Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
TAPI Service Provider functions related to provider info.
TSPI_providerConfig TSPI_providerEnumDevices TSPI_providerFreeDialogInstance TSPI_providerGenericDialogData TSPI_providerInit TSPI_providerInstall TSPI_providerRemove TSPI_providerShutdown TSPI_providerUIIdentify
TUISPI_providerConfig TUISPI_providerInstall TUISPI_providerRemove
User Mode - Win32
// //
// Include files //
// //
#include "globals.h"
#include "provider.h"
#include "callback.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "termcaps.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "config.h"
// //
// Global variables //
// //
// //
// Public procedures //
// //
#if defined(DBG) && defined(DEBUG_CRITICAL_SECTIONS)
VOID H323LockProvider( )
Routine Description:
Locks service provider.
Return Values:
{ H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "provider about to be locked.\n" ));
// lock service provider
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "provider locked.\n" )); }
VOID H323UnlockProvider( )
Routine Description:
Unlocks service provider.
Return Values:
{ // unlock service provider
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "provider unlocked.\n" )); }
BOOL H323IsTSPAlreadyInstalled( )
Routine Description:
Searchs registry for previous instance of H323.TSP.
Return Values:
Returns true if TSP already installed.
{ DWORD i; HKEY hKey; LONG lStatus; DWORD dwNumProviders = 0; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwDataType = REG_DWORD; LPSTR pszProvidersKey = TAPI_REGKEY_PROVIDERS; LPSTR pszNumProvidersValue = TAPI_REGVAL_NUMPROVIDERS; CHAR szName[H323_MAXPATHNAMELEN+1]; CHAR szPath[H323_MAXPATHNAMELEN+1];
// attempt to open key
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszProvidersKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
// validate status
if (lStatus != NOERROR) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING, "error 0x%08lx opening tapi providers key.\n", lStatus ));
// done
return FALSE; }
// see if installed bit set
lStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, pszNumProvidersValue, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwNumProviders, &dwDataSize );
// validate status
if (lStatus != NOERROR) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING, "error 0x%08lx determining number of providers.\n", lStatus ));
// release handle
// done
return FALSE; }
// loop through each provider
for (i = 0; i < dwNumProviders; i++) {
// construct path to provider name
wsprintf(szName, "ProviderFileName%d", i);
// reinitialize size
dwDataSize = sizeof(szPath);
// query the next name
lStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szName, 0, &dwDataType, szPath, &dwDataSize );
// validate status
if (lStatus == NOERROR) {
// upper case
// compare path string to h323 provider
if (strstr(szPath, H323_TSPDLL) != NULL) {
// release handle
// done
return TRUE; }
} else {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING, "error 0x%08lx loading %s.\n", lStatus, szName )); } }
// release handle
// done
return FALSE; }
// //
// TSPI procedures //
// //
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_providerCreateLineDevice( DWORD_PTR dwTempID, DWORD dwDeviceID )
Routine Description:
This function is called by TAPI in response to receipt of a LINE_CREATE message from the service provider, which allows the dynamic creation of a new line device.
dwTempID - The temporary device identifier that the service provider passed to TAPI in the LINE_CREATE message.
dwDeviceID - The device identifier that TAPI assigns to this device if this function succeeds.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the request is successful or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible return values are:
LINEERR_BADDEVICEID - The specified line device ID is out of range.
LINEERR_NOMEM - Unable to allocate or lock memory.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unknown reasons.
{ PH323_LINE pLine = NULL;
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "creating new device %d (hdLine=0x%08lx).\n", dwDeviceID, dwTempID ));
// lock line device using temporary device id
if (!H323GetLineFromIDAndLock(&pLine, (DWORD)dwTempID)) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "invalid temp device id 0x%08lx.\n", dwTempID ));
// failure
// initialize new line device
H323InitializeLine(pLine, dwDeviceID);
// unlock line
// success
return NOERROR; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_providerEnumDevices( DWORD dwPermanentProviderID, PDWORD pdwNumLines, PDWORD pdwNumPhones, HPROVIDER hProvider, LINEEVENT pfnLineCreateProc, PHONEEVENT pfnPhoneCreateProc )
Routine Description:
TAPI.DLL calls this function before TSPI_providerInit to determine the number of line and phone devices supported by the service provider.
dwPermanentProviderID - Specifies the permanent ID, unique within the service providers on this system, of the service provider being initialized.
pdwNumLines - Specifies a far pointer to a DWORD-sized memory location into which the service provider must write the number of line devices it is configured to support. TAPI.DLL initializes the value to zero, so if the service provider fails to write a different value, the value 0 is assumed.
pdwNumPhones - Specifies a far pointer to a DWORD-sized memory location into which the service provider must write the number of phone devices it is configured to support. TAPI.DLL initializes the value to zero, so if the service provider fails to write a different value, the value 0 is assumed.
hProvider - Specifies an opaque DWORD-sized value which uniquely identifies this instance of this service provider during this execution of the Windows Telephony environment.
pfnLineCreateProc - Specifies a far pointer to the LINEEVENT callback procedure supplied by TAPI.DLL. The service provider will use this function to send LINE_CREATE messages when a new line device needs to be created. This function should not be called to send a LINE_CREATE message until after the service provider has returned from the TSPI_providerInit procedure.
pfnPhoneCreateProc - Specifies a far pointer to the PHONEEVENT callback procedure supplied by TAPI.DLL. The service provider will use this function to send PHONE_CREATE messages when a new phone device needs to be created. This function should not be called to send a PHONE_CREATE message until after the service provider has returned from the TSPI_providerInit procedure.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the request is successful or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible return values are:
LINEERR_NOMEM - Unable to allocate or lock memory.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unknown reasons.
{ WSADATA wsaData; WORD wVersionRequested = H323_WINSOCKVERSION;
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pdwNumPhones); // no phone support
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pfnPhoneCreateProc); // no dynamic phones
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwPermanentProviderID); // legacy parameter
// initialize winsock stack
WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);
// lock provider
// save provider handle
g_hProvider = hProvider;
// save line create tapi callback
g_pfnLineEventProc = pfnLineCreateProc;
// install defaults
// load registry parameters
// initialize line table
if (!H323AllocLineTable(&g_pLineTable)) {
// shutdown
// unlock provider
// could not create line table
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "service provider supports %d line(s).\n", g_pLineTable->dwNumInUse ));
// report number of interfaces
*pdwNumLines = g_pLineTable->dwNumInUse;
// unlock provider
// success
return NOERROR; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_providerInit( DWORD dwTSPIVersion, DWORD dwPermanentProviderID, DWORD dwLineDeviceIDBase, DWORD dwPhoneDeviceIDBase, DWORD_PTR dwNumLines, DWORD_PTR dwNumPhones, ASYNC_COMPLETION pfnCompletionProc, LPDWORD pdwTSPIOptions )
Routine Description:
Initializes the service provider, also giving it parameters required for subsequent operation.
This function is guaranteed to be called before any of the other functions prefixed with TSPI_line or TSPI_phone except TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion. It is strictly paired with a subsequent call to TSPI_providerShutdown. It is the caller's reponsibility to ensure proper pairing.
Note that a service provider should perform as many consistency checks as is practical at the time TSPI_providerInit is called to ensure that it is ready to run. Some consistency or installation errors, however, may not be detectable until the operation is attempted. The error LINEERR_NODRIVER can be used to report such non-specific errors at the time they are detected.
There is no directly corresponding function at the TAPI level. At that level, multiple different usage instances can be outstanding, with an "application handle" returned to identify the instance in subsequent operations. At the TSPI level, the interface architecture supports only a single usage instance for each distinct service provider.
A new parameter, lpdwTSPIOptions, is added to this function. This parameter allows the service provider to return bits indicating optional behaviors desired of TAPI. TAPI sets the options DWORD to 0 before calling TSPI_providerInit, so if the service provider doesn't want any of these options, it can just leave the DWORD set to 0.
At this time, only one bit is defined to be returned through this pointer: LINETSPIOPTION_NONREENTRANT. The service provider sets this bit if it is not designed for fully pre-emptive, multithreaded, multitasking, multiprocessor operation (e.g., updating of global data protected by mutexes). When this bit is set, TAPI will only make one call at a time to the service provider; it will not call any other entry point, nor that entry point again, until the service provider returns from the original function call. Without this bit set, TAPI may call into multiple service provider entry points, including multiple times to the same entry point, simultaneously (actually simultaneously in a multiprocessor system). Note: TAPI will not serialize access to TSPI functions that display a dialog (TUISPI_lineConfigDialog, TUISPI_lineConfigDialogEdit, TUISPI_phoneConfigDialog, TUISPI_providerConfig, TUISPI_providerInstall, TUISPI_providerRemove) so that they do not block other TSPI functions from being called; the service provider must include internal protection on these functions.
dwTSPIVersion - Specifies the version of the TSPI definition under which this function must operate. The caller may use TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion with the special dwDeviceID INITIALIZE_NEGOTIATION to negotiate a version that is guaranteed to be acceptible to the service provider.
dwPermanentProviderID - Specifies the permanent ID, unique within the service providers on this system, of the service provider being initialized.
dwLineDeviceIDBase - Specifies the lowest device ID for the line devices supported by this service provider.
dwPhoneDeviceIDBase - Specifies the lowest device ID for the phone devices supported by this service provider.
dwNumLines - Specifies how many line devices this service provider supports.
dwNumPhones - Specifies how many line devices this service provider supports.
pfnCompletionProc - Specifies the procedure the service provider calls to report completion of all asynchronously operating procedures on line and phone devices.
pdwTSPIOptions - A pointer to a DWORD-sized memory location, into which the service provider may write a value specifying LINETSPIOPTIONS_ values.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible return values are as follows:
LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION - The application requested an API version or version range that is either incompatible or cannot be supported by the Telephony API implementation and/or corresponding service provider.
LINEERR_NOMEM - Unable to allocate or lock memory.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unknown reasons.
LINEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL - Insufficient resources to complete the operation.
{ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwNumLines); // legacy parameter
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwNumPhones); // legacy parameter
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwPhoneDeviceIDBase); // no phone support
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pdwTSPIOptions); // already thread-safe
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "initializing service provider.\n" ));
// make sure this is a version we support
if (!H323ValidateTSPIVersion(dwTSPIVersion)) {
// incompatible api version
// lock provider
// initialize caps
// initialize line table using device id base
if (!H323InitializeLineTable(g_pLineTable, dwLineDeviceIDBase)) {
// unlock provider
// could not update lines
// start callback thread
if (!H323StartCallbackThread()) {
// unlock provider
// could not start thread
// save global service provider info
g_dwTSPIVersion = dwTSPIVersion; g_pfnCompletionProc = pfnCompletionProc; g_dwLineDeviceIDBase = dwLineDeviceIDBase; g_dwPermanentProviderID = dwPermanentProviderID;
// unlock provider
// success
return NOERROR; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_providerShutdown( DWORD dwTSPIVersion, DWORD dwPermanentProviderID )
Routine Description:
Shuts down the service provider. The service provider should terminate any activities it has in progress and release any resources it has allocated.
dwTSPIVersion - Specifies the version of the TSPI definition under which this function must operate. The caller may use TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion or TSPI_phoneNegotiateTSPIVersion with the special dwDeviceID INITIALIZE_NEGOTIATION to negotiate a version that is guaranteed to be acceptible to the service provider.
dwPermanentProviderID - Specifies the permanent ID, unique within the service providers on this system, of the service provider being shut down.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible return values are as follows:
LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION - The application requested an API version or version range that is either incompatible or cannot be supported by the Telephony API implementation and/or corresponding service provider.
LINEERR_NOMEM - Unable to allocate or lock memory.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unknown reasons.
{ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwPermanentProviderID); // legacy parameter
// make sure this is a version we support
if (!H323ValidateTSPIVersion(dwTSPIVersion)) {
// failure
// lock provider
// close open line devices
if( g_pLineTable ) { if (!H323CloseLineTable(g_pLineTable)) {
// unlock provider
// failure
// stop callback thread last
if (!H323StopCallbackThread()) {
// unlock provider
// could not stop thread
// release memory for line devices
if (!H323FreeLineTable(g_pLineTable)) {
// unlock provider
// failure
// shutdown
// re-initialize
g_pLineTable = NULL;
// unlock provider
// success
return NOERROR; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_providerInstall( HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwPermanentProviderID )
Routine Description:
The TSPI_providerInstall function is obsolete. TAPI version 1.4 or earlier service providers can implement this TSPI function. TAPI version 2.0 or later TSPs implement TUISPI_providerInstall.
hwndOwner - The handle of the parent window in which the function can create any dialog box windows that are required during installation.
dwPermanentProviderID - The service provider's permanent provider identifier.
Return Values:
Always returns NOERROR.
// success
return NOERROR; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_providerRemove( HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwPermanentProviderID )
Routine Description:
The TSPI_providerRemove function is obsolete. TAPI version 1.4 or earlier service providers can implement this TSPI function. TAPI version 2.0 or later TSPs implement TUISPI_providerRemove.
hwndOwner - The handle of the parent window in which the function can create any dialog box windows that are required during installation.
dwPermanentProviderID - The service provider's permanent provider identifier.
Return Values:
Always returns NOERROR.
// success
return NOERROR; }
LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_providerUIIdentify( LPWSTR pwszUIDLLName )
Routine Description:
The TSPI_providerUIIdentify function extracts from the service provider the fully qualified path to load the service provider's UI DLL component.
Implementation is mandatory if the service provider implements any UI DLL functions.
pwszUIDLLName - Pointer to a block of memory at least MAX_PATH in length, into which the service provider must copy a NULL- terminated string specifying the fully-qualified path for the DLL containing the service provider functions which must execute in the process of the calling application.
Return Values:
Always returns NOERROR.
{ // copy name of our dll as ui dll
// success
return NOERROR; }
LONG TSPIAPI TUISPI_providerInstall( TUISPIDLLCALLBACK pfnUIDLLCallback, HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwPermanentProviderID )
Routine Description:
Implementation of the TUISPI_providerInstall function is the service provider's opportunity to install any additional "pieces" of the provider into the right directories (or at least verifying that they're there) and set up registry entries the provider needs.
pfnUIDLLCallback - Pointer to a function the UI DLL can call to communicate with the service provider DLL to obtain information needed to display the dialog box.
hwndOwner - The handle of the parent window in which the function can create any dialog box windows that are required during installation.
dwPermanentProviderID - The service provider's permanent provider identifier.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible return values are as follows:
LINEERR_NOMEM - Unable to allocate or lock memory.
LINEERR_NOMULTIPLEINSTANCE - A telephony service provider which does not support multiple instances is listed more than once in the [Providers] section in the registry. The application
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unknown reasons.
{ HKEY hKey; HKEY hKeyTSP; LONG lStatus; LPSTR pszKey;
// check for previous instance
if (H323IsTSPAlreadyInstalled()) {
// cannot be installed twice
// set key to h323
pszKey = H323_REGKEY_ROOT;
// attempt to open key
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
// validate status
if (lStatus == NOERROR) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "successfully installed H.323 provider.\n" ));
// release handle
// success
return NOERROR; }
// set key to windows
// attempt to open key
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey );
// validate status
if (lStatus != NOERROR) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "error 0x%08lx opening windows registry key.\n", lStatus ));
// operation failed
// attempt to create key
lStatus = RegCreateKey( hKey, H323_SUBKEY, &hKeyTSP );
// validate status
if (lStatus != NOERROR) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "error 0x%08lx creating tsp registry key.\n", lStatus ));
// release handle
// operation failed
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "successfully installed H.323 provider.\n" ));
// release handle
// release handle
// success
return NOERROR; }
LONG TSPIAPI TUISPI_providerRemove( TUISPIDLLCALLBACK pfnUIDLLCallback, HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwPermanentProviderID )
Routine Description:
The TUISPI_providerRemove function asks the user to confirm elimination of the service provider.
It is the responsibility of the service provider to remove any registry entries that the service provider added at addProvider time, as well as any other modules and files that are no longer needed.
pfnUIDLLCallback - Pointer to a function the UI DLL can call to communicate with the service provider DLL to obtain information needed to display the dialog box.
hwndOwner - The handle of the parent window in which the function can create any dialog box windows that are required during removal.
dwPermanentProviderID - The service provider's permanent provider identifier.
Return Values:
Returns zero if the function is successful, or a negative error number if an error has occurred. Possible return values are as follows:
LINEERR_NOMEM - Unable to allocate or lock memory.
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED - The specified operation failed for unknown reasons.
{ HKEY hKey; LONG lStatus; LPSTR pszKey;
// set key to h323
pszKey = H323_REGKEY_ROOT;
// attempt to open key
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
// validate status
if (lStatus != NOERROR) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "successfully removed H.323 provider.\n" ));
// success
return NOERROR; }
// release handle
// set key to windows
// attempt to open key
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey );
// validate status
if (lStatus != NOERROR) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "error 0x%08lx opening windows registry key.\n", lStatus ));
// operation failed
// attempt to delete key
lStatus = RegDeleteKey( hKey, H323_SUBKEY );
// validate status
if (lStatus != NOERROR) {
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR, "error 0x%08lx deleting tsp registry key.\n", lStatus ));
// release handle
// operation failed
H323DBG(( DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE, "successfully removed H.323 provider.\n" ));
// release handle
// success
return NOERROR; }