Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Ports List View header
Albert Ting (AlbertT) 17-Aug-1995 Steve Kiraly (SteveKi) 29-Mar-1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "portslv.hxx"
#if DBG
Ports List view class.
TPortsLV:: TPortsLV( VOID ) : _bSelectionState( TRUE ), _bSingleSelection( TRUE ), _bTwoColumnMode( FALSE ), _iSelectedItem( -1 ), _ColumnSortState( kPortHeaderMax ), _uCurrentColumn( 0 ), _bAllowSelectionChange( FALSE ), _bHideFaxPorts( FALSE ) { vCreatePortDataList(); }
TPortsLV:: ~TPortsLV( VOID ) { vDestroyPortDataList(); }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bReloadPorts( IN LPCTSTR pszServerName, IN BOOL bSelectNewPort ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read in the remote ports and put them in the listview. If level 2 fails, we will try 1.
pszServerName - Pointer to server name. bSelectNewPort - Indicates if a new port is to be located and selected. TRUE select new port, FALSE do not located new port.
Return Value:
TRUE if ports list loaded, FALSE if error occurred.
DWORD cbPorts = 0; PPORT_INFO_2 pPorts = NULL; DWORD cPorts = 0; DWORD dwLevel = 2;
// Preserve the current check state.
TCHAR szPortList[kPortListMax]; vGetPortList( szPortList, COUNTOF( szPortList ) );
// Enumerate the port starting at level 2.
bStatus DBGCHK = VDataRefresh::bEnumPortsMaxLevel( pszServerName, &dwLevel, (PVOID *)&pPorts, &cbPorts, &cPorts );
// If the ports list cannot be enumerated fail with an error.
if( !bStatus ){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PortsLV.bReloadPorts: can't alloc %d %d\n", cbPorts, GetLastError( ))); return FALSE; }
// If option to select newly added port was selected.
TString strNewPort; if( bSelectNewPort ){
// Located the newly added port.
bSelectNewPort = bLocateAddedPort( strNewPort, pPorts, cPorts, dwLevel ); if( bSelectNewPort ){ DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("New port found " TSTR "\n", (LPCTSTR)strNewPort ) ); } }
// Get the printers
PRINTER_INFO_2 *pPrinterInfo2 = NULL; DWORD cPrinterInfo2 = 0; DWORD cbPrinterInfo2 = 0; DWORD dwFlags = PRINTER_ENUM_NAME; bStatus DBGCHK = VDataRefresh::bEnumPrinters( dwFlags, (LPTSTR)pszServerName, 2, (PVOID *)&pPrinterInfo2, &cbPrinterInfo2, &cPrinterInfo2 );
// Delete current ports if they exist.
bStatus DBGCHK = ListView_DeleteAllItems( _hwndLV );
// Clear the item count.
_cLVPorts = 0;
// Delete all the port data items.
TString strDescription;
// Add LPT?: ports
strDescription.bLoadString( ghInst, IDS_TEXT_PRINTERPORT ); vInsertPortsByMask( cPorts, pPorts, cPrinterInfo2, pPrinterInfo2, dwLevel, TEXT("lpt?:"), strDescription );
// Add COM?: ports
strDescription.bLoadString( ghInst, IDS_TEXT_SERIALPORT ); vInsertPortsByMask( cPorts, pPorts, cPrinterInfo2, pPrinterInfo2, dwLevel, TEXT("com?:"), strDescription );
// Add FILE: ports
strDescription.bLoadString( ghInst, IDS_TEXT_PRINTTOFILE ); vInsertPortsByMask( cPorts, pPorts, cPrinterInfo2, pPrinterInfo2, dwLevel, TEXT("file:"), strDescription );
// Add all the rest
vInsertPortsByMask( cPorts, pPorts, cPrinterInfo2, pPrinterInfo2, dwLevel, NULL, NULL );
// Restore the previous check state.
vCheckPorts( szPortList );
// Select and check the newly added port.
if( bSelectNewPort ){
// Check off other selected ports
INT iItem = -1;
do { iItem = ListView_GetNextItem( _hwndLV, iItem, LVNI_SELECTED );
if( iItem != -1 ) { ListView_SetItemState( _hwndLV, iItem, 0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } } while( iItem != -1 );
// New port is added select and scroll it into view.
vItemClicked( iSelectPort( strNewPort ) ); }
// This arrays of numbers represents the percentages of
// each column width from the total LV width. The sum
// of all numbers in the array should be equal to 100
// (100% = the total LV width)
static UINT arrColW2[] = { 50, 50 }; static UINT arrColW3[] = { 18, 35, 47 };
// Adjust columns ...
if( !_bTwoColumnMode ) { vAdjustHeaderColumns( _hwndLV, COUNTOF(arrColW3), arrColW3 ); } else { vAdjustHeaderColumns( _hwndLV, COUNTOF(arrColW2), arrColW2 ); }
// Release the enum ports and enum printer memory.
FreeMem( pPorts ); FreeMem( pPrinterInfo2 );
return TRUE; }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bLocateAddedPort( IN LPCTSTR pszServerName, IN TString &strNewPort ) /*++
Routine Description:
Located the first port which is not in the port list view.
strPort - New port which has been added.
Return Value:
TRUE success, FALSE error occurred.
--*/ { TStatusB bStatus; DWORD cbPorts = 0; PPORT_INFO_2 pPorts = NULL; DWORD cPorts = 0; DWORD dwLevel = 2;
// Enumerate the port starting at level 2.
bStatus DBGCHK = VDataRefresh::bEnumPortsMaxLevel( pszServerName, &dwLevel, (PVOID *)&pPorts, &cbPorts, &cPorts );
// If the ports list cannot be enumerated fail with an error.
if( bStatus ) { //
// Located the newly added port.
bStatus DBGCHK = bLocateAddedPort( strNewPort, pPorts, cPorts, dwLevel );
if( bStatus ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("New port found " TSTR "\n", (LPCTSTR)strNewPort ) ); } }
// Release the port memory.
FreeMem( pPorts );
return bStatus; }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bLocateAddedPort( IN OUT TString &strPort, IN PPORT_INFO_2 pPorts, IN DWORD cPorts, IN DWORD dwLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
Located the first port which is not in the port list view.
strPort - New port which has been added. pPorts - Points to a ports enum structure array. cPorts - Number of elements in the ports enum array. dwLevel - Level of the ports enum structure array.
Return Value:
TRUE success, FALSE error occurred.
--*/ { TStatusB bStatus; LPTSTR pszPort;
// Go through all the ports.
for( UINT i=0; i<cPorts; ++i ){
if( dwLevel == 2 ){
// If we are to hide the fax ports then
// ignore newly added fax ports.
if( _bHideFaxPorts && bIsFaxPort( pPorts[i].pPortName, pPorts[i].pMonitorName ) ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV.bLocateAddedPort: fax device being skipped.\n" ) ); continue; }
pszPort = pPorts[i].pPortName;
} else { pszPort = ((PPORT_INFO_1)pPorts)[i].pName; }
// Look for a portname which is not in the list view.
if( iFindPort( pszPort ) < 0 ){
// Update the passed in string object.
bStatus DBGCHK = strPort.bUpdate( pszPort ); break; } } return bStatus; }
VOID TPortsLV:: vSelectPort( IN LPCTSTR pszPort ) { SPLASSERT( pszPort ); iSelectPort( pszPort ); }
VOID TPortsLV:: vEnable( IN BOOL bRetainSelection ) { if( bRetainSelection ) { if( _iSelectedItem != -1 ) { ListView_SetItemState( _hwndLV, _iSelectedItem, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED );
ListView_EnsureVisible( _hwndLV, _iSelectedItem, FALSE ); } } EnableWindow( _hwndLV, TRUE ); }
VOID TPortsLV:: vDisable( IN BOOL bRetainSelection ) { if( bRetainSelection ) { _iSelectedItem = ListView_GetNextItem( _hwndLV, -1, LVNI_SELECTED );
if( _iSelectedItem != -1 ) { ListView_SetItemState( _hwndLV, _iSelectedItem, 0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } } EnableWindow( _hwndLV, FALSE ); }
VOID TPortsLV:: vCheckPorts( IN OUT LPTSTR pszPortString CHANGE )
Routine Description:
Set the ports in the listview based on the printers port string.
pszPortName - List of ports, comma delimited. When this is returns, pszPortName is the same on entry, but it's modified inside this function.
Return Value:
{ //
// We will walk though the port string, replacing commas with
// NULLs, but we'll change them back.
LPTSTR psz = pszPortString; SPLASSERT( psz );
LPTSTR pszPort; INT iItem; INT iItemFirst = kMaxInt;
while( psz && *psz ){
pszPort = psz; psz = _tcschr( psz, TEXT( ',' ));
if( psz ){ *psz = 0; }
iItem = iCheckPort( pszPort ); if( iItem == -1 ){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PortsLV.vCheckPort: Port "TSTR" not checked.\n", pszPort )); }
if( iItem < iItemFirst ){ iItemFirst = iItem; }
if( psz ){ *psz = TEXT( ',' ); ++psz; } }
if( iItemFirst == kMaxInt ){
DBGMSG( DBG_PORTSINFO, ( "PortsLV.vCheckPorts: No ports selected.\n" )); iItemFirst = 0; }
// Select the first item and make sure it is visible.
ListView_EnsureVisible( _hwndLV, iItemFirst, FALSE );
VOID TPortsLV:: vSelectItem( INT iItem )
Routine Description:
Selects an item in the ListView.
iItem - Index of item to select.
Return Value:
{ ListView_SetItemState( _hwndLV, iItem, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED ); }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bSetUI( IN HWND hwndLV, IN BOOL bTwoColumnMode, IN BOOL bSelectionState, IN BOOL bAllowSelectionChange, IN HWND hwnd, IN WPARAM wmDoubleClickMsg, IN WPARAM wmSingleClickMsg, IN WPARAM wmDeleteKeyMsg ) { _hwndLV = hwndLV; _bTwoColumnMode = bTwoColumnMode; _bSelectionState = bSelectionState; _bAllowSelectionChange = bAllowSelectionChange; _wmDoubleClickMsg = wmDoubleClickMsg; _wmSingleClickMsg = wmSingleClickMsg; _wmDeleteKeyMsg = wmDeleteKeyMsg; _hwnd = hwnd;
if( _bSelectionState ){
// Add check boxes.
HIMAGELIST himlState = ImageList_Create( 16, 16, TRUE, 2, 0 );
// !! LATER !!
// Should be created once then shared.
if( !himlState ){ DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "PortsLV.bSetUI: ImageList_Create failed %d\n", GetLastError( ))); return FALSE; }
// Load the bitmap for the check states.
if( !hbm ){ DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "PortsLV.bSetUI: LoadBitmap failed %d\n", GetLastError( ))); return FALSE; }
// Add the bitmaps to the image list.
ImageList_AddMasked( himlState, hbm, RGB( 255, 0, 0 ));
SendMessage( _hwndLV, LVM_SETIMAGELIST, LVSIL_STATE, (LPARAM)himlState );
DeleteObject( hbm );
INT iNumColumns = _bTwoColumnMode ? 2 : kPortHeaderMax;
// Initialize the LV_COLUMN structure.
LV_COLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM; lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvc.cx = kPortHeaderWidthDefault;
RECT rc; if( !GetClientRect( _hwndLV, &rc )){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PortsLV.bSetUI: GetClientRect failed %d\n", GetLastError( ))); return FALSE; }
// Calculate the column width, less the scroll bar width.
lvc.cx = ( ( rc.right - rc.left ) - GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYVSCROLL ) ) / iNumColumns;
TStatusB bStatus; TString strHeader;
for( INT iCol = 0; iCol < iNumColumns; ++iCol ){
bStatus DBGCHK = strHeader.bLoadString( ghInst, IDS_PHEAD_BEGIN + iCol ); lvc.pszText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strHeader; lvc.iSubItem = iCol;
if( ListView_InsertColumn( _hwndLV, iCol, &lvc ) == -1 ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PortsLV.bSetUI: LV_Insert failed %d\n", GetLastError( )));
return FALSE; } }
// Enable full row selection.
DWORD dwExStyle = ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle( _hwndLV ); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle( _hwndLV, dwExStyle | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP | LVS_EX_LABELTIP );
// !!LATER!!
// We should read an override flag from the registry.
_bHideFaxPorts = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
VOID TPortsLV:: vAddPortToListView( IN LPCTSTR pszName, IN LPCTSTR pszMonitor, IN LPCTSTR pszDescription, IN LPCTSTR pszPrinters ) { if( !pszName || !pszName[0] ){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PortsLV.vAddPortToListView: pszName "TSTR" invalid\n", DBGSTR( pszName ))); return; }
// If we are to hide the fax ports and this is a fax
// port then just return with out adding the port to
// the list view.
if( _bHideFaxPorts && bIsFaxPort( pszName, pszMonitor ) ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV.vAddPortToListView: fax device being removed.\n" ) ); return; }
// Add this port to the port data list.
TPortData *pPortData = AddPortDataList( pszName, pszMonitor, pszDescription, pszPrinters );
LV_ITEM lvi;
if( _bSelectionState ){ lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_PARAM; } else { lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; }
lvi.state = kStateUnchecked; lvi.pszText = (LPTSTR)pszName; lvi.iItem = _cLVPorts; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.lParam = (LPARAM)pPortData;
ListView_InsertItem( _hwndLV, &lvi ); ListView_SetItemText( _hwndLV, _cLVPorts, 1, (LPTSTR)pszDescription );
if( !_bTwoColumnMode ) { ListView_SetItemText( _hwndLV, _cLVPorts, 2, (LPTSTR)pszPrinters ); }
++_cLVPorts; }
VOID TPortsLV:: vDeletePortFromListView( IN LPCTSTR pszName ) {
// Locate the port in the list view.
INT iItem = iFindPort ( pszName );
if( iItem != -1 ){
// Delete this port from the port data list.
DeletePortDataList( pszName );
ListView_DeleteItem( _hwndLV, iItem );
// Select next item. If the item we just deleted is the last item,
// we need to select the previous one.
// If we deleted the last item, leave it as is.
if( ListView_GetItemCount( _hwndLV ) == iItem && iItem > 0 ) { --iItem; }
INT TPortsLV:: iFindPort( IN LPCTSTR pszPort ) /*++
Routine Description:
Located the specified port name in the list view.
pszPort - Port name to locate.
Return Value:
iItem id if found, -1 if item was not found.
--*/ { SPLASSERT( pszPort );
lvfi.flags = LVFI_STRING; lvfi.psz = pszPort;
INT iItem = ListView_FindItem( _hwndLV, -1, &lvfi );
if( iItem == -1 ){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PortsLV.iFindPort: port "TSTR" not found\n", pszPort )); }
return iItem; }
INT TPortsLV:: iCheckPort( IN LPCTSTR pszPort ) /*++
Routine Description:
Places the check mark next to a port in the list view.
pszPort - Port to check.
Return Value:
iItem checked, -1 == error.
--*/ { //
// Locate the port in the list view.
INT iItem = iFindPort ( pszPort );
if( iItem != -1 ){
// Set the item selection state.
ListView_SetItemState( _hwndLV, iItem, kStateChecked, kStateMask );
// Try and make as many ports visible as possible.
ListView_EnsureVisible( _hwndLV, iItem, FALSE ); }
return iItem; }
INT TPortsLV:: iSelectPort( IN LPCTSTR pszPort ) /*++
Routine Description:
Select the port in the list view.
pszPort - Port to check.
Return Value:
iItem checked, -1 == error.
--*/ { //
// Locate the port in the list view.
INT iItem = iFindPort ( pszPort );
if( iItem != -1 ){
// Select the port specified by pszPort.
// Try and make as many ports visible as possible.
ListView_EnsureVisible( _hwndLV, iItem, FALSE ); }
return iItem; }
VOID TPortsLV:: vGetPortList( OUT LPTSTR pszPortList, IN COUNT cchPortList ) { INT cPorts = 0; DWORD i;
LV_ITEM lvi;
LPTSTR pszPort = pszPortList; DWORD cchSpaceLeft = cchPortList - 1; DWORD cchLen; lvi.iSubItem = 0;
DWORD cItems = ListView_GetItemCount( _hwndLV );
for( pszPortList[0] = 0, i=0; i<cItems; ++i ){
if( ListView_GetItemState( _hwndLV, i, kStateMask ) & kStateChecked ){
lvi.pszText = pszPort; lvi.cchTextMax = cchSpaceLeft;
cchLen = (DWORD)SendMessage( _hwndLV, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)&lvi );
if( cchLen + 1 > cchSpaceLeft ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PortsLV.iGetPorts: Out of string space!\n" )); return; }
pszPort += cchLen; cchSpaceLeft -= cchLen+1;
*pszPort = TEXT( ',' ); ++pszPort; ++cPorts; } }
// If we had any ports, back up to remove the last comma.
if( cPorts ){ --pszPort; }
// Null terminate.
*pszPort = 0;
BOOL TPortsLV:: bReadUI( OUT TString &strPortString, IN BOOL bSelectedPort ) { TCHAR szPortList[kPortListMax]; szPortList[0] = 0;
// If we are in single select mode just return
// the selected port.
if( bSelectedPort ) { (VOID)bGetSelectedPort( szPortList, COUNTOF( szPortList ) ); } else { //
// Get the list of check ports from the list view.
vGetPortList( szPortList, COUNTOF( szPortList ) ); }
// Update the port list.
return strPortString.bUpdate( szPortList );
VOID TPortsLV:: vItemClicked( IN INT iItem )
Routine Description:
User clicked in listview. Check if item state should be changed.
The item will also be selected.
iItem - Item that has been clicked.
Return Value:
{ if( iItem == -1 ){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PortsLV.vItemClicked: -1 passed in\n" )); return; }
// If in single selection mode clear all items checked and only
// check the specified item.
if( _bSingleSelection ){
DWORD cItems = ListView_GetItemCount( _hwndLV );
for( UINT i=0; i<cItems; ++i ){
if( ListView_GetItemState( _hwndLV, i, kStateMask ) & kStateChecked ){
if( iItem == (INT)i ){ continue; } else {
ListView_SetItemState( _hwndLV, i, kStateUnchecked, kStateMask ); } } } }
// Retrieve the old state, toggle it, then set it.
DWORD dwState = ListView_GetItemState( _hwndLV, iItem, kStateMask );
// When we are in single select mode we want to always check
// the currently selected item.
if( !_bSingleSelection ) { dwState = ( dwState == kStateChecked ) ? kStateUnchecked | LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED : kStateChecked | LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED; } else { dwState = kStateChecked | LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED; }
// Set the new item state.
ListView_SetItemState( _hwndLV, iItem, dwState, kStateMask | LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED );
COUNT TPortsLV:: cSelectedPorts( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the number of items which have a check mark next to them.
Return Value:
Return the number of checked items.
--*/ { DWORD cItems = ListView_GetItemCount( _hwndLV ); COUNT cItemsSelected = 0; DWORD i;
for( i = 0; i < cItems; ++i ) { if( ListView_GetItemState( _hwndLV, i, kStateMask ) & kStateChecked ) { ++cItemsSelected; } }
return cItemsSelected; }
COUNT TPortsLV:: cSelectedItems( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the number of items which are currently selected.
Return Value:
Return the number of selected items.
--*/ { DWORD cItems = ListView_GetItemCount( _hwndLV ); COUNT cItemsSelected = 0; DWORD i;
for( i = 0; i < cItems; ++i ) { if( ListView_GetItemState( _hwndLV, i, LVIS_SELECTED ) & LVIS_SELECTED ) { ++cItemsSelected; } }
return cItemsSelected; }
VOID TPortsLV:: vRemoveAllChecks( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes all the check marks for the list view.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD cItems = ListView_GetItemCount( _hwndLV ); COUNT cItemsSelected = 0; DWORD i;
for( i=0; i<cItems; ++i ){
if( ListView_GetItemState( _hwndLV, i, kStateMask ) & kStateChecked ){
ListView_SetItemState( _hwndLV, i, kStateUnchecked, kStateMask ); } } }
VOID TPortsLV:: vSetFocus( VOID ) { SetFocus( _hwndLV ); }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bGetSelectedPort( OUT LPTSTR pszPort, IN COUNT cchPort )
Routine Description:
Retrieve the currently selected port in the list view.
pszPort - TCHAR array to receive port
cchPort - COUNTOF port string. Return Value:
TRUE - success, FALSE = fail.
{ INT iItem = ListView_GetNextItem( _hwndLV, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if( iItem == -1 ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PrinterPort.bGetSelectedPort: Unable to retrieve next selected item %d\n", GetLastError( ))); return FALSE; }
ListView_GetItemText( _hwndLV, iItem, 0, pszPort, cchPort ); return TRUE; }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bGetSelectedPort( OUT LPTSTR pszPort, IN COUNT cchPort, INT *pItem )
Routine Description:
Retrieve the currently selected port in the list view.
pszPort - TCHAR array to receive port
cchPort - COUNTOF port string.
iItem - Index of the item with which to begin the search Return Value:
TRUE - success, FALSE = fail. iItem will be set to the new found index.
{ INT iItem = *pItem;
iItem = ListView_GetNextItem( _hwndLV, iItem, LVNI_SELECTED ); if( iItem == -1 ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PrinterPort.bGetSelectedPort: Unable to retrieve next selected item %d\n", GetLastError( ))); return FALSE; }
ListView_GetItemText( _hwndLV, iItem, 0, pszPort, cchPort );
*pItem = iItem;
return TRUE; }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bHandleNotifyMessage( LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL bStatus = TRUE; LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR)lParam;
switch( pnmh->code ) { case NM_DBLCLK:
vHandleItemClicked( lParam );
if( _wmDoubleClickMsg ) { PostMessage( _hwnd, WM_COMMAND, _wmDoubleClickMsg, 0 ); } break;
case NM_CLICK:
vHandleItemClicked( lParam );
if( _wmSingleClickMsg ) { PostMessage( _hwnd, WM_COMMAND, _wmSingleClickMsg, 0 ); } break;
case LVN_KEYDOWN: { LV_KEYDOWN* plvnkd = (LV_KEYDOWN *)lParam;
if( _bSelectionState && _bAllowSelectionChange ) { //
// !! LATER !!
// Is this the best way to check whether the ALT
// key is _not_ down?
if( plvnkd->wVKey == TEXT( ' ' ) && !( GetKeyState( VK_LMENU ) & 0x80000000 ) && !( GetKeyState( VK_RMENU ) & 0x80000000 )) { vItemClicked( ListView_GetNextItem( _hwndLV, -1, LVNI_SELECTED )); } }
// If the delete key was used then post a message to
// appropriate window with the specified message.
if(plvnkd->wVKey == VK_DELETE ) { if( _wmDeleteKeyMsg ) { PostMessage( _hwnd, WM_COMMAND, _wmDeleteKeyMsg, 0 ); } } } break;
case LVN_COLUMNCLICK: { NM_LISTVIEW *pNm = (NM_LISTVIEW *)lParam; (VOID)bListViewSort( pNm->iSubItem ); } break;
default: bStatus = FALSE; break; }
return bStatus; }
VOID TPortsLV:: vHandleItemClicked( IN LPARAM lParam ) { if( _bSelectionState && _bAllowSelectionChange ) { LV_HITTESTINFO lvhti; DWORD dwPos = GetMessagePos(); POINTS &pt = MAKEPOINTS(dwPos);
lvhti.pt.x = pt.x; lvhti.pt.y = pt.y;
MapWindowPoints( HWND_DESKTOP, _hwndLV, &lvhti.pt, 1 );
INT iItem = ListView_HitTest( _hwndLV, &lvhti );
if( iItem != -1 ) { vItemClicked( iItem ); } } }
VOID TPortsLV:: vInsertPortsByMask( IN UINT cPorts, IN PORT_INFO_2 pPorts[], IN UINT cPrinters, IN PRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinters[], IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPCTSTR pszTemplate, IN LPCTSTR pszDescription ) { TString strPrinters;
// Go through the ports and add them.
for( UINT i=0; i<cPorts; ++i ) { if( dwLevel == 2 ) { //
// Check if this port has been added
if( NULL == pPorts[i].pPortName ) { continue; }
// Check if the port name matches the template
if( pszTemplate && !bMatchTemplate( pszTemplate, pPorts[i].pPortName ) ) { continue; }
// Assign proper description
LPCTSTR pszDescr = pszDescription; if( !pszDescr ) { pszDescr = pPorts[i].pDescription; }
// If we have printers on this machine.
if( pPrinters && cPrinters ) { vPrintersUsingPort( strPrinters, pPrinters, cPrinters, pPorts[i].pPortName ); }
vAddPortToListView( pPorts[i].pPortName, pPorts[i].pMonitorName, pszDescr, strPrinters );
// Mark the port as added
pPorts[i].pPortName = NULL; } else { //
// Check if this port has been added
if( NULL == ((PPORT_INFO_1)pPorts)[i].pName ) { continue; }
// Check if the port name matches the template
if( pszTemplate && !bMatchTemplate( pszTemplate, ((PPORT_INFO_1)pPorts)[i].pName ) ) { continue; }
// If we have printers on this machine.
if( pPrinters && cPrinters ) { vPrintersUsingPort( strPrinters, pPrinters, cPrinters, ((PPORT_INFO_1)pPorts)[i].pName ); }
vAddPortToListView( ((PPORT_INFO_1)pPorts)[i].pName, gszNULL, gszNULL, strPrinters );
// Mark the port as added
((PPORT_INFO_1)pPorts)[i].pName = NULL; } } }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bDeletePorts( IN HWND hDlg, IN LPCTSTR pszServer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Delete selected ports for given print server.
hDlg - dialog handle for port tab. pszServer - print server name.
Return Value:
True if at least one port is deleted, false otherwise.
{ TStatusB bStatus; TCHAR szPortName[TPortsLV::kPortNameMax]; COUNT cItems; INT iItem = -1; INT i; BOOL bFailed = FALSE; BOOL bDeleted = FALSE;
// Check whether multi ports are selected
cItems = cSelectedItems();
if(cItems == 0) { return FALSE; }
// Get the first selected port name to compose the warning message
bStatus DBGCHK = bGetSelectedPort( szPortName, COUNTOF( szPortName ) );
// Try to delete all selected items
for( i = 0; i < (INT)cItems ; i++ ) { //
// Get each selected port name
bStatus DBGCHK = bGetSelectedPort( szPortName, COUNTOF( szPortName ), &iItem );
SPLASSERT( bStatus ); SPLASSERT( iItem != -1 ); //
// Attempt to delete the selected port.
bStatus DBGCHK = DeletePort( (LPTSTR)pszServer, hDlg, szPortName );
if( bStatus ) { //
// Succeeded, refresh the ports UI by deleting the port.
vDeletePortFromListView( szPortName );
// Decrease the iItem because deleting one item in the list
iItem--; bDeleted = TRUE; } else { if( GetLastError() != ERROR_CANCELLED ) { bFailed = TRUE; } } }
// Only show an error message if the did not cancel the
// the action.
if( bFailed ) { iMessage( hDlg, IDS_DELETE_PORT_TITLE, cItems > 1 ? IDS_ERR_DELETE_PORTN : IDS_ERR_DELETE_PORT, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, kMsgGetLastError, gaMsgErrMapPorts); }
bStatus DBGNOCHK = bDeleted; } else { bStatus DBGNOCHK = FALSE; }
return bStatus; }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bConfigurePort( IN HWND hDlg, IN LPCTSTR pszServer ) { static MSG_ERRMAP aMsgErrMapPorts[] = { ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, IDS_ERR_PORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 0, 0 };
TStatusB bStatus; TCHAR szPortName[TPortsLV::kPortNameMax];
bStatus DBGCHK = bGetSelectedPort( szPortName, COUNTOF( szPortName ) );
if( bStatus ) { bStatus DBGCHK = ConfigurePort( (LPTSTR)pszServer, hDlg, szPortName );
if( !bStatus ) { if( GetLastError() != ERROR_CANCELLED ) { iMessage( hDlg, IDS_CONFIGURE_PORT_TITLE, IDS_ERR_CONFIG_PORT, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, kMsgGetLastError, aMsgErrMapPorts ); } } } else { DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "PrinterPorts.vConfigure: failed %d\n", GetLastError( ))); }
return bStatus; }
VOID TPortsLV:: vPrintersUsingPort( IN OUT TString &strPrinters, IN PRINTER_INFO_2 *pPrinterInfo, IN DWORD cPrinterInfo, IN LPCTSTR pszPortName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Builds a comma separated string of all the printers using the specified port.
strPrinters - TString refrence where to return resultant string. pPrinterInfo - Pointer to a printer info level 2 structure array. cPrinterInfo - Number of printers in the printer info 2 array. pszPortName - Pointer to string or port name to match.
Return Value:
Notes: If no printer is using the specfied port the string refrence will contain an empty string.
--*/ { SPLASSERT( pPrinterInfo ); SPLASSERT( pszPortName );
LPTSTR psz; LPTSTR pszPort; LPTSTR pszPrinter; UINT i; //
// Clear the current printer buffer.
TStatusB bStatus; bStatus DBGCHK = strPrinters.bUpdate( NULL );
// Traverse the printer info array.
for( i = 0; i < cPrinterInfo; i++ ){
for( psz = pPrinterInfo[i].pPortName; psz && *psz; ){
// Look for a comma if found terminate the port string.
pszPort = psz; psz = _tcschr( psz, TEXT( ',' ) );
if( psz ){ *psz = 0; }
// Check for a port match.
if( !_tcsicmp( pszPort, pszPortName ) ){
// Point to printer name.
pszPrinter = pPrinterInfo[i].pPrinterName;
// Strip the server name here.
if( pPrinterInfo[i].pPrinterName[0] == TEXT( '\\' ) && pPrinterInfo[i].pPrinterName[1] == TEXT( '\\' ) ){
// Locate the printer name.
pszPrinter = _tcschr( pPrinterInfo[i].pPrinterName+2, TEXT( '\\' ) ); pszPrinter = pszPrinter ? pszPrinter+1 : pPrinterInfo[i].pPrinterName;
// If this is the first time do not place a comma separator.
if( !strPrinters.bEmpty() ){
bStatus DBGCHK = strPrinters.bCat( TEXT( ", " ) );
if( !bStatus ){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "Error cat string line: %d file : %s.\n", __LINE__, __FILE__ ) ); break; } }
// Tack on the printer name
bStatus DBGCHK = strPrinters.bCat( pszPrinter );
if( !bStatus ){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "Error cat string line : %d file : %s.\n", __LINE__, __FILE__ ) ); break; } }
// Replace the previous comma.
if( psz ){ *psz = TEXT( ',' ); ++psz; } } } }
VOID TPortsLV:: vSetSingleSelection( IN BOOL bSingleSelection ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the list view into single selection mode.
bSingleSelection - TRUE single selection, FALSE multi selection.
Return Value:
--*/ { _bSingleSelection = bSingleSelection; }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bGetSingleSelection( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the current list view selection mode.
Return Value:
TURE in single selection mode, FALSE in multi selection mode.
--*/ { return _bSingleSelection; }
VOID TPortsLV:: vCreatePortDataList( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize the port data list.
Return Value:
--*/ { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV::vCreatePortDataList\n" ) );
PortDataList_vReset(); }
VOID TPortsLV:: vDestroyPortDataList( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Destroy the port data list.
Return Value:
--*/ { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV::vDestroyPortDataList\n" ) );
TIter Iter; TPortData *pPortData;
for( PortDataList_vIterInit( Iter ), Iter.vNext(); Iter.bValid(); ) { pPortData = PortDataList_pConvert( Iter ); Iter.vNext(); delete pPortData; } }
BOOL TPortsLV:: bListViewSort( IN UINT uColumn ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called to sort the items. The current column indes is specified to indicated witch column to sort.
Column index to sort.
Return Value:
TRUE list is sorted, FALSE error occurred.
--*/ { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV::bListViewSort Column %d\n", uColumn ) );
// Set the surrent column number.
_uCurrentColumn = uColumn;
// Tell the list view to sort.
TStatusB bStatus; bStatus DBGCHK = ListView_SortItems( _hwndLV, iCompareProc, (LPARAM)this );
// Toggle the specified column sort state.
_ColumnSortState.bToggle( uColumn );
return bStatus; }
INT CALLBACK TPortsLV:: iCompareProc( IN LPARAM lParam1, IN LPARAM lParam2, IN LPARAM RefData ) /*++
Routine Description:
List view defined compare routine.
Return Value:
--*/ { TPortData *pPortData1 = reinterpret_cast<TPortData *>( lParam1 ); TPortData *pPortData2 = reinterpret_cast<TPortData *>( lParam2 ); TPortsLV *pPortsLV = reinterpret_cast<TPortsLV *>( RefData ); INT iResult = 0; LPCTSTR strName1 = NULL; LPCTSTR strName2 = NULL;
if( pPortsLV && pPortData1 && pPortData2 ) { BOOL bStatus = TRUE;
switch( pPortsLV->_uCurrentColumn ) {
case 0: strName1 = pPortData1->_strName; strName2 = pPortData2->_strName; break;
case 1: strName1 = pPortData1->_strDescription; strName2 = pPortData2->_strDescription; break;
case 2: strName1 = pPortData1->_strPrinters; strName2 = pPortData2->_strPrinters; break;
default: bStatus = FALSE; break; }
if( bStatus ) { if( pPortsLV->_ColumnSortState.bRead( pPortsLV->_uCurrentColumn ) ) iResult = _tcsicmp( strName2, strName1 ); else iResult = _tcsicmp( strName1, strName2 ); } }
return iResult; }
TPortsLV::TPortData * TPortsLV:: AddPortDataList( IN LPCTSTR pszName, IN LPCTSTR pszMonitor, IN LPCTSTR pszDescription, IN LPCTSTR pszPrinters ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add port to port data list.
pszName - pointer to port name. pszDescription - pointer to description string. pszPrinters - pointer to printers using this port string.
Return Value:
TRUE port added to data list, FALSE error occurred.
--*/ { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV::AddPortDataList\n" ) );
// Allocate the port data.
TPortData *pPortData = new TPortData( pszName, pszMonitor, pszDescription, pszPrinters );
// If valid object created.
if( VALID_PTR( pPortData ) ) { //
// Add the port data to the list.
PortDataList_vAppend( pPortData ); } else { //
// The object may have been allocated, however failed construction.
delete pPortData; pPortData = NULL; }
return pPortData; }
BOOL TPortsLV:: DeletePortDataList( IN LPCTSTR pszName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Delete the specified port from the port data list.
pszName - pointer to port name.
Return Value:
TRUE port delete, FALSE error occurred.
--*/ { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV::DeletePortDataList\n" ) );
BOOL bStatus = FALSE; TIter Iter;
for( PortDataList_vIterInit( Iter ), Iter.vNext(); Iter.bValid(); Iter.vNext() ) { TPortData *pPortData = PortDataList_pConvert( Iter );
if( pPortData->_strName == pszName ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV::DeletePortDataList Port "TSTR" deleted\n", pszName ) ); delete pPortData; bStatus = TRUE; break; } }
return bStatus; }
Port Data helper class.
TPortsLV::TPortData:: TPortData( IN LPCTSTR pszName, IN LPCTSTR pszMonitor, IN LPCTSTR pszDescription, IN LPCTSTR pszPrinters ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV::TPortData ctor\n" ) ); _strName.bUpdate( pszName ); _strMonitor.bUpdate( pszMonitor ); _strDescription.bUpdate( pszDescription ); _strPrinters.bUpdate( pszPrinters ); }
TPortsLV::TPortData:: ~TPortData( VOID ) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "PortsLV::TPortData dtor\n" ) ); //
// If we are linked then remove ourself.
if( PortData_bLinked() ) { PortData_vDelinkSelf(); } }
BOOL TPortsLV::TPortData:: bValid( VOID ) { return VALID_OBJ( _strName ) && VALID_OBJ( _strMonitor ) && VALID_OBJ( _strDescription ) && VALID_OBJ( _strPrinters );