// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// rcvdgram
// Abstract:
// This module contains code which deals with receiving datagrams
#include "sysvars.h"
// private constants, types, and prototypes
const PCHAR strFunc1 = "TSReceiveDatagram"; const PCHAR strFunc2 = "TSRcvDatagramHandler"; const PCHAR strFunc3 = "TSChainedRcvDatagramHandler"; const PCHAR strFuncP1 = "TSReceiveDgramComplete"; const PCHAR strFuncP2 = "TSGetRestOfDgram"; const PCHAR strFuncP3 = "TSShowDgramInfo";
// completion information structure
struct RECEIVE_CONTEXT { PMDL pLowerMdl; // mdl from lower irp
PRECEIVE_DATA pReceiveData; // above structure
PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject; // associate address object
// completion function
TDI_STATUS TSReceiveDgramComplete( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp, PVOID Context );
PIRP TSGetRestOfDgram( PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject, PRECEIVE_DATA pReceiveData );
VOID TSShowDgramInfo( PVOID pvTdiEventContext, LONG lSourceAddressLength, PVOID pvSourceAddress, LONG lOptionsLength, PVOID pvOptions, ULONG ulReceiveDatagramFlags );
// public functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSReceiveDatagram
// Arguments: pAddressObject -- address object
// pSendBuffer -- arguments from user dll
// pIrp -- completion information
// Descript: This function checks to see if a datagram has been received
// on this address object. If so, and if it matches certain
// criteria, it returns it. Otherwise it returns with no data.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSReceiveDatagram(PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject, PSEND_BUFFER pSendBuffer, PRECEIVE_BUFFER pReceiveBuffer) { PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)&pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.SendArgs.TransAddr; BOOLEAN fMatchAddress = (BOOLEAN)(pTransportAddress->TAAddressCount > 0); PRECEIVE_DATA pReceiveData = NULL; //
// if need to match to address, return the first packet in the queue
// that was sent from the specified address.
if (fMatchAddress) { ULONG ulCompareLength = FIELD_OFFSET(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS, Address) + FIELD_OFFSET(TA_ADDRESS, Address) + pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressLength;
if (pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP) { ulCompareLength -= 8; // ignore sin_zero[8]
TSAcquireSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock); pReceiveData = pAddressObject->pHeadReceiveData; while(pReceiveData) { if (RtlEqualMemory(pTransportAddress, &pReceiveData->TransAddr, ulCompareLength)) { break; } pReceiveData = pReceiveData->pNextReceiveData; }
// did we find anything?
if (pReceiveData) { //
// fix up the lists as necessary
if (pReceiveData->pPrevReceiveData) { pReceiveData->pPrevReceiveData->pNextReceiveData = pReceiveData->pNextReceiveData; } else { pAddressObject->pHeadReceiveData = pReceiveData->pNextReceiveData; }
if (pReceiveData->pNextReceiveData) { pReceiveData->pNextReceiveData->pPrevReceiveData = pReceiveData->pPrevReceiveData; } else { pAddressObject->pTailReceiveData = pReceiveData->pPrevReceiveData; } } TSReleaseSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock); }
// if not matching address, just get the first packet from the queue
else { TSAcquireSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock); pReceiveData = pAddressObject->pHeadReceiveData; if (pReceiveData) { //
// fix up the lists as necessary
if (pReceiveData->pNextReceiveData) { pReceiveData->pNextReceiveData->pPrevReceiveData = NULL; } else { pAddressObject->pTailReceiveData = NULL; } pAddressObject->pHeadReceiveData = pReceiveData->pNextReceiveData; } TSReleaseSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock); } //
// if we got a packet to return, then lets return it..
// and release its memory
if (pReceiveData) { //
// we are only showing debug if we actually return a packet
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulRECEIVEDATAGRAM\n" "FileObject = %p\n", pAddressObject); if (pTransportAddress->TAAddressCount) { TSPrintTaAddress(pTransportAddress->Address); } }
if (pReceiveData->ulBufferLength > pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.SendArgs.ulBufferLength) { pReceiveData->ulBufferLength = pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.SendArgs.ulBufferLength; }
// attempt to lock down the memory
PMDL pMdl = TSMakeMdlForUserBuffer(pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.SendArgs.pucUserModeBuffer, pReceiveData->ulBufferLength, IoModifyAccess); if (pMdl) { RtlCopyMemory(&pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.RecvDgramRet.TransAddr, &pReceiveData->TransAddr, sizeof(TRANSADDR)); RtlCopyMemory(MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(pMdl), pReceiveData->pucDataBuffer, pReceiveData->ulBufferLength); TSFreeUserBuffer(pMdl); } else { pReceiveData->ulBufferLength = 0; }
pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.RecvDgramRet.ulBufferLength = pReceiveData->ulBufferLength;
TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData->pucDataBuffer); TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData);
} else { pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.RecvDgramRet.ulBufferLength = 0; }
// -----------------------------------------------
// Function: TSRcvDatagramHandler
// Arguments: pvTdiEventContext -- really pointer to our AddressObject
// lSourceAddressLength -- #bytes of source address
// pvSourceAddress -- TransportAddress
// lOptionsLength -- #bytes of transport-specific options
// pvOptions -- options string
// ulReceiveDatagramFlags -- nature of datagram received
// ulBytesIndicated --- length of data in buffer
// ulBytesTotal -- total length of datagram
// pulBytesTaken -- stuff with bytes used by this driver
// pvTsdu -- data buffer
// pIoRequestPacket -- pIrp in case not all data received
// Returns: STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED (we didn't want data)
// STATUS_SUCCESS (we used all data & are done with it)
// STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED -- we supplied an IRP for rest
// Descript: Event handler for incoming datagrams
// -----------------------------------------------
TDI_STATUS TSRcvDatagramHandler(PVOID pvTdiEventContext, LONG lSourceAddressLength, PVOID pvSourceAddress, LONG lOptionsLength, PVOID pvOptions, ULONG ulReceiveDatagramFlags, ULONG ulBytesIndicated, ULONG ulBytesTotal, PULONG pulBytesTaken, PVOID pvTsdu, PIRP *pIoRequestPacket)
{ //
// show debug information
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowHandlers) { DebugPrint1("\n >>>> %s\n", strFunc2); TSShowDgramInfo(pvTdiEventContext, lSourceAddressLength, pvSourceAddress, lOptionsLength, pvOptions, ulReceiveDatagramFlags);
DebugPrint3("BytesIndicated = %u\n" "BytesTotal = %u\n" "pTSDU = %p\n", ulBytesIndicated, ulBytesTotal, pvTsdu); }
// bad situation if more bytes are indicated than the total in the packet
if (ulBytesIndicated > ulBytesTotal) { DebugPrint2("%d bytes indicated > %u bytes total\n", ulBytesIndicated, ulBytesTotal); }
// now start doing the work...
PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject = (PADDRESS_OBJECT)pvTdiEventContext; PRECEIVE_DATA pReceiveData; TDI_STATUS TdiStatus = TDI_SUCCESS; // default -- we are done with packet
// (also returned in case of error)
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pReceiveData, sizeof(RECEIVE_DATA), strFunc2, "ReceiveData")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { PUCHAR pucDataBuffer = NULL; if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pucDataBuffer, ulBytesTotal, strFunc2, "DataBuffer")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { RtlCopyMemory(&pReceiveData->TransAddr, pvSourceAddress, lSourceAddressLength);
pReceiveData->pucDataBuffer = pucDataBuffer; pReceiveData->ulBufferLength = ulBytesTotal; TdiCopyLookaheadData(pucDataBuffer, pvTsdu, ulBytesIndicated, ulReceiveDatagramFlags); pReceiveData->ulBufferUsed = ulBytesIndicated;
if (ulBytesIndicated == ulBytesTotal) // note: should never be >
{ TSPacketReceived(pAddressObject, pReceiveData, FALSE);
*pulBytesTaken = ulBytesTotal; *pIoRequestPacket = NULL; }
else // not all data is present!!
{ PIRP pLowerIrp = TSGetRestOfDgram(pAddressObject, pReceiveData);
if (pLowerIrp) { //
// need to do this since we are bypassing IoCallDriver
IoSetNextIrpStackLocation(pLowerIrp); *pulBytesTaken = ulBytesIndicated; *pIoRequestPacket = pLowerIrp; TdiStatus = TDI_MORE_PROCESSING; } else { TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData->pucDataBuffer); TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData); } } } else // unable to allocate pucDataBuffer
{ TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData); } } return TdiStatus; }
// ----------------------------------------------
// Function: TSChainedRcvDatagramHandler
// Arguments: pvTdiEventContext -- really pointer to our AddressObject
// lSourceAddressLength -- #bytes of source address
// pvSourceAddress -- TransportAddress
// lOptionsLength -- #bytes of transport-specific options
// pvOptions -- options string
// ulReceiveDatagramFlags -- nature of datagram received
// ulReceiveDatagramLength -- bytes in received datagram
// ulStartingOffset -- starting offset of data within MDL
// pTsdu -- data buffer (as an mdl)
// pvTsduDescriptor -- handle to use when completing if pend
// Descript: Deals with receiving chained datagrams (where the
// entire datagram is always available)
// -----------------------------------------------
#pragma warning(disable: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
TDI_STATUS TSChainedRcvDatagramHandler(PVOID pvTdiEventContext, LONG lSourceAddressLength, PVOID pvSourceAddress, LONG lOptionsLength, PVOID pvOptions, ULONG ulReceiveDatagramFlags, ULONG ulReceiveDatagramLength, ULONG ulStartingOffset, PMDL pMdl, PVOID pvTsduDescriptor) { if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowHandlers) { DebugPrint1("\n >>>> %s\n", strFunc3); TSShowDgramInfo(pvTdiEventContext, lSourceAddressLength, pvSourceAddress, lOptionsLength, pvOptions, ulReceiveDatagramFlags);
DebugPrint3("DataLength = %u\n" "StartingOffset = %u\n" "pTSDU = %p\n", ulReceiveDatagramLength, ulStartingOffset, pMdl); }
// now do the work..
PRECEIVE_DATA pReceiveData; PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject = (PADDRESS_OBJECT)pvTdiEventContext;
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pReceiveData, sizeof(RECEIVE_DATA), strFunc3, "ReceiveData")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { PUCHAR pucDataBuffer = NULL; if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pucDataBuffer, ulReceiveDatagramLength, strFunc3, "DataBuffer")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { ULONG ulBytesCopied;
RtlCopyMemory(&pReceiveData->TransAddr, pvSourceAddress, lSourceAddressLength);
TdiCopyMdlToBuffer(pMdl, ulStartingOffset, pucDataBuffer, 0, ulReceiveDatagramLength, &ulBytesCopied);
// if successfully copied all data
if (ulBytesCopied == ulReceiveDatagramLength) { UCHAR ucFirstChar = *pucDataBuffer;
pReceiveData->pucDataBuffer = pucDataBuffer; pReceiveData->ulBufferLength = ulReceiveDatagramLength; pReceiveData->ulBufferUsed = ulReceiveDatagramLength; TSPacketReceived(pAddressObject, pReceiveData, FALSE); }
// error in copying data!
else { DebugPrint1("%s: error copying data\n", strFunc3);
TSFreeMemory(pucDataBuffer); TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData); } } else // unable to allocate pucDataBuffer
{ TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData); }
return TDI_SUCCESS; // we are done with packet
#pragma warning(default: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
// private functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSReceiveDgramComplete
// Arguments: pDeviceObject -- device object that called ReceiveDatagram
// pIrp -- IRP used in the call
// pContext -- context used for the call
// Returns: status of operation (STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED)
// Descript: Gets the result of the receive and adds the packet
// to the receive queue of the address object. Then
// cleans up
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#pragma warning(disable: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
TDI_STATUS TSReceiveDgramComplete(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pLowerIrp, PVOID pvContext)
{ PRECEIVE_CONTEXT pReceiveContext = (PRECEIVE_CONTEXT)pvContext; NTSTATUS lStatus = pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Status; ULONG ulBytesCopied = (ULONG)pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Information; PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject = pReceiveContext->pAddressObject; PRECEIVE_DATA pReceiveData = pReceiveContext->pReceiveData;
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint2("%s: %u BytesCopied\n", strFuncP1, ulBytesCopied); } pReceiveData->ulBufferUsed += ulBytesCopied;
if (pReceiveData->ulBufferUsed >= pReceiveData->ulBufferLength) { TSPacketReceived(pAddressObject, pReceiveData, FALSE); } else { DebugPrint1("%s: Data Incomplete\n", strFuncP1); TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData->pucDataBuffer); TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData); } } else { DebugPrint2("%s: Completed with status 0x%08x\n", strFuncP1, lStatus); TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData->pucDataBuffer); TSFreeMemory(pReceiveData); }
// now cleanup
TSFreeIrp(pLowerIrp, pReceiveContext->pIrpPool); TSFreeBuffer(pReceiveContext->pLowerMdl);
#pragma warning(default: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSGetRestOfDgram
// Arguments: pAddressObject -- address object we are receiving on
// pReceiveData -- what we have received so far..
// Returns: Irp to return to transport, to get rest of data (NULL if error)
// Descript: This function sets up the IRP to get the rest of a datagram
// that was only partially delivered via the event handler
// -------------------------------------------------
PIRP TSGetRestOfDgram(PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject, PRECEIVE_DATA pReceiveData) { PUCHAR pucDataBuffer = pReceiveData->pucDataBuffer + pReceiveData->ulBufferUsed; ULONG ulBufferLength = pReceiveData->ulBufferLength - pReceiveData->ulBufferUsed; PRECEIVE_CONTEXT pReceiveContext = NULL; PMDL pReceiveMdl = NULL;
// allocate all the necessary structures
// our context
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pReceiveContext, sizeof(RECEIVE_CONTEXT), strFuncP2, "ReceiveContext")) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// then the actual mdl
pReceiveMdl = TSAllocateBuffer(pucDataBuffer, ulBufferLength);
if (pReceiveMdl) { //
// set up the completion context
pReceiveContext->pLowerMdl = pReceiveMdl; pReceiveContext->pReceiveData = pReceiveData; pReceiveContext->pAddressObject = pAddressObject;
// finally, the irp itself
PIRP pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pAddressObject->pIrpPool);
if (pLowerIrp) { pReceiveContext->pIrpPool = pAddressObject->pIrpPool; //
// if made it to here, everything is correctly allocated
// set up the irp for the call
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildReceiveDatagram(pLowerIrp, pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pAddressObject->GenHead.pFileObject, TSReceiveDgramComplete, pReceiveContext, pReceiveMdl, 0, /// ulBufferLength, // 0 doesn't work with ipx
#pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
// mark it pending before returning control to transport
return pLowerIrp; } }
// get here if there was an allocation failure
// need to clean up everything else...
cleanup: if (pReceiveContext) { TSFreeMemory(pReceiveContext); } if (pReceiveMdl) { TSFreeBuffer(pReceiveMdl); } return NULL; }
// ---------------------------------
// Function: TSShowDgramInfo
// Arguments: pvTdiEventContext -- really pointer to our AddressObject
// lSourceAddressLength -- #bytes of source address
// pvSourceAddress -- TransportAddress
// lOptionsLength -- #bytes of transport-specific options
// pvOptions -- options string
// ulReceiveDatagramFlags -- nature of datagram received
// Returns: none
// Descript: shows info passed to the dgram handlers
// --------------------------------
VOID TSShowDgramInfo(PVOID pvTdiEventContext, LONG lSourceAddressLength, PVOID pvSourceAddress, LONG lOptionsLength, PVOID pvOptions, ULONG ulReceiveDatagramFlags) { DebugPrint2("pAddressObject = %p\n" "SourceAddressLength = %d\n", pvTdiEventContext, lSourceAddressLength);
if (lSourceAddressLength) { PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)pvSourceAddress; DebugPrint0("SourceAddress: "); TSPrintTaAddress(&pTransportAddress->Address[0]); }
DebugPrint1("OptionsLength = %d\n", lOptionsLength);
if (lOptionsLength) { PUCHAR pucTemp = (PUCHAR)pvOptions;
DebugPrint0("Options: "); for (LONG lCount = 0; lCount < lOptionsLength; lCount++) { DebugPrint1("%02x ", *pucTemp); ++pucTemp; } DebugPrint0("\n"); }
DebugPrint1("ReceiveDatagramFlags: 0x%08x\n", ulReceiveDatagramFlags); if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_BROADCAST) { DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_BROADCAST\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_MULTICAST) { DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_MULTICAST\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_PARTIAL) { DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_PARTIAL (legacy)\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_NORMAL) // shouldn't see for datagram
{ DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_NORMAL\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED) // shouldn't see for datagram
{ DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_PEEK) { DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_PEEK\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_NO_RESPONSE_EXP) // not for datagrams
{ DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_NO_RESPONSE_EXP\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_COPY_LOOKAHEAD) { DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_COPY_LOOKAHEAD\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_ENTIRE_MESSAGE) { DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_ENTIRE_MESSAGE\n"); } if (ulReceiveDatagramFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_AT_DISPATCH_LEVEL) { DebugPrint0("TDI_RECEIVE_AT_DISPATCH_LEVEL\n"); } }
// end of file rcvdgram.cpp