// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- (for GNU Emacs)
// Copyright (c) 1985-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// This file is part of the Microsoft Research IPv6 Network Protocol Stack.
// You should have received a copy of the Microsoft End-User License Agreement
// for this software along with this release; see the file "license.txt".
// If not, please see http://www.research.microsoft.com/msripv6/license.htm,
// or write to Microsoft Research, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399.
// Abstract:
// TCP receive code.
// This file contains the code for handling incoming TCP packets.
#include "oscfg.h"
#include "ndis.h"
#include "ip6imp.h"
#include "ip6def.h"
#include "icmp.h"
#include "tdi.h"
#include "tdint.h"
#include "tdistat.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "transprt.h"
#include "addr.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "tcb.h"
#include "tcpconn.h"
#include "tcpsend.h"
#include "tcprcv.h"
#include "tcpdeliv.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "tcpcfg.h"
#include "route.h"
#include "security.h"
uint RequestCompleteFlags;
Queue ConnRequestCompleteQ; Queue SendCompleteQ;
Queue TCBDelayQ;
KSPIN_LOCK RequestCompleteLock; KSPIN_LOCK TCBDelayLock;
ulong TCBDelayRtnCount; ulong TCBDelayRtnLimit; #define TCB_DELAY_RTN_LIMIT 4
uint MaxDupAcks = 2;
extern KSPIN_LOCK TCBTableLock; extern KSPIN_LOCK AddrObjTableLock;
void ResetSendNext(TCB *SeqTCB, SeqNum NewSeq);
NTSTATUS TCPPrepareIrpForCancel(PTCP_CONTEXT TcpContext, PIRP Irp, PDRIVER_CANCEL CancelRoutine);
extern void TCPRequestComplete(void *Context, unsigned int Status, unsigned int UnUsed);
// All of the init code can be discarded.
int InitTCPRcv(void);
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, InitTCPRcv)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
//* AdjustRcvWin - Adjust the receive window on a TCB.
// A utility routine that adjusts the receive window to an even multiple of
// the local segment size. We round it up to the next closest multiple, or
// leave it alone if it's already an event multiple. We assume we have
// exclusive access to the input TCB.
void // Returns: Nothing.
AdjustRcvWin( TCB *WinTCB) // TCB to be adjusted.
{ ushort LocalMSS; uchar FoundMSS; ulong SegmentsInWindow;
ASSERT(WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin != 0); ASSERT(WinTCB->tcb_rcvwin != 0); ASSERT(WinTCB->tcb_remmss != 0);
if (WinTCB->tcb_flags & WINDOW_SET) return;
#if 0
// First, get the local MSS by calling IP.
// REVIEW: IPv4 had code here to call down to IP to get the local MTU
// REVIEW: corresponding to this source address. Result in "LocalMSS",
// REVIEW: status of call in "FoundMSS".
// REVIEW: Why did they do this? tcb_mss is already set by this point!
if (!FoundMSS) { //
// Didn't find it, error out.
ASSERT(FALSE); return; } LocalMSS -= sizeof(TCPHeader); LocalMSS = MIN(LocalMSS, WinTCB->tcb_remmss); #else
LocalMSS = WinTCB->tcb_mss; #endif
SegmentsInWindow = WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin / (ulong)LocalMSS;
// Make sure we have at least 4 segments in window, if that wouldn't make
// the window too big.
if (SegmentsInWindow < 4) { //
// We have fewer than four segments in the window. Round up to 4
// if we can do so without exceeding the maximum window size; otherwise
// use the maximum multiple that we can fit in 64K. The exception is
// if we can only fit one integral multiple in the window - in that
// case we'll use a window of 0xffff.
if (LocalMSS <= (0xffff/4)) { WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin = (uint)(4 * LocalMSS); } else { ulong SegmentsInMaxWindow;
// Figure out the maximum number of segments we could possibly
// fit in a window. If this is > 1, use that as the basis for
// our window size. Otherwise use a maximum size window.
SegmentsInMaxWindow = 0xffff/(ulong)LocalMSS; if (SegmentsInMaxWindow != 1) WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin = SegmentsInMaxWindow * (ulong)LocalMSS; else WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin = 0xffff; }
WinTCB->tcb_rcvwin = WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin;
} else { //
// If it's not already an even multiple, bump the default and current
// windows to the nearest multiple.
if ((SegmentsInWindow * (ulong)LocalMSS) != WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin) { ulong NewWindow;
NewWindow = (SegmentsInWindow + 1) * (ulong)LocalMSS;
// Don't let the new window be > 64K.
if (NewWindow <= 0xffff) { WinTCB->tcb_defaultwin = (uint)NewWindow; WinTCB->tcb_rcvwin = (uint)NewWindow; } } } }
//* CompleteRcvs - Complete receives on a TCB.
// Called when we need to complete receives on a TCB. We'll pull things from
// the TCB's receive queue, as long as there are receives that have the PUSH
// bit set.
void // Returns: Nothing.
CompleteRcvs( TCB *CmpltTCB) // TCB to complete on.
{ KIRQL OldIrql; TCPRcvReq *CurrReq, *NextReq, *IndReq;
CHECK_STRUCT(CmpltTCB, tcb); ASSERT(CmpltTCB->tcb_refcnt != 0);
KeAcquireSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, &OldIrql);
if (!CLOSING(CmpltTCB) && !(CmpltTCB->tcb_flags & RCV_CMPLTING) && (CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhead != NULL)) {
CmpltTCB->tcb_flags |= RCV_CMPLTING;
for (;;) {
CurrReq = CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhead; IndReq = NULL; do { CHECK_STRUCT(CurrReq, trr);
if (CurrReq->trr_flags & TRR_PUSHED) { //
// Need to complete this one. If this is the current
// receive then advance the current receive to the next
// one in the list. Then set the list head to the next
// one in the list.
ASSERT(CurrReq->trr_amt != 0 || !DATA_RCV_STATE(CmpltTCB->tcb_state));
NextReq = CurrReq->trr_next; if (CmpltTCB->tcb_currcv == CurrReq) CmpltTCB->tcb_currcv = NextReq;
CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhead = NextReq;
if (NextReq == NULL) { //
// We've just removed the last buffer. Set the
// rcvhandler to PendData, in case something
// comes in during the callback.
ASSERT(CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr != IndicateData); CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr = PendData; }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, OldIrql); if (CurrReq->trr_uflags != NULL) *(CurrReq->trr_uflags) = TDI_RECEIVE_NORMAL | TDI_RECEIVE_ENTIRE_MESSAGE;
(*CurrReq->trr_rtn)(CurrReq->trr_context, TDI_SUCCESS, CurrReq->trr_amt); if (IndReq != NULL) FreeRcvReq(CurrReq); else IndReq = CurrReq; KeAcquireSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, &OldIrql); CurrReq = CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhead;
} else // This one isn't to be completed, so bail out.
break; } while (CurrReq != NULL);
// Now see if we've completed all of the requests. If we have,
// we may need to deal with pending data and/or reset the receive
// handler.
if (CurrReq == NULL) { //
// We've completed everything that can be, so stop the push
// timer. We don't stop it if CurrReq isn't NULL because we
// want to make sure later data is eventually pushed.
ASSERT(IndReq != NULL); //
// No more receive requests.
if (CmpltTCB->tcb_pendhead == NULL) { FreeRcvReq(IndReq); //
// No pending data. Set the receive handler to either
// PendData or IndicateData.
if (!(CmpltTCB->tcb_flags & (DISC_PENDING | GC_PENDING))) { if (CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvind != NULL && CmpltTCB->tcb_indicated == 0) CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr = IndicateData; else CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr = PendData; } else { goto Complete_Notify; }
} else { //
// We have pending data to deal with.
if (CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvind != NULL && CmpltTCB->tcb_indicated == 0) { //
// There's a receive indicate handler on this TCB.
// Call the indicate handler with the pending data.
IndicatePendingData(CmpltTCB, IndReq, OldIrql); SendACK(CmpltTCB); KeAcquireSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, &OldIrql);
// See if a buffer has been posted. If so, we'll need
// to check and see if it needs to be completed.
if (CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhead != NULL) continue; else { //
// If the pending head is now NULL, we've used up
// all the data.
if (CmpltTCB->tcb_pendhead == NULL && (CmpltTCB->tcb_flags & (DISC_PENDING | GC_PENDING))) goto Complete_Notify; }
} else { //
// No indicate handler, so nothing to do. The receive
// handler should already be set to PendData.
FreeRcvReq(IndReq); ASSERT(CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr == PendData); } } } else { if (IndReq != NULL) FreeRcvReq(IndReq); ASSERT(CmpltTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr == BufferData); }
break; } CmpltTCB->tcb_flags &= ~RCV_CMPLTING; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, OldIrql); return;
Complete_Notify: //
// Something is pending. Figure out what it is, and do it.
if (CmpltTCB->tcb_flags & GC_PENDING) { CmpltTCB->tcb_flags &= ~RCV_CMPLTING; //
// Bump the refcnt, because GracefulClose will deref the TCB
// and we're not really done with it yet.
CmpltTCB->tcb_refcnt++; GracefulClose(CmpltTCB, CmpltTCB->tcb_flags & TW_PENDING, TRUE, OldIrql); } else if (CmpltTCB->tcb_flags & DISC_PENDING) { CmpltTCB->tcb_flags &= ~DISC_PENDING; KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, OldIrql); NotifyOfDisc(CmpltTCB, TDI_GRACEFUL_DISC);
KeAcquireSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, &OldIrql); CmpltTCB->tcb_flags &= ~RCV_CMPLTING; KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, OldIrql); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmpltTCB->tcb_lock, OldIrql); }
return; }
//* ProcessTCBDelayQ - Process TCBs on the delayed Q.
// Called at various times to process TCBs on the delayed Q.
void // Returns: Nothing.
ProcessTCBDelayQ( void) // Nothing.
{ KIRQL OldIrql; TCB *DelayTCB;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&TCBDelayLock, &OldIrql);
// Check for recursion. We do not stop recursion completely, only
// limit it. This is done to allow multiple threads to process the
// TCBDelayQ simultaneously.
TCBDelayRtnCount++; if (TCBDelayRtnCount > TCBDelayRtnLimit) { TCBDelayRtnCount--; KeReleaseSpinLock(&TCBDelayLock, OldIrql); return; }
while (!EMPTYQ(&TCBDelayQ)) {
DEQUEUE(&TCBDelayQ, DelayTCB, TCB, tcb_delayq); CHECK_STRUCT(DelayTCB, tcb); ASSERT(DelayTCB->tcb_refcnt != 0); ASSERT(DelayTCB->tcb_flags & IN_DELAY_Q); KeReleaseSpinLock(&TCBDelayLock, OldIrql);
KeAcquireSpinLock(&DelayTCB->tcb_lock, &OldIrql);
while (!CLOSING(DelayTCB) && (DelayTCB->tcb_flags & DELAYED_FLAGS)) {
if (DelayTCB->tcb_flags & NEED_RCV_CMPLT) { DelayTCB->tcb_flags &= ~NEED_RCV_CMPLT; KeReleaseSpinLock(&DelayTCB->tcb_lock, OldIrql); CompleteRcvs(DelayTCB); KeAcquireSpinLock(&DelayTCB->tcb_lock, &OldIrql); }
if (DelayTCB->tcb_flags & NEED_OUTPUT) { DelayTCB->tcb_flags &= ~NEED_OUTPUT; DelayTCB->tcb_refcnt++; TCPSend(DelayTCB, OldIrql); KeAcquireSpinLock(&DelayTCB->tcb_lock, &OldIrql); }
if (DelayTCB->tcb_flags & NEED_ACK) { DelayTCB->tcb_flags &= ~NEED_ACK; KeReleaseSpinLock(&DelayTCB->tcb_lock, OldIrql); SendACK(DelayTCB); KeAcquireSpinLock(&DelayTCB->tcb_lock, &OldIrql); } }
DelayTCB->tcb_flags &= ~IN_DELAY_Q; DerefTCB(DelayTCB, OldIrql); KeAcquireSpinLock(&TCBDelayLock, &OldIrql); }
TCBDelayRtnCount--; KeReleaseSpinLock(&TCBDelayLock, OldIrql); }
//* DelayAction - Put a TCB on the queue for a delayed action.
// Called when we want to put a TCB on the DelayQ for a delayed action at
// receive complete or some other time. The lock on the TCB must be held
// when this is called.
void // Returns: Nothing.
DelayAction( TCB *DelayTCB, // TCP which we're going to schedule.
uint Action) // Action we're scheduling.
{ //
// Schedule the completion.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&TCBDelayLock); DelayTCB->tcb_flags |= Action; if (!(DelayTCB->tcb_flags & IN_DELAY_Q)) { DelayTCB->tcb_flags |= IN_DELAY_Q; DelayTCB->tcb_refcnt++; // Reference this for later.
ENQUEUE(&TCBDelayQ, &DelayTCB->tcb_delayq); } KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&TCBDelayLock); }
//* TCPRcvComplete - Handle a receive complete.
// Called by the lower layers when we're done receiving. We look to see
// if we have and pending requests to complete. If we do, we complete them.
// Then we look to see if we have any TCBs pending for output. If we do,
// we get them going.
void // Returns: Nothing.
TCPRcvComplete( void) // Nothing.
{ KIRQL OldIrql; TCPReq *Req;
if (RequestCompleteFlags & ANY_REQUEST_COMPLETE) { KeAcquireSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock, &OldIrql); if (!(RequestCompleteFlags & IN_RCV_COMPLETE)) { RequestCompleteFlags |= IN_RCV_COMPLETE; do { if (RequestCompleteFlags & CONN_REQUEST_COMPLETE) { if (!EMPTYQ(&ConnRequestCompleteQ)) { DEQUEUE(&ConnRequestCompleteQ, Req, TCPReq, tr_q); CHECK_STRUCT(Req, tr); CHECK_STRUCT(*(TCPConnReq **)&Req, tcr);
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock, OldIrql); (*Req->tr_rtn)(Req->tr_context, Req->tr_status, 0); FreeConnReq((TCPConnReq *)Req); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock, &OldIrql);
} else RequestCompleteFlags &= ~CONN_REQUEST_COMPLETE; }
if (RequestCompleteFlags & SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE) { if (!EMPTYQ(&SendCompleteQ)) { TCPSendReq *SendReq;
DEQUEUE(&SendCompleteQ, Req, TCPReq, tr_q); CHECK_STRUCT(Req, tr); SendReq = (TCPSendReq *)Req; CHECK_STRUCT(SendReq, tsr);
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock, OldIrql); (*Req->tr_rtn)(Req->tr_context, Req->tr_status, Req->tr_status == TDI_SUCCESS ? SendReq->tsr_size : 0); FreeSendReq((TCPSendReq *)Req); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock, &OldIrql);
} else RequestCompleteFlags &= ~SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE; }
} while (RequestCompleteFlags & ANY_REQUEST_COMPLETE);
RequestCompleteFlags &= ~IN_RCV_COMPLETE; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock, OldIrql); }
ProcessTCBDelayQ(); }
//* CompleteConnReq - Complete a connection request on a TCB.
// A utility function to complete a connection request on a TCB. We remove
// the connreq, and put it on the ConnReqCmpltQ where it will be picked
// off later during RcvCmplt processing. We assume the TCB lock is held when
// we're called.
void // Returns: Nothing.
CompleteConnReq( TCB *CmpltTCB, // TCB from which to complete.
TDI_STATUS Status) // Status to complete with.
{ TCPConnReq *ConnReq;
ConnReq = CmpltTCB->tcb_connreq; if (ConnReq != NULL) { //
// There's a connreq on this TCB. Fill in the connection information
// before returning it.
CmpltTCB->tcb_connreq = NULL; UpdateConnInfo(ConnReq->tcr_conninfo, &CmpltTCB->tcb_daddr, CmpltTCB->tcb_dscope_id, CmpltTCB->tcb_dport); if (ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo) { UpdateConnInfo(ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo, &CmpltTCB->tcb_saddr, CmpltTCB->tcb_sscope_id, CmpltTCB->tcb_sport); }
ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_status = Status; KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RequestCompleteLock); RequestCompleteFlags |= CONN_REQUEST_COMPLETE; ENQUEUE(&ConnRequestCompleteQ, &ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_q); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RequestCompleteLock);
} else if (!((CmpltTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD) && (CmpltTCB->tcb_flags & ACCEPT_PENDING))) { //
// This should not happen except
// in the case of SynAttackProtect.
//* DelayedAcceptConn - Process delayed-connect request.
// Called by TCPRcv when SynAttackProtection is turned on, when a final
// ACK arrives in response to our SYN-ACK. Indicate the connect request to
// ULP and if it is accepted init TCB and move con to appropriate queue on AO.
// The caller must hold the AddrObjTableLock before calling this routine,
// and that lock must have been taken at DPC level. This routine will free
// that lock back to DPC level.
// Returns TRUE if the request is accepted.
BOOLEAN DelayedAcceptConn( AddrObj *ListenAO, // AddrObj for local address.
IPv6Addr *Src, // Source IP address of SYN.
ulong SrcScopeId, // Scope id of source address (0 for non-scope addr).
ushort SrcPort, // Source port of SYN.
TCB *AcceptTCB) // Pre-accepted TCB
{ TCPConn *CurrentConn = NULL; Queue *Temp; TCPConnReq *ConnReq = NULL; BOOLEAN FoundConn = FALSE;
CHECK_STRUCT(ListenAO, ao); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&AddrObjTableLock);
if (AO_VALID(ListenAO)) { if (ListenAO->ao_connect != NULL) { uchar TAddress[TCP_TA_SIZE]; PVOID ConnContext; PConnectEvent Event; PVOID EventContext; TDI_STATUS Status; PTCP_CONTEXT TcpContext = NULL; ConnectEventInfo *EventInfo;
// He has a connect handler. Put the transport address together,
// and call him. We also need to get the necessary resources
// first.
Event = ListenAO->ao_connect; EventContext = ListenAO->ao_conncontext; REF_AO(ListenAO);
ConnReq = GetConnReq();
if (AcceptTCB != NULL && ConnReq != NULL) { BuildTDIAddress(TAddress, Src, SrcScopeId, SrcPort);
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONNECT) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_TCPDBG, "indicating connect request\n")); }
Status = (*Event) (EventContext, TCP_TA_SIZE, (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS) TAddress, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &ConnContext, &EventInfo);
IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(EventInfo);
Status = TCPPrepareIrpForCancel( (PTCP_CONTEXT) IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext, EventInfo, TCPCancelRequest );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = TDI_NOT_ACCEPTED; EventInfo = NULL; goto AcceptIrpCancelled; }
// He accepted it. Find the connection on the AddrObj.
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONNECT) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_TCPDBG, "connect indication accepted, queueing request\n" )); }
AcceptRequest = (PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_ACCEPT) & (IrpSp->Parameters); ConnReq->tcr_conninfo = AcceptRequest->ReturnConnectionInformation; if (AcceptRequest->RequestConnectionInformation && AcceptRequest->RequestConnectionInformation-> RemoteAddress) { ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = AcceptRequest->RequestConnectionInformation; } else { ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = NULL; }
ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn = TCPRequestComplete; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_context = EventInfo; AcceptTCB->tcb_connreq = ConnReq; SearchAO:
Temp = QHEAD(&ListenAO->ao_idleq);;
while (Temp != QEND(&ListenAO->ao_idleq)) {
CurrentConn = QSTRUCT(TCPConn, Temp, tc_q); CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentConn, tc); if ((CurrentConn->tc_context == ConnContext) && !(CurrentConn->tc_flags & CONN_INVALID)) {
// We need to lock its TCPConnBlock, with care.
// We'll ref the TCPConn so it can't go away,
// then unlock the AO (which is already ref'd),
// then relock. Note that tc_refcnt is updated
// under ao_lock for any associated TCPConn.
// If things have changed, go back and try again.
++CurrentConn->tc_refcnt; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock);
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock);
// Now that we've got the lock, we need to consider
// the following possibilities:
// * a disassociate was initiated
// * a close was initiated
// * accept completed
// * listen completed
// * connect completed
// The first two require that we clean up,
// by calling the tc_donertn. For the last three,
// we have nothing to do, but tc_donertn points at
// DummyDone, so go ahead and call it anyway;
// it'll release the TCPConnBlock lock for us.
if (--CurrentConn->tc_refcnt == 0 && ((CurrentConn->tc_flags & CONN_INVALID) || (CurrentConn->tc_tcb != NULL))) { ConnDoneRtn DoneRtn = CurrentConn->tc_donertn; DoneRtn(CurrentConn, DISPATCH_LEVEL); goto SearchAO; }
// We think we have a match. The connection
// shouldn't have a TCB associated with it. If it
// does, it's an error. InitTCBFromConn will
// handle all this.
Status = InitTCBFromConn(CurrentConn, AcceptTCB, AcceptRequest->RequestConnectionInformation, TRUE);
if (Status == TDI_SUCCESS) { FoundConn = TRUE;
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&AcceptTCB->tcb_lock); AcceptTCB->tcb_conn = CurrentConn; CurrentConn->tc_tcb = AcceptTCB; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&AcceptTCB->tcb_lock); CurrentConn->tc_refcnt++;
// Move him from the idle q to the active
// queue.
REMOVEQ(&CurrentConn->tc_q); ENQUEUE(&ListenAO->ao_activeq, &CurrentConn->tc_q); } else KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock);
// In any case, we're done now.
Temp = QNEXT(Temp); }
if (!FoundConn) { CompleteConnReq(AcceptTCB, Status); }
LOCKED_DELAY_DEREF_AO(ListenAO); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); if (FoundConn) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock); }
return FoundConn; }
// The event handler didn't take it. Dereference it, free
// the resources, and return NULL.
AcceptIrpCancelled: //
// We couldn't get a valid tcb or getconnreq
if (ConnReq) { FreeConnReq(ConnReq); } DELAY_DEREF_AO(ListenAO); return FALSE;
} // ao_connect != null
} // AO not valid
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); return FALSE;
//* FindListenConn - Find (or fabricate) a listening connection.
// Called by our Receive handler to decide what to do about an incoming
// SYN. We walk down the list of connections associated with the destination
// address, and if we find any in the listening state that can be used for
// the incoming request we'll take them, possibly returning a listen in the
// process. If we don't find any appropriate listening connections, we'll
// call the Connect Event handler if one is registered. If all else fails,
// we'll return NULL and the SYN will be RST.
// The caller must hold the AddrObjTableLock before calling this routine,
// and that lock must have been taken at DPC level. This routine will free
// that lock back to DPC level.
TCB * // Returns: Pointer to found TCB, or NULL if we can't find one.
FindListenConn( AddrObj *ListenAO, // AddrObj for local address.
IPv6Addr *Src, // Source IP address of SYN.
ulong SrcScopeId, // Scope id of source address (0 for non-scope addr).
ushort SrcPort) // Source port of SYN.
{ TCB *CurrentTCB = NULL; TCPConn *CurrentConn = NULL; TCPConnReq *ConnReq = NULL; Queue *Temp; uint FoundConn = FALSE;
// We have the lock on the AddrObj. Walk down its list, looking
// for connections in the listening state.
if (AO_VALID(ListenAO)) { if (ListenAO->ao_listencnt != 0) {
Temp = QHEAD(&ListenAO->ao_listenq); while (Temp != QEND(&ListenAO->ao_listenq)) {
CurrentConn = QSTRUCT(TCPConn, Temp, tc_q); CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentConn, tc);
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock);
// If this TCB is in the listening state, with no delete
// pending, it's a candidate. Look at the pending listen
// information to see if we should take it.
if ((CurrentTCB = CurrentConn->tc_tcb) != NULL && CurrentTCB->tcb_state == TCB_LISTEN) {
CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentTCB, tcb);
if (CurrentTCB->tcb_state == TCB_LISTEN && !PENDING_ACTION(CurrentTCB)) {
// Need to see if we can take it.
// See if the addresses specifed in the ConnReq match.
if ((IsUnspecified(&CurrentTCB->tcb_daddr) || (IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&CurrentTCB->tcb_daddr, Src) && (CurrentTCB->tcb_dscope_id == SrcScopeId))) && (CurrentTCB->tcb_dport == 0 || CurrentTCB->tcb_dport == SrcPort)) { FoundConn = TRUE; break; }
// Otherwise, this didn't match, so we'll check the
// next one.
} KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&CurrentTCB->tcb_lock); } KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock);
Temp = QNEXT(Temp);; }
// See why we've exited the loop.
if (FoundConn) { CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentTCB, tcb);
// We exited because we found a TCB. If it's pre-accepted,
// we're done.
ASSERT(CurrentTCB->tcb_connreq != NULL);
ConnReq = CurrentTCB->tcb_connreq; //
// If QUERY_ACCEPT isn't set, turn on the CONN_ACCEPTED bit.
if (!(ConnReq->tcr_flags & TDI_QUERY_ACCEPT)) CurrentTCB->tcb_flags |= CONN_ACCEPTED;
CurrentTCB->tcb_state = TCB_SYN_RCVD;
CurrentTCB->tcb_hops = ListenAO->ao_ucast_hops;
// Since he's no longer listening, remove him from the listen
// queue and put him on the active queue.
REMOVEQ(&CurrentConn->tc_q); ENQUEUE(&ListenAO->ao_activeq, &CurrentConn->tc_q);
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&CurrentTCB->tcb_lock); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock); return CurrentTCB; } }
// We didn't find a matching TCB.
ASSERT(FoundConn == FALSE);
if (SynAttackProtect) { TCB *AcceptTCB = NULL; //
// No need to hold ao_lock any more.
// SynAttack protection is on. Just initialize
// this TCB and send SYN-ACK. When final
// ACK is seen we will indicate about this
// connection arrival to upper layer.
AcceptTCB = AllocTCB();
if (AcceptTCB) {
AcceptTCB->tcb_state = TCB_SYN_RCVD; AcceptTCB->tcb_connreq = NULL; AcceptTCB->tcb_flags |= CONN_ACCEPTED; AcceptTCB->tcb_flags |= ACCEPT_PENDING; AcceptTCB->tcb_refcnt = 1; AcceptTCB->tcb_defaultwin = DEFAULT_RCV_WIN; AcceptTCB->tcb_rcvwin = DEFAULT_RCV_WIN;
return AcceptTCB;
} //
// If there's a connect indication
// handler, call it now to find a connection to accept on.
if (ListenAO->ao_connect != NULL) { uchar TAddress[TCP_TA_SIZE]; PVOID ConnContext; PConnectEvent Event; PVOID EventContext; TDI_STATUS Status; TCB *AcceptTCB; ConnectEventInfo *EventInfo;
// He has a connect handler. Put the transport address together,
// and call him. We also need to get the necessary resources
// first.
Event = ListenAO->ao_connect; EventContext = ListenAO->ao_conncontext; REF_AO(ListenAO); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock);
AcceptTCB = AllocTCB(); ConnReq = GetConnReq();
if (AcceptTCB != NULL && ConnReq != NULL) { BuildTDIAddress(TAddress, Src, SrcScopeId, SrcPort);
AcceptTCB->tcb_state = TCB_LISTEN; AcceptTCB->tcb_connreq = ConnReq; AcceptTCB->tcb_flags |= CONN_ACCEPTED;
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONNECT) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_TCPDBG, "indicating connect request\n")); }
Status = (*Event)(EventContext, TCP_TA_SIZE, (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)TAddress, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &ConnContext, &EventInfo);
IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(EventInfo);
Status = TCPPrepareIrpForCancel( (PTCP_CONTEXT) IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext, EventInfo, TCPCancelRequest);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = TDI_NOT_ACCEPTED; EventInfo = NULL; goto AcceptIrpCancelled; }
// He accepted it. Find the connection on the AddrObj.
{ IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_CONNECT) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_TCPDBG, "connect indication accepted," " queueing request\n")); }
AcceptRequest = (PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_ACCEPT) &(IrpSp->Parameters); ConnReq->tcr_conninfo = AcceptRequest->ReturnConnectionInformation; if (AcceptRequest->RequestConnectionInformation && AcceptRequest->RequestConnectionInformation-> RemoteAddress) { ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = AcceptRequest->RequestConnectionInformation; } else { ConnReq->tcr_addrinfo = NULL; } ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_rtn = TCPRequestComplete; ConnReq->tcr_req.tr_context = EventInfo; } SearchAO: KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); Temp = QHEAD(&ListenAO->ao_idleq); CurrentTCB = NULL; Status = TDI_INVALID_CONNECTION;
while (Temp != QEND(&ListenAO->ao_idleq)) {
CurrentConn = QSTRUCT(TCPConn, Temp, tc_q);
CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentConn, tc); if ((CurrentConn->tc_context == ConnContext) && !(CurrentConn->tc_flags & CONN_INVALID)) {
// We need to lock its TCPConnBlock, with care.
// We'll ref the TCPConn so it can't go away,
// then unlock the AO (which is already ref'd),
// then relock. Note that tc_refcnt is updated
// under ao_lock for any associated TCPConn.
// If things have changed, go back and try again.
++CurrentConn->tc_refcnt; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock);
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock);
// Now that we've got the lock, we need to consider
// the following possibilities:
// * a disassociate was initiated
// * a close was initiated
// * accept completed
// * listen completed
// * connect completed
// The first two require that we clean up,
// by calling the tc_donertn. For the last three,
// we have nothing to do, but tc_donertn points at
// DummyDone, so go ahead and call it anyway;
// it'll release the TCPConnBlock lock for us.
if (--CurrentConn->tc_refcnt == 0 && ((CurrentConn->tc_flags & CONN_INVALID) || (CurrentConn->tc_tcb != NULL))) { ConnDoneRtn DoneRtn = CurrentConn->tc_donertn; DoneRtn(CurrentConn, DISPATCH_LEVEL); goto SearchAO; }
// We think we have a match. The connection
// shouldn't have a TCB associated with it. If it
// does, it's an error. InitTCBFromConn will
// handle all this.
AcceptTCB->tcb_refcnt = 1; Status = InitTCBFromConn(CurrentConn, AcceptTCB, AcceptRequest->RequestConnectionInformation, TRUE); if (Status == TDI_SUCCESS) { FoundConn = TRUE; AcceptTCB->tcb_state = TCB_SYN_RCVD; AcceptTCB->tcb_conn = CurrentConn; AcceptTCB->tcb_connid = CurrentConn->tc_connid; CurrentConn->tc_tcb = AcceptTCB; CurrentConn->tc_refcnt++;
// Move him from the idle queue to the
// active queue.
REMOVEQ(&CurrentConn->tc_q); ENQUEUE(&ListenAO->ao_activeq, &CurrentConn->tc_q); } else KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock);
// In any case, we're done now.
break; } Temp = QNEXT(Temp); }
if (!FoundConn) { //
// Didn't find a match, or had an error.
// Status code is set.
// Complete the ConnReq and free the resources.
CompleteConnReq(AcceptTCB, Status); FreeTCB(AcceptTCB); AcceptTCB = NULL; }
LOCKED_DELAY_DEREF_AO(ListenAO); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); if (FoundConn) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &CurrentConn->tc_ConnBlock->cb_lock); }
return AcceptTCB; } } AcceptIrpCancelled: //
// We couldn't get a needed resource or event handler
// did not take this. Free any that we
// did get, and fall through to the 'return NULL' code.
if (ConnReq != NULL) FreeConnReq(ConnReq); if (AcceptTCB != NULL) FreeTCB(AcceptTCB); DELAY_DEREF_AO(ListenAO);
} else { //
// No event handler, or no resource.
// Free the locks, and return NULL.
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); }
return NULL; }
// If we get here, the address object wasn't valid.
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&ListenAO->ao_lock); return NULL; }
//* FindMSS - Find the MSS option in a segment.
// Called when a SYN is received to find the MSS option in a segment.
// If we don't find one, we assume the worst and return one based on
// the minimum MTU.
ushort // Returns: MSS to be used.
FindMSS( TCPHeader UNALIGNED *TCP) // TCP header to be searched.
{ uint OptSize; uchar *OptPtr;
OptSize = TCP_HDR_SIZE(TCP) - sizeof(TCPHeader); OptPtr = (uchar *)(TCP + 1);
while (OptSize) {
if (*OptPtr == TCP_OPT_EOL) break;
if (*OptPtr == TCP_OPT_NOP) { OptPtr++; OptSize--; continue; }
if (*OptPtr == TCP_OPT_MSS) { if (OptPtr[1] == MSS_OPT_SIZE) { ushort TempMss = *(ushort UNALIGNED *)(OptPtr + 2); if (TempMss != 0) return net_short(TempMss); else break; // MSS size of 0, use default.
} else break; // Bad option size, use default.
} else { //
// Unknown option. Skip over it.
if (OptPtr[1] == 0 || OptPtr[1] > OptSize) break; // Bad option length, bail out.
OptSize -= OptPtr[1]; OptPtr += OptPtr[1]; } }
return DEFAULT_MSS; }
//* ACKAndDrop - Acknowledge a segment, and drop it.
// Called from within the receive code when we need to drop a segment that's
// outside the receive window.
void // Returns: Nothing.
ACKAndDrop( TCPRcvInfo *RI, // Receive info for incoming segment.
TCB *RcvTCB) // TCB for incoming segment.
if (!(RI->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_RST)) {
if (RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_TIME_WAIT) { //
// In TIME_WAIT, we only ACK duplicates/retransmissions
// of our peer's FIN segment.
// REVIEW: We're currently fairly loose on the sequence
// number check here.
if ((RI->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) && SEQ_LTE(RI->tri_seq, RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext)) { // Restart 2MSL timer and proceed with sending the ACK.
START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer, MAX_REXMIT_TO); } else { // Drop this segment without an ACK.
DerefTCB(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); return; } }
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); } DerefTCB(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); }
//* ACKData - Acknowledge data.
// Called from the receive handler to acknowledge data. We're given the
// TCB and the new value of senduna. We walk down the send queue pulling
// off sends and putting them on the complete queue until we hit the end
// or we acknowledge the specified number of bytes of data.
// NOTE: We manipulate the send refcnt and acked flag without taking a lock.
// This is OK in the VxD version where locks don't mean anything anyway, but
// in the port to NT we'll need to add locking. The lock will have to be
// taken in the transmit complete routine. We can't use a lock in the TCB,
// since the TCB could go away before the transmit complete happens, and a
// lock in the TSR would be overkill, so it's probably best to use a global
// lock for this. If that causes too much contention, we could use a set of
// locks and pass a pointer to the appropriate lock back as part of the
// transmit confirm context. This lock pointer would also need to be stored
// in the TCB.
void // Returns: Nothing.
ACKData( TCB *ACKTcb, // TCB from which to pull data.
SeqNum SendUNA) // New value of send una.
{ Queue *End, *Current; // End and current elements.
Queue *TempQ, *EndQ; Queue *LastCmplt; // Last one we completed.
TCPSendReq *CurrentTSR; // Current send req we're looking at.
PNDIS_BUFFER CurrentBuffer; // Current NDIS_BUFFER.
uint Updated = FALSE; uint BufLength; int Amount, OrigAmount; long Result; KIRQL OldIrql; uint Temp;
Amount = SendUNA - ACKTcb->tcb_senduna; ASSERT(Amount > 0);
// Since this is an acknowledgement of receipt by our peer for previously
// unacknowledged data, it implies forward reachablility.
if (ACKTcb->tcb_rce != NULL) ConfirmForwardReachability(ACKTcb->tcb_rce);
// Do a quick check to see if this acks everything that we have. If it
// does, handle it right away. We can only do this in the ESTABLISHED
// state, because we blindly update sendnext, and that can only work if we
// haven't sent a FIN.
if ((Amount == (int) ACKTcb->tcb_unacked) && ACKTcb->tcb_state == TCB_ESTAB) {
// Everything is acked.
TempQ = ACKTcb->tcb_sendq.q_next;
ACKTcb->tcb_sendnext = SendUNA; ACKTcb->tcb_senduna = SendUNA;
ASSERT(ACKTcb->tcb_sendnext == ACKTcb->tcb_sendmax); ACKTcb->tcb_cursend = NULL; ACKTcb->tcb_sendbuf = NULL; ACKTcb->tcb_sendofs = 0; ACKTcb->tcb_sendsize = 0; ACKTcb->tcb_unacked = 0;
// Now walk down the list of send requests. If the reference count
// has gone to 0, put it on the send complete queue.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock, &OldIrql); EndQ = &ACKTcb->tcb_sendq; do { CurrentTSR = CONTAINING_RECORD(QSTRUCT(TCPReq, TempQ, tr_q), TCPSendReq, tsr_req);
CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentTSR, tsr);
TempQ = CurrentTSR->tsr_req.tr_q.q_next;
CurrentTSR->tsr_req.tr_status = TDI_SUCCESS; Result = InterlockedDecrement(&CurrentTSR->tsr_refcnt);
ASSERT(Result >= 0);
if (Result <= 0) { // No more references are outstanding, the send can be
// completed.
// If we've sent directly from this send, NULL out the next
// pointer for the last buffer in the chain.
if (CurrentTSR->tsr_lastbuf != NULL) { NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentTSR->tsr_lastbuf) = NULL; CurrentTSR->tsr_lastbuf = NULL; } ACKTcb->tcb_totaltime += (TCPTime - CurrentTSR->tsr_time); Temp = ACKTcb->tcb_bcountlow; ACKTcb->tcb_bcountlow += CurrentTSR->tsr_size; ACKTcb->tcb_bcounthi += (Temp > ACKTcb->tcb_bcountlow ? 1 : 0);
ENQUEUE(&SendCompleteQ, &CurrentTSR->tsr_req.tr_q); }
} while (TempQ != EndQ);
RequestCompleteFlags |= SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE; KeReleaseSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock, OldIrql);
CheckTCBSends(ACKTcb); return; }
OrigAmount = Amount; End = QEND(&ACKTcb->tcb_sendq); Current = QHEAD(&ACKTcb->tcb_sendq);
LastCmplt = NULL;
while (Amount > 0 && Current != End) { CurrentTSR = CONTAINING_RECORD(QSTRUCT(TCPReq, Current, tr_q), TCPSendReq, tsr_req); CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentTSR, tsr);
if (Amount >= (int) CurrentTSR->tsr_unasize) { // This is completely acked. Just advance to the next one.
Amount -= CurrentTSR->tsr_unasize;
LastCmplt = Current;
Current = QNEXT(Current); continue; }
// This one is only partially acked. Update his offset and NDIS buffer
// pointer, and break out. We know that Amount is < the unacked size
// in this buffer, we we can walk the NDIS buffer chain without fear
// of falling off the end.
CurrentBuffer = CurrentTSR->tsr_buffer; ASSERT(CurrentBuffer != NULL); ASSERT(Amount < (int) CurrentTSR->tsr_unasize); CurrentTSR->tsr_unasize -= Amount;
BufLength = NdisBufferLength(CurrentBuffer) - CurrentTSR->tsr_offset;
if (Amount >= (int) BufLength) { do { Amount -= BufLength; CurrentBuffer = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(CurrentBuffer); ASSERT(CurrentBuffer != NULL); BufLength = NdisBufferLength(CurrentBuffer); } while (Amount >= (int) BufLength);
CurrentTSR->tsr_offset = Amount; CurrentTSR->tsr_buffer = CurrentBuffer;
} else CurrentTSR->tsr_offset += Amount;
Amount = 0;
break; }
#if DBG
// We should always be able to remove at least Amount bytes, except in
// the case where a FIN has been sent. In that case we should be off
// by exactly one. In the debug builds we'll check this.
if (Amount != 0 && (!(ACKTcb->tcb_flags & FIN_SENT) || Amount != 1)) DbgBreakPoint(); #endif
if (SEQ_GT(SendUNA, ACKTcb->tcb_sendnext)) {
if (Current != End) { //
// Need to reevaluate CurrentTSR, in case we bailed out of the
// above loop after updating Current but before updating
// CurrentTSR.
CurrentTSR = CONTAINING_RECORD(QSTRUCT(TCPReq, Current, tr_q), TCPSendReq, tsr_req); CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentTSR, tsr); ACKTcb->tcb_cursend = CurrentTSR; ACKTcb->tcb_sendbuf = CurrentTSR->tsr_buffer; ACKTcb->tcb_sendofs = CurrentTSR->tsr_offset; ACKTcb->tcb_sendsize = CurrentTSR->tsr_unasize; } else { ACKTcb->tcb_cursend = NULL; ACKTcb->tcb_sendbuf = NULL; ACKTcb->tcb_sendofs = 0; ACKTcb->tcb_sendsize = 0; }
ACKTcb->tcb_sendnext = SendUNA; }
// Now update tcb_unacked with the amount we tried to ack minus the
// amount we didn't ack (Amount should be 0 or 1 here).
ASSERT(Amount == 0 || Amount == 1);
ACKTcb->tcb_unacked -= OrigAmount - Amount; ASSERT(*(int *)&ACKTcb->tcb_unacked >= 0);
ACKTcb->tcb_senduna = SendUNA;
// If we've acked any here, LastCmplt will be non-null, and Current will
// point to the send that should be at the start of the queue. Splice
// out the completed ones and put them on the end of the send completed
// queue, and update the TCB send queue.
if (LastCmplt != NULL) { Queue *FirstCmplt; TCPSendReq *FirstTSR, *EndTSR;
FirstCmplt = QHEAD(&ACKTcb->tcb_sendq);
// If we've acked everything, just reinit the queue.
if (Current == End) { INITQ(&ACKTcb->tcb_sendq); } else { //
// There's still something on the queue. Just update it.
ACKTcb->tcb_sendq.q_next = Current; Current->q_prev = &ACKTcb->tcb_sendq; }
// Now walk down the lists of things acked. If the refcnt on the send
// is 0, go ahead and put him on the send complete Q. Otherwise set
// the ACKed bit in the send, and he'll be completed when the count
// goes to 0 in the transmit confirm.
// Note that we haven't done any locking here. This will probably
// need to change in the port to NT.
// Set FirstTSR to the first TSR we'll complete, and EndTSR to be
// the first TSR that isn't completed.
FirstTSR = CONTAINING_RECORD(QSTRUCT(TCPReq, FirstCmplt, tr_q), TCPSendReq, tsr_req); EndTSR = CONTAINING_RECORD(QSTRUCT(TCPReq, Current, tr_q), TCPSendReq, tsr_req);
// Now walk the list of ACKed TSRs. If we can complete one, put him
// on the complete queue.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RequestCompleteLock); while (FirstTSR != EndTSR) {
TempQ = QNEXT(&FirstTSR->tsr_req.tr_q);
CHECK_STRUCT(FirstTSR, tsr); FirstTSR->tsr_req.tr_status = TDI_SUCCESS;
// The tsr_lastbuf->Next field is zapped to 0 when the tsr_refcnt
// goes to 0, so we don't need to do it here.
// Decrement the reference put on the send buffer when it was
// initialized indicating the send has been acknowledged.
Result = InterlockedDecrement(&(FirstTSR->tsr_refcnt));
ASSERT(Result >= 0); if (Result <= 0) { //
// No more references are outstanding, the send can be
// completed.
// If we've sent directly from this send, NULL out the next
// pointer for the last buffer in the chain.
if (FirstTSR->tsr_lastbuf != NULL) { NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(FirstTSR->tsr_lastbuf) = NULL; FirstTSR->tsr_lastbuf = NULL; }
ACKTcb->tcb_totaltime += (TCPTime - CurrentTSR->tsr_time); Temp = ACKTcb->tcb_bcountlow; ACKTcb->tcb_bcountlow += CurrentTSR->tsr_size; ACKTcb->tcb_bcounthi += (Temp > ACKTcb->tcb_bcountlow ? 1 : 0); ENQUEUE(&SendCompleteQ, &FirstTSR->tsr_req.tr_q); }
FirstTSR = CONTAINING_RECORD(QSTRUCT(TCPReq, TempQ, tr_q), TCPSendReq, tsr_req); } RequestCompleteFlags |= SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RequestCompleteLock); } }
//* TrimPacket - Trim the leading edge of a Packet.
// A utility routine to trim the front of a Packet. We take in an amount
// to trim off (which may be 0) and adjust the pointer in the first buffer
// in the chain forward by that much. If there isn't that much in the first
// buffer, we move onto the next one. If we run out of buffers we'll return
// a pointer to the last buffer in the chain, with a size of 0. It's the
// caller's responsibility to catch this.
// REVIEW - Move this to subr.c?
IPv6Packet * // Returns: A pointer to the new start, or NULL.
TrimPacket( IPv6Packet *Packet, // Packet to be trimmed.
uint TrimAmount) // Amount to be trimmed.
{ uint TrimThisTime;
ASSERT(Packet != NULL);
while (TrimAmount) { ASSERT(Packet != NULL);
TrimThisTime = MIN(TrimAmount, Packet->ContigSize);
TrimAmount -= TrimThisTime; Packet->Position += TrimThisTime; (uchar *)Packet->Data += TrimThisTime; Packet->TotalSize -= TrimThisTime; if ((Packet->ContigSize -= TrimThisTime) == 0) { //
// Ran out of space in current buffer.
// Check for possibility of more data buffers in current packet.
if (Packet->TotalSize != 0) { //
// Get more contiguous data.
PacketPullupSubr(Packet, 0, 1, 0); continue; }
// Couldn't do a pullup, so see if there's another packet
// hanging on this chain.
if (Packet->Next != NULL) { IPv6Packet *Temp;
// There's another packet following. Toss this one.
Temp = Packet; Packet = Packet->Next; Temp->Next = NULL; FreePacketChain(Temp); } else { //
// Ran out of Packets. Just return this one.
break; } } }
return Packet; }
//* FreePacketChain - Free a Packet chain.
// Called to free a chain of IPv6Packets. Only want to free that which
// we (the TCP/IPv6 stack) have allocated. Don't try to free anything
// passed up to us from lower layers.
void // Returns: Nothing.
FreePacketChain( IPv6Packet *Packet) // First Packet in chain to be freed.
{ void *Aux;
while (Packet != NULL) {
if (Packet->Flags & PACKET_OURS) { IPv6Packet *Temp;
Temp = Packet; Packet = Packet->Next; ExFreePool(Temp); } else Packet = Packet->Next; } }
IPv6Packet DummyPacket;
//* PullFromRAQ - Pull segments from the reassembly queue.
// Called when we've received frames out of order, and have some segments
// on the reassembly queue. We'll walk down the reassembly list, segments
// that are overlapped by the current receive next variable. When we get
// to one that doesn't completely overlap we'll trim it to fit the next
// receive sequence number, and pull it from the queue.
IPv6Packet * PullFromRAQ( TCB *RcvTCB, // TCB to pull from.
TCPRcvInfo *RcvInfo, // TCPRcvInfo structure for current segment.
uint *Size) // Where to update the size of the current segment.
{ TCPRAHdr *CurrentTRH; // Current TCP RA Header being examined.
TCPRAHdr *TempTRH; // Temporary variable.
SeqNum NextSeq; // Next sequence number we want.
IPv6Packet *NewPacket; // Packet after trimming.
SeqNum NextTRHSeq; // Sequence number immediately after current TRH.
int Overlap; // Overlap between current TRH and NextSeq.
CurrentTRH = RcvTCB->tcb_raq; NextSeq = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext;
while (CurrentTRH != NULL) { CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentTRH, trh); ASSERT(!(CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN));
if (SEQ_LT(NextSeq, CurrentTRH->trh_start)) { #if DBG
*Size = 0; #endif
return NULL; // The next TRH starts too far down.
NextTRHSeq = CurrentTRH->trh_start + CurrentTRH->trh_size + ((CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) ? 1 : 0);
if (SEQ_GTE(NextSeq, NextTRHSeq)) { //
// The current TRH is overlapped completely. Free it and continue.
FreePacketChain(CurrentTRH->trh_buffer); TempTRH = CurrentTRH->trh_next; ExFreePool(CurrentTRH); CurrentTRH = TempTRH; RcvTCB->tcb_raq = TempTRH; if (TempTRH == NULL) { //
// We've just cleaned off the RAQ. We can go back on the
// fast path now.
if (--(RcvTCB->tcb_slowcount) == 0) { RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_SLOW; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); } break; } } else { Overlap = NextSeq - CurrentTRH->trh_start; RcvInfo->tri_seq = NextSeq; RcvInfo->tri_flags = CurrentTRH->trh_flags; RcvInfo->tri_urgent = CurrentTRH->trh_urg;
if (Overlap != (int) CurrentTRH->trh_size) { NewPacket = TrimPacket(CurrentTRH->trh_buffer, Overlap); *Size = CurrentTRH->trh_size - Overlap; } else { //
// This completely overlaps the data in this segment, but the
// sequence number doesn't overlap completely. There must
// be a FIN in the TRH. We'll just return some bogus value
// that nobody will look at with a size of 0.
FreePacketChain(CurrentTRH->trh_buffer); ASSERT(CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN); NewPacket =&DummyPacket; *Size = 0; }
RcvTCB->tcb_raq = CurrentTRH->trh_next; if (RcvTCB->tcb_raq == NULL) { //
// We've just cleaned off the RAQ. We can go back on the
// fast path now.
if (--(RcvTCB->tcb_slowcount) == 0) { RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_SLOW; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); }
} ExFreePool(CurrentTRH); return NewPacket; } }
#if DBG
*Size = 0; #endif
return NULL; }
//* CreateTRH - Create a TCP reassembly header.
// This function tries to create a TCP reassembly header. We take as input
// a pointer to the previous TRH in the chain, the IPv6Packet to put on,
// etc. and try to create and link in a TRH. The caller must hold the lock
// on the TCB when this is called.
uint // Returns: TRUE if we created it, FALSE otherwise.
CreateTRH( TCPRAHdr *PrevTRH, // TRH to insert after.
IPv6Packet *Packet, // IP Packet chain.
TCPRcvInfo *RcvInfo, // RcvInfo for this TRH.
int Size) // Size in bytes of data.
{ TCPRAHdr *NewTRH; IPv6Packet *NewPacket;
ASSERT((Size > 0) || (RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN));
NewTRH = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(NonPagedPool, sizeof(TCPRAHdr), TCP6_TAG, LowPoolPriority); if (NewTRH == NULL) return FALSE;
NewPacket = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(NonPagedPool, sizeof(IPv6Packet) + Size, TCP6_TAG, LowPoolPriority); if (NewPacket == NULL) { ExFreePool(NewTRH); return FALSE; }
#if DBG
NewTRH->trh_sig = trh_signature; #endif
NewPacket->Next = NULL; NewPacket->Position = 0; NewPacket->FlatData = (uchar *)(NewPacket + 1); NewPacket->Data = NewPacket->FlatData; NewPacket->ContigSize = (uint)Size; NewPacket->TotalSize = (uint)Size; NewPacket->NdisPacket = NULL; NewPacket->AuxList = NULL; NewPacket->Flags = PACKET_OURS; if (Size != 0) CopyPacketToBuffer(NewPacket->Data, Packet, Size, Packet->Position);
NewTRH->trh_start = RcvInfo->tri_seq; NewTRH->trh_flags = RcvInfo->tri_flags; NewTRH->trh_size = Size; NewTRH->trh_urg = RcvInfo->tri_urgent; NewTRH->trh_buffer = NewPacket; NewTRH->trh_end = NewPacket;
NewTRH->trh_next = PrevTRH->trh_next; PrevTRH->trh_next = NewTRH; return TRUE; }
//* PutOnRAQ - Put a segment on the reassembly queue.
// Called during segment reception to put a segment on the reassembly
// queue. We try to use as few reassembly headers as possible, so if this
// segment has some overlap with an existing entry in the queue we'll just
// update the existing entry. If there is no overlap we'll create a new
// reassembly header. Combining URGENT data with non-URGENT data is tricky.
// If we get a segment that has urgent data that overlaps the front of a
// reassembly header we'll always mark the whole chunk as urgent - the value
// of the urgent pointer will mark the end of urgent data, so this is OK.
// If it only overlaps at the end, however, we won't combine, since we would
// have to mark previously non-urgent data as urgent. We'll trim the
// front of the incoming segment and create a new reassembly header. Also,
// if we have non-urgent data that overlaps at the front of a reassembly
// header containing urgent data we can't combine these two, since again we
// would mark non-urgent data as urgent.
// Our search will stop if we find an entry with a FIN.
// We assume that the TCB lock is held by the caller.
uint // Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
PutOnRAQ( TCB *RcvTCB, // TCB on which to reassemble.
TCPRcvInfo *RcvInfo, // RcvInfo for new segment.
IPv6Packet *Packet, // Packet chain for this segment.
uint Size) // Size in bytes of data in this segment.
{ TCPRAHdr *PrevTRH; // Previous reassembly header.
TCPRAHdr *CurrentTRH; // Current reassembly header.
SeqNum NextSeq; // Seq num of 1st byte after seg being reassembled.
SeqNum NextTRHSeq; // Sequence number of 1st byte after current TRH.
uint Created;
CHECK_STRUCT(RcvTCB, tcb); ASSERT(RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext != RcvInfo->tri_seq); ASSERT(!(RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN));
NextSeq = RcvInfo->tri_seq + Size + ((RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) ? 1 : 0);
PrevTRH = CONTAINING_RECORD(&RcvTCB->tcb_raq, TCPRAHdr, trh_next); CurrentTRH = PrevTRH->trh_next;
// Walk down the reassembly queue, looking for the correct place to
// insert this, until we hit the end.
while (CurrentTRH != NULL) { CHECK_STRUCT(CurrentTRH, trh);
ASSERT(!(CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN)); NextTRHSeq = CurrentTRH->trh_start + CurrentTRH->trh_size + ((CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) ? 1 : 0);
// First, see if it starts beyond the end of the current TRH.
if (SEQ_LTE(RcvInfo->tri_seq, NextTRHSeq)) { //
// We know the incoming segment doesn't start beyond the end
// of this TRH, so we'll either create a new TRH in front of
// this one or we'll merge the new segment onto this TRH.
// If the end of the current segment is in front of the start
// of the current TRH, we'll need to create a new TRH. Otherwise
// we'll merge these two.
if (SEQ_LT(NextSeq, CurrentTRH->trh_start)) break; else { //
// There's some overlap. If there's actually data in the
// incoming segment we'll merge it.
if (Size != 0) { int FrontOverlap, BackOverlap; IPv6Packet *NewPacket;
// We need to merge. If there's a FIN on the incoming
// segment that would fall inside this current TRH, we
// have a protocol violation from the remote peer. In
// this case just return, discarding the incoming segment.
if ((RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) && SEQ_LTE(NextSeq, NextTRHSeq)) return TRUE;
// We have some overlap. Figure out how much.
FrontOverlap = CurrentTRH->trh_start - RcvInfo->tri_seq; if (FrontOverlap > 0) { //
// Have overlap in front. Allocate an IPv6Packet to
// to hold it, and copy it, unless we would have to
// combine non-urgent with urgent.
if (!(RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_URG) && (CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_URG)) { if (CreateTRH(PrevTRH, Packet, RcvInfo, CurrentTRH->trh_start - RcvInfo->tri_seq)) { PrevTRH = PrevTRH->trh_next; CurrentTRH = PrevTRH->trh_next; } FrontOverlap = 0; } else { NewPacket = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority( NonPagedPool, sizeof(IPv6Packet) + FrontOverlap, TCP6_TAG, LowPoolPriority); if (NewPacket == NULL) { // Couldn't allocate memory.
return TRUE; } NewPacket->Position = 0; NewPacket->FlatData = (uchar *)(NewPacket + 1); NewPacket->Data = NewPacket->FlatData; NewPacket->ContigSize = FrontOverlap; NewPacket->TotalSize = FrontOverlap; NewPacket->NdisPacket = NULL; NewPacket->AuxList = NULL; NewPacket->Flags = PACKET_OURS; CopyPacketToBuffer(NewPacket->Data, Packet, FrontOverlap, Packet->Position); CurrentTRH->trh_size += FrontOverlap;
// Put our new packet on the front of this
// reassembly header's packet list.
NewPacket->Next = CurrentTRH->trh_buffer; CurrentTRH->trh_buffer = NewPacket; CurrentTRH->trh_start = RcvInfo->tri_seq; } }
// We've updated the starting sequence number of this TRH
// if we needed to. Now look for back overlap. There
// can't be any back overlap if the current TRH has a FIN.
// Also we'll need to check for urgent data if there is
// back overlap.
if (!(CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN)) { BackOverlap = RcvInfo->tri_seq + Size - NextTRHSeq; if ((BackOverlap > 0) && (RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_URG) && !(CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_URG) && (FrontOverlap <= 0)) { int AmountToTrim; //
// The incoming segment has urgent data and
// overlaps on the back but not the front, and the
// current TRH has no urgent data. We can't
// combine into this TRH, so trim the front of the
// incoming segment to NextTRHSeq and move to the
// next TRH.
AmountToTrim = NextTRHSeq - RcvInfo->tri_seq; ASSERT(AmountToTrim >= 0); ASSERT(AmountToTrim < (int) Size); Packet = TrimPacket(Packet, (uint)AmountToTrim); RcvInfo->tri_seq += AmountToTrim; RcvInfo->tri_urgent -= AmountToTrim; PrevTRH = CurrentTRH; CurrentTRH = PrevTRH->trh_next; Size -= AmountToTrim; continue; } } else BackOverlap = 0;
// Now if we have back overlap, copy it.
if (BackOverlap > 0) { //
// We have back overlap. Get a buffer to copy it into.
// If we can't get one, we won't just return, because
// we may have updated the front and may need to
// update the urgent info.
NewPacket = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority( NonPagedPool, sizeof(IPv6Packet) + BackOverlap, TCP6_TAG, LowPoolPriority); if (NewPacket != NULL) { // Allocation succeeded.
NewPacket->Position = 0; NewPacket->FlatData = (uchar *)(NewPacket + 1); NewPacket->Data = NewPacket->FlatData; NewPacket->ContigSize = BackOverlap; NewPacket->TotalSize = BackOverlap; NewPacket->NdisPacket = NULL; NewPacket->AuxList = NULL; NewPacket->Flags = PACKET_OURS; CopyPacketToBuffer(NewPacket->Data, Packet, BackOverlap, Packet->Position + NextTRHSeq - RcvInfo->tri_seq); CurrentTRH->trh_size += BackOverlap; NewPacket->Next = CurrentTRH->trh_end->Next; CurrentTRH->trh_end->Next = NewPacket; CurrentTRH->trh_end = NewPacket;
// This segment could also have FIN set.
// If it does, set the TRH flag.
// N.B. If there's another reassembly header after
// the current one, the data that we're about to
// put on the current header might already be
// on that subsequent header which, in that event,
// will already have the FIN flag set.
// Check for that case before recording the FIN.
if ((RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) && !CurrentTRH->trh_next) { CurrentTRH->trh_flags |= TCP_FLAG_FIN; } } }
// Everything should be consistent now. If there's an
// urgent data pointer in the incoming segment, update the
// one in the TRH now.
if (RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_URG) { SeqNum UrgSeq; //
// Have an urgent pointer. If the current TRH already
// has an urgent pointer, see which is bigger.
// Otherwise just use this one.
UrgSeq = RcvInfo->tri_seq + RcvInfo->tri_urgent; if (CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_URG) { SeqNum TRHUrgSeq;
TRHUrgSeq = CurrentTRH->trh_start + CurrentTRH->trh_urg; if (SEQ_LT(UrgSeq, TRHUrgSeq)) UrgSeq = TRHUrgSeq; } else CurrentTRH->trh_flags |= TCP_FLAG_URG;
CurrentTRH->trh_urg = UrgSeq - CurrentTRH->trh_start; }
} else { //
// We have a 0 length segment. The only interesting thing
// here is if there's a FIN on the segment. If there is,
// and the seq. # of the incoming segment is exactly after
// the current TRH, OR matches the FIN in the current TRH,
// we note it.
if (RcvInfo->tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) { if (!(CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN)) { if (SEQ_EQ(NextTRHSeq, RcvInfo->tri_seq)) CurrentTRH->trh_flags |= TCP_FLAG_FIN; else KdBreakPoint(); } else { if (!(SEQ_EQ((NextTRHSeq-1), RcvInfo->tri_seq))) { KdBreakPoint(); } } } } return TRUE; } } else { //
// Look at the next TRH, unless the current TRH has a FIN. If he
// has a FIN, we won't save any data beyond that anyway.
if (CurrentTRH->trh_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) return TRUE;
PrevTRH = CurrentTRH; CurrentTRH = PrevTRH->trh_next; } }
// When we get here, we need to create a new TRH. If we create one and
// there was previously nothing on the reassembly queue, we'll have to
// move off the fast receive path.
CurrentTRH = RcvTCB->tcb_raq; Created = CreateTRH(PrevTRH, Packet, RcvInfo, (int)Size);
if (Created && CurrentTRH == NULL) { RcvTCB->tcb_slowcount++; RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_SLOW; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); } else if (!Created) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
//* HandleFastXmit - Handles fast retransmit algorithm. See RFC 2581.
// Called by TCPReceive to determine if we should retransmit a segment
// without waiting for retransmit timeout to fire.
BOOLEAN // Returns: TRUE if the segment got retransmitted, FALSE otherwise.
HandleFastXmit( TCB *RcvTCB, // Connection context for this receive.
TCPRcvInfo *RcvInfo) // Pointer to rcvd TCP Header information.
{ uint CWin;
if (RcvTCB->tcb_dupacks == MaxDupAcks) { //
// We're going to do a fast retransmit.
// Stop the retransmit timer and any round-trip time
// calculations we might have been running.
STOP_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer); RcvTCB->tcb_rtt = 0;
if (!(RcvTCB->tcb_flags & FLOW_CNTLD)) { //
// Don't let the slow start threshold go
// below 2 segments.
RcvTCB->tcb_ssthresh = MAX(MIN(RcvTCB->tcb_cwin, RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin) / 2, (uint) RcvTCB->tcb_mss * 2); }
// Inflate the congestion window by the number of segments
// which have presumably left the network.
CWin = RcvTCB->tcb_ssthresh + (MaxDupAcks * RcvTCB->tcb_mss);
// Recall the segment in question and send it out.
// Note that tcb_lock will be dereferenced by the caller.
ResetAndFastSend(RcvTCB, RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, CWin);
return TRUE;
} else {
int SendWin; uint AmtOutstanding;
// REVIEW: At least the first part of this check is redundant.
if (SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo->tri_ack) && (SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1, RcvInfo->tri_seq) || (SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1, RcvInfo->tri_seq) && SEQ_LTE(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2, RcvInfo->tri_ack)))) {
RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin = RcvInfo->tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin = MAX(RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin, RcvInfo->tri_window); RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1 = RcvInfo->tri_seq; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2 = RcvInfo->tri_ack; }
if (RcvTCB->tcb_dupacks > MaxDupAcks) { //
// Update the congestion window to reflect the fact that the
// duplicate ack presumably indicates that the previous frame
// was received by our peer and has thus left the network.
RcvTCB->tcb_cwin += RcvTCB->tcb_mss; }
// Check if we need to set tcb_force.
if ((RcvTCB->tcb_cwin + RcvTCB->tcb_mss) < RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin) { AmtOutstanding = (uint)(RcvTCB->tcb_sendnext - RcvTCB->tcb_senduna);
SendWin = (int)(MIN(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin, RcvTCB->tcb_cwin) - AmtOutstanding);
if (SendWin < RcvTCB->tcb_mss) { RcvTCB->tcb_force = 1; } } }
return FALSE; }
//* TCPReceive - Receive an incoming TCP segment.
// This is the routine called by IPv6 when we need to receive a TCP segment.
// In general, we follow the RFC 793 event processing section pretty closely,
// but there is a 'fast path' where we make some quick checks on the incoming
// segment, and if it matches we deliver it immediately.
uchar // Returns: next header value (always IP_PROTOCOL_NONE for TCP).
TCPReceive( IPv6Packet *Packet) // Packet IP handed up to us.
{ NetTableEntry *NTE; TCPHeader UNALIGNED *TCP; // The TCP header.
uint DataOffset; // Offset from start of TCP header to data.
ushort Checksum; TCPRcvInfo RcvInfo; // Local swapped copy of receive info.
uint SrcScopeId; // Scope id of remote address, if applicable.
uint DestScopeId; // Scope id of local address, if applicable.
TCB *RcvTCB; // TCB on which to receive the packet.
uint Inserted; uint Actions; // Flags for future actions to be performed.
uint BytesTaken; uint NewSize; BOOLEAN UseIsn = FALSE; SeqNum Isn = 0;
// REVIEW: Expediency hacks to get something working.
uint Size; // Probably safe to just change name to PayloadLength below.
// TCP only works with unicast addresses. If this packet was
// received on a unicast address, then Packet->NTEorIF will be an
// NTE. So drop packets if we don't have an NTE.
// (IPv6HeaderReceive checks validity.) But the converse isn't
// true, we could have an NTE here that is associated with the
// anycast/multicast address we received the packet on. So to
// guard against that, we verify that our NTE's address is the
// destination given in the packet.
if (!IsNTE(Packet->NTEorIF) || !IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), &(NTE = CastToNTE(Packet->NTEorIF))->Address)) { // Packet's destination was not a valid unicast address of ours.
return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Drop packet.
// Verify that we have enough contiguous data to overlay a TCPHeader
// structure on the incoming packet. Then do so.
if (! PacketPullup(Packet, sizeof(TCPHeader), 1, 0)) { // Pullup failed.
TStats.ts_inerrs++; if (Packet->TotalSize < sizeof(TCPHeader)) { BadPayloadLength: KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_BAD_PACKET, "TCPv6: data buffer too small to contain TCP header\n")); ICMPv6SendError(Packet, ICMPv6_PARAMETER_PROBLEM, ICMPv6_ERRONEOUS_HEADER_FIELD, FIELD_OFFSET(IPv6Header, PayloadLength), IP_PROTOCOL_NONE, FALSE); } return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Drop packet.
} TCP = (TCPHeader UNALIGNED *)Packet->Data;
// Verify checksum.
Checksum = ChecksumPacket(Packet->NdisPacket, Packet->Position, Packet->FlatData, Packet->TotalSize, Packet->SrcAddr, AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), IP_PROTOCOL_TCP); if (Checksum != 0xffff) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NET_ERROR, "TCPv6: Checksum failed %0x\n", Checksum)); TStats.ts_inerrs++; return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Drop packet.
// Now that we can read the header, pull out the header length field.
// Verify that we have enough contiguous data to hold any TCP options
// that may be present in the header, and skip over the entire header.
DataOffset = TCP_HDR_SIZE(TCP); if (! PacketPullup(Packet, DataOffset, 1, 0)) { TStats.ts_inerrs++; if (Packet->TotalSize < DataOffset) goto BadPayloadLength; return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Drop packet.
} TCP = (TCPHeader UNALIGNED *)Packet->Data;
AdjustPacketParams(Packet, DataOffset); Size = Packet->TotalSize;
// Verify IPSec was performed.
if (InboundSecurityCheck(Packet, IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, net_short(TCP->tcp_src), net_short(TCP->tcp_dest), NTE->IF) != TRUE) { //
// No policy was found or the policy indicated to drop the packet.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NET_ERROR, "TCPReceive: IPSec Policy caused packet to be dropped\n")); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Drop packet.
// The packet is valid.
// Get the info we need and byte swap it.
RcvInfo.tri_seq = net_long(TCP->tcp_seq); RcvInfo.tri_ack = net_long(TCP->tcp_ack); RcvInfo.tri_window = (uint)net_short(TCP->tcp_window); RcvInfo.tri_urgent = (uint)net_short(TCP->tcp_urgent); RcvInfo.tri_flags = (uint)TCP->tcp_flags;
// Determine the appropriate scope id for our packet's addresses.
// Note that multicast addresses were forbidden above.
// We use DetermineScopeId instead of just indexing into ZoneIndices
// because we need the "user-level" scope id here.
SrcScopeId = DetermineScopeId(Packet->SrcAddr, NTE->IF); DestScopeId = DetermineScopeId(&NTE->Address, NTE->IF);
// See if we have a TCP Control Block for this connection.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&TCBTableLock); RcvTCB = FindTCB(AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), Packet->SrcAddr, DestScopeId, SrcScopeId, TCP->tcp_dest, TCP->tcp_src);
if (RcvTCB == NULL) { uchar DType;
// Didn't find a matching TCB, which means incoming segment doesn't
// belong to an existing connection.
// Make sure that the source address is reasonable
// before proceeding.
ASSERT(!IsInvalidSourceAddress(Packet->SrcAddr)); if (IsUnspecified(Packet->SrcAddr)) { return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
// If this segment carries a SYN (and only a SYN), it's a
// connection initiation request.
if ((RcvInfo.tri_flags & (TCP_FLAG_SYN | TCP_FLAG_ACK | TCP_FLAG_RST)) == TCP_FLAG_SYN) { AddrObj *AO;
// We need to look for a matching address object.
// Want match for local address (+ scope id for scoped addresses),
// port and protocol.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&AddrObjTableLock); AO = GetBestAddrObj(AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId, TCP->tcp_dest, IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, NTE->IF); if (AO == NULL) { //
// No address object. Free the lock, and send a RST.
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&AddrObjTableLock); goto SendReset; }
// Found an AO. See if it has a listen indication.
// FindListenConn will free the lock on the AddrObjTable.
RcvTCB = FindListenConn(AO, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, TCP->tcp_src); if (RcvTCB == NULL) { //
// No listening connection. AddrObjTableLock was
// released by FindListenConn. Just send a RST.
goto SendReset; }
CHECK_STRUCT(RcvTCB, tcb); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); //
// We found a listening connection. Initialize
// it now, and if it is actually to be accepted
// we'll send a SYN-ACK also.
ASSERT(RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD);
RcvTCB->tcb_daddr = *Packet->SrcAddr; RcvTCB->tcb_saddr = Packet->IP->Dest; RcvTCB->tcb_dscope_id = SrcScopeId; RcvTCB->tcb_sscope_id = DestScopeId; RcvTCB->tcb_dport = TCP->tcp_src; RcvTCB->tcb_sport = TCP->tcp_dest; RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext = ++RcvInfo.tri_seq; RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwinwatch = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext; if (UseIsn) { RcvTCB->tcb_sendnext = Isn; } else { GetRandomISN(&RcvTCB->tcb_sendnext, (uchar*)&RcvTCB->tcb_md5data); } RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin = RcvInfo.tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_remmss = FindMSS(TCP); TStats.ts_passiveopens++; RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock);
Inserted = InsertTCB(RcvTCB);
// Get the lock on it, and see if it's been accepted.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); if (!Inserted) { // Couldn't insert it!.
RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV; if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & SEND_AFTER_RCV) { RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~SEND_AFTER_RCV; DelayAction(RcvTCB, NEED_OUTPUT); }
if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & CONN_ACCEPTED) { //
// The connection was accepted. Finish the
// initialization, and send the SYN ack.
AcceptConn(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } else { //
// We don't know what to do about the
// connection yet. Return the pending listen,
// dereference the connection, and return.
SendReset: //
// Not a SYN, no AddrObj available, or port filtered.
// Send a RST back to the sender.
SendRSTFromHeader(TCP, Packet->TotalSize, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
// We found a matching TCB. Get the lock on it, and continue.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&TCBTableLock);
// Do the fast path check. We can hit the fast path if the incoming
// sequence number matches our receive next and the masked flags
// match our 'predicted' flags.
CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); RcvTCB->tcb_alive = TCPTime;
if (RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext == RcvInfo.tri_seq && (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAGS_ALL) == RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk) {
Actions = 0; RcvTCB->tcb_refcnt++;
// The fast path. We know all we have to do here is ack sends and
// deliver data. First try and ack data.
if (SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo.tri_ack) && SEQ_LTE(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) { uint CWin; uint MSS;
// The ack acknowledges something. Pull the
// appropriate amount off the send q.
ACKData(RcvTCB, RcvInfo.tri_ack);
// If this acknowledges something we were running a RTT on,
// update that stuff now.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_rtt != 0 && SEQ_GT(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_rttseq)) { short RTT;
RTT = (short)(TCPTime - RcvTCB->tcb_rtt); RcvTCB->tcb_rtt = 0; RTT -= (RcvTCB->tcb_smrtt >> 3); RcvTCB->tcb_smrtt += RTT; RTT = (RTT >= 0 ? RTT : -RTT); RTT -= (RcvTCB->tcb_delta >> 3); RcvTCB->tcb_delta += RTT + RTT; RcvTCB->tcb_rexmit = MIN(MAX(REXMIT_TO(RcvTCB), MIN_RETRAN_TICKS), MAX_REXMIT_TO); }
if ((RcvTCB->tcb_dupacks >= MaxDupAcks) && ((int)RcvTCB->tcb_ssthresh > 0)) { //
// We were in fast retransmit mode, so this ACK is for
// our fast retransmitted frame. Set cwin to ssthresh
// so that cwin grows linearly from here.
RcvTCB->tcb_cwin = RcvTCB->tcb_ssthresh;
} else {
// Update the congestion window now.
CWin = RcvTCB->tcb_cwin; MSS = RcvTCB->tcb_mss; if (CWin < RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin) { if (CWin < RcvTCB->tcb_ssthresh) CWin += MSS; else CWin += (MSS * MSS)/CWin; RcvTCB->tcb_cwin = CWin; } } ASSERT(*(int *)&RcvTCB->tcb_cwin > 0);
// Since this isn't a duplicate ACK, reset the counter.
RcvTCB->tcb_dupacks = 0;
// We've acknowledged something, so reset the rexmit count.
// If there's still stuff outstanding, restart the rexmit
// timer.
RcvTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = 0; if (SEQ_EQ(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) STOP_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer); else START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer, RcvTCB->tcb_rexmit);
// Since we've acknowledged data, we need to update the window.
RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin = RcvInfo.tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin = MAX(RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin, RcvInfo.tri_window); RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1 = RcvInfo.tri_seq; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2 = RcvInfo.tri_ack;
// We've updated the window, remember to send some more.
Actions = (RcvTCB->tcb_unacked ? NEED_OUTPUT : 0);
} else { //
// It doesn't ack anything. If it's an ack for something
// larger than we've sent then ACKAndDrop it.
if (SEQ_GT(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) { ACKAndDrop(&RcvInfo, RcvTCB); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
// If it is a pure duplicate ack, check if we should
// do a fast retransmit.
if ((Size == 0) && SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo.tri_ack) && SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax) && (RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin == RcvInfo.tri_window) && RcvInfo.tri_window) {
// See if fast rexmit can be done.
if (HandleFastXmit(RcvTCB, &RcvInfo)) { return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
Actions = (RcvTCB->tcb_unacked ? NEED_OUTPUT : 0);
} else {
// Not a pure duplicate ack (Size != 0 or peer is
// advertising a new windows). Reset counter.
RcvTCB->tcb_dupacks = 0;
// If the ack matches our existing UNA, we need to see if
// we can update the window.
if (SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo.tri_ack) && (SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1, RcvInfo.tri_seq) || (SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1, RcvInfo.tri_seq) && SEQ_LTE(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2, RcvInfo.tri_ack)))) { RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin = RcvInfo.tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin = MAX(RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin, RcvInfo.tri_window); RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1 = RcvInfo.tri_seq; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2 = RcvInfo.tri_ack; //
// Since we've updated the window, remember to send
// some more.
Actions = (RcvTCB->tcb_unacked ? NEED_OUTPUT : 0); } } }
// Check to see if this packet contains any useable data.
NewSize = MIN((int) Size, RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwin); if (NewSize != 0) { RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV; BytesTaken = (*RcvTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr)(RcvTCB, RcvInfo.tri_flags, Packet, NewSize); RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext += BytesTaken; RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwin -= BytesTaken; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB);
RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV;
// If our peer is sending into an expanded window, then our
// peer must have received our ACK advertising said window.
// Take this as proof of forward reachability.
if (SEQ_GTE(RcvInfo.tri_seq + (int)NewSize, RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwinwatch)) { RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwinwatch = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext + RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwin; if (RcvTCB->tcb_rce != NULL) ConfirmForwardReachability(RcvTCB->tcb_rce); }
Actions |= (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & SEND_AFTER_RCV ? NEED_OUTPUT : 0);
RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~SEND_AFTER_RCV; if ((RcvTCB->tcb_flags & ACK_DELAYED) || (BytesTaken != NewSize)) { Actions |= NEED_ACK; } else { RcvTCB->tcb_flags |= ACK_DELAYED; START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_delacktimer, DEL_ACK_TICKS); } } else { //
// The new size is 0. If the original size was not 0, we must
// have a 0 receive win and hence need to send an ACK to this
// probe.
Actions |= (Size ? NEED_ACK : 0); }
if (Actions) DelayAction(RcvTCB, Actions);
// This is the non-fast path.
// If we found a matching TCB in TIME_WAIT, and the received segment
// carries a SYN (and only a SYN), and the received segment has a sequence
// greater than the last received, kill the TIME_WAIT TCB and use its
// next sequence number to generate the initial sequence number of a
// new incarnation.
if ((RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_TIME_WAIT) && ((RcvInfo.tri_flags & (TCP_FLAG_SYN | TCP_FLAG_ACK | TCP_FLAG_RST)) == TCP_FLAG_SYN) && SEQ_GT(RcvInfo.tri_seq, RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext)) {
Isn = RcvTCB->tcb_sendnext + 128000; UseIsn = TRUE; STOP_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer); TryToCloseTCB(RcvTCB, TCB_CLOSE_SUCCESS, DISPATCH_LEVEL); RcvTCB = NULL; goto ValidNewConnectionRequest; }
// Make sure we can handle this frame. We can't handle it if we're
// in SYN_RCVD and the accept is still pending, or we're in a
// non-established state and already in the receive handler.
if ((RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD && !(RcvTCB->tcb_flags & CONN_ACCEPTED)) || (RcvTCB->tcb_state != TCB_ESTAB && (RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk & TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV))) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
// If it's closed, it's a temporary zombie TCB. Reset the sender.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_CLOSED || CLOSING(RcvTCB) || ((RcvTCB->tcb_flags & (GC_PENDING | TW_PENDING)) == GC_PENDING)) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); SendRSTFromHeader(TCP, Packet->TotalSize, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
// At this point, we have a connection, and it's locked. Following
// the 'Segment Arrives' section of 793, the next thing to check is
// if this connection is in SynSent state.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_SENT) {
ASSERT(RcvTCB->tcb_flags & ACTIVE_OPEN);
// Check the ACK bit. Since we don't send data with our SYNs, the
// check we make is for the ack to exactly match our SND.NXT.
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_ACK) { // ACK is set.
if (!SEQ_EQ(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendnext)) { // Bad ACK value.
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); // Send a RST back at him.
SendRSTFromHeader(TCP, Packet->TotalSize, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } }
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_RST) { //
// There's an acceptable RST. We'll persist here, sending
// another SYN in PERSIST_TIMEOUT ms, until we fail from too
// many retries.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt == MaxConnectRexmitCount) { //
// We've had a positive refusal, and one more rexmit
// would time us out, so close the connection now.
CompleteConnReq(RcvTCB, TDI_CONN_REFUSED);
TryToCloseTCB(RcvTCB, TCB_CLOSE_REFUSED, DISPATCH_LEVEL); } else { START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer, PERSIST_TIMEOUT); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); } return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
// See if we have a SYN. If we do, we're going to change state
// somehow (either to ESTABLISHED or SYN_RCVD).
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN) { RcvTCB->tcb_refcnt++; //
// We have a SYN. Go ahead and record the sequence number and
// window info.
RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext = ++RcvInfo.tri_seq; RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwinwatch = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext;
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_URG) { // Urgent data. Update the pointer.
if (RcvInfo.tri_urgent != 0) RcvInfo.tri_urgent--; else RcvInfo.tri_flags &= ~TCP_FLAG_URG; }
RcvTCB->tcb_remmss = FindMSS(TCP); RcvTCB->tcb_mss = MIN(RcvTCB->tcb_mss, RcvTCB->tcb_remmss); ASSERT(RcvTCB->tcb_mss > 0);
RcvTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = 0; STOP_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer);
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_ACK) { //
// Our SYN has been acked. Update SND.UNA and stop the
// retrans timer.
RcvTCB->tcb_senduna = RcvInfo.tri_ack; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin = RcvInfo.tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin = RcvInfo.tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1 = RcvInfo.tri_seq; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2 = RcvInfo.tri_ack; GoToEstab(RcvTCB);
// We know our peer received our SYN.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_rce != NULL) ConfirmForwardReachability(RcvTCB->tcb_rce);
// Remove whatever command exists on this connection.
CompleteConnReq(RcvTCB, TDI_SUCCESS);
// If data has been queued already, send the first data segment
// with the ACK. Otherwise, send a pure ACK.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_unacked) { RcvTCB->tcb_refcnt++; TCPSend(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); } else { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); SendACK(RcvTCB); }
// Now handle other data and controls. To do this we need
// to reaquire the lock, and make sure we haven't started
// closing it.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); if (!CLOSING(RcvTCB)) { //
// We haven't started closing it. Turn off the
// SYN flag and continue processing.
RcvInfo.tri_flags &= ~TCP_FLAG_SYN; if ((RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAGS_ALL) != TCP_FLAG_ACK || Size != 0) goto NotSYNSent; } DerefTCB(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } else { //
// A SYN, but not an ACK. Go to SYN_RCVD.
RcvTCB->tcb_state = TCB_SYN_RCVD; RcvTCB->tcb_sendnext = RcvTCB->tcb_senduna; SendSYN(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL);
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); DerefTCB(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
} else { //
// No SYN, just toss the frame.
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } }
NotSYNSent: //
// Not in the SYN-SENT state. Check the sequence number. If my window
// is 0, I'll truncate all incoming frames but look at some of the
// control fields. Otherwise I'll try and make this segment fit into
// the window.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwin != 0) { int StateSize; // Size, including state info.
SeqNum LastValidSeq; // Sequence number of last valid byte at RWE.
// We are offering a window. If this segment starts in front of my
// receive window, clip off the front part.
if (SEQ_LT(RcvInfo.tri_seq, RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext)) { int AmountToClip, FinByte;
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN) { //
// Had a SYN. Clip it off and update the sequence number.
RcvInfo.tri_flags &= ~TCP_FLAG_SYN; RcvInfo.tri_seq++; RcvInfo.tri_urgent--; }
// Advance the receive buffer to point at the new data.
AmountToClip = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext - RcvInfo.tri_seq; ASSERT(AmountToClip >= 0);
// If there's a FIN on this segment, account for it.
FinByte = ((RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) ? 1: 0);
if (AmountToClip >= (((int) Size) + FinByte)) { //
// Falls entirely before the window. We have more special
// case code here - if the ack number acks something,
// we'll go ahead and take it, faking the sequence number
// to be rcvnext. This prevents problems on full duplex
// connections, where data has been received but not acked,
// and retransmission timers reset the seq number to
// below our rcvnext.
if ((RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_ACK) && SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo.tri_ack) && SEQ_LTE(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) { //
// This contains valid ACK info. Fudge the information
// to get through the rest of this.
Size = 0; AmountToClip = 0; RcvInfo.tri_seq = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext; RcvInfo.tri_flags &= ~(TCP_FLAG_SYN | TCP_FLAG_FIN | TCP_FLAG_RST | TCP_FLAG_URG); #if DBG
FinByte = 1; // Fake out assert below.
} else { ACKAndDrop(&RcvInfo, RcvTCB); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } }
// Trim what we have to. If we can't trim enough, the frame
// is too short. This shouldn't happen, but it it does we'll
// drop the frame.
Size -= AmountToClip; RcvInfo.tri_seq += AmountToClip; RcvInfo.tri_urgent -= AmountToClip; Packet = TrimPacket(Packet, AmountToClip);
if (*(int *)&RcvInfo.tri_urgent < 0) { RcvInfo.tri_urgent = 0; RcvInfo.tri_flags &= ~TCP_FLAG_URG; } }
// We've made sure the front is OK. Now make sure part of it
// doesn't fall after the window. If it does, we'll truncate the
// frame (removing the FIN, if any). If we truncate the whole
// frame we'll ACKAndDrop it.
StateSize = Size + ((RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN) ? 1: 0) + ((RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) ? 1: 0);
if (StateSize) StateSize--;
// Now the incoming sequence number (RcvInfo.tri_seq) + StateSize
// it the last sequence number in the segment. If this is greater
// than the last valid byte in the window, we have some overlap
// to chop off.
ASSERT(StateSize >= 0); LastValidSeq = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext + RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwin - 1; if (SEQ_GT(RcvInfo.tri_seq + StateSize, LastValidSeq)) { int AmountToChop;
// At least some part of the frame is outside of our window.
// See if it starts outside our window.
if (SEQ_GT(RcvInfo.tri_seq, LastValidSeq)) { //
// Falls entirely outside the window. We have special
// case code to deal with a pure ack that falls exactly at
// our right window edge. Otherwise we ack and drop it.
if (!SEQ_EQ(RcvInfo.tri_seq, LastValidSeq+1) || Size != 0 || (RcvInfo.tri_flags & (TCP_FLAG_SYN | TCP_FLAG_FIN))) { ACKAndDrop(&RcvInfo, RcvTCB); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } } else { //
// At least some part of it is in the window. If there's a
// FIN, chop that off and see if that moves us inside.
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) { RcvInfo.tri_flags &= ~TCP_FLAG_FIN; StateSize--; }
// Now figure out how much to chop off.
AmountToChop = (RcvInfo.tri_seq + StateSize) - LastValidSeq; ASSERT(AmountToChop >= 0); Size -= AmountToChop; } } } else { if (!SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext, RcvInfo.tri_seq)) { //
// If there's a RST on this segment, and he's only off by 1,
// take it anyway. This can happen if the remote peer is
// probing and sends with the seq number after the probe.
if (!(RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_RST) || !(SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext, (RcvInfo.tri_seq - 1)))) { ACKAndDrop(&RcvInfo, RcvTCB); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } else RcvInfo.tri_seq = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext; }
// He's in sequence, but we have a window of 0. Truncate the
// size, and clear any sequence consuming bits.
if (Size != 0 || (RcvInfo.tri_flags & (TCP_FLAG_SYN | TCP_FLAG_FIN))) { RcvInfo.tri_flags &= ~(TCP_FLAG_SYN | TCP_FLAG_FIN); Size = 0; if (!(RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_RST)) DelayAction(RcvTCB, NEED_ACK); } }
// At this point, the segment is in our window and does not overlap
// on either end. If it's the next sequence number we expect, we can
// handle the data now. Otherwise we'll queue it for later. In either
// case we'll handle RST and ACK information right now.
ASSERT((*(int *)&Size) >= 0);
// Now, following 793, we check the RST bit.
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_RST) { uchar Reason; //
// We can't go back into the LISTEN state from SYN-RCVD here,
// because we may have notified the client via a listen completing
// or a connect indication. So, if came from an active open we'll
// give back a 'connection refused' notice. For all other cases
// we'll just destroy the connection.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD) { if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & ACTIVE_OPEN) Reason = TCB_CLOSE_REFUSED; else Reason = TCB_CLOSE_RST; } else Reason = TCB_CLOSE_RST;
TryToCloseTCB(RcvTCB, Reason, DISPATCH_LEVEL); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock);
if (RcvTCB->tcb_state != TCB_TIME_WAIT) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); RemoveTCBFromConn(RcvTCB); NotifyOfDisc(RcvTCB, TDI_CONNECTION_RESET); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); }
// Next check the SYN bit.
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_SYN) { //
// Again, we can't quietly go back into the LISTEN state here, even
// if we came from a passive open.
TryToCloseTCB(RcvTCB, TCB_CLOSE_ABORTED, DISPATCH_LEVEL); SendRSTFromHeader(TCP, Size, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId);
if (RcvTCB->tcb_state != TCB_TIME_WAIT) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); RemoveTCBFromConn(RcvTCB); NotifyOfDisc(RcvTCB, TDI_CONNECTION_RESET); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); }
// Check the ACK field. If it's not on drop the segment.
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_ACK) { uint UpdateWindow;
// If we're in SYN-RCVD, go to ESTABLISHED.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_SYN_RCVD) { if (SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo.tri_ack) && SEQ_LTE(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) { //
// The ack is valid.
if (SynAttackProtect) {
// If we have not yet indicated this
// Connection to upper layer, do it now.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & ACCEPT_PENDING) { AddrObj *AO; BOOLEAN Status=FALSE;
// We already have a refcnt on this TCB.
// Check if we still have the listening endpoint.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&AddrObjTableLock); AO = GetBestAddrObj(AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId, TCP->tcp_dest, IP_PROTOCOL_TCP, NTE->IF);
if (AO != NULL) { Status = DelayedAcceptConn(AO,Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, TCP->tcp_src,RcvTCB); } else { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&AddrObjTableLock); }
if (!Status) { //
// Delayed Accepance failed. Send RST.
RcvTCB->tcb_refcnt--; TryToCloseTCB(RcvTCB, TCB_CLOSE_REFUSED, DISPATCH_LEVEL); SendRSTFromHeader(TCP, Packet->TotalSize, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId); return IP_SUCCESS; } else { RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~ACCEPT_PENDING; }
} }
RcvTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = 0; STOP_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer); RcvTCB->tcb_senduna++; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin = RcvInfo.tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin = RcvInfo.tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1 = RcvInfo.tri_seq; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2 = RcvInfo.tri_ack; GoToEstab(RcvTCB);
// We know our peer received our SYN.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_rce != NULL) ConfirmForwardReachability(RcvTCB->tcb_rce);
// Now complete whatever we can here.
CompleteConnReq(RcvTCB, TDI_SUCCESS); } else { DerefTCB(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); SendRSTFromHeader(TCP, Size, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } } else { //
// We're not in SYN-RCVD. See if this acknowledges anything.
if (SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo.tri_ack) && SEQ_LTE(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) { uint CWin;
// The ack acknowledes something. Pull the
// appropriate amount off the send q.
ACKData(RcvTCB, RcvInfo.tri_ack);
// If this acknowledges something we were running a RTT on,
// update that stuff now.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_rtt != 0 && SEQ_GT(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_rttseq)) { short RTT;
RTT = (short)(TCPTime - RcvTCB->tcb_rtt); RcvTCB->tcb_rtt = 0; RTT -= (RcvTCB->tcb_smrtt >> 3); RcvTCB->tcb_smrtt += RTT; RTT = (RTT >= 0 ? RTT : -RTT); RTT -= (RcvTCB->tcb_delta >> 3); RcvTCB->tcb_delta += RTT + RTT; RcvTCB->tcb_rexmit = MIN(MAX(REXMIT_TO(RcvTCB), MIN_RETRAN_TICKS), MAX_REXMIT_TO); }
// If we're probing for a PMTU black hole then we've found
// one, so turn off the detection. The size is already
// down, so leave it there.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & PMTU_BH_PROBE) { RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~PMTU_BH_PROBE; RcvTCB->tcb_bhprobecnt = 0; if (--(RcvTCB->tcb_slowcount) == 0) { RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_SLOW; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); } }
if ((RcvTCB->tcb_dupacks >= MaxDupAcks) && ((int)RcvTCB->tcb_ssthresh > 0)) { //
// We were in fast retransmit mode, so this ACK is for
// our fast retransmitted frame. Set cwin to ssthresh
// so that cwin grows linearly from here.
RcvTCB->tcb_cwin = RcvTCB->tcb_ssthresh;
} else { //
// Update the congestion window now.
CWin = RcvTCB->tcb_cwin; if (CWin < RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin) { if (CWin < RcvTCB->tcb_ssthresh) CWin += RcvTCB->tcb_mss; else CWin += (RcvTCB->tcb_mss * RcvTCB->tcb_mss)/CWin;
RcvTCB->tcb_cwin = MIN(CWin, RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin); } } ASSERT(*(int *)&RcvTCB->tcb_cwin > 0);
// Since this isn't a duplicate ACK, reset the counter.
RcvTCB->tcb_dupacks = 0;
// We've acknowledged something, so reset the rexmit count.
// If there's still stuff outstanding, restart the rexmit
// timer.
RcvTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = 0; if (!SEQ_EQ(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer, RcvTCB->tcb_rexmit); else STOP_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer);
// If we've sent a FIN, and this acknowledges it, we
// need to complete the client's close request and
// possibly transition our state.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_SENT) { //
// We have sent a FIN. See if it's been acknowledged.
// Once we've sent a FIN, tcb_sendmax can't advance,
// so our FIN must have sequence num tcb_sendmax - 1.
// Thus our FIN is acknowledged if the incoming ack is
// equal to tcb_sendmax.
if (SEQ_EQ(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) { //
// He's acked our FIN. Turn off the flags,
// and complete the request. We'll leave the
// FIN_OUTSTANDING flag alone, to force early
// outs in the send code.
RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~(FIN_NEEDED | FIN_SENT);
ASSERT(RcvTCB->tcb_unacked == 0); ASSERT(RcvTCB->tcb_sendnext == RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax);
// Now figure out what we need to do. In FIN_WAIT1
// or FIN_WAIT, just complete the disconnect
// request and continue. Otherwise, it's a bit
// trickier, since we can't complete the connreq
// until we remove the TCB from it's connection.
switch (RcvTCB->tcb_state) {
case TCB_FIN_WAIT1: RcvTCB->tcb_state = TCB_FIN_WAIT2; CompleteConnReq(RcvTCB, TDI_SUCCESS);
// Start a timer in case we never get
// out of FIN_WAIT2. Set the retransmit
// count high to force a timeout the
// first time the timer fires.
RcvTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = (uchar)MaxDataRexmitCount; START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer, (ushort)FinWait2TO);
// Fall through to FIN-WAIT-2 processing.
case TCB_FIN_WAIT2: break; case TCB_CLOSING: GracefulClose(RcvTCB, TRUE, FALSE, DISPATCH_LEVEL); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; break; case TCB_LAST_ACK: GracefulClose(RcvTCB, FALSE, FALSE, DISPATCH_LEVEL); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; break; default: KdBreakPoint(); break; } } } UpdateWindow = TRUE; } else { //
// It doesn't ack anything. If we're in FIN_WAIT2,
// we'll restart the timer. We don't make this check
// above because we know no data can be acked when we're
// in FIN_WAIT2.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_state == TCB_FIN_WAIT2) START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer, (ushort)FinWait2TO);
// If it's an ack for something larger than
// we've sent then ACKAndDrop it.
if (SEQ_GT(RcvInfo.tri_ack, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax)) { ACKAndDrop(&RcvInfo, RcvTCB); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
// If it is a pure duplicate ack, check if we should
// do a fast retransmit.
if ((Size == 0) && SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo.tri_ack) && SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvTCB->tcb_sendmax) && (RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin == RcvInfo.tri_window) && RcvInfo.tri_window) {
// See if fast rexmit can be done.
if (HandleFastXmit(RcvTCB, &RcvInfo)) { return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
} else { //
// Not a pure duplicate ack (Size != 0 or peer is
// advertising a new window). Reset counter.
RcvTCB->tcb_dupacks = 0;
// See if we should update the window.
if (SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_senduna, RcvInfo.tri_ack) && (SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1, RcvInfo.tri_seq) || (SEQ_EQ(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1, RcvInfo.tri_seq) && SEQ_LTE(RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2, RcvInfo.tri_ack)))){ UpdateWindow = TRUE; } else UpdateWindow = FALSE; } }
if (UpdateWindow) { RcvTCB->tcb_sendwin = RcvInfo.tri_window; RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin = MAX(RcvTCB->tcb_maxwin, RcvInfo.tri_window); RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl1 = RcvInfo.tri_seq; RcvTCB->tcb_sendwl2 = RcvInfo.tri_ack; if (RcvInfo.tri_window == 0) { //
// We've got a zero window.
if (!EMPTYQ(&RcvTCB->tcb_sendq)) { RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~NEED_OUTPUT; RcvTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = 0; START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer, RcvTCB->tcb_rexmit); if (!(RcvTCB->tcb_flags & FLOW_CNTLD)) { RcvTCB->tcb_flags |= FLOW_CNTLD; RcvTCB->tcb_slowcount++; RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_SLOW; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); } } } else { if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & FLOW_CNTLD) { RcvTCB->tcb_rexmitcnt = 0; RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~(FLOW_CNTLD | FORCE_OUTPUT); //
// Reset send next to the left edge of the window,
// because it might be at senduna+1 if we've been
// probing.
ResetSendNext(RcvTCB, RcvTCB->tcb_senduna); if (--(RcvTCB->tcb_slowcount) == 0) { RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_SLOW; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); } }
// Since we've updated the window, see if we can send
// some more.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_unacked != 0 || (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & FIN_NEEDED)) DelayAction(RcvTCB, NEED_OUTPUT); } } }
// We've handled all the acknowledgment stuff. If the size
// is greater than 0 or important bits are set process it further,
// otherwise it's a pure ack and we're done with it.
if (Size > 0 || (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN)) { //
// If we're not in a state where we can process incoming data
// or FINs, there's no point in going further. Just send an
// ack and drop this segment.
if (!DATA_RCV_STATE(RcvTCB->tcb_state) || (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & GC_PENDING)) { ACKAndDrop(&RcvInfo, RcvTCB); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
// If our peer is sending into an expanded window, then our
// peer must have received our ACK advertising said window.
// Take this as proof of forward reachability.
// Note: we have no guarantee this is timely.
if (SEQ_GTE(RcvInfo.tri_seq + (int)Size, RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwinwatch)) { RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwinwatch = RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext + RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwin; if (RcvTCB->tcb_rce != NULL) ConfirmForwardReachability(RcvTCB->tcb_rce); }
// If it's in sequence process it now, otherwise reassemble it.
if (SEQ_EQ(RcvInfo.tri_seq, RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext)) { //
// If we're already in the receive handler, this is a
// duplicate. We'll just toss it.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk & TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV) { DerefTCB(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; }
RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV;
// Now loop, pulling things from the reassembly queue,
// until the queue is empty, or we can't take all of the
// data, or we hit a FIN.
do { //
// Handle urgent data, if any.
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_URG) { HandleUrgent(RcvTCB, &RcvInfo, Packet, &Size);
// Since we may have freed the lock, we need to
// recheck and see if we're closing here.
if (CLOSING(RcvTCB)) break; }
// OK, the data is in sequence, we've updated the
// reassembly queue and handled any urgent data. If we
// have any data go ahead and process it now.
if (Size > 0) { BytesTaken = (*RcvTCB->tcb_rcvhndlr) (RcvTCB, RcvInfo.tri_flags, Packet, Size); RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext += BytesTaken; RcvTCB->tcb_rcvwin -= BytesTaken;
CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & ACK_DELAYED) DelayAction(RcvTCB, NEED_ACK); else { RcvTCB->tcb_flags |= ACK_DELAYED; START_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_delacktimer, DEL_ACK_TICKS); }
if (BytesTaken != Size) { //
// We didn't take everything we could. No
// use in further processing, just bail
// out.
DelayAction(RcvTCB, NEED_ACK); break; }
// If we're closing now, we're done, so get out.
if (CLOSING(RcvTCB)) break; }
// See if we need to advance over some urgent data.
if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & URG_VALID) { uint AdvanceNeeded;
// We only need to advance if we're not doing
// urgent inline. Urgent inline also has some
// implications for when we can clear the URG_VALID
// flag. If we're not doing urgent inline, we can
// clear it when rcvnext advances beyond urgent
// end. If we are doing urgent inline, we clear it
// when rcvnext advances one receive window beyond
// urgend.
if (!(RcvTCB->tcb_flags & URG_INLINE)) { if (RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext == RcvTCB->tcb_urgstart) { RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext = RcvTCB->tcb_urgend + 1; } else { ASSERT(SEQ_LT(RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext, RcvTCB->tcb_urgstart) || SEQ_GT(RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext, RcvTCB->tcb_urgend)); } AdvanceNeeded = 0; } else AdvanceNeeded = RcvTCB->tcb_defaultwin;
// See if we can clear the URG_VALID flag.
if (SEQ_GT(RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext - AdvanceNeeded, RcvTCB->tcb_urgend)) { RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~URG_VALID; if (--(RcvTCB->tcb_slowcount) == 0) { RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_SLOW; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); } } }
// We've handled the data. If the FIN bit is set, we
// have more processing.
if (RcvInfo.tri_flags & TCP_FLAG_FIN) { uint Notify = FALSE;
RcvTCB->tcb_rcvnext++; DelayAction(RcvTCB, NEED_ACK);
switch (RcvTCB->tcb_state) {
case TCB_SYN_RCVD: //
// I don't think we can get here - we
// should have discarded the frame if it
// had no ACK, or gone to established if
// it did.
KdBreakPoint(); case TCB_ESTAB: RcvTCB->tcb_state = TCB_CLOSE_WAIT; //
// We left established, we're off the
// fast path.
RcvTCB->tcb_slowcount++; RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk |= TCP_FLAG_SLOW; CheckTCBRcv(RcvTCB); Notify = TRUE; break; case TCB_FIN_WAIT1: RcvTCB->tcb_state = TCB_CLOSING; Notify = TRUE; break; case TCB_FIN_WAIT2: //
// Stop the FIN_WAIT2 timer.
STOP_TCB_TIMER(RcvTCB->tcb_rexmittimer); RcvTCB->tcb_refcnt++; GracefulClose(RcvTCB, TRUE, TRUE, DISPATCH_LEVEL); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); break; default: KdBreakPoint(); break; }
if (Notify) { KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); NotifyOfDisc(RcvTCB, TDI_GRACEFUL_DISC); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); }
break; // Exit out of WHILE loop.
// If the reassembly queue isn't empty, get what we
// can now.
Packet = PullFromRAQ(RcvTCB, &RcvInfo, &Size); CheckPacketList(Packet, Size);
} while (Packet != NULL);
RcvTCB->tcb_fastchk &= ~TCP_FLAG_IN_RCV; if (RcvTCB->tcb_flags & SEND_AFTER_RCV) { RcvTCB->tcb_flags &= ~SEND_AFTER_RCV; DelayAction(RcvTCB, NEED_OUTPUT); }
} else {
// It's not in sequence. Since it needs further
// processing, put in on the reassembly queue.
if (DATA_RCV_STATE(RcvTCB->tcb_state) && !(RcvTCB->tcb_flags & GC_PENDING)) { PutOnRAQ(RcvTCB, &RcvInfo, Packet, Size); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); SendACK(RcvTCB); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RcvTCB->tcb_lock); DerefTCB(RcvTCB, DISPATCH_LEVEL); } else ACKAndDrop(&RcvInfo, RcvTCB);
return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; } }
} else { //
// No ACK. Just drop the segment and return.
//* TCPControlReceive - handler for TCP control messages.
// This routine is called if we receive an ICMPv6 error message that
// was generated by some remote site as a result of receiving a TCP
// packet from us.
uchar TCPControlReceive( IPv6Packet *Packet, // Packet handed to us by ICMPv6ErrorReceive.
StatusArg *StatArg) // Error Code, Argument, and invoking IP header.
{ KIRQL Irql0, Irql1; // One per lock nesting level.
TCB *StatusTCB; SeqNum DropSeq; TCPHeader UNALIGNED *InvokingTCP; Interface *IF = Packet->NTEorIF->IF; uint SrcScopeId, DestScopeId;
// The next thing in the packet should be the TCP header of the
// original packet which invoked this error.
if (! PacketPullup(Packet, sizeof(TCPHeader), 1, 0)) { // Pullup failed.
if (Packet->TotalSize < sizeof(TCPHeader)) KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_BAD_PACKET, "TCPv6: Packet too small to contain TCP header " "from invoking packet\n")); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Drop packet.
} InvokingTCP = (TCPHeader UNALIGNED *)Packet->Data;
// Determining the scope identifiers for the addresses in the
// invoking packet is potentially problematic, since we have
// no way to be certain which interface we sent the packet on.
// Use the interface the icmp error arrived on to determine
// the scope ids for both the local and remote addresses.
SrcScopeId = DetermineScopeId(AlignAddr(&StatArg->IP->Source), IF); DestScopeId = DetermineScopeId(AlignAddr(&StatArg->IP->Dest), IF);
// Find the TCB for the connection this packet was sent on.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&TCBTableLock, &Irql0); StatusTCB = FindTCB(AlignAddr(&StatArg->IP->Source), AlignAddr(&StatArg->IP->Dest), SrcScopeId, DestScopeId, InvokingTCP->tcp_src, InvokingTCP->tcp_dest); if (StatusTCB != NULL) { //
// Found one. Get the lock on it, and continue.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&StatusTCB->tcb_lock, &Irql1); KeReleaseSpinLock(&TCBTableLock, Irql1);
// Make sure the TCB is in a state that is interesting.
// We also drop packets for TCBs where we don't already have
// an RCE, since any ICMP errors we get for packets we haven't
// sent are likely to be spoofed.
if (StatusTCB->tcb_state == TCB_CLOSED || StatusTCB->tcb_state == TCB_TIME_WAIT || CLOSING(StatusTCB) || StatusTCB->tcb_rce == NULL) { //
// Connection is already closing, or too new to have sent
// anything yet. Leave it be.
KeReleaseSpinLock(&StatusTCB->tcb_lock, Irql0); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Discard error packet.
switch (StatArg->Status) { case IP_UNRECOGNIZED_NEXT_HEADER: //
// Destination protocol unreachable.
// We treat this as a fatal errors. Close the connection.
StatusTCB->tcb_error = StatArg->Status; StatusTCB->tcb_refcnt++; TryToCloseTCB(StatusTCB, TCB_CLOSE_UNREACH, Irql0);
RemoveTCBFromConn(StatusTCB); NotifyOfDisc(StatusTCB, MapIPError(StatArg->Status, TDI_DEST_UNREACHABLE)); KeAcquireSpinLock(&StatusTCB->tcb_lock, &Irql1); DerefTCB(StatusTCB, Irql1); return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Done with packet.
// Soft errors. Save the error in case it times out.
StatusTCB->tcb_error = StatArg->Status; break;
case IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG: { uint PMTU;
IF_TCPDBG(TCP_DEBUG_MSS) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_TCPDBG, "TCPControlReceive: Got Packet Too Big\n")); }
// We sent a TCP datagram which was too big for the path to
// our destination. That packet was dropped by the router
// which sent us this error message. The Arg value is TRUE
// if this Packet Too Big reduced our PMTU, FALSE otherwise.
if (!StatArg->Arg) break;
// Our PMTU was reduced. Find out what it is now.
PMTU = GetEffectivePathMTUFromRCE(StatusTCB->tcb_rce);
// Update fields based on new PMTU.
StatusTCB->tcb_pmtu = PMTU; StatusTCB->tcb_security = SecurityStateValidationCounter; CalculateMSSForTCB(StatusTCB);
// Since our PMTU was reduced, we know that this is the first
// Packet Too Big we've received about this bottleneck.
// We should retransmit so long as this is for a legitimate
// outstanding packet (i.e. sequence number is is greater than
// the last acked and less than our current send next).
DropSeq = net_long(InvokingTCP->tcp_seq); if ((SEQ_GTE(DropSeq, StatusTCB->tcb_senduna) && SEQ_LT(DropSeq, StatusTCB->tcb_sendnext))) { //
// Need to initiate a retransmit.
ResetSendNext(StatusTCB, DropSeq);
// WINBUG #242757 11-27-2000 richdr TCP resp. to Packet Too Big
// RFC 1981 states that "a retransmission caused by a Packet
// Too Big message should not change the congestion window.
// It should, however, trigger the slow-start mechanism."
// The code below would appear to be broken. However, the
// IPv4 stack works this way.
// Set the congestion window to allow only one packet.
// This may prevent us from sending anything if we
// didn't just set sendnext to senduna. This is OK,
// we'll retransmit later, or send when we get an ack.
StatusTCB->tcb_cwin = StatusTCB->tcb_mss;
DelayAction(StatusTCB, NEED_OUTPUT); } } break;
default: // Should never happen.
KdBreakPoint(); break; }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&StatusTCB->tcb_lock, Irql0); } else { //
// Couldn't find a matching TCB. Connection probably went away since
// we sent the offending packet. Just free the lock and return.
KeReleaseSpinLock(&TCBTableLock, Irql0); }
return IP_PROTOCOL_NONE; // Done with packet.
#pragma BEGIN_INIT
//* InitTCPRcv - Initialize TCP receive side.
// Called during init time to initialize our TCP receive side.
int // Returns: TRUE.
InitTCPRcv( void) // Nothing.
{ ExInitializeSListHead(&TCPRcvReqFree);
KeInitializeSpinLock(&RequestCompleteLock); KeInitializeSpinLock(&TCBDelayLock); KeInitializeSpinLock(&TCPRcvReqFreeLock); INITQ(&ConnRequestCompleteQ); INITQ(&SendCompleteQ); INITQ(&TCBDelayQ); RequestCompleteFlags = 0; TCBDelayRtnCount = 0;
TCBDelayRtnLimit = (uint) KeNumberProcessors; if (TCBDelayRtnLimit > TCB_DELAY_RTN_LIMIT) TCBDelayRtnLimit = TCB_DELAY_RTN_LIMIT;
RtlZeroMemory(&DummyPacket, sizeof DummyPacket); DummyPacket.Flags = PACKET_OURS;
return TRUE; }
#pragma END_INIT
//* UnloadTCPRcv
// Cleanup and prepare for stack unload.
void UnloadTCPRcv(void) { PSLIST_ENTRY BufferLink;
while ((BufferLink = ExInterlockedPopEntrySList(&TCPRcvReqFree, &TCPRcvReqFreeLock)) != NULL) { TCPRcvReq *RcvReq = CONTAINING_RECORD(BufferLink, TCPRcvReq, trr_next);
CHECK_STRUCT(RcvReq, trr); ExFreePool(RcvReq); } }