// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// open.cpp
// Abstract:
// This module contains code which deals with opening and closing
// of the various types of tdi objects
#include "sysvars.h"
extern "C" { #pragma warning(disable: NAMELESS_STRUCT_UNION)
#include "tdiinfo.h"
#pragma warning(default: NAMELESS_STRUCT_UNION)
// defines stolen from include files not in ddk
#define _TCP_CTL_CODE(function, method, access) \
CTL_CODE(FSCTL_TCP_BASE, function, method, access) #define IOCTL_TCP_WSH_SET_INFORMATION_EX \
// end of stolen defines
// private constants and prototypes
const PCHAR strFunc1 = "TSOpenControl"; const PCHAR strFunc2 = "TSCloseControl"; const PCHAR strFunc3 = "TSOpenAddress"; const PCHAR strFunc4 = "TSCloseAddress"; const PCHAR strFunc5 = "TSOpenEndpoint"; const PCHAR strFunc6 = "TSCloseEndpoint";
//const PCHAR strFuncP1 = "TSCompleteCommand";
const PCHAR strFuncP2 = "TSPerformOpenControl"; const PCHAR strFuncP3 = "TSPerformOpenAddress"; const PCHAR strFuncP4 = "TSPerformOpenEndpoint"; const PCHAR strFuncP5 = "TSPerformAssociate"; const PCHAR strFuncP6 = "TSPerformDisassociate";
TDI_STATUS TSCompleteCommand( PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pLowerIrp, PVOID pvContext );
NTSTATUS TSPerformOpenControl( PCONTROL_CHANNEL pControlChannel, PUCNTSTRING pucString );
NTSTATUS TSPerformOpenAddress( PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject, PUCNTSTRING pucString, PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress, BOOLEAN fIsConnect );
NTSTATUS TSPerformOpenEndpoint( PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpointObject, PUCNTSTRING pucString );
NTSTATUS TSPerformAssociate( PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint );
VOID TSPerformDisassociate( PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint );
// public functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSOpenControl
// Arguments: pSendBuffer -- arguments from user dll for open command
// pIrp -- completion information
// Returns: Final status of the open (STATUS_SUCCESSFUL or STATUS_errorcode)
// Descript: This function sets up the structure for a new control channel,
// and attempts to open the specified control channel
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSOpenControl(PSEND_BUFFER pSendBuffer, PRECEIVE_BUFFER pReceiveBuffer) { PUCNTSTRING pucString = &pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.ucsDeviceName;
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulOPENCONTROL\n" "DeviceName = %ws\n", pucString->wcBuffer); }
// allocate our structure and put it in the linked list...
PCONTROL_CHANNEL pControlChannel; NTSTATUS lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pControlChannel, sizeof(CONTROL_CHANNEL), strFunc1, "ControlChannel"); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pControlChannel->GenHead.ulSignature = ulControlChannelObject;
ULONG ulTdiHandle = TSInsertNode(&pControlChannel->GenHead);
if (ulTdiHandle) { lStatus = TSPerformOpenControl(pControlChannel, pucString); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.TdiHandle = ulTdiHandle; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// handle errors in PerformOpenControl
TSRemoveNode(ulTdiHandle); } else { lStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } TSFreeMemory(pControlChannel); } return lStatus; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSCloseControl
// Arguments: pControlChannel -- our control channel object to close
// Returns: none
// Descript: This function frees the resources for a control channel,
// and calls the tdi provider to close it
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID TSCloseControl(PCONTROL_CHANNEL pControlChannel) { //
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulCLOSECONTROL\n" "ControlChannel = %p\n", pControlChannel); }
NTSTATUS lStatus = ZwClose(pControlChannel->GenHead.FileHandle);
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DebugPrint2("%s: ZwClose failed with status 0x%08x\n", strFunc2, lStatus); } TSFreeMemory(pControlChannel); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSOpenAddress
// Arguments: pSendBuffer -- arguments from user dll for open command
// pIrp -- completion information
// Returns: Final status of the open (STATUS_SUCCESSFUL or STATUS_errorcode)
// Descript: This function sets up the structure for a new address object,
// and attempts to open the specified address object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSOpenAddress(PSEND_BUFFER pSendBuffer, PRECEIVE_BUFFER pReceiveBuffer) { PUCNTSTRING pucString = &pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.ucsDeviceName; PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)&pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.TransAddr;
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulOPENADDRESS\n" "DeviceName = %ws\n", pucString->wcBuffer); TSPrintTaAddress(pTransportAddress->Address); }
// allocate our structure and put it in the linked list...
PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject; NTSTATUS lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pAddressObject, sizeof(ADDRESS_OBJECT), strFunc3, "AddressObject"); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pAddressObject->GenHead.ulSignature = ulAddressObject;
ULONG ulTdiHandle = TSInsertNode(&pAddressObject->GenHead);
if (ulTdiHandle) { lStatus = TSPerformOpenAddress(pAddressObject, pucString, pTransportAddress, FALSE); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.TdiHandle = ulTdiHandle; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// handle error in PerformOpenAddress
TSRemoveNode(ulTdiHandle); } else { lStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } TSFreeMemory(pAddressObject); } return lStatus; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSCloseAddress
// Arguments: pAddressObject -- address object to close
// Returns: none
// Descript: This function frees the resources for an address object,
// and calls the tdi provider to close it
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID TSCloseAddress(PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject) { //
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulCLOSEADDRESS\n" "AddressObject = %p\n", pAddressObject); }
TSFreeSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock); TSFreePacketData(pAddressObject);
if (pAddressObject->pIrpPool) { TSFreeIrpPool(pAddressObject->pIrpPool); } NTSTATUS lStatus = ZwClose(pAddressObject->GenHead.FileHandle);
if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DebugPrint2("%s: ZwClose failed with status 0x%08x\n", strFunc4, lStatus); } TSFreeMemory(pAddressObject); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSOpenEndpoint
// Arguments: pSendBuffer -- arguments from user dll for open command
// pIrp -- completion information
// Returns: Final status of the open (STATUS_SUCCESSFUL or STATUS_errorcode)
// Descript: This function sets up the structure for an endpoint. This
// involves opening an endpoint, opening an address object, and
// associating them...
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSOpenEndpoint(PSEND_BUFFER pSendBuffer, PRECEIVE_BUFFER pReceiveBuffer) { PUCNTSTRING pucString = &pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.ucsDeviceName; PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)&pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.OpenArgs.TransAddr;
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulOPENENDPOINT\n" "DeviceName = %ws\n", pucString->wcBuffer); TSPrintTaAddress(pTransportAddress->Address); }
// set up for the file open
// need to do our "context" structure first, since the
// eabuffer requires it...
PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint; NTSTATUS lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pEndpoint, sizeof(ENDPOINT_OBJECT), strFunc5, "EndpointObject");
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pEndpoint->GenHead.ulSignature = ulEndpointObject;
ULONG ulTdiHandle = TSInsertNode(&pEndpoint->GenHead); if (ulTdiHandle) { lStatus = TSPerformOpenEndpoint(pEndpoint, pucString); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject; lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pAddressObject, sizeof(ADDRESS_OBJECT), strFunc5, "AddressObject"); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pAddressObject->GenHead.ulSignature = ulAddressObject; lStatus = TSPerformOpenAddress(pAddressObject, pucString, pTransportAddress, TRUE); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pEndpoint->pAddressObject = pAddressObject; pAddressObject->pEndpoint = pEndpoint; lStatus = TSPerformAssociate(pEndpoint); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.TdiHandle = ulTdiHandle; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } //
// fall thru to here on open/associate failures
} else { TSRemoveNode(ulTdiHandle); } } else { lStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } TSCloseEndpoint(pEndpoint); // also frees it!
} return lStatus; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSCloseEndpoint
// Arguments: pEndpoint -- endpoint object to close
// Returns: none
// Descript: This function frees the resources for a connection object,
// and calls the tdi provider to close it
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID TSCloseEndpoint(PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint) { //
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulCLOSEENDPOINT\n" "Endpoint = %p\n", pEndpoint); }
if (pEndpoint->pAddressObject) { if (pEndpoint->fIsAssociated) { TSPerformDisassociate(pEndpoint); } TSCloseAddress(pEndpoint->pAddressObject); pEndpoint->pAddressObject = NULL; }
if (pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject) { ObDereferenceObject(pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject);
NTSTATUS lStatus = ZwClose(pEndpoint->GenHead.FileHandle); if (lStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DebugPrint2("%s: ZwClose failed with status 0x%08x\n", strFunc6, lStatus); } } TSFreeMemory(pEndpoint); }
// Private Functions
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSCompleteCommand
// Arguments: ptr to address object or endpoint to close for command
// lstatus = status of close attempt (as TDI_STATUS)
// param = 0
// Returns: none
// Descript: This function is called to complete a CloseAddress or
// a CloseEndpoint on Win98
// -------------------------------------------------------
#pragma warning(disable: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
TDI_STATUS TSCompleteCommand(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pLowerIrp, PVOID pvContext) { TDI_STATUS TdiStatus = pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Status; PGENERIC_HEADER pGenHead = (PGENERIC_HEADER)pvContext;
TSSetEvent(&pGenHead->TdiEvent); pGenHead->lStatus = TdiStatus;
TSFreeIrp(pLowerIrp, NULL); return TDI_MORE_PROCESSING; }
#pragma warning(default: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
// -----------------------------------------------
// Function: TSPerformOpenControl
// Arguments: pControlChannel -- used to store file information
// pucString -- name of device to open
// Returns: status of operation
// Descript: Actually opens the control channel, and then sets the
// appropriate fields in our structure
// -----------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSPerformOpenControl(PCONTROL_CHANNEL pControlChannel, PUCNTSTRING pucString) { UNICODE_STRING ustrDeviceName;
// we need a unicode string to actually do the open
NTSTATUS lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&ustrDeviceName.Buffer, pucString->usLength + 2, strFuncP2, "StringBuffer");
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { HANDLE FileHandle; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; //
// create the unicode string
ustrDeviceName.Length = pucString->usLength; ustrDeviceName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(pucString->usLength + 2); RtlCopyMemory(ustrDeviceName.Buffer, pucString->wcBuffer, ustrDeviceName.Length);
// set up the object attributes needed to open this...
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &ustrDeviceName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
lStatus = ZwCreateFile(&FileHandle, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // desired access.
&ObjectAttributes, // object attributes.
&IoStatusBlock, // returned status information.
NULL, // Allocation size (unused).
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes.
FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_CREATE, 0, // create options.
NULL, 0);
// make sure it really succeeded
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { lStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
// clean up this now (don't need it anymore)
// if it succeeded, then set up our node structure
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject; lStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(FileHandle, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID *)&pFileObject, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { pControlChannel->GenHead.FileHandle = FileHandle; pControlChannel->GenHead.pFileObject = pFileObject; pControlChannel->GenHead.pDeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pFileObject); return STATUS_SUCCESS; // only successful exit point
} else { DebugPrint1("ObReferenceObjectByHandle failed with status = 0x%08x\n", lStatus); } } //
// get here if ZwCreateFile failed
else { DebugPrint3("OpenControlChannel failed for %ws with code %x iostatus %x\n", pucString->wcBuffer, lStatus, IoStatusBlock.Status); } } return lStatus; }
// -----------------------------------------------
// Function: TSPerformOpenAddress
// Arguments: pAddressObject -- used to store file information
// pucString -- name of device to open
// pTransportAddr -- address to open on the device
// fIsConnect -- TRUE for connection, false for datagram
// Returns: status of operation
// Descript: Actually opens the address object, and then sets the
// appropriate fields in our structure
// -----------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSPerformOpenAddress(PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject, PUCNTSTRING pucString, PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress, BOOLEAN fIsConnect) {
// address open uses an ea buffer that contains the transport address
ULONG ulAddressLength = FIELD_OFFSET(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS, Address) + FIELD_OFFSET(TA_ADDRESS, Address) + pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressLength; ULONG ulEaLengthNeeded = FIELD_OFFSET(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + (TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_LENGTH + 1) + ulAddressLength;
// allocate the ea buffer first...
PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION EaBuffer; NTSTATUS lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&EaBuffer, ulEaLengthNeeded, strFuncP3, "EaBuffer"); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { UNICODE_STRING ustrDeviceName;
// setup the ea buffer
EaBuffer->NextEntryOffset = 0; EaBuffer->Flags = 0; EaBuffer->EaNameLength = TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_LENGTH; EaBuffer->EaValueLength = (USHORT)ulAddressLength; RtlCopyMemory(&EaBuffer->EaName[0], TdiTransportAddress, TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_LENGTH + 1);
RtlCopyMemory(&EaBuffer->EaName[TDI_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS_LENGTH+1], pTransportAddress, ulAddressLength);
// we need a unicode string to actually do the open
lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&ustrDeviceName.Buffer, pucString->usLength + 2, strFuncP3, "StringBuffer"); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; HANDLE FileHandle; //
// create the unicode string
ustrDeviceName.Length = pucString->usLength; ustrDeviceName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(pucString->usLength + 2); RtlCopyMemory(ustrDeviceName.Buffer, pucString->wcBuffer, ustrDeviceName.Length);
// set up the object attributes needed to open this...
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &ustrDeviceName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
lStatus = ZwCreateFile(&FileHandle, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // desired access.
&ObjectAttributes, // object attributes.
&IoStatusBlock, // returned status information.
NULL, // Allocation size (unused).
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes.
FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_CREATE, 0, // create options.
EaBuffer, ulEaLengthNeeded);
// make sure it really succeeded
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { lStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
// clean up what we can here...
TSFreeMemory(ustrDeviceName.Buffer); TSFreeMemory(EaBuffer);
// if it succeeded, then set up our node structure
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject;
lStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(FileHandle, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID *)&pFileObject, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { pAddressObject->GenHead.FileHandle = FileHandle; pAddressObject->GenHead.pFileObject = pFileObject; pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pFileObject); TSAllocateSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock);
// if ipv4, set up socket for strong host
if (fIsConnect && (pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP)) { TCP_REQUEST_SET_INFORMATION_EX* pInfo; CHAR achBuf[ sizeof(*pInfo) + sizeof(ULONG) ]; ULONG ulValue = 1; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb;
pInfo = (TCP_REQUEST_SET_INFORMATION_EX* )achBuf; pInfo->ID.toi_entity.tei_entity = CL_TL_ENTITY; pInfo->ID.toi_entity.tei_instance = 0; pInfo->ID.toi_class = INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL; pInfo->ID.toi_type = INFO_TYPE_ADDRESS_OBJECT; pInfo->ID.toi_id = AO_OPTION_IP_UCASTIF;
RtlCopyMemory(pInfo->Buffer, &ulValue, sizeof(ULONG)); pInfo->BufferSize = sizeof(ULONG);
PIRP pIrp = IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest(IOCTL_TCP_WSH_SET_INFORMATION_EX, pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject, (PVOID )pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) + sizeof(ULONG), NULL, 0, FALSE, NULL, &iosb);
if (pIrp) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(pIrp); pIrpSp->FileObject = pFileObject;
IoCallDriver(pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pIrp); } }
return STATUS_SUCCESS; // only successful exit
} else { DebugPrint1("ObReferenceObjectByHandle failed with status = 0x%08x\n", lStatus); } ZwClose(FileHandle); }
// get here if ZwCreateFile failed
else { DebugPrint3("OpenAddressObject failed for %ws with code %x iostatus %x\n", pucString->wcBuffer, lStatus, IoStatusBlock.Status); } }
// get here if cannot allocate unicode string buffer
else { TSFreeMemory(EaBuffer); } }
return lStatus; }
// -----------------------------------------------
// Function: TSPerformOpenEndpoint
// Arguments: pEndpoint -- used to store file information
// pucString -- name of device to open
// Returns: status of operation
// Descript: Actually opens the endpoint object, and then sets the
// appropriate fields in our structure
// -----------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSPerformOpenEndpoint(PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint, PUCNTSTRING pucString) {
// allocate the ea buffer...
PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION EaBuffer; NTSTATUS lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&EaBuffer, ulEaLengthNeeded, strFunc5, "EaBuffer"); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { UNICODE_STRING ustrDeviceName;
// setup the ea buffer
EaBuffer->NextEntryOffset = 0; EaBuffer->Flags = 0; EaBuffer->EaNameLength = TDI_CONNECTION_CONTEXT_LENGTH; EaBuffer->EaValueLength = sizeof(CONNECTION_CONTEXT); RtlCopyMemory(&EaBuffer->EaName[0], TdiConnectionContext, TDI_CONNECTION_CONTEXT_LENGTH + 1);
RtlCopyMemory(&EaBuffer->EaName[TDI_CONNECTION_CONTEXT_LENGTH+1], &pEndpoint, sizeof(CONNECTION_CONTEXT));
// we need a unicode string to actually do the open
lStatus = TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&ustrDeviceName.Buffer, pucString->usLength + 2, strFunc5, "StringBuffer"); if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; HANDLE FileHandle; //
// create the unicode string
ustrDeviceName.Length = pucString->usLength; ustrDeviceName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(pucString->usLength + 2); RtlCopyMemory(ustrDeviceName.Buffer, pucString->wcBuffer, ustrDeviceName.Length);
// set up the object attributes needed to open this...
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &ustrDeviceName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
lStatus = ZwCreateFile(&FileHandle, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // desired access.
&ObjectAttributes, // object attributes.
&IoStatusBlock, // returned status information.
NULL, // Allocation size (unused).
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes.
FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_CREATE, 0, // create options.
EaBuffer, ulEaLengthNeeded);
// make sure it really succeeded
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { lStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status; }
// free up what we can here...
TSFreeMemory(ustrDeviceName.Buffer); TSFreeMemory(EaBuffer);
// if it succeeded, then set up our node structure
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject;
lStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(FileHandle, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID *)&pFileObject, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { pEndpoint->GenHead.FileHandle = FileHandle; pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject = pFileObject; pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pFileObject); return STATUS_SUCCESS; // only successful exit
} else { DebugPrint1("ObReferenceObjectByHandle failed with status = 0x%08x\n", lStatus); } ZwClose(FileHandle); }
// get here if ZwCreateFile failed
else { DebugPrint3("OpenEndpointObject failed for %ws with code %x iostatus %x\n", pucString->wcBuffer, lStatus, IoStatusBlock.Status); } }
// get here if cannot allocate unicode string buffer
else { TSFreeMemory(EaBuffer); } } return lStatus; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSPerformAssociate
// Arguments: pEndpoint -- connection endpoint structure
// Returns: NTSTATUS (normally success)
// Descript: This function attempts to associate a transport address
// object with an endpoint object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSPerformAssociate(PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint) { TSInitializeEvent(&pEndpoint->GenHead.TdiEvent);
PIRP pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, NULL);
// set up everything and call the tdi provider
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildAssociateAddress(pLowerIrp, pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject, TSCompleteCommand, pEndpoint, pEndpoint->pAddressObject->GenHead.FileHandle);
#pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
// (should ALWAYS be pending)
NTSTATUS lStatus = IoCallDriver(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pLowerIrp);
if (lStatus == STATUS_PENDING) { TSWaitEvent(&pEndpoint->GenHead.TdiEvent); lStatus = pEndpoint->GenHead.lStatus; }
if (lStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pEndpoint->fIsAssociated = TRUE; } return lStatus; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSPerformDisassociateAddress
// Arguments: pEndpoint -- connection endpoint structure
// Returns: NTSTATUS (normally pending)
// Descript: This function attempts to disassociate a transport address
// object from its associated endpoint object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID TSPerformDisassociate(PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint) { TSInitializeEvent(&pEndpoint->GenHead.TdiEvent);
PIRP pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, NULL);
if (!pLowerIrp) { return; }
// set up everything and call the tdi provider
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildDisassociateAddress(pLowerIrp, pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject, TSCompleteCommand, pEndpoint);
#pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
NTSTATUS lStatus = IoCallDriver(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pLowerIrp);
if (lStatus == STATUS_PENDING) { TSWaitEvent(&pEndpoint->GenHead.TdiEvent); } }
// end of file open.cpp