Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Printer driver setup class header.
Steve Kiraly (SteveKi) 13-Dec-1996
Revision History:
--*/ #ifndef _DRVSETUP_HXX
Printer Driver installation class.
class TPrinterDriverInstallation {
enum { kDefault = -1, };
enum EStatusCode { kSuccess, kCancel, kError, };
typedef BOOL ( *pfDownloadIsInternetAvailable )( VOID );
TPrinterDriverInstallation:: TPrinterDriverInstallation( IN LPCTSTR pszServerName = NULL, IN HWND hwnd = NULL );
TPrinterDriverInstallation:: ~TPrinterDriverInstallation( VOID );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bValid( VOID ) const;
EStatusCode TPrinterDriverInstallation:: ePromptForDriverSelection( VOID );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bSetDriverName( IN const TString &strDriverName );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bGetDriverName( IN TString &strDriverName ) const;
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bSetSourcePath( IN const LPCTSTR pszSourcePath, IN const BOOL bClearSourcePath = FALSE );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bIsDriverInstalled( IN const DWORD dwDriverVersion = kDefault, IN const BOOL bKernelModeCompatible = FALSE ) const;
INT TPrinterDriverInstallation:: IsDriverInstalledForInf( IN const DWORD dwDriverVersion = kDefault, IN const BOOL bKernelModeCompatible = FALSE ) const;
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bInstallDriver( OUT TString *pstrNewDriverName, IN BOOL bOfferReplacement, IN const BOOL bInstallFromWeb = kDefault, IN const HWND hDlg = NULL, IN const DWORD dwDriverVersion = kDefault, IN const DWORD dwAddDrvFlags = kDefault, IN const BOOL bUpdateDriver = kDefault, IN const BOOL bIgnoreSelectDriverFailure = kDefault );
VOID TPrinterDriverInstallation:: vPrinterAdded( IN const TString &strFullPrinterName );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bGetDriverSetupPage( IN OUT HPROPSHEETPAGE *pPage, IN LPCTSTR pszTitle = NULL, IN LPCTSTR pszSubTitle = NULL, IN LPCTSTR pszInstrn = NULL );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bSetWebMode( IN BOOL bWebButtonOn );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bGetSelectedDriver( const BOOL bForceReselection = FALSE );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bSelectDriverFromInf( IN LPCTSTR pszInfName, IN BOOL bBuildFromPath = TRUE );
static BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bIsCodeDownLoadAvailable( VOID );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bGetPrintProcessor( IN TString &strPrintProcessor ) const;
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bGetCurrentDriverEncode( IN DWORD *pdwEncode ) const;
DWORD TPrinterDriverInstallation:: dwGetCurrentDriverVersion( ) const;
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bGetSelectedInfName( IN TString &strInfName ) const;
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bIsOemDriver( VOID ) const;
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bShowOem( IN BOOL bShowOem );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bRefreshDriverList( VOID );
HWND TPrinterDriverInstallation:: hGetHwnd( VOID ) const;
VOID TPrinterDriverInstallation:: SetInstallFlags( DWORD dwInstallFlags );
DWORD TPrinterDriverInstallation:: GetInstallFlags( VOID ) const;
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bSetDriverSetupPageTitle( IN LPCTSTR pszTitle, IN LPCTSTR pszSubTitle, IN LPCTSTR pszInstrn );
// Copying and assignment are not defined.
TPrinterDriverInstallation:: TPrinterDriverInstallation( const TPrinterDriverInstallation &rhs );
TPrinterDriverInstallation & TPrinterDriverInstallation:: operator =( TPrinterDriverInstallation &rhs );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bSelectDriver( IN BOOL bFromName = FALSE );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bIsDriverSelected( VOID ) const;
VOID TPrinterDriverInstallation:: vReleaseSelectedDriver( VOID );
BOOL TPrinterDriverInstallation:: bValidateSourcePath( IN LPCTSTR pszSourcePath ) const;
OSVERSIONINFO * pGetOsVersionInfo( VOID );
TString _strServerName; TString _strDriverName; HWND _hwnd; BOOL _bValid; DWORD _dwDriverVersion; LPTSTR _pszServerName; HDEVINFO _hSetupDrvSetupParams; HANDLE _hSelectedDrvInfo; TPSetup _PSetup; TString _strSourcePath; OSVERSIONINFO _OsVersionInfo; DWORD _dwInstallFlags;