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Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: lease.h
Abstract: Definition of the CMdhcpLeaseInfo class
// Includes
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
// Non-class-member helper functions
// helper functions for date conversions
HRESULT DateToLeaseTime(DATE date, LONG * pLeaseTime); HRESULT LeaseTimeToDate(time_t leaseTime, DATE * pDate);
// Custom critical section / locking stuff
class CCritSection { private: CRITICAL_SECTION m_CritSec; BOOL bInitialized;
public: CCritSection() : bInitialized( FALSE ) { }
~CCritSection() { if( bInitialized ) { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CritSec); } }
HRESULT Initialize() { if( bInitialized ) { // Already initialized
_ASSERT( FALSE ); return S_OK; }
// We have to initialize the critical section
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CritSec); } catch(...) { // Wrong
bInitialized = TRUE; return S_OK; }
void Lock() { EnterCriticalSection(&m_CritSec); }
BOOL TryLock() { return TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_CritSec); }
void Unlock() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CritSec); } };
// CMDhcpLeaseInfo
class CMDhcpLeaseInfo : public CComDualImpl<IMcastLeaseInfo, &IID_IMcastLeaseInfo, &LIBID_McastLib>, public CComObjectRootEx<CComObjectThreadModel>, public CObjectSafeImpl {
// Private data members
private: // For synchronization -- defined above.
CCritSection m_CriticalSection;
// This is actually a variable length structure, so we must allocate it
// dynamically.
BOOL m_fGotTtl; // TRUE if TTL is meaningful
long m_lTtl; // the TTL for this lease (from scope info!)
// We also contain request ID info. The clientUID field is dynamically
// allocated and must be released on destruction.
// Pointer to the free threaded marshaler.
IUnknown * m_pFTM;
// locally allocated lease -- by default this is false
BOOL m_fLocal;
// Private implementation
private: HRESULT MakeBstrArray(BSTR ** ppbszArray); HRESULT put_RequestID(BSTR pRequestID);
// Public methods not belonging to any interface
public: CMDhcpLeaseInfo (void); HRESULT FinalConstruct (void); void FinalRelease (void); ~CMDhcpLeaseInfo(void);
// init with values obtained from CreateLeaseInfo
HRESULT Initialize( DATE LeaseStartTime, DATE LeaseStopTime, DWORD dwNumAddresses, LPWSTR * ppAddresses, LPWSTR pRequestID, LPWSTR pServerAddress );
// wrap a struct returned from the C API
HRESULT Wrap( MCAST_LEASE_INFO * pLease, MCAST_CLIENT_UID * pRequestID, BOOL fGotTtl, long lTtl );
HRESULT GetStruct( MCAST_LEASE_INFO ** ppLease );
HRESULT GetRequestIDBuffer( long lBufferSize, BYTE * pBuffer );
HRESULT GetLocal( BOOL * pfLocal );
HRESULT SetLocal( BOOL fLocal );
// General COM stuff
// IMcastLeaseInfo interface
public: STDMETHOD (get_RequestID) (BSTR * ppRequestID); STDMETHOD (get_LeaseStartTime) (DATE * pTime); STDMETHOD (put_LeaseStartTime) (DATE time); STDMETHOD (get_LeaseStopTime) (DATE * pTime); STDMETHOD (put_LeaseStopTime) (DATE time); STDMETHOD (get_AddressCount) (long * pCount); STDMETHOD (get_ServerAddress) (BSTR * ppAddress); STDMETHOD (get_TTL) (long * pTTL); STDMETHOD (get_Addresses) (VARIANT * pVariant); STDMETHOD (EnumerateAddresses) (IEnumBstr ** ppEnumAddresses);
// eof