Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains AfdBind for binding an endpoint to a transport address.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 25-Feb-1992
Revision History: Vadim Eydelman (vadime) 1999 - C_ROOT endpoint handling, exclusive access endpoints.
#include "afdp.h"
NTSTATUS AfdRestartGetAddress ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
NTSTATUS AfdRestartBindGetAddress ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
BOOLEAN AfdIsAddressInUse ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, BOOLEAN OtherProcessesOnly );
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdBind )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdIsAddressInUse )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdGetAddress )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdAreTransportAddressesEqual )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdRestartGetAddress )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdRestartBindGetAddress )
Routine Description:
Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet.
IrpSp - pointer to the IO stack location to use for this request.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS -- Indicates whether the request was successfully queued.
{ NTSTATUS status; ULONG shareAccess, afdShareAccess; ULONG tdiAddressLength; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint;
ULONG options; PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS localAddress; HANDLE addressHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION eaInfo; ULONG eaLength; // Local buffer to avoid memory allocation
// Initialize returned parameter
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
// Need to have output buffer at least as long as input buffer
// to pass the address that was actually used by the transport
// back.
if ( (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength< (ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET (AFD_BIND_INFO, Address.Address)) || IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength< sizeof (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO) || (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength- (ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO, Address) < IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength- (ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET (AFD_BIND_INFO, Address) ) ) {
status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// Set up local pointers.
endpoint = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
localAddress = NULL; addressHandle = NULL;
tdiAddressLength = IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength - FIELD_OFFSET (AFD_BIND_INFO, Address);
// This is a state change operation, there should be no other
// state changes going at the same time.
if (!AFD_START_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint, AfdEndpointStateBound)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// Bomb off if this endpoind already has address associated with it
if ( endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateOpen ) { status = STATUS_ADDRESS_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED; goto complete_wrong_state; }
try { PAFD_BIND_INFO bindInfo;
bindInfo = IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer; if (Irp->RequestorMode!=KernelMode) { ProbeForRead (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer, IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength, PROBE_ALIGNMENT (AFD_BIND_INFO)); }
// Allocate space for local address
localAddress = AFD_ALLOCATE_POOL_WITH_QUOTA ( NonPagedPool, tdiAddressLength, AFD_LOCAL_ADDRESS_POOL_TAG );
ASSERT ( localAddress != NULL );
afdShareAccess = bindInfo->ShareAccess; RtlMoveMemory( localAddress, &bindInfo->Address, tdiAddressLength ); //
// Validate internal consistency of the transport address structure.
// Note that we HAVE to do this after copying since the malicious
// application can change the content of the buffer on us any time
// and our check will be bypassed.
if ((localAddress->TAAddressCount!=1) || (LONG)tdiAddressLength< FIELD_OFFSET (TRANSPORT_ADDRESS, Address[0].Address[localAddress->Address[0].AddressLength])) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete_state_change; }
if (IoAllocateMdl (Irp->UserBuffer, IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength, FALSE, // SecondaryBuffer
TRUE, // ChargeQuota
Irp // Irp
)==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete_state_change; } MmProbeAndLockPages (Irp->MdlAddress, Irp->RequestorMode, IoWriteAccess); if (MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe (Irp->MdlAddress, HighPagePriority)==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete_state_change; } } except (AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER(&status)) { goto complete_state_change; }
// Make sure we have a valid provider info structure.
// (we do not take any locks because this is read access only
// and additional verification will be performed inside of the
// routine under the lock).
// If not, attempt to get it from provider
// (this can happen if when the socket was created, transport
// was not loaded yet)
if (!endpoint->TransportInfo->InfoValid) { status = AfdGetTransportInfo ( &endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName, &endpoint->TransportInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { goto complete_state_change; } //
// Must be valid because we got success.
ASSERT (endpoint->TransportInfo->InfoValid); }
// Cache service flags for quick determination of provider characteristics
// such as bufferring and messaging
endpoint->TdiServiceFlags = endpoint->TransportInfo->ProviderInfo.ServiceFlags;
// Attempt to take ownership of the address.
// We have to do this before we start looking for a conflict
// so if someone does it in parallel with us, will see him or
// he sees us.
ASSERT (endpoint->LocalAddress==NULL); endpoint->LocalAddress = localAddress; endpoint->LocalAddressLength = tdiAddressLength;
// There are three possibilities here.
switch (afdShareAccess) { case AFD_NORMALADDRUSE: //
// This is the default. Application did not request to reuse
// the address that is already owned by someone else, so we
// have to check against all addresses that we know about.
// There is still a possibility that another TDI client has
// this address in exclusive use, so the transport can reject
// our request even if we succeed. Note that we cannot relegate
// this check to the transport because we request shared access
// to the transport address: we cannot request exclusive access
// because this is not what application asked for.
if (AfdIsAddressInUse (endpoint, FALSE)) { status = STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION; goto complete_state_change; } shareAccess = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE; break; case AFD_REUSEADDRESS: //
// We are asked to reuse the existing address
// Check if we are configured to prevent sharing addresses
// between applications by default.
if (AfdDontShareAddresses) { if (AfdIsAddressInUse (endpoint, TRUE)) { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto complete_state_change; } } //
// Lack of break is intentional.
// Application is binding to a wildcard port, so we leave the
// decision with the transport.
// Application has requested exclisuve access to the address.
// We let the transport to decide, but perform a security check
// so that only admin can take an address for exclusive use.
// The transport can check for this but not all of them are
// aware of this new feature.
if (!endpoint->AdminAccessGranted) { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto complete_state_change; } shareAccess = 0; break; default: ASSERT (!"Invalid share access"); status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete_state_change; }
// Set create options.
options = IO_NO_PARAMETER_CHECKING; if (IS_TDI_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK(endpoint)) { options |= IO_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK; } else { //
// If this is an open of a raw address, fail if user is
// not an admin and transport does not perform security
// checking itself.
if ( endpoint->afdRaw && !AfdDisableRawSecurity) {
if (!endpoint->AdminAccessGranted) { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto complete_state_change; } } }
// Allocate memory to hold the EA buffer we'll use to specify the
// transport address to NtCreateFile.
eaLength = sizeof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION) - 1 + TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_LENGTH + 1 + tdiAddressLength;
if (eaLength<=sizeof (eaBuffer)) { eaInfo = (PVOID)eaBuffer; } else { try { #if DBG
eaInfo = AFD_ALLOCATE_POOL_WITH_QUOTA( NonPagedPool, eaLength, AFD_EA_POOL_TAG ); #else
eaInfo = AFD_ALLOCATE_POOL_WITH_QUOTA( PagedPool, eaLength, AFD_EA_POOL_TAG ); #endif
ASSERT ( eaInfo != NULL ); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = GetExceptionCode (); goto complete_state_change; }
// Initialize the EA.
eaInfo->NextEntryOffset = 0; eaInfo->Flags = 0; eaInfo->EaNameLength = TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_LENGTH; eaInfo->EaValueLength = (USHORT)tdiAddressLength;
RtlMoveMemory( eaInfo->EaName, TdiTransportAddress, TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_LENGTH + 1 );
RtlMoveMemory( &eaInfo->EaName[TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_LENGTH + 1], localAddress, tdiAddressLength );
// Prepare for opening the address object.
// We ask to create a kernel handle which is
// the handle in the context of the system process
// so that application cannot close it on us while
// we are creating and referencing it.
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, // attributes
ASSERT (endpoint->AddressHandle==NULL); status = IoCreateFile( &endpoint->AddressHandle, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &objectAttributes, &iosb, // returned status information.
0, // block size (unused).
0, // file attributes.
shareAccess, // share access
FILE_CREATE, // create disposition.
0, // create options.
eaInfo, // EaBuffer
eaLength, // EaLength
CreateFileTypeNone, // CreateFileType
NULL, // ExtraCreateParameters
options );
if (eaInfo!=(PVOID)eaBuffer) { AFD_FREE_POOL (eaInfo, AFD_EA_POOL_TAG); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { //
// Map error code if application requested address
// reuse, but the transport denied it (due to
// other client having this address for exclusive use).
if (((status==STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION) || (status==STATUS_ADDRESS_ALREADY_EXISTS)) && (afdShareAccess==AFD_REUSEADDRESS)) { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } goto complete_state_change; } #if DBG
{ NTSTATUS status1; OBJECT_HANDLE_FLAG_INFORMATION handleInfo; handleInfo.Inherit = FALSE; handleInfo.ProtectFromClose = TRUE; status1 = ZwSetInformationObject ( endpoint->AddressHandle, ObjectHandleFlagInformation, &handleInfo, sizeof (handleInfo) ); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (status1)); } #endif
// Get a pointer to the file object of the address.
status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( endpoint->AddressHandle, 0L, // DesiredAccess
NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID *)&endpoint->AddressFileObject, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto complete_state_change; } AfdRecordAddrRef();
// Now open the handle for our caller.
// If transport does not support new TDI_SERVICE_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK_FLAG
// we get the maximum possible access for the handle so that helper
// DLL can do what it wants with it. Of course this compromises the
// security, but we can't enforce it without the transport cooperation.
status = ObOpenObjectByPointer( endpoint->AddressFileObject, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, *IoFileObjectType, (KPROCESSOR_MODE)((endpoint->TdiServiceFlags&TDI_SERVICE_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK) ? Irp->RequestorMode : KernelMode), &addressHandle );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto complete_state_change; } //
// Remember the device object to which we need to give requests for
// this address object. We can't just use the
// fileObject->DeviceObject pointer because there may be a device
// attached to the transport protocol.
endpoint->AddressDeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject( endpoint->AddressFileObject );
// Set up indication handlers on the address object. Only set up
// appropriate event handlers--don't set unnecessary event handlers.
status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_ERROR, AfdErrorEventHandler, endpoint ); #if DBG
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_ERROR: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } #endif
if ( IS_DGRAM_ENDPOINT(endpoint) ) {
endpoint->EventsActive = AFD_POLL_SEND;
IF_DEBUG(EVENT_SELECT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Endp %08lX, Active %08lX\n", endpoint, endpoint->EventsActive )); }
status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE_DATAGRAM, AfdReceiveDatagramEventHandler, endpoint ); #if DBG
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE_DATAGRAM: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } #endif
status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_ERROR_EX, AfdErrorExEventHandler, endpoint );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status)) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_ERROR_EX: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } //
// Remember that the endpoint has been bound to a transport address.
// (this is the fact even though the call below can fail for some reason)
endpoint->State = AfdEndpointStateBound; } else {
status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_DISCONNECT, AfdDisconnectEventHandler, endpoint ); #if DBG
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_DISCONNECT: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } #endif
if ( IS_TDI_BUFFERRING(endpoint) ) { status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE, AfdReceiveEventHandler, endpoint ); #if DBG
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } #endif
// PROBLEM: Why don't we check for this
// if (IS_TDI_EXPEDITED (endpoint)) {
status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED, AfdReceiveExpeditedEventHandler, endpoint ); #if DBG
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { DbgPrint( "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status ); } #endif
// }
status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_SEND_POSSIBLE, AfdSendPossibleEventHandler, endpoint ); #if DBG
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_SEND_POSSIBLE: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } #endif
} else {
status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE, AfdBReceiveEventHandler, endpoint ); #if DBG
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } #endif
if (IS_TDI_EXPEDITED (endpoint)) { status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED, AfdBReceiveExpeditedEventHandler, endpoint ); #if DBG
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } #endif
} if (!AfdDisableChainedReceive) { status = AfdSetEventHandler( endpoint->AddressFileObject, TDI_EVENT_CHAINED_RECEIVE, AfdBChainedReceiveEventHandler, endpoint ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "AfdBind: Transport %*ls failed setting TDI_EVENT_CHAINED_RECEIVE: %lx\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, status )); } } }
if (IS_CROOT_ENDPOINT(endpoint)) { PAFD_CONNECTION connection; //
// Create root connection
// This one will be used to send data to all
// leaf nodes (what if there are none -> the transport
// should handle this.
status = AfdCreateConnection( &endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName, endpoint->AddressHandle, IS_TDI_BUFFERRING(endpoint), endpoint->InLine, endpoint->OwningProcess, &connection ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { goto complete_state_change; } //
// Set up a referenced pointer from the connection to the endpoint.
// Note that we set up the connection's pointer to the endpoint
// BEFORE the endpoint's pointer to the connection so that AfdPoll
// doesn't try to back reference the endpoint from the connection.
REFERENCE_ENDPOINT( endpoint ); connection->Endpoint = endpoint;
// Remember that this is now a connecting type of endpoint, and set
// up a pointer to the connection in the endpoint. This is
// implicitly a referenced pointer.
endpoint->Common.VirtualCircuit.Connection = connection; endpoint->Type = AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting;
// The root connection is marked as connected immediately upon
// creation. See the comment above
AfdAddConnectedReference (connection); endpoint->State = AfdEndpointStateConnected; connection->State = AfdConnectionStateConnected;
ASSERT( IS_TDI_BUFFERRING(endpoint) == connection->TdiBufferring ); } else { //
// Remember that the endpoint has been bound to a transport address.
// (this is the fact even though the call below can fail for some reason)
endpoint->State = AfdEndpointStateBound; } }
TdiBuildQueryInformation( Irp, endpoint->AddressDeviceObject, endpoint->AddressFileObject, AfdRestartBindGetAddress, endpoint, TDI_QUERY_ADDRESS_INFO, Irp->MdlAddress );
// Save address handle to use in completion routine
IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer = addressHandle;
IF_DEBUG(BIND) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBind: endpoint at %p (address at %p, address file at %p).\n", endpoint, endpoint->LocalAddress, endpoint->AddressFileObject )); }
status = AfdIoCallDriver( endpoint, endpoint->AddressDeviceObject, Irp ); return status;
if (endpoint->AddressFileObject!=NULL) { ObDereferenceObject (endpoint->AddressFileObject); endpoint->AddressFileObject = NULL; ASSERT (endpoint->AddressHandle!=NULL); }
if (endpoint->AddressHandle!=NULL) { #if DBG
{ NTSTATUS status1; OBJECT_HANDLE_FLAG_INFORMATION handleInfo; handleInfo.Inherit = FALSE; handleInfo.ProtectFromClose = FALSE; status1 = ZwSetInformationObject ( endpoint->AddressHandle, ObjectHandleFlagInformation, &handleInfo, sizeof (handleInfo) ); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS (status1)); } #endif
ZwClose(endpoint->AddressHandle); endpoint->AddressHandle = NULL; ASSERT (localAddress!=NULL); }
if (localAddress!=NULL) {
// Need to have exclusive access to make sure no one
// uses it (to compare) as we are going to free it.
// We'll use a local variable to free memory
// Make sure the thread in which we execute cannot get
// suspeneded in APC while we own the global resource.
KeEnterCriticalRegion (); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite( AfdResource, TRUE);
endpoint->LocalAddress = NULL; endpoint->LocalAddressLength = 0;
ExReleaseResourceLite( AfdResource ); KeLeaveCriticalRegion (); AFD_FREE_POOL ( localAddress, AFD_LOCAL_ADDRESS_POOL_TAG ); }
// Free MDL here as IO system can't do it if it is
// not locked.
if (Irp->MdlAddress!=NULL) { if (Irp->MdlAddress->MdlFlags & MDL_PAGES_LOCKED) { MmUnlockPages (Irp->MdlAddress); } IoFreeMdl (Irp->MdlAddress); Irp->MdlAddress = NULL; }
Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest( Irp, AfdPriorityBoost );
return status;
} // AfdBind
NTSTATUS AfdRestartBindGetAddress ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) { NTSTATUS status; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = Context;
// If the request succeeded, save the address in the endpoint so
// we can use it to handle address sharing.
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status) ) {
ULONG addressLength; //
// First determine the length of the address by walking the MDL
// chain.
// We cannot have a chain here.
ASSERT( Irp->MdlAddress != NULL); ASSERT( Irp->MdlAddress->Next == NULL );
// If the new address is longer than the original address, allocate
// a new local address buffer. The +4 accounts for the ActivityCount
// field that is returned by a query address but is not part
// This cannot happen, in any case msafd does not retry if buffer is
// insuffucient, so application perceives this as failure to bind
// or get address.
addressLength = MmGetMdlByteCount (Irp->MdlAddress) - FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO, Address); if (addressLength>endpoint->LocalAddressLength) { addressLength = (ULONG)Irp->IoStatus.Information - FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO, Address); } if ( addressLength <= endpoint->LocalAddressLength) { status = TdiCopyMdlToBuffer( Irp->MdlAddress, FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO, Address), endpoint->LocalAddress, 0, addressLength, &endpoint->LocalAddressLength ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) ); } else { DbgPrint ("AfdRestartBindGetAddress: Endpoint %p transport returned" " address is longer than the original one.\n", endpoint); ASSERT (FALSE); }
} else { //
KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "AfdRestartBindGetAddress: Transport %*ls failed get address query, status %lx.\n", endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Length/2, endpoint->TransportInfo->TransportDeviceName.Buffer, Irp->IoStatus.Status)); }
// If pending has been returned for this irp then mark the current
// stack as pending.
if ( Irp->PendingReturned ) { IoMarkIrpPending( Irp ); }
// Retreive and return address handle in the information field
Irp->IoStatus.Information = (ULONG_PTR)IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (Irp)->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer;
AfdCompleteOutstandingIrp( endpoint, Irp );
} // AfdRestartBindGetAddress
Routine Description:
Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet.
IrpSp - pointer to the IO stack location to use for this request.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS -- Indicates whether the request was successfully queued.
{ NTSTATUS status; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; PAFD_CONNECTION connection; PFILE_OBJECT fileObject; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject;
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength< sizeof (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
try { if (IoAllocateMdl (Irp->UserBuffer, IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength, FALSE, // SecondaryBuffer
TRUE, // ChargeQuota
Irp // Irp
)==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; } MmProbeAndLockPages (Irp->MdlAddress, Irp->RequestorMode, IoWriteAccess); if (MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe (Irp->MdlAddress, HighPagePriority)==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; } } except (AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (&status)) { goto complete; }
// Make sure that the endpoint is in the correct state.
endpoint = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
if ( endpoint->State!=AfdEndpointStateBound && endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// If the endpoint is connected, use the connection's file object.
// Otherwise, use the address file object. Don't use the connection
// file object if this is a Netbios endpoint because NETBT cannot
// support this TDI feature.
if ( endpoint->LocalAddress->Address[0].AddressType != TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETBIOS && endpoint->Type == AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting && endpoint->State == AfdEndpointStateConnected && ((connection=AfdGetConnectionReferenceFromEndpoint (endpoint)) != NULL) ) { ASSERT( connection->Type == AfdBlockTypeConnection ); fileObject = connection->FileObject; deviceObject = connection->DeviceObject; DEREFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); } else { fileObject = endpoint->AddressFileObject; deviceObject = endpoint->AddressDeviceObject; }
// Set up the query info to the TDI provider.
TdiBuildQueryInformation( Irp, deviceObject, fileObject, AfdRestartGetAddress, endpoint, TDI_QUERY_ADDRESS_INFO, Irp->MdlAddress );
// Call the TDI provider to get the address.
return AfdIoCallDriver( endpoint, deviceObject, Irp );
complete: if (Irp->MdlAddress!=NULL) { if (Irp->MdlAddress->MdlFlags & MDL_PAGES_LOCKED) { MmUnlockPages (Irp->MdlAddress); } IoFreeMdl (Irp->MdlAddress); Irp->MdlAddress = NULL; }
Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest( Irp, AfdPriorityBoost );
return status;
} // AfdGetAddress
NTSTATUS AfdRestartGetAddress ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) { NTSTATUS status; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = Context;
// If the request succeeded, save the address in the endpoint so
// we can use it to handle address sharing.
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status) ) {
ULONG addressLength; //
// First determine the length of the address by walking the MDL
// chain.
// We cannot have a chain here.
ASSERT( Irp->MdlAddress != NULL); ASSERT( Irp->MdlAddress->Next == NULL );
// If the new address is longer than the original address, allocate
// a new local address buffer. The +4 accounts for the ActivityCount
// field that is returned by a query address but is not part
// This cannot happen, in any case msafd does not retry if buffer is
// insuffucient, so application perceives this as failure to bind
// or get address.
addressLength = MmGetMdlByteCount (Irp->MdlAddress) - FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO, Address);
if (addressLength>endpoint->LocalAddressLength) { addressLength = (ULONG)Irp->IoStatus.Information - FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO, Address); } if ( addressLength <= endpoint->LocalAddressLength) { status = TdiCopyMdlToBuffer( Irp->MdlAddress, FIELD_OFFSET (TDI_ADDRESS_INFO, Address), endpoint->LocalAddress, 0, addressLength, &endpoint->LocalAddressLength ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(status) ); } else { DbgPrint ("AfdRestartGetAddress: Endpoint %p transport returned" " address is longer than the original one.\n", endpoint); ASSERT (FALSE); } }
// If pending has been returned for this irp then mark the current
// stack as pending.
if ( Irp->PendingReturned ) { IoMarkIrpPending( Irp ); }
AfdCompleteOutstandingIrp( endpoint, Irp );
} // AfdRestartGetAddress
const CHAR ZeroNodeAddress[6]={0}; const CHAR ZeroIP6Address[16]={0};
BOOLEAN AfdAreTransportAddressesEqual ( IN PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS EndpointAddress, IN ULONG EndpointAddressLength, IN PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS RequestAddress, IN ULONG RequestAddressLength, IN BOOLEAN HonorWildcardIpPortInEndpointAddress ) { //
// Make sure we can safely access the address type and length fields
if ((EndpointAddressLength<(ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET (TRANSPORT_ADDRESS,Address[0].Address)) || (RequestAddressLength<(ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET (TRANSPORT_ADDRESS,Address[0].Address)) ) { return FALSE; } if ( EndpointAddress->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP && RequestAddress->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP ) {
// They are both IP addresses. If the ports are the same, and
// the IP addresses are or _could_be_ the same, then the addresses
// are equal. The "cound be" part is true if either IP address
// is 0, the "wildcard" IP address.
ipEndpointAddress = (TDI_ADDRESS_IP UNALIGNED *)&EndpointAddress->Address[0].Address[0]; ipRequestAddress = (TDI_ADDRESS_IP UNALIGNED *)&RequestAddress->Address[0].Address[0];
if ( (EndpointAddressLength>=(ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET (TA_IP_ADDRESS, Address[0].Address[0].sin_zero)) && (RequestAddressLength>=(ULONG)FIELD_OFFSET (TA_IP_ADDRESS, Address[0].Address[0].sin_zero)) && ( ipEndpointAddress->sin_port == ipRequestAddress->sin_port || ( HonorWildcardIpPortInEndpointAddress && ipEndpointAddress->sin_port == 0 ) ) && ( ipEndpointAddress->in_addr == ipRequestAddress->in_addr || ipEndpointAddress->in_addr == 0 || ipRequestAddress->in_addr == 0 ) ) {
return TRUE; }
// The addresses are not equal.
return FALSE; }
if ( EndpointAddress->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP6 && RequestAddress->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP6 ) {
TDI_ADDRESS_IP6 UNALIGNED *ipEndpointAddress; TDI_ADDRESS_IP6 UNALIGNED *ipRequestAddress; C_ASSERT (sizeof (ZeroIP6Address)==sizeof (ipEndpointAddress->sin6_addr));
// They are both IPv6 addresses. If the ports are the same, and
// the IPv6 addresses are or _could_be_ the same, then the addresses
// are equal. The "could be" part is true if either IPv6 address
// is the unspecified IPv6 address.
ipEndpointAddress = (TDI_ADDRESS_IP6 UNALIGNED *)&EndpointAddress->Address[0].Address; ipRequestAddress = (TDI_ADDRESS_IP6 UNALIGNED *)&RequestAddress->Address[0].Address;
if ( (EndpointAddressLength>=sizeof (TA_IP6_ADDRESS)) && (RequestAddressLength>=sizeof (TA_IP6_ADDRESS)) &&
(ipEndpointAddress->sin6_port == ipRequestAddress->sin6_port || ( HonorWildcardIpPortInEndpointAddress && ipEndpointAddress->sin6_port == 0 ) ) &&
( RtlEqualMemory(&ipEndpointAddress->sin6_addr, &ipRequestAddress->sin6_addr, sizeof (ipEndpointAddress->sin6_addr)) || RtlEqualMemory(&ipEndpointAddress->sin6_addr, ZeroIP6Address, sizeof (ipEndpointAddress->sin6_addr)) || RtlEqualMemory(&ipRequestAddress->sin6_addr, ZeroIP6Address, sizeof (ipEndpointAddress->sin6_addr)) ) ) {
return TRUE; }
// The addresses are not equal.
return FALSE; }
if ( EndpointAddress->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPX && RequestAddress->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPX ) {
TDI_ADDRESS_IPX UNALIGNED *ipxEndpointAddress; TDI_ADDRESS_IPX UNALIGNED *ipxRequestAddress; C_ASSERT (sizeof (ZeroNodeAddress)==sizeof (ipxEndpointAddress->NodeAddress));
ipxEndpointAddress = (TDI_ADDRESS_IPX UNALIGNED *)&EndpointAddress->Address[0].Address[0]; ipxRequestAddress = (TDI_ADDRESS_IPX UNALIGNED *)&RequestAddress->Address[0].Address[0];
// They are both IPX addresses. Check the network addresses
// first--if they don't match and both != 0, the addresses
// are different.
if ( (EndpointAddressLength<sizeof (TA_IPX_ADDRESS)) || (RequestAddressLength<sizeof (TA_IPX_ADDRESS)) || ( ipxEndpointAddress->NetworkAddress != ipxRequestAddress->NetworkAddress && ipxEndpointAddress->NetworkAddress != 0 && ipxRequestAddress->NetworkAddress != 0 )) { return FALSE; }
// Now check the node addresses. Again, if they don't match
// and neither is 0, the addresses don't match.
ASSERT( ZeroNodeAddress[0] == 0 ); ASSERT( ZeroNodeAddress[1] == 0 ); ASSERT( ZeroNodeAddress[2] == 0 ); ASSERT( ZeroNodeAddress[3] == 0 ); ASSERT( ZeroNodeAddress[4] == 0 ); ASSERT( ZeroNodeAddress[5] == 0 );
if ( !RtlEqualMemory( ipxEndpointAddress->NodeAddress, ipxRequestAddress->NodeAddress, 6 ) && !RtlEqualMemory( ipxEndpointAddress->NodeAddress, ZeroNodeAddress, 6 ) && !RtlEqualMemory( ipxRequestAddress->NodeAddress, ZeroNodeAddress, 6 ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Finally, make sure the socket numbers match.
if ( ipxEndpointAddress->Socket != ipxRequestAddress->Socket ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE;
// If either address is not of a known address type, then do a
// simple memory compare. (Don't go out of bounds on either
// structure).
if (RequestAddressLength>EndpointAddressLength) RequestAddressLength = EndpointAddressLength;
return (EndpointAddressLength == RtlCompareMemory( EndpointAddress, RequestAddress, RequestAddressLength ) ); } // AfdAreTransportAddressesEqual
BOOLEAN AfdIsAddressInUse ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, BOOLEAN OtherProcessesOnly ) { PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; BOOLEAN res = FALSE;
// We use shared access to the resource because we only need to make
// sure that endpoint list is not modified while we are accessing it
// and existing local addresses are not removed (both of these
// operations are performed under exclusive access).
// Make sure the thread in which we execute cannot get
// suspeneded in APC while we own the global resource.
KeEnterCriticalRegion (); ExAcquireResourceSharedLite( AfdResource, TRUE );
// Walk the global list of endpoints,
// and compare this address againat the address on each endpoint.
for ( listEntry = AfdEndpointListHead.Flink; listEntry != &AfdEndpointListHead; listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) {
PAFD_ENDPOINT compareEndpoint;
compareEndpoint = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, AFD_ENDPOINT, GlobalEndpointListEntry );
ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( compareEndpoint ) );
// Check whether the endpoint has a local address, whether
// the endpoint has been disconnected, whether the
// endpoint is in the process of closing, and whether
// it represents accepted connection. If any of these
// is true, don't compare addresses with this endpoint.
if (compareEndpoint!=Endpoint && compareEndpoint->LocalAddress != NULL && ( (compareEndpoint->DisconnectMode & (AFD_PARTIAL_DISCONNECT_SEND | AFD_ABORTIVE_DISCONNECT) ) == 0 ) && (compareEndpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateClosing) && ((compareEndpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected) || (compareEndpoint->Type!=AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting) || (compareEndpoint->Common.VcConnecting.ListenEndpoint==NULL)) && (!OtherProcessesOnly || compareEndpoint->OwningProcess!=Endpoint->OwningProcess) ) {
// Compare the bits in the endpoint's address and the
// address we're attempting to bind to. Note that we
// also compare the transport device names on the
// endpoints, as it is legal to bind to the same address
// on different transports (e.g. bind to same port in
// TCP and UDP). We can just compare the transport
// device name pointers because unique names are stored
// globally.
if ( compareEndpoint->LocalAddressLength == Endpoint->LocalAddressLength &&
AfdAreTransportAddressesEqual( compareEndpoint->LocalAddress, compareEndpoint->LocalAddressLength, Endpoint->LocalAddress, Endpoint->LocalAddressLength, FALSE )
Endpoint->TransportInfo == compareEndpoint->TransportInfo ) {
// The addresses are equal.
res = TRUE; break; } } }
ExReleaseResourceLite( AfdResource ); KeLeaveCriticalRegion (); return res; }