Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the Agent object for TAPI 3.0. CAgent class CAgentEvent class
noela - 11/04/97
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
DWORD MapAgentStateFrom3to2(AGENT_STATE tapi3State); HRESULT MapAgentStateFrom2to3(DWORD tapi2State, AGENT_STATE *tapi3State);
// CAgent
// Class : CAgent
// Method : Initialize
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::Initialize( HAGENT hAgent, PWSTR pszUserName, PWSTR pszID, PWSTR pszPIN, CAgentHandler * pHandler ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Initialize - enter" ));
m_bRegisteredForAgentEvents = FALSE; m_bRegisteredForAgentSessionEvents = FALSE; m_bRequiresUpdating = TRUE;
m_pHandler = pHandler; m_hAgent = hAgent; m_AgentState = AS_UNKNOWN; m_szAgentUserName = NULL; m_szAgentID = NULL; m_szPIN = NULL;
if (pszUserName != NULL) { m_szAgentUserName = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc((lstrlenW(pszUserName) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (m_szAgentUserName != NULL) { // Copy the name string
lstrcpyW(m_szAgentUserName,pszUserName); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - Alloc m_szAgentUserName failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else // Agent Name is aNULL string
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - Agent Name is NULL" )); }
// Now do the Agent ID
if (pszID != NULL) { m_szAgentID = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc((lstrlenW(pszID) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (m_szAgentID != NULL) { lstrcpyW(m_szAgentID,pszID); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - Alloc m_szAgentID failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else // ID is a NULL string
{ LOG((TL_INFO, "Initialize - Agent ID is NULL" )); }
// Now do the Agent PIN
if (pszPIN != NULL) { m_szPIN = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc((lstrlenW(pszPIN) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (m_szPIN != NULL) { lstrcpyW(m_szPIN,pszPIN); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - Alloc m_szPIN failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else // PIN is a NULL string
{ LOG((TL_INFO, "Initialize - Agent PIN is NULL" )); }
// Get Agent Info from Proxy
// UpdateInfo();
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Fire an event here
CAgentEvent::FireEvent(this, AE_UNKNOWN); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Initialize Agent - %S, %S", m_szAgentUserName, m_szAgentID )); LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "Initialize - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Method : FinalRelease
void CAgent::FinalRelease() {
LOG((TL_TRACE, "FinalRelease Agent - %S", m_szAgentUserName )); if ( m_szAgentUserName != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_szAgentUserName); }
if ( m_szAgentID != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_szAgentID); }
if (m_szPIN != NULL) { ClientFree(m_szPIN); }
m_AgentSessionArray.Shutdown(); LOG((TL_TRACE, "FinalRelease Agent - exit"));
// Class : CAgent
// Method : UpdateInfo
LOG((TL_TRACE, "UpdateInfo - enter" )); AgentInfo.dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINEAGENTINFO); AgentInfo.dwNeededSize = sizeof(LINEAGENTINFO); AgentInfo.dwUsedSize = sizeof(LINEAGENTINFO);
// **************************************************
// Get Agent Info from Proxy
hr = lineGetAgentInfo( m_pHandler->getHLine(), m_hAgent, &AgentInfo);
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // wait for async reply
hr = WaitForReply( hr ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock();
if( FAILED( MapAgentStateFrom2to3(AgentInfo.dwAgentState, &m_AgentState) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UpdateInfo - AgentState is invalid %d - setting to AS_UNKNOWN", AgentInfo.dwAgentState)); }
if( FAILED( MapAgentStateFrom2to3(AgentInfo.dwNextAgentState, &m_NextAgentState) ) ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UpdateInfo - NextAgentState is invalid %d - setting to AS_UNKNOWN",AgentInfo.dwNextAgentState)); } m_dwMeasurementPeriod = AgentInfo.dwMeasurementPeriod; m_cyOverallCallRate = AgentInfo.cyOverallCallRate; m_dwNumberOfACDCalls = AgentInfo.dwNumberOfACDCalls; m_dwNumberOfIncomingCalls = AgentInfo.dwNumberOfIncomingCalls; m_dwNumberOfOutgoingCalls = AgentInfo.dwNumberOfOutgoingCalls; m_dwTotalACDTalkTime = AgentInfo.dwTotalACDTalkTime; m_dwTotalACDCallTime = AgentInfo.dwTotalACDCallTime; m_dwTotalACDWrapUpTime = AgentInfo.dwTotalACDWrapUpTime;
m_bRequiresUpdating = FALSE; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UpdateInfo - call to lineGetAgentInfo failed async" )); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UpdateInfo - call to lineGetAgentInfo failed" )); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "UpdateInfo - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Method : CheckIfUpToDate
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::CheckIfUpToDate() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_bRequiresUpdating) { hr = UpdateInfo(); } return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : EnumerateAgentSessions
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::EnumerateAgentSessions(IEnumAgentSession ** ppEnumAgentSession) { ITAgent* pITAgent; CAgent * pAgent; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateAgentSessions - enter" )); LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateAgentSessions - ppEnumAgentSessions %p", ppEnumAgentSession ));
if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppEnumAgentSession, sizeof(IEnumAgentSession *) ) ) { Lock(); //
// create the enumerator
CComObject< CTapiEnum<IEnumAgentSession, ITAgentSession, &IID_IEnumAgentSession> > * pEnum; hr = CComObject< CTapiEnum<IEnumAgentSession, ITAgentSession, &IID_IEnumAgentSession> > ::CreateInstance( &pEnum ); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { //
// initialize it with our Session list
// return it
*ppEnumAgentSession = pEnum; } else { LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateAgentSessions - could not create enum" )); } Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateAgentSessions - bad ppEnumAgentSession pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; }
LOG((TL_ERROR, hr, "EnumerateAgentSessions - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : get_AgentSessions
// Return a collection of agent sessions
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_AgentSessions(VARIANT * pVariant) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDispatch * pDisp = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_AgentSessions - enter"));
if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pVariant, sizeof(VARIANT) ) ) { //
// create the collection
CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITAgentSession > > * p; hr = CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITAgentSession > >::CreateInstance( &p ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // initialize it with our address list
Lock(); hr = p->Initialize( m_AgentSessionArray ); Unlock(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // get the IDispatch interface
hr = p->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **) &pDisp ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // put it in the variant
VariantInit(pVariant); pVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH; pVariant->pdispVal = pDisp; } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_AgentSessions - could not get IDispatch interface" )); delete p; } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_AgentSessions - could not initialize collection" )); delete p; } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_AgentSessions - could not create collection" )); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_AgentSessions - bad pVariant pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "get_AgentSessions - exit")); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : RegisterAgentEvents
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::RegisterAgentEvents(VARIANT_BOOL bNotify) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LOG((TL_TRACE, "RegisterAgentEvents - enter" )); m_bRegisteredForAgentEvents = bNotify;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "RegisterAgentEvents - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : RegisterAgentSessionEvents
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::RegisterAgentSessionEvents(VARIANT_BOOL bNotify) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "RegisterAgentSessionEvents - enter" ));
m_bRegisteredForAgentSessionEvents = bNotify;
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "RegisterAgentSessionEvents - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : CreateSessionWithPIN
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::CreateSessionWithPIN(ITACDGroup * pACDGroup, ITAddress * pAddress, BSTR pPIN, ITAgentSession ** ppAgentSession ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateSessionWithPIN - enter" ));
if ( agentHasID() ) { if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppAgentSession, sizeof(ITAgentSession *) ) ) { if (!IsBadStringPtrW( pPIN, -1 )) { // Pointer OK, is it empty ?
if( pPIN != NULL) { hr = InternalCreateSession(pACDGroup, pAddress, pPIN, ppAgentSession); } else // PIN is NULL
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateSessionWithPIN - failed, PIN is NULL")); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else // bad BSTR pointer
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateSessionWithPIN - invalid pPIN pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateSessionWithPIN - invalid ppAgentSession pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; } } else // no ID
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateSessionWithPIN - Agent not created by CreateAgentWithID()" )); hr = TAPI_E_CALLCENTER_NO_AGENT_ID; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "CreateSessionWithPIN - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : CreateSession
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::CreateSession(ITACDGroup * pACDGroup, ITAddress * pAddress, ITAgentSession ** ppAgentSession ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "CreateSession - enter" ));
if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppAgentSession, sizeof(ITAgentSession *) ) ) { hr = InternalCreateSession(pACDGroup, pAddress, m_szPIN, ppAgentSession); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "CreateSession - invalid ppAgentSession pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "CreateSession - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : CreateSession
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::InternalCreateSession(ITACDGroup * pACDGroup, ITAddress * pAddress, PWSTR pszPIN, ITAgentSession ** ppAgentSession) { HAGENTSESSION hAgentSession; LINEAGENTENTRY Agent; DWORD dwAddressID; GUID GroupID; CACDGroup * pGroup = NULL; CAddress * pCAddress = NULL; CComObject<CAgentSession> * pAgentSession; AddressLineStruct * pAddressLine;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LOG((TL_TRACE, "InternalCreateSession - enter" ));
// check for a valid ACD group & get its address ID
pGroup = dynamic_cast<CComObject<CACDGroup>*>(pACDGroup); if (pGroup != NULL) { GroupID = pGroup->getID();
// check for a valid address & get its address ID
pCAddress = dynamic_cast<CComObject<CAddress>*>(pAddress); if (pCAddress != NULL) { dwAddressID = pCAddress->GetAddressID(); hr = pCAddress->FindOrOpenALine (LINEMEDIAMODE_INTERACTIVEVOICE, &pAddressLine); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // All OK so far, try to create session (sends request to proxy)
hr = LineCreateAgentSession( pAddressLine->t3Line.hLine, m_hAgent, pszPIN, dwAddressID, &GroupID, &hAgentSession ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = WaitForReply( hr ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "InternalCreateSession - create new session" )); hr = CComObject<CAgentSession>::CreateInstance( &pAgentSession );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { ITAgentSession * pITAgentSession; hr = pAgentSession->QueryInterface(IID_ITAgentSession, (void **)&pITAgentSession);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // initialize the Agent
hr = pAgentSession->Initialize( hAgentSession, this, pACDGroup, pAddress, m_pHandler, pAddressLine ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // add to list
Lock(); m_AgentSessionArray.Add( pITAgentSession ); Unlock();
// This is the clients reference
pAgentSession->AddRef(); try { // set return value
*ppAgentSession = pAgentSession; } catch(...) { hr = E_POINTER; } } else //(FAILED (hr) ) pAgentSession->Initialize
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "InternalCreateSession - failed to initialize new object" )); delete pAgentSession; } } else //(FAILED (hr) ) pAgentSession->QueryInterface
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "InternalCreateSession - failed to query interface" )); delete pAgentSession; }
} else //(FAILED (hr) ) CreateInstance
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "InternalCreateSession - createInstance failed for COM object" )); } } else // LineCreateAgentSession failed async
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "InternalCreateSession - LineCreateAgentSession failed async" )); } } else //(FAILED (hr) ) LineCreateAgentSession
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "InternalCreateSession - LineCreateAgentSession failed" )); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "InternalCreateSession - Failed to open a line for the target Address" )); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } else //(pCAddress == NULL)
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "InternalCreateSession - invalid Destination Address" )); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else //(pGroup == NULL)
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "InternalCreateSession - invalid ACDGroup" )); hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "InternalCreateSession - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : ID
LOG((TL_TRACE, "ID - enter" )); Lock();
if ( !agentHasID() ) { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ID - Agent not created by CreateAgentWithID()" )); hr = TAPI_E_CALLCENTER_NO_AGENT_ID; } if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pID, sizeof(BSTR) ) ) { if (m_szAgentID == NULL) { *pID = NULL; } else { *pID = SysAllocString(m_szAgentID); if (*pID == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
} else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "ID - bad pID pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; }
Unlock(); LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "ID - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : User
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_User(BSTR * ppUser) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "User - enter" )); Lock(); if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppUser, sizeof(BSTR) ) ) { *ppUser = SysAllocString(m_szAgentUserName); if (*ppUser == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "User - bad ppUser pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; }
Unlock(); LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "User - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : put_State
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::put_State(AGENT_STATE AgentState) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HLINE hLine; DWORD dwState = 0;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "put_State - enter" ));
Lock(); hLine = (GetAgentHandler() )->getHLine(); Unlock();
dwState = MapAgentStateFrom3to2(AgentState);
hr = lineSetAgentStateEx (hLine, m_hAgent, dwState, 0 //MapAgentStateFrom3to2(m_NextAgentState)
); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // wait for async reply
hr = WaitForReply( hr ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); m_AgentState = AgentState; Unlock(); switch(AgentState) { case AS_NOT_READY: CAgentEvent::FireEvent(this, AE_NOT_READY); break; case AS_READY: CAgentEvent::FireEvent(this, AE_READY); break; case AS_BUSY_ACD: CAgentEvent::FireEvent(this, AE_BUSY_ACD); break; case AS_BUSY_INCOMING: CAgentEvent::FireEvent(this, AE_BUSY_INCOMING); break; case AS_BUSY_OUTGOING: CAgentEvent::FireEvent(this, AE_BUSY_OUTGOING); case AS_UNKNOWN: CAgentEvent::FireEvent(this, AE_UNKNOWN); break; }
} else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_State - lineSetAgentStateEx failed async" )); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_State - lineSetAgentStateEx failed" )); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "put_State - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : get_State
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_State(AGENT_STATE * pAgentState) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_State - enter" )); if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pAgentState, sizeof(AGENT_STATE) ) ) { Lock(); *pAgentState = m_AgentState; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_State - bad pAgentState pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "get_State - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : put_MeasurementPeriod
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::put_MeasurementPeriod(long ulPeriod) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "put_MeasurementPeriod - enter" )); // Tell Proxy
hr = lineSetAgentMeasurementPeriod( m_pHandler->getHLine(), m_hAgent, ulPeriod);
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // wait for async reply
hr = WaitForReply( hr ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); m_dwMeasurementPeriod = ulPeriod; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_MeasurementPeriod - call to LineSetAgentMeasurementPeriod failed async" )); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_MeasurementPeriod - call to LineSetAgentMeasurementPeriod failed" )); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "put_MeasurementPeriod - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : get_MeasurementPeriod
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_MeasurementPeriod(long * pulPeriod) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD period;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_MeasurementPeriod - enter" ));
if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pulPeriod, sizeof(long) ) ) { hr = CheckIfUpToDate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); *pulPeriod = m_dwMeasurementPeriod; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_MeasurementPeriod - Object update failed")); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_MeasurementPeriod -bad pulPeriod pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "get_MeasurementPeriod - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : OverallCallrate
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_OverallCallRate(CURRENCY * pcyCallrate) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "OverallCallrate - enter" )); if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pcyCallrate, sizeof(CURRENCY) ) ) { hr = CheckIfUpToDate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); *pcyCallrate = m_cyOverallCallRate; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_OverallCallRate - Object update failed")); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_OverallCallRate - bad pcyCallrate pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "OverallCallrate - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : NumberOfACDCalls
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_NumberOfACDCalls(long * pulCalls) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "NumberOfACDCalls - enter" )); if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pulCalls, sizeof(long) ) ) { hr = CheckIfUpToDate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); *pulCalls = m_dwNumberOfACDCalls; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_NumberOfACDCalls - Object update failed")); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_NumberOfACDCalls - bad pulCalls pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "NumberOfACDCalls - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : NumberOfIncomingCalls
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_NumberOfIncomingCalls(long * pulCalls) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LOG((TL_TRACE, "NumberOfIncomingCalls - enter" )); if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pulCalls, sizeof(long) ) ) { hr = CheckIfUpToDate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); *pulCalls = m_dwNumberOfIncomingCalls; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_NumberOfIncomingCalls - Object update failed")); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_NumberOfIncomingCalls - bad pulCalls pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "NumberOfIncomingCalls - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : NumberOfOutgoingCalls
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_NumberOfOutgoingCalls(long * pulCalls) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "NumberOfOutgoingCalls - enter" )); if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pulCalls, sizeof(long) ) ) { hr = CheckIfUpToDate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); *pulCalls = m_dwNumberOfOutgoingCalls; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_NumberOfOutgoingCalls - Object update failed")); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_NumberOfOutgoingCalls - bad pulCalls pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "NumberOfOutgoingCalls - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : TotalACDTalkTime
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_TotalACDTalkTime(long * pulTalkTime) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LOG((TL_TRACE, "TotalACDTalkTime - enter" )); if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pulTalkTime, sizeof(long) ) ) { hr = CheckIfUpToDate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); *pulTalkTime = m_dwTotalACDTalkTime; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_TotalACDTalkTime - Object update failed")); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_TotalACDTalkTime - bad pulTalkTime pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "TotalACDTalkTime - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : TotalACDCallTime
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_TotalACDCallTime(long * pulCallTime) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "TotalACDCallTime - enter" )); if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pulCallTime, sizeof(long) ) ) { hr = CheckIfUpToDate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); *pulCallTime = m_dwTotalACDCallTime; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_TotalACDCallTime - Object update failed")); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_TotalACDCallTime - bad pulCallTime pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "TotalACDCallTime - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : TotalWrapUpTime
STDMETHODIMP CAgent::get_TotalWrapUpTime(long * pulWrapUpTime) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LOG((TL_TRACE, "TotalWrapUpTime - enter" )); if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pulWrapUpTime, sizeof(long) ) ) { hr = CheckIfUpToDate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Lock(); *pulWrapUpTime = m_dwTotalACDWrapUpTime; Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_TotalWrapUpTime - Object update failed")); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_TotalWrapUpTime - bad pulWrapUpTime pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "TotalWrapUpTime - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CAgent
// Interface : ITAgent
// Method : put_PIN
LOG((TL_TRACE, "put_PIN - enter" ));
if (!IsBadStringPtrW( pPIN, -1 )) { // Pointer OK, is it empty ?
if( pPIN != NULL) { // do we have an existng PIN ?
if (m_szPIN != NULL) { LOG((TL_INFO, "put_PIN - Overwrite exising PIN")); ClientFree(m_szPIN); } // Alloc space for new PIN
m_szPIN = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc((lstrlenW(pPIN) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (m_szPIN != NULL) { lstrcpyW(m_szPIN, pPIN); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_PIN - ClientAlloc m_szPIN failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else // PIN is NULL
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_PIN - failed, PIN is NULL")); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else // bad BSTR pointer
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "put_PIN - invalid pointer" )); return E_POINTER; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "put_PIN - exit" )); return hr; }
// CAgentEvent
// Class : CAgentEvent
// Method : FireEvent
HRESULT CAgentEvent::FireEvent(CAgent* pAgent, AGENT_EVENT Event) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComObject<CAgentEvent> * pEvent; IDispatch * pIDispatch;
// create event
hr = CComObject<CAgentEvent>::CreateInstance( &pEvent );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// initialize
pEvent->m_AgentEvent = Event; pEvent->m_pAgent= dynamic_cast<ITAgent *>(pAgent); pEvent->m_pAgent->AddRef(); //
// get idisp interface
hr = pEvent->QueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pIDispatch );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// get callback & fire event
CTAPI *pTapi = (pAgent->GetAgentHandler() )->GetTapi(); pTapi->Event( TE_AGENT, pIDispatch ); // release stuff
pIDispatch->Release(); } else { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "(Event)FireEvent - Could not get disp interface of AgentEvent object")); delete pEvent; } } else { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "(Event)FireEvent - Could not create AgentEvent object")); }
STATICLOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "(Event)FireEvent - exit")); return hr; }
// Class : CAgentEvent
// Method : FinalRelease
void CAgentEvent::FinalRelease() { m_pAgent->Release();
// Class : CAgentEvent
// Interface : ITAgentEvent
// Method : Agent
STDMETHODIMP CAgentEvent::get_Agent(ITAgent ** ppAgent) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "(Event)Agent - enter" )); if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppAgent, sizeof(ITAgent *) ) ) { *ppAgent = m_pAgent; m_pAgent->AddRef(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "(Event)Agent - bad ppAgent pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "(Event)Agent - exit")); return hr; }
// Class : CAgentEvent
// Interface : ITAgentEvent
// Method : Event
STDMETHODIMP CAgentEvent::get_Event(AGENT_EVENT * pEvent) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Event - enter" )); if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pEvent, sizeof(AGENT_EVENT) ) ) { *pEvent = m_AgentEvent; } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Event - bad pEvent pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "Event - exit")); return hr; }
// Function : MapAgentStateFrom3to2
DWORD MapAgentStateFrom3to2(AGENT_STATE tapi3State) { DWORD tapi2State = 0;
switch(tapi3State) { case AS_NOT_READY: tapi2State = LINEAGENTSTATEEX_NOTREADY; break; case AS_READY: tapi2State = LINEAGENTSTATEEX_READY; break; case AS_BUSY_ACD: tapi2State = LINEAGENTSTATEEX_BUSYACD; break; case AS_BUSY_INCOMING: tapi2State = LINEAGENTSTATEEX_BUSYINCOMING; break; case AS_BUSY_OUTGOING: tapi2State = LINEAGENTSTATEEX_BUSYOUTGOING; break; case AS_UNKNOWN: tapi2State = LINEAGENTSTATEEX_UNKNOWN; break; default: break; }
return tapi2State; }
// Function : MapAgentStateFrom2to3
HRESULT MapAgentStateFrom2to3(DWORD tapi2State, AGENT_STATE *tapi3State) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (tapi2State & LINEAGENTSTATEEX_NOTREADY) { *tapi3State = AS_NOT_READY; } else if (tapi2State & LINEAGENTSTATEEX_READY) { *tapi3State = AS_READY; } else if (tapi2State & LINEAGENTSTATEEX_BUSYACD) { *tapi3State = AS_BUSY_ACD; } else if (tapi2State & LINEAGENTSTATEEX_BUSYINCOMING) { *tapi3State = AS_BUSY_INCOMING; } else if (tapi2State & LINEAGENTSTATEEX_BUSYOUTGOING) { *tapi3State = AS_BUSY_OUTGOING; } else if (tapi2State & LINEAGENTSTATEEX_UNKNOWN) { *tapi3State = AS_UNKNOWN; } else { *tapi3State = AS_UNKNOWN; // default
return hr; }