* File: utils.c * Description: This file contains the implementation of some utility * functions for the NLB KD extensions. * Author: Created by shouse, 1.4.01 */
#include "nlbkd.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "print.h"
* Function: ErrorCheckSymbols * Description: Prints an error message when the symbols are bad. * Author: Created by shouse, 1.4.01 - copied largely from ndiskd.dll */ VOID ErrorCheckSymbols (CHAR * symbol) {
dprintf("NLBKD: Error: Could not access %s - check symbols for wlbs.sys\n", symbol); }
* Function: mystrtok * Description: Tokenizes a string via a configurable list of tokens. * Author: Created by shouse, 1.4.01 - copied largely from ndiskd.dll */ char * mystrtok (char * string, char * control) { static unsigned char * str; CHAR * p; CHAR * s;
if (string) str = string;
if (!str || (*str == '\0')) return NULL;
for (; *str; str++) { for (s = control; *s; s++) if (*str == *s) break; if (*s == '\0') break; }
if (*str == '\0') { str = NULL; return NULL; }
for (p = str + 1; *p; p++) { for (s = control; *s; s++) { if(*p == *s) { s = str; *p = '\0'; str = p + 1; return s; } } }
s = str; str = NULL;
return s; }
* Function: GetUlongFromAddress * Description: Returns a ULONG residing at a given memory location. * Author: Created by shouse, 1.4.01 - copied largely from ndiskd.dll */ ULONG GetUlongFromAddress (ULONG64 Location) { ULONG result; ULONG Value;
if ((!ReadMemory(Location, &Value, sizeof(ULONG), &result)) || (result < sizeof(ULONG))) { dprintf("unable to read from %08x\n", Location); return 0; }
return Value; }
* Function: GetPointerFromAddress * Description: Returns a memory address residing at a given memory location. * Author: Created by shouse, 1.4.01 - copied largely from ndiskd.dll */ ULONG64 GetPointerFromAddress (ULONG64 Location) { ULONG64 Value;
if (ReadPtr(Location,&Value)) { dprintf("unable to read from %p\n", Location); return 0; }
return Value; }
* Function: GetData * Description: Reads data from a memory location into a buffer. * Author: Created by shouse, 1.4.01 - copied largely from ndiskd.dll */ BOOL GetData (IN LPVOID ptr, IN ULONG64 dwAddress, IN ULONG size, IN PCSTR type) { ULONG count = size; ULONG BytesRead; BOOL b;
while (size > 0) {
if (count >= 3000) count = 3000;
b = ReadMemory(dwAddress, ptr, count, &BytesRead);
if (!b || BytesRead != count) { dprintf("Unable to read %u bytes at %p, for %s\n", size, dwAddress, type); return FALSE; }
dwAddress += count; size -= count; ptr = (LPVOID)((ULONG_PTR)ptr + count); }
return TRUE; }
* Function: GetString * Description: Copies a string from memory into a buffer. * Author: Created by shouse, 1.4.01 - copied largely from ndiskd.dll */ BOOL GetString (IN ULONG64 dwAddress, IN LPWSTR buf, IN ULONG MaxChars) {
do { if (!GetData(buf, dwAddress, sizeof(*buf), "Character")) return FALSE;
dwAddress += sizeof(*buf);
} while (--MaxChars && *buf++ != '\0');
return TRUE; }
* Function: GetMAC * Description: Copies an ethernet MAC address from memory into a buffer. * Author: Created by shouse, 1.14.01 */ BOOL GetMAC (IN ULONG64 dwAddress, IN UCHAR * buf, IN ULONG NumChars) {
do { if (!GetData(buf, dwAddress, sizeof(*buf), "Character")) return FALSE;
dwAddress += sizeof(*buf);
} while (--NumChars);
return TRUE; }
* Function: TCPPacketTypeToString * Description: Returns a string corresponding to the enumerated TCP packet type. * Author: Created by shouse, 4.14.01 */ CHAR * TCPPacketTypeToString (TCP_PACKET_TYPE ePktType) {
switch (ePktType) { case SYN: return "SYN"; case DATA: return "DATA"; case FIN: return "FIN"; case RST: return "RST"; default: return "Unknown"; } }
* Function: Map * Description: This IS the NLB hashing function. * Author: Created by shouse, 4.14.01 */ ULONG Map (ULONG v1, ULONG v2) { ULONG y = v1; ULONG z = v2; ULONG sum = 0;
const ULONG a = 0x67; //key [0];
const ULONG b = 0xdf; //key [1];
const ULONG c = 0x40; //key [2];
const ULONG d = 0xd3; //key [3];
const ULONG delta = 0x9E3779B9;
sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + a ^ z + sum ^ (z >> 5) + b; z += (y << 4) + c ^ y + sum ^ (y >> 5) + d;
sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + a ^ z + sum ^ (z >> 5) + b; z += (y << 4) + c ^ y + sum ^ (y >> 5) + d;
sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + a ^ z + sum ^ (z >> 5) + b; z += (y << 4) + c ^ y + sum ^ (y >> 5) + d;
sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + a ^ z + sum ^ (z >> 5) + b; z += (y << 4) + c ^ y + sum ^ (y >> 5) + d;
sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + a ^ z + sum ^ (z >> 5) + b; z += (y << 4) + c ^ y + sum ^ (y >> 5) + d;
sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + a ^ z + sum ^ (z >> 5) + b; z += (y << 4) + c ^ y + sum ^ (y >> 5) + d;
sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + a ^ z + sum ^ (z >> 5) + b; z += (y << 4) + c ^ y + sum ^ (y >> 5) + d;
sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + a ^ z + sum ^ (z >> 5) + b; z += (y << 4) + c ^ y + sum ^ (y >> 5) + d;
return y ^ z; }