// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- (for GNU Emacs)
// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// This file is part of the Microsoft Research IPv6 Network Protocol Stack.
// You should have received a copy of the Microsoft End-User License Agreement
// for this software along with this release; see the file "license.txt".
// If not, please see http://www.research.microsoft.com/msripv6/license.htm,
// or write to Microsoft Research, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399.
// Abstract:
// Routing routines for Internet Protocol Version 6.
#include "oscfg.h"
#include "ndis.h"
#include "ip6imp.h"
#include "ip6def.h"
#include "route.h"
#include "select.h"
#include "icmp.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "alloca.h"
#include "ipinfo.h"
#include "info.h"
// Forward declarations of internal functions.
extern void DestroyBCE(BindingCacheEntry *BCE);
KSPIN_LOCK RouteCacheLock; KSPIN_LOCK RouteTableLock; struct RouteCache RouteCache; struct RouteTable RouteTable; ulong RouteCacheValidationCounter; struct BindingCache BindingCache; SitePrefixEntry *SitePrefixTable = NULL; LIST_ENTRY RouteNotifyQueue;
int ForceRouterAdvertisements = FALSE;
//* RemoveRTE
// Remove the RTE from the route table.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void RemoveRTE(RouteTableEntry **PrevRTE, RouteTableEntry *RTE) { ASSERT(*RouteTable.Last == NULL); ASSERT(*PrevRTE == RTE); *PrevRTE = RTE->Next; if (RouteTable.Last == &RTE->Next) RouteTable.Last = PrevRTE; }
//* InsertRTEAtFront
// Insert the RTE at the front of the route table.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void InsertRTEAtFront(RouteTableEntry *RTE) { ASSERT(*RouteTable.Last == NULL); RTE->Next = RouteTable.First; RouteTable.First = RTE; if (RouteTable.Last == &RouteTable.First) RouteTable.Last = &RTE->Next; }
//* InsertRTEAtBack
// Insert the RTE at the back of the route table.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void InsertRTEAtBack(RouteTableEntry *RTE) { ASSERT(*RouteTable.Last == NULL); RTE->Next = NULL; *RouteTable.Last = RTE; RouteTable.Last = &RTE->Next; if (RouteTable.First == NULL) RouteTable.First = RTE; }
//* InsertRCE
// Insert the RCE in the route cache.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void InsertRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RouteCacheEntry *AfterRCE = SentinelRCE;
RCE->Prev = AfterRCE; (RCE->Next = AfterRCE->Next)->Prev = RCE; AfterRCE->Next = RCE; RouteCache.Count++; }
//* RemoveRCE
// Remove the RCE from the route cache.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void RemoveRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RCE->Prev->Next = RCE->Next; RCE->Next->Prev = RCE->Prev; RouteCache.Count--;
// We must ensure that an RCE not in the route cache
// has a null BCE. This is because DestroyBCE only
// updates RCEs in the route cache.
//* MoveToFrontRCE
// Move an RCE to the front of the list.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void MoveToFrontRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { if (RCE->Prev != SentinelRCE) { RouteCacheEntry *AfterRCE = SentinelRCE;
// Remove the RCE from its current location.
RCE->Prev->Next = RCE->Next; RCE->Next->Prev = RCE->Prev;
// And put it at the front.
RCE->Prev = AfterRCE; (RCE->Next = AfterRCE->Next)->Prev = RCE; AfterRCE->Next = RCE; } }
//* GetCareOfRCE
// Get the CareOfRCE, if any, for the specified RCE.
// Note that a reference is obtained for the CareOfRCE
// and donated to the caller.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// Called with NO locks held.
RouteCacheEntry * GetCareOfRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { KIRQL OldIrql; RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE = NULL;
if (RCE->BCE != NULL) { KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, &OldIrql); if (RCE->BCE != NULL) { CareOfRCE = RCE->BCE->CareOfRCE; AddRefRCE(CareOfRCE); } KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, OldIrql); }
return CareOfRCE; }
//* IsLoopbackRCE
// Does the effective RCE correspond to a loopback path?
// Called with NO locks held.
int IsLoopbackRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE; int IsLoopback;
CareOfRCE = GetCareOfRCE(RCE); if (CareOfRCE != NULL) RCE = CareOfRCE; // Update with the effective RCE.
IsLoopback = RCE->NCE->IsLoopback;
if (CareOfRCE != NULL) ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE);
return IsLoopback; }
//* GetInitialRTTFromRCE
// Helper routine to get interface specific RTT.
// Called with NO locks held.
uint GetInitialRTTFromRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE; NeighborCacheEntry *NCE; uint RTT;
CareOfRCE = GetCareOfRCE(RCE); NCE = (CareOfRCE ? CareOfRCE : RCE)->NCE; RTT = NCE->IF->TcpInitialRTT;
if (CareOfRCE) ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE);
return RTT; }
//* IsDisconnectedAndNotLoopbackRCE
// Does the effective RCE have a disconnected outgoing interface
// and not correspond to a loopback path?
// Called with NO locks held.
int IsDisconnectedAndNotLoopbackRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE; int IsDisconnectedAndNotLoopback;
CareOfRCE = GetCareOfRCE(RCE); if (CareOfRCE != NULL) RCE = CareOfRCE; // Update with the effective RCE.
IsDisconnectedAndNotLoopback = !RCE->NCE->IsLoopback && (RCE->NCE->IF->Flags & IF_FLAG_MEDIA_DISCONNECTED);
if (CareOfRCE != NULL) ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE);
return IsDisconnectedAndNotLoopback; }
//* GetV4Destination
// If sending via the RCE will result in tunneling a packet
// to an IPv4 destination, returns the IPv4 destination address.
// Otherwise returns INADDR_ANY.
IPAddr GetV4Destination(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE; NeighborCacheEntry *NCE; Interface *IF; IPAddr V4Dest; KIRQL OldIrql;
CareOfRCE = GetCareOfRCE(RCE); if (CareOfRCE != NULL) RCE = CareOfRCE; // Update with the effective RCE.
if (IsIPv4TunnelIF(IF)) { ASSERT(IF->LinkAddressLength == sizeof(IPAddr));
KeAcquireSpinLock(&IF->LockNC, &OldIrql); if (NCE->NDState != ND_STATE_INCOMPLETE) V4Dest = * (IPAddr UNALIGNED *) NCE->LinkAddress; else V4Dest = INADDR_ANY; KeReleaseSpinLock(&IF->LockNC, OldIrql); } else { V4Dest = INADDR_ANY; }
if (CareOfRCE != NULL) ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE);
return V4Dest; }
//* ValidateCareOfRCE
// Helper function for ValidateRCE and RouteToDestination.
// Checks that the CareOfRCE (RCE->BCE->CareOfRCE) is still valid, and
// if not, releases the existing CareOfRCE and updates RCE->BCE with a
// new RCE.
// If the attempt to get a new RCE fails, the BCE is destroyed.
// Called with the route cache locked.
void ValidateCareOfRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE; IPv6Addr *CareOfAddr; ushort CareOfScope; uint CareOfScopeId; RouteCacheEntry *NewRCE; IP_STATUS Status;
if (CareOfRCE->Valid != RouteCacheValidationCounter) { //
// Note that since we already hold the RouteCacheLock we
// call FindOrCreateRoute instead of RouteToDestination.
// Also, we assume the care-of address is scoped to the
// same interface as before.
CareOfAddr = &(CareOfRCE->Destination); CareOfScope = AddressScope(CareOfAddr); CareOfScopeId = CareOfRCE->NTE->IF->ZoneIndices[CareOfScope]; Status = FindOrCreateRoute(CareOfAddr, CareOfScopeId, NULL, &NewRCE); if (Status == IP_SUCCESS) { //
// Update the binding cache entry.
ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE); RCE->BCE->CareOfRCE = NewRCE; } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "ValidateCareOfRCE(%p): FindOrCreateRoute failed: %x\n", CareOfRCE, Status));
// Because we could not update the BCE, destroy it.
// Destroy BCE should have removed our reference too.
//* ValidateRCE
// Checks that an RCE is still valid, and if not, releases
// the RCE and returns a reference for a new RCE.
// In any case, returns a pointer to an RCE.
// REVIEW: Perhaps ValidateRCE should take an NTE argument.
// On routers, if the caller is using a scoped source address,
// which may be a different address than RCE->NTE,
// then this will affect RouteToDestination.
// Called with NO locks held.
RouteCacheEntry * ValidateRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { if (RCE->Valid != RouteCacheValidationCounter) { RouteCacheEntry *NewRCE; IP_STATUS Status;
// Get a new RCE to replace the current RCE.
// RouteToDestination will calculate ScopeId.
// REVIEW: If this fails, then continue to use the current RCE.
// This way our callers don't have to check for errors.
Status = RouteToDestination(&RCE->Destination, 0, CastFromNTE(RCE->NTE), RTD_FLAG_NORMAL, &NewRCE); if (Status == IP_SUCCESS) { ReleaseRCE(RCE); RCE = NewRCE; } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "ValidateRCE(%p): RouteToDestination failed: %x\n", RCE, Status)); } }
// Validate and update the CareOfRCE before we return.
if (RCE->BCE != NULL) { KIRQL OldIrql;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, &OldIrql); if (RCE->BCE != NULL) ValidateCareOfRCE(RCE); KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, OldIrql); }
return RCE; }
//* CreateOrReuseRoute
// Creates a new RCE. Attempts to reuse an existing RCE.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// Returns NULL if a new RCE can not be allocated.
// The RefCnt field in the returned RCE is initialized to one.
// REVIEW: Currently we have an upper-bound on the number of RCEs.
// Probably a better scheme would take into account the time
// since last use.
RouteCacheEntry * CreateOrReuseRoute(void) { RouteCacheEntry *RCE;
if (RouteCache.Count >= RouteCache.Limit) { //
// First search backwards for an unused RCE.
for (RCE = RouteCache.Last; RCE != SentinelRCE; RCE = RCE->Prev) {
if (RCE->RefCnt == 1) { //
// We can reuse this RCE.
RemoveRCE(RCE); ReleaseNCE(RCE->NCE); ReleaseNTE(RCE->NTE); return RCE; } } }
// Create a new RCE.
RCE = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof *RCE); if (RCE == NULL) return NULL;
RCE->RefCnt = 1; return RCE; }
//* RouteCacheCheck
// Check the route cache's consistency. Ensure that
// a) There is only one RCE for an interface/destination pair, and
// b) There is at most one valid unconstrained RCE for the destination.
// Called with the route cache locked.
#if DBG
void RouteCacheCheck(RouteCacheEntry *CheckRCE, ulong CurrentValidationCounter) { const IPv6Addr *Dest = &CheckRCE->Destination; Interface *IF = CheckRCE->NTE->IF; ushort Scope = AddressScope(Dest); uint ScopeId = IF->ZoneIndices[Scope]; uint NumTotal = 0; uint NumUnconstrainedIF = 0; uint NumUnconstrained = 0; RouteCacheEntry *RCE;
// Scan the route cache looking for problems.
for (RCE = RouteCache.First; RCE != SentinelRCE; RCE = RCE->Next) { NumTotal++;
if (IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&RCE->Destination, Dest)) { if (RCE->NTE->IF == IF) { //
// There should only be one RCE in the cache
// for an interface/destination pair.
// (There may be other, invalid RCEs not in the cache.)
ASSERT(RCE == CheckRCE); }
if (RCE->Valid == CurrentValidationCounter) {
if ((RCE->NTE->IF->ZoneIndices[Scope] == ScopeId) && !(RCE->Flags & RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_IF)) NumUnconstrainedIF++;
if (!(RCE->Flags & RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED)) NumUnconstrained++; } } }
// There should be at most one valid unconstrained RCE
// for this scope-id/destination.
ASSERT(NumUnconstrainedIF <= 1);
// There should be at most one valid unconstrained RCE
// for this destination.
ASSERT(NumUnconstrained <= 1);
// The total should be correct.
ASSERT(NumTotal == RouteCache.Count); } #else // DBG
__inline void RouteCacheCheck(RouteCacheEntry *CheckRCE, ulong CurrentValidationCounter) { } #endif // DBG
//* CanonicalizeScopeId
// Given an address and ScopeId, converts the ScopeId for internal usage.
// Also returns the address scope.
// Returns FALSE if the ScopeId is invalid.
__inline int // Encourage the compiler to inline if it wishes.
CanonicalizeScopeId( const IPv6Addr *Addr, uint *ScopeId, ushort *Scope) { //
// The loopback address and global-scope addresses are special:
// callers can supply a zero ScopeId without ambiguity.
// See also DetermineScopeId and RouteToDestination.
// For the moment, we enforce a zero ScopeId for those addresses
// lest we confuse TCP & UDP by having two legal ScopeId values
// for a single address which should be considered the same and
// for which DetermineScopeId returns zero.
*Scope = AddressScope(Addr); if (IsLoopback(Addr)) { if (*ScopeId == 0) *ScopeId = LoopInterface->ZoneIndices[*Scope]; else return FALSE; } else if (*Scope == ADE_GLOBAL) { if (*ScopeId == 0) *ScopeId = 1; else return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
//* RouteToDestination - Find a route to a particular destination.
// Finds an existing, or creates a new, route cache entry for
// a particular destination. Note the destination address may
// only be valid in a particular scope.
// The optional NTEorIF argument specifies the interface
// and/or the source address that should be used to reach the destination.
// The Flags argument affects the interpretation of NTEorIF.
// If RTD_FLAG_STRICT, then NTEorIF constrains whether or not it specifies
// a forwarding interface. If RTD_FLAG_LOOSE, then NTEorIF is only used
// for determining/checking ScopeId and otherwise does not constrain.
// Called with NO locks held.
// Return codes:
// IP_NO_RESOURCES Couldn't allocate memory.
// IP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM Illegal Dest/ScopeId.
// IP_BAD_ROUTE Bad NTEorIF for this destination,
// or could not find an NTE.
// IP_DEST_NO_ROUTE No way to reach the destination.
// IP_DEST_NO_ROUTE can only be returned if NTEorIF is NULL.
// NB: The return code values and situations in which they are used
// in RouteToDestination and its helper functions must be carefully
// considered, both for RouteToDestination's own correctness
// and for the correctness of callers.
IP_STATUS // Returns: whether call was sucessful and/or why not.
RouteToDestination( const IPv6Addr *Dest, // Destination address to route to.
uint ScopeId, // Scope id for Dest (may be 0).
NetTableEntryOrInterface *NTEorIF, // IF to send from (may be NULL).
uint Flags, // Control optional behaviors.
RouteCacheEntry **ReturnRCE) // Returns pointer to cached route.
{ Interface *IF; KIRQL OldIrql; IP_STATUS ReturnValue; ushort Scope;
// Pre-calculate Scope for scoped addresses (saves time in the loop).
// Note that callers can supply ScopeId == 0 for a scoped address,
// meaning that they are not constraining the scoped address
// to a particular zone.
if (! CanonicalizeScopeId(Dest, &ScopeId, &Scope)) return IP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM;
if (NTEorIF != NULL) { //
// Our caller is constraining the originating interface.
// First, check this against ScopeId.
if (ScopeId == 0) ScopeId = IF->ZoneIndices[Scope]; else if (ScopeId != IF->ZoneIndices[Scope]) return IP_BAD_ROUTE;
// Depending on Flags and whether this is forwarding interface,
// we may ignore this specification and look at all interfaces.
// Logically, the packet is originated by the specified interface
// but then internally forwarded to the outgoing interface.
// (Although we will not decrement the Hop Count.)
// As when forwarding, we check after finding the best route
// if the route will cause the packet to leave
// the scope of the source address.
// It is critical that the route cache lookup and FindNextHop
// computation use only IF and not NTEorIF. This is necessary
// for the maintenance of the cache invariants. Once we have
// an RCE (or an error), then we can check against NTEorIF.
switch (Flags) { case RTD_FLAG_LOOSE: IF = NULL; break;
case RTD_FLAG_NORMAL: if (IF->Flags & IF_FLAG_FORWARDS) IF = NULL; break;
case RTD_FLAG_STRICT: break;
default: ASSERT(! "bad RouteToDestination Flags"); break; } } else { //
// Our caller is not constraining the originating interface.
IF = NULL; }
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, &OldIrql);
ReturnValue = FindOrCreateRoute(Dest, ScopeId, IF, ReturnRCE);
if ((NTEorIF != NULL) && (IF == NULL) && (Flags == RTD_FLAG_NORMAL)) { //
// Our caller specified a forwarding interface,
// and we ignored the interface constraint.
// There are a couple cases in which we should
// retry, preserving the interface constraint.
// NB: In the IPv6Forward paths, NTEorIF is NULL.
// So this check only applies to originating packets.
if (ReturnValue == IP_SUCCESS) { if (IsNTE(NTEorIF)) { RouteCacheEntry *RCE = *ReturnRCE; NetTableEntry *NTE = CastToNTE(NTEorIF); Interface *OriginatingIF = NTE->IF; Interface *OutgoingIF = RCE->NTE->IF;
// Does this route carry the packet outside
// the scope of the specified source address?
if (OutgoingIF->ZoneIndices[NTE->Scope] != OriginatingIF->ZoneIndices[NTE->Scope]) {
ReleaseRCE(RCE); goto Retry; } } } else if (ReturnValue == IP_DEST_NO_ROUTE) { //
// Retry, allowing the destination
// to be considered on-link to the specified interface.
Retry: IF = NTEorIF->IF; ReturnValue = FindOrCreateRoute(Dest, ScopeId, IF, ReturnRCE); } }
// Validate and update the CareOfRCE before we return.
if ((ReturnValue == IP_SUCCESS) && ((*ReturnRCE)->BCE != NULL)) ValidateCareOfRCE(*ReturnRCE);
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, OldIrql); return ReturnValue; }
//* FindOrCreateRoute
// Helper function for RouteToDestination and RedirectRouteCache.
// See the RouteToDestination description of return codes.
// IP_DEST_NO_ROUTE can only be returned if IF is NULL.
// RouteToDestination may retry FindOrCreateRoute with a non-null IF
// when it gets IP_DEST_NO_ROUTE.
// Called with the route cache locked.
IP_STATUS FindOrCreateRoute( const IPv6Addr *Dest, // Destination address to route to.
uint ScopeId, // Scope id for Dest (0 if non-scoped).
Interface *IF, // IF to send from (may be NULL).
RouteCacheEntry **ReturnRCE) // Returns pointer to cached route.
{ ulong CurrentValidationCounter; RouteCacheEntry *SaveRCE = NULL; RouteCacheEntry *RCE; RouteCacheEntry *NextRCE; Interface *TmpIF; NeighborCacheEntry *NCE; NetTableEntry *NTE; ushort Constrained; KIRQL OldIrql; IP_STATUS ReturnValue; ushort Scope;
// Precompute and save some time in the loop.
Scope = AddressScope(Dest); ASSERT((IF == NULL) || ((ScopeId != 0) && (ScopeId == IF->ZoneIndices[Scope])));
// For consistency, snapshot RouteCacheValidationCounter.
CurrentValidationCounter = RouteCacheValidationCounter;
// Check for an existing route cache entry.
// There are two main cases.
// If IF is not NULL, then there is at most one matching RCE
// in the cache. If this RCE does not validate, then we can use
// the results of FindNextHop/FindBestSourceAddress when creating
// the new RCE.
// If IF is NULL, then there may be more than one matching RCE.
// We can only reuse the results of the validating FindNextHop/
// FindBestSourceAddress iff FindRoute returned Constrained == 0.
for (RCE = RouteCache.First; RCE != SentinelRCE; RCE = NextRCE) { NextRCE = RCE->Next;
// We want a route to the requested destination, obviously.
if (!IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(Dest, &RCE->Destination)) continue;
// Check for a caller-imposed interface constraint.
if (IF == NULL) { //
// We're not constrained to a particular interface, so
// there may be multiple routes to this destination in
// the cache to choose from. Don't pick a constrained RCE.
// If this RCE is invalid, then RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_IF
// might be stale information. We do not want to pass
// by this RCE and then later create another RCE
// for the same interface/destination pair.
if (RCE->Valid != CurrentValidationCounter) goto AttemptValidation; continue; }
// Check for a ScopeId constraint.
if (ScopeId == 0) { //
// We're not constrained to a particular zone, so
// there may be multiple routes to this destination in
// the cache to choose from. Don't pick a constrained RCE.
// might be stale information. We do not want to pass
// by this RCE and then later create another RCE
// for the same interface/destination pair.
if (RCE->Valid != CurrentValidationCounter) goto AttemptValidation; continue; } } else { //
// We're constrained to a particular zone.
// If this route uses a different one, keep looking.
if (ScopeId != TmpIF->ZoneIndices[Scope]) continue; } } else { //
// We're constrained to a particular interface.
// If this route uses a different one, keep looking.
if (IF != TmpIF) continue;
ASSERT((ScopeId != 0) && (ScopeId == TmpIF->ZoneIndices[Scope])); }
// At this point, we have a RCE that matches our criteria.
// As long as the RCE is still valid, we're done.
if (RCE->Valid == CurrentValidationCounter) { IF = TmpIF; goto ReturnRCE; }
// Something has changed in the routing state since the last
// time this RCE was validated. Attempt to revalidate it.
// We calculate a new NTE and NCE for this destination,
// restricting ourselves to sending from the same interface.
// Note that because we are validating an RCE,
// the arguments to FindNextHop are completely dependent on
// the contents of the RCE, not the arguments to FindOrCreateRoute.
ReturnValue = FindNextHop(TmpIF, Dest, TmpIF->ZoneIndices[Scope], &NCE, &Constrained); if (ReturnValue != IP_SUCCESS) goto RemoveAndContinue;
NTE = FindBestSourceAddress(TmpIF, Dest); if (NTE == NULL) { ReleaseNCE(NCE); RemoveAndContinue: //
// Bad news for this RCE.
// We must remove it from the cache
// before we continue searching,
// lest we inadvertently create a second RCE
// for the same interface/destination pair.
RemoveRCE(RCE); ReleaseRCE(RCE); continue; }
// If our new calculations yield the same NTE and NCE that
// are present in the existing RCE, than we can just validate it.
// Note that we check the NCE even if this is a Redirect RCE.
// If the routing table changes, we want to start over with
// a new first-hop, which might just redirect us again. Or might not.
if ((RCE->NTE == NTE) && (RCE->NCE == NCE) && (RCE->Flags == Constrained)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "FindOrCreateRoute - validating RCE %p\n", RCE));
RCE->Valid = CurrentValidationCounter; ReleaseNCE(NCE); ReleaseNTE(NTE);
// We need to check again that the RCE meets the criteria.
// We may have checked the RCE validity because the RCE
// appeared to be constrained and we need an unconstrained RCE.
// So in that case, if the RCE validated we can't actually use it.
// NB: ScopeId == 0 implies IF == NULL.
if ((ScopeId == 0) ? (Constrained & RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED) : ((IF == NULL) && (Constrained & RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_IF))) continue;
IF = TmpIF; goto ReturnRCE; }
// We can't just validate the existing RCE, we need to update
// it. If the RCE has exactly one reference, we could update it
// in place (this wouldn't work if it has more than one reference
// since there is no way to signal the RCE's other users that the
// NCE and/or NTE it caches has changed). But this wouldn't help
// the case where we are called from ValidateRCE. And it would
// require some care as to which information in the RCE is still
// valid. So we ignore this optimization opportunity and will
// create a new RCE instead.
// However, we can take advantage of another optimization. As
// long as we're still limiting our interface choice to the one
// that is present in the existing (invalid) RCE, and there isn't
// a better route available, then we can use the NCE and NTE we
// got from FindNextHop and FindBestSourceAddress above to create
// our new RCE since we aren't going to find a better one.
// NB: ScopeId == 0 implies IF == NULL.
if ((ScopeId == 0) ? !(Constrained & RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED) : ((IF != NULL) || !(Constrained & RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_IF))) { //
// Since some of the state information in the existing RCE
// is still valid, we hang onto it so we can use it later
// when creating the new RCE. We assume ownership of the
// cache's reference for the invalid RCE.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "FindOrCreateRoute - saving RCE %p\n", RCE)); RemoveRCE(RCE); SaveRCE = RCE; IF = TmpIF; goto HaveNCEandNTE; }
ReleaseNTE(NTE); ReleaseNCE(NCE);
// Not valid, we keep looking for a valid matching RCE.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "FindOrCreateRoute - invalid RCE %p\n", RCE)); }
// No existing RCE found. Before creating a new RCE,
// we determine a next-hop neighbor (NCE) and
// a best source address (NTE) for this destination.
// The order is important: we want to avoid churning
// the cache via CreateOrReuseRoute if we will just
// get an error anyway.
// This prevents a denial-of-service attack.
ReturnValue = FindNextHop(IF, Dest, ScopeId, &NCE, &Constrained); if (ReturnValue != IP_SUCCESS) goto ReturnError;
ASSERT((IF == NULL) || (IF == NCE->IF)); IF = NCE->IF;
// Find the best source address for this destination.
// (The NTE from our caller might not be the best.)
// By restricting ourselves to the interface returned
// by FindNextHop above, we know we haven't left our
// particular scope.
NTE = FindBestSourceAddress(IF, Dest); if (NTE == NULL) { //
// We have no valid source address to use!
ReturnValue = IP_BAD_ROUTE; ReleaseNCE(NCE); goto ReturnError; }
// Get a new route cache entry.
// Because SaveRCE was just removed from the cache,
// CreateOrReuseRoute will not find it.
RCE = CreateOrReuseRoute(); if (RCE == NULL) { ReturnValue = IP_NO_RESOURCES; ReleaseNTE(NTE); ReleaseNCE(NCE); goto ReturnError; }
// FindOrCreateNeighbor/FindRoute (called from FindNextHop) gave
// us a reference for the NCE. We donate that reference to the RCE.
// Similarly, FindBestSourceAddress gave us a reference
// for the NTE and we donate the reference to the RCE.
RCE->NCE = NCE; RCE->NTE = NTE; RCE->PathMTU = IF->LinkMTU; RCE->PMTULastSet = 0; // PMTU timer not running.
RCE->Destination = *Dest; RCE->Type = RCE_TYPE_COMPUTED; RCE->Flags = Constrained; // Start with a value safely in the past.
RCE->LastError = IPv6TickCount - ICMP_MIN_ERROR_INTERVAL; RCE->BCE = FindBindingCacheEntry(Dest); RCE->Valid = CurrentValidationCounter;
// Copy state from a previous RCE for this destination,
// if we have it and the state is relevant.
if (SaveRCE != NULL) { ASSERT(SaveRCE->NTE->IF == RCE->NTE->IF);
// PathMTU is relevant if the next-hop neighbor is unchanged.
if (RCE->NCE == SaveRCE->NCE) { RCE->PathMTU = SaveRCE->PathMTU; RCE->PMTULastSet = SaveRCE->PMTULastSet; }
// ICMP rate-limiting information is always relevant.
RCE->LastError = SaveRCE->LastError; }
// Add the new route cache entry to the cache.
ReturnRCE: //
// If the RCE is not at the front of the cache, move it there.
// Check route cache consistency.
RouteCacheCheck(RCE, CurrentValidationCounter);
AddRefRCE(RCE); ASSERT(RCE->RefCnt >= 2); // One held by the cache, one for our caller.
*ReturnRCE = RCE; ReturnValue = IP_SUCCESS; ReturnError: if (SaveRCE != NULL) ReleaseRCE(SaveRCE); return ReturnValue; }
//* FindNextHop
// Calculate the next hop to use for the destination.
// FindNextHop is just FindRoute plus some extra logic
// to handle the case where there is no route:
// RFC 2461 Section 5.2 specifies "If the Default Router List
// is empty, the sender assumes that the destination is on-link."
// The question is, on-link to which interface?
// Callable from DPC context, not from thread context.
// May be called with the RouteCacheLock held.
IP_STATUS FindNextHop( Interface *IF, // Outgoing IF (may be NULL).
const IPv6Addr *Dest, // Destination address to route to.
uint ScopeId, // Scope id for Dest (0 if non-scoped).
NeighborCacheEntry **ReturnNCE, // NCE for next hop.
ushort *ReturnConstrained) { NeighborCacheEntry *NCE; IP_STATUS Status; ushort Constrained; ushort Scope; Interface *ScopeIF;
Scope = AddressScope(Dest); ASSERT((IF == NULL) || ((ScopeId != 0) && (ScopeId == IF->ZoneIndices[Scope])));
// An unspecified destination is never legal here.
if (IsUnspecified(Dest)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_USER_ERROR, "FindNextHop - inappropriate dest?\n")); return IP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM; }
// FindRoute treats link-local and multicast destinations
// somewhat specially. It also checks for on-link prefixes.
// It implements the On-Link Prefix List and Default Router List
// lookups specified in RFC 2461 section 5.2.
Status = FindRoute(IF, Dest, ScopeId, &NCE, ReturnConstrained); if (Status == IP_SUCCESS) goto ReturnSuccess;
// We have no route for the destination.
// We should treat the destination as being on-link.
// But on-link to which interface?
Status = FindDefaultInterfaceForZone(Scope, ScopeId, &ScopeIF, &Constrained); // FindDefaultInterfaceForZone must always initialize ScopeIF.
if (IF != NULL) { //
// Assume that the destination is on-link
// to the specified interface.
if (IF == ScopeIF) { //
// If the IF argument were not specified,
// we would have chosen this same interface.
// Use Constrained value from FindDefaultInterfaceForZone.
} else { //
// We needed the IF argument.
if (ScopeIF != NULL) ReleaseIF(ScopeIF); } else if (ScopeIF == NULL) {
// FindUniqueInterfaceFromZone returned either IP_DEST_NO_ROUTE
// (meaning the ScopeId did not specify a default interface)
// or IP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM (meaning the ScopeId was invalid).
ASSERT((Status == IP_DEST_NO_ROUTE) || (Status == IP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM)); return Status; } else { //
// Use the default interface in the correct zone.
// Use Constrained value from FindDefaultInterfaceForZone.
IF = ScopeIF; }
// Assume that the destination address is on-link.
// Search the interface's neighbor cache for the destination.
NCE = FindOrCreateNeighbor(IF, Dest); ReleaseIF(IF); if (NCE == NULL) { return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
*ReturnConstrained = Constrained;
ReturnSuccess: *ReturnNCE = NCE; return IP_SUCCESS; }
//* CompareRoutes
// Compares the desirability of two routes.
// >0 means A is preferred,
// 0 means no preference,
// <0 means B is preferred.
// It is very important that the comparison relation be transitive,
// to achieve predictable route selection.
// Called with the route table locked.
int CompareRoutes( RouteTableEntry *A, int Areachable, RouteTableEntry *B, int Breachable) { uint Apref, Bpref;
// Compare reachability.
if (Areachable > Breachable) return 1; // Prefer A.
else if (Breachable > Areachable) return -1; // Prefer B.
// Compare prefix length.
if (A->PrefixLength > B->PrefixLength) return 1; // Prefer A.
else if (B->PrefixLength > A->PrefixLength) return -1; // Prefer B.
// Compare preference.
// Route & interface preference values are restricted
// so that these additions do not overflow.
Apref = A->IF->Preference + A->Preference; Bpref = B->IF->Preference + B->Preference;
if (Apref < Bpref) return 1; // Prefer A.
else if (Bpref < Apref) return -1; // Prefer B.
return 0; // No preference.
//* FindRoute
// Given a destination address, checks the list of routes
// using the longest-matching-prefix algorithm
// to decide if we have a route to this address.
// If so, returns the neighbor through which we should route.
// If the optional IF is supplied, then this constrains the lookup
// to only use routes via the specified outgoing interface.
// If IF is specified then ScopeId should be specified.
// If the optional ScopeId is supplied, then this constraints the lookup
// to only use routes via interfaces in the correct zone for the
// scope of the destination address.
// The ReturnConstrained parameter returns an indication of whether the
// IF and ScopeId parameters constrained the returned NCE.
// That is, if IF is NULL and ScopeId is non-zero (for scoped destinations)
// then Constrained is always returned as zero. If IF is non-NULL and
// a different NCE is returned than would have been returned if IF were
// NULL, then Constrained is returned with RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_IF set.
// Similarly, if ScopeId is non-zero and a different NCE is returned
// than would have been returned if ScopeId were zero, then Constrained
// is returned with RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_SCOPEID set.
// NOTE: Any code path that changes any state used by FindRoute
// must use InvalidateRouteCache.
// Callable from DPC context, not from thread context.
// May be called with the RouteCacheLock held.
IP_STATUS FindRoute( Interface *IF, const IPv6Addr *Dest, uint ScopeId, NeighborCacheEntry **ReturnNCE, ushort *ReturnConstrained) { RouteTableEntry *RTE, **PrevRTE; NeighborCacheEntry *NCE; uint MinPrefixLength; NeighborReachability Reachable; ushort Scope;
// These variables track the best route that we can actually return,
// subject to the IF and ScopeId constraints.
NeighborCacheEntry *BestNCE = NULL; // Holds a reference.
RouteTableEntry *BestRTE; // Initialized when BestNCE is non-NULL.
NeighborReachability BestReachable; // Used when BestNCE is non-NULL.
// These variables track the best route in the right zone.
// They are only used if IF != NULL.
NeighborCacheEntry *BzoneNCE = NULL; // Does NOT hold a reference.
RouteTableEntry *BzoneRTE; // Initialized when BzoneNCE is non-NULL.
NeighborReachability BzoneReachable; // Used when BzoneNCE is non-NULL.
// These variables track the best unconstrained route.
// They are only used if IF != NULL or ScopeId != 0:
// in other words, if there is some constraint.
NeighborCacheEntry *BallNCE = NULL; // Does NOT hold a reference.
RouteTableEntry *BallRTE; // Initialized when BallNCE is non-NULL.
NeighborReachability BallReachable; // Used when BallNCE is non-NULL.
// Keep track of whether there could be a better route
// than the one we are returning, if a neighbor that is
// currently unreachable were reachable instead.
int CouldBeBetterReachable = FALSE;
// Keep track of whether the destination could be on-link
// to an interface.
int CouldBeBetterOnLink = FALSE;
// We enforce a minimum prefix length for "on-link" addresses.
// If we match a route that is shorter than the minimum prefix length,
// we treat the route as if it were on-link. The net effect is
// that a default route implies a default interface for multicast
// and link-local destinations. This may of course be overridden
// with the appropriate more-specific /8 or /10 route.
if (IsMulticast(Dest)) MinPrefixLength = 8; else if (IsLinkLocal(Dest)) MinPrefixLength = 10; else MinPrefixLength = 0;
// Calculate the scope of the destination address.
Scope = AddressScope(Dest); ASSERT((IF == NULL) || ((ScopeId != 0) && (ScopeId == IF->ZoneIndices[Scope])));
PrevRTE = &RouteTable.First; while ((RTE = *PrevRTE) != NULL) {
// Does this route's prefix match that of our destination address?
if ((RTE->ValidLifetime != 0) && (RTE->PrefixLength >= MinPrefixLength) && HasPrefix(Dest, &RTE->Prefix, RTE->PrefixLength)) {
// We have a match against a potential route.
// Get a pointer to the next hop.
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE)) { //
// Note that in some situations we will create an NCE
// that we will end up not using. That's OK.
NCE = FindOrCreateNeighbor(RTE->IF, Dest); if (NCE == NULL) { //
// Couldn't create a new neighbor.
// Just bail out now.
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RouteTableLock); if (BestNCE != NULL) ReleaseNCE(BestNCE); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; } } else { NCE = RTE->NCE; AddRefNCE(NCE); }
// Note that reachability state transitions
// must invalidate the route cache.
// A negative return value indicates
// that the neighbor was just found to be unreachable
// so we should round-robin.
Reachable = GetReachability(NCE); if (Reachable < 0) { //
// Time for round-robin. Move this route to the end
// and continue. The next time we get to this route,
// GetReachability will return a non-negative value.
// Because round-robin perturbs route table state,
// it "should" invalidate the route cache. However,
// this isn't necessary. The route cache is invalidated
// when NCE->DoRoundRobin is set to TRUE, and the
// round-robin is actually performed by FindRoute before
// returning any result that could depend on this
// route's position in the route table.
ReleaseNCE(NCE); RemoveRTE(PrevRTE, RTE); InsertRTEAtBack(RTE); continue; }
// Track the best route that we can actually return,
// subject to the IF and ScopeId constraints.
if ((IF == NULL) ? ((ScopeId == 0) || (ScopeId == RTE->IF->ZoneIndices[Scope])) : (IF == RTE->IF)) {
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE)) CouldBeBetterOnLink = TRUE;
if (BestNCE == NULL) { //
// This is the first suitable next hop,
// so remember it.
RememberBest: AddRefNCE(NCE); BestNCE = NCE; BestRTE = RTE; BestReachable = Reachable; } else { int Better;
Better = CompareRoutes(RTE, Reachable, BestRTE, BestReachable);
// If this is a route via a currently-unreachable neighbor,
// check if it appears that it might be a better route
// if the neighbor were reachable.
if (!CouldBeBetterReachable && (Reachable == NeighborUnreachable) && (CompareRoutes(RTE, NeighborMayBeReachable, BestRTE, BestReachable) > Better)) CouldBeBetterReachable = TRUE;
if (Better > 0) { //
// This next hop looks better.
ReleaseNCE(BestNCE); goto RememberBest; } } }
// If there is a constraining interface, we also track
// the best next hop subject to the ScopeId constraint
// but NOT the interface constraint. Note that we do NOT
// hold a reference for BzoneNCE. All we need to know
// eventually is whether BzoneNCE == BestNCE and
// we hold a ref for BestNCE, which is good enough.
if ((IF != NULL) && (ScopeId == RTE->IF->ZoneIndices[Scope])) {
if (BzoneNCE == NULL) { //
// This is the first suitable next hop,
// so remember it.
RememberBzone: BzoneNCE = NCE; BzoneRTE = RTE; BzoneReachable = Reachable; } else if (CompareRoutes(RTE, Reachable, BzoneRTE, BzoneReachable) > 0) { //
// This next hop looks better.
goto RememberBzone; } }
// If there is a constraining interface or ScopeId, we also
// track the best overall next hop. Note that we do NOT
// hold a reference for BallNCE. All we need to know
// eventually is whether BallNCE == BestNCE and
// we hold a ref for BestNCE, which is good enough.
if ((IF != NULL) || (ScopeId != 0)) { if (BallNCE == NULL) { //
// This is the first suitable next hop,
// so remember it.
RememberBall: BallNCE = NCE; BallRTE = RTE; BallReachable = Reachable; } else if (CompareRoutes(RTE, Reachable, BallRTE, BallReachable) > 0) { //
// This next hop looks better.
goto RememberBall; } }
ReleaseNCE(NCE); }
// Move on to the next route.
PrevRTE = &RTE->Next; } ASSERT(PrevRTE == RouteTable.Last);
// If the destination could be on-link and we actually selected
// an on-link route, then we are OK. Otherwise, we need to check
// if the destination could be on-link to the interface
// that we selected. This implements one aspect of RFC 2461's
// conceptual sending algorithm - the Prefix List is consulted
// before the Default Router List. Note that RFC 2461 does not
// consider multi-interface hosts and we only enforce a preference for
// on-link routes within the context of a single interface.
// If we choose a router on an interface when we could have chosen
// on-link to the interface, the router would presumably just
// Redirect us, so it's better to just send on-link even if the
// destination is not reachable on-link. If the destination
// is on-link but not reachable via one interface,
// then we are happy to send off-link via another interface.
// This may or may not succeed in reaching the destination,
// but at least it has a chance of succeeding.
// The CouldBeBetterReachable code will periodically probe
// the destination's on-link reachability.
if (CouldBeBetterOnLink && IsOnLinkRTE(BestRTE)) CouldBeBetterOnLink = FALSE;
if (CouldBeBetterReachable || CouldBeBetterOnLink) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "FindRoute: 2nd pass: Dest %s " "CBBReachable %d CBBOnLink %d BestRTE %p BestNCE %p\n", FormatV6Address(Dest), CouldBeBetterReachable, CouldBeBetterOnLink, BestRTE, BestNCE));
// Make a second pass over the routes.
for (RTE = RouteTable.First; RTE != NULL; RTE = RTE->Next) { //
// Does this route's prefix match that of our destination address?
// And check our interface/scope-id constraints.
if ((RTE->ValidLifetime != 0) && (RTE->PrefixLength >= MinPrefixLength) && HasPrefix(Dest, &RTE->Prefix, RTE->PrefixLength) && ((IF == NULL) ? ((ScopeId == 0) || (ScopeId == RTE->IF->ZoneIndices[Scope])) : (IF == RTE->IF))) {
// Would this be a better route
// if the neighbor were reachable?
if (CouldBeBetterReachable && CompareRoutes(RTE, NeighborMayBeReachable, BestRTE, BestReachable) > 0) { //
// OK, we want to know if this neighbor becomes reachable,
// because if it does we should change our routing.
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE)) NCE = FindOrCreateNeighbor(RTE->IF, Dest); else AddRefNCE(NCE = RTE->NCE); KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "FindRoute: CBBReachable: " "BestRTE %p BestNCE %p RTE %p NCE %p\n", BestRTE, BestNCE, RTE, NCE)); if (NCE != NULL) { NeighborCacheProbeUnreachability(NCE); ReleaseNCE(NCE); } }
// Is this an on-link route on the same interface
// that we chosen to use off-link?
if (CouldBeBetterOnLink && IsOnLinkRTE(RTE) && (RTE->IF == BestRTE->IF)) { //
// OK, we want to send directly to this destination.
// Switch to the on-link NCE.
NCE = FindOrCreateNeighbor(RTE->IF, Dest); ReleaseNCE(BestNCE); if (NCE == NULL) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RouteTableLock); return IP_NO_RESOURCES; }
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "FindRoute: CBBOnLink: " "BestRTE %p BestNCE %p RTE %p NCE %p\n", BestRTE, BestNCE, RTE, NCE));
if (BallNCE == BestNCE) BallNCE = NCE; if (BzoneNCE == BestNCE) BzoneNCE = NCE;
BestNCE = NCE; CouldBeBetterOnLink = FALSE; } } } }
// We can drop the lock and still do comparisons
// against BallNCE and BzoneNCE.
if (BestNCE != NULL) { *ReturnNCE = BestNCE;
if ((ScopeId == 0) || (BestNCE == BallNCE)) { //
// The IF and ScopeId arguments did not affect our BestNCE choice.
*ReturnConstrained = 0; } else if ((IF == NULL) || (BestNCE == BzoneNCE)) { //
// The IF argument did not affect our BestNCE choice,
// but the ScopeId argument did.
*ReturnConstrained = RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_SCOPEID; } else { //
// The IF argument affected our BestNCE choice.
*ReturnConstrained = RCE_FLAG_CONSTRAINED; }
return IP_SUCCESS; } else { //
// Didn't find a suitable next hop.
return IP_DEST_NO_ROUTE; } }
//* FlushRouteCache
// Flushes entries from the route cache.
// The Interface or the Address can be left unspecified.
// in which case all relevant entries are flushed.
// Note that even if an RCE has references,
// we can still remove it from the route cache.
// It will continue to exist until its ref count falls to zero,
// but subsequent calls to RouteToDestination will not find it.
// Called with NO locks held.
// Callable from thread or DPC context.
void FlushRouteCache(Interface *IF, const IPv6Addr *Addr) { RouteCacheEntry *Delete = NULL; RouteCacheEntry *RCE, *NextRCE; KIRQL OldIrql;
// REVIEW: If both IF and Addr are specified,
// we can bail out of the loop early.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, &OldIrql); for (RCE = RouteCache.First; RCE != SentinelRCE; RCE = NextRCE) { NextRCE = RCE->Next;
if (((IF == NULL) || (IF == RCE->NTE->IF)) && ((Addr == NULL) || IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(Addr, &RCE->Destination))) { //
// We can remove this RCE from the cache.
// Put it on our delete list.
RCE->Next = Delete; Delete = RCE; } } KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, OldIrql);
// Release the RCE references that were held by the route cache.
while (Delete != NULL) { RCE = Delete; Delete = RCE->Next;
// Prevent use of this RCE by anyone who has it cached.
InvalidateRCE(RCE); ReleaseRCE(RCE); } }
//* ReleaseRCE
// Releases a reference to an RCE.
// Sometimes called with the route cache lock held.
void ReleaseRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { if (InterlockedDecrement(&RCE->RefCnt) == 0) { //
// This RCE should be deallocated.
// It has already been removed from the cache.
ReleaseNTE(RCE->NTE); ReleaseNCE(RCE->NCE); KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Freeing RCE: %p\n",RCE)); ExFreePool(RCE); } }
//* FindNetworkWithAddress - Locate NTE with corresponding address and scope.
// Convert a source address to an NTE by scanning the list of NTEs,
// looking for an NTE with this address. If the address is scope
// specific, the ScopeId provided should identify the scope.
// Returns NULL if no matching NTE is found.
// If found, returns a reference for the NTE.
NetTableEntry * FindNetworkWithAddress(const IPv6Addr *Source, uint ScopeId) { ushort Scope; NetTableEntry *NTE; KIRQL OldIrql;
// Canonicalize ScopeId and get Scope.
if (! CanonicalizeScopeId(Source, &ScopeId, &Scope)) return NULL;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&NetTableListLock, &OldIrql);
// Loop through all the NTEs on the NetTableList.
for (NTE = NetTableList; ; NTE = NTE->NextOnNTL) { if (NTE == NULL) goto Return;
// Have we found an NTE with matching address and ScopeId?
if (IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&NTE->Address, Source) && (ScopeId == NTE->IF->ZoneIndices[Scope])) {
// Check that this NTE is valid.
// (For example, an NTE still doing DAD is invalid.)
if (!IsValidNTE(NTE)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_RARE, "FindNetworkWithAddress: invalid NTE\n")); NTE = NULL; goto Return; }
break; } }
AddRefNTE(NTE); Return: KeReleaseSpinLock(&NetTableListLock, OldIrql); return NTE; }
//* InvalidateRouter
// Called when we know a neighbor is no longer a router.
// This function implements RFC 2461 section 7.3.3 -
// when a node detects that a router has changed to a host,
// the node MUST remove it from the Default Router List.
// For our implementation, this means removing autoconfigured
// routes from the routing table.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// Called with NO locks held.
void InvalidateRouter(NeighborCacheEntry *NCE) { CheckRtChangeContext Context; RouteTableEntry *RTE, **PrevRTE;
InitCheckRtChangeContext(&Context); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &Context.OldIrql);
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Invalidating routes with NCE=%p\n", NCE));
PrevRTE = &RouteTable.First; while((RTE = *PrevRTE) != NULL) {
if ((RTE->NCE == NCE) && (RTE->Type == RTE_TYPE_AUTOCONF)) { //
// Remove the RTE from the list.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "InvalidateRouter: removed RTE %p\n", RTE)); RemoveRTE(PrevRTE, RTE);
// Check for matching route change notification requests.
CheckRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context, NULL, RTE);
// Release the RTE.
ReleaseNCE(NCE); ExFreePool(RTE); } else { PrevRTE = &RTE->Next; } } ASSERT(PrevRTE == RouteTable.Last);
// Invalidate the route cache, even if the routing table has not changed.
// We must invalidate any RCEs that are using this NCE,
// perhaps because of a Redirect.
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, Context.OldIrql);
if (Context.RequestList != NULL) { //
// Complete the pending route change notifications.
CompleteRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context); } }
//* RouteTableUpdate - Update the route table.
// Updates the route table by creating a new route
// or modifying the lifetime of an existing route.
// If the NCE is null, then the prefix is on-link.
// Otherwise the NCE specifies the next hop.
// REVIEW - Should we do anything special when we get identical
// routes with different next hops? Currently they both end up
// in the table, and FindRoute tries to pick the best one.
// Note that the ValidLifetime may be INFINITE_LIFETIME,
// whereas Neighbor Discovery does not allow an infinite value
// for router lifetimes on the wire.
// The Publish and Immortal boolean arguments control
// the respective flag bits in the RTE.
// The FileObject identifies the requestor of this update.
// It is used to suppress some route change notifications.
// It should be NULL for updates originating in the stack.
// The Type argument specifies the origin of the route (RTE_TYPE_* values).
// The stack itself doesn't care about most of the values.
// System routes (used for loopback) can not be created/deleted by users.
// Manual routes are affected by RouteTableReset.
// Auto-configured routes are affected by RouteTableResetAutoConfig.
// The Type of a route can not be updated after it is created.
// System routes and published routes survive in the route table
// even when their lifetime is zero. (Then they do not affect routing.)
// To delete a system route, specify a lifetime and type of zero.
// Error return values:
// STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES - Failed to allocate pool.
// STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED - Caller can not create/delete system route.
// STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1 - Interface is disabled.
// STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_6 - Can not create route with zero Type.
// These values are chosen for the convenience of IoctlUpdateRouteTable,
// because our other callers only care about success/failure.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// May be called with an interface lock held.
NTSTATUS RouteTableUpdate( PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, Interface *IF, NeighborCacheEntry *NCE, const IPv6Addr *RoutePrefix, uint PrefixLength, uint SitePrefixLength, uint ValidLifetime, uint PreferredLifetime, uint Pref, uint Type, int Publish, int Immortal) { CheckRtChangeContext Context; IPv6Addr Prefix; RouteTableEntry *RTE, **PrevRTE; int Delete; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
ASSERT((NCE == NULL) || (NCE->IF == IF)); ASSERT(SitePrefixLength <= PrefixLength); ASSERT(PreferredLifetime <= ValidLifetime); ASSERT(IsValidRouteTableType(Type));
// Ensure that the unused prefix bits are zero.
// This makes the prefix comparisons below safe.
CopyPrefix(&Prefix, RoutePrefix, PrefixLength);
Delete = FALSE; InitCheckRtChangeContext(&Context); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &Context.OldIrql);
if (IsDisabledIF(IF)) { //
// Do not create routes on disabled interfaces.
// This check must be made after locking the route table,
// to prevent races with DestroyIF/RouteTableRemove.
Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1; } else { //
// Search for an existing Route Table Entry.
for (PrevRTE = &RouteTable.First; ; PrevRTE = &RTE->Next) { RTE = *PrevRTE;
if (RTE == NULL) { ASSERT(PrevRTE == RouteTable.Last);
// No existing entry for this prefix.
// Create an entry if the lifetime is non-zero
// or this is a published route or a system route.
if ((ValidLifetime != 0) || Publish || (Type == RTE_TYPE_SYSTEM)) {
if ((Type == RTE_TYPE_SYSTEM) && (FileObject != NULL)) { //
// Users can not create system routes.
Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; }
if (Type == 0) { //
// The zero Type value can only be used
// for updating and deleting routes.
RTE = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof *RTE); if (RTE == NULL) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NTOS_ERROR, "RouteTableUpdate: out of pool\n")); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; }
RTE->Type = (ushort)Type; RTE->Flags = 0; RTE->IF = IF; if (NCE != NULL) AddRefNCE(NCE); RTE->NCE = NCE; RTE->Prefix = Prefix; RTE->PrefixLength = PrefixLength; RTE->SitePrefixLength = SitePrefixLength; RTE->ValidLifetime = ValidLifetime; RTE->PreferredLifetime = PreferredLifetime; RTE->Preference = Pref; if (Publish) { RTE->Flags |= RTE_FLAG_PUBLISH; ForceRouterAdvertisements = TRUE; } if (Immortal) RTE->Flags |= RTE_FLAG_IMMORTAL;
// Add the new entry to the route table.
if (ValidLifetime != 0) { //
// Invalidate the route cache, so the new route
// actually gets used.
InvalidateRouteCache(); } else { //
// Don't notify about this route,
// since it is being created as invalid.
RTE = NULL; } } break; }
if ((RTE->IF == IF) && (RTE->NCE == NCE) && IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&RTE->Prefix, &Prefix) && (RTE->PrefixLength == PrefixLength)) { //
// We have an existing route.
// Remove the route if the new lifetime is zero
// (and the route is not published or a system route)
// otherwise update the route.
// The Type == 0 clause allows system routes to be deleted.
if ((ValidLifetime == 0) && !Publish && ((RTE->Type != RTE_TYPE_SYSTEM) || (Type == 0))) {
if ((RTE->Type == RTE_TYPE_SYSTEM) && (FileObject != NULL)) { //
// Users can not delete system routes.
Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; }
// Remove the RTE from the list.
// See similar code in RouteTableTimeout.
RemoveRTE(PrevRTE, RTE);
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> IF %p removed\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->IF)); } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> NCE %p removed\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->NCE));
// Although we release the RTE's reference for the NTE,
// our caller still holds a reference so RTE->NCE
// is still valid for CheckRtChangeNotifyRequests.
ReleaseNCE(RTE->NCE); }
// If we are removing a published route,
// resend Router Advertisements promptly.
if (RTE->Flags & RTE_FLAG_PUBLISH) ForceRouterAdvertisements = TRUE;
if (RTE->ValidLifetime == 0) { //
// This route was already invalid.
// Delete the route structure now.
// Don't notify a route change;
// that was done when the route became invalid.
RTE = NULL; } else { //
// Invalidate all cached routes,
// since we are removing a valid route.
// Delete the route structure after checking
// for route change notifications below.
Delete = TRUE;
// Update the route lifetimes, so the route info
// returned in the notification shows zero lifetime.
// But preserve the other route attributes.
RTE->ValidLifetime = RTE->PreferredLifetime = 0; } } else { uint OldLifetime = RTE->PreferredLifetime;
// If we are changing a published attribute of a route,
// or if we are changing the publishing status of a route,
// then resend Router Advertisements promptly.
if ((Publish && ((RTE->ValidLifetime != ValidLifetime) || (RTE->PreferredLifetime != PreferredLifetime) || (RTE->SitePrefixLength != SitePrefixLength))) || (!Publish != !(RTE->Flags & RTE_FLAG_PUBLISH))) ForceRouterAdvertisements = TRUE;
// Pick up new attributes.
// We do NOT update RTE->Type.
RTE->SitePrefixLength = SitePrefixLength; RTE->ValidLifetime = ValidLifetime; RTE->PreferredLifetime = PreferredLifetime; RTE->Flags = ((Publish ? RTE_FLAG_PUBLISH : 0) | (Immortal ? RTE_FLAG_IMMORTAL : 0)); if (RTE->Preference != Pref) { RTE->Preference = Pref; InvalidateRouteCache(); }
if ((OldLifetime == 0) && (ValidLifetime != 0)) { //
// This route was invalid but is now valid.
InvalidateRouteCache(); } else { //
// Do not check for route change notifications below.
RTE = NULL; } } break; } } // end for
if (RTE != NULL) { //
// This update resulted in adding or deleting a route,
// so check for matching route change notifications.
CheckRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context, FileObject, RTE); } } // end if (! IsDisabledIF(IF))
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, Context.OldIrql);
if (Delete) ExFreePool(RTE);
if (Context.RequestList != NULL) { //
// Complete the pending route change notifications.
CompleteRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context); }
return Status; }
//* RouteTableResetAutoConfig
// Reset the lifetimes of all auto-configured routes for an interface.
// Also resets prefixes in the Site Prefix Table.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// May be called with an interface lock held.
void RouteTableResetAutoConfig(Interface *IF, uint MaxLifetime) { CheckRtChangeContext Context; RouteTableEntry *RTE, **PrevRTE; SitePrefixEntry *SPE;
InitCheckRtChangeContext(&Context); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &Context.OldIrql);
// Reset all routes for this interface.
PrevRTE = &RouteTable.First; while ((RTE = *PrevRTE) != NULL) {
if (RTE->IF == IF) { //
// Is this an auto-configured route?
if (MaxLifetime == 0) { //
// Invalidate all cached routes.
// Remove the RTE from the list.
RemoveRTE(PrevRTE, RTE);
// Check for matching route change notification requests.
CheckRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context, NULL, RTE);
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> IF %p released\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->IF)); } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> NCE %p released\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->NCE));
ReleaseNCE(RTE->NCE); }
// Free the RTE.
ExFreePool(RTE); continue; }
if (RTE->ValidLifetime > MaxLifetime) { //
// Reset the lifetime to a small value.
RTE->ValidLifetime = MaxLifetime; } } }
// Move to the next RTE.
PrevRTE = &RTE->Next; } ASSERT(PrevRTE == RouteTable.Last);
// Reset all site prefixes for this interface.
for (SPE = SitePrefixTable; SPE != NULL; SPE = SPE->Next) { if (SPE->IF == IF) { //
// Is this an auto-configured site prefix?
if (SPE->ValidLifetime != INFINITE_LIFETIME) { //
// Reset the lifetime to a small value.
if (SPE->ValidLifetime > MaxLifetime) SPE->ValidLifetime = MaxLifetime; } } }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, Context.OldIrql);
if (Context.RequestList != NULL) { //
// Complete the pending route change notifications.
CompleteRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context); } }
//* RouteTableReset
// Removes all manually-configured routing state.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// Called with NO locks held.
void RouteTableReset(void) { CheckRtChangeContext Context; RouteTableEntry *RTE, **PrevRTE;
InitCheckRtChangeContext(&Context); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &Context.OldIrql);
// Remove all manually-configured routes.
PrevRTE = &RouteTable.First; while ((RTE = *PrevRTE) != NULL) {
// Is this a manual route?
if (RTE->Type == RTE_TYPE_MANUAL) {
// Invalidate all cached routes.
// Remove the RTE from the list.
RemoveRTE(PrevRTE, RTE);
// Check for matching route change notification requests.
CheckRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context, NULL, RTE);
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> IF %p released\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->IF)); } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> NCE %p released\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->NCE));
ReleaseNCE(RTE->NCE); }
// Free the RTE.
ExFreePool(RTE); continue; }
// Move to the next RTE.
PrevRTE = &RTE->Next; } ASSERT(PrevRTE == RouteTable.Last);
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, Context.OldIrql);
if (Context.RequestList != NULL) { //
// Complete the pending route change notifications.
CompleteRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context); } }
//* RouteTableRemove
// Releases all routing state associated with the interface.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// Called with NO locks held.
void RouteTableRemove(Interface *IF) { CheckRtChangeContext Context; RouteTableEntry *RTE, **PrevRTE; RouteCacheEntry *RCE, *NextRCE; SitePrefixEntry *SPE, **PrevSPE; BindingCacheEntry *BCE, *NextBCE; KIRQL OldIrql;
InitCheckRtChangeContext(&Context); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &Context.OldIrql);
// Remove routes for this interface.
PrevRTE = &RouteTable.First; while ((RTE = *PrevRTE) != NULL) {
if (RTE->IF == IF) { //
// Remove the RTE from the list.
RemoveRTE(PrevRTE, RTE);
// Check for matching route change notification requests.
CheckRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context, NULL, RTE);
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> IF %p released\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->IF)); } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> NCE %p released\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->NCE));
ReleaseNCE(RTE->NCE); }
// Free the RTE.
ExFreePool(RTE); } else { //
// Move to the next RTE.
PrevRTE = &RTE->Next; } } ASSERT(PrevRTE == RouteTable.Last);
// Invalidate all cached routes.
// Remove all site prefixes for this interface.
PrevSPE = &SitePrefixTable; while ((SPE = *PrevSPE) != NULL) {
if (SPE->IF == IF) { //
// Remove the SPE from the list.
*PrevSPE = SPE->Next;
// Release the SPE.
ExFreePool(SPE); } else { //
// Move to the next SPE.
PrevSPE = &SPE->Next; } }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, Context.OldIrql);
if (Context.RequestList != NULL) { //
// Complete the pending route change notifications.
CompleteRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context); }
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, &OldIrql);
// Remove cached routes for this interface.
for (RCE = RouteCache.First; RCE != SentinelRCE; RCE = NextRCE) { NextRCE = RCE->Next; if (RCE->NTE->IF == IF) { RemoveRCE(RCE); ReleaseRCE(RCE); } }
// Remove binding cache entries for this interface.
for (BCE = BindingCache.First; BCE != SentinelBCE; BCE = NextBCE) { NextBCE = BCE->Next; if (BCE->CareOfRCE->NTE->IF == IF) DestroyBCE(BCE); }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, OldIrql); }
//* RouteTableTimeout
// Called periodically from IPv6Timeout.
// Handles lifetime expiration of routing table entries.
void RouteTableTimeout(void) { CheckRtChangeContext Context; RouteTableEntry *RTE, **PrevRTE; #if DBG
RouteCacheEntry *RCE; uint RCECount; #endif
InitCheckRtChangeContext(&Context); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &Context.OldIrql);
PrevRTE = &RouteTable.First; while ((RTE = *PrevRTE) != NULL) {
// First decrement the preferred lifetime.
if (!(RTE->Flags & RTE_FLAG_IMMORTAL) && (RTE->PreferredLifetime != 0) && (RTE->PreferredLifetime != INFINITE_LIFETIME)) RTE->PreferredLifetime--;
// Now check the valid lifetime.
// If the valid lifetime is zero, then
// the route is not valid and is not used.
// We delete invalid routes, unless they are published.
if (RTE->ValidLifetime == 0) { //
// This is an invalid route, only kept around
// for purposes of generating Router Advertisements
// or because it is a system route.
ASSERT((RTE->Flags & RTE_FLAG_PUBLISH) || (RTE->Type == RTE_TYPE_SYSTEM)); } else if (!(RTE->Flags & RTE_FLAG_IMMORTAL) && (RTE->ValidLifetime != INFINITE_LIFETIME) && (--RTE->ValidLifetime == 0)) { //
// The route is now invalid.
// Invalidate all cached routes.
// Check for matching route change notification requests.
CheckRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context, NULL, RTE);
if (!(RTE->Flags & RTE_FLAG_PUBLISH) && (RTE->Type != RTE_TYPE_SYSTEM)) { //
// Remove the RTE from the list.
// See similar code in RouteTableUpdate.
RemoveRTE(PrevRTE, RTE);
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> IF %p timed out\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->IF)); } else { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "Route RTE %p %s/%u -> NCE %p timed out\n", RTE, FormatV6Address(&RTE->Prefix), RTE->PrefixLength, RTE->NCE));
ReleaseNCE(RTE->NCE); }
// Release the RTE and continue to the next RTE.
ExFreePool(RTE); continue; } }
// Continue to the next RTE.
PrevRTE = &RTE->Next; } ASSERT(PrevRTE == RouteTable.Last);
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, Context.OldIrql);
if (Context.RequestList != NULL) { //
// Complete the pending route change notifications.
CompleteRtChangeNotifyRequests(&Context); } }
//* SitePrefixUpdate
// Updates the site prefix table by creating a new site prefix
// or modifying the lifetime of an existing site prefix.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// May be called with an interface lock held.
void SitePrefixUpdate( Interface *IF, const IPv6Addr *SitePrefix, uint SitePrefixLength, uint ValidLifetime) { IPv6Addr Prefix; SitePrefixEntry *SPE, **PrevSPE; KIRQL OldIrql;
// Ensure that the unused prefix bits are zero.
// This makes the prefix comparisons below safe.
CopyPrefix(&Prefix, SitePrefix, SitePrefixLength);
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &OldIrql);
// Search for an existing Site Prefix Entry.
for (PrevSPE = &SitePrefixTable; ; PrevSPE = &SPE->Next) { SPE = *PrevSPE;
if (SPE == NULL) { //
// No existing entry for this prefix.
// Create an entry if the lifetime is non-zero.
if (ValidLifetime != 0) {
SPE = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof *SPE); if (SPE == NULL) break;
SPE->IF = IF; SPE->Prefix = Prefix; SPE->SitePrefixLength = SitePrefixLength; SPE->ValidLifetime = ValidLifetime;
// Add the new entry to the table.
SPE->Next = SitePrefixTable; SitePrefixTable = SPE; } break; }
if ((SPE->IF == IF) && IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&SPE->Prefix, &Prefix) && (SPE->SitePrefixLength == SitePrefixLength)) { //
// We have an existing site prefix.
// Remove the prefix if the new lifetime is zero,
// otherwise update the prefix.
if (ValidLifetime == 0) { //
// Remove the SPE from the list.
// See similar code in SitePrefixTimeout.
*PrevSPE = SPE->Next;
// Release the SPE.
ExFreePool(SPE); } else { //
// Pick up new attributes.
SPE->ValidLifetime = ValidLifetime; } break; } }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, OldIrql); }
//* SitePrefixMatch
// Checks the destination address against
// the prefixes in the Site Prefix Table.
// If there is a match, returns the site identifier
// associated with the matching prefix.
// If there is no match, returns zero.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// Called with NO locks held.
uint SitePrefixMatch(const IPv6Addr *Destination) { SitePrefixEntry *SPE; KIRQL OldIrql; uint MatchingSite = 0;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &OldIrql); for (SPE = SitePrefixTable; SPE != NULL; SPE = SPE->Next) { //
// Does this site prefix match the destination address?
if (HasPrefix(Destination, &SPE->Prefix, SPE->SitePrefixLength)) { //
// We have found a matching site prefix.
// No need to look further.
MatchingSite = SPE->IF->ZoneIndices[ADE_SITE_LOCAL]; break; } } KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, OldIrql);
return MatchingSite; }
//* SitePrefixTimeout
// Called periodically from IPv6Timeout.
// Handles lifetime expiration of site prefixes.
void SitePrefixTimeout(void) { SitePrefixEntry *SPE, **PrevSPE;
PrevSPE = &SitePrefixTable; while ((SPE = *PrevSPE) != NULL) {
if (SPE->ValidLifetime == 0) { //
// Remove the SPE from the list.
*PrevSPE = SPE->Next;
// Release the SPE.
ExFreePool(SPE); } else { if (SPE->ValidLifetime != INFINITE_LIFETIME) SPE->ValidLifetime--;
PrevSPE = &SPE->Next; } }
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RouteTableLock); }
//* ConfirmForwardReachability - tell ND that packets are getting through.
// Upper layers call this routine upon receiving acknowledgements that
// data sent by this node has arrived recently at the peer represented
// by this RCE. Such acknowledgements are considered to be proof of
// forward reachability for the purposes of Neighbor Discovery.
// Caller should be holding a reference on the RCE.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void ConfirmForwardReachability(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE; // CareOfRCE, if any, for this route.
NeighborCacheEntry *NCE; // First-hop neighbor for this route.
CareOfRCE = GetCareOfRCE(RCE); NCE = (CareOfRCE ? CareOfRCE : RCE)->NCE;
if (CareOfRCE != NULL) ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE); }
//* ForwardReachabilityInDoubt - tell ND we're dubious.
// Upper layers call this routine when they don't receive acknowledgements
// which they'd otherwise expect if the peer represented by this RCE was
// still reachable. This calls into question whether the first-hop
// might be the problem, so we tell ND that we're suspicious of its
// reachable status.
// Caller should be holding a reference on the RCE.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void ForwardReachabilityInDoubt(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE; // CareOfRCE, if any, for this route.
NeighborCacheEntry *NCE; // First-hop neighbor for this route.
Interface *IF; // Interface we use to reach this neighbor.
KIRQL OldIrql; // Temporary place to stash the interrupt level.
CareOfRCE = GetCareOfRCE(RCE); NCE = (CareOfRCE ? CareOfRCE : RCE)->NCE;
if (CareOfRCE != NULL) ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE); }
//* GetPathMTUFromRCE - lookup MTU to use in sending on this route.
// Get the PathMTU from an RCE.
// Note that PathMTU is volatile unless the RouteCacheLock
// is held. Furthermore the Interface's LinkMTU may have changed
// since the RCE was created, due to a Router Advertisement.
// (LinkMTU is always volatile.)
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// Called with NO locks held.
uint GetPathMTUFromRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { uint PathMTU, LinkMTU; KIRQL OldIrql;
LinkMTU = RCE->NCE->IF->LinkMTU; PathMTU = RCE->PathMTU;
// We lazily check to see if it's time to probe for an increased Path
// MTU as this is perceived to be cheaper than routinely running through
// all our RCEs looking for one whose PMTU timer has expired.
if ((RCE->PMTULastSet != 0) && ((uint)(IPv6TickCount - RCE->PMTULastSet) >= PATH_MTU_RETRY_TIME)) { //
// It's been at least 10 minutes since we last lowered our PMTU
// as the result of receiving a Path Too Big message. Bump it
// back up to the Link MTU to see if the path is larger now.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, &OldIrql); PathMTU = RCE->PathMTU = LinkMTU; RCE->PMTULastSet = 0; KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, OldIrql); }
// We lazily check to see if our Link MTU has shrunk below our Path MTU,
// as this is perceived to be cheaper than running through all our RCEs
// looking for a too big Path MTU when a Link MTU shrinks.
// REVIEW: A contrarian might point out that Link MTUs rarely (if ever)
// REVIEW: shrink, whereas we do this check on every packet sent.
if (PathMTU > LinkMTU) { KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, &OldIrql); LinkMTU = RCE->NCE->IF->LinkMTU; PathMTU = RCE->PathMTU; if (PathMTU > LinkMTU) { PathMTU = RCE->PathMTU = LinkMTU; RCE->PMTULastSet = 0; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock, OldIrql); }
return PathMTU; }
//* GetEffectivePathMTUFromRCE
// Adjust the true path MTU to account for mobility and fragment headers.
// Determines PMTU available to upper layer protocols.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
// Called with NO locks held.
uint GetEffectivePathMTUFromRCE(RouteCacheEntry *RCE) { uint PathMTU; KIRQL OldIrql; RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE;
CareOfRCE = GetCareOfRCE(RCE); PathMTU = GetPathMTUFromRCE(CareOfRCE ? CareOfRCE : RCE);
if (PathMTU == 0) { //
// We need to leave space for a fragment header in all
// packets we send to this destination.
PathMTU = IPv6_MINIMUM_MTU - sizeof(FragmentHeader); }
if (CareOfRCE != NULL) { //
// Mobility is in effect for this destination.
// Leave space for routing header.
PathMTU -= sizeof(IPv6RoutingHeader) + sizeof(IPv6Addr); ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE); }
return PathMTU; }
//* UpdatePathMTU
// Update the route cache with a new MTU obtained
// from a Packet Too Big message. Returns TRUE if this
// update modified a PMTU value we had cached previously.
// Callable from DPC context, not from thread context.
// Called with NO locks held.
int UpdatePathMTU( Interface *IF, const IPv6Addr *Dest, uint MTU) { RouteCacheEntry *RCE; uint Now; int Changed = FALSE;
// Search the route cache for the appropriate RCE.
// There will be at most one.
for (RCE = RouteCache.First; RCE != SentinelRCE; RCE = RCE->Next) {
if (IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&RCE->Destination, Dest) && (RCE->NTE->IF == IF)) {
// Update the path MTU.
// We never actually lower the path MTU below IPv6_MINIMUM_MTU.
// If this is requested, we instead start including fragment
// headers in all packets but we still use IPv6_MINIMUM_MTU.
if (MTU < RCE->PathMTU) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "UpdatePathMTU(RCE %p): new MTU %u for %s\n", RCE, MTU, FormatV6Address(Dest))); if (MTU < IPv6_MINIMUM_MTU) RCE->PathMTU = 0; // Always include fragment header.
else RCE->PathMTU = MTU;
Changed = TRUE;
// Timestamp it (starting the timer).
// A zero value means no timer, so don't use it.
Now = IPv6TickCount; if (Now == 0) Now = 1; RCE->PMTULastSet = Now; } break; } }
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RouteCacheLock); return Changed; }
//* RedirectRouteCache
// Update the route cache to reflect a Redirect message.
// Callable from DPC context, not from thread context.
// Called with NO locks held.
IP_STATUS // Returns: IP_SUCCESS if redirect was legit, otherwise failure.
RedirectRouteCache( const IPv6Addr *Source, // Source of the redirect.
const IPv6Addr *Dest, // Destination that is being redirected.
Interface *IF, // Interface that this all applies to.
NeighborCacheEntry *NCE) // New router for the destination.
{ RouteCacheEntry *RCE; ushort DestScope; uint DestScopeId; IP_STATUS ReturnValue; #if DBG
FormatV6AddressWorker(Buffer1, Dest); FormatV6AddressWorker(Buffer2, &NCE->NeighborAddress); #endif
// Our caller guarantees this.
DestScope = AddressScope(Dest); DestScopeId = IF->ZoneIndices[DestScope];
// Get the current RCE for this destination.
ReturnValue = FindOrCreateRoute(Dest, DestScopeId, IF, &RCE); if (ReturnValue == IP_SUCCESS) {
// We must check that the source of the redirect
// is the current next-hop neighbor.
// (This is a simple sanity check - it does not
// prevent clever neighbors from hijacking.)
if (!IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&RCE->NCE->NeighborAddress, Source)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NET_ERROR, "RedirectRouteCache(dest %s -> %s): hijack from %s\n", Buffer1, Buffer2, FormatV6Address(Source))); ReturnValue = IP_GENERAL_FAILURE; } else if (RCE->RefCnt == 2) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "RedirectRouteCache(dest %s -> %s): inplace %p\n", Buffer1, Buffer2, RCE)); //
// There are no references to this RCE outside
// of the cache, so we can update it in place.
ReleaseNCE(RCE->NCE); //
// It's still OK to compare against RCE->NCE.
goto UpdateRCE; } else { RouteCacheEntry *NewRCE;
// Create a new route cache entry for the redirect.
// CreateOrReuseRoute will not return RCE,
// because we have an extra reference for it.
NewRCE = CreateOrReuseRoute(); if (NewRCE != NULL) { ASSERT(NewRCE != RCE); KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_STATE, "RedirectRouteCache(dest %s -> %s): old %p new %p\n", Buffer1, Buffer2, RCE, NewRCE));
// Copy the RCE and fix up references.
// We must copy the correct validation counter value.
*NewRCE = *RCE; NewRCE->RefCnt = 2; // One for the cache, one to release below.
// We do not AddRefNCE(NewRCE->NCE), see below.
// Cause anyone who is using/caching the old RCE to notice
// that it is no longer valid, so they will find the new RCE.
// Then remove the old RCE from the cache.
RCE->Valid--; // RouteCacheValidationCounter increases.
RemoveRCE(RCE); ReleaseRCE(RCE); // The cache's reference.
ReleaseRCE(RCE); // Reference from FindOrCreateRoute.
// Add the new route cache entry to the cache.
InsertRCE(NewRCE); RCE = NewRCE;
if (RCE->NCE != NCE) { //
// Reset PMTU discovery.
RCE->PathMTU = IF->LinkMTU; RCE->PMTULastSet = 0; }
// At this point, RCE->NCE does NOT hold a reference.
AddRefNCE(NCE); RCE->NCE = NCE; } else { //
// Could not allocate a new RCE.
// REVIEW - Remove the old RCE from the cache?
ReturnValue = IP_NO_RESOURCES; } }
// Release our references.
ReleaseRCE(RCE); }
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RouteCacheLock); return ReturnValue; }
//* InitRouting - Initialize the routing module.
void InitRouting(void) { KeInitializeSpinLock(&RouteCacheLock); KeInitializeSpinLock(&RouteTableLock);
// RouteCache.Limit initialized in ConfigureGlobalParameters.
RouteCache.First = RouteCache.Last = SentinelRCE;
RouteTable.First = NULL; RouteTable.Last = &RouteTable.First;
// BindingCache.Limit initialized in ConfigureGlobalParameters.
BindingCache.First = BindingCache.Last = SentinelBCE;
InitializeListHead(&RouteNotifyQueue); }
//* UnloadRouting
// Called when IPv6 stack is unloading.
void UnloadRouting(void) { //
// With all the interfaces destroyed,
// there should be no routes left.
ASSERT(RouteTable.First == NULL); ASSERT(RouteTable.Last == &RouteTable.First); ASSERT(RouteCache.First == SentinelRCE); ASSERT(RouteCache.Last == SentinelRCE); ASSERT(BindingCache.First == SentinelBCE); ASSERT(BindingCache.Last == SentinelBCE);
// Irps hold references for our device object,
// so pending notification requests prevent
// us from unloading.
ASSERT(RouteNotifyQueue.Flink == RouteNotifyQueue.Blink); }
//* InsertBCE
// Insert the BCE in the binding cache.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void InsertBCE(BindingCacheEntry *BCE) { BindingCacheEntry *AfterBCE = SentinelBCE; RouteCacheEntry *RCE;
BCE->Prev = AfterBCE; (BCE->Next = AfterBCE->Next)->Prev = BCE; AfterBCE->Next = BCE; BindingCache.Count++;
// Update any existing RCEs to point to this BCE.
for (RCE = RouteCache.First; RCE != SentinelRCE; RCE = RCE->Next) { if (IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&RCE->Destination, &BCE->HomeAddr)) RCE->BCE = BCE; } }
//* RemoveBCE
// Remove the BCE from the binding cache.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void RemoveBCE(BindingCacheEntry *BCE) { RouteCacheEntry *RCE;
BCE->Prev->Next = BCE->Next; BCE->Next->Prev = BCE->Prev; BindingCache.Count--;
// Remove any references to this BCE from the route cache.
for (RCE = RouteCache.First; RCE != SentinelRCE; RCE = RCE->Next) { if (RCE->BCE == BCE) RCE->BCE = NULL; } }
//* MoveToFrontBCE
// Move an BCE to the front of the list.
// Called with the route cache lock held.
// Callable from a thread or DPC context.
void MoveToFrontBCE(BindingCacheEntry *BCE) { if (BCE->Prev != SentinelBCE) { BindingCacheEntry *AfterBCE = SentinelBCE;
// Remove the BCE from its current location.
BCE->Prev->Next = BCE->Next; BCE->Next->Prev = BCE->Prev;
// And put it at the front.
BCE->Prev = AfterBCE; (BCE->Next = AfterBCE->Next)->Prev = BCE; AfterBCE->Next = BCE; } }
//* CreateBindingCacheEntry - create new BCE.
// Allocates a new Binding Cache entry.
// Returns NULL if a new BCE can not be allocated.
// Must be called with the RouteCache lock held.
BindingCacheEntry * CreateOrReuseBindingCacheEntry() { BindingCacheEntry *BCE;
if (BindingCache.Count >= BindingCache.Limit) { //
// Reuse the BCE at the end of the list.
BCE = BindingCache.Last; RemoveBCE(BCE); ReleaseRCE(BCE->CareOfRCE); } else { //
// Allocate a new BCE.
BCE = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof *BCE); }
return BCE; }
//* DestroyBCE - remove an entry from the BindingCache.
// Must be called with the RouteCache lock held.
void DestroyBCE(BindingCacheEntry *BCE) { //
// Unchain the given BCE and destroy it.
RemoveBCE(BCE); ReleaseRCE(BCE->CareOfRCE); ExFreePool(BCE); }
//* FindBindingCacheEntry
// Looks for a binding cache entry with the specified care-of address.
// Must be called with the route cache lock held.
BindingCacheEntry * FindBindingCacheEntry(const IPv6Addr *HomeAddr) { BindingCacheEntry *BCE;
for (BCE = BindingCache.First; ; BCE = BCE->Next) { if (BCE == SentinelBCE) { //
// Did not find a matching entry.
BCE = NULL; break; }
if (IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&BCE->HomeAddr, HomeAddr)) { //
// Found a matching entry.
break; } }
return BCE; }
//* CacheBindingUpdate - update the binding cache entry for an address.
// Find or Create (if necessary) an RCE to the CareOfAddress. This routine
// is called in response to a Binding Cache Update.
// Callable from DPC context, not from thread context.
// Called with NO locks held.
BindingUpdateDisposition // Returns: Binding Ack Status code.
CacheBindingUpdate( IPv6BindingUpdateOption UNALIGNED *BindingUpdate, const IPv6Addr *CareOfAddr, // Address to use for mobile node.
NetTableEntryOrInterface *NTEorIF, // NTE or IF receiving the BU.
const IPv6Addr *HomeAddr) // Mobile node's home address.
{ BindingCacheEntry *BCE; BindingUpdateDisposition ReturnValue = IPV6_BINDING_ACCEPTED; IP_STATUS Status; int DeleteRequest; // Request is to delete an existing binding?
ushort SeqNo; RouteCacheEntry *CareOfRCE; ushort CareOfScope; uint CareOfScopeId;
// Note that we assume the care-of address is scoped
// to the receiving interface, even when
// the care-of address is present in a suboption
// instead of the IPv6 source address field.
CareOfScope = AddressScope(CareOfAddr); CareOfScopeId = NTEorIF->IF->ZoneIndices[CareOfScope];
// Is this Binding Update a request to remove entries
// from our binding cache?
DeleteRequest = ((BindingUpdate->Lifetime == 0) || IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(HomeAddr, CareOfAddr));
SeqNo = net_short(BindingUpdate->SeqNumber);
// Search the binding cache for the home address.
for (BCE = BindingCache.First; BCE != SentinelBCE; BCE = BCE->Next) {
if (!IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&BCE->HomeAddr, HomeAddr)) continue;
// We've found an existing entry for this home address.
// Verify the sequence number is greater than the cached binding's
// sequence number if there is one.
if ((short)(SeqNo - BCE->BindingSeqNumber) <= 0) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NET_ERROR, "CacheBindingUpdate: New sequence number too small " "(old seqnum = %d, new seqnum = %d)\n", BCE->BindingSeqNumber, SeqNo)); ReturnValue = IPV6_BINDING_SEQ_NO_TOO_SMALL; goto Return; }
// If the request is to delete the entry, do so and return.
if (DeleteRequest) { DestroyBCE(BCE); goto Return; }
// Update the binding.
BCE->BindingLifetime = ConvertSecondsToTicks(net_long(BindingUpdate->Lifetime)); BCE->BindingSeqNumber = SeqNo;
CareOfRCE = BCE->CareOfRCE;
// If the care-of address or scope-id has changed,
// then we need to create a new care-of RCE.
if (!IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&CareOfRCE->Destination, CareOfAddr) || (CareOfScopeId != CareOfRCE->NTE->IF->ZoneIndices[CareOfScope])) { RouteCacheEntry *NewRCE;
// Note that since we already hold the RouteCacheLock we
// call FindOrCreateRoute here instead of RouteToDestination.
Status = FindOrCreateRoute(CareOfAddr, CareOfScopeId, NULL, &NewRCE); if (Status == IP_SUCCESS) { //
// Update the binding cache entry.
ReleaseRCE(CareOfRCE); BCE->CareOfRCE = NewRCE; } else { //
// Because we could not update the BCE,
// destroy it.
DestroyBCE(BCE); if (Status == IP_NO_RESOURCES) ReturnValue = IPV6_BINDING_NO_RESOURCES; else ReturnValue = IPV6_BINDING_REJECTED; } } goto Return; }
if (DeleteRequest) { //
// We're done.
goto Return; }
// We want to cache a binding and did not find an existing binding
// for the home address above. So we create a new binding cache entry.
BCE = CreateOrReuseBindingCacheEntry(); if (BCE == NULL) { ReturnValue = IPV6_BINDING_NO_RESOURCES; goto Return; } BCE->HomeAddr = *HomeAddr; BCE->BindingLifetime = ConvertSecondsToTicks(net_long(BindingUpdate->Lifetime)); BCE->BindingSeqNumber = SeqNo;
// Now create a new RCE for the care-of address.
// Note that since we already hold the RouteCacheLock we
// call FindOrCreateRoute here instead of RouteToDestination.
Status = FindOrCreateRoute(CareOfAddr, CareOfScopeId, NULL, &BCE->CareOfRCE); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { //
// Couldn't get a route.
ExFreePool(BCE); if (Status == IP_NO_RESOURCES) ReturnValue = IPV6_BINDING_NO_RESOURCES; else ReturnValue = IPV6_BINDING_REJECTED; } else { //
// Now that the BCE is fully initialized,
// add it to the cache. This also updates existing RCEs.
InsertBCE(BCE); }
Return: KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RouteCacheLock); return ReturnValue; }
//* BindingCacheTimeout
// Check for and handle binding cache lifetime expirations.
// Callable from DPC context, not from thread context.
// Called with NO locks held.
void BindingCacheTimeout(void) { BindingCacheEntry *BCE, *NextBCE;
// Search the route cache for all binding cache entries. Update
// their lifetimes, and remove if expired.
for (BCE = BindingCache.First; BCE != SentinelBCE; BCE = NextBCE) { NextBCE = BCE->Next;
// REVIEW: The mobile IPv6 spec allows correspondent nodes to
// REVIEW: send a Binding Request when the current binding's
// REVIEW: lifetime is "close to expiration" in order to prevent
// REVIEW: the overhead of establishing a new binding after the
// REVIEW: current one expires. For now, we just let the binding
// REVIEW: expire.
if (--BCE->BindingLifetime == 0) { //
// This binding cache entry has expired.
// Remove it from the Binding Cache.
DestroyBCE(BCE); } }
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RouteCacheLock); }
//* RouterAdvertSend
// Sends a Router Advertisement.
// The advert is always sent to the all-nodes multicast address.
// Chooses a valid source address for the interface.
// Called with NO locks held.
// Callable from DPC context, not from thread context.
// REVIEW - Should this function be in route.c or neighbor.c? Or split up?
void RouterAdvertSend( Interface *IF, // Interface on which to send.
const IPv6Addr *Source, // Source address to use.
const IPv6Addr *Dest) // Destination address to use.
{ NDIS_STATUS Status; NDIS_PACKET *Packet; NDIS_BUFFER *Buffer; uint PayloadLength; uint Offset; void *Mem, *MemLeft; uint MemLen, MemLenLeft; uint SourceOptionLength; IPv6Header UNALIGNED *IP; ICMPv6Header UNALIGNED *ICMP; NDRouterAdvertisement UNALIGNED *RA; void *SourceOption; NDOptionMTU UNALIGNED *MTUOption; void *LLDest; KIRQL OldIrql; int Forwards; uint LinkMTU; uint RouterLifetime; uint DefaultRoutePreference; RouteTableEntry *RTE;
// For consistency, capture some volatile
// information in locals.
Forwards = IF->Flags & IF_FLAG_FORWARDS; LinkMTU = IF->LinkMTU; Offset = IF->LinkHeaderSize;
// Allocate a buffer for the advertisement.
// We typically do not use the entire buffer,
// but briefly allocating a large buffer is OK.
MemLen = Offset + LinkMTU; Mem = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, MemLen); if (Mem == NULL) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NTOS_ERROR, "RouterAdvertSend - no memory?\n")); ICMPv6OutStats.icmps_errors++; return; }
// Prepare IP header of the advertisement.
// We fill in the PayloadLength later.
IP = (IPv6Header UNALIGNED *)((uchar *)Mem + Offset); IP->VersClassFlow = IP_VERSION; IP->NextHeader = IP_PROTOCOL_ICMPv6; IP->HopLimit = 255; IP->Source = *Source; IP->Dest = *Dest;
// Prepare ICMP header.
ICMP = (ICMPv6Header UNALIGNED *)(IP + 1); ICMP->Type = ICMPv6_ROUTER_ADVERT; ICMP->Code = 0; ICMP->Checksum = 0;
// Prepare the Router Advertisement header.
// We fill in RouterLifetime and DefaultRoutePreference later.
RA = (NDRouterAdvertisement UNALIGNED *)(ICMP + 1); RtlZeroMemory(RA, sizeof *RA); MemLeft = (void *)(RA + 1);
if (IF->WriteLLOpt != NULL) { //
// Include source link-layer address option if ND is enabled.
SourceOption = MemLeft; SourceOptionLength = (IF->LinkAddressLength + 2 + 7) &~ 7; ((uchar *)SourceOption)[0] = ND_OPTION_SOURCE_LINK_LAYER_ADDRESS; ((uchar *)SourceOption)[1] = SourceOptionLength >> 3; (*IF->WriteLLOpt)(IF->LinkContext, SourceOption, IF->LinkAddress); MemLeft = (uchar *)SourceOption + SourceOptionLength; }
// Always include MTU option.
MTUOption = (NDOptionMTU UNALIGNED *)MemLeft; MTUOption->Type = ND_OPTION_MTU; MTUOption->Length = 1; MTUOption->Reserved = 0; MTUOption->MTU = net_long(LinkMTU);
// OK, how much space is left?
MemLeft = (void *)(MTUOption + 1); MemLenLeft = MemLen - (uint)((uchar *)MemLeft - (uchar *)Mem);
// Now we scan the routing table looking for published routes.
// We incrementally add Prefix Information and Route Information options,
// and we determine RouterLifetime and DefaultRoutePreference.
RouterLifetime = 0; DefaultRoutePreference = (uint) -1;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, &OldIrql); for (RTE = RouteTable.First; RTE != NULL; RTE = RTE->Next) { //
// We only advertise published routes.
if (RTE->Flags & RTE_FLAG_PUBLISH) { uint Life; // In seconds.
ushort PrefixScope = AddressScope(&RTE->Prefix);
// IoctlUpdateRouteTable guarantees this.
ASSERT(! IsLinkLocal(&RTE->Prefix));
if (IsOnLinkRTE(RTE) && (RTE->IF == IF)) { NDOptionPrefixInformation UNALIGNED *Prefix;
// We generate a prefix-information option
// with the L and possibly the A bits set.
if (MemLenLeft < sizeof *Prefix) break; // No room for more options.
Prefix = (NDOptionPrefixInformation *)MemLeft; (uchar *)MemLeft += sizeof *Prefix; MemLenLeft -= sizeof *Prefix;
Prefix->Type = ND_OPTION_PREFIX_INFORMATION; Prefix->Length = 4; Prefix->PrefixLength = (uchar)RTE->PrefixLength; Prefix->Flags = ND_PREFIX_FLAG_ON_LINK; if (RTE->PrefixLength == 64) Prefix->Flags |= ND_PREFIX_FLAG_AUTONOMOUS; Prefix->Reserved2 = 0; Prefix->Prefix = RTE->Prefix;
// Is this also a site prefix?
// NB: The SitePrefixLength field overlaps Reserved2.
if (RTE->SitePrefixLength != 0) { Prefix->Flags |= ND_PREFIX_FLAG_SITE_PREFIX; Prefix->SitePrefixLength = (uchar)RTE->SitePrefixLength; }
// ConvertTicksToSeconds preserves the infinite value.
Life = net_long(ConvertTicksToSeconds(RTE->ValidLifetime)); Prefix->ValidLifetime = Life; Life = net_long(ConvertTicksToSeconds(RTE->PreferredLifetime)); Prefix->PreferredLifetime = Life; } else if (Forwards && (RTE->IF != IF) && (IF->ZoneIndices[PrefixScope] == RTE->IF->ZoneIndices[PrefixScope])) { //
// We only advertise routes if we are forwarding
// and if we won't forward out the same interface:
// if such a router were published and used,
// we'd generate a Redirect, but better to avoid
// in the first place.
// Also, we keep scoped routes within their zone.
if (RTE->PrefixLength == 0) { //
// We don't explicitly advertise zero-length prefixes.
// Instead we advertise a non-zero router lifetime.
if (RTE->ValidLifetime > RouterLifetime) RouterLifetime = RTE->ValidLifetime; if (RTE->Preference < DefaultRoutePreference) DefaultRoutePreference = RTE->Preference; } else { NDOptionRouteInformation UNALIGNED *Route; uint OptionSize;
// We generate a route-information option.
if (RTE->PrefixLength <= 64) OptionSize = 16; else OptionSize = 24;
if (MemLenLeft < OptionSize) break; // No room for more options.
Route = (NDOptionRouteInformation *)MemLeft; (uchar *)MemLeft += OptionSize; MemLenLeft -= OptionSize;
Route->Type = ND_OPTION_ROUTE_INFORMATION; Route->Length = OptionSize >> 3; Route->PrefixLength = (uchar)RTE->PrefixLength; Route->Flags = EncodeRoutePreference(RTE->Preference);
RtlCopyMemory(&Route->Prefix, &RTE->Prefix, OptionSize - 8);
// ConvertTicksToSeconds preserves the infinite value.
Life = net_long(ConvertTicksToSeconds(RTE->ValidLifetime)); Route->RouteLifetime = Life; } } } } KeReleaseSpinLock(&RouteTableLock, OldIrql);
if (RouterLifetime != 0) { //
// We will be a default router. Calculate the 16-bit lifetime.
// Note that there is no infinite value on the wire.
RouterLifetime = ConvertTicksToSeconds(RouterLifetime); if (RouterLifetime > 0xffff) RouterLifetime = 0xffff; RA->RouterLifetime = net_short((ushort)RouterLifetime);
RA->Flags = EncodeRoutePreference(DefaultRoutePreference); }
// Calculate a payload length for the advertisement.
PayloadLength = (uint)((uchar *)MemLeft - (uchar *)ICMP); IP->PayloadLength = net_short((ushort)PayloadLength);
// Now allocate and initialize an NDIS packet and buffer.
// This is much like IPv6AllocatePacket,
// except we already have the memory.
NdisAllocatePacket(&Status, &Packet, IPv6PacketPool); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NTOS_ERROR, "RouterAdvertSend - couldn't allocate header!?!\n")); ExFreePool(Mem); ICMPv6OutStats.icmps_errors++; return; }
NdisAllocateBuffer(&Status, &Buffer, IPv6BufferPool, Mem, Offset + sizeof(IPv6Header) + PayloadLength); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NTOS_ERROR, "RouterAdvertSend - couldn't allocate buffer!?!\n")); NdisFreePacket(Packet); ExFreePool(Mem); ICMPv6OutStats.icmps_errors++; return; }
InitializeNdisPacket(Packet); PC(Packet)->CompletionHandler = IPv6PacketComplete; NdisChainBufferAtFront(Packet, Buffer);
// Calculate the ICMPv6 checksum. It covers the entire ICMPv6 message
// starting with the ICMPv6 header, plus the IPv6 pseudo-header.
ICMP->Checksum = ChecksumPacket( Packet, Offset + sizeof *IP, NULL, PayloadLength, AlignAddr(&IP->Source), AlignAddr(&IP->Dest), IP_PROTOCOL_ICMPv6); ASSERT(ICMP->Checksum != 0);
// Calculate the link-level destination address.
// (The IPv6 destination is a multicast address.)
// We prevent loopback of all ND packets.
LLDest = alloca(IF->LinkAddressLength); (*IF->ConvertAddr)(IF->LinkContext, AlignAddr(&IP->Dest), LLDest); PC(Packet)->Flags = NDIS_FLAGS_MULTICAST_PACKET | NDIS_FLAGS_DONT_LOOPBACK;
// Before we transmit the packet (and lose ownership of the memory),
// make a pass over the packet, processing the options ourselves.
// This is like receiving our own RA, except we do not create routes.
// The options are well-formed of course.
Mem = (void *)(MTUOption + 1); while (Mem < MemLeft) { if (((uchar *)Mem)[0] == ND_OPTION_PREFIX_INFORMATION) { NDOptionPrefixInformation UNALIGNED *Prefix = (NDOptionPrefixInformation UNALIGNED *)Mem; uint ValidLifetime, PreferredLifetime;
// Because we just constructed the prefix-information options,
// we know they are syntactically valid.
ValidLifetime = net_long(Prefix->ValidLifetime); ValidLifetime = ConvertSecondsToTicks(ValidLifetime); PreferredLifetime = net_long(Prefix->PreferredLifetime); PreferredLifetime = ConvertSecondsToTicks(PreferredLifetime);
if ((IF->CreateToken != NULL) && (Prefix->Flags & ND_PREFIX_FLAG_AUTONOMOUS)) {
NetTableEntry *NTE;
// IoctlUpdateRouteTable only allows "proper" prefixes
// to be published.
ASSERT(!IsLinkLocal(AlignAddr(&Prefix->Prefix))); ASSERT(!IsMulticast(AlignAddr(&Prefix->Prefix))); ASSERT(Prefix->PrefixLength == 64);
// Perform stateless address autoconfiguration for this prefix.
AddrConfUpdate(IF, AlignAddr(&Prefix->Prefix), ValidLifetime, PreferredLifetime, TRUE, // Authenticated.
&NTE); if (NTE != NULL) { IPv6Addr NewAddr; //
// Create the subnet anycast address for this prefix,
// if we created a corresponding unicast address.
CopyPrefix(&NewAddr, AlignAddr(&Prefix->Prefix), 64); (void) FindOrCreateAAE(IF, &NewAddr, CastFromNTE(NTE)); ReleaseNTE(NTE); } }
if (Prefix->Flags & ND_PREFIX_FLAG_SITE_PREFIX) { //
// Again, IoctlUpdateRouteTable enforces sanity checks.
ASSERT(!IsSiteLocal(AlignAddr(&Prefix->Prefix))); ASSERT(Prefix->SitePrefixLength <= Prefix->PrefixLength); ASSERT(Prefix->SitePrefixLength != 0);
SitePrefixUpdate(IF, AlignAddr(&Prefix->Prefix), Prefix->SitePrefixLength, ValidLifetime); } }
(uchar *)Mem += ((uchar *)Mem)[1] << 3; }
// Transmit the packet.
ICMPv6OutStats.icmps_typecount[ICMPv6_ROUTER_ADVERT]++; IPv6SendLL(IF, Packet, Offset, LLDest); }
//* GetBestRouteInfo
// Calculates the best source address and outgoing interface
// for the specified destination address.
IP_STATUS GetBestRouteInfo( const IPv6Addr *Addr, ulong ScopeId, IP6RouteEntry *Ire) { IP_STATUS Status; RouteCacheEntry *RCE;
Status = RouteToDestination(Addr, ScopeId, NULL, 0, &RCE); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
Ire->ire_Length = sizeof(IP6RouteEntry); Ire->ire_Source = RCE->NTE->Address; Ire->ire_ScopeId = DetermineScopeId(&RCE->NTE->Address, RCE->NTE->IF); Ire->ire_IfIndex = RCE->NTE->IF->Index;
return Status; }