# this makefile is used to generate the six stub files from
# the three different ASN.1 source files.
# h235.asn generates h235.c, h235.h
# h245.asn generates h245.c, h245.h
# h225.asn generates h225.c, h225.h
# the ASN1CPP preprocessor always returns a failure status
# so, for now, we use the "-" prefix to ignore the return value.
# should bug lonchanc about this.
# -- arlied
ASN_BINDIR = $(BASEDIR)\private\asn1\bin ASN_INCDIR = $(BASEDIR)\private\inc\asn1 #ASN1C = $(ASN_BINDIR)\asn1c.exe
#ASN1CPP = $(ASN_BINDIR)\asn1cpp.exe
ASN1C = \\dbarlow\public\h323\asn1c.exe ASN1CPP = \\dbarlow\public\h323\asn1cpp.exe
$(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib \
$(SDK_LIB_PATH)\advapi32.lib \
$(SDK_LIB_PATH)\ole32.lib \
# ..\lib\*\gkutil.lib
default: all
scratch: clean all
all: h225asn.c h225asn.h h235asn.c h235asn.h h245asn.c h245asn.h h4503pp.c h4503pp.h
h225asn.c h225asn.h: h235asn.asn h245asn.asn h225asn.asn h245asn.h $(ASN1C) -m -p PDU -c chosen -o present -v bit_mask -n h225 -g h235asn.asn -g h245asn.asn h235asn.asn h245asn.asn h225asn.asn
h245asn.c h245asn.h: h245asn.asn $(ASN1C) -m -p PDU -c chosen -o present -v bit_mask -n h245 h245asn.asn
h235asn.c h235asn.h: h235asn.asn $(ASN1C) -m -p PDU -c chosen -o present -v bit_mask -n h235 h235asn.asn
h4503pp.c h4503pp.h: h4503pp.asn $(ASN1C) -m -p PDU -c chosen -o present -v bit_mask -n h450 -g h235asn.asn -g h225asn.asn -g h245asn.asn h235asn.asn h225asn.asn h245asn.asn h4503pp.asn
h225asn.asn: h225.asn -$(ASN1CPP) -o h225asn.asn h235.asn h225.asn
h235asn.asn: h235.asn -$(ASN1CPP) -o h235asn.asn h235.asn
h245asn.asn: h245.asn -$(ASN1CPP) -o h245asn.asn h245.asn
h4503pp.asn: h4503.asn -$(ASN1CPP) -o h4503pp.asn h4503.asn
clean: del h*ans.c /q del h*ans.h /q del h*asn.asn /q del h*.out /q