* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1998 * * TITLE: DBLLBOX.H * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 3/25/1999 * * DESCRIPTION: Owner drawn listbox and combobox that do an icon plus a title and subtitle * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __DBLLBOX_H_INCLUDED
#include "simstr.h"
template <class T> class CDoubleLineListBoxItem { private: CSimpleString m_strTitle; CSimpleString m_strSubTitle; HICON m_hIcon; T m_Data; public: CDoubleLineListBoxItem( const T &data, LPCTSTR pszTitle = NULL, LPCTSTR pszSubTitle = NULL, HICON hIcon = NULL ); CDoubleLineListBoxItem( const CDoubleLineListBoxItem &other ); CDoubleLineListBoxItem &operator=( const CDoubleLineListBoxItem &other ); CDoubleLineListBoxItem &Assign( const CSimpleString &strTitle, const CSimpleString &strSubTitle, HICON hIcon, const T &data ); ~CDoubleLineListBoxItem(void); CSimpleString Title(void) const; CSimpleString SubTitle(void) const; T Data(void) const; HICON Icon(void) const; HICON CopyIcon(void) const; };
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::CDoubleLineListBoxItem( const T &data, LPCTSTR pszTitle, LPCTSTR pszSubTitle, HICON hIcon ) : m_strTitle(), m_strSubTitle(), m_hIcon(NULL) { Assign( pszTitle, pszSubTitle, hIcon, data ); }
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::CDoubleLineListBoxItem( const CDoubleLineListBoxItem &other ) : m_strTitle(), m_strSubTitle(), m_hIcon(NULL) { Assign( other.Title(), other.SubTitle(), other.CopyIcon(), other.Data() ); }
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> &CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::operator=( const CDoubleLineListBoxItem &other ) { return( Assign( other.Title(), other.SubTitle(), other.CopyIcon(), other.Data() )); }
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> &CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::Assign( const CSimpleString &strTitle, const CSimpleString &strSubTitle, HICON hIcon, const T &Data ) { if (m_hIcon) { DestroyIcon( m_hIcon ); } m_hIcon = hIcon; m_strTitle = strTitle; m_strSubTitle = strSubTitle; m_Data = Data; return(*this); }
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::~CDoubleLineListBoxItem(void) { if (m_hIcon) { DestroyIcon( m_hIcon ); m_hIcon = NULL; m_strTitle = m_strSubTitle = TEXT(""); } }
template <class T> CSimpleString CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::Title(void) const { return(m_strTitle); }
template <class T> CSimpleString CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::SubTitle(void) const { return(m_strSubTitle); }
template <class T> T CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::Data(void) const { return(m_Data); }
template <class T> HICON CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::Icon(void) const { return(m_hIcon); }
template <class T> HICON CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T>::CopyIcon(void) const { return(m_hIcon ? ::CopyIcon(m_hIcon) : NULL ); }
template <class T> class CDoubleLineListBox { private: HWND m_hWnd; HFONT m_hFontTitle; HFONT m_hFontSubTitle; SIZE m_sizeIcon; BOOL m_bIsComboBox; int m_nTitleTextHeight; int m_nSubTitleTextHeight;
enum { c_AdditionalIconBorder = 3 // Additional border around icons
private: // No implementation
CDoubleLineListBox( const CDoubleLineListBox & ); CDoubleLineListBox &operator=( const CDoubleLineListBox & );
public: CDoubleLineListBox(void); ~CDoubleLineListBox(void); void Destroy(void); void AssignFonts( HFONT hFontTitle, HFONT hFontSubTitle ); void CreateDefaultFonts(void); CDoubleLineListBox &Assign( HWND hWnd ); HWND Handle(void) const; void Handle( HWND hWnd ); CDoubleLineListBox &operator=( HWND hWnd ); LRESULT AddItem( CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> *pNewItem ); CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> *GetItem( int nIndex ); void HandleDeleteItem( LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT pDeleteItem ); void HandleMeasureItem( LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT pMeasureItem ); void HandleDrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pDrawItem ); int SetHorizontalExtent(void); SIZE MeasureItem( int nIndex ); };
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBox<T>::CDoubleLineListBox(void) : m_hWnd(NULL), m_hFontTitle(NULL), m_hFontSubTitle(NULL), m_bIsComboBox(false), m_nTitleTextHeight(0), m_nSubTitleTextHeight(0) { }
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBox<T>::~CDoubleLineListBox(void) { Destroy(); }
template <class T> void CDoubleLineListBox<T>::Destroy(void) { m_hWnd = NULL; if (m_hFontTitle) { DeleteObject(m_hFontTitle); m_hFontTitle = NULL; } if (m_hFontSubTitle) { DeleteObject(m_hFontSubTitle); m_hFontSubTitle = NULL; } }
template <class T> void CDoubleLineListBox<T>::AssignFonts( HFONT hFontTitle, HFONT hFontSubTitle ) { if (m_hFontTitle) { DeleteObject(m_hFontTitle); m_hFontTitle = NULL; } if (m_hFontSubTitle) { DeleteObject(m_hFontSubTitle); m_hFontSubTitle = NULL; }
m_hFontTitle = hFontTitle; m_hFontSubTitle = hFontSubTitle;
HDC hDC = GetDC(NULL); if (hDC) { HFONT hOldFont = reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(hDC,m_hFontTitle));
TEXTMETRIC TextMetric; GetTextMetrics( hDC, &TextMetric ); m_nTitleTextHeight = TextMetric.tmHeight + TextMetric.tmExternalLeading;
SelectObject(hDC,m_hFontSubTitle); GetTextMetrics( hDC, &TextMetric ); m_nSubTitleTextHeight = TextMetric.tmHeight + TextMetric.tmExternalLeading;
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont ); ReleaseDC( NULL, hDC ); } }
template <class T> void CDoubleLineListBox<T>::CreateDefaultFonts(void) { HFONT hCurrFont = NULL, hFontTitle = NULL, hFontSubTitle = NULL; if (m_hWnd && IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { hCurrFont = reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(SendMessage(m_hWnd,WM_GETFONT,0,0)); } if (!hCurrFont) { hCurrFont = reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT)); } if (hCurrFont) { LOGFONT lf; if (GetObject( hCurrFont, sizeof(lf), &lf )) { lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; hFontTitle = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; hFontSubTitle = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } } AssignFonts( hFontTitle, hFontSubTitle ); }
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBox<T> &CDoubleLineListBox<T>::Assign( HWND hWnd ) { Destroy(); m_hWnd = hWnd; CreateDefaultFonts(); if (m_hWnd && IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { TCHAR szClassName[MAX_PATH]; if (GetClassName( m_hWnd, szClassName, sizeof(szClassName)/sizeof(szClassName[0]))) { m_bIsComboBox = (lstrcmpi( szClassName, TEXT("combobox") ) == 0); } } return(*this); }
template <class T> HWND CDoubleLineListBox<T>::Handle(void) const { return(m_hWnd); }
template <class T> void CDoubleLineListBox<T>::Handle( HWND hWnd ) { Assign(hWnd); }
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBox<T> &CDoubleLineListBox<T>::operator=( HWND hWnd ) { return(Assign(hWnd)); }
template <class T> LRESULT CDoubleLineListBox<T>::AddItem( CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> *pNewItem ) { LRESULT lResult = -1; if (IsWindow(m_hWnd) && pNewItem) { lResult = SendMessage( m_hWnd, m_bIsComboBox ? CB_ADDSTRING : LB_ADDSTRING, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pNewItem->Title().String()) ); if (lResult >= 0) { SendMessage( m_hWnd, m_bIsComboBox ? CB_SETITEMDATA : LB_SETITEMDATA, lResult, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pNewItem) ); } SetHorizontalExtent(); } return(lResult); }
template <class T> CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> *CDoubleLineListBox<T>::GetItem( int nIndex ) { LRESULT lResult = 0; if (IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { lResult = SendMessage( m_hWnd, m_bIsComboBox ? CB_GETITEMDATA : LB_GETITEMDATA, nIndex, 0 ); if (lResult == CB_ERR || lResult == LB_ERR) lResult = 0; } return(reinterpret_cast<CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> *>(lResult)); }
// This must be called in response to WM_DELETEITEM
template <class T> void CDoubleLineListBox<T>::HandleDeleteItem( LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT pDeleteItem ) { if (pDeleteItem && IsWindow(m_hWnd) && pDeleteItem->hwndItem == m_hWnd) { CDoubleLineListBoxItem *pItem = reinterpret_cast<CDoubleLineListBoxItem *>(pDeleteItem->itemData); if (pItem) delete pItem; } }
// This must be called in response to WM_MEASUREITEM
template <class T> void CDoubleLineListBox<T>::HandleMeasureItem( LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT pMeasureItem ) { if (pMeasureItem) { SIZE sizeItem = MeasureItem( pMeasureItem->itemID ); pMeasureItem->itemHeight = sizeItem.cy; } }
template <class T> int CDoubleLineListBox<T>::SetHorizontalExtent(void) { if (IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { int nMaxLength = 0; LRESULT lCount = SendMessage( m_hWnd, m_bIsComboBox ? CB_GETCOUNT : LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0 ); for (int i=0;i<(int)lCount;i++) { SIZE sizeItem = MeasureItem(i); nMaxLength = (sizeItem.cx > nMaxLength) ? sizeItem.cx : nMaxLength; } SendMessage( m_hWnd, m_bIsComboBox ? CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT : LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, nMaxLength, 0 ); return nMaxLength; } return 0; }
// Return the width and height, in pixels, of an item
template <class T> SIZE CDoubleLineListBox<T>::MeasureItem( int nIndex ) { SIZE sizeItem = { GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON) + c_AdditionalIconBorder * 3 + 2, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON) + c_AdditionalIconBorder * 2 + 2 }; if (IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { // Make sure we have valid fonts
if (!m_hFontTitle || !m_hFontSubTitle) CreateDefaultFonts(); CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> *pItem = GetItem(nIndex); if (pItem) { HDC hDC = GetDC(m_hWnd); if (hDC) { HFONT hOldFont = reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(hDC,m_hFontTitle));
// Calculate the size of the text rectangle for the title
RECT rcText; ZeroMemory(&rcText,sizeof(rcText)); DrawTextEx( hDC, const_cast<LPTSTR>(pItem->Title().String()), -1, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_LEFT|DT_TOP|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_CALCRECT, NULL ); int nTitleWidth = rcText.right - rcText.left;
// Calculate the size of the text rectangle for the sub title
ZeroMemory(&rcText,sizeof(rcText)); SelectObject(hDC,m_hFontSubTitle); DrawTextEx( hDC, const_cast<LPTSTR>(pItem->SubTitle().String()), -1, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_LEFT|DT_TOP|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_CALCRECT, NULL ); int nSubTitleWidth = rcText.right - rcText.left;
sizeItem.cx += (nTitleWidth > nSubTitleWidth) ? nTitleWidth : nSubTitleWidth;
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont ); ReleaseDC( m_hWnd, hDC ); } } } return(sizeItem); }
// This must be called in response to WM_DRAWITEM
template <class T> void CDoubleLineListBox<T>::HandleDrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pDrawItem ) { if (pDrawItem && IsWindow(m_hWnd) && pDrawItem->hwndItem == m_hWnd) { // Make sure we have valid fonts
if (!m_hFontTitle || !m_hFontSubTitle) CreateDefaultFonts();
RECT rcItem = pDrawItem->rcItem; // Paint the background
if (ODS_SELECTED & pDrawItem->itemState) { if (IsWindowEnabled(pDrawItem->hwndItem)) { FillRect( pDrawItem->hDC, &rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); } else { FillRect( pDrawItem->hDC, &rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION)); } } else { FillRect( pDrawItem->hDC, &rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW)); }
// Paint the focus rectangle
if (ODS_FOCUS & pDrawItem->itemState) { DrawFocusRect( pDrawItem->hDC, &rcItem ); }
// Shrink by one pixel, so we don't overwrite the focus rect
InflateRect( &rcItem, -1, -1 );
if (pDrawItem->itemData != -1) { CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> *pItem = reinterpret_cast<CDoubleLineListBoxItem<T> *>(pDrawItem->itemData); if (pItem) { // Draw the icon
DrawIconEx( pDrawItem->hDC, pDrawItem->rcItem.left+c_AdditionalIconBorder, pDrawItem->rcItem.top+c_AdditionalIconBorder, pItem->Icon(), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL );
// Move the left margin over to make room for the text
rcItem.left += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON) + c_AdditionalIconBorder * 2;
// Set up the dc
COLORREF crOldTextColor; if (IsWindowEnabled(pDrawItem->hwndItem)) { if (ODS_SELECTED & pDrawItem->itemState) crOldTextColor = SetTextColor( pDrawItem->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT) ); else crOldTextColor = SetTextColor( pDrawItem->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) ); } else { if (ODS_SELECTED & pDrawItem->itemState) crOldTextColor = SetTextColor( pDrawItem->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT) ); else crOldTextColor = SetTextColor( pDrawItem->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT) ); }
int nOldBkMode = SetBkMode( pDrawItem->hDC, TRANSPARENT ); HFONT hOldFont = reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(pDrawItem->hDC,m_hFontTitle));
// Calculate the text rectangle
RECT rcText = rcItem; rcText.top += (((rcText.bottom - rcText.top)) - (m_nTitleTextHeight + m_nSubTitleTextHeight)) / 2; rcText.bottom = rcText.top + m_nTitleTextHeight + m_nSubTitleTextHeight;
DrawTextEx( pDrawItem->hDC, const_cast<LPTSTR>(pItem->Title().String()), -1, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_LEFT|DT_TOP|DT_NOPREFIX, NULL );
// Get ready for the sub-title
// Get the coords for the bottom text rect
rcText.top += m_nTitleTextHeight;
// Draw the text
DrawTextEx( pDrawItem->hDC, const_cast<LPTSTR>(pItem->SubTitle().String()), -1, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_LEFT|DT_TOP|DT_NOPREFIX, NULL );
// Restore the dc
SelectObject(pDrawItem->hDC,hOldFont); SetBkMode( pDrawItem->hDC, nOldBkMode ); SetTextColor( pDrawItem->hDC, crOldTextColor ); } } } }