#include "WLBS_Provider.h"
#include "WLBS_ClusClusSetting.h"
#include "ClusterWrapper.h"
#include "ControlWrapper.h"
#include "utils.h"
// CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::CWLBS_ClusClusSetting
// Purpose: Constructor
CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::CWLBS_ClusClusSetting(CWbemServices* a_pNameSpace, IWbemObjectSink* a_pResponseHandler) : CWlbs_Root( a_pNameSpace, a_pResponseHandler ) { }
// CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::Create
// Purpose: This instantiates this class and is invoked from an array of
// function pointers.
CWlbs_Root* CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::Create ( CWbemServices* a_pNameSpace, IWbemObjectSink* a_pResponseHandler ) {
CWlbs_Root* pRoot = new CWLBS_ClusClusSetting( a_pNameSpace, a_pResponseHandler );
if( !pRoot ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return pRoot; }
// CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::GetInstance
// Purpose:
// TODO: Implement later
// Not critical
HRESULT CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::GetInstance ( const ParsedObjectPath* a_pParsedPath, long a_lFlags, IWbemContext* a_pIContex ) { IWbemClassObject* pWlbsInstance = NULL;
try {
//TODO: remove
throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED ); /*
//get the node
FindInstance( &pWlbsInstance, a_pParsedPath );
//send the results back to WinMgMt
m_pResponseHandler->Indicate( 1, &pWlbsInstance );
if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; } */ return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
catch(...) {
if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; }
} }
// CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::EnumInstances
// Purpose: This verifies cluster existence and constructs associator.
HRESULT CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::EnumInstances ( BSTR a_bstrClass, long a_lFlags, IWbemContext* a_pIContex ) { IWbemClassObject* pWlbsInstance = NULL; HRESULT hRes = 0;
try {
DWORD dwNumClusters = 0; CWlbsClusterWrapper** ppCluster = NULL;
g_pWlbsControl->EnumClusters(ppCluster, &dwNumClusters); if (dwNumClusters == 0) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
for (DWORD i=0; i < dwNumClusters; i++) { //spawn an instance of the associator
SpawnInstance(MOF_CLUSCLUSSETTING::szName, &pWlbsInstance );
FillWbemInstance(ppCluster[i], pWlbsInstance);
//send the results back to WinMgMt
hRes= m_pResponseHandler->Indicate( 1, &pWlbsInstance );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); }
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release(); }
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL );
catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release();
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch( _com_error HResErr ) {
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL);
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release();
hRes = HResErr.Error(); }
catch(...) {
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release();
return hRes; }
// CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::FillWbemInstance
// Purpose: This constructs the wbem associator.
void CWLBS_ClusClusSetting::FillWbemInstance ( CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster, IWbemClassObject* a_pWbemInstance ) { namespace CCS = MOF_CLUSCLUSSETTING;
ASSERT( a_pWbemInstance );
ParsedObjectPath ClusSetPath; ParsedObjectPath ClusterPath; LPWSTR szClusSetPath = NULL; LPWSTR szClusterPath = NULL;
try {
//set the names of the classes
if( !ClusSetPath.SetClassName( MOF_CLUSTERSETTING::szName ) ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
if( !ClusterPath.SetClassName( MOF_CLUSTER::szName ) ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//Get the cluster name
DWORD dwClusterIpOrIndex = pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl);
wstring wstrHostName; ConstructHostName( wstrHostName, dwClusterIpOrIndex, pCluster->GetHostID());
_variant_t vString;
//set the keys for the node and cluster
vString = wstrHostName.c_str(); if( !ClusSetPath.AddKeyRef( MOF_CLUSTERSETTING::pProperties[MOF_CLUSTERSETTING::NAME], &vString ) ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
wstring wstrClusterIndex; AddressToString( dwClusterIpOrIndex, wstrClusterIndex ); vString = wstrClusterIndex.c_str(); if( !ClusterPath.AddKeyRef( MOF_CLUSTER::pProperties[MOF_CLUSTER::NAME], &vString ) ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//convert parsed object paths to strings
if (CObjectPathParser::Unparse(&ClusSetPath, &szClusSetPath) != CObjectPathParser::NoError) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); if (CObjectPathParser::Unparse(&ClusterPath, &szClusterPath) != CObjectPathParser::NoError) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//Node reference
vString = szClusSetPath; HRESULT hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( CCS::pProperties[CCS::CLUSSET] ), 0, &vString, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
//Cluster reference
vString = szClusterPath; hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( CCS::pProperties[CCS::CLUSTER] ), 0, &vString, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
//free resources
ClusterPath.ClearKeys(); ClusSetPath.ClearKeys();
if( szClusSetPath ) delete (szClusSetPath);
if( szClusterPath ) delete (szClusterPath);
} catch (...) {
ClusterPath.ClearKeys(); ClusSetPath.ClearKeys();
if( szClusSetPath ) delete (szClusSetPath);
if( szClusterPath ) delete (szClusterPath);
throw; } }