#include "tspqueue.h"
#include "modlock.h"
// Base class for all messages
class CThreadMessage { private: int m_nMessage;
private: //
// No implementation
CThreadMessage(void); CThreadMessage( const CThreadMessage & ); CThreadMessage &operator=( const CThreadMessage & ); public: CThreadMessage( int nMessage ) : m_nMessage(nMessage) { }
virtual ~CThreadMessage(void) { }
int Message(void) const { return(m_nMessage); } int Message( int nMessage ) { return(m_nMessage = nMessage); } };
typedef CThreadSafePriorityQueue<CThreadMessage> CThreadMessageQueue;
class CNotifyThreadMessage : public CThreadMessage { private: //
// No implementation
CNotifyThreadMessage(void); CNotifyThreadMessage( const CNotifyThreadMessage & ); CNotifyThreadMessage &operator=( const CNotifyThreadMessage & );
private: HWND m_hWndNotify;
public: CNotifyThreadMessage( int nMessage, HWND hWndNotify ) : CThreadMessage(nMessage), m_hWndNotify(hWndNotify) { } virtual ~CNotifyThreadMessage(void) { m_hWndNotify = NULL; } HWND NotifyWindow(void) const { return(m_hWndNotify); } };
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ThreadMessageHandler)( CThreadMessage *pMsg );
struct CThreadMessageMap { int nMessage; ThreadMessageHandler pfnHandler; };
class CBackgroundThread { private: HANDLE m_hThread; DWORD m_dwThreadId; CThreadMessageQueue *m_pMessageQueue; CThreadMessageMap *m_pThreadMessageMap; CSimpleEvent m_CancelEvent; HINSTANCE m_hInstanceUnlock;
private: //
// No implementation
CBackgroundThread(void); CBackgroundThread &operator=( const CBackgroundThread & ); CBackgroundThread( const CBackgroundThread & );
private: //
// Private constructor. This is the only constructor. It is only called from Create.
CBackgroundThread( CThreadMessageQueue *pMessageQueue, CThreadMessageMap *pThreadMessageMap, HANDLE hCancelEvent ) : m_pMessageQueue(pMessageQueue), m_pThreadMessageMap(pThreadMessageMap), m_CancelEvent(hCancelEvent), m_hInstanceUnlock(NULL) { }
bool HandleMessage( CThreadMessage *pMsg ) { for (int i=0;pMsg && m_pThreadMessageMap && m_pThreadMessageMap[i].nMessage;i++) { if (m_pThreadMessageMap[i].nMessage == pMsg->Message()) { //
// reset the cancel event
m_CancelEvent.Reset(); return (m_pThreadMessageMap[i].pfnHandler(pMsg) != FALSE); } } return(true); }
HRESULT Run() { //
// Make sure we got a good message queue
if (!m_pMessageQueue) { return E_POINTER; }
// Make sure the event handle is good
if (!m_pMessageQueue->QueueEvent()) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Make sure we have a message queue
PostThreadMessage( GetCurrentThreadId(), WM_NULL, 0, 0 );
// Initialize COM on this thread. As a single threaded apartment.
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// We will loop until we get a WM_QUIT message
while (true) { //
// Wait for a message to be place in the priority queue, or a message to be placed in the thread's queue
HANDLE Handles[1] = {m_pMessageQueue->QueueEvent()}; DWORD dwRes = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1,Handles,FALSE,INFINITE,QS_ALLINPUT|QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE);
// If the event is signalled, there is a message in the queue
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0==dwRes) { //
// Pull the message out of the queue
CThreadMessage *pMsg = m_pMessageQueue->Dequeue(); if (pMsg) { //
// Call the message handler.
BOOL bResult = HandleMessage(pMsg); //
// Delete the message
delete pMsg;
// If the handler returns false, exit the thread.
if (!bResult) { break; } } } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0+1==dwRes) { //
// pull all of the messages out of the queue and process them
MSG msg; while (PeekMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE )) { //
// Break out of the loop
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) { break; } TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } //
// Shut down COM
CoUninitialize(); }
return(hr); }
static DWORD ThreadProc(PVOID pData) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; HINSTANCE hInstUnlock = NULL; CBackgroundThread *pThread = (CBackgroundThread *)pData; if (pData) { hr = pThread->Run(); hInstUnlock = pThread->m_hInstanceUnlock; delete pThread; } if (hInstUnlock) { FreeLibraryAndExitThread( hInstUnlock, static_cast<DWORD>(hr) ); } else { ExitThread( static_cast<DWORD>(hr) ); } } public: ~CBackgroundThread(void) { //
// Delete the thread handle
if (m_hThread) { CloseHandle(m_hThread); m_hThread = 0; }
// Nuke the message queue
delete m_pMessageQueue; } static HANDLE Create( CThreadMessageQueue *pMessageQueue, CThreadMessageMap *pThreadMessageMap, HANDLE hCancelEvent, HINSTANCE hInstLock ) { //
// Make sure we have valid arguments
if (!pMessageQueue || !pThreadMessageMap) { WIA_ERROR((TEXT("!pMessageQueue || !pThreadMessageMap"))); return NULL; } //
// The duplicated handle we will be returning
HANDLE hReturnHandle = NULL;
// Create the thread class
CBackgroundThread *pThread = new CBackgroundThread( pMessageQueue, pThreadMessageMap, hCancelEvent ); if (pThread) { //
// Lock up before we create the thread
HINSTANCE hInstanceUnlock = NULL; if (hInstLock) { //
// Get the module name
TCHAR szModule[MAX_PATH]; if (GetModuleFileName( hInstLock, szModule, ARRAYSIZE(szModule))) { //
// Increment the reference count
pThread->m_hInstanceUnlock = LoadLibrary( szModule ); } }
pThread->m_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadProc, pThread, 0, &pThread->m_dwThreadId ); if (pThread->m_hThread) { //
// Copy the handle to return to the caller
DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), pThread->m_hThread, GetCurrentProcess(), &hReturnHandle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ); } else { //
// Unlock the module
if (pThread->m_hInstanceUnlock) { FreeLibrary( hInstanceUnlock ); hInstanceUnlock; }
// Since we can't start the thread, we have to delete the thread info to prevent a leak
delete pThread;
WIA_ERROR((TEXT("CreateThread failed"))); } } else { //
// Since the background thread isn't going to free it, we have to.
delete pMessageQueue;
WIA_ERROR((TEXT("new CBackgroundThread failed"))); }
return hReturnHandle; } };