* * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: dplaysvr.c * Content: dplay winsock shared .exe - allows multiple apps to share * a single winsock port * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 2/10/97 andyco created it from ddhelp * 29-jan-98 sohailm added support for stream enum sessions * ***************************************************************************/
#ifdef WINNT
#ifdef DBG
#undef DEBUG
#define DEBUG
#include <windows.h>
#include "dplaysvr.h"
#include "newdpf.h"
#include "memalloc.h"
#include "dphelp.h"
HANDLE hInstApp; BOOL bNoCallbacks; CRITICAL_SECTION gcsCritSection; // the crit section we take in winmain
// this is a global so dphelp can take it before
// forwarding enum requests that come in on its
// receive thread (manbugs 3907)
int gnCSCount; // dplaysvr lock count
* Externs */ extern RECEIVELIST gReceiveList; extern FDS gReadfds;
// we watch every dplay process so when it exits we
// make sure it cleaned up...
LPPROCESSDATA lpProcessList; // list of all processes that are registered
// with us
* ThreadProc * * Open a process and wait for it to terminate */ DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID *pdata ) { HANDLE hproc; DWORD rc; LPPROCESSDATA ppd; LPPROCESSDATA curr; LPPROCESSDATA prev; PROCESSDATA pd; DPHELPDATA hd; ppd = (LPPROCESSDATA) pdata;
* get a handle to the process that attached to DDRAW */ DPF( 2, "Watchdog thread started for pid %08lx", ppd->pid );
hproc = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, ppd->pid ); if( hproc == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "OpenProcess for %08lx failed!", ppd->pid ); ExitThread( 0 ); }
* wait for process to die */ rc = WaitForSingleObject( hproc, INFINITE ); if( rc == WAIT_FAILED ) { DPF( 1, "Wait for process %08lx failed", ppd->pid ); CloseHandle( hproc ); ExitThread( 0 ); }
* remove process from the list of watched processes */ ENTER_DPLAYSVR(); pd = *ppd; curr = lpProcessList; prev = NULL; while( curr != NULL ) { if( curr == ppd ) { if( prev == NULL ) { lpProcessList = curr->link; } else { prev->link = curr->link; } DPF( 2, "PID %08lx removed from list", ppd->pid ); MemFree( curr ); break; } prev = curr; curr = curr->link; }
if( bNoCallbacks ) { DPF( 1, "No callbacks allowed: leaving thread early" ); LEAVE_DPLAYSVR(); CloseHandle( hproc ); ExitThread( 0 ); }
// clean up!
memset(&hd,0,sizeof(hd)); hd.pid = pd.pid; DPlayHelp_DeleteServer(&hd,TRUE); LEAVE_DPLAYSVR(); CloseHandle( hproc );
ExitThread( 0 ); return 0;
} /* ThreadProc */
* MainWndProc */ LONG_PTR __stdcall MainWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch(message) { case WM_ENDSESSION: /*
* shoot ourselves in the head */ if( lParam == FALSE ) { DPF( 3, "WM_ENDSESSION" ); ENTER_DPLAYSVR(); DPF( 1, "Setting NO CALLBACKS" ); bNoCallbacks = TRUE; LEAVE_DPLAYSVR(); } else { DPF( 3, "User logging off" ); }
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } /* MainWndProc */
* WindowThreadProc */ void WindowThreadProc( LPVOID pdata ) { static char szClassName[] = "DPlayHelpWndClass"; WNDCLASS cls; MSG msg; HWND hwnd;
* build class and create window */ cls.lpszClassName = szClassName; cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); cls.hInstance = hInstApp; cls.hIcon = NULL; cls.hCursor = NULL; cls.lpszMenuName = NULL; cls.style = 0; cls.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)MainWndProc; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.cbClsExtra = 0;
if( !RegisterClass( &cls ) ) { DPF( 1, "RegisterClass FAILED!" ); ExitThread( 0 ); }
hwnd = CreateWindow( szClassName, szClassName, WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, hInstApp, NULL);
if( hwnd == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "No monitor window!" ); ExitThread( 0 ); }
* pump the messages */ while( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } DPF( 1, "Exiting WindowThreadProc" ); ExitThread( 1 );
} /* WindowThreadProc */
// called by by DPlayHelp_AddServer when we get a new process attached.
// we wait for the process to go away, and then make sure it cleaned
// all its registered servers up.
void WatchNewPid(LPDPHELPDATA phd) { LPPROCESSDATA ppd; BOOL found; DWORD tid;
DPF( 1, "watching new pid" );
ENTER_DPLAYSVR(); ppd = lpProcessList; found = FALSE; while( ppd != NULL ) { if( ppd->pid == phd->pid ) { DPF( 2, "Have thread for process %08lx already", phd->pid ); found = TRUE; break; } ppd = ppd->link; }
* couldn't find anyone waiting on this process, so create * a brand spanking new thread */ if( !found ) { DPF( 2, "Allocating new thread for process %08lx",phd->pid ); ppd = MemAlloc( sizeof( PROCESSDATA ) ); if( ppd != NULL ) { HANDLE h;
ppd->link = lpProcessList; lpProcessList = ppd; ppd->pid = phd->pid; h = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ThreadProc, (LPVOID)ppd, 0, (LPDWORD)&tid); if( h != NULL ) { DPF( 2, "Thread %08lx created",tid); CloseHandle( h ); } else { #ifdef DEBUG
DPF( 0, "COULD NOT CREATE HELPER THREAD FOR PID %08lx", phd->pid ); DebugBreak(); //_asm int 3;
} } else { #ifdef DEBUG
DPF( 0, "OUT OF MEMORY CREATING HELPER THREAD FOR PID %08lx", phd->pid ); DebugBreak(); //_asm int 3;
} } LEAVE_DPLAYSVR(); } // WatchNewPid
typedef DWORD (WINAPI *PFNREGISTERSERVICE)(DWORD,DWORD); // nt's winbase.h doesn't have these constants - we need them
// so we can compile. taken from \proj\dev\inc\winbase.h
#define RSP_UNREGISTER_SERVICE 0x00000000
#define RSP_SIMPLE_SERVICE 0x00000001
// on Win95, we want to call RegisterServiceProcess
// but, it's not available on NT, so we can't import it directly
// here we try to find it dynamically in kernel32. if we find it,
// we call it, otherwise we assume we're on NT and it's not avaible
void MakeMeService() { HANDLE hLib; PFNREGISTERSERVICE pfnRegisterServiceProcess; hLib = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); if (!hLib) { // wacky!
DPF(1,"could not load library kernel32 to register service proc"); return; } pfnRegisterServiceProcess = (PFNREGISTERSERVICE)GetProcAddress(hLib,"RegisterServiceProcess"); if (!pfnRegisterServiceProcess) { // this is expected on NT
DPF(3,"could not register service process - expected on NT"); FreeLibrary(hLib); return ; } pfnRegisterServiceProcess( 0, RSP_SIMPLE_SERVICE ); FreeLibrary(hLib); return ; } // MakeMeService
// on Win95, we want to call RegisterServiceProcess to Unregister
// (see MakeMeService)
void StopServiceProcess() { HANDLE hLib; PFNREGISTERSERVICE pfnRegisterServiceProcess; hLib = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); if (!hLib) { // wacky!
DPF(1,"could not load library kernel32 to register service proc"); return; } pfnRegisterServiceProcess = (PFNREGISTERSERVICE)GetProcAddress(hLib,"RegisterServiceProcess"); if (!pfnRegisterServiceProcess) { // this is expected on NT
DPF(3,"could not unregister service process - not avail - not tragic"); FreeLibrary(hLib); return ; } // unregistered!
pfnRegisterServiceProcess( 0, RSP_UNREGISTER_SERVICE ); FreeLibrary(hLib); return ;
} // StopServiceProcess
* WinMain */ int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { DWORD tid; DWORD rc; HANDLE hstartevent; HANDLE hstartupevent; HANDLE hmutex; HANDLE hackevent; LPDPHELPDATA phd; HANDLE hsharedmem; HANDLE h; char szSystemDir[1024];
* Set our working directory to the system directory. * This prevents us from holding network connections open * forever if the first DirectDraw app that we run is across * a network connection. */ GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, sizeof(szSystemDir)); SetCurrentDirectory(szSystemDir);
// try to register ourselves as a service so user can't see us
// in task list
#if 0
// andyco - not sure if we need this...
* We must guarantee that DPHELP unloads after the last ddraw app, * since ctrl-alt-del may have happened while an app held the ddraw * lock, and DPHELP needs to clean up orphaned cheap ddraw mutex * locks. */ if ( ! SetProcessShutdownParameters(0x100,SHUTDOWN_NORETRY) ) { DPF(0,"dplaysvr could not set itself to shutdown last!"); }
hInstApp = hInstance;
* create startup event */ hstartupevent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, DPHELP_STARTUP_EVENT_NAME );
DPFINIT(); DPF( 2, "*** dplaysvr STARTED, PID=%08lx ***", GetCurrentProcessId() );
if( !MemInit() ) { DPF( 1, "Could not init memory manager" ); return 0; }
* create shared memory area */ hsharedmem = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof( DPHELPDATA ), DPHELP_SHARED_NAME ); if( hsharedmem == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "Could not create file mapping!" ); return 0; }
* create mutex for people who want to use the shared memory area */ hmutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, DPHELP_MUTEX_NAME ); if( hmutex == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "Could not create mutex " DPHELP_MUTEX_NAME ); CloseHandle( hsharedmem ); return 0; }
* create events */ hstartevent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, DPHELP_EVENT_NAME ); if( hstartevent == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "Could not create event " DPHELP_EVENT_NAME ); CloseHandle( hmutex ); CloseHandle( hsharedmem ); return 0; } hackevent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, DPHELP_ACK_EVENT_NAME ); if( hackevent == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "Could not create event " DPHELP_ACK_EVENT_NAME ); CloseHandle( hmutex ); CloseHandle( hsharedmem ); CloseHandle( hstartevent ); return 0; }
* Create window so we can get messages */ h = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) WindowThreadProc, NULL, 0, (LPDWORD)&tid ); if( h == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "Create of WindowThreadProc FAILED!" ); CloseHandle( hackevent ); CloseHandle( hmutex ); CloseHandle( hsharedmem ); CloseHandle( hstartevent ); return 0; } CloseHandle( h );
* serialize access to us */ INIT_DPLAYSVR_CSECT();
* let invoker and anyone else who comes along know we exist */ SetEvent( hstartupevent );
* loop forever, processing requests */ while( 1 ) { /*
* wait to be notified of a request */ DPF( 1, "Waiting for next request" ); rc = WaitForSingleObject( hstartevent, INFINITE ); if( rc == WAIT_FAILED ) { DPF( 1, "Wait FAILED!!!" ); continue; }
ENTER_DPLAYSVR(); phd = (LPDPHELPDATA) MapViewOfFile( hsharedmem, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0 ); if( phd == NULL ) { DPF( 1, "Could not create view of file!" ); LEAVE_DPLAYSVR(); continue; }
* find out what we need to do */ switch( phd->req ) { case DPHELPREQ_SUICIDE: DPF( 1, "DPHELPREQ_SUICIDE" );
DPlayHelp_FreeServerList(); SetEvent( hackevent ); CloseHandle( hmutex ); UnmapViewOfFile( phd ); CloseHandle( hsharedmem ); CloseHandle( hstartevent ); if (gReceiveList.pConnection) { MemFree(gReceiveList.pConnection); } if (gReadfds.pfdbigset) { MemFree(gReadfds.pfdbigset); } FINI_DPLAYSVR_CSECT();
#ifdef DEBUG
MemState(); #endif
DPF( 3, "Good Night Gracie" ); TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 0 ); break;
DPF( 2, "DDHELPREQ_RETURNHELPERPID" ); phd->pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); break;
DPF( 2, "DPHELPREQ_DPLAYADDSERVER" ); phd->hr = DPlayHelp_AddServer(phd); break;
DPF( 2, "DPHELPREQ_DPLAYDELETESERVER" ); DPlayHelp_DeleteServer(phd,FALSE); break;
default: DPF( 1, "helper - Unknown Request???" ); break; }
* let caller know we've got the news */ UnmapViewOfFile( phd ); SetEvent( hackevent ); LEAVE_DPLAYSVR(); } StopServiceProcess();
} /* WinMain */