// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
// File: group.h
// History:
// V Raman July-11-1997 Created.
// Data structures for and declarations for routines that manipulate
// group and sources entries
#ifndef _GROUP_H_
#define _GROUP_H_
// Each OUT_IF_ENTRY stores information about an outgoing interface in an
// MFE. The fields in the structure are :
// leIfList - link to next entry in the outgoing interface
// list.
// dwIfIndex - Index of interface
// dwNextHopIfAddr - For interfaces with same index the next hop
// address is used to distinguish them
// dwProtocolId - Protocol id of the routing protocol component
// that owns dwIfIndex
// dwComponentId - Component id of the routing protocol component
// that owns dwIfIndex
// wCreatedForFlag - Indicates if the interface entry was created
// explicitly by a protocol or implicitly by
// MGM (as a consequence of the interface being
// being present in the Outgoing Interface list
// of the corresponding (*, G) or (*, *) entry.
// dwAddedByFlag - if the interface entry is created by a
// routing protocol then it could have been
// created by both IGMP or by a full fledged
// routing protocol (or both). This flag is
// used to distinguish both.
// wNumAddsByIGMP - Count of number of times this interface has
// been added to the OIL by IGMP. Can be at most
// 2, once for a (*, G) addition and once for an
// (S, G) addition.
// wNumAddsByRP - Count of number of times this interface has
// been added to the OIL by the RP on this
// interface. Can be at most
// 3, once for a (*, *) addition, once for a
// (*, G) addition and once for an (S, G)
// addition.
// misIfStats - Statistics for this outgoing interface.
typedef struct _OUT_IF_ENTRY { LIST_ENTRY leIfList;
DWORD dwIfIndex;
DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr;
DWORD dwProtocolId;
DWORD dwComponentId;
WORD wForward; WORD wAddedByFlag;
WORD wNumAddsByRP;
// Macros to manipulate bit flags in OUT_IF_ENTRY
#define ADDED_BY_IGMP (DWORD) 0x8000
#define SET_ADDED_BY_IGMP( p ) \
(p)-> wAddedByFlag |= ADDED_BY_IGMP
#define CLEAR_ADDED_BY_IGMP( p ) \
(p)-> wAddedByFlag &= ~ADDED_BY_IGMP
#define IS_ADDED_BY_IGMP( p ) \
( (p)-> wAddedByFlag & ADDED_BY_IGMP )
#define SET_ADDED_BY_PROTOCOL( p ) \
#define IS_ADDED_BY_PROTOCOL( p ) \
( (p)-> wAddedByFlag & ADDED_BY_ROUTING_PROTOCOL )
// Each SOURCE_ENTRY represents information about a specific source for a
// specific group. The source can also be the wildcard source created by a
// (*, G) join for a group. A source entry is either explicitly created by
// a source specific (S, G) join or implicitly by MGM when creating an MFE
// in response to packet arrival.
// leSrcList - Links along the lexicographically ordered
// source list
// leSrcHashList - Links along the source hash table.
// leScopedIfList - List of interfaces that have been joined
// but administratively scoped out.
// leOutIfList - Outgoing interface list. Entries in this
// list are created as a result of explicit
// (S, G) joins by a protocol
// leMfeIfList - Outgoing interface list created when an MFE
// for this source, for this group is created
// by MGM. This list is created by MGM
// when a new packet for this (source, group)
// and respresents the merge of the outgoing
// interface lists of the (*, *) entry, (*, G)
// entry and the (S,G) entry.
// dwOutIfCount - Count of number of entries in leOutIfList.
// Used to determine callback order.
// dwOutIfCompCount - Count of number of protocol components that
// have added interfaces to the outgoing list.
// Used to determine the order of callbacks to
// routing protocols
// dwSourceAddr - IP Address of source.
// dwSourceMask - IP mask corresponding to dwSourceAddr
// dwInIfIndex - Interface index of the incmoing interface.
// A source entry is considered to be an MFE
// if it has a valid incoming interface.
// dwInIfNextHopAddr - next hop address for dwInIfIndex
// dwInProtocolId - Protocol Id of the protocol owning dwInIfIndex
// dwInComponentId - Component Id of the protocol component owning
// dwIfInIndex
// bInForwarder - Flag indicating if the MFE is present in the
// kernel mode forwarder.
// liExpiryTime - Expiration time of the source entry.
// mgmGrpStatistics - Statistics associated with this (S, G) entry
typedef struct _SOURCE_ENTRY { LIST_ENTRY leSrcList; LIST_ENTRY leSrcHashList;
DWORD dwInUse; DWORD dwOutIfCount; DWORD dwOutCompCount; LIST_ENTRY leOutIfList;
LIST_ENTRY leScopedIfList;
DWORD dwMfeIfCount; LIST_ENTRY leMfeIfList;
DWORD dwSourceAddr;
DWORD dwSourceMask;
DWORD dwInIfIndex;
DWORD dwInIfNextHopAddr;
DWORD dwUpstreamNeighbor;
DWORD dwRouteProtocol;
DWORD dwRouteNetwork;
DWORD dwRouteMask; DWORD dwInProtocolId;
DWORD dwInComponentId;
BOOL bInForwarder;
HANDLE hTimer;
DWORD dwTimeOut; LARGE_INTEGER liCreationTime;
IPMCAST_MFE_STATS imsStatistics;
// Each group entry contains information for a specific group that has been
// explicitly added by a protocol (or implicitly by MGM). The group can
// a wildcard group created by a (*, *) join.
// leGrpList - Links along the lexicographically ordered
// group list.
// leGrpHashList - Links along the group hash bucket.
// dwGroupAddr - Group address of entry.
// dwGroupMask - Mask corresponding to the group address
// leSourceList - Head of lexicographically ordered source list
// pleSrcHashTable - hash table of source entries for this group
typedef struct _GROUP_ENTRY { LIST_ENTRY leGrpList; LIST_ENTRY leGrpHashList;
DWORD dwGroupAddr;
DWORD dwGroupMask;
DWORD dwSourceCount;
DWORD dwNumTempEntries;
DWORD CreateGroupEntry( PLIST_ENTRY pleHashList, DWORD dwGroupAddr, DWORD dwGroupMask, PGROUP_ENTRY * ppge );
PGROUP_ENTRY GetGroupEntry( PLIST_ENTRY pleGroupList, DWORD dwGroupAddr, DWORD dwGroupMask );
VOID DeleteGroupEntry( PGROUP_ENTRY pge );
BOOL FindGroupEntry( PLIST_ENTRY pleGroupList, DWORD dwGroupAddr, DWORD dwGroupMask, PGROUP_ENTRY * ppge, BOOL bHashList );
DWORD CreateSourceEntry( PGROUP_ENTRY pge, PLIST_ENTRY pleSrcList, DWORD dwSourceAddr, DWORD dwSourceMask, PSOURCE_ENTRY * ppse );
PSOURCE_ENTRY GetSourceEntry( PLIST_ENTRY pleSrcList, DWORD dwSourceAddr, DWORD dwSourceMask );
VOID DeleteSourceEntry( PSOURCE_ENTRY pse );
BOOL FindSourceEntry( PLIST_ENTRY pleSrcList, DWORD dwSourceAddr, DWORD dwSourceMask, PSOURCE_ENTRY * ppse, BOOL bHashList );
DWORD CreateOutInterfaceEntry( PLIST_ENTRY pleOutIfList, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId, BOOL bIGMP, POUT_IF_ENTRY * ppoie );
POUT_IF_ENTRY GetOutInterfaceEntry( PLIST_ENTRY pleOutIfList, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId );
VOID DeleteOutInterfaceEntry( POUT_IF_ENTRY poie );
BOOL FindOutInterfaceEntry( PLIST_ENTRY pleOutIfList, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId, PBOOL pbNewComponent, POUT_IF_ENTRY * ppoie );
DWORD AddInterfaceToSourceEntry( PPROTOCOL_ENTRY ppe, DWORD dwGroupAddr, DWORD dwGroupMask, DWORD dwSourceAddr, DWORD dwSourceMask, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, BOOL bIGMP, PBOOL pbUpdateMfe, PLIST_ENTRY pleSourceList );
VOID AddInterfaceToAllMfeInGroupBucket( DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId, DWORD dwInd, BOOL bIGMP, BOOL bAdd, PLIST_ENTRY pleSourceList );
VOID AddInterfaceToGroupMfe( PGROUP_ENTRY pge, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId, BOOL bIGMP, BOOL bAdd, PLIST_ENTRY pleSourceList );
VOID AddInterfaceToSourceMfe( PGROUP_ENTRY pge, PSOURCE_ENTRY pse, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId, BOOL bIGMP, POUT_IF_ENTRY * ppoie );
VOID DeleteInterfaceFromSourceEntry( PPROTOCOL_ENTRY ppe, DWORD dwGroupAddr, DWORD dwGroupMask, DWORD dwSourceAddr, DWORD dwSourceMask, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, BOOL bIGMP );
VOID DeleteInterfaceFromAllMfe( DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId, BOOL bIGMP );
VOID DeleteInterfaceFromGroupMfe( PGROUP_ENTRY pge, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId, BOOL bIGMP );
VOID DeleteInterfaceFromSourceMfe( PGROUP_ENTRY pge, PSOURCE_ENTRY pse, DWORD dwIfIndex, DWORD dwIfNextHopAddr, DWORD dwProtocolId, DWORD dwComponentId, BOOL bIGMP, BOOL bDel );
VOID LookupAndDeleteYourMfe( DWORD dwSourceAddr, DWORD dwSourceMask, DWORD dwGroupAddr, DWORD dwGroupMask, BOOL bDeleteTimer, PDWORD pdwInIfIndex OPTIONAL, PDWORD pdwInIfNextHopAddr OPTIONAL );
VOID MergeTempAndMasterGroupLists( PLIST_ENTRY pleTempList );
VOID MergeTempAndMasterSourceLists( PGROUP_ENTRY pge );
#endif // _GROUP_H_