Copyright (c) 1990 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module provides routines required to copy files associated with a printer on printer connection
Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 05-Dec-96
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
HMODULE SplLoadLibraryTheCopyFileModule( HANDLE hPrinter, LPWSTR pszModule ) { UINT uErrorMode; DWORD dwLen; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; PSPOOL pSpool = (PSPOOL)hPrinter; HMODULE hModule; PINIDRIVER pIniDriver;
hModule = LoadLibrary(pszModule);
// If the module could not be found in $Path look for it in the
// printer driver directory
if ( !hModule && GetLastError() == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND && (dwLen = GetIniDriverAndDirForThisMachine(pSpool->pIniPrinter, szPath, &pIniDriver)) ) {
if ( dwLen + wcslen(pszModule) + 1 > MAX_PATH ) goto Cleanup;
wcscpy(szPath+dwLen, pszModule); hModule = LoadLibraryEx(szPath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); }
Cleanup: (VOID)SetErrorMode(uErrorMode);
return hModule; }
BOOL GenerateDirectoryNamesForCopyFilesKey( PSPOOL pSpool, HKEY hKey, LPWSTR *ppszSourceDir, LPWSTR *ppszTargetDir, DWORD cbMax ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE, bInCS = FALSE; DWORD dwType, dwSize, dwSourceDirSize, dwTargetDirSize; LPWSTR pszDir, ppszFiles, pszModule, pszPrinterName = NULL; HMODULE hModule = NULL; DWORD (*pfn)(LPWSTR pszPrinterName, LPCWSTR pszDirectory, LPBYTE pSplClientInfo, DWORD dwLevel, LPWSTR pszSourceDir, LPDWORD pcchSourceDirSize, LPWSTR pszTargetDir, LPDWORD pcchTargetDirSize, DWORD dwFlags ); SPLCLIENT_INFO_1 SplClientInfo1;
// First find the keys we need from the registry
// "Directory", "Files" values are mandatory. "Module" is optional
pszDir = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem(cbMax); ppszFiles = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem(cbMax); pszModule = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem(cbMax);
if ( !pszDir || !ppszFiles || !pszModule ) goto Cleanup;
if ( (dwSize = cbMax) && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"Directory", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszDir, &dwSize) && dwType == REG_SZ && (dwSize = cbMax) && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"Files", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)ppszFiles, &dwSize) && dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ ) {
dwSize = cbMax; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"Module", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszModule, &dwSize) && dwType != REG_SZ ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Cleanup; } }
// If a module is given we need to call into to "correct" the path
// We will first try LoadLibrary on the module, if we can't find the module
// we will look in the driver directory for it
if ( pszModule && *pszModule ) {
if ( !(hModule = SplLoadLibraryTheCopyFileModule(pSpool, pszModule)) || !((FARPROC)pfn = GetProcAddress(hModule, "GenerateCopyFilePaths")) ) goto Cleanup; }
dwTargetDirSize = MAX_PATH; dwSourceDirSize = INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH; *ppszSourceDir = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem(dwSourceDirSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); *ppszTargetDir = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem(dwTargetDirSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( !*ppszSourceDir || !*ppszTargetDir ) goto Cleanup;
EnterSplSem(); bInCS = TRUE; pszPrinterName = AllocSplStr(pSpool->pIniPrinter->pName);
// For source dir we will give full path the way the client will understand
// (ie. have correct prefix -- server nam, dns name etc).
// For target dir we will give a relative path off print$
if ( !pszPrinterName || wcslen(pszDir) >= dwTargetDirSize || wcslen(pSpool->pFullMachineName) + wcslen(pSpool->pIniSpooler->pszDriversShare) + wcslen(pszDir) + 2 >= dwSourceDirSize ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Cleanup;
wsprintf(*ppszSourceDir, L"%ws\\%ws\\%ws", pSpool->pFullMachineName, pSpool->pIniSpooler->pszDriversShare, pszDir);
CopyMemory((LPBYTE)&SplClientInfo1, (LPBYTE)&pSpool->SplClientInfo1, sizeof(SPLCLIENT_INFO_1));
SplClientInfo1.pUserName = NULL; SplClientInfo1.pMachineName = NULL;
LeaveSplSem(); bInCS = FALSE;
wcscpy(*ppszTargetDir, pszDir);
if ( hModule ) {
// On free builds we do not want spooler to crash
#if DBG
try { #endif
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != pfn(pszPrinterName, pszDir, (LPBYTE)&SplClientInfo1, 1, *ppszSourceDir, &dwSourceDirSize, *ppszTargetDir, &dwTargetDirSize, COPYFILE_FLAG_SERVER_SPOOLER) ) #if DBG
goto Cleanup; #else
leave; #endif
bRet = TRUE; #if DBG
} except(1) { } #endif
} else {
bRet = TRUE; }
Cleanup: if ( bInCS ) LeaveSplSem();
FreeSplStr(pszDir); FreeSplStr(ppszFiles); FreeSplStr(pszModule); FreeSplStr(pszPrinterName);
if ( hModule ) FreeLibrary(hModule);
if ( !bRet ) {
FreeSplStr(*ppszSourceDir); FreeSplStr(*ppszTargetDir); *ppszSourceDir = *ppszTargetDir = NULL; }
return bRet; }
LPWSTR BuildFilesCopiedAsAString( PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFile, DWORD dwCount ) /*++
For files copied we log an event. This routine allocates memory and generates the file list as a comma separated string --*/ { DWORD dwIndex, dwSize; LPWSTR pszRet, psz2; LPCWSTR psz;
// Must have some files.
SPLASSERT( dwCount );
for ( dwIndex = dwSize = 0 ; dwIndex < dwCount ; ++dwIndex ) {
// Find the file name part
psz = FindFileName( pInternalDriverFile[dwIndex].pFileName );
if( psz ){
// Two characters for ", " separator.
dwSize += wcslen(psz) + 2; } }
pszRet = AllocSplMem(dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( !pszRet ) return NULL;
for ( dwIndex = 0, psz2 = pszRet ; dwIndex < dwCount ; ++dwIndex ) {
// Find the file name part
psz = FindFileName( pInternalDriverFile[dwIndex].pFileName );
if( psz ){
wcscpy(psz2, psz); psz2 = psz2 + wcslen(psz2);
if ( dwIndex < dwCount - 1) {
wcscpy(psz2, L", "); psz2 += 2; } } }
return pszRet; }
BOOL SplCopyNumberOfFiles( LPWSTR pszPrinterName, LPWSTR *ppszSourceFileNames, DWORD dwCount, LPWSTR pszTargetDir, LPBOOL pbFilesAddedOrUpdated ) { BOOL bRet=FALSE, bFilesMoved; LPWSTR pszFiles; DWORD dwIndex; LPWSTR pszNewDir = NULL; LPWSTR pszOldDir = NULL; BOOL bFilesUpdated; INTERNAL_DRV_FILE *pInternalDriverFiles = NULL; BOOL bWaitForReboot = FALSE;
*pbFilesAddedOrUpdated = FALSE;
pInternalDriverFiles = (INTERNAL_DRV_FILE *) AllocSplMem(dwCount*sizeof(INTERNAL_DRV_FILE));
if ( !pInternalDriverFiles ) return FALSE;
for ( dwIndex = 0 ; dwIndex < dwCount ; ++dwIndex ) {
pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].pFileName = ppszSourceFileNames[dwIndex]; pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].hFileHandle = CreateFile(ppszSourceFileNames[dwIndex], GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL);
if ( pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].hFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) goto Cleanup; }
if ( !DirectoryExists(pszTargetDir) && !CreateDirectoryWithoutImpersonatingUser(pszTargetDir) ) goto Cleanup;
// Create the New Directory
pszNewDir = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem( ( wcslen( pszTargetDir ) + wcslen( L"\\New" ) + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( !pszNewDir ) goto Cleanup;
wcscpy(pszNewDir, pszTargetDir); wcscat(pszNewDir, L"\\New"); if (!DirectoryExists(pszNewDir) && !CreateDirectoryWithoutImpersonatingUser(pszNewDir)) {
// Failed to create New directory
goto Cleanup; }
// Create the Old Directory
pszOldDir = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem( ( wcslen( pszTargetDir ) + wcslen( L"\\Old" ) + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( !pszOldDir ) goto Cleanup;
wcscpy(pszOldDir, pszTargetDir); wcscat(pszOldDir, L"\\Old"); if (!DirectoryExists(pszOldDir) && !CreateDirectoryWithoutImpersonatingUser(pszOldDir)) {
// Failed to create Old directory
goto Cleanup; }
bFilesUpdated = FALSE;
for (dwIndex = 0 ; dwIndex < dwCount ; ++dwIndex) {
if (!(bRet = UpdateFile(NULL, pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].hFileHandle, pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].pFileName, 0, pszTargetDir, APD_COPY_NEW_FILES, TRUE, &bFilesUpdated, &bFilesMoved, TRUE, FALSE))) {
// Files could not be copied correctly
break; }
if (bFilesUpdated) { *pbFilesAddedOrUpdated = TRUE; } }
if (bRet && *pbFilesAddedOrUpdated) {
bRet = MoveNewDriverRelatedFiles( pszNewDir, pszTargetDir, pszOldDir, pInternalDriverFiles, dwCount, NULL, NULL); //
// Don't delete "New" directory if the files couldn't be moved in "Color" directory
bWaitForReboot = !bRet;
if ( pszNewDir ) { DeleteDirectoryRecursively(pszNewDir, bWaitForReboot); FreeSplMem(pszNewDir); }
if ( pszOldDir ) { DeleteDirectoryRecursively(pszOldDir, FALSE); FreeSplMem(pszOldDir); }
if ( *pbFilesAddedOrUpdated && (pszFiles = BuildFilesCopiedAsAString(pInternalDriverFiles, dwCount)) ) {
SplLogEvent(pLocalIniSpooler, LOG_WARNING, MSG_FILES_COPIED, FALSE, pszFiles, pszPrinterName, NULL); FreeSplMem(pszFiles); }
if ( pInternalDriverFiles ) {
while ( dwIndex-- ) CloseHandle(pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].hFileHandle); FreeSplMem(pInternalDriverFiles); }
return bRet; }
BOOL SplCopyFileEvent( HANDLE hPrinter, LPWSTR pszKey, DWORD dwCopyFileEvent ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwNeeded, dwType, dwLastError; LPWSTR pszModule = NULL; PSPOOL pSpool = (PSPOOL)hPrinter; HMODULE hModule = NULL; BOOL (*pfnSpoolerCopyFileEvent)( LPWSTR pszPrinterName, LPWSTR pszKey, DWORD dwCopyFileEvent );
SPLASSERT(pSpool->pIniSpooler->signature == ISP_SIGNATURE);
dwLastError = SplGetPrinterDataEx(hPrinter, pszKey, L"Module", &dwType, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded);
// If there is no module name there is no callback needed
if ( dwLastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) return TRUE;
if ( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS || !(pszModule = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem(dwNeeded)) || SplGetPrinterDataEx(hPrinter, pszKey, L"Module", &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszModule, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded) || dwType != REG_SZ ) {
goto Cleanup; }
if ( !(hModule = SplLoadLibraryTheCopyFileModule(hPrinter, pszModule)) || !((FARPROC)pfnSpoolerCopyFileEvent = GetProcAddress(hModule, "SpoolerCopyFileEvent")) ) goto Cleanup;
#if DBG
try { #endif
bRet = pfnSpoolerCopyFileEvent(pSpool->pName, pszKey, dwCopyFileEvent);
#if DBG
} except(1) { } #endif
Cleanup: FreeSplStr(pszModule);
if ( hModule ) FreeLibrary(hModule);
return bRet; }