Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: scope.cpp
Abstract: Implementation of CMDhcpScope.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "mdhcp.h"
#include "scope.h"
// Constructor
CMDhcpScope::CMDhcpScope() : m_pFTM(NULL), m_fLocal(FALSE) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope constructor: enter")); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope constructor: exit")); }
// Called by our creator only -- not part of IMDhcpScope.
HRESULT CMDhcpScope::Initialize( MCAST_SCOPE_ENTRY scope, BOOL fLocal ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::Initialize: enter"));
HRESULT hr = CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler( GetControllingUnknown(), & m_pFTM );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_INFO, "CMDhcpScope::Initialize - " "create FTM returned 0x%08x; exit", hr));
return hr; }
m_fLocal = fLocal;
// elementwise copy...
m_scope = scope;
// except for wide character pointer, which points to a string that will
// get deleted shortly. We need to make a copy of that string.
// (We allocate too many bytes here -- better safe than sorry. :)
m_scope.ScopeDesc.Buffer = new WCHAR[m_scope.ScopeDesc.MaximumLength + 1];
if (m_scope.ScopeDesc.Buffer == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "scope Initialize: out of memory for buffer copy")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
lstrcpynW(m_scope.ScopeDesc.Buffer, scope.ScopeDesc.Buffer, m_scope.ScopeDesc.MaximumLength);
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::Initialize: exit")); return S_OK; }
// Destructors
void CMDhcpScope::FinalRelease(void) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::FinalRelease: enter")); // this is our private copy of the string.
delete m_scope.ScopeDesc.Buffer;
if ( m_pFTM ) { m_pFTM->Release(); }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::FinalRelease: exit")); }
CMDhcpScope::~CMDhcpScope() { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope destructor: enter")); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope destructor: exit")); }
// IMDhcpScope
// This interface is obtained by calling IMDhcp::EnumerateScopes or
// IMDhcp::get_Scopes. It encapsulates all the properties of a multicast
// scope. You can use the methods of this interface to get information about
// the scope. This is a "read-only" interface in that it has "get" methods
// but no "put" methods.
// IMDhcpScope::get_ScopeID
// Parameters
// pID [out] Pointer to a long that will receive the ScopeID of this
// scope, which is the ID that was assigned to this scope
// when it was configured on the MDHCP server.
// Return Values
// S_OK Success
// E_POINTER The caller passed in an invalid pointer argument
// Description
// Use this method to obtain the ScopeID associated with this scope. The
// ScopeID and ServerID are needed to select this scope in subsequent
// calls to IMDhcp::RequestAddress, IMDhcp::RenewAddress, or
// IMDhcp::ReleaseAddress.
STDMETHODIMP CMDhcpScope::get_ScopeID( long *pID ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_ScopeID: enter"));
if ( IsBadWritePtr(pID, sizeof(long)) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_ScopeID: bad pointer passed in")); return E_POINTER; }
// Stored in network byte order -- we convert to host byte order
// here in order to be UI friendly
*pID = ntohl( m_scope.ScopeCtx.ScopeID.IpAddrV4 );
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_ScopeID: exit")); return S_OK; }
// IMDhcpScope::get_ServerID
// Parameters
// pID [out] Pointer to a long that will receive the ServerID of this
// scope, which is the ID that was assigned to the MDHCP
// server that published this scope at the time that the
// MDHCP server was configured.
// Return Values
// S_OK Success
// E_POINTER The caller passed in an invalid pointer argument
// Description
// Use this method to obtain the ServerID associated with this scope.
// The ServerID is provided for informational purposes only; it is not
// required as input to any of the methods in these interfaces.
STDMETHODIMP CMDhcpScope::get_ServerID( long *pID ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_ServerID: enter"));
if ( IsBadWritePtr(pID, sizeof(long)) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_ServerID: bad pointer passed in")); return E_POINTER; }
*pID = m_scope.ScopeCtx.ServerID.IpAddrV4;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_ServerID: exit")); return S_OK; }
// IMDhcpScope::get_InterfaceID
// Parameters
// pID [out] Pointer to a long that will receive the InterfaceID of this
// scope, which identifies the interface on which the server
// that published this scope resides. This is normally the
// network address of the interface.
// Return Values
// S_OK Success
// E_POINTER The caller passed in an invalid pointer argument
// Description
// Use this method to obtain the ServerID associated with this scope. The
// InterfaceID is provided for informational purposes only; it is not
// required as input to any of the methods in these interfaces. However,
// it may factor into the application's (or the user's) decision as to
// which scope to use when requesting an address. This is because, in a
// multi-homed scenario, using a multicast address on one network that was
// obtained from a server on another network may cause address conflicts.
STDMETHODIMP CMDhcpScope::get_InterfaceID( long * pID ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_InterfaceID - enter"));
if ( IsBadWritePtr(pID, sizeof(long)) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMDhcpScope::get_InterfaceID - " "bad pointer passed in"));
return E_POINTER; }
*pID = m_scope.ScopeCtx.Interface.IpAddrV4;
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_InterfaceID - exit")); return S_OK; }
// IMDhcpScope::get_ScopeDescription
// Parameters
// ppAddress [out] Pointer to a BSTR (size-tagged Unicode string pointer)
// that will receive a description of this scope. The
// description was established when this scope was
// configured on the MDHCP server.
// Return Values
// S_OK Success
// E_POINTER The caller passed in an invalid pointer argument
// E_OUTOFMEMORY Not enough memory to allocate the string
// Description
// Use this method to obtain a textual description associated with this
// scope. The description is used only for clarifying the purpose or
// meaning of a scope and is not required as input to any of the methods
// in these interfaces.
STDMETHODIMP CMDhcpScope::get_ScopeDescription( BSTR *ppAddress ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_ScopeDescription: enter"));
if ( IsBadWritePtr(ppAddress, sizeof(BSTR)) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_ScopeDescription: bad pointer passed in")); return E_POINTER; }
// This allocates space on OLE's heap, copies the wide character string
// to that space, fille in the BSTR length field, and returns a pointer
// to the WCHAR array part of the BSTR.
*ppAddress = SysAllocString(m_scope.ScopeDesc.Buffer);
if ( *ppAddress == NULL ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_ScopeDescription: out of memory in string " "allocation")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_ScopeDescription: exit")); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDhcpScope::get_TTL( long * plTtl ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_TTL - enter"));
if ( IsBadWritePtr( plTtl, sizeof(long) ) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_TTL: bad pointer passed in - exit E_POINTER")); return E_POINTER; }
*plTtl = m_scope.TTL; LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::get_TTL - exit S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// public method not on any interface
HRESULT CMDhcpScope::GetLocal(BOOL * pfLocal) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::GetLocal: enter"));
_ASSERTE( ! IsBadWritePtr( pfLocal, sizeof(BOOL) ) );
*pfLocal = m_fLocal; LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMDhcpScope::GetLocal: exit S_OK"));
return S_OK; }
// eof