Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains implementation of the video send and receive stream implementations.
Mu Han (muhan) 15-September-1999
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <irtprph.h> // for IRTPRPHFilter
#include <irtpsph.h> // for IRTPSPHFilter
#include <amrtpuid.h> // AMRTP media types
#include <amrtpnet.h> // rtp guids
#include <ih26xcd.h> // for the h26X encoder filter
#include <initguid.h>
#include <amrtpdmx.h> // demux guid
#include <viduids.h> // for video CLSIDs
// CStreamVideoRecv
CStreamVideoRecv::CStreamVideoRecv() : CIPConfMSPStream(), m_pIRTPDemux(NULL) { m_szName = L"VideoRecv"; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::Init( IN HANDLE hAddress, IN CMSPCallBase * pMSPCall, IN IMediaEvent * pIGraphBuilder, IN DWORD dwMediaType, IN TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction ) /*++
Routine Description: Init our substream array and then call the base class' Init.
hAddress - a handle to the address, used in identify terminals.
pMSPCall - the call object that owns the stream.
pIGraphBuilder - the filter graph object.
dwMediaType - the mediatype of this stream.
Direction - the direction of this stream.
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecvVideoSend::Init - enter"));
// initialize the stream array so that the array is not NULL.
if (!m_SubStreams.Grow()) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecvVideoSend::Init - return out of memory")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return CIPConfMSPStream::Init( hAddress, pMSPCall, pIGraphBuilder,dwMediaType, Direction ); }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ShutDown() /*++
Routine Description:
Shut down the stream.
Return Value:
--*/ { CLock lock(m_lock);
// Release the memory for the local participant info items.
for (int j = 0; j < RTCP_SDES_LAST - 1; j ++) { if (m_InfoItems[j]) { free(m_InfoItems[j]); m_InfoItems[j] = NULL; } }
// Release the refcount on the call object.
if (m_pMSPCall) { m_pMSPCall->MSPCallRelease(); m_pMSPCall = NULL; }
// if there are branches and configured, we need to disconnect
// the terminals and remove the branches.
if (m_Branches.GetSize() > 0) { // Stop the graph before disconnecting the terminals.
HRESULT hr = CMSPStream::StopStream(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "stream %ws %p failed to stop, %x", m_szName, this, hr)); return hr; }
for (int i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { RemoveOneBranch(&m_Branches[i]); } m_Branches.RemoveAll(); }
// free the extra filter reference.
if (m_pEdgeFilter) { m_pEdgeFilter->Release(); m_pEdgeFilter = NULL; }
if (m_pIRTPDemux) { m_pIRTPDemux->Release(); m_pIRTPDemux = NULL; }
if (m_pRTPFilter) { m_pRTPFilter->Release(); m_pRTPFilter = NULL; }
// release all the substream objects.
for (int i = 0; i < m_SubStreams.GetSize(); i ++) { m_SubStreams[i]->Release(); } m_SubStreams.RemoveAll();
// release all the terminals.
for (i = 0; i < m_Terminals.GetSize(); i ++ ) { m_Terminals[i]->Release(); } m_Terminals.RemoveAll();
// release all the participants.
for (i = 0; i < m_Participants.GetSize(); i ++) { m_Participants[i]->Release(); } m_Participants.RemoveAll();
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CStreamVideoRecv::Shutdown - exit S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::InternalCreateSubStream( OUT ITSubStream ** ppSubStream ) /*++
Routine Description: This method creat a substream object and add it into out list. Arguments: ppSubStream - the memory location that will store the returned SubStream. Return Value:
--*/ { CComObject<CSubStreamVideoRecv> * pCOMSubStream;
HRESULT hr = CComObject<CSubStreamVideoRecv>::CreateInstance(&pCOMSubStream);
if (NULL == pCOMSubStream) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "could not create video recv sub stream:%x", hr)); return hr; }
ITSubStream* pSubStream;
// get the interface pointer.
hr = pCOMSubStream->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_ITSubStream, (void **)&pSubStream );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Create VideoRecv Substream QueryInterface failed: %x", hr)); delete pCOMSubStream; return hr; }
// Initialize the object.
hr = pCOMSubStream->Init(this);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CreateMSPSubStream:call init failed: %x", hr)); pSubStream->Release();
return hr; }
// Add the SubStream into our list of SubStreams. This takes a refcount.
if (!m_SubStreams.Add(pSubStream)) { pSubStream->Release();
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "out of memory in adding a SubStream.")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // AddRef the interface pointer and return it.
pSubStream->AddRef(); *ppSubStream = pSubStream;
return S_OK; }
// ITSubStreamControl methods, called by the app.
STDMETHODIMP CStreamVideoRecv::CreateSubStream( IN OUT ITSubStream ** ppSubStream ) /*++
Routine Description: This method creates a new substream on this video receive stream. Since the substreams are created based on the participants, this function returns only TAPI_E_NOTSUPPORTED.
Arguments: ppSubStream - the memory location that will store the returned SubStream. Return Value:
--*/ { return TAPI_E_NOTSUPPORTED; }
STDMETHODIMP CStreamVideoRecv::RemoveSubStream( IN ITSubStream * pSubStream ) /*++
Routine Description: This method remove substream on this video receive stream. Since the substreams are created based on the participants, this function returns only TAPI_E_NOTSUPPORTED.
Arguments: pSubStream - the SubStream to be removed. Return Value:
STDMETHODIMP CStreamVideoRecv::EnumerateSubStreams( OUT IEnumSubStream ** ppEnumSubStream ) /*++
Routine Description: This method returns an enumerator of the substreams.
Arguments: ppEnumSubStream - the memory location to store the returned pointer. Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "EnumerateSubStreams entered. ppEnumSubStream:%x", ppEnumSubStream));
// Check parameters.
if (IsBadWritePtr(ppEnumSubStream, sizeof(VOID *))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPCallBase::EnumerateSubStreams - " "bad pointer argument - exit E_POINTER"));
return E_POINTER; }
// First see if this call has been shut down.
// acquire the lock before accessing the SubStream object list.
CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_SubStreams.GetData() == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPCallBase::EnumerateSubStreams - " "call appears to have been shut down - exit E_UNEXPECTED"));
// This call has been shut down.
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Create an enumerator object.
typedef _CopyInterface<ITSubStream> CCopy; typedef CSafeComEnum<IEnumSubStream, &IID_IEnumSubStream, ITSubStream *, CCopy> CEnumerator;
CComObject<CEnumerator> *pEnum = NULL;
hr = CComObject<CEnumerator>::CreateInstance(&pEnum); if (pEnum == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPCallBase::EnumerateSubStreams - " "Could not create enumerator object, %x", hr));
return hr; }
// query for the IID_IEnumSubStream i/f
IEnumSubStream * pEnumSubStream; hr = pEnum->_InternalQueryInterface(IID_IEnumSubStream, (void**)&pEnumSubStream); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPCallBase::EnumerateSubStreams - " "query enum interface failed, %x", hr));
delete pEnum; return hr; }
// Init the enumerator object. The CSafeComEnum can handle zero-sized array.
hr = pEnum->Init( m_SubStreams.GetData(), // the begin itor
m_SubStreams.GetData() + m_SubStreams.GetSize(), // the end itor,
NULL, // IUnknown
AtlFlagCopy // copy the data.
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPCallBase::EnumerateSubStreams - " "init enumerator object failed, %x", hr));
pEnumSubStream->Release(); return hr; }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMSPCallBase::EnumerateSubStreams - exit S_OK"));
*ppEnumSubStream = pEnumSubStream;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreams( OUT VARIANT * pVariant ) /*++
Routine Description: This method returns a collection of the substreams.
Arguments: pVariant - a variant structure. Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreams - enter"));
// Check parameters.
if ( IsBadWritePtr(pVariant, sizeof(VARIANT) ) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreams - " "bad pointer argument - exit E_POINTER"));
return E_POINTER; }
// See if this call has been shut down. Acquire the lock before accessing
// the SubStream object list.
CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_SubStreams.GetData() == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreams - " "call appears to have been shut down - exit E_UNEXPECTED"));
// This call has been shut down.
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// create the collection object - see mspcoll.h
typedef CTapiIfCollection< ITSubStream * > SubStreamCollection; CComObject<SubStreamCollection> * pCollection; HRESULT hr = CComObject<SubStreamCollection>::CreateInstance( &pCollection );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreams - " "can't create collection - exit 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// get the Collection's IDispatch interface
IDispatch * pDispatch;
hr = pCollection->_InternalQueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void **) &pDispatch );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreams - " "QI for IDispatch on collection failed - exit 0x%08x", hr));
delete pCollection;
return hr; }
// Init the collection using an iterator -- pointers to the beginning and
// the ending element plus one.
hr = pCollection->Initialize( m_SubStreams.GetSize(), m_SubStreams.GetData(), m_SubStreams.GetData() + m_SubStreams.GetSize() );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreams - " "Initialize on collection failed - exit 0x%08x", hr)); pDispatch->Release(); return hr; }
// put the IDispatch interface pointer into the variant
VariantInit(pVariant); pVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH; pVariant->pdispVal = pDispatch;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreams - exit S_OK")); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::Configure( IN STREAMSETTINGS &StreamSettings ) /*++
Routine Description:
Configure the settings of this stream.
Arguments: StreamSettings - The setting structure got from the SDP blob.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv configure entered."));
CLock lock(m_lock); _ASSERTE(m_fIsConfigured == FALSE);
switch (StreamSettings.dwPayloadType) { case PAYLOAD_H261:
m_pClsidCodecFilter = &CLSID_H261_DECODE_FILTER; m_pRPHInputMinorType = &MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_H261; m_pClsidPHFilter = &CLSID_INTEL_RPHH26X; break;
case PAYLOAD_H263:
m_pClsidCodecFilter = &CLSID_H263_DECODE_FILTER; m_pRPHInputMinorType = &MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_H263; m_pClsidPHFilter = &CLSID_INTEL_RPHH26X;
default: LOG((MSP_ERROR, "unknow payload type, %x", StreamSettings.dwPayloadType)); return E_FAIL; } m_Settings = StreamSettings; m_fIsConfigured = TRUE;
return InternalConfigure(); }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::CheckTerminalTypeAndDirection( IN ITTerminal * pTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description: Check to see if the terminal is allowed on this stream. Only video render terminal is allowed.
pTerminal - the terminal.
Return value:
S_OK TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL */ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv.CheckTerminalTypeAndDirection"));
// check the media type of this terminal.
long lMediaType; HRESULT hr = pTerminal->get_MediaType(&lMediaType); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal media type. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; }
if ((DWORD)lMediaType != m_dwMediaType) { return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; }
// check the direction of this terminal.
TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction; hr = pTerminal->get_Direction(&Direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; }
if (Direction != m_Direction) { return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::SubStreamSelectTerminal( IN ITSubStream * pITSubStream, IN ITTerminal * pITTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description:
handle terminals being selected on the sub streams. It gives the terminal to one free branch and then sets up a mapping between the branch and the substream, so that the participant in the substream is displayed on the terminal selected.
Arguments: pITSubStream - the Substream that got a terminal selected.
pITTerminal - the terminal object.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv SubStreamSelectTerminal"));
CLock lock(m_lock); // Call the base class's select terminal first. The terminal will be put
// into the terminal pool and a branch of filters will be created for it.
hr = CIPConfMSPStream::SelectTerminal(pITTerminal);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Find out which branch got the terminal.
int i; for (i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_Branches[i].pITTerminal == pITTerminal) { break; } }
_ASSERTE(i < m_Branches.GetSize());
if (i >= m_Branches.GetSize()) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Find out the participant on the SubStream.
ITParticipant *pITParticipant = NULL; DWORD dwSSRC;
if (((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_SubStreams[i])->GetCurrentParticipant( &dwSSRC, &pITParticipant ) == FALSE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
if (m_pIRTPDemux == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "no demux filter")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// map the pin to this SSRC only.
hr = m_pIRTPDemux->MapSSRCToPin(dwSSRC, m_Branches[i].pIPin);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "map SSRC %x to pin %p returned %x", dwSSRC, m_Branches[i].pIPin, hr)); return hr; }
_ASSERTE(m_Branches[i].pITSubStream == NULL);
pITSubStream->AddRef(); m_Branches[i].pITSubStream = pITSubStream; m_Branches[i].dwSSRC = dwSSRC; return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ConfigureRTPFilter( IN IBaseFilter * pIBaseFilter ) /*++
Routine Description:
Configure the source RTP filter. Including set the address, port, TTL, QOS, thread priority, clockrate, etc.
Arguments: pIBaseFilter - The source RTP Filter.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv ConfigureRTPFilter"));
// Get the IRTPStream interface pointer on the filter.
CComQIPtr<IRTPStream, &IID_IRTPStream> pIRTPStream(pIBaseFilter); if (pIRTPStream == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get RTP Stream interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; }
LOG((MSP_INFO, "set remote Address:%x, port:%d", m_Settings.dwIPRemote, m_Settings.wRTPPortRemote));
// Set the address and port used in the filter.
if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetAddress( htons(m_Settings.wRTPPortRemote), // local port to listen on.
0, // remote port.
htonl(m_Settings.dwIPRemote) // remote address.
))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set remote Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; }
// Set the TTL used in the filter.
if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetMulticastScope(m_Settings.dwTTL))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set TTL. %x", hr)); return hr; }
if (m_Settings.dwIPLocal != INADDR_ANY) { // set the local interface that the socket should bind to
LOG((MSP_INFO, "set locol Address:%x", m_Settings.dwIPLocal));
if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SelectLocalIPAddress( htonl(m_Settings.dwIPLocal) ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set locol Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; } }
// Set the priority of the session
if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetSessionClassPriority( RTP_CLASS_VIDEO, g_dwVideoThreadPriority ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set session class and priority. %x", hr)); }
// Set the sample rate of the session
LOG((MSP_INFO, "setting session sample rate to %d", g_dwVideoSampleRate)); if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetDataClock(g_dwVideoSampleRate))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set session sample rate. %x", hr)); }
// Enable the RTCP events
if (FAILED(hr = ::EnableRTCPEvents(pIBaseFilter))) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can not enable RTCP events %x", hr)); }
DWORD dwLoopback = 0; if (TRUE == ::GetRegValue(gszMSPLoopback, &dwLoopback) && dwLoopback != 0) { // Loopback is required.
if (FAILED(hr = ::SetLoopbackOption(pIBaseFilter, dwLoopback))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set loopback option. %x", hr)); return hr; } }
if (m_Settings.dwQOSLevel != QSL_BEST_EFFORT) { if (FAILED(hr = ::SetQOSOption( pIBaseFilter, m_Settings.dwPayloadType, // payload
-1, // use the default bitrate
(m_Settings.dwQOSLevel == QSL_NEEDED), // fail if no qos.
TRUE, // receive stream.
g_dwVideoChannels, // number of streams reserved.
m_Settings.fCIF ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set QOS option. %x", hr)); return hr; } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::SetUpInternalFilters() /*++
Routine Description:
set up the filters used in the stream.
RTP->Demux->RPH->DECODER->Render terminal
This function only creates the RTP and demux filter and the rest of the graph is connected in ConnectTerminal.
Arguments: Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv.SetUpInternalFilters"));
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pSourceFilter;
// create and add the source fitler.
if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_RTPSourceFilter, L"RtpSource", &pSourceFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "adding source filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
if (FAILED(hr = ConfigureRTPFilter(pSourceFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "configure RTP source filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pDemuxFilter;
// create and add the demux fitler.
if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_IntelRTPDemux, L"RtpDemux", &pDemuxFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "adding demux filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Connect the source filter and the demux filter.
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pSourceFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pDemuxFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect source filter and demux filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Get the IRTPParticipant interface pointer on the RTP filter.
CComQIPtr<IRTPParticipant, &IID_IRTPParticipant> pIRTPParticipant(pSourceFilter); if (pIRTPParticipant == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get RTP participant interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; }
CComQIPtr<IRTPDemuxFilter, &IID_IRTPDemuxFilter> pIRTPDemux(pDemuxFilter); if (pIRTPDemux == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get RTP Demux interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; }
m_pEdgeFilter = pDemuxFilter; m_pEdgeFilter->AddRef();
_ASSERTE(m_pIRTPDemux == NULL); m_pIRTPDemux = pIRTPDemux; m_pIRTPDemux->AddRef();
m_pRTPFilter = pIRTPParticipant; m_pRTPFilter->AddRef();
return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::AddOneBranch( BRANCH * pBranch ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create a new branch of filters off the demux.
Arguments: pBranch - a pointer to a structure that remembers the info about the branch.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "AddOneBranch entered."));
// Find the next output pin on the demux fitler.
CComPtr<IPin> pIPinOutput; HRESULT hr; // Set the media type on this output pin.
if (FAILED(hr = ::FindPin( (IBaseFilter *)m_pEdgeFilter, (IPin**)&pIPinOutput, PINDIR_OUTPUT ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "find free pin on demux, %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Set the media type on this output pin.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pIRTPDemux->SetPinTypeInfo( pIPinOutput, (BYTE)m_Settings.dwPayloadType, *m_pRPHInputMinorType ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set demux output pin type info, %x", hr)); return hr; }
LOG((MSP_INFO, "set demux output pin payload type to %d", m_Settings.dwPayloadType));
// Set the default timeout on this output pin.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pIRTPDemux->SetPinSourceTimeout( pIPinOutput, g_dwVideoPinTimeOut ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set demux output pin type info, %x", hr)); return hr; }
LOG((MSP_INFO, "set demux output pin timeout to %dms", g_dwVideoPinTimeOut));
// Create and add the payload handler into the filtergraph.
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pIRPHFilter;
if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, *m_pClsidPHFilter, L"RPH", &pIRPHFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add RPH filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Get the IRPHH26XSettings interface used in configuring the RPH
// filter to the right image size.
CComQIPtr<IRPHH26XSettings, &IID_IRPHH26XSettings> pIRPHH26XSettings(pIRPHFilter); if (pIRPHH26XSettings == NULL) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can't get IRPHH26XSettings interface")); } else if (FAILED(pIRPHH26XSettings->SetCIF(m_Settings.fCIF))) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can't set CIF or QCIF")); } // Connect the payload handler to the output pin on the demux.
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IPin *)pIPinOutput, (IBaseFilter *)pIRPHFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect demux and RPH filter. %x", hr)); m_pIGraphBuilder->RemoveFilter(pIRPHFilter);
return hr; }
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pCodecFilter;
if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, *m_pClsidCodecFilter, L"codec", &pCodecFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add Codec filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Connect the payload handler to the output pin on the demux.
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pIRPHFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pCodecFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect RPH filter and codec. %x", hr)); m_pIGraphBuilder->RemoveFilter(pIRPHFilter); m_pIGraphBuilder->RemoveFilter(pCodecFilter);
return hr; } pBranch->pIPin = pIPinOutput; pBranch->pRPHFilter = pIRPHFilter; pBranch->pCodecFilter = pCodecFilter;
pBranch->pIPin->AddRef(); pBranch->pRPHFilter->AddRef(); pBranch->pCodecFilter->AddRef();
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "AddOneBranch exits ok.")); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::RemoveOneBranch( BRANCH * pBranch ) /*++
Routine Description:
Remove all the filters in a branch and release all the pointers. the caller of this function should not use any member of this branch after this function call.
Arguments: pBranch - a pointer to a structure that has the info about the branch.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "RemoveOneBranch entered."));
if (pBranch->pIPin) { pBranch->pIPin->Release(); }
if (pBranch->pRPHFilter) { m_pIGraphBuilder->RemoveFilter(pBranch->pRPHFilter); pBranch->pRPHFilter->Release(); }
if (pBranch->pCodecFilter) { m_pIGraphBuilder->RemoveFilter(pBranch->pCodecFilter); pBranch->pCodecFilter->Release(); }
if (pBranch->pITTerminal) { // get the terminal control interface.
CComQIPtr<ITTerminalControl, &IID_ITTerminalControl> pTerminal(pBranch->pITTerminal); _ASSERTE(pTerminal != NULL);
if (pTerminal != NULL) { HRESULT hr = pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "terminal %p is disonnected. hr:%x", pBranch->pITTerminal, hr)); } pBranch->pITTerminal->Release(); }
if (pBranch->pITSubStream) { ((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pBranch->pITSubStream)-> ClearCurrentTerminal(); pBranch->pITSubStream->Release(); } LOG((MSP_TRACE, "RemoveOneBranch exits ok.")); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ConnectCodecToTerminal( IN IBaseFilter * pCodecFilter, IN ITTerminal * pITTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description:
Connect the codec filter to the render filter inside the terminal.
Arguments: pCodecFilter - a pointer to the Codec filter.
pITTerminal - the terminal object.
Return Value:
--*/ { // get the terminal control interface.
CComQIPtr<ITTerminalControl, &IID_ITTerminalControl> pTerminal(pITTerminal); if (pTerminal == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get Terminal Control interface"));
// try to disable DDraw because our decoders can't handle DDraw.
HRESULT hr2; IDrawVideoImage *pIDrawVideoImage; hr2 = pTerminal->QueryInterface(IID_IDrawVideoImage, (void **)&pIDrawVideoImage); if (SUCCEEDED(hr2)) { hr2 = pIDrawVideoImage->DrawVideoImageBegin(); if (FAILED(hr2)) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "Can't disable DDraw. %x", hr2)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "DDraw disabled.")); } pIDrawVideoImage->Release(); } else { LOG((MSP_WARN, "Can't get IDrawVideoImage. %x", hr2)); }
const DWORD MAXPINS = 8; DWORD dwNumPins = MAXPINS; IPin * Pins[MAXPINS];
HRESULT hr = pTerminal->ConnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0, &dwNumPins, Pins);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't connect to terminal, %x", hr));
SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_CONNECT_FAIL, hr, pITTerminal); return hr; }
// the number of pins should never be 0.
if (dwNumPins == 0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "terminal has no pins."));
SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0);
m_lock.Unlock(); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Connect the codec filter to the video render terminal.
hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pCodecFilter, (IPin *)Pins[0], FALSE // use Connect instead of ConnectDirect.
// release the refcounts on the pins.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumPins; i ++) { Pins[i]->Release(); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect to the codec filter. %x", hr));
pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0); return hr;
// Now we are actually connected. Update our state and perform postconnection
// (ignore postconnection error code).
return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ConnectTerminal( IN ITTerminal * pITTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description:
connect video render terminal.
Arguments: pITTerminal - The terminal to be connected.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv.ConnectTerminal, pTerminal %p", pITTerminal));
// if our filters have not been contructed, do it now.
if (m_pEdgeFilter == NULL) { hr = SetUpInternalFilters(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Set up internal filter failed, %x", hr)); CleanUpFilters();
return hr; } }
// first create the RPH and CODEC filter needed before the terminal.
BRANCH aBranch; ZeroMemory(&aBranch, sizeof BRANCH);
hr = AddOneBranch(&aBranch);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Set up a new decode branch failed, %x", hr)); return hr; }
// finish the connection.
hr = ConnectCodecToTerminal(aBranch.pCodecFilter, pITTerminal);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connecting codec to terminal failed, %x", hr));
// remove the added filters from the graph.
return hr; }
pITTerminal->AddRef(); aBranch.pITTerminal = pITTerminal;
if (!m_Branches.Add(aBranch)) { RemoveOneBranch(&aBranch); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::DisconnectTerminal( IN ITTerminal * pITTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description:
Disconnect a terminal. It will remove its filters from the graph and also release its references to the graph. A branch of filters is also released.
Arguments: pITTerminal - the terminal.
Return Value:
--*/ { for (int i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_Branches[i].pITTerminal == pITTerminal) { break; } }
if (i < m_Branches.GetSize()) { RemoveOneBranch(&m_Branches[i]); m_Branches.RemoveAt(i); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::SetUpFilters() /*++
Routine Description:
Insert filters into the graph and connect to the terminals.
Arguments: Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv.SetUpFilters"));
// if our filters have not been contructed, do it now.
if (m_pEdgeFilter == NULL) { HRESULT hr = SetUpInternalFilters(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Set up internal filter failed, %x", hr)); CleanUpFilters();
return hr; } }
for (int i = 0; i < m_Terminals.GetSize(); i ++) { HRESULT hr = ConnectTerminal(m_Terminals[i]);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } }
return S_OK; }
// ITParticipantSubStreamControl methods, called by the app.
STDMETHODIMP CStreamVideoRecv::get_SubStreamFromParticipant( IN ITParticipant * pITParticipant, OUT ITSubStream ** ppITSubStream ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find out which substream is rendering the participant.
pITParticipant - the participant.
ppITSubStream - the returned sub stream. Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "get substream from participant:%p", pITParticipant)); if (IsBadWritePtr(ppITSubStream, sizeof(VOID *))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "ppITSubStream is a bad pointer")); return E_POINTER; }
CLock lock(m_lock);
ITSubStream * pITSubStream = NULL;
// find out which substream has the participant.
for (int i = 0; i < m_SubStreams.GetSize(); i ++) { ITParticipant *pTempParticipant; DWORD dwSSRC;
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_SubStreams[i])->GetCurrentParticipant( &dwSSRC, &pTempParticipant );
_ASSERTE(pTempParticipant != NULL);
pTempParticipant->Release(); // we dont' need the ref here.
if (pITParticipant == pTempParticipant) { pITSubStream = m_SubStreams[i]; pITSubStream->AddRef();
break; } } if (pITSubStream == NULL) { return TAPI_E_NOITEMS; }
*ppITSubStream = pITSubStream; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CStreamVideoRecv::get_ParticipantFromSubStream( IN ITSubStream * pITSubStream, OUT ITParticipant ** ppITParticipant ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find out which participant the substream is rendering.
pITSubStream - the sub stream.
ppITParticipant - the returned participant Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "get participant from substream:%p", pITSubStream)); if (IsBadWritePtr(ppITParticipant, sizeof(VOID *))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "ppITParticipant is a bad pointer")); return E_POINTER; }
CLock lock(m_lock);
int i;
// check to see if the substream is in our list.
if ((i = m_SubStreams.Find(pITSubStream)) < 0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "wrong SubStream handle %p", pITSubStream)); return E_INVALIDARG; }
ITParticipant *pITParticipant; DWORD dwSSRC;
if (((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_SubStreams[i])->GetCurrentParticipant( &dwSSRC, &pITParticipant ) == FALSE) { return TAPI_E_NOITEMS; }
*ppITParticipant = pITParticipant; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CStreamVideoRecv::SwitchTerminalToSubStream( IN ITTerminal * pITTerminal, IN ITSubStream * pITSubStream ) /*++
Routine Description:
Switch terminal to a substream to display the participant that is on the substream.
pITTerminal - the terminal.
pITSubStream - the sub stream. Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "switch terminal %p to substream:%p", pITTerminal, pITSubStream)); CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_pIRTPDemux == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "the demux filter doesn't exist.")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// first, find out which branch has the terminal now.
for (int i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_Branches[i].pITTerminal == pITTerminal) { break; } }
if (i >= m_Branches.GetSize()) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "terminal %p doesn't exist", pITTerminal)); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// second, find out if the substream exists.
if (m_SubStreams.Find(pITSubStream) < 0) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "SubStream %p doesn't exist", pITSubStream)); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// thrid, find the participant on the substream and configure the demux
// filter to render the participant on the chosen branch.
ITParticipant *pITParticipant = NULL; DWORD dwSSRC;
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)->GetCurrentParticipant( &dwSSRC, &pITParticipant ) ;
_ASSERTE(pITParticipant != NULL);
// we don't need the reference here.
// map the pin to this SSRC only.
HRESULT hr = m_pIRTPDemux->MapSSRCToPin(dwSSRC, m_Branches[i].pIPin);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "map SSRC %x to pin %p returned %x", dwSSRC, m_Branches[i].pIPin, hr)); return hr; }
DWORD dwOldSSRC = 0;
// Finally, set up the mappings among the branch, the substream and
// the terminal
// release the refcount on the old branch that the substream was on.
for (int j = 0; j < m_Branches.GetSize(); j ++) { if (m_Branches[j].pITSubStream == pITSubStream) { m_Branches[j].pITSubStream->Release(); m_Branches[j].pITSubStream = NULL; break; } }
if (m_Branches[i].pITSubStream != NULL) { ((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_Branches[i].pITSubStream)-> ClearCurrentTerminal();
m_Branches[i].pITSubStream->Release(); dwOldSSRC = m_Branches[i].dwSSRC; }
pITSubStream->AddRef(); m_Branches[i].pITSubStream = pITSubStream; m_Branches[i].dwSSRC = dwSSRC;
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)->ClearCurrentTerminal(); ((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)->SetCurrentTerminal( m_Branches[i].pITTerminal );
// After all the steps, we still have to change QOS reservation.
if (dwOldSSRC != 0) { // cancel QOS for the old participant.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pRTPFilter->SetParticipantQOSstate(dwOldSSRC, 0))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "disabling QOS for %x. hr:%x", dwOldSSRC, hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "disabled video QOS for %x.", dwOldSSRC)); } } // reserve QOS for the new participant.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pRTPFilter->SetParticipantQOSstate(dwSSRC, 1))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "enabling video QOS for %x. hr:%x", dwSSRC, hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "enabled video QOS for %x.", dwSSRC)); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ProcessNewSender( IN DWORD dwSSRC, IN ITParticipant *pITParticipant ) /*++
Routine Description:
A sender has just joined. A substream needs to be created for the participant. A pin mapped event might have happended when we didn't have the participant's name so it was queued in a list. Now that we have a new participant, let's check if this is the same participant. If it is, we complete the pin mapped event by sending the app an notification.
dwSSRC - the SSRC of the participant.
pITParticipant - the participant object.
Return Value:
--*/ { CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_pRTPFilter == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "the network filter doesn't exist.")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Find out if a substream has been created for this participant when we
// processed PinMapped event and receiver reports.
for (int i = 0; i < m_SubStreams.GetSize(); i ++) { ITParticipant *pTempParticipant = NULL; DWORD dwSSRC;
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_SubStreams[i])->GetCurrentParticipant( &dwSSRC, &pTempParticipant );
_ASSERTE(pTempParticipant != NULL);
pTempParticipant->Release(); // we dont' need the ref here.
if (pITParticipant == pTempParticipant) { // the participant has been created.
return S_OK; } }
ITSubStream * pITSubStream; HRESULT hr = InternalCreateSubStream(&pITSubStream); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%ls can't create a SubStream, %x", m_szName, hr)); return hr; }
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)->SetCurrentParticipant( dwSSRC, pITParticipant );
((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_NEW_SUBSTREAM, pITParticipant, pITSubStream );
// look at the pending SSRC list and find out if this report
// fits in the list.
IPin *pIPin = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < m_PinMappedEvents.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_PinMappedEvents[i].dwSSRC == dwSSRC) { pIPin = m_PinMappedEvents[i].pIPin; break; } } if (!pIPin) { // the SSRC is not in the list of pending PinMappedEvents.
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "the SSRC %x is not in the pending list", dwSSRC));
pITSubStream->Release(); return S_OK;; }
// get rid of the peding event.
// reserve QOS since we are rendering this sender.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pRTPFilter->SetParticipantQOSstate(dwSSRC, 1))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "enabling video QOS for %x. hr:%x", dwSSRC, hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "enabled video QOS for %x.", dwSSRC)); }
// tell the app about the newly mapped sender.
for (i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_Branches[i].pIPin == pIPin) { if (m_Branches[i].pITSubStream != NULL) { ((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_Branches[i].pITSubStream) ->ClearCurrentTerminal();
m_Branches[i].pITSubStream->Release(); }
m_Branches[i].dwSSRC = dwSSRC; m_Branches[i].pITSubStream = pITSubStream; pITSubStream->AddRef();
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)-> SetCurrentTerminal(m_Branches[i].pITTerminal);
((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_SUBSTREAM_MAPPED, pITParticipant, pITSubStream );
break; } }
pITSubStream->Release(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::NewParticipantPostProcess( IN DWORD dwSSRC, IN ITParticipant *pITParticipant ) /*++
Routine Description:
A pin mapped event might have happended when we didn't have the participant's name so it was queued in a list. Now that we have a new participant, let's check if this is the same participant. If it is, we complete the pin mapped event by creating a substream and send the app a notification.
dwSSRC - the SSRC of the participant.
pITParticipant - the participant object.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%ls Check pending mapped event, dwSSRC: %x", m_szName, dwSSRC)); // look at the pending SSRC list and find out if this report
// fits in the list.
IPin *pIPin = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < m_PinMappedEvents.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_PinMappedEvents[i].dwSSRC == dwSSRC) { pIPin = m_PinMappedEvents[i].pIPin; break; } } if (!pIPin) { // the SSRC is not in the list of pending PinMappedEvents.
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "the SSRC %x is not in the pending list", dwSSRC)); return S_OK;; }
ITSubStream * pITSubStream; HRESULT hr = InternalCreateSubStream(&pITSubStream); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%ls can't create a SubStream, %x", m_szName, hr)); return hr; }
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)->SetCurrentParticipant( dwSSRC, pITParticipant );
((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_NEW_SUBSTREAM, pITParticipant, pITSubStream );
// get rid of the peding event.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pRTPFilter->SetParticipantQOSstate(dwSSRC, 1))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "enabling video QOS for %x. hr:%x", dwSSRC, hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "enabled video QOS for %x.", dwSSRC)); } // Now we get the participant, the substream, and the pin. Establish a mapping
// between the decoding branch and the substream.
for (i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_Branches[i].pIPin == pIPin) { if (m_Branches[i].pITSubStream != NULL) { ((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_Branches[i].pITSubStream) ->ClearCurrentTerminal();
m_Branches[i].pITSubStream->Release(); }
m_Branches[i].dwSSRC = dwSSRC; m_Branches[i].pITSubStream = pITSubStream; pITSubStream->AddRef();
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)-> SetCurrentTerminal(m_Branches[i].pITTerminal);
((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_SUBSTREAM_MAPPED, pITParticipant, pITSubStream );
break; } }
_ASSERTE(i < m_Branches.GetSize());
pITSubStream->Release(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ProcessPinMappedEvent( IN IPin * pIPin ) /*++
Routine Description:
A pin just got a new SSRC mapped to it. If the participant doesn't exist, put the event in a pending queue and wait for a RTCP report that has the participant's name. If the participant exists, check to see if a SubStream has been created for the stream. If not, a SubStream is created. Then a Particiapnt substream event is fired.
pIPin - the output pin of the demux filter that just got a new SSRC.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%ls Process pin mapped event, pIPin: %p", m_szName, pIPin)); CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_pIRTPDemux == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "the demux filter doesn't exist.")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
for (int iBranch = 0; iBranch < m_Branches.GetSize(); iBranch ++) { if (m_Branches[iBranch].pIPin == pIPin) { break; } }
LOG((MSP_INFO, "Branch %d has the pin", iBranch));
if (iBranch >= m_Branches.GetSize()) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Wrong pin is mapped. %p", pIPin)); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
BYTE PayloadType; DWORD dwSSRC; BOOL fAutoMapping; DWORD dwTimeOut;
HRESULT hr = m_pIRTPDemux->GetPinInfo( pIPin, &dwSSRC, &PayloadType, &fAutoMapping, &dwTimeOut );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get info for pin:%p, hr:%x", pIPin, hr)); return E_UNEXPECTED; } // sometimes we might get a mapped event for branches that are still
// in use.
if (m_Branches[iBranch].pITSubStream != NULL) { // sometimes we might get duplicated map events
if (m_Branches[iBranch].dwSSRC == dwSSRC) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "The same pin mapped twice. %p", pIPin)); return E_UNEXPECTED; } else { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "The branch is in use. Cleaning up."));
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_Branches[iBranch].pITSubStream)-> ClearCurrentTerminal();
m_Branches[iBranch].pITSubStream->Release(); m_Branches[iBranch].pITSubStream = NULL; m_Branches[iBranch].dwSSRC = 0; } }
ITParticipant * pITParticipant = NULL;
// find the SSRC in our participant list.
for (int i = 0; i < m_Participants.GetSize(); i ++) { if (((CParticipant *)m_Participants[i])-> HasSSRC((ITStream *)this, dwSSRC)) { pITParticipant = m_Participants[i]; break; } }
// if the participant is not there yet, put the event in a queue and it
// will be fired when we have the CName fo the participant.
if (!pITParticipant) { LOG((MSP_INFO, "can't find a participant that has SSRC %x", dwSSRC));
PINMAPEVENT Event; Event.pIPin = pIPin; Event.dwSSRC = dwSSRC;
m_PinMappedEvents.Add(Event); LOG((MSP_INFO, "added the event to pending list, new list size:%d", m_PinMappedEvents.GetSize()));
return S_OK; } // Enable QOS for the participant since it is being rendered.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pRTPFilter->SetParticipantQOSstate(dwSSRC, 1))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "enabling vidoe QOS for %x. hr:%x", dwSSRC, hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "enabled video QOS for %x.", dwSSRC)); } // Find out if a substream has been created for this participant who might
// have been a receiver only and hasn't got a substream.
ITSubStream * pITSubStream = NULL; for (i = 0; i < m_SubStreams.GetSize(); i ++) { ITParticipant *pTempParticipant; DWORD dwSSRC;
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_SubStreams[i])->GetCurrentParticipant( &dwSSRC, &pTempParticipant );
_ASSERTE(pTempParticipant != NULL);
pTempParticipant->Release(); // we dont' need the ref here.
if (pITParticipant == pTempParticipant) { pITSubStream = m_SubStreams[i]; pITSubStream->AddRef();
break; } }
if (pITSubStream == NULL) { // we need to create a substream for this participant since he has
// started sending.
hr = InternalCreateSubStream(&pITSubStream); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%ls can't create a SubStream, %x", m_szName, hr)); return hr; }
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)->SetCurrentParticipant( dwSSRC, pITParticipant );
((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_NEW_SUBSTREAM, pITParticipant, pITSubStream ); }
if (((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)->ClearCurrentTerminal()) { // The substrem has a terminal before. This is an error.
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "SubStream %p has already got a terminal", pITSubStream));
// remove the mapping if the substream was mapped to a branch.
for (i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_Branches[i].pITSubStream == pITSubStream) { m_Branches[i].pITSubStream->Release(); m_Branches[i].pITSubStream = NULL; m_Branches[i].dwSSRC = 0;
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "SubStream %p was mapped to branch %d", i)); break; } } }
// Now we get the participant, the substream, and the pin. Establish a mapping
// between the decoding branch and the substream.
m_Branches[iBranch].dwSSRC = dwSSRC; m_Branches[iBranch].pITSubStream = pITSubStream; pITSubStream->AddRef();
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)-> SetCurrentTerminal(m_Branches[iBranch].pITTerminal);
((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_SUBSTREAM_MAPPED, pITParticipant, pITSubStream );
pITSubStream->Release(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ProcessPinUnmapEvent( IN IPin * pIPin ) /*++
Routine Description:
A pin just got unmapped by the demux. Notify the app which substream is not going to have any data.
pIPin - the output pin of the demux filter
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%ls Proces pin unmapped event, pIPin: %p", m_szName, pIPin)); CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_pIRTPDemux == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "the demux filter doesn't exist.")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// look at the pending SSRC list and find out if the pin is in the
// pending list.
for (int i = 0; i < m_PinMappedEvents.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_PinMappedEvents[i].pIPin == pIPin) { break; } }
// if the pin is in the pending list, just remove it.
if (i < m_PinMappedEvents.GetSize()) { m_PinMappedEvents.RemoveAt(i); return S_OK; }
// find out which substream got unmapped.
ITSubStream * pITSubStream = NULL; for (i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_Branches[i].pIPin == pIPin) { pITSubStream = m_Branches[i].pITSubStream;
if (pITSubStream) { // Don't release the ref until the end of this function.
m_Branches[i].pITSubStream = NULL; m_Branches[i].dwSSRC = 0; } break; } }
if (!pITSubStream) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't find a substream that got unmapped.")); return TAPI_E_NOITEMS; }
ITParticipant *pITParticipant = NULL; DWORD dwSSRC;
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)pITSubStream)->GetCurrentParticipant( &dwSSRC, &pITParticipant ) ;
_ASSERTE(pITParticipant != NULL);
if (pITParticipant != NULL) { // fire an event to tell the app that the substream is not used.
((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_SUBSTREAM_UNMAPPED, pITParticipant, pITSubStream );
// cancel QOS for this participant.
HRESULT hr = m_pRTPFilter->SetParticipantQOSstate(dwSSRC, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "disabling QOS for %x. hr:%x", dwSSRC, hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "disabled video QOS for %x.", dwSSRC)); } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ProcessParticipantLeave( IN DWORD dwSSRC ) /*++
Routine Description:
When participant left the session, remove the stream from the participant object's list of streams. If all streams are removed, remove the participant from the call object's list too.
Arguments: dwSSRC - the SSRC of the participant left.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%ls ProcessParticipantLeave, SSRC: %x", m_szName, dwSSRC)); CLock lock(m_lock); if (m_pRTPFilter == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "the network filter doesn't exist.")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
CParticipant *pParticipant; BOOL fLast = FALSE;
// first try to find the SSRC in our participant list.
for (int iParticipant = 0; iParticipant < m_Participants.GetSize(); iParticipant ++) { pParticipant = (CParticipant *)m_Participants[iParticipant]; hr = pParticipant->RemoveStream( (ITStream *)this, dwSSRC, &fLast ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { break; } }
// if the participant is not found
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "%ws, can't find the SSRC %x", m_szName, dwSSRC));
return hr; }
ITParticipant *pITParticipant = m_Participants[iParticipant];
// cancel QOS for this participant.
if (FAILED(hr = m_pRTPFilter->SetParticipantQOSstate(dwSSRC, 0))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "disabling QOS for %x. hr:%x", dwSSRC, hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "disabled video QOS for %x.", dwSSRC)); }
// find out which substream is going away.
ITSubStream * pITSubStream = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < m_SubStreams.GetSize(); i ++) { // Find out the participant on the SubStream.
ITParticipant *pTempParticipant; DWORD dwSSRC;
((CSubStreamVideoRecv*)m_SubStreams[i])->GetCurrentParticipant( &dwSSRC, &pTempParticipant );
_ASSERTE(pTempParticipant != NULL);
pTempParticipant->Release(); // we dont' need the ref here.
if (pTempParticipant == pITParticipant) { pITSubStream = m_SubStreams[i]; break; } }
if (pITSubStream) { // remove the mapping if the substream was mapped to a branch.
for (int i = 0; i < m_Branches.GetSize(); i ++) { if (m_Branches[i].pITSubStream == pITSubStream) { m_Branches[i].pITSubStream->Release(); m_Branches[i].pITSubStream = NULL; m_Branches[i].dwSSRC = 0;
// fire an event to tell the app that the substream is not used.
((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_SUBSTREAM_UNMAPPED, pITParticipant, pITSubStream );
break; }
} ((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->SendParticipantEvent( PE_SUBSTREAM_REMOVED, pITParticipant, pITSubStream );
if (m_SubStreams.Remove(pITSubStream)) { pITSubStream->Release(); } }
// if this stream is the last stream that the participant is on,
// tell the call object to remove it from its list.
if (fLast) { ((CIPConfMSPCall *)m_pMSPCall)->ParticipantLeft(pITParticipant); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ProcessGraphEvent( IN long lEventCode, IN long lParam1, IN long lParam2 ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%ws ProcessGraphEvent %d", m_szName, lEventCode));
switch (lEventCode) { // These events are designed to solve the problem of mapping video
// windows to incoming streams. The app needs to know which window
// should be painted. Whenever the demux starts using a RPH pin to
// stream data, it sends a MAPPED event. The first parameter is the
// input pin on the RPH, the second parameter is the payload type.
// When the demux stops using a pin, it sends a UNMAPPED event.
case RTPDMX_EVENTBASE + RTPDEMUX_PIN_MAPPED: LOG((MSP_INFO, "handling pin mapped event, Pin%x", lParam1)); ProcessPinMappedEvent((IPin *)lParam1);
case RTPDMX_EVENTBASE + RTPDEMUX_PIN_UNMAPPED: LOG((MSP_INFO, "handling pin unmap event, Pin%x", lParam1));
ProcessPinUnmapEvent((IPin *)lParam1);
default: return CIPConfMSPStream::ProcessGraphEvent( lEventCode, lParam1, lParam2 ); } return S_OK; }
// CStreamVideoSend
CStreamVideoSend::CStreamVideoSend() : CIPConfMSPStream() { m_szName = L"VideoSend"; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::Configure( IN STREAMSETTINGS &StreamSettings ) /*++
Routine Description:
Configure this stream.
Arguments: StreamSettings - The setting structure got from the SDP blob.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.Configure"));
CLock lock(m_lock);
_ASSERTE(m_fIsConfigured == FALSE);
switch (StreamSettings.dwPayloadType) { case PAYLOAD_H261:
m_pClsidCodecFilter = &CLSID_H261_ENCODE_FILTER; m_pRPHInputMinorType = &MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_H261; m_pClsidPHFilter = &CLSID_INTEL_SPHH26X;
case PAYLOAD_H263:
m_pClsidCodecFilter = &CLSID_H263_ENCODE_FILTER; m_pRPHInputMinorType = &MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_H263; m_pClsidPHFilter = &CLSID_INTEL_SPHH26X;
default: LOG((MSP_ERROR, "unknow payload type, %x", StreamSettings.dwPayloadType)); return E_FAIL; } m_Settings = StreamSettings; m_fIsConfigured = TRUE;
if (!GetRegValue(L"FrameRate", &m_dwFrameRate)) { m_dwFrameRate = g_dwVideoSampleRate; }
return InternalConfigure(); }
HRESULT SetVideoFormat( IN IUnknown * pIUnknown, IN BOOL bCIF, IN DWORD dwFramesPerSecond ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the video format to be CIF or QCIF and also set the frames per second.
Arguments: pIUnknown - a capture terminal.
dwFramesPerSecond - Frames per second.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "SetVideoFormat"));
// first get eht IAMStreamConfig interface.
CComPtr<IAMStreamConfig> pIAMStreamConfig;
if (FAILED(hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&pIAMStreamConfig ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't get IAMStreamConfig interface.%8x", hr)); return hr; } // get the current format of the video capture terminal.
AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt; if (FAILED(hr = pIAMStreamConfig->GetFormat(&pmt))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "GetFormat returns error: %8x", hr)); return hr; }
VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *)pmt->pbFormat; if (pVideoInfo == NULL) { MSPDeleteMediaType(pmt); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader = HEADER(pmt->pbFormat); if (pHeader == NULL) { MSPDeleteMediaType(pmt); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video capture: Format BitRate: %d, TimePerFrame: %d", pVideoInfo->dwBitRate, pVideoInfo->AvgTimePerFrame));
LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video capture: Format Compression:%c%c%c%c %dbit %dx%d", (DWORD)pHeader->biCompression & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 8) & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 16) & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 24) & 0xff, pHeader->biBitCount, pHeader->biWidth, pHeader->biHeight));
// The time is in 100ns unit.
pVideoInfo->AvgTimePerFrame = (DWORD) 1e7 / dwFramesPerSecond; if (bCIF) { pHeader->biWidth = CIFWIDTH; pHeader->biHeight = CIFHEIGHT; } else { pHeader->biWidth = QCIFWIDTH; pHeader->biHeight = QCIFHEIGHT; }
#if defined(ALPHA)
// update bmiSize with new Width/Height
pHeader->biSizeImage = DIBSIZE( ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pmt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader ); #endif
if (FAILED(hr = pIAMStreamConfig->SetFormat(pmt))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "putMediaFormat returns error: %8x", hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video capture: Format BitRate: %d, TimePerFrame: %d", pVideoInfo->dwBitRate, pVideoInfo->AvgTimePerFrame));
LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video capture: Format Compression:%c%c%c%c %dbit %dx%d", (DWORD)pHeader->biCompression & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 8) & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 16) & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 24) & 0xff, pHeader->biBitCount, pHeader->biWidth, pHeader->biHeight)); }
return hr; }
HRESULT SetVideoBufferSize( IN IUnknown *pIUnknown ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the video capture terminal's buffersize.
Arguments: pIUnknown - a capture terminal.
Return Value:
--*/ { // The number of capture buffers is four for now.
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "SetVideoBufferSize"));
CComPtr<IAMBufferNegotiation> pBN; if (FAILED(hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IAMBufferNegotiation, (void **)&pBN ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't get buffer negotiation interface.%8x", hr)); return hr; }
#if 0 // Get allocator property is not working.
if (FAILED(hr = pBN->GetAllocatorProperties(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "GetAllocatorProperties returns error: %8x", hr)); return hr; }
// Set the number of buffers.
if (prop.cBuffers > NUMCAPTUREBUFFER) { prop.cBuffers = NUMCAPTUREBUFFER; } #endif
DWORD dwBuffers = NUMCAPTUREBUFFER; GetRegValue(gszNumVideoCaptureBuffers, &dwBuffers);
prop.cBuffers = dwBuffers; prop.cbBuffer = -1; prop.cbAlign = -1; prop.cbPrefix = -1;
if (FAILED(hr = pBN->SuggestAllocatorProperties(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "SuggestAllocatorProperties returns error: %8x", hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "SetVidedobuffersize" " buffers: %d, buffersize: %d, align: %d, Prefix: %d", prop.cBuffers, prop.cbBuffer, prop.cbAlign, prop.cbPrefix )); } return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ConfigureVideoCaptureTerminal( IN ITTerminalControl* pTerminal, IN WCHAR * szPinName, OUT IPin ** ppIPin ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given a terminal, find the capture pin and configure it.
Arguments: pTerminal - a capture terminal.
szPinName - the name of the pin needed.
ppIPin - the address to store a pointer to a IPin interface.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "ConfigureVideoCaptureTerminal, pTerminal %x", pTerminal));
// Get the pins from the first terminal because we only use on terminal
// on this stream.
const DWORD MAXPINS = 8; DWORD dwNumPins = MAXPINS; IPin * Pins[MAXPINS];
HRESULT hr = pTerminal->ConnectTerminal( m_pIGraphBuilder, 0, &dwNumPins, Pins );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't connect to terminal, %x", hr)); return hr; }
if (dwNumPins == 0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "terminal has no pins.")); return hr; }
CComPtr <IPin> pIPin; /*
// look through the pins to find the right one.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumPins; i ++) { LPWSTR szName; hr = Pins[i]->QueryId(&szName);
if (FAILED(hr)) { continue; }
LOG((MSP_INFO, "Pin name: %ws", szName));
BOOL fEqual = (lstrcmpiW(szName, szPinName) == 0);
if (fEqual) { pIPin = Pins[i]; break; } } */ // we only need the first pin
pIPin = Pins[0];
// release the refcount because we don't need them.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumPins; i ++) { Pins[i]->Release(); }
if (!pIPin) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't find %ws pin", szPinName)); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// set the video format. 7 Frames/Sec. QCIF.
hr = SetVideoFormat( pIPin, m_Settings.fCIF, m_dwFrameRate );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't set video format, %x", hr)); return hr; }
// set the video buffer size.
hr = SetVideoBufferSize( pIPin );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't set aduio capture buffer size, %x", hr)); return hr; }
pIPin->AddRef(); *ppIPin = pIPin;
return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::FindPreviewInputPin( IN ITTerminalControl* pTerminal, OUT IPin ** ppIPin ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find the input pin on a preview terminal.
Arguments: pTerminal - a video render terminal.
ppIPin - the address to store a pointer to a IPin interface.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.FindPreviewInputPin, pTerminal %x", pTerminal));
// try to disable DDraw because our decoders can't handle DDraw.
HRESULT hr2; IDrawVideoImage *pIDrawVideoImage; hr2 = pTerminal->QueryInterface(IID_IDrawVideoImage, (void **)&pIDrawVideoImage); if (SUCCEEDED(hr2)) { hr2 = pIDrawVideoImage->DrawVideoImageBegin(); if (FAILED(hr2)) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "Can't disable DDraw. %x", hr2)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "DDraw disabled.")); } pIDrawVideoImage->Release(); } else { LOG((MSP_WARN, "Can't get IDrawVideoImage. %x", hr2)); }
// Get the pins from the first terminal because we only use on terminal
// on this stream.
const DWORD MAXPINS = 8; DWORD dwNumPins = MAXPINS; IPin * Pins[MAXPINS];
HRESULT hr = pTerminal->ConnectTerminal( m_pIGraphBuilder, 0, &dwNumPins, Pins );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't connect to terminal, %x", hr)); return hr; }
if (dwNumPins == 0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "terminal has no pins.")); return hr; }
// Save the first pin and release the others.
CComPtr <IPin> pIPin = Pins[0]; for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumPins; i ++) { Pins[i]->Release(); }
pIPin->AddRef(); *ppIPin = pIPin;
return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::CheckTerminalTypeAndDirection( IN ITTerminal * pTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description: Check if the terminal is allowed on this stream. VideoSend allows both a capture terminal and a preivew terminal.
pTerminal - the terminal.
Return value:
HRESULT. S_OK means the terminal is OK. */ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.CheckTerminalTypeAndDirection"));
// This stream only support one capture + one preview terminal
if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 1) { return TAPI_E_MAXTERMINALS; }
// check the media type of this terminal.
long lMediaType; HRESULT hr = pTerminal->get_MediaType(&lMediaType); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal media type. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; }
if ((DWORD)lMediaType != m_dwMediaType) { return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; }
// check the direction of this terminal.
TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction; hr = pTerminal->get_Direction(&Direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; }
if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 0) { // check the direction of this terminal.
TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction2; hr = m_Terminals[0]->get_Direction(&Direction2); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; } if (Direction == Direction2) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't have two terminals with the same direction. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_MAXTERMINALS; } } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::SetUpFilters() /*++
Routine Description:
Insert filters into the graph and connect to the terminals.
Arguments: Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.SetUpFilters"));
// we only support one capture terminal and one preview
// window on this stream.
if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 2) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
int iCaptureIndex = -1, iPreviewIndex = -1;
// Find out which terminal is capture and which is preview.
HRESULT hr; for (int i = 0; i < m_Terminals.GetSize(); i ++) { TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction; hr = m_Terminals[i]->get_Direction(&Direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, m_Terminals[i]); return hr; } if (Direction == TD_CAPTURE) { iCaptureIndex = i; } else { iPreviewIndex = i; } }
// the stream will not work without a capture terminal.
if (iCaptureIndex == -1) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "no capture terminal selected.")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Connect the capture filter to the terminal.
if (FAILED(hr = ConnectTerminal( m_Terminals[iCaptureIndex] ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect the codec filter to terminal. %x", hr));
return hr; }
if (iPreviewIndex != -1) { // Connect the preview filter to the terminal.
if (FAILED(hr = ConnectTerminal( m_Terminals[iPreviewIndex] ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect the codec filter to terminal. %x", hr));
return hr; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ConfigureRTPFilter( IN IBaseFilter * pIBaseFilter ) /*++
Routine Description:
Configure the source RTP filter. Including set the address, port, TTL, QOS, thread priority, clockrate, etc.
Arguments: pIBaseFilter - The source RTP Filter.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.ConfigureRTPFilter"));
// Get the IRTPStream interface pointer on the filter.
CComQIPtr<IRTPStream, &IID_IRTPStream> pIRTPStream(pIBaseFilter); if (pIRTPStream == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get RTP Stream interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; }
LOG((MSP_INFO, "set remote Address:%x, port:%d, TTL:%d", m_Settings.dwIPRemote, m_Settings.wRTPPortRemote, m_Settings.dwTTL));
// Set the remote address and port used in the filter.
if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetAddress( 0, // local port.
htons(m_Settings.wRTPPortRemote), // remote port.
htonl(m_Settings.dwIPRemote) ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set remote Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; }
// Set the TTL used in the filter.
if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetMulticastScope(m_Settings.dwTTL))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set TTL. %x", hr)); return hr; }
if (m_Settings.dwIPLocal != INADDR_ANY) { // set the local interface that the socket should bind to
LOG((MSP_INFO, "set locol Address:%x", m_Settings.dwIPLocal));
if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SelectLocalIPAddress( htonl(m_Settings.dwIPLocal) ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set local Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; } }
// Set the priority of the session
if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetSessionClassPriority( RTP_CLASS_VIDEO, g_dwVideoThreadPriority ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set session class and priority. %x", hr)); }
// Set the sample rate of the session
LOG((MSP_INFO, "setting session sample rate to %d", m_dwFrameRate)); if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetDataClock(m_dwFrameRate))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set session sample rate. %x", hr)); }
// Enable the RTCP events
if (FAILED(hr = ::EnableRTCPEvents(pIBaseFilter))) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can not enable RTCP events %x", hr)); }
if (m_Settings.dwQOSLevel != QSL_BEST_EFFORT) { if (FAILED(hr = ::SetQOSOption( pIBaseFilter, m_Settings.dwPayloadType, // payload
-1, // use the default bitrate
(m_Settings.dwQOSLevel == QSL_NEEDED), // fail if no qos.
FALSE, // this is the send stream.
1, // only one stream
m_Settings.fCIF ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set QOS option. %x", hr)); return hr; } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ConnectTerminal( IN ITTerminal * pITTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description:
connect the video terminals to the stream.
Arguments: Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.ConnectTerminal %x", pITTerminal));
// Get the TerminalControl interface on the terminal
CComQIPtr<ITTerminalControl, &IID_ITTerminalControl> pTerminal(pITTerminal); if (pTerminal == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get Terminal Control interface")); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, E_NOINTERFACE, pITTerminal);
// Find out the direction of the terminal.
TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction; HRESULT hr = pITTerminal->get_Direction(&Direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); return hr; }
if (Direction == TD_CAPTURE) { // find the capture pin on the capture terminal and configure it.
CComPtr<IPin> pCapturePin; hr = ConfigureVideoCaptureTerminal(pTerminal, L"Capture", &pCapturePin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "configure video capture termianl failed. %x", hr)); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal);
return hr; }
hr = CreateSendFilters(pCapturePin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Create video send filters failed. %x", hr));
// disconnect the terminal.
pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0);
// clean up internal filters as well.
return hr; }
// Now we are actually connected. Update our state and perform postconnection
// (ignore postconnection error code).
#if 0 // We don't have the preview pin now, enable this code later when we
// the have preview pin.
if (FAILED(hr)) { // find the preview pin on the capture terminal and configure it.
CComPtr<IPin> pCapturePin; hr = ConfigureVideoCaptureTerminal(pTerminal, L"Preview", &pCapturePin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "configure video capture termianl failed. %x", hr));
SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); return hr; }
hr = CreateSendFilters(pCapturePin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Create video send filters failed. %x", hr));
// disconnect the terminal.
pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0);
// clean up internal filters as well.
return hr; }
// Now we are actually connected. Update our state and perform postconnection
// (ignore postconnection error code).
pTerminal->CompleteConnectTerminal(); } #endif
} else { // find the input pin on the preview window. If there is no preview window,
// we just pass in NULL for the next function.
CComPtr<IPin> pPreviewInputPin;
hr = FindPreviewInputPin(pTerminal, &pPreviewInputPin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "find preview input pin failed. %x", hr));
SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); return hr; }
hr = ConnectPreview(pPreviewInputPin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Create video send filters failed. %x", hr));
pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0);
return hr; }
// Now we are actually connected. Update our state and perform postconnection
// (ignore postconnection error code).
} return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ConnectPreview( IN IPin *pPreviewInputPin ) /*++
Routine Description:
connect the preview pin the the TEE filter.
Capturepin->TEE+->Encoder->SPH->RTPRender +->PreviewInputPin
Arguments: pPin - The output pin on the capture filter.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
if (m_pEdgeFilter == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "no capture to preview")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Create the AVI decompressor filter and add it into the graph.
// This will make the graph construction faster for since the AVI
// decompressor are always needed for the preview
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pAviFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_AVIDec, L"Avi", &pAviFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add Avi filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // connect the preview input pin with the smart tee filter.
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)m_pEdgeFilter, (IPin *)pPreviewInputPin, FALSE // not direct connect
))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect preview input pin with the tee. %x", hr)); return hr; } return hr; }
HRESULT ConfigureEncoder( IN IBaseFilter * pIFilter, IN BOOL bCIF, IN DWORD dwFramesPerSecond ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the video capture terminal's buffersize.
Arguments: pIFilter - a H26x encoder.
pdwFramesPerSecond - Frames per second.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "ConfigureEncoder"));
CComPtr<IH26XEncoderControl> pIH26XEncoderControl; if (FAILED(hr = pIFilter->QueryInterface( IID_IH26XEncoderControl, (void **)&pIH26XEncoderControl ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't get pIH26XEncoderControl interface.%8x", hr)); return hr; } // get the current encoder properties of the video capture terminal.
ENC_CMP_DATA prop; if (FAILED(hr = pIH26XEncoderControl->get_EncodeCompression(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_EncodeCompression returns error: %8x", hr)); return hr; }
LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video encoder::get_EncodeCompression" " FrameRate: %d, BitRate: %d, Width %d, bSendKey: %s, Quality: %d", prop.dwFrameRate, prop.dwDataRate, prop.dwWidth, prop.bSendKey ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", prop.dwQuality ));
// Set the key frame interval.
prop.bSendKey = TRUE; prop.dwFrameRate = dwFramesPerSecond; prop.dwKeyFramePeriod = 5000; // a key frame every five seconds.
prop.dwQuality = 7500;
DWORD dwBitRate = 0; if (GetRegValue(L"BitRate", &dwBitRate)) { prop.bFrameSizeBRC = FALSE; // control bit rate
prop.dwDataRate = dwBitRate;
if (dwBitRate < 100) { prop.dwQuality = 0; prop.dwKeyFrameInterval = 100; } }
DWORD dwQuality = 0; if (GetRegValue(L"Quality", &dwQuality)) { prop.dwQuality = dwQuality; } #endif
if (bCIF) { prop.dwWidth = CIFWIDTH; } else { prop.dwWidth = QCIFWIDTH; } if (FAILED(hr = pIH26XEncoderControl->set_EncodeCompression(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set_EncodeCompression returns error: %8x", hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video encoder::set_EncodeCompression" " FrameRate: %d, BitRate: %d, Width %d, bSendKey: %s, Quality: %d", prop.dwFrameRate, prop.dwDataRate, prop.dwWidth, prop.bSendKey ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", prop.dwQuality ));
} return hr; }
HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::CreateSendFilters( IN IPin *pCapturePin ) /*++
Routine Description:
Insert filters into the graph and connect to the capture pin.
Capturepin->TEE+->Encoder->SPH->RTPRender Arguments: pPin - The output pin on the capture filter.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
if (m_pEdgeFilter) { // connect the capture pin with the smart tee filter.
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IPin *)pCapturePin, (IBaseFilter *)m_pEdgeFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect capture pin with the tee. %x", hr)); return hr; } return hr; }
// Create the tee filter and add it into the graph.
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pTeeFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_SmartTee, // CLSID_InfTee,
L"tee", &pTeeFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add smart tee filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// connect the capture pin with the tee filter.
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IPin *)pCapturePin, (IBaseFilter *)pTeeFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect capture pin with the tee. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Create the codec filter and add it into the graph.
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pCodecFilter;
if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, *m_pClsidCodecFilter, L"Encoder", &pCodecFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add Codec filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// tell the encoder to send key frame
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConfigureEncoder( pCodecFilter, m_Settings.fCIF, m_dwFrameRate ))) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "Configure video encoder. %x", hr)); }
// connect the smart tee filter and the Codec filter.
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pTeeFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pCodecFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect Tee filter and codec filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Create the send payload handler and add it into the graph.
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pISPHFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, *m_pClsidPHFilter, L"SPH", &pISPHFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add SPH filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Connect the Codec filter with the SPH filter .
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pCodecFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pISPHFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect codec filter and SPH filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Get the IRTPSPHFilter interface.
CComQIPtr<IRTPSPHFilter, &IID_IRTPSPHFilter> pIRTPSPHFilter(pISPHFilter); if (pIRTPSPHFilter == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get IRTPSPHFilter interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; }
// Create the RTP render filter and add it into the graph.
CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pRenderFilter;
if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_RTPRenderFilter, L"RtpRender", &pRenderFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "adding render filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Set the address for the render fitler.
if (FAILED(hr = ConfigureRTPFilter(pRenderFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "configure RTP Filter failed %x", hr)); return hr; }
// Connect the SPH filter with the RTP Render filter.
if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pISPHFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pRenderFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect SPH filter and Render filter. %x", hr)); return hr; }
// remember the first filter after the terminal
m_pEdgeFilter = pTeeFilter; m_pEdgeFilter->AddRef();
// Get the IRTPParticipant interface pointer on the RTP filter.
CComQIPtr<IRTPParticipant, &IID_IRTPParticipant> pIRTPParticipant(pRenderFilter); if (pIRTPParticipant == NULL) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can't get RTP participant interface")); } else { m_pRTPFilter = pIRTPParticipant; m_pRTPFilter->AddRef(); }
return S_OK; }
CSubStreamVideoRecv::CSubStreamVideoRecv() : m_pFTM(NULL), m_pStream(NULL), m_pCurrentParticipant(NULL) { }
// methods called by the videorecv object.
HRESULT CSubStreamVideoRecv::Init( IN CStreamVideoRecv * pStream ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize the substream object.
Arguments: pStream - The pointer to the stream that owns this substream.
Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::Init, pStream %p", pStream));
// This method is called only once when the object is created. No other
// method will be called until this function succeeds. No need to lock.
_ASSERTE(m_pStream == NULL);
// initialize the terminal array so that the array is not NULL. Used for
// generating an empty enumerator if no terminal is selected.
if (!m_Terminals.Grow()) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::Init - exit E_OUTOFMEMORY"));
return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // create the marshaler.
HRESULT hr; hr = CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler(GetControllingUnknown(), &m_pFTM); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "create marshaler failed, %x", hr)); return hr; }
// save the stream reference.
m_pStream = pStream; (pStream->GetControllingUnknown())->AddRef();
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::Init returns S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
ULONG CSubStreamVideoRecv::InternalAddRef() { ULONG lRef = CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModelNoCS>::InternalAddRef(); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "SubStreamVideoRecv %p Addref, ref = %d", this, lRef));
return lRef; }
ULONG CSubStreamVideoRecv::InternalRelease() { ULONG lRef = CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModelNoCS>::InternalRelease(); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "SubStreamVideoRecv %p Release, ref = %d", this, lRef));
return lRef; } #endif
void CSubStreamVideoRecv::FinalRelease() /*++
Routine Description:
release everything before being deleted.
Arguments: Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::FinalRelease - enter"));
if (m_pCurrentParticipant) { m_pCurrentParticipant->Release(); }
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Terminals.GetSize(); i ++ ) { m_Terminals[i]->Release(); } m_Terminals.RemoveAll();
if (m_pStream) { (m_pStream->GetControllingUnknown())->Release(); }
if (m_pFTM) { m_pFTM->Release(); }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::FinalRelease - exit")); }
STDMETHODIMP CSubStreamVideoRecv::SelectTerminal( IN ITTerminal * pTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description:
Select a terminal on this substream. This method calls the same method on the stream object to handle that.
Arguments: pTerminal - the terminal to be selected. Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::SelectTerminal, pTerminal %p", pTerminal));
HRESULT hr; m_lock.Lock(); if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 0) { m_lock.Unlock(); return TAPI_E_MAXTERMINALS; }
BOOL bFlag = m_Terminals.Add(pTerminal);
if (!bFlag) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// This is the refcount for the pointer in m_Terminals.
// Call the stream's select terminal to handle the state changes and also
// make sure that locking happens only from the stream to substream.
hr = m_pStream->SubStreamSelectTerminal(this, pTerminal);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::SelectTerminal failed, hr:%x", hr)); m_lock.Lock();
m_Terminals.Remove(pTerminal); pTerminal->Release(); m_lock.Unlock();
} return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSubStreamVideoRecv::UnselectTerminal( IN ITTerminal * pTerminal ) /*++
Routine Description:
Unselect a terminal on this substream. This method calls the same method on the stream object to handle that.
Arguments: pTerminal - the terminal to be unselected. Return Value:
--*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::UnSelectTerminal, pTerminal %p", pTerminal));
m_lock.Lock(); if (!m_Terminals.Remove(pTerminal)) { m_lock.Unlock(); LOG((MSP_ERROR, "SubStreamVideoRecv::UnselectTerminal, invalid terminal."));
return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; } pTerminal->Release();
HRESULT hr; // Call the stream's unselect terminal to handle the state changes and also
// make sure that locking happens only from the stream to substream.
hr = m_pStream->UnselectTerminal(pTerminal);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::UnSelectTerminal failed, hr:%x", hr)); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSubStreamVideoRecv::EnumerateTerminals( OUT IEnumTerminal ** ppEnumTerminal ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "EnumerateTerminals entered. ppEnumTerminal:%x", ppEnumTerminal));
if (IsBadWritePtr(ppEnumTerminal, sizeof(VOID *))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "ppEnumTerminal is a bad pointer")); return E_POINTER; }
// acquire the lock before accessing the Terminal object list.
CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_Terminals.GetData() == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::EnumerateTerminals - " "stream appears to have been shut down - exit E_UNEXPECTED"));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
typedef _CopyInterface<ITTerminal> CCopy; typedef CSafeComEnum<IEnumTerminal, &IID_IEnumTerminal, ITTerminal *, CCopy> CEnumerator;
CMSPComObject<CEnumerator> *pEnum = NULL;
hr = CMSPComObject<CEnumerator>::CreateInstance(&pEnum); if (pEnum == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Could not create enumerator object, %x", hr)); return hr; }
// query for the IID_IEnumTerminal i/f
IEnumTerminal * pEnumTerminal; hr = pEnum->_InternalQueryInterface(IID_IEnumTerminal, (void**)&pEnumTerminal); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "query enum interface failed, %x", hr)); delete pEnum; return hr; }
// The CSafeComEnum can handle zero-sized array.
hr = pEnum->Init( m_Terminals.GetData(), // the begin itor
m_Terminals.GetData() + m_Terminals.GetSize(), // the end itor,
NULL, // IUnknown
AtlFlagCopy // copy the data.
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "init enumerator object failed, %x", hr)); pEnumTerminal->Release(); return hr; }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::EnumerateTerminals - exit S_OK"));
*ppEnumTerminal = pEnumTerminal;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals( OUT VARIANT * pVariant ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals - enter"));
// Check parameters.
if ( IsBadWritePtr(pVariant, sizeof(VARIANT) ) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals - " "bad pointer argument - exit E_POINTER"));
return E_POINTER; }
// See if this stream has been shut down. Acquire the lock before accessing
// the terminal object list.
CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_Terminals.GetData() == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals - " "stream appears to have been shut down - exit E_UNEXPECTED"));
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// create the collection object - see mspcoll.h
HRESULT hr; typedef CTapiIfCollection< ITTerminal * > TerminalCollection; CComObject<TerminalCollection> * pCollection; hr = CComObject<TerminalCollection>::CreateInstance( &pCollection );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals - " "can't create collection - exit 0x%08x", hr));
return hr; }
// get the Collection's IDispatch interface
IDispatch * pDispatch;
hr = pCollection->_InternalQueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void **) &pDispatch );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals - " "QI for IDispatch on collection failed - exit 0x%08x", hr));
delete pCollection;
return hr; }
// Init the collection using an iterator -- pointers to the beginning and
// the ending element plus one.
hr = pCollection->Initialize( m_Terminals.GetSize(), m_Terminals.GetData(), m_Terminals.GetData() + m_Terminals.GetSize() );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals - " "Initialize on collection failed - exit 0x%08x", hr)); pDispatch->Release(); return hr; }
// put the IDispatch interface pointer into the variant
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals - " "placing IDispatch value %08x in variant", pDispatch));
VariantInit(pVariant); pVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH; pVariant->pdispVal = pDispatch;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Terminals - exit S_OK")); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSubStreamVideoRecv::get_Stream ( OUT ITStream ** ppITStream ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecvSubStream.get_Stream, ppITStream %x", ppITStream)); if (IsBadWritePtr(ppITStream, sizeof (VOID *))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Bad pointer, ppITStream:%x",ppITStream)); return E_POINTER; }
ITStream * pITStream; HRESULT hr = m_pStream->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_ITStream, (void **)&pITStream );
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_Stream:QueryInterface failed: %x", hr)); return hr; }
*ppITStream = pITStream;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSubStreamVideoRecv::StartSubStream() { return TAPI_E_NOTSUPPORTED; }
STDMETHODIMP CSubStreamVideoRecv::PauseSubStream() { return TAPI_E_NOTSUPPORTED; }
STDMETHODIMP CSubStreamVideoRecv::StopSubStream() { return TAPI_E_NOTSUPPORTED; }
BOOL CSubStreamVideoRecv::GetCurrentParticipant( DWORD * pdwSSRC, ITParticipant** ppITParticipant ) { CLock lock(m_lock); if (m_pCurrentParticipant) { m_pCurrentParticipant->AddRef(); *ppITParticipant = m_pCurrentParticipant; ((CParticipant *)m_pCurrentParticipant)->GetSSRC( (ITStream*)m_pStream, pdwSSRC );
return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
VOID CSubStreamVideoRecv::SetCurrentParticipant( DWORD dwSSRC, ITParticipant * pParticipant ) { CLock lock(m_lock); if (m_pCurrentParticipant) { m_pCurrentParticipant->Release(); }
m_pCurrentParticipant = pParticipant;
if (m_pCurrentParticipant) { m_pCurrentParticipant->AddRef(); } }
BOOL CSubStreamVideoRecv::ClearCurrentTerminal() { CLock lock(m_lock);
if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 0) { m_Terminals[0]->Release(); m_Terminals.RemoveAt(0);
return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL CSubStreamVideoRecv::SetCurrentTerminal(ITTerminal * pTerminal) { CLock lock(m_lock); if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 0) { _ASSERTE(FALSE); return FALSE; }
BOOL bFlag = m_Terminals.Add(pTerminal);
// This should never fail since the terminal array has been grown
// at the init time.
if (bFlag) { pTerminal->AddRef(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }