// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: O N C O M M A N D . H
// Contents: Command handler prototypes for the InvokeCommand code.
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 4 Nov 1997
#pragma once
#ifndef _ONCOMMAND_H_
#define _ONCOMMAND_H_
//---[ Typedefs ]-------------------------------------------------------------
// Typedefs for the functions that we'll GetProcAddress from the
// NetWare config DLL
struct FoldOnCommandParams { FOLDERONCOMMANDPROC pfnfocp; LPITEMIDLIST * apidl; ULONG cidl; HWND hwndOwner; LPSHELLFOLDER psf; HINSTANCE hInstFolder; };
typedef struct FoldOnCommandParams FOLDONCOMMANDPARAMS; typedef struct FoldOnCommandParams * PFOLDONCOMMANDPARAMS;
HRESULT HrCommandHandlerThread( FOLDERONCOMMANDPROC pfnCommandHandler, LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf);
DWORD WINAPI FolderCommandHandlerThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam);
//---[ Internal versions of the command handlers ]----------------------------
// These are called by the standard handler functions once they've retrieved
// the actual data from the pidls. They are also called from those pieces
// of the code that keep the native data, such as the tray
//---[ Standard command handler functions ]----------------------------------
// These are the pidl based functions that are called from the shell folder
HRESULT HrFolderCommandHandler( UINT uiCommand, LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO lpici, LPSHELLFOLDER psf);
// All of these below handle individual commands
HRESULT HrOnCommandInvoke( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf);
HRESULT HrOnCommandProperties( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf);
HRESULT HrOnCommandDelete( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf);
HRESULT HrOnCommandCreateShortcut( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf);
#endif // _ONCOMMAND_H_