#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// Localization library and MessageIds.
#include <nls.h>
#include "localmsg.h"
int filematch( char *pszfile, char **ppszpat, int cpat, int fsubdirs );
typedef struct token_tmp { char *v4; char *v6; char *both; } token_t;
token_t token[] = { { "AF_INET", "AF_INET6", NULL }, { "PF_INET", "PF_INET6", NULL }, { "in_addr", "in6_addr", NULL }, { "IN_ADDR", "IN6_ADDR", NULL }, { "PIN_ADDR", "PIN6_ADDR", NULL }, { "LPIN_ADDR", "LPIN6_ADDR", NULL }, { "IPAddr", NULL, "SOCKADDR_STORAGE" }, { "sockaddr_in", "sockaddr_in6", "sockaddr_storage" }, { "SOCKADDR_IN", "SOCKADDR_IN6", "SOCKADDR_STORAGE" }, { "PSOCKADDR_IN", "PSOCKADDR_IN6", "PSOCKADDR_STORAGE" }, { "LPSOCKADDR_IN", "LPSOCKADDR_IN6", "LPSOCKADDR_STORAGE" }, { "INADDR_ANY", "in6addr_any", "getaddrinfo with nodename=NULL and AI_PASSIVE" }, { "INADDR_LOOPBACK", "in6addr_loopback", NULL }, { "IPPROTO_IP", "IPPROTO_IPV6", NULL }, { "IP_MULTICAST_IF", "IPV6_MULTICAST_IF", NULL }, { "IP_MULTICAST_TTL", "IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS","SIO_MULTICAST_SCOPE" }, { "IP_MULTICAST_LOOP", "IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP","SIO_MULTIPOINT_LOOPBACK" }, { "IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP", "IPV6_JOIN_GROUP", "WSAJoinLeaf" }, { "IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP","IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP", NULL }, { "ip_mreq", "ipv6_mreq", NULL }, { "gethostbyname", NULL, "getaddrinfo" }, { "hostent", NULL, "addrinfo" }, { "HOSTENT", NULL, "ADDRINFO" }, { "PHOSTENT", NULL, "LPADDRINFO" }, { "LPHOSTENT", NULL, "LPADDRINFO" }, { "inet_addr", NULL, "WSAStringToAddress or getaddrinfo with AI_NUMERICHOST"}, { "gethostbyaddr", NULL, "getnameinfo" }, { "inet_ntoa", NULL, "WSAAddressToString or getnameinfo with NI_NUMERICHOST"}, { "IN_MULTICAST", "IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST", NULL }, { "IN_CLASSD", "IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST", NULL }, { "IP_TTL", "IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS", NULL }, { "IN_CLASSA", NULL, NULL }, { "IN_CLASSB", NULL, NULL }, { "IN_CLASSC", NULL, NULL }, { "INADDR_BROADCAST", NULL, NULL }, { "WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr", NULL, "getnameinfo" }, { "WSAAsyncGetHostByName", NULL, "getaddrinfo" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL }, };
void process_line(filename, lineno, str) char *filename; int lineno; char *str; { int i, len; char *p;
for (i=0; token[i].v4 != NULL; i++) { p = strstr(str, token[i].v4); if (p == NULL) continue; if (p>str && (isalnum(p[-1]) || p[-1] == '_')) continue; /* not the start of a token */ len = strlen(token[i].v4); if (isalnum(p[len]) || p[len] == '_') continue; /* not the end of a token */ NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_MESSAGE_0, filename, lineno, token[i].v4); // printf("%s(%d) : %s : ", filename, lineno, token[i].v4);
if (token[i].both) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_MESSAGE_1, token[i].both); // printf("use %s instead", token[i].both);
if (token[i].v6) { if (token[i].both) NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_MESSAGE_2); // printf(", or ");
NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_MESSAGE_3, token[i].v6); // printf("use %s in addition for IPv6 support", token[i].v6);
if (!token[i].both && !token[i].v6) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_MESSAGE_4); // printf("valid for IPv4-only");
} NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_MESSAGE_5); // printf("\n");
} }
void process_file(filename) char *filename; { FILE *fp; char buff[1024]; int lineno;
fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_MESSAGE_6, filename); // printf("%s: cannot open file\n", filename);
return; }
lineno = 0; while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp)) { lineno++; process_line(filename, lineno, buff); }
fclose(fp); }
int __cdecl main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int i; int recurse = 0; char szfile[MAX_PATH]; argc--; argv++;
if (argc>0) { if (!_stricmp(argv[0], "/s")) { recurse = 1; argc--; argv++; } else if (!_stricmp(argv[0], "/?")) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_USAGE); return 1; } }
if (argc < 1) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, CHECKV4_MESSAGE_7);
return 1; }
while (filematch(szfile,argv,argc,recurse) >= 0) { process_file(szfile); }
return 0; }