if (bProxy) GOTO_END_BLOCK1;
if (!bProxy) {
// set ttl to 1: not required as it is set to 1 by default.
McastSetTtl(pse->Socket, 1);
// disable multicast packets from being loopedback.
// This may not work due to promiscuous mode,
// so you still have to check the input packets
{ BOOL bLoopBack = FALSE; DWORD dwRetval;
dwRetval = setsockopt(pse->Socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, (char *)&bLoopBack, sizeof(BOOL));
if (dwRetval==SOCKET_ERROR) { Trace2(ERR, "error %d disabling multicast loopBack on IfIndex %d", WSAGetLastError(), IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); } }
// if RasServerInterface, then activate hdrInclude option so that I can
// send GenQuery to all RAS clients
if (IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) {
INT iSetHdrIncl = 1;
Error = setsockopt( pse->Socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *) &iSetHdrIncl, sizeof(INT));
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Error = WSAGetLastError(); Trace2(ERR, "error %d unable to set IP_HDRINCL option on interface %d", Error, IfIndex,); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr1(SET_HDRINCL_FAILED, "%I", pite->IpAddr, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } } else {
// set the interface on which multicasts must be sent
// set only for non rasserver (not internal) interfaces
dwRetval = setsockopt(pse->Socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (PBYTE)&saLocalIf.sin_addr, sizeof(IN_ADDR));
if (dwRetval == SOCKET_ERROR) { Error = WSAGetLastError(); Trace3(IF, "error %d setting interface %d (%d.%d.%d.%d) to send multicast", Error, IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(pite->IpAddr)); Logerr1(SET_MCAST_IF_FAILED, "%I", pite->IpAddr, Error); Error = SOCKET_ERROR; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
{ //
// set router alert option for packets sent. dont have to set it for
// RasServerInterface where I do hdrInclude.
u_char Router_alert[4] = {148, 4, 0, 0};
dwRetval = setsockopt(pse->Socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_OPTIONS, (void *)Router_alert, sizeof(Router_alert));
if (dwRetval!=0) { dwRetval = WSAGetLastError(); Trace2(ERR, "error %d unable to set router alert option on interface %d", dwRetval, IfIndex ); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr1(SET_ROUTER_ALERT_FAILED, "%I", pite->IpAddr, dwRetval); Error = dwRetval; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } } }
// set the interface in promiscuous igmp multicast mode.
{ DWORD dwEnable = 1; DWORD dwNum;
dwRetval = WSAIoctl(pse->Socket, SIO_RCVALL_IGMPMCAST, (char *)&dwEnable, sizeof(dwEnable), NULL , 0, &dwNum, NULL, NULL);
if (dwRetval !=0) { dwRetval = WSAGetLastError(); Trace2(IF, "error %d setting interface %d as promiscuous multicast", dwRetval, IfIndex); Logerr1(SET_ROUTER_ALERT_FAILED, "%I", pite->IpAddr, dwRetval); Error = dwRetval; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } else { Trace1(IF, "promiscuous igmp multicast enabled on If (%d)", IfIndex); } }
// Router doesnt have to join any group as it is in promiscuous mode
// create entry in the SocketsEvents list
{ BOOLEAN bCreateNewEntry; PLIST_ENTRY ple, pHead = &g_ListOfSocketEvents; PSOCKET_EVENT_ENTRY psee;
bCreateNewEntry = TRUE;
// see if a new socket-event entry has to be created
if (g_pIfTable->NumInterfaces>NUM_SINGLE_SOCKET_EVENTS) {
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
if (psee->NumInterfaces < MAX_SOCKETS_PER_EVENT) { bCreateNewEntry = FALSE; break; } } }
// create a new socket-event entry and insert in the list
// register the event entry with the wait thread
if (bCreateNewEntry) {
psee = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(SOCKET_EVENT_ENTRY), 0x80000,pite->IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(psee, "error %d allocating %d bytes for SocketEventEntry", Error, sizeof(SOCKET_EVENT_ENTRY), GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
InitializeListHead(&psee->ListOfInterfaces); psee->NumInterfaces = 0; InsertHeadList(pHead, &psee->LinkBySocketEvents);
psee->InputEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); if (psee->InputEvent == NULL) { Error = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, "error %d creating InputEvent in CreateIfSockets", Error); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr0(CREATE_EVENT_FAILED, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
if (! RegisterWaitForSingleObject( &psee->InputWaitEvent, psee->InputEvent, WT_ProcessInputEvent, psee, INFINITE, (WT_EXECUTEINWAITTHREAD)|(WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE) )) { Error = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, "error %d RegisterWaitForSingleObject", Error); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } }
// put the socketEntry in the list
InsertTailList(&psee->ListOfInterfaces, &pse->LinkByInterfaces); pse->pSocketEventsEntry = psee;
// if the socket-event entry cannot take any more sockets,
// then put it at end of list
if (++psee->NumInterfaces==MAX_SOCKETS_PER_EVENT) { RemoveEntryList(&psee->LinkBySocketEvents); InsertTailList(pHead, &psee->LinkBySocketEvents); } } //end:create entry in the sockets list
// create socket for static joins.
{ pite->StaticGroupSocket = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IP, NULL, 0, 0); if (pite->StaticGroupSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { Error = WSAGetLastError(); Trace3(IF, "error %d creating static group socket for interface " "%d (%d.%d.%d.%d)", Error, pite->IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(pite->IpAddr)); Logerr1(CREATE_SOCKET_FAILED_2, "%I", pite->IpAddr, Error);
// bind socket to local interface. If I dont bind multicast may
// not work.
saLocalIf.sin_family = PF_INET; saLocalIf.sin_addr.s_addr = pite->IpAddr; saLocalIf.sin_port = 0; //port shouldnt matter
Error = bind(pite->StaticGroupSocket, (SOCKADDR FAR *)&saLocalIf, sizeof(SOCKADDR)); } } // end: not proxy interface
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) DeleteIfSockets(pite);
return Error;
} //end _CreateIfSockets
// _DeleteIfSockets
// Called by: _DeActivateInterfaceComplete()
VOID DeleteIfSockets ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { PSOCKET_ENTRY pse = &pite->SocketEntry; PSOCKET_EVENT_ENTRY psee = pse->pSocketEventsEntry; BOOL bProxy = IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite);
// close input socket
if (pse->Socket!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
if (closesocket(pse->Socket) == SOCKET_ERROR) { Trace1(IF, "error %d closing socket", WSAGetLastError()); }
pse->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; }
// if router interface. delete socket from socketEventList
// and free the socketEventEntry only if they were initialized.
if ((!bProxy)&&(pse->pSocketEventsEntry!=NULL)) {
PSOCKET_EVENT_ENTRY psee = pse->pSocketEventsEntry;
if (--psee->NumInterfaces==0) {
if (psee->InputWaitEvent) {
HANDLE WaitHandle ;
WaitHandle = InterlockedExchangePointer(&psee->InputWaitEvent, NULL);
if (WaitHandle) UnregisterWaitEx( WaitHandle, NULL ) ; } CloseHandle(psee->InputEvent);
RemoveEntryList(&psee->LinkBySocketEvents); IGMP_FREE(psee); } if (pite->StaticGroupSocket!=INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(pite->StaticGroupSocket); pite->StaticGroupSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } } return; }
// _DeleteAllTimers
// Deletes all timers associated with a GI entry.
// Called by: _DeActivateInterfaceComplete()
// Locks: Assumes Timer lock and GroupBucket lock.
VOID DeleteAllTimers ( PLIST_ENTRY pHead, DWORD bEntryType ) { PLIST_ENTRY ple; PGI_ENTRY pgie;
Trace0(ENTER1, "entering _DeleteAllTimers()");
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
pgie = (bEntryType==RAS_CLIENT) ? CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameClientGroups) : CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->GroupMembershipTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->GroupMembershipTimer, DBG_N);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastMemQueryTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->LastMemQueryTimer, DBG_N);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastVer1ReportTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->LastVer1ReportTimer, DBG_N);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastVer2ReportTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->LastVer2ReportTimer, DBG_N);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->V3SourcesQueryTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->V3SourcesQueryTimer, DBG_N);
// delete all sources timers
if (pgie->Version==3) { PLIST_ENTRY pleSrc, pHeadSrc;
pHeadSrc = &pgie->V3InclusionListSorted; for (pleSrc=pHeadSrc->Flink; pleSrc!=pHeadSrc; pleSrc=pleSrc->Flink){ PGI_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry; pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleSrc, GI_SOURCE_ENTRY, LinkSourcesInclListSorted); if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pSourceEntry->SourceExpTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pSourceEntry->SourceExpTimer, DBG_Y); } pHeadSrc = &pgie->V3ExclusionList; for (pleSrc=pHeadSrc->Flink; pleSrc!=pHeadSrc; pleSrc=pleSrc->Flink){ PGI_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry; pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleSrc, GI_SOURCE_ENTRY, LinkSources); if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pSourceEntry->SourceExpTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pSourceEntry->SourceExpTimer, DBG_Y); } } }
Trace0(LEAVE1, "Leaving _DeleteAllTimers()");
return; }
// _DeleteGIEntry
// Locks: Assumes lock on the group bucket. takes lock on IfGroup list.
// takes lock on groupList if group being deleted.
DWORD DeleteGIEntry ( PGI_ENTRY pgie, //group interface entry
BOOL bUpdateStats, BOOL bCallMgm ) { PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = pgie->pIfTableEntry; PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prte = pgie->pRasTableEntry; PGROUP_TABLE_ENTRY pge = pgie->pGroupTableEntry; PGI_ENTRY pgieCur; BOOL bRas = (prte!=NULL); DWORD NHAddr; DWORD dwRetval;
Trace0(ENTER1, "Entering _DeleteGIEntry()");
NHAddr = (bRas) ? prte->NHAddr : 0;
Trace4(GROUP, "Deleting group(%d.%d.%d.%d) on Interface(%d)(%d.%d.%d.%d) " "NHAddr(%d.%d.%d.%d)", PRINT_IPADDR(pge->Group), pite->IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(pite->IpAddr), PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr));
bCallMgm = bCallMgm && (CAN_ADD_GROUPS_TO_MGM(pite)); //
// exclusion mode. remove all exclusion entries
// dont have to call MGM as it still has to be excluded
if (pgie->Version==3) { PLIST_ENTRY pleSrc, pHeadSrc;
pHeadSrc = &pgie->V3InclusionListSorted; for (pleSrc=pHeadSrc->Flink; pleSrc!=pHeadSrc; ){ PGI_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry; pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleSrc, GI_SOURCE_ENTRY, LinkSources); pleSrc=pleSrc->Flink; DeleteSourceEntry(pSourceEntry, bCallMgm); }
pHeadSrc = &pgie->V3ExclusionList; for (pleSrc=pHeadSrc->Flink; pleSrc!=pHeadSrc; ){ PGI_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry; pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleSrc, GI_SOURCE_ENTRY, LinkSources); pleSrc=pleSrc->Flink; DeleteSourceEntry(pSourceEntry, bCallMgm); } }
// call mgm to remove this group
if ( bCallMgm ) { if ( (pgie->Version==3 && pgie->FilterType==EXCLUSION) || pgie->Version!=3) { MGM_DELETE_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_ENTRY(pite, NHAddr, 0, 0, pge->Group, 0xffffffff, MGM_JOIN_STATE_FLAG); } } //
// remove all timers
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->GroupMembershipTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->GroupMembershipTimer, DBG_N);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastMemQueryTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->LastMemQueryTimer, DBG_N);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastVer1ReportTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->LastVer1ReportTimer, DBG_N);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastVer2ReportTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->LastVer2ReportTimer, DBG_N);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->V3SourcesQueryTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pgie->V3SourcesQueryTimer, DBG_Y);
// Remove from IfGroupList. needs lock on IfGroupList
ACQUIRE_IF_GROUP_LIST_LOCK(pite->IfIndex, "_DeleteGIEntry");
// if interface being deleted, then return from here
if (IS_IF_DELETED(pgie->pIfTableEntry)) { RELEASE_IF_GROUP_LIST_LOCK(pite->IfIndex, "_DeleteGIEntry"); return NO_ERROR; }
// remove GI entry from group's GI list
// remove entry from interface list
RemoveEntryList(&pgie->LinkBySameIfGroups); if (bRas) RemoveEntryList(&pgie->LinkBySameClientGroups);
RELEASE_IF_GROUP_LIST_LOCK(pite->IfIndex, "_DeleteGIEntry");
// decrement the number of virtual interfaces. I have to do
// interlocked decrement as I dont take group_list lock
// if group has no more interfaces hanging from it, then delete it
// and update statistics
if (IsListEmpty(&pge->ListOfGIs)) {
// take groupList lock before deleting it from the group list
ACQUIRE_GROUP_LIST_LOCK("_DeleteGIEntry"); RemoveEntryList(&pge->LinkByGroup); RELEASE_GROUP_LIST_LOCK("_DeleteGIEntry");
// remove group entry from the group hash table
IGMP_FREE(pge); pge = NULL;
//global stats (has to be updated even if bUpdateStats==FALSE)
#if DBG
DebugPrintGroupsList(1); #endif
// update statistics
if (bUpdateStats) {
// ras interface statistics (decrement only if last GI for ras)
if (bRas) {
// see if GI entry exists for that ras client. very inefficient
if (pge!=NULL) { PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; pHead = &pge->ListOfGIs; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pgieCur = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_ENTRY, LinkByGI); if (pgieCur->IfIndex>=pite->IfIndex) break; } if ( (ple==pHead)||(pgieCur->IfIndex!=pite->IfIndex) ) { InterlockedDecrement(&pite->Info.CurrentGroupMemberships); } }
// last GI entry
else { InterlockedDecrement(&pite->Info.CurrentGroupMemberships); }
// update ras client stats
if (g_Config.RasClientStats) { InterlockedDecrement(&prte->Info.CurrentGroupMemberships); } }
// not ras interace
else { InterlockedDecrement(&pite->Info.CurrentGroupMemberships); } }
IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pgie->V3InclusionList); IGMP_FREE(pgie);
Trace0(LEAVE1, "Leaving _DeleteGIEntry"); return NO_ERROR;
}//end _DeleteGIEntry
// _DeleteAllGIEntries
// Repeatedly calls _DeleteGIEntryFromIf() to delete each GI entry from the list.
// If there are a lot of GI entries, optimizes on the GroupBucket locks
// by grouping all GI entries hashing to the same bucket and then acquiring
// GroupBucket locks to delete them.
// Locks: interface_group_list lock not req. exclusive interface lock not req.
// as the interface has been removed from external lists.
// Calls: Repeatedly calls _DeleteGIEntryFromIf() to remove each GI entry
// Called by: _DeActivateInterfaceComplete()
VOID DeleteAllGIEntries( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple, pleOld; PGI_ENTRY pgie; DWORD dwGroup;
// concatenate ListOfSameIfGroupsNew at the end of ListOfSameIfGroups so
// that I have to delete only one list
CONCATENATE_LISTS(pite->ListOfSameIfGroups, pite->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew);
// if ras interface then return as list will be deleted through RAS clients
if (IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) return;
pHead = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroups; if (IsListEmpty(pHead)) return;
// do optimization only if there are lots of GI entries
if (pite->Info.CurrentGroupMemberships > GROUP_HASH_TABLE_SZ*2) {
// initialize the temp group table
for (i=0; i<GROUP_HASH_TABLE_SZ; i++) {
InitializeListHead(&TmpGroupTable[i]); }
// move the GI entries to the temp group table using LinkBySameIfGroups
// LinkBySameIfGroups is not used anymore
pHead = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroups;
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) {
// remove from old list
pleOld = ple; ple = ple->Flink;
pgie = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleOld, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups);
dwGroup = pgie->pGroupTableEntry->Group;
// put in appropriate bucket
InsertHeadList(&TmpGroupTable[GROUP_HASH_VALUE(dwGroup)], &pgie->LinkBySameIfGroups);
// now delete GI entries going by all groups which hash to same bucket
for (i=0; i<GROUP_HASH_TABLE_SZ; i++) {
if (IsListEmpty(&TmpGroupTable[i])) continue;
ACQUIRE_GROUP_LOCK(i, "_DeleteAllGIEntries");
pHead = &TmpGroupTable[i];
// delete all GI entries that hash to that bucket
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) {
pgie = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups); ple=ple->Flink;
// remove the entry from the group's GI list and update
// statistics. If group's GI list becomes empty, removes group
DeleteGIEntryFromIf(pgie); }
RELEASE_GROUP_LOCK(i, "_DeleteAllGIEntries");
return; }
pHead = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroups;
// delete all GI entries hanging from that interface.
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) {
pgie = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups); ple=ple->Flink;
dwGroup = pgie->pGroupTableEntry->Group;
ACQUIRE_GROUP_LOCK(dwGroup, "_DeActivateInterfaceComplete");
RELEASE_GROUP_LOCK(dwGroup, "_DeActivateInterfaceComplete");
return; }
// _DeleteGIEntryFromIf
// Called to delete a GI entry when an interface/RAS client is being deleted.
// The GI entries cannot be accessed from anywhere except through enumeration of
// group list.
// Locks: Assumes lock on the group bucket. lock on IfGroup list not req.
// Called by: _DeleteAllGIEntries() which in turn called by
// _DeActivateInterfaceComplete().
VOID DeleteGIEntryFromIf ( PGI_ENTRY pgie //group interface entry
) { PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = pgie->pIfTableEntry; PGROUP_TABLE_ENTRY pge = pgie->pGroupTableEntry; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; DWORD IfIndex = pite->IfIndex;
Trace1(ENTER1, "Entering _DeleteGIEntryFromIf(): IfIndex(%0x)", IfIndex);
// delete sources
if (pgie->Version==3) { PLIST_ENTRY pleSrc, pHeadSrc;
pHeadSrc = &pgie->V3InclusionListSorted; for (pleSrc=pHeadSrc->Flink; pleSrc!=pHeadSrc; ){ PGI_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry; pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleSrc, GI_SOURCE_ENTRY, LinkSourcesInclListSorted); pleSrc=pleSrc->Flink; IGMP_FREE(pSourceEntry); }
pHeadSrc = &pgie->V3ExclusionList; for (pleSrc=pHeadSrc->Flink; pleSrc!=pHeadSrc; ){ PGI_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry; pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleSrc, GI_SOURCE_ENTRY, LinkSources); pleSrc=pleSrc->Flink; IGMP_FREE(pSourceEntry); } } //
// Remove pgie from gi list. Dont have to remove from ListBySameIfGroups
// if group has no more interfaces hanging from it, then delete it
// and update statistics
if (IsListEmpty(&pge->ListOfGIs)) {
// have to lock the group-list before deleting any group
InterlockedDecrement(&g_Info.CurrentGroupMemberships); }
IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pgie->V3InclusionList); IGMP_FREE(pgie);
Trace1(LEAVE1, "Leaving _DeleteGIEntryFromIf(%d)", IfIndex);
}//end _DeleteGIEntryFromIf
// DebugPrintIfConfig
VOID DebugPrintIfConfig ( PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG pConfigExt, DWORD IfIndex ) { DWORD i; PCHAR StaticGroupStr[5]; BOOL bVersion3 = IS_CONFIG_IGMP_V3(pConfigExt);
Trace1(CONFIG, "Printing Config Info for interface(%0x)", IfIndex); Trace1(CONFIG, "Version: 0x%0x", pConfigExt->Version); Trace1(CONFIG, "IfType: %d", pConfigExt->IfType);
{ CHAR str[150];
strcpy(str, ""); if (pConfigExt->Flags&IGMP_INTERFACE_ENABLED_IN_CONFIG) strcat(str, "IF_ENABLED "); else strcat(str, "IF_DISABLED ");
Trace1(CONFIG, "Flags: %s", str);
Trace1(CONFIG, "IgmpProtocolType: %d", pConfigExt->IgmpProtocolType); Trace1(CONFIG, "RobustnessVariable: %d", pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable); Trace1(CONFIG, "StartupQueryInterval: %d", pConfigExt->StartupQueryInterval); Trace1(CONFIG, "StartupQueryCount : %d", pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount); Trace1(CONFIG, "GenQueryInterval: %d", pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval); Trace1(CONFIG, "GenQueryMaxResponseTime: %d", pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime); Trace1(CONFIG, "LastMemQueryInterval: %d (ms)", pConfigExt->LastMemQueryInterval); Trace1(CONFIG, "LastMemQueryCount: %d", pConfigExt->LastMemQueryCount); Trace1(CONFIG, "OtherQuerierPresentInterval:%d", pConfigExt->OtherQuerierPresentInterval); Trace1(CONFIG, "GroupMembershipTimeout: %d", pConfigExt->GroupMembershipTimeout);
if (pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups>0) {
Trace1(CONFIG, "NumStaticGroups: %d", pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups);
pStaticGroup = GET_FIRST_IGMP_STATIC_GROUP(pConfigExt); if (bVersion3) { pStaticGroupV3 = GET_FIRST_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pConfigExt);
Trace0(CONFIG, " Group Mode(Host/MGM) Filter(In/Ex) " "NumSources"); } else Trace0(CONFIG, " Group Mode(Host/MGM)");
for (i=0; i<pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups; i++){
if (bVersion3) { DWORD j; Trace5(CONFIG, "%d. %15s %d %d %d", i+1, INET_NTOA(pStaticGroupV3->GroupAddr), pStaticGroupV3->Mode, pStaticGroupV3->FilterType, pStaticGroupV3->NumSources ); for (j=0; j<pStaticGroupV3->NumSources; j++) { Trace1(CONFIG, " %d.%d.%d.%d", PRINT_IPADDR(pStaticGroupV3->Sources[j])); } pStaticGroupV3 = (PSTATIC_GROUP_V3) GET_NEXT_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pStaticGroupV3); } else { Trace3(CONFIG, "%d. %15s Mode:%d", i+1, INET_NTOA(pStaticGroup->GroupAddr), pStaticGroup->Mode ); pStaticGroup++; } } }
Trace0(CONFIG, "");
return; }
// CopyinIfConfigAndUpdate
// Copies the if config struct passed by mib to igmp and update the timers
// and does static joins if req.
// Called when the interface is activated
DWORD CopyinIfConfigAndUpdate ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite, PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG pConfigExt, ULONG IfIndex ) { PIGMP_IF_CONFIG pConfig = &pite->Config; BOOL bGroupMembershipTimer=FALSE, bLastMemQueryTimer=FALSE; ULONG NewStartupQueryInterval, NewGenQueryInterval, NewGenQueryMaxResponseTime, NewLastMemQueryInterval, NewOtherQuerierPresentInterval, NewGroupMembershipTimeout; BOOL bFound; DWORD Error=NO_ERROR; DWORD bVer3=IS_CONFIG_IGMP_V3(pConfigExt);
NewStartupQueryInterval = CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfigExt->StartupQueryInterval); NewGenQueryInterval = CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval); NewGenQueryMaxResponseTime = CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime); NewOtherQuerierPresentInterval = CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfigExt->OtherQuerierPresentInterval); NewLastMemQueryInterval = pConfigExt->LastMemQueryInterval; //already in ms
NewGroupMembershipTimeout = CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfigExt->GroupMembershipTimeout);
// used only in ver3
pConfig->RobustnessVariableOld = pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable; pConfig->GenQueryIntervalOld = NewGenQueryInterval; pConfig->OtherQuerierPresentIntervalOld = NewOtherQuerierPresentInterval; pConfig->GroupMembershipTimeoutOld = NewGroupMembershipTimeout;
// update values only if it is ver1,ver2 or ver3&&Querier
if (!IS_IF_VER3(pite) || (IS_IF_VER3(pite) && IS_QUERIER(pite)) ){
// change Info.StartupQueryCountCurrent if it was set to some very high value.
// During startup, Info.StartupQueryCountCurrent is used, and not the Config value.
if (pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount < pite->Info.StartupQueryCountCurrent) InterlockedExchange(&pite->Info.StartupQueryCountCurrent, pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount);
// in startup mode. StartupQueryInterval active and to be reduced
if (pite->Info.StartupQueryCountCurrent>0) {
if ( (NewStartupQueryInterval < pConfig->StartupQueryInterval) && (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pite->QueryTimer)) ) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pite->QueryTimer, NewStartupQueryInterval, DBG_Y); }
// in querier mode. GenQueryInterval is active and to be updated
else {
if ( (NewGenQueryInterval < pConfig->GenQueryInterval) && (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pite->QueryTimer)) ) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pite->QueryTimer, NewGenQueryInterval, DBG_Y); }
// OtherQuerierPresentInterval active and to be updated
if ( (NewOtherQuerierPresentInterval<pConfig->OtherQuerierPresentInterval) && (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pite->NonQueryTimer)) ) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pite->NonQueryTimer, NewOtherQuerierPresentInterval, DBG_Y); }
// NewLastMemQueryInterval is to be processed only if in ver-2 mode and not
// server
if ( (pConfigExt->IgmpProtocolType==IGMP_ROUTER_V2) && (pite->IfType!=IGMP_IF_RAS_SERVER) ) { if (NewLastMemQueryInterval < pConfig->LastMemQueryInterval) bLastMemQueryTimer = TRUE; }
// check if GroupMembership timeout is reduced
if (NewGroupMembershipTimeout < pConfig->GroupMembershipTimeout) bGroupMembershipTimer = TRUE;
// Go through the GI list for that interface (all ras clients) and update
// their timers if they are higher
if ( ((bLastMemQueryTimer||bGroupMembershipTimer)&&(!IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType))) || ((bGroupMembershipTimer)&&(IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType))) ) { PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PGI_ENTRY pgie; LONGLONG llNewLastMemQueryInterval, llNewGroupMembershipTimeout; LONGLONG llMaxTime, llCurTime = GetCurrentIgmpTime();
// get the absolute timeout values
llNewLastMemQueryInterval = llCurTime + CONFIG_TO_SYSTEM_TIME(NewLastMemQueryInterval); llNewGroupMembershipTimeout = llCurTime + CONFIG_TO_SYSTEM_TIME(NewGroupMembershipTimeout);
// if not ras interface, then go through the list from interface
if ( !IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) {
// merge the IfGroup lists
pHead = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroups;
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
pgie = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups);
// update LastMemQueryTimer/V3SourcesQueryTimer if it is active and has a higher value
if (bLastMemQueryTimer && IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastMemQueryTimer) && (llNewLastMemQueryInterval<pgie->LastMemQueryTimer.Timeout)) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pgie->LastMemQueryTimer, NewLastMemQueryInterval, DBG_Y); }
if (bLastMemQueryTimer && IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->V3SourcesQueryTimer) && (llNewLastMemQueryInterval<pgie->V3SourcesQueryTimer.Timeout)) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pgie->V3SourcesQueryTimer, NewLastMemQueryInterval, DBG_Y); }
// update GroupMembershipTimeout if it is active and has a higher value
if (bGroupMembershipTimer && IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->GroupMembershipTimer) && (llNewGroupMembershipTimeout<pgie->GroupMembershipTimer.Timeout)) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pgie->GroupMembershipTimer, NewGroupMembershipTimeout, DBG_Y); }
// update LastVer1ReportTimer/LastVer2ReportTimer if it is active and has a higher value
// LastVer1ReportTimeout is set to GroupMembershipTimeout
if (bGroupMembershipTimer && IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastVer1ReportTimer) && (llNewGroupMembershipTimeout<pgie->LastVer1ReportTimer.Timeout)) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pgie->LastVer1ReportTimer, NewGroupMembershipTimeout, DBG_Y); } if (bGroupMembershipTimer && IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->LastVer2ReportTimer) && (llNewGroupMembershipTimeout<pgie->LastVer2ReportTimer.Timeout)) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pgie->LastVer2ReportTimer, NewGroupMembershipTimeout, DBG_Y); } } }
// IS_RAS_SERVER_IF: process for all clients. have to process
// GroupMembershipTimeout only
else {
PLIST_ENTRY pHeadClient, pleClient; PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prte; PRAS_TABLE prt = pite->pRasTable;
// process GI list of each ras client
pHeadClient = &pite->pRasTable->ListByAddr;
for (pleClient=pHeadClient->Flink; pleClient!=pHeadClient; pleClient=pleClient->Flink) { prte = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleClient, RAS_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByAddr);
pHead = &prte->ListOfSameClientGroups;
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
pgie = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameClientGroups);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pgie->GroupMembershipTimer) && (llNewGroupMembershipTimeout <pgie->GroupMembershipTimer.Timeout)) { UpdateLocalTimer(&pgie->GroupMembershipTimer, NewGroupMembershipTimeout, DBG_Y); } } } } }
// finally copy the new values
CopyMemory(pConfig, pConfigExt, sizeof(IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG));
pConfig->StartupQueryInterval = NewStartupQueryInterval; pConfig->GenQueryInterval = NewGenQueryInterval; pConfig->GenQueryMaxResponseTime = NewGenQueryMaxResponseTime; pConfig->LastMemQueryInterval = NewLastMemQueryInterval; pConfig->OtherQuerierPresentInterval = NewOtherQuerierPresentInterval; pConfig->GroupMembershipTimeout = NewGroupMembershipTimeout; pConfig->IfIndex = IfIndex;
pConfig->NumStaticGroups = 0;
return Error; #if 0
{ PSTATIC_GROUP_V3 pStaticGroupExt; PIF_STATIC_GROUP pStaticGroup; PLIST_ENTRY ple, pHead; DWORD i, GroupAddr; SOCKADDR_IN saLocalIf;
// delete all static groups which are different in the old config
pHead = &pite->Config.ListOfStaticGroups; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) {
pStaticGroup = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_STATIC_GROUP, Link); GroupAddr = pStaticGroup->GroupAddr; ple = ple->Flink;
bFound = FALSE; pStaticGroupExt = GET_FIRST_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pConfigExt); for (i=0; i<pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups; i++) {
if ( (GroupAddr == pStaticGroupExt->GroupAddr) && (pStaticGroup->Mode == pStaticGroupExt->Mode) ) { bFound = TRUE; break; }
pStaticGroupExt = GET_NEXT_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pStaticGroupExt); }
// group exists in old and new config. check for changes in sources.
if (bFound && bVer3) {
if (pStaticGroupExt->NumSources==0) { //delete all static sources
if (pStaticGroupExt->NumSources==0 && pStaticGroupExt->FilterType!=EXCLUSION) {
// delete the static group
// check for differences in sources
// if old static group not found in new list, delete it
// Router
if (IS_CONFIG_IGMPRTR(pConfig)) {
if (pStaticGroup->Mode==IGMP_HOST_JOIN) { LeaveMulticastGroup(pite->StaticGroupSocket, GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, 0 ); } else { PGROUP_TABLE_ENTRY pge; PGI_ENTRY pgie;
ACQUIRE_GROUP_LOCK(GroupAddr, "_CopyinIfConfigAndUpdate");
pge = GetGroupFromGroupTable(GroupAddr, NULL, 0); pgie = GetGIFromGIList(pge, pite, 0, STATIC_GROUP, NULL, 0);
pgie->bStaticGroup = 0;
if (bVer3) { PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PGI_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry;
// delete all static source entries
pHead = &pgie->V3ExclusionList; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_SOURCE_ENTRY,LinkSources); // delete source entry (forward the packets)
if (pSourceEntry->bStaticSource) { DeleteSourceEntry(pSourceEntry, MGM_YES); } } pHead = &pgie->V3InclusionListSorted; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_SOURCE_ENTRY,LinkSourcesInclListSorted); if (pSourceEntry->bStaticSource) { pSourceEntry->bStaticSource = FALSE; if (!IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pSourceEntry->SourceExpTimer)) DeleteSourceEntry(pSourceEntry, MGM_YES); } } } else { if (!(pgie->GroupMembershipTimer.Status&TIMER_STATUS_ACTIVE)) DeleteGIEntry(pgie, TRUE, TRUE); }
RELEASE_GROUP_LOCK(GroupAddr, "_CopyinIfConfigAndUpdate"); } }
// Proxy Interface
else { if (bVer3){ for (i=0; i<pStaticGroup->NumSources; i++){ ProcessProxyGroupChange(pStaticGroup->Sources[i], GroupAddr, DELETE_FLAG, STATIC_GROUP); } } if (!bVer3 || pStaticGroup->NumSources==0) ProcessProxyGroupChange(0,GroupAddr, DELETE_FLAG, STATIC_GROUP); }
RemoveEntryList(&pStaticGroup->Link); IGMP_FREE(pStaticGroup); }
// for all new static groups, if not in old list, create it
pStaticGroupExt = GET_FIRST_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pConfigExt); for (i=0; i<pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups; i++,pStaticGroupExt++) {
pHead = &pite->Config.ListOfStaticGroups; bFound = FALSE; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pStaticGroup = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_STATIC_GROUP, Link); if (pStaticGroup->GroupAddr==pStaticGroupExt->GroupAddr) { bFound = TRUE; break; } }
// not found: create the new static group
if (!bFound) {
pStaticGroup = IGMP_ALLOC( IGMP_MIB_STATIC_GROUP_SIZE(pConfigExt, pStaticGroupExt), 0x100000,IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE3(pStaticGroup, "error %d allocating %d bytes for static group for IF:%0x", Error, sizeof(IF_STATIC_GROUP), pite->IfIndex, return Error);
memcpy(pStaticGroup, pStaticGroupExt, IGMP_MIB_STATIC_GROUP_SIZE(pConfigExt, pStaticGroupExt));
InsertHeadList(&pConfig->ListOfStaticGroups, &pStaticGroup->Link);
if (IS_IF_ACTIVATED(pite)) {
// if proxy
if (IS_CONFIG_IGMPPROXY(pConfig)) { if (pStaticGroup->NumSources==0) ProcessProxyGroupChange(0, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, ADD_FLAG, STATIC_GROUP); else { for (i=0; i<pStaticGroup->NumSources; i++) { ProcessProxyGroupChange(pStaticGroup->Sources[i], pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, ADD_FLAG, STATIC_GROUP); } } } // Add static group to Router
else { if (pStaticGroup->Mode==IGMP_HOST_JOIN) {
if (!bVer3) { JoinMulticastGroup(pite->StaticGroupSocket, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, 0 ); } else { // include filter
if (pStaticGroup->FilterType==INCLUSION) {
if (pStaticGroup->NumSources==0) { JoinMulticastGroup(pite->StaticGroupSocket, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, 0 ); } for (i=0; i<pStaticGroup->NumSources; i++) { JoinMulticastGroup(pite->StaticGroupSocket, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, pStaticGroup->Sources[i] ); } } // exclude filter
else { if (pStaticGroup->NumSources==0) { JoinMulticastGroup(pite->StaticGroupSocket, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, 0 ); } for (i=0; i<pStaticGroup->NumSources; i++) { BlockSource(pite->StaticGroupSocket, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, pStaticGroup->Sources[i] ); } } } }
else { PGROUP_TABLE_ENTRY pge; PGI_ENTRY pgie; BOOL bCreate; PGI_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry;
GroupAddr = pStaticGroup->GroupAddr;
ACQUIRE_GROUP_LOCK(GroupAddr, "_CopyinIfConfigAndUpdate");
bCreate = TRUE; pge = GetGroupFromGroupTable(GroupAddr, &bCreate, 0);
bCreate = TRUE; pgie = GetGIFromGIList(pge, pite, 0, (pStaticGroup->NumSources==0) ?STATIC_GROUP:NOT_STATIC_GROUP, &bCreate, 0); for (i=0; i<pStaticGroup->NumSources; i++) {
if (pStaticGroup->FilterType!=pgie->FilterType) {
pSourceEntry = GetSourceEntry(pgie, pStaticGroup->Sources[i], pStaticGroup->FilterType ^ 1, NULL, 0, 0);
if (pSourceEntry) { pSourceEntry->bStaticSource = TRUE; ChangeSourceFilterMode(pgie, pSourceEntry);
continue; } } bCreate = TRUE; pSourceEntry = GetSourceEntry(pgie, pStaticGroup->Sources[i], pStaticGroup->FilterType, &bCreate, STATIC, MGM_YES); } RELEASE_GROUP_LOCK(GroupAddr, "_CopyinIfConfigAndUpdate"); } } } } } }
return Error; #endif
} //end _CopyinIfConfigAndUpdate
// _CopyinIfConfig
// Copies the if config struct passed by mib to igmp.
// called after the interface is in disabled state
CopyMemory(pConfig, pConfigExt, sizeof(IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG)); CONV_CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfig->StartupQueryInterval); CONV_CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfig->GenQueryInterval); CONV_CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfig->GenQueryMaxResponseTime); // already in ms
CONV_CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfig->OtherQuerierPresentInterval); CONV_CONFIG_TO_INTERNAL_TIME(pConfig->GroupMembershipTimeout);
pConfig->RobustnessVariableOld = pConfig->RobustnessVariable; pConfig->GenQueryIntervalOld = pConfig->GenQueryInterval; pConfig->OtherQuerierPresentIntervalOld = pConfig->OtherQuerierPresentInterval; pConfig->GroupMembershipTimeoutOld = pConfig->GroupMembershipTimeout;
pConfig->ExtSize = IgmpMibIfConfigSize(pConfigExt);
pConfig->IfIndex = IfIndex ;
pConfig->NumStaticGroups = 0;
return Error; #if 0
{ PIGMP_STATIC_GROUP pStaticGroupExt; PSTATIC_GROUP_V3 pStaticGroupExtV3; PIF_STATIC_GROUP pStaticGroup; DWORD i; PLIST_ENTRY ple; BOOL bVersion3=IS_CONFIG_IGMP_V3(pConfigExt);
// delete all old static groups
for (ple=pConfig->ListOfStaticGroups.Flink; ple!=&pConfig->ListOfStaticGroups; ) { pStaticGroup = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_STATIC_GROUP, Link); ple = ple->Flink; IGMP_FREE(pStaticGroup); }
// copy all static groups
InitializeListHead(&pConfig->ListOfStaticGroups); if (bVersion3) pStaticGroupExtV3 = GET_FIRST_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pConfigExt); else pStaticGroupExt = GET_FIRST_IGMP_STATIC_GROUP(pConfigExt);
for (i=0; i<pConfig->NumStaticGroups; i++) {
DWORD Size = IGMP_MIB_STATIC_GROUP_SIZE(pConfigExt, pStaticGroupExtV3);
pStaticGroup = IGMP_ALLOC(Size, 0x200000,IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(pStaticGroup, "error %d allocating %d bytes for static group for IF:%0x", Error, Size,return Error);
if (!bVersion3) { pStaticGroup->GroupAddr = pStaticGroupExt->GroupAddr; pStaticGroup->Mode = pStaticGroupExt->Mode; pStaticGroupExt++; } else { memcpy(pStaticGroup, pStaticGroupExtV3, Size);
pStaticGroupExtV3 = (PSTATIC_GROUP_V3) ((PCHAR)pStaticGroupExtV3 + Size); }
InsertHeadList(&pConfig->ListOfStaticGroups, &pStaticGroup->Link); } } #endif
// _CopyoutIfConfig
VOID CopyoutIfConfig ( PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG pConfigMib, PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { PIGMP_IF_CONFIG pConfig = &pite->Config; BOOL bVersion3 = IS_CONFIG_IGMP_V3(pConfig);
// the initial IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG size of struct is common
CopyMemory(pConfigMib, pConfig, sizeof(IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG));
CONV_INTERNAL_TO_CONFIG_TIME(pConfigMib->StartupQueryInterval); CONV_INTERNAL_TO_CONFIG_TIME(pConfigMib->GenQueryInterval); CONV_INTERNAL_TO_CONFIG_TIME(pConfigMib->GenQueryMaxResponseTime); // keep in ms
CONV_INTERNAL_TO_CONFIG_TIME(pConfigMib->OtherQuerierPresentInterval); CONV_INTERNAL_TO_CONFIG_TIME(pConfigMib->GroupMembershipTimeout); pConfigMib->IfIndex = pite->IfIndex; pConfigMib->IpAddr = pite->IpAddr;
// have to convert the Iftype to external type
pConfigMib->IfType = GET_EXTERNAL_IF_TYPE(pite);
{ PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PIGMP_STATIC_GROUP pStaticGroupExt; PSTATIC_GROUP_V3 pStaticGroupExtV3; PIF_STATIC_GROUP pStaticGroup;
if (bVersion3) pStaticGroupExtV3 = GET_FIRST_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pConfigMib); else pStaticGroupExt = GET_FIRST_IGMP_STATIC_GROUP(pConfigMib);
pHead = &pConfig->ListOfStaticGroups; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
if (bVersion3) { memcpy(pStaticGroupExtV3, (PCHAR)pStaticGroup+FIELD_OFFSET(IF_STATIC_GROUP,GroupAddr), sizeof(STATIC_GROUP_V3)+pStaticGroup->NumSources*sizeof(IPADDR) ); pStaticGroupExtV3 = GET_NEXT_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pStaticGroupExtV3); } else { pStaticGroupExt->GroupAddr = pStaticGroup->GroupAddr; pStaticGroupExt->Mode = pStaticGroup->Mode; pStaticGroupExt++; } } }
return; }
// _ValidateIfConfig
// Corrects some values, and returns error for some others.
DWORD ValidateIfConfig ( PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG pConfigExt, DWORD IfIndex, DWORD IfType, ULONG ulStructureVersion, ULONG ulStructureSize ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR, i, Size; BOOL bVersion3;
// verify config size
if (ulStructureSize<sizeof(IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG)) { Trace2(ERR, "IGMP config size %d very small. Expected:%d", ulStructureSize, sizeof(IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG)); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } */ bVersion3 = IS_IGMP_VERSION_3(pConfigExt->Version);
{ if (!bVersion3) { Size = sizeof(IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG) + pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups*sizeof(IGMP_STATIC_GROUP); } else { PSTATIC_GROUP_V3 pStaticGroupV3 = GET_FIRST_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pConfigExt);
Size = sizeof(IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG) +sizeof(STATIC_GROUP_V3)*pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups;
for (i=0; i<pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups; i++) { Size += pStaticGroupV3->NumSources*sizeof(IPADDR); if (ulStructureSize<Size) break; pStaticGroupV3 = GET_NEXT_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pStaticGroupV3); } }
if (ulStructureSize!=Size) { Trace0(ERR, "Invalid IGMP structure size"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } */ }
// DebugPrintIfConfig
DebugPrintIfConfig(pConfigExt, IfIndex);
// check version
if (pConfigExt->Version >= IGMP_VERSION_3_5) {
Trace1(ERR, "Invalid version in interface config.\n" "Create the Igmp configuration again", pConfigExt->Version); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr0(INVALID_VERSION, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
// check the proxy/router common fields, and then check the router fields
// check the protocolType
switch (pConfigExt->IgmpProtocolType) { case IGMP_ROUTER_V1 : case IGMP_ROUTER_V2 : { if ( (pConfigExt->Version<IGMP_VERSION_1_2) ||(pConfigExt->Version>=IGMP_VERSION_1_2_5) ) { Trace1(ERR, "IGMP v1/v2 should have version %0x", IGMP_VERSION_1_2); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } break; } case IGMP_ROUTER_V3: { if (pConfigExt->Version<IGMP_VERSION_3 || pConfigExt->Version>=IGMP_VERSION_3_5) { Trace1(ERR, "IGMP v3 should have version %0x", IGMP_VERSION_3); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } break; } case IGMP_PROXY : case IGMP_PROXY_V3 : break;
// if none of above, then return error
default : { Trace2(ERR, "Error: IGMP protocol type(%d) for interface(%0x) invalid", pConfigExt->IgmpProtocolType, IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr2(INVALID_PROTOTYPE, "%d%d", pConfigExt->IgmpProtocolType, IfIndex, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } }
// cannot configure a proxy on a ras server interface
if (IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(IfType) && IS_CONFIG_IGMPPROXY(pConfigExt)) { Trace1(ERR, "Error: Cannot configure Proxy on RAS server interface:%0x", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr1(PROXY_ON_RAS_SERVER, "%d",IfIndex, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
// check for static joins
if (pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups>0) {
for (i=0; i<pConfigExt->NumStaticGroups; i++) {
// make sure that the static group is a multicast address
if (!IS_MCAST_ADDR(pStaticGroup->GroupAddr)) { Trace2(ERR, "Error: Static group:%d.%d.%d.%d on IF:%0x not a multicast address", PRINT_IPADDR(pStaticGroup->GroupAddr), IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr2(INVALID_STATIC_GROUP, "%I%d", pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, IfIndex, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
// make sure that the mode of the static group is correct
if ( (pStaticGroup->Mode!=IGMP_HOST_JOIN && pStaticGroup->Mode!=IGMPRTR_JOIN_MGM_ONLY) ||(IS_CONFIG_IGMPPROXY(pConfigExt) && pStaticGroup->Mode!=IGMP_HOST_JOIN) ) { Trace2(ERR, "Error: Invalid mode for static group:%d.%d.%d.%d on IF:%0x", PRINT_IPADDR(pStaticGroup->GroupAddr), IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr2(INVALID_STATIC_MODE, "%I%d", pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, IfIndex, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
if (bVersion3) {
DWORD EntrySize = sizeof(STATIC_GROUP_V3) + pStaticGroupV3->NumSources*sizeof(IPADDR);
// check filter mode
if ( (pStaticGroupV3->FilterType!=INCLUSION) && (pStaticGroupV3->FilterType!=EXCLUSION)) { Trace2(ERR, "Error: Invalid filter type for static group:%d.%d.%d.%d on IF:%0x", PRINT_IPADDR(pStaticGroup->GroupAddr), IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr2(INVALID_STATIC_FILTER, "%I%d", pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, IfIndex, ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
// not checking source addresses
pStaticGroupV3 = (PSTATIC_GROUP_V3) ((PCHAR)pStaticGroupV3 + EntrySize); pStaticGroup = (PIGMP_STATIC_GROUP)pStaticGroupV3; } else { pStaticGroup ++; } } }
// if it is a proxy interface, then none of the config variables other than
// static group is used. I return no_error
if (IS_CONFIG_IGMPPROXY(pConfigExt)) return NO_ERROR;
// robustness variable must be greater than 0
if (pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable<=0) { Trace1(ERR, "Error RobustnessVariable for Interface(%d) cannot be 0.", IfIndex); Logerr2(INVALID_ROBUSTNESS, "%d%d", pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable, IfIndex, ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
// if robustness variable == 1, then log a warning
if (pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable==1) { Trace1(ERR, "Warning: Robustness variable for interface (%d) being set to 1", IfIndex); Logwarn0(ROBUSTNESS_VARIABLE_EQUAL_1, NO_ERROR); }
// if robustness variable > 7, then I correct it to 7 and log a warning
if (pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable>7) { Trace2(ERR, "RobustnessVariable for Interface(%0x) too high(%d)." "Being set to 7", IfIndex, pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable); Logwarn2(INVALID_ROBUSTNESS, "%d%d", pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable, IfIndex, NO_ERROR);
pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable = 7; }
// default value of GenQueryInterval is 125 sec. I force a minimum
// value of 10 secs to prevent trashing the network.
// max of 31744 as possible by exp value
if (pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval<10) { Trace2(ERR, "GetQueryInterval for Interface(%0x) too low(%d)." "Being set to 10", IfIndex, pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval);
pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval = 10; }
if (pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval>31744) { Trace2(ERR, "GetQueryInterval for Interface(%0x) too high(%d)." "Being set to 31744", IfIndex, pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval);
pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval = 31744; }
// StartupQueryInterval: default is 1/4 of GenQueryInterval
// I enforce a minimum of 1 sec and a max of GenQueryInterval
if (pConfigExt->StartupQueryInterval<1) { Trace2(ERR, "StartupQueryInterval for Interface(%0x) too low(%d)." "Being set to 1 sec", IfIndex, pConfigExt->StartupQueryInterval);
pConfigExt->StartupQueryInterval = 1; }
if (pConfigExt->StartupQueryInterval>pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval) { Trace3(ERR, "StartupQueryInterval(%d) for Interface(%0x) " "higher than GenQueryInterval(%d). StartupQueryInterval set " "to GenQueryInterval", pConfigExt->StartupQueryInterval, IfIndex, pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval );
pConfigExt->StartupQueryInterval = pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval; }
// StartupQueryCount: default is Robustness variable
// I enforce a max of 7. (I am allowing someone to set it to 0??)
if (pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount>7) { Trace2(ERR, "StartupQueryCount for IF(%0x) too high(%d). " "Being set to 7.", IfIndex, pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount); Logerr2(INVALID_STARTUPQUERYCOUNT, "%d%d", pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount, IfIndex, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount = 7; }
if ((int)pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount<0) { Trace2(ERR, "Error: StartupQueryCount(%d) for IF(%0x) cannot be < than 0.", pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount, IfIndex); Logerr2(INVALID_STARTUPQUERYCOUNT, "%d%d", pConfigExt->StartupQueryCount, IfIndex, ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
// GenQueryMaxResponseTime: default is 10.
// Absurd if value is greater than GenQueryInterval.
// I correct the values, if required
if (pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime > pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval) { Trace3(ERR, "GenQueryMaxResponseTime(%d) for IF(%0x) " "higher than GenQueryInterval(%d). GenQueryMaxResponseTime " "set to GenQueryInterval", pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime, IfIndex, pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval);
pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime = pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval; } if (pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime > 3174) { Trace2(ERR, "GenQueryMaxResponseTime(%d) for IF(%0x) " "higher than 3174 " "set to 1sec", pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime, IfIndex);
pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime = 1; }
if (pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime <= 0) { Trace2(ERR, "Error. GenQueryMaxResponseTime(%d) for Interface(%0x) " "should be greater than 0.", pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime, IfIndex); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
// check LastMemQueryCount and LastMemQueryInterval only if
// protocol type is not IGMP-Router-ver1 and it is not a ras server interface
if ( (pConfigExt->IgmpProtocolType!=IGMP_ROUTER_V1) && (!IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(IfType)) ) {
// LastMemQueryCount can be 0
// set max LastMemQueryCount to 7
if (pConfigExt->LastMemQueryCount>7) { Trace2(ERR, "Warning. LastMemQueryCount(%d) for IF(%0x) " "is too high. Resetting it to 10.", pConfigExt->LastMemQueryCount, IfIndex); pConfigExt->LastMemQueryCount = 10; }
// limit LastMemQueryInterval(in ms) to GroupMembershipTimeout(in sec)
if (pConfigExt->LastMemQueryInterval>pConfigExt->GroupMembershipTimeout*1000) { Trace3(ERR, "Warning. LastMemberQueryInterval(%d) for IF(%0x) " "is too high. Resetting it to GroupMembershipTimeout(%d ms).", pConfigExt->LastMemQueryCount, IfIndex, pConfigExt->GroupMembershipTimeout*1000 ); pConfigExt->LastMemQueryInterval = pConfigExt->GroupMembershipTimeout*1000; } // limit LastMemQueryInterval(in ms) to 3174(in sec)
if (pConfigExt->LastMemQueryInterval>3174*1000) { Trace2(ERR, "Warning. LastMemberQueryInterval(%d) for IF(%0x) " "is too high. Resetting it to 1000ms).", pConfigExt->LastMemQueryCount, IfIndex ); pConfigExt->LastMemQueryInterval = 1000; } }
// check the value of OtherQuerierPresentInterval
if (pConfigExt->OtherQuerierPresentInterval != pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable*pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval + (pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime)/2 ) { pConfigExt->OtherQuerierPresentInterval = pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable*pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval + (pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime)/2;
Trace0(ERR, "Warning: OtherQuerierPresentInterval's value should be " "RobustnessVariable*GenQueryInterval + (GenQueryMaxResponseTime)/2"); }
// check the value of GroupMembershipTimeout
if (pConfigExt->GroupMembershipTimeout != (pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable*pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval + pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime) ) { pConfigExt->GroupMembershipTimeout = pConfigExt->RobustnessVariable*pConfigExt->GenQueryInterval + pConfigExt->GenQueryMaxResponseTime;
Trace0(ERR, "Warning: GroupMembershipTimeout's value should be " "RobustnessVariable*GenQueryInterval + GenQueryMaxResponseTime"); }
return Error;
} // _ValidateIfConfig
// InitializeIfTable
// Creates the Interface table. The interface table size is dynamic
DWORD InitializeIfTable( ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; PIGMP_IF_TABLE pTable; DWORD NumBuckets, i;
// set the initial size of the interface table to IF_HASHTABLE_SZ1
NumBuckets = IF_HASHTABLE_SZ1;
// allocate memory for the interface table
g_pIfTable = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(IGMP_IF_TABLE), 0x400000,0);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(g_pIfTable, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface table", Error, sizeof(IGMP_IF_TABLE), GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
pTable = g_pIfTable;
// initialize NumBuckets and NumInterfaces
pTable->NumBuckets = NumBuckets; pTable->NumInterfaces = 0;
// Initialize the IfTable lists
// Initialize the list CS and proxyAlertCS
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&pTable->IfLists_CS); InitializeCriticalSection(&g_ProxyAlertCS); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Error = GetExceptionCode(); Trace1(ANY, "exception %d initializing critical section in InitIfTable", Error); Logerr0(INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED, Error);
// allocate memory for the different buckets
pTable->HashTableByIndex = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)*NumBuckets, 0x800000,0);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(pTable->HashTableByIndex, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface table", Error, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)*NumBuckets, GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
// allocate memory for the array of pointers to dynamic RWLs
pTable->aIfBucketDRWL = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(PDYNAMIC_RW_LOCK)*NumBuckets, 0x800001,0);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(pTable->aIfBucketDRWL, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface table", Error, sizeof(PDYNAMIC_RW_LOCK)*NumBuckets, GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
// allocate memory for the array of pointers to dynamic CSs
pTable->aIfBucketDCS = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(PDYNAMIC_CS_LOCK)*NumBuckets, 0x800002,0);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(pTable->aIfBucketDCS, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface table", Error, sizeof(PDYNAMIC_CS_LOCK)*NumBuckets, GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
// init locks to NULL, implying that the dynamic locks have not been
// allocated. and initialize the list heads.
for (i=0; i<NumBuckets; i++) {
pTable->aIfBucketDRWL[i] = NULL;
pTable->aIfBucketDCS[i] = NULL; }
pTable->Status = 0;
return Error;
} //end _InitializeIfTable
// _DeInitializeIfTable
VOID DeInitializeIfTable( ) { PIGMP_IF_TABLE pTable = g_pIfTable; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite; DWORD i, dwRetval;
if (pTable==NULL) return;
// for each active interface call deregister MGM.
// go through the list of active interfaces ordered by IpAddr
pHead = &g_pIfTable->ListByAddr;
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
// if not activated then continue
if (!IS_IF_ACTIVATED(pite)) continue;
// deregister all interfaces, ras clients and proxy protocol from mgm
DeActivationDeregisterFromMgm(pite); }
// delete the IfLists CS
IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pTable->aIfBucketDCS); IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pTable->aIfBucketDRWL); IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pTable->HashTableByIndex); IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(g_pIfTable); // I dont delete the different dynamic locks. They should have been deleted
// by now
return; }
// _InitializeGroupTable //
DWORD InitializeGroupTable ( ) { BOOL bErr = TRUE; DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; PGROUP_TABLE pGroupTable; DWORD i;
// allocate space for the group table
g_pGroupTable = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(GROUP_TABLE), 0x800004,0);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(g_pGroupTable, "error %d allocating %d bytes for Group table", Error, sizeof(GROUP_TABLE), GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
pGroupTable = g_pGroupTable;
// initialize group tables' dynamically locked lists
for (i=0; i<GROUP_HASH_TABLE_SZ; i++) { InitDynamicCSLockedList(&pGroupTable->HashTableByGroup[i]); }
// initialize list of all groups
try { CREATE_LOCKED_LIST(&pGroupTable->ListByGroup); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Error = GetExceptionCode(); Trace1(ERR, "Exception %d creating locked list for Group Table", Error); Logerr0(INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// initialize the list of new groups
InitializeListHead(&pGroupTable->ListByGroupNew); pGroupTable->NumGroupsInNewList = 0;
pGroupTable->Status = 0;
bErr = FALSE;
if (!bErr) { return Error==NO_ERROR ? ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE: Error; } else { return Error; }
} //end _InitializeGroupTable
// DeInitializeGroupTable //
// Just delete the critical sections //
VOID DeInitializeGroupTable ( ) { PGROUP_TABLE pGroupTable = g_pGroupTable; DWORD i;
if (pGroupTable==NULL) return;
// I dont try to delete the dynamically allocated locks as they should
// have all been deleted by the last thread executing in that lock
DeleteCriticalSection(&pGroupTable->ListByGroup.Lock); IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pGroupTable); }
// _InitializeRasTable
// creates ras table and initializes the fields.
// called by _DeActivateInterfaceInitial() _AddIfEntry()
// The interface table is created during _AddIfEntry, as _ConnectRasClients can
// be called even when the ras server interface is not activated
DWORD InitializeRasTable( DWORD IfIndex, PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR, i; PRAS_TABLE prt;
// allocate Ras table
prt = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(RAS_TABLE), 0x800008,IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(prt, "error %d allocating %d bytes for Ras Table", Error, sizeof(RAS_TABLE), return Error);
//set the ras table entry in pite
pite->pRasTable = prt;
// initialize list pointing to Ras Clients ordered by IpAddr
// initialize hash table containing lists pointing to Ras Clients
// hashed on IpAddr
for (i=0; i<RAS_HASH_TABLE_SZ; i++) InitializeListHead(&prt->HashTableByAddr[i]);
// set backpointer to the interface table entry
prt->pIfTable = pite;
// set RefCount and Status
prt->RefCount = 1; prt->Status = IF_CREATED_FLAG;
return NO_ERROR;
} //end _InitializeRasTable
// DeInitializeRasTable
VOID DeInitializeRasTable ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite, BOOL bFullCleanup ) {
PRAS_TABLE prt = pite->pRasTable; PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prte; PLIST_ENTRY pHeadRas, pleRas;
pHeadRas = &prt->ListByAddr; for (pleRas=pHeadRas->Flink; pleRas!=pHeadRas; pleRas=pleRas->Flink) { prte = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleRas, RAS_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByAddr);
MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership(g_MgmIgmprtrHandle, pite->IfIndex, prte->NHAddr); }
return; }
// _MergeIfGroupsLists
// Merges the new GI list with the main GI list.
// Locks: Assumes the IF-GI list to be locked.
VOID MergeIfGroupsLists( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { // sentinel is set at the end of the Main list so that all entries is inserted
// before it. its group value is set to all 1's.
GROUP_TABLE_ENTRY pgeSentinel; GI_ENTRY giSentinel; PGI_ENTRY giNew, giMain; PLIST_ENTRY pHeadNew, pHeadMain, pleMain, pleNew;
Trace1(ENTER1, "Entering _MergeIfGroupLists(): IfIndex:%0x", pite->IfIndex);
pHeadNew = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew; pHeadMain = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroups;
// if main list is empty, then just move the new list to main list
// and I am done
if (IsListEmpty(pHeadMain)) {
// insert pHeadMain into new list
InsertHeadList(pHeadNew, pHeadMain);
// remove new list header
return; }
// insert the sentinel at the end of the main list
pgeSentinel.GroupLittleEndian = ~0; giSentinel.pGroupTableEntry = &pgeSentinel; InsertTailList(pHeadMain, &giSentinel.LinkBySameIfGroups);
pleMain = pHeadMain->Flink; giMain = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleMain, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups);
// merge the lists by inserting the entries from new list into main list.
for (pleNew=pHeadNew->Flink; pleNew!=pHeadNew; ) {
giNew = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNew, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups); pleNew=pleNew->Flink;
while (giNew->pGroupTableEntry->GroupLittleEndian > giMain->pGroupTableEntry->GroupLittleEndian) { pleMain = pleMain->Flink;
giMain = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleMain, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups); }
InsertTailList(pleMain, &giNew->LinkBySameIfGroups); }
// reinitialize the New list
pite->NumGIEntriesInNewList = 0; InitializeListHead(&pite->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew);
// remove the sentinel entry from the main list
//DebugPrintIfGroups(pite, 0); //deldel
Trace0(LEAVE1, "Leaving _MergeIfGroupsLists"); return;
} //end _MergeIfGroupsLists
// _MergeProxyLists
// Merges the new GI list with the main GI list.
// Locks: Assumes the IF-GI list to be locked.
VOID MergeProxyLists( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { // sentinel is set at the end of the Main list so that all entries is inserted
// before it. its group value is set to all 1's.
PROXY_GROUP_ENTRY ProxySentinel, *pProxyNew, *pProxyMain; PLIST_ENTRY pHeadNew, pHeadMain, pleMain, pleNew;
Trace1(ENTER1, "Entering MergeProxyLists(): IfIndex:%0x", pite->IfIndex);
pHeadNew = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew; pHeadMain = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroups;
// if main list is empty, then just move the new list to main list
// and I am done
if (IsListEmpty(pHeadMain)) {
CONCATENATE_LISTS(pite->ListOfSameIfGroups, pite->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew);
pite->NumGIEntriesInNewList = 0;
return; }
// insert the sentinel at the end of the main list
ProxySentinel.GroupLittleEndian = ~0; InsertTailList(pHeadMain, &ProxySentinel.LinkBySameIfGroups);
pleMain = pHeadMain->Flink; pProxyMain = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleMain, PROXY_GROUP_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups);
// merge the lists by inserting the entries from new list into main list.
for (pleNew=pHeadNew->Flink; pleNew!=pHeadNew; ) {
pProxyNew = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNew, PROXY_GROUP_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups); pleNew=pleNew->Flink;
while (pProxyNew->GroupLittleEndian > pProxyMain->GroupLittleEndian) { pleMain = pleMain->Flink;
pProxyMain = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleMain, PROXY_GROUP_ENTRY, LinkBySameIfGroups); }
InsertTailList(pleMain, &pProxyNew->LinkBySameIfGroups); }
// reinitialize the New list
pite->NumGIEntriesInNewList = 0; InitializeListHead(&pite->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew);
// remove the sentinel entry from the main list
Trace0(LEAVE1, "Leaving _MergeProxyLists"); return;
} //end _MergeProxyLists
// _MergeGroupLists
// Merges the new group list with the main group list.
// Locks: Assumes the group list to be locked.
// Called by: MibGetInternalGroupIfsInfo() or InsertInGroupsList()
VOID MergeGroupLists( ) { // sentinel is set at the end of the Main list so that all entries is inserted
// before it. its group value is set to all 1's.
GROUP_TABLE_ENTRY pgeSentinel; PGROUP_TABLE_ENTRY pgeNew, pgeMain; PLIST_ENTRY pHeadNew, pHeadMain, pleMain, pleNew;
Trace0(ENTER1, "Entering _MergeGroupLists()");
#if DBG
DebugPrintGroupsList(1); #endif
pHeadNew = &g_pGroupTable->ListByGroupNew; pHeadMain = &g_pGroupTable->ListByGroup.Link;
// if main list is empty, then just move the new list to main list
// and I am done
if (IsListEmpty(pHeadMain)) {
// insert pHeadMain into new list
InsertHeadList(pHeadNew, pHeadMain);
// remove new list header
return; }
// insert the sentinel at the end of the main list
pgeSentinel.GroupLittleEndian = ~0; InsertTailList(pHeadMain, &pgeSentinel.LinkByGroup);
pleMain = pHeadMain->Flink; pgeMain = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleMain, GROUP_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByGroup);
// merge the lists by inserting the entries from new list into main list.
for (pleNew=pHeadNew->Flink; pleNew!=pHeadNew; ) {
pgeNew = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNew, GROUP_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByGroup); pleNew=pleNew->Flink;
while (pgeNew->GroupLittleEndian > pgeMain->GroupLittleEndian) {
pleMain = pleMain->Flink;
InsertTailList(pleMain, &pgeNew->LinkByGroup); }
// reinitialize the New list
g_pGroupTable->NumGroupsInNewList = 0; InitializeListHead(&g_pGroupTable->ListByGroupNew);
// remove the sentinel entry from the main list
} //end _MergeGroupLists